
krytarikOvenWerks: I actually dropped it as a dependency from the seed here: https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-dev/ubuntu-seeds/ubuntustudio.bionic/revision/1508 - assuming it's referring back to the seed itself, rather than another, non-meta package with the same name.  So one could try just adding it back.00:03
OvenWerksthat would do it...00:05
OvenWerksthe date looks like right after I last tested it :P00:06
OvenWerksSo just the live file seems to need it.00:07
OvenWerksWas it removed for being broken in some way?00:07
krytarikYeah, and no refresh of the metapackages needed in this case either.00:07
krytarikOvenWerks: You could try just installing it in the Live session and see if it works.00:13
ErichEickmeyerWoah! Looks like a party in here!00:34
krytarikOh nooo!  Everybody hide!00:35
OvenWerkskrytarik: Ja dat seems to work. I did not do a full install... but close enough.02:43
krytarikOk, who of us gets the honor of readding it to the seed then? :P02:44
krytarik(I'd be fine doing it myself.)02:54
OvenWerkskrytarik: ya, maybe do that. With booting and rebooting, I'm getting lost.03:22
krytarikOk then.03:22
OvenWerksI have a spare partition I can test with when it gets respun03:23
krytarikOvenWerks: Committed and pushed.03:53
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metalbikerhas there been any talk about changing the DE some to make ubuntu studio fresh? maybe adding options to choose a different desktop environmnet upon installation?15:19
OvenWerksmetalbiker: yes, but not for 18.0415:34
OvenWerksmetalbiker: perhpas stick around (or come back) in about 3.5 hours for todays meeting...15:34
metalbikerovenwerks: sounds good! i'll do my best to be here at that time.15:35
OvenWerksas an aside, imo, "fresh" is not very important, workflow is. I find many newer DEs make my workflow worse, take away cpu my DSP could be using, etc.15:37
OvenWerksmany of the newer DEs are pretty good for average use with one full screen application at a time. I never have less than two windows open on a screen, with 5 being my average.15:39
metalbikerovenwerks: understood. after rethinking my question, you'd really need a very lean DE like what ubuntu studio's got. and i think it's xfce, correct? but i understand that workflows are very important.15:40
OvenWerksxfce, at the time we switched from gnome2 was sort of the best compromise.15:41
OvenWerkslxde had a patched together feel and lacked some features generally thought of as normal, gnome3 would not even run on a lot of common hardware.15:42
OvenWerksunity was to much like a phone15:42
OvenWerkskde is ok, but we have so many gtk based applications it didn't make sense15:43
OvenWerksThat is changing as more of the graphics applications use qt or kde libs15:44
OvenWerksHowever, KDE has chosen not to follow some of the window placing standards which means multi-window applications like Ardour or Gimp end up with windows covered by other windows that should not be15:45
OvenWerksmetalbiker: we could use more people (like at least one :) working on theming and such to keep things fresher that way.15:47
metalbikerunderstood. i use Kubuntu for general purposes and I do like the plasma desktop a lot. i remember back when i first started using studio for my recording work, it did feel like it was just patched together and not very smooth for some reason.15:47
OvenWerkson the other hand there is at least one person who wants the DE to feel like gnome2 did complete with icons and everything else.15:49
metalbikerovenwerks: i'd be interested in helping with theming but i don't have any programming knowledge at the moment. i mean, i can design some graphics using GIMP and other tools of that nature and i might be able to help.15:49
OvenWerksI had three of our family computers on KDE for a while (wife and sons) but we are down to just 115:49
OvenWerksThat would be great. theming is not my thing at all :) the menu setup is mostly mine though.15:50
metalbikercool! i'm going back to school to finish my bachelor's degree in software development and at the same time, i'm going to be working on my music so helping with theming'll be a great project for me.15:52
OvenWerksone thing I will say about kde is that the kde menu setup is one of the few that are correct. xfce, gnome, lxde menus are wrong (in one small point) in a way that keeps custom menu from working correctly15:52
OvenWerksubuntustudio needs more people, some of us have just been around to long and most are too busy with life.15:54
