
lotuspsychjegood morning to all04:23
Bashing-omWB lotuspsychje :)04:25
lotuspsychjehey Bashing-om04:28
lotuspsychje22 degress this weekend04:28
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: Cold here too .. and that S word tomorrow !04:31
Bashing-omHeber Springs, AR: Temp: 48°F (9°C) ~ Overcast ~ Humidity: 43% ~ Wind: From the North at 8 MPH Gusting to 16 MPH ~ Alert: Freeze Warning ~ Observed: Fri 06, 23:1504:31
lotuspsychjefor us this is warm :p04:35
Bashing-omcome on sun shine !04:38
lotuspsychjelets c if im bit up to date here04:40
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: Bionic with lots of updates - beta-2 .04:41
lotuspsychjeyeah readed04:42
lotuspsychje!info linux-image-generic bionic04:52
ubot5`linux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (bionic), package size 2 kB, installed size 14 kB04:52
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: And all good from the reboot :P05:01
lotuspsychjeyeah boot desktop still too slow as i need it to be05:01
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: xfce here and I have a 3+ second delay after password is entered .. not looked at yet .05:03
EriC^^morning all05:16
lotuspsychjehey EriC^^05:17
EriC^^hey lotuspsychje05:18
EriC^^what's up?05:19
lotuspsychjeplaying with bionic beta EriC^^05:19
lotuspsychjegoing to jacuzzi soon05:21
lotuspsychjewith breakfast :p05:28
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: Breakfast in jacuzzi ... beats Breakfast in bed ??05:31
lotuspsychjei mean breakfast before jacuzzi, we got 3h05:32
lotuspsychjeits an arrangement05:32
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: Aye ,, Vacation :P05:33
Bashing-omrebooting the physical half - back in a few hours :)06:13
ducassegood morning, everyone06:49
daftykinsmorn :)06:51
=== EriC^ is now known as Guest20959
=== Guest20959 is now known as EriC^^
EriC^^morning all09:54
lotuspsychjegood noon to all10:14
lotuspsychje!info ubuntu-unity-desktop10:52
ubot5`Package ubuntu-unity-desktop does not exist in artful10:53
lotuspsychje!info ubuntu-unity-desktop bionic10:53
ubot5`ubuntu-unity-desktop (source: ubuntu-unity-meta): The Ubuntu Unity desktop system. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1 (bionic), package size 2 kB, installed size 8 kB (Only available for amd64; arm64; armhf; i386; ppc64el)10:53
lotuspsychjebbl city walk11:01
BluesKajHi folks11:55
daftykinshey :) how are things BluesKaj?12:08
BluesKajHi daftykins, doing ok here, how about you?12:09
daftykinspretty good! i'm in London at the moment and for the last few days, setting up the IT and audio/video in my clients apartment12:17
BluesKajdaftykins:  aha, sounds like an interesting setup12:39
BluesKajbeing an old a/v guy myself12:40
daftykinsah ha, in that case he chose 3 x Bowers and Wilkins Cinema 7s for the fronts, a pair of B&W Mission speakers at the rear, then we have my choice of the LG OLED 55" B7 TV, Marantz NR1508 AV receiver and a 4K bluray player here in the lounge12:41
BluesKajB&W , whoa , wish I could afford their speakers12:43
daftykinsi think these 5 were about £1,80012:44
daftykinsi made a video if you'd like to see? i can private message the youtube link12:44
BluesKajHey TJ-13:00
TJ-Hi BluesKaj13:02
lotuspsychjegood afternoon13:51
lotuspsychjeburning a lubuntu bionic to usb13:51
kostkonlotuspsychje, yeah give it a test. do all the work for us. https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2018/apr/07/tim-dowling-i-love-watching-other-people-work13:57
lotuspsychjegonna try it on hp pavilion 32bit13:59
kostkonlotuspsychje, the older the better13:59
lotuspsychjeplugged in 2gig i had leftover, it had 1gig14:00
leftyfbcould someone take over helping out saberu? Trying to help them get this working Realtek RTL8812AU 802.11a/b/g/n/ac WLAN Adapter. Currently following https://askubuntu.com/questions/991643/rtl8812au-usb-adapter-driver-issues14:01
