
Kiloshi guys15:48
Kilosmy modem only get 3g in a 4g area, is that the modem or sim card or both need upgrading?15:49
Kilosno sound alerts so might take a while answering15:50
nlsthznI am the terror that flaps in the night...16:03
* nlsthzn just notices there is actually a user called night in the channel :p16:22
nlsthznhey uncle Kilos16:23
Kiloshi nlsthzn16:23
Kilosyou not a yank  man dont greet with heys16:23
nlsthzndag oom16:24
Kiloslol baie beter seun16:24
Kiloswhere are all the clever peeps16:26
Kiloswhy dont i get 4g in same place as cell phones show 4g16:26
Kilosinetpro: time you answered16:26
Kilosevening superfly16:27
nlsthznnot all modems are created equally...16:28
nlsthznsome have better antenna's etc. also16:28
nlsthzncheeky 3 year old - https://www.dropbox.com/s/yjo0em3w0umlmln/IMG-20180403-WA0000.jpg?dl=016:29
nlsthznflakey internet, such a cruel mistress...16:53
nlsthznWell uncle Kilos- I hope you got to see the pic I shared :)  - I go for dinner quickly... bbl17:01
Kilos-i go see18:30
Kilos-grow like weeds hey18:31
Kilos-at least he dont look like an arab18:31
nlsthznwell I am glad he doesn't look arab, neither his mother or father is arab (I hope :p)18:40
Kiloslol yes man but the arab country and heat18:46
Kiloshe isnt in the sun much18:46
Kilosbeing such a paleface e will burn bad in that heat18:47
=== miles is now known as Kilos
Kiloseish this supposed 4g signal sucks18:57
Kilos1280 ms ping18:57
nlsthznpeople here is almost never in the sun because it is so bad... all children are taking vitamin D suppliments19:18
nlsthznstupid grammar19:18
nlsthzndue to bad internet I only used e-mail to communicate online when I was back in SA... 19:30
Kiloswe have good days and bad20:22
Kilosbut this supposed 4 g is useless20:22

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