metalbikeroh yeah, i agree! i love the amount of customization you get with it. i used xfce, or xubuntu, for a while and it was ok. gnome 2, eh. gnome 3 was better. never used lxde and i should. kde feels right.15:55
metalbikeri've always been a super big fan of ubuntu studio since i'm a musician and since i've gotten older, i've gotten more involved with distros but mainly in testing. i just usually grab the very first daily build and ride it out and file bugs. but to get a chance to help with making themes for studio, i'm down for that.15:57
OvenWerkswhen I use kde, I generally use it with the win95 menus ;)15:57
metalbikersometime today i'm looking to finally put together my recording rig and it'll of course having ubuntu studio on it and i'm excited to see it run.15:58
metalbikerwin95 menus??!! lol i didn't know there was such an option! 15:58
metalbikerwow, windows 95. dude, that makes me feel old. lmao that was 23 years ago. i remember when it came out. lol oh boy.15:59
OvenWerksI can't remember what they call it, vintage or something... clasic maybe?15:59
metalbikercould be. i just use the default theme. but i'm testing kubuntu 18.04 on this laptop here and i'll be getting the beta release of ubuntu studio later for my recording rig.16:00
OvenWerksI also like to have multiple workspaces16:00
OvenWerks(I use 4 normally... not as crazy as some xfwm setups)16:01
metalbikernow that i do like. the multiple workspaces. like being able to put ardour on one screen/workspace and place another program for something else on the other screen.16:02
OvenWerksI like a clean desktop with no icones on it16:02
OvenWerksI do like the gnome3 idea of not creating extra workspaces until you put an application there.16:03
OvenWerks(unity did this too)16:03
OvenWerkskde and gnome have the advantage of a bigger dev group, xfce and lxde are both two people.16:05
metalbikeryeah, i really liked that. i remember studio having multiples i think. 16:05
metalbikerwhat?! there's only 2 people for the latter? whoa. 16:05
OvenWerksThats the fist thing I do when I install US is make 4 workspaces and add the ws changer to the pannel16:06
metalbikeri know one my fellow loco team members is part of the xubuntu council or something. 16:06
metalbikerand you can assign workspaces to specific monitors, correct?16:06
OvenWerksxubuntu has a greater number, but xfce itself is quite small.16:06
metalbikeroh, i see. 16:07
OvenWerksone my setup the two monitors are like one big monitor.16:07
metalbikeri've got to step out for a bit. bbiab16:08
OvenWerksso the two screens makeup one workspace. I think that is the only way xfce (and most DEs) work.16:08
OvenWerksWow 16 people in the channel... must be a record...18:29
ErichEickmeyerOvenWerks: That's what happens when you start drawing attention to a project. :)18:35
OvenWerksI think drawing attention to it's possible demise helped too.18:37
captain-tux_Hi guys18:41
eyluland yeah18:46
pmd1Hi All18:47
eyluloh if you don't mind me asking who is who from the ML btw? for those who is using different names? :)18:47
pmd1I am Daniel. new to irc chat.18:49
eylulhi! :)18:50
captain-tux_Hi, I'm Thomas from the mailinglist.18:50
eylulI have to repeat and agree with what OvenWerks said by the way. it is nice to see the chatroom occupied and people interested in continuing the project18:52
captain-tux_Yes, same. I'm happy that so many responded to the meetup request, it's really cool.18:54
ErichEickmeyerI'm here.18:58
captain-tux_Hello :)18:58
captain-tux_Should we get started or wait a couple more minutes?18:59
ErichEickmeyerProbably wait a little. I just now got OvenWerks's email.19:00
ErichEickmeyerJust to give people a little extra.19:00
captain-tux_Yep, okay. :D 19:00
eyluldo you guys have a meeting agenda planned? or a list of topics? or we are doing this freestyle? :)19:01
OvenWerksfrom past experinece... I would say we are all here already... the email was a just in case.19:01
ErichEickmeyerIt looks like we're all here. I have no agenda unless somebody else does.19:01
ErichEickmeyerProbably one thing should be to ratify who is on the council.19:02
OvenWerksrelease, artwork, next cycle?19:02
eylulalso state of existing projects19:02
eylulalthough some of that has been sorted in ML19:02
OvenWerksAre daily spins stopped? If so we should request a respin for bug fix.19:03
ErichEickmeyerThe daily spins seem to be rolling, Ross would have more insight on that.19:03