lotuspsychjerealteks are real pain lately14:01
lotuspsychjegot one myself stuck on bionic14:02
lotuspsychjeleftyfb: most cases its kernel and firmware related it doesnt work properly14:02
leftyfbnm, got it working :)14:02
lotuspsychjeanyone knows why usn is down?14:04
kostkonwow 404 even. not just down14:05
daftykins32-bit :O14:12
lotuspsychjedaftykins: another machine yo would dump in container :p14:12
daftykinsor bury ;)14:12
lotuspsychjebut this isnt mine mate14:12
lotuspsychjeit has a nice sticker 'designed for windows Xp' on it!14:13
daftykinslotuspsychje: i have two of these at home doing nothing if you could ever make use of them for anyone - https://ark.intel.com/products/31733/Intel-Pentium-Processor-E2180-1M-Cache-2_00-GHz-800-MHz-FSB14:14
lotuspsychjelets c14:14
lotuspsychjedaftykins: just the cpu?14:15
daftykinsyep, two of them14:15
lotuspsychjeah cool14:15
lotuspsychjewell i also have box full stripped cpu's here14:15
daftykinsoh ok :)14:15
lotuspsychjeid rather stick to working machines, new or young :p14:16
kostkonwell a cpu from 2017 is good enough i think regardless the fact that is obviously a low end model14:16
daftykinsyeah it used to run my file server a few years ago14:16
kostkonoops misread that lol14:16
kostkonthen i take back evetything i've said14:17
kostkoni had to14:17
lotuspsychjeoh no that irri guy is back14:18
zeroraxEbuntu Proto(my enlightenment ubuntu distro which doesn't exist yet)14:20
zeroraxProto = Prototype, and Ebuntu because it's Ubuntu with Enlightenment14:21
kostkonzerorax, is in the making?14:21
zeroraxkostkon, correct. I am making it14:21
zeroraxI'm actually doing it as practice for when I roll out my own laptops in a few months... right now I'm just learning how to make an ubuntu based distro supporting all the upstream ubuntu stuff and repos14:22
zeroraxin a few months I'll be selling C201P "Chromebooks" with Ebuntu, I made the hardware acceleration drivers gpu on the chromebook and a custom firmware that allows booting ubuntu14:22
kostkonzerorax, looks fine other than the theming14:22
zeroraxkostkon, yeah that's the default enlightenment theme, but personally I like it. Obviously at some point I will make it look more unique with it's own theme14:23
zeroraxI also have a Zen distro I made, 16.04 all packages recompiled for Ryzen/Threadripper optimized14:23
zeroraxbut it was also practice for doing more serious things, since I would have to recompile everything in the repos to make it useful\14:24
lotuspsychjezerorax: wich enlightment version is this based on?14:24
kostkonzerorax, why proto? does the name imply some kind of numerical significance?14:24
zeroraxlotuspsychje, 2114:24
zeroraxkostkon, proto is because it's a prototype:P14:24
zeroraxI will drop the Proto and replace it with alpha when it gets to testing stages14:25
zeroraxright now there's still some small issues to figure out and I need to clean it up some bit14:25
lotuspsychjewasnt there some enlightment distro's out there already?14:25
survey0rbodhi is the only enlightenment distro i know of14:26
zeroraxyeah, but it's crap14:26
zeroraxbodhi is not good #1 and #2, I need to practice running a distro and making them because in a few months I will be selling laptops14:26
zerorax1.8ghz quad core rockchip64 with mali t764 and 4gb ram for $300 preloaded with Ebuntu, it's rebranded chromebooks and I made the gpu driver have full hardware acceleration for rendering and video codeing/decoding14:27
lotuspsychjeeolive or something too?14:27
daftykinsanything rockchip is bad :>14:28
zeroraxdaftykins, it's very good hardware14:28
zeroraxI have 5 of them that I'm using to test my GPU drivers right now14:29
daftykinsnah they're cheap chinese SoCs that suck14:29
zeroraxdaftykins, they are cheap, correct.14:30
zeroraxThe hardware I will be selling will be $300 for a netbook, so yes, they are cheap14:30