OvenWerksthe bug with the application chooser on install shold be fixed and needs testing after a spin.19:04
ErichEickmeyerI had a brief conversation with the Xubuntu QA lead, and he said he had worked with Ross in the past on the daily spins / beta freezes.19:04
captain-tux_Ah, okay. I'll have a look at that.19:05
ErichEickmeyerEither way, it seems as though, from the Facebook comments and what-not, the bugs seem to be a minimum.19:05
ErichEickmeyerAgreed, the app chooser needs to be fixed.19:05
ErichEickmeyerWe can talk about this later, but I have an idea for a DE chooser as well, keeping it with Xfce as the default.19:05
OvenWerksthe fix should be in, just need a respin to check it.19:06
ErichEickmeyerCool. Fix for the installer app chooser. √19:06
ErichEickmeyerHow about -control? Who was working on that?19:07
ErichEickmeyerSweet. How is that coming?19:07
OvenWerksthere has been work and there is use for testing19:07
OvenWerksThe missing part has been found :) and now the GUI can talk to the daemon.19:08
ErichEickmeyerCool. Are we too late to get it in the dailys or even the bionic repo?19:08
OvenWerksThats a ross question19:08
ErichEickmeyerCool. So, that's something that needs to be talked about in the mailing list then since I'm not seeing Ross here.19:08
eylulwe can sometimes request exceptions to feature freeze. 19:09
eylulbut the question also is do we have time to test it enough to put it in beta?19:09
ErichEickmeyerProbably not a bad idea.19:09
ErichEickmeyerIt's too late for beta, afaik.19:09
OvenWerks-controls is still somewhat alpha, there are some known bugs19:09
eylulmaybe a better solution can be to put it in as soon as next cycle starts19:09
OvenWerksI agree19:10
ErichEickmeyerOvenWerks: How comfortable would you feel in including it by default as a new feature, but with the "alpha" or "beta" status warning?19:10
eyluland put eyes on it during the 6 month period? it will also give it plenty of time to mature until next LTS19:10
OvenWerksdo yu mean this cycle or next?19:10
ErichEickmeyerEither way, getting it in 18.10 is a great idea.19:10
OvenWerksnext cycle for sure.19:10
ErichEickmeyerI meant this cycle, but if we can't or you don't feel comfortable, then next definitely.19:10
OvenWerksmust have been a new spin, my iso is dl at 86%19:11
OvenWerksgetting bug fixes in to an already released package is harder than in the next cycle.19:12
ErichEickmeyerOkay, then let's just push it to 18.10 along with any other new features.19:12
OvenWerksI am not good at packaging, backports, etc.19:12
ErichEickmeyerAnybody else agree?19:12
captain-tux_Sounds logical.19:13
ErichEickmeyerOkay, cool. I'm going to be writing up the meeting minutes and I'll post them on the website.19:13
eylulI think that is a good solution also backporting down the line is a solution. :) 19:13
OvenWerksIt is of course available from https://launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-dev/+archive/ubuntu/autobuild for 18.04 as well.19:13
alebHi, I'm a Pitivi video editor maintainer.19:13
ErichEickmeyerAgreed. I've been considering we do a backports repo akin to Kubuntu.19:14
pmd11Hi Aleb19:14
ErichEickmeyerHi Aleb!19:14
eylulErich the main problem.. just going to bring it up here as we have to discuss19:14
eylulis people power19:14
eylulwe have one person experienced in packaging. 2 developers with limited time19:14
eylulotherwise we have plenty of ideas. so maybe one thing to consider when we think about these projects :)19:15
ErichEickmeyereylul: Absolutely. I'm not experienced in packaging .deb, but I've packaged .rpm in the past and I'm working on transferring those skills.19:15
eylulis how to sort that :)19:15
eylulI am just putting that out there. because it is something that has been bothering me, our limited dev resources and our unability to train19:15
eylulwhich turned into a vicious circle in past releases19:15
* OvenWerks can make a package that installs... but not one that pleases debian or ubuntu :P19:16
eyluldebian packages are tricky.19:16
ErichEickmeyereylul: Yeah. I totally agree, but, even though I'm not really well-known, I'm fairly well-connected. I was part of the Ubuntu MATE project when it first started and can get tips from Martin Wimpress (flexiondotorg) if he has time.19:16
OvenWerks-controls is all script for that reason. I would prefer c++ with fltk, but packaging becomes harder19:17
ErichEickmeyerOvenWerks: Yeah, perhaps that could be a future port, but I think to have the featurs that -controls is getting would be a huge boon to future improvements.19:18
ErichEickmeyerSo, next subject: artwork. Our artwork has been pretty much the same for the past couple releases, and we should logically stay put for this release, but does anybody have any ideas for 18.10?19:19
eylulthere was a plan to make some new wallpapers. I do have SOME photography but nothing that is branded so to speak19:20
ErichEickmeyereylul: Same.19:20
OvenWerksnormally... we make our biggest art changes for an LT19:20
OvenWerks ;)19:20
eylulyeah and I did drop the ball on that last fall19:20
OvenWerkswe all did19:21
ErichEickmeyerIt would be nice to have big art changes for this LTS, but I fear it's too late unless we can get some sort of exception, but for artwork that seems like a longshot at this point.19:21
eylulwhen IS the release exactly?19:21
OvenWerkseven a new backdrop would be nice19:21
captain-tux_27th? 19th is RC, right?19:22
ErichEickmeyer27th is correct.19:22
eylulI might be able to put something together but I do need some ideas what type of thing we want. do we want photography? do we want another iteration of logo? 19:22
ErichEickmeyerRC is the 19th.19:22
captain-tux_Well, Len said that the 14.04 wallpaper would work well for single and dual monitor setups and I agree. Maybe there's a way to make one similar, just a little bigger without much hassle?19:23
ErichEickmeyerMy bad, 26th is correct, the RC on the 19th is still correct for final freeze aka RC.19:23
captain-tux_Otoh, some recently complemented me on the stock 16.04 wallpaper, so... ;)19:24
ErichEickmeyerWell, if we want to change or add wallpaper, we have <12 days.19:25
eylulalright let me look into this, this weekend19:25
ErichEickmeyerHow about theming? Still stick with Numix Blue?19:26
OvenWerksSomething that can be split down the middle and loose some of the top and bottom looks good on dual monitors... if they are side by side. maybe not so nice if they are top and bottom.19:27
ErichEickmeyerForgive my ignorance, but is Xfce even capable of that?19:28
OvenWerksI would like to see some thing (anything) with a contrasting title bar for focus19:28
OvenWerksI always change to Moheli19:28
captain-tux_ErichEickmeyer, yes. :)19:28
ErichEickmeyerHmmm... I was going to suggest Arc or Adapta since they have dark variants for those who need it, but I'm open to other ideas.19:28
ErichEickmeyercaptain-tux_: Thanks. :)19:29
eylulOvenwerks: nods*19:29
eylulErichEickmeyer: I think main thing is that it is relatively minimalistic and.. well19:30
eylulsomething with easy to grab sides would be nice19:30
eylulin terms of windowing theme, that is one of the primary issues I was noticing from the usability perspective back when I used XFCE19:30
eylulwhen you resize the window etc19:30
OvenWerksright grabable sides and corners too.19:30
captain-tux_Wa that a Greybird issue?19:30
eylulwhich one were we using by default?19:31
OvenWerksThere is no particular issue besides we end up with whatever xubuntu chooses.19:31
eylul(I kind of had my own custom window decorations so rarely used the default US ones)19:31
OvenWerksnumix I think is default.19:31
captain-tux_eylul, same, good question... :/19:31
ErichEickmeyerLast I checked, Xubuntu was still using Greybird, but maybe i don't remember correctly.19:32
eylulIt might have been19:32
ErichEickmeyerI just remember that UbuStu has a different default theme.19:32
captain-tux_I'll start my beta live system.19:32
OvenWerksgreybird has both no side corner handles as well as all grey title.19:32
ErichEickmeyerYeah, having something that functions the way we like it and can agree is priority. Perhaps we experiment with different themes and report back?19:33
OvenWerksxubuntu is a general/easy to use flavour so while it is nice to be able to base things off of xubuntu, our needs are different19:34
eylulI would say easy to grab sides and corners is pretty universal19:34
OvenWerksStudio is not a browsing flavour, but a development (art development as happens) flavour19:34
ErichEickmeyerAgreed, and if we decide to add DEs in the future, it would be nice to have something that looks good on whatever DEs we go with.19:34
eylul*sincerely hopes answer to that doesn't mean creating a custom theme* XD19:35
OvenWerksDo themes work with more than one DE?19:35
eylulwhich it very well might19:35