zeroraxI can get away with charging $300 because I put the work into making it run linux and because no spectre/meltdown which is a hot button issue right now14:30
zeroraxthey are $250 with chromeos14:31
zeroraxfrom asus14:31
zeroraxbut... back to Ebunut14:31
zeroraxanyone have suggestions for things I should do to it?14:31
daftykinsoops don't spell it that way in any adverts :)14:31
lotuspsychjezerorax: im a fan of vanilla ubuntu14:31
zeroraxlotuspsychje, Cool, well, that will of course be an option for you to install, but I like enlightenment, it's fairly light weight but very nice compositing and effects... I just like it\14:32
lotuspsychjezerorax: http://news.softpedia.com/news/exlight-linux-distro-now-based-on-ubuntu-17-10-features-enlightenment-desktop-518582.shtml14:32
zeroraxI'll ship it with anything the customer wants if they request it and it exists14:32
zeroraxyeah I don't like enlightenment 2214:33
zeroraxI stopped liking at 20 when they made it look like osx14:33
zeroraxBut yeah, even if what I'm making exists, I need to make it so I learn how to make ubuntu based/compatible distros14:33
zeroraxBecause soon i'll have to roll an aarch64 one, which i'm sure doesn't exist14:33
zeroraxSo I'm practice and make something nice at the same time14:34
zeroraxI'm a hacker, not in the illegal sense, in the sense that I learn from playing with things and doing stuff14:34
zeroraxSo to learn to make a ubuntu variant, I am making one:D14:34
zeroraxlearning as I go14:34
lotuspsychjegot a webshop?14:35
zeroraxI got nothing14:35
zeroraxI have a blog... but it's down for maintenance that I've been putting off for a long time14:35
zeroraxI'm gonna make a blog post about rolling your own ubuntu variant when I'm done this14:35
zeroraxand, when it comes time to sell, I'll be selling on amazon14:35
zeroraxanyways I gotta go... BJJ class is calling my name14:36
zeroraxtty all later14:36
lotuspsychjehggdh: ehhhh whats up doc :p17:05
hggdhsome users at #u rub me wrong...17:05
lotuspsychjeit was a bugsbunny joke :p17:05
lotuspsychjehe's been working on many nerves lately17:06
hggdhyeah. I am starting to think this will have to stop17:08
lotuspsychjeproblem with these guys, they mix offtopic with support17:09
hggdhindeed, and -- even worse -- do not know how to stop. Unfortunately17:10
lotuspsychjehey ericrajuin17:19
lotuspsychjehggdh: there we go again17:20
EriC^^hggdh: perfect opportunity for elmor joke , wth man17:21
lotuspsychjelets c what he does :p17:22
hggdhnow at #freenode17:22
Carlltrolls be trolling17:30
lotuspsychjesame as that irrit... guy17:31
lotuspsychjepetro: wich card do you have atm?17:36
petrohi, I am wondering if anyone can give me feedback or an opinion on nvidia cards use vs amd radeon cards17:36
lotuspsychjeon wich ubuntu version petro ?17:36
petroI have a gtx 75017:36
petroubuntu 17.1017:36
petroI usually like to use two ubuntu versions, an 'older one' that I don't use much as a back-up and the 'most recent'17:37
petrofor e.g., I have two partitions, 17.04 and 17.1017:37
lotuspsychjepetro: 17.04 is end of life17:37
petroI've had two 'nvidia' problems in the last year.... one last night and one a while ago17:38
lotuspsychjepetro: and on 17.10 wayland and nvidia are not quiet ready yet17:38
petrolotuspsychje, yes, I have to update it soon17:38
petrolotuspsychje, I know :)17:38
lotuspsychjepetro: so for your card: nouveau + xorg might be an idea17:38
petroare you familiar with phoronix?  sometimes, I read that site... I thought amd drivers were improving17:38
kostkonpetro, so are you planning to buy a new card17:39
lotuspsychjepetro: drivers always improving17:39
petrokostkon, no plan yet17:39
petroI was just wondering about it17:39
kostkonpetro, your current one is really old though17:39