ErichEickmeyerOvenWerks: Yes. You can usually find both GTK2/3 variants of the same theme, and Qt is starting to get versions of those themes adapted.19:35
ErichEickmeyerBear in mind, Xfce is the only widely-used DE that is still basing on GTK2.19:36
ErichEickmeyerUntil... 4.14?19:36
OvenWerkshm, I thought some of xfce (or it's bits) were already gtk319:37
OvenWerks(shows what I know)19:37
captain-tux_Okay, so NumixBlue is indeed the standard theme right now and it does have those 1px edges/corners... however, so do the others I've tried out right now, could this be a wm issue maybe?19:39
OvenWerksmoheli works and has bigger handles19:39
ErichEickmeyercaptain-tux_: I believe it could be the WM. Now that I think about it, I have had trouble grabbing window sides/corners in Xfce.19:39
eylulthe fun part of XFCE window decorations (and I can elaborate more on this on ML) is that it is not possible to create transparent areas that you can crab19:40
eylulso you either end up with borders on side, visible ones, or well..19:40
ErichEickmeyerYeah. That's problematic.19:40
eylulI did have some partial solution to that that worked for me (columns of line with space in between) which is better but not THAT better19:41
captain-tux_Do Xubuntu people have problems with this?19:41
ErichEickmeyercaptain-tux_: That I couldn't tell you.19:41
eylulcrab -> grab19:41
OvenWerksThere ahs been quite a lot of talk about changing DE (for 1810 i assume) so theme would come after.19:42
ErichEickmeyerEither way, I know in the ML I proposed a switch to MATE, but I feel as though an option to install an UbuStu themed MATE would be a better solution rather than a complete replacement, as to not break workflow.19:42
OvenWerksxubuntu is more and more designed as a "one application, full screen" flavour19:42
eylulah.. that explains. XFCE is far from gone. I know gamers still prefer it for its low footprint.. but and as for switch19:43
ErichEickmeyerThe advantage MATE would have is the extreme flexibility but not at the cost of having too many options.19:43
OvenWerksxubuntu used to come with two workspaces, but no longer does. (we seem to have inherited this too)19:43
ErichEickmeyerIt'd be like being back on Gnome 2 but with a ton of improvements.19:43
eylullast I used mate19:44
eylulI did find it a bit restrictive19:44
eylulbut then again that was a while ago19:44
eyluland it is very actively developed19:45
ErichEickmeyerYeah. I'd recommend trying out UbuMATE, just to see its capabilities. I think there's a lot of projects there (the Welcome app, for instance) that could be adapted for our use.19:45
eylulI love the welcome app / software center19:45
OvenWerksso perhaps after 1804 is out we should all download each flavour, add studio metas and see how it feels for a week19:45
ErichEickmeyerMartin has done an amazing job.19:45
eylulI can give feedback on KDE19:45
eylulhave been using it for a while now but yeah I should try the other flavors again19:45
ErichEickmeyerYeah, I've used Plasma extensively (remember, KDE is the organization/community, not the DE anymore).19:46
pmd11i have earlier tried ubuntu mate and installed ubuntu studio meta data. I felt it is nice to me. but i am using ubuntu studio for video editing and not audio19:46
ErichEickmeyerI'm also friends with Valorie Zimmerman (she lives in my home town) of the Kubuntu council.19:47
ErichEickmeyerI just used UbuStu with MATE installed on top just this past tuesday for live audio, and it was quite effective.19:47
OvenWerkskde/plasma has a known problem with multiwindow applications like gimp and ardour19:48
eylulI like Plasma's activity option, and it really REALLY has good tools for visual artists. (that's what I am btw ;) ) but it does still crash from time to time, and feels heavy compared to XFCE. 19:48
eylulwhat is it?19:48
OvenWerksI personally also find kde's audio manager a pain as well19:48
ErichEickmeyerOvenWerks: Yeah, I have seen that, and I believe there are ways to overcome those (changing the taskbar widget, etc.).19:48
pmd11plasma is very flexible but resource hungry19:48
eylulthat latter is an issue I notice both when working with large photographs and gaming19:49
ErichEickmeyerpmd11: That's no longer true as of 5.12. They did a lot of cleanup this past cycle.19:49
OvenWerksErichEickmeyer: as an Ardour developer it seem any workaround has to be on the application side and the workarounds cause other troubles.19:49
eylulpmd11 how is mate with video work, or other resource demanding work?19:49
ErichEickmeyereylul: About the same amount of resources as Xfce.19:50
ErichEickmeyerOvenWerks: Understood. I just never had a problem when I used Plasma 5.11 or 5.12 when using Ardour.19:50
OvenWerksAnyway, the best thing like I said is to try them all. I don't expect that to change anyone's fav, but notes on how the DE interferes with or aids in different workflows would be good19:52
pmd11mate looks very good to me. 19:52
eylulwe also have people who do work with different mediums19:53
ErichEickmeyerThis is why I think we should give the option. Since we're not based on a DE like other flavors, we have that kind of flexibility.19:53
OvenWerksAlso notes on how simple changes in setting can fix that19:53
ErichEickmeyerSo, what should we say? Change in DE being considered for 18.10 or DE Choice being considered for 18.10?19:54
ErichEickmeyerEither way, that's not a committment to proceed.19:54
eylulI assume it would be more like 18.10 discussion period19:54
OvenWerksErichEickmeyer: that would mean creating a ubuntustudio-<flavour> package for each de I think.19:54
eylulbut DE issue being finalized in later stages? unless we get more development help?19:55
OvenWerksI think we are looking at both being able to choose as well as what default19:55
ErichEickmeyerOvenWerks: Yes, that's correct, and as soon as I get packagning figured out, a project I'm willing to undertake.19:55
ErichEickmeyerOkay, sounds good. I think we can wrangle-in the help as, believe it or not, big changes or features get attention, and therefore get interest/attract help.19:56
OvenWerksIn some ways it would be really nice if Studio's default was the same a vanilla's19:56
ErichEickmeyerOvenWerks: Yeah, but then it becomes a branding issue.19:56
OvenWerks#ubuntu has way more people to help users with DE stuff19:57
ErichEickmeyerOvenWerks: As do the DE-based flavors.19:57
OvenWerksErichEickmeyer: we would still choose our own theme/backdrop19:57
ErichEickmeyerOvenWerks: Yeah, that's what I was referring to. Glad we're on the same page. :)19:57
ErichEickmeyereylul: Yeah, I think the DE issue should be finalized as we get closer to the beginning of the 18.10 release cycle, since that would give time to attract help.19:58
OvenWerksI think KDE is the only flavour that our menu "jsut works" with too19:58
eylulhaha that IS true19:59
ErichEickmeyerSo, I know it's a little resource hungery, but would we want to consider Gnome Shell as well?19:59
eylul*makes a face*19:59
OvenWerksAll of them need to be looked at19:59
eylulhonestly if we changed the default I'd much rather see mate than gnome shell20:00
OvenWerksIt looks like we will be loosing 32 bit in the long run.20:00
eylulbut 20:00
eylulyeah we should look at all options20:00
OvenWerksIf we are offering DE choice we pretty much have to.20:01
ErichEickmeyerThat's true.20:01
eylulone thing I would like to know is 20:02
ErichEickmeyerSo, here's what I've got so far: "-controls to be updated to include new features for 18.10", "Looking into updating and/or adding wallpapers for 18.04", and "Change in default DE and/or adding option of DE being considered for 18.10"20:02
eylulif we could get the welcome/software center of mate20:02
eylulor a variation of it into being a feature for ubuntustudio and how much work that would take20:03
ErichEickmeyereylul: I belive that would be relatively easy, especially considering having our metapackages as installation options there would be a huge boon.20:03
OvenWerksDoes the sofware center of mate show what software will be removed to install new software?20:03
ErichEickmeyerEasy and worthwhile, I should say20:03
eylulit is a very nice tool for beginners the way it curates the software, and could be a fantastic way to introduce people to the software available for art and highlight that. (set will start laughing at me about now) :D20:03
ErichEickmeyerOvenWerks: Yes.20:04
ErichEickmeyerMartin has done a very comprehensive job with the Welcome center on MATE.20:04
OvenWerksdoes it also passthrough selections that the install scritp makes?20:04
ErichEickmeyerOvenWerks: Yes. 20:04
OvenWerksfor example jackd install asks if the user want realtime permitions.20:05
ErichEickmeyerFor instance, you can even install Google Chrome with one click from that welcome app.20:05
OvenWerksIf so that would be the my software GUI of choice20:05
ErichEickmeyerOvenWerks: That can be included as an option in the boutique. Wouldn't be hard to implement, afaik.20:05