tomreynpetro: i have a Radeon RX 580 here (specifically 1002:67df), which runs (and performas) with the open source amdgpu driver (but depends on proprietary firmware). am very happy with it.17:39
petroa rx 550 is about $135 here but only 2mb17:39
petrokostkon, yeah, that was part of the consideration17:39
lotuspsychjepetro: we have some users reporting a nice nvidia + wayland experience too17:39
petrolotuspsychje, how?17:40
petrolotuspsychje, I thought you cannot use wayland with a nvidia card?17:40
petroI know that I cannot log in the wayland section17:40
petroI mean, option17:40
lotuspsychjepetro: depends type of chipset, tweaks i think17:40
lotuspsychjepetro: bashing-om reported he got his wayland working like a charm17:41
petroI thought you can use Intel and AMD Radeon with Wayland now?17:41
lotuspsychjepetro: he will come online soon, idle here and ask him ok17:41
lotuspsychjepetro: my netbook has amd card, wayland works but bit more lags then xorg17:42
tomreynmy experience with users asking for support with graphics hardware is that people with nvidia systems run into problems whenever they do distribution upgrades (but not often those who use other grphics chipsets)17:43
petromy gtx 750 is using the maxwell gpu architecture....whatever that means for wayland17:44
petrotomreyn, yep17:44
petroI also think an upgrade of the kernel or even the graphics driver means potential problems17:45
lotuspsychjepetro: for your card, xenial works fine perhaps with the ubuntu graphics ppa17:45
tomreynit tends to17:45
petroI'm kinda tired of the nvidia drivers causing the entire system to be messed up17:45
petrolotuspsychje, until it doesn't? :)17:46
lotuspsychjepetro: meanwhile devs are working hard on 18.04.1 who knows what will happen in the future?17:46
petronvidia is best for gaming, I'm told but I don't really game.... I'm sure hard core gamers would put up with those issues17:46
petrolotuspsychje, yeah, true...but, there seems to be an issue whenever upgrading17:47
tomreynnvidias can provide the highest performance. amd is not *that* far behind.17:47
lotuspsychjepetro: thats not very true, 14.04 and 16.04 working great on your card17:47
lotuspsychjepetro: if you choose non-lts versions, you agree latest/not so stable installs17:48
petromy main usage that would be effected by graphics drivers quality:  video streaming... I guess that is #117:48
petrolotuspsychje, I usually run one of both.... I use lts for my backup ...if anything happens to the other one17:49
lotuspsychjepetro: ok, so you say you dont game so xorg + nouveau did you test it?17:50
petroI used to run Debian too.... but, I was too busy for maintenance... for e.g. I ran Stable and sid17:50
hggdhoh, that was interesting bugz succeeded in bothering so much on #freenode that he was k-lined17:51
lotuspsychjehggdh: they always punish themselfs at the end17:52
hggdhlotuspsychje: indeed. This is a good example of the wrath of idiots17:53
lotuspsychjetoo bad, as their potential was volunteering..17:53
lotuspsychjeseems like being helpful is relative for everyone17:54
hggdhOTOH, many times I saw him/her giving weird advice17:54
lotuspsychjenever watched him closely, that rabbit was so fast :p17:55
hggdhof course, they do not know when to stop. They are back at #freenode17:56
petrolotuspsychje, I was running the proprietary driver17:56
lotuspsychjepetro: wich version17:57
petrolotuspsychje, can I choose between nouveau and proprietary with software?17:57
petroI used 375 and recently, 38417:57
lotuspsychjepetro: on xorg or wayland?17:58
petro'Software and Updates' displays the driver in use but there's an option to change it to nouveau17:59
petrolotuspsychje, either... I assume I cannot use wayland?17:59
lotuspsychjepetro: sudo apt purge nvidia* makes you go back to nouveau17:59
petrolotuspsychje, you can't select it in those settings?18:00
lotuspsychjepetro: so test xorg + nouveau ok18:00
lotuspsychjepetro: normally yes, check ubuntu-drivers list from a terminal18:00
petroI am not sure if I recall, accurately, but on the devtalk forum for nvidia, I think several people were complaining of having problems trying wayland18:00
petrowhat about the gui list?18:01
lotuspsychjepetro: correct a lot of bugs already, but then we have some good storys aswell18:01
petroI prefer to switch with that rather than 'purging' it manually :)18:01
petroI was about to 'purge it' last night as a last resort... I had a nvidia issue and also grub issue..kernel issue :)18:01
lotuspsychjepetro: in GUI additional drivers it should show Xorg also yes18:02
petrolotuspsychje, yep18:02
petroit does18:02
tomreynhggdh: s10gopal is also working hard on this18:02
lotuspsychjepetro: ok, pick and reboot18:02
lotuspsychjehggdh tomreyn yeah, confirming that on offtopic alot18:02
hggdhtomreyn: yes. I wonder if today is the International Day of Being a Bore18:03
lotuspsychjetomreyn: and that irrit guy cant recall full name18:03
lotuspsychjesomething like that yeah TJ-18:03
tomreynirritiable with or without |LT, but i didn't see him cause trouble18:05
lotuspsychjepetro: as our conversation has now turned into more support, you could back using #ubuntu if you like18:05
petroI'm leaving it as is for the moment18:05
* tomreyn food18:05
lotuspsychjeno sweat18:05
petroBut, I was wondering what you would have to do if you switched to an amd card18:05
lotuspsychjepetro: i would not buy hardware to make an ubuntu system work18:06
lotuspsychjepetro: i would choose the ubuntu version, that works on current card18:06
petro*you would have nvida proprietary drivers or nouveau installed* (but would want to use amdgpu drivers or something?)18:06
lotuspsychjedidnt test amdgpu on wayland myself sorry18:07
petroWhat works best with ubuntu 17.10 or 18.04 and stable kernel (4.13?)18:07
lotuspsychjepetro: 18.04 has now kernel 4.1518:07
petrooops, I meant 4.1518:08
petrookay, that combo, then?18:08
lotuspsychjepetro: we really cant generalize things like that18:08
lotuspsychjepetro: every system is different18:08
lotuspsychjepetro: in most cases, choosing an LTS version is best, but not always true18:09
lotuspsychjepetro: sometimes the system needs a latest outfit18:10
lotuspsychjenewer hardware, later kernels18:10
lotuspsychjepetro: perhaps take a look at ubuntu certified hardware url18:11
lotuspsychjepetro: https://certification.ubuntu.com/18:11
lotuspsychjepetro: but even when you pick the best hardware for ubuntu, ubuntu itself also changes during the years18:14
petrolotuspsychje, sure18:25
petrolotuspsychje, but, the amd rx 550, for e.g., is a fairly recent card....and I could use open source drivers...they're supposedly pretty good right now18:26
petrobetter than nouveau, I think...but, I was hoping someone here who has tried either or both, would offer an opinion :)18:26
lotuspsychjewe have some users on amd cards here18:28
hggdhso... I bought a new laptop from System76 -- galago pro -- and was wondering how long it would survive on battery18:29
lotuspsychjehggdh: wow, how much did it cost?18:29
hggdhI did not notice, this morning, that the power plug got disconnected, so now I know: at least 4 hours18:30
lotuspsychjeso you running that popOs! thing hggdh ?18:30
hggdhlotuspsychje: with the two SSDdrives (250G and 500G), plus 32GM of main memory, $1,70018:30
lotuspsychjedingdong :p18:30
hggdhlotuspsychje: no, I ,I immediately installed Bionic. Unfortunately, I should have tried pop-os18:31
hggdhbut I will get the old laptop and put it on pop-os18:31
lotuspsychjeim also a vanilla ubuntu lover :p18:31
lotuspsychjei bet that rocknrolls on 32ram18:32
hggdhright now it reports 4G in use... but the VMs will start piling in18:33
hggdhand containers18:33
hggdhbut builds are quite fast, even on an i518:33
lotuspsychjehggdh: your on gnome or other flavor?18:33
hggdhin fact, faster than they were on the old system76, with a full i718:33
hggdhonly one nitpick: gnome does not provide persistent scaling of the display (it is a hidpi one)18:34
lotuspsychjeon wayland or xorg?18:35
hggdhso logs in with 200% scaling, pretty much transforming the HiDPI to 1800x108018:35
lotuspsychjehggdh: i sell clevo barebones with ubuntu and samsung 850 pro ssd's18:36
lotuspsychjealot cheaper then system7618:37
hggdhat least you can get one built for you much cheaper18:37
hggdhhad I known...18:37
lotuspsychjebut then system76 is very high end18:37
kostkonhggdh, it has a 4k monitor?18:37
lotuspsychjehey oerheks18:37
hggdhoff of 4k glory in 13 inches18:37
kostkonhggdh, more than enough for that screen size18:38
hggdhyes indeed18:38
hggdhI am waiting to get back home and plug it in a big 4k display18:38
hggdh(like a 60'' TV set18:39
lotuspsychjepetro: Bashing-om in the house, ask him18:39
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: Just poking me head in .. not got the body ready - yet :P18:41
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: dont worry, i warn users our idles are BIG18:41
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: :D ... I will - I will .. sooner or later :)18:43
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: petro was curious how you got wayland and nvidia to work18:45
oerheksnot, nvidia and wayland are no go18:46
oerheksyou would get a Xorg inlog only, after install nvidia drivers18:47
lotuspsychjethats what i always so too18:47
lotuspsychjebut Bashing-om here got it straight18:47
hggdhand the saga with bugz keeps on18:47
oerheksi hope the synaptic bug is gone with 18.0418:47
oerheksnt compatible with wayland yet18:47
lotuspsychjelets prepare for a bionic bug tsunami :p18:48
lotuspsychjebut dont worry TJ- gonna do overtime lol18:49
oerhekspoor lad, just awake from wintersleep ..18:49
lotuspsychjeoh for some feedback18:50
lotuspsychjetested lubuntu 32bit 18.04 daily today with success, by bypassing the ubiquity bug with 'try lubuntu'18:52
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: petro .. well still a work in progress: for one instance - https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2385770 .18:52
lotuspsychjesetup has now a normal/mini option looking shiny :p18:54
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: does that mean that 390 likes wayland?19:01
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: Means that it "might" work in wayland .. a lot depends on the card .19:08
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: If I could find it in my notes .. If I could find it ! the progress of the 390 driver on wayland .19:15
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: im already browsing, alot to find on 390 howtos19:16
lotuspsychjeCorrected the SONAME of the copy of the libnvidia-egl-wayland library included in the .run installer package to libnvidia-egl-wayland.so.119:16
lotuspsychjebbl guys sleeptime19:50
petroHi, I'm not sure what I'm supposed to conclude from that link20:35
petroBashing-om, read through it and it looked like a lot of people with Intel/Nvidia graphics laptops are having issues20:36
petroI think issues with laptop graphics is a 'special case' - meaning that it's a different can of worms to deal with...:)20:37
petroI was mostly wondering about one gpu in a desktop and in that link, someone says nvidia and xorg - you still have problems20:37
Bashing-ompetro: what shows : lspci -k|grep -iEA5 'vga|3d' . See if you can run the 390 version driver .20:37
petroBashing-om, how can I show you?  pastebin?20:43
Bashing-ompetro: try as : lspci -k|grep -iEA5 'vga|3d' | nc termbin.com 9999 .20:44
Bashing-ompetro: Yhis channek os not for support, however... #ubuntu channel ?20:46
petroBashing-om, http://termbin.com/ukcku20:46
Bashing-omthis channel is not.20:46
Bashing-ompetro: See my repsonse in #ubuntu channel .21:03
* Bashing-om away from the keyboard for a spell .21:11
TJ-poor tomreyn21:46
tomreyni've chosen this path, my karma will grow21:47
tomreynor maybe i'll burst up in flames at some point21:48
petroBashing-om, oh, I thought you were going to evaluate whether it would work with wayland :)21:48
TJ-tomreyn: I cannot fathom how when you give exact commands someone can repeatedly mess them up by leaving out spaces and so on!21:49
tomreynTJ-: well i misspell things on the chat and on the command line all the time. but at least on the command line i double check them before hitting enter.21:51
tomreynmaybe some time i'll grow up enough to also do that on IRC. ;-)21:51
TJ-I'm on about the user you're giving commands to - seems like several times now they've ommitted and queried spaces21:53
daftykinsbeen there, done that :)21:55
TJ-tomreyn: if it turns out apt has been replaced with the PPA package, I suggest we refuse additional support. The user has made this a non-Ubuntu system22:05
oerhekslang time i have seen such creative ppa22:06
tomreynthe ppa description says it just makes backports available earlier, but i guess that's kind of fatal22:06
tomreynand user knows not about using this ppa :-/22:07
Bashing-ompetro: /me back to work :)22:07
TJ-Right, if a user doesn't know the implications and replaces core packages, we can't support that22:07
tomreynoh what surprises him now is that he gets different urls returned22:07
tomreynyes i agree, will recommend reinstall then22:08
kostkon"dirk-computer42" a name you can trust22:08
TJ-there you go, apt has been replaced22:08
tomreyngood thinking indeed22:16
tomreynthere are so many exciting ways to hose your system.22:16
TJ-sometimes I wish systems would hose their users :D22:16
TJ-tomreyn: I'm wondering if the user is having vision problems (possibly a very small font or eyesight). might be worth putting 2 spaces instead of 122:30
=== leftyfb_ is now known as leftyfb
kostkonnot knowing the basics also helps22:31
TJ-if they're stuck in a console and the font is small... I got caught like that this week on a 2560x1440 12" display!22:31
TJ-tomreyn: omg! if they maange to type all that! :)22:33
kostkonhe's really struggling lol22:34
tomreynTJ-: i'm wondering if its that or a mobile phone or a bad font, not sure22:35
TJ-let's find out22:35
tomreyni was thinking about putting this series of commands into a script and uploading it and having them download it, make it executable, run it, but in the end it probably takes just as long22:36
TJ-tomreyn: I was going to suggest that actually22:36
TJ-tomreyn: how about if we make it possible for him to repeatedly wget the commands from plan text files ?22:38
tomreynTJ-: i'm not sure how this would work22:39
tomreynTJ-: i was just thinking about me or us writing up a script on an etherpad, then post it to a pastebin where they can wget it once, chmod +x and run it22:40
TJ-tomreyn: right now he's reading the commands on IRC and trying to type them into a text console on the other PC with a very small font. We could just say do: wget http://domain.tld/a/1  a/2 a/3 a/4 a/5 as we give more commands?22:40
TJ-then he just does bash ./1   bash ./2 and so on22:41
tomreynokay, that's a good plan, i can place them at https://tomreyn.megaglest.org/tau/ then22:42
tomreyn1 is done22:43
tomreynimprovements welcome22:43
tomreyn2 also done22:46
tomreynmy coffeine is wearing off, restocking22:47
tomreyn3 also done22:51
tomreynoops created them in wrong directory, fixed22:51
tomreyn"wget https://tomreyn.megaglest.org/tau/1 tau/2" doesn't actually work, it treats them as full urls22:54
tomreynbut i assume this was just an example22:54
TJ-yes, I was thinking you'd get him to wget 1 file at a time, run it and capture output to termbin, then give the next url. But your alternative works just as well :)22:57
TJ-make sure he knows he can recall the last wget command and edit it using the up key, else I feel he'll retype the entire URL!22:58
tomreyni'm not sure whether he's into bash history, would not want to make him type this url more than once22:58
tomreynyes, could try to explain this, he does not seem stupid. ;-)22:58
TJ-should just be up arrow :)22:58
TJ-should have had alpha do an SSH session to the broken system I guess, so copy/paste commands was possible. Always get bright ideas when it's too late :)23:06
tomreyni was actually thinking about it but getting netwokring working took a while and i did not want to spend more time on setting up sshd and putty and whatnot.23:13
daftykinsif they can't type commands can they really enable SSH and port forward? :D23:15
tomreynthere should be no need to port forward23:16
daftykinsi'm not in there to follow along so don't know the setup :)23:16
tomreynit'd just been about the user connecting to his own local system23:22
kostkon"what is the up curzer" that guy didnt grow up with computers23:22
TJ-It makes support painful... what should take literally 10 minutes ends up taking 4 hours23:28
tomreyni dont know how long i'm trying him to run wget by now23:30
tomreynfeels like hours :)23:31
TJ-tomreyn: I've learned to step back from these kind of users, it's not rewarding23:32
tomreynnot very :)23:32
TJ-I'm having fun trying to port the 12.04 server services into individual LXC application containers in the 18.04 chroot, with the aim of a single reboot+changeover!23:34
tomreynyuo still have more patience than i do23:35
tomreynthat must be a rather important server23:35
TJ-It's been running constantly since 2006, with d-r-u's until 12.04... collected so much crud in configs I can't be sure what is legacy and what isn't, so doing a clean switch this time around23:36
tomreyni logged into a VM which i had apparently forgotten about for 4 years the other day. luckily i'm njot the only admin there and it was set to track debian/stable in terms of updates, and automatic updates were enabled. so it self-upgraded across two debian releases. ;-.)23:40
tomreynjust, of course, the kernel was ... not in shape23:40
daftykinswas it externally facing? (public internet)23:41
TJ-hehehe I wonder how many stray containers there will be in 5 years time that people have forgotten? I found 10 on 1 of my systems the other day I could barely remember creating23:42
daftykins:D suddenly the reasons for VMs being able to have 'descriptions' attached in many hypervisors makes sense23:43
tomreyngood old plain internet, the extra raw stuff, of course.23:46
TJ-I love how containers are so disposable. I fire them up in seconds to do some experiment or build some package, or try to reproduce some issue23:47
tomreynmaybe a new branch to work in is "cloud waste management"23:47
daftykinssoon i can switch my clients Spain router over to VPNing via his London apartment instead of my own digitalocean VPS, then i can destroy mine (14.04) and create a new on bionic23:47
TJ-tomreyn: LoL I like that! make a great title on a business card23:47
tomreyn^W recycling23:47
tomreynso we solved the "industry 4.0" problem, too23:48
tomreynon the other hand real world waste is not going to vanish either23:50
TJ-I know one thing that's needed - A.I. that can identify and remove all the out-of-date instructions on web pages!23:50
tomreynbest viewed with internet exploiter 4.0!23:50
daftykinsugh i tried to order from a burger place here online last night, their menu page redirected to their order page - and their order page redirected to the menu page23:53
daftykinshad to phone in :D23:53
TJ-You should gone for a canonical pizza :)23:54
TJ-they get thrown over the wall without all the toppings on!23:54
daftykinsTJ-: i bet my kernel wouldn't support it23:55
tomreynnot a realtime kernel?23:56

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