ErichEickmeyerOf course, I'm no programmer, but I know a guy. :)20:06
OvenWerksRight now, I still install synaptic and use apt rather a lot20:06
ErichEickmeyerOvenWerks: Absolutely, and that option would still be there for more "advanced" users such as yourself.20:06
OvenWerksThe problem with install apps has been that the GUI runs as user and the install as system20:06
eylulboutique is not a replacement for apt and synaptic. it doesn't have all the software, but it is more like a curated subset of stuff that is well maintained 20:07
ErichEickmeyer^That, yes.20:07
eylulin terms of install scripts and explanations of what it does. some is from 3rd party repos, some from ubuntu repos which makes stuff that is essential for most users20:07
eylulbut hard to do (e.g. install flash) easy20:07
ErichEickmeyerIt even has Google Chrome as an install option, removing the chrome.google.com website from the equation.20:07
ErichEickmeyerEither way, it would be an ideal way to get people up-and-running on a fresh install without too much hassle.20:08
OvenWerksIt would be ideal to add applications opted out of at iso install time as well applications related to Studio but not included.20:10
ErichEickmeyerSo, to what I wrote above, added "Adaptation of Ubuntu MATE welcome app for Ubuntu Studio being considered for 18.10"20:10
ErichEickmeyerSo, in essence, it could replace the UbuntuStudio Metapackage Installer app.20:10
eylulOvenwerks: a very good software center that is curated, can also mean we can stop this cycle of add all software as default, we put ourselves in XD20:10
eylul+1 to the item20:11
ErichEickmeyerIt would allow people to customize Ubuntu Studio to their particular use case.20:11
OvenWerksThe ubuntustudio-installer is old and well ready to retire... I wrote it I should know...20:11
ErichEickmeyerOvenWerks: LOL20:12
ErichEickmeyerYeah, probably time. XD20:12
ErichEickmeyerEither way, definitely something we should work on for 18.1020:12
OvenWerksIt tryied to be a script that ran on stuff that every flavour had.20:13
ErichEickmeyerOvenWerks: It was very effective, in my opinion. I enjoyed the use I got out of it.20:13
OvenWerksIt uses zenity20:14
ErichEickmeyerOvenWerks: Could you get a list of new features being added to -controls?20:14
ErichEickmeyerI can't remember off the top of my head.20:14
OvenWerksThe current -controls fixes rt permisions and makes sure the user is in the audio group... thats it.20:15
ErichEickmeyerHotplugged USB interfaces specifically, correct?20:16
OvenWerksthe new one adds: set cpu governor, turn on/off Intel Boost, choose audio device, run jack from session start (or not) hotplugging USB mics selecting a non-standard set of outputs for pulse-jack bridging20:17
OvenWerksUsing more than one audio device even if internal, bridging ALSA midi to jack midi20:18
ErichEickmeyerWow. That's a lot! You've been busy!20:18
OvenWerksa "Safely Remove USB Audio Device button20:18
captain-tux_Yes, all very important for audio work, nice.20:19
ErichEickmeyerThis is brilliant.20:19
ErichEickmeyerOkay, do you think that covers everything until next meeting?20:20
OvenWerksThe idea was to include tabs for video use or graphics setups as well20:20
OvenWerksYup, everyone who can should dl todays ISO and test the install fix.20:20
ErichEickmeyerCool. I'll get that last one out on Twitter.20:21
eylulthere is one thing left to cover20:21
captain-tux_I actually have another point on my list.20:21
eylulcaptain-tux_: you first20:21
captain-tux_Okay, I've had a look at the website and wiki this week and I think it could use some improvements (content) for 18.04. Is there someone in charge of that currently? The team page seems to be outdated.20:22
eyluloh goodness20:22
eylulok so the website20:22
eylulone sec20:22
OvenWerksAt least that does not have a deadline...20:23
ErichEickmeyerI have access to edit the website if anyone else has access to the Wiki.20:23
OvenWerksbut at least a DL link would be good when release happens20:23
eylulwe have been working a new version20:23
eylulof the website20:23
ErichEickmeyereylul: That's absolutely gorgeous. Is there any way to get that implemented once 18.04 releases? I assume that's a retheme.20:24
eylulthings kind of fell apart due to a communication issue with the ubuntu information services side20:24
eylulyeah we were trying to get the theme up20:24
eylulthe ticket fell through the cracks (partly due to us partly due to well.. lack of answer)20:24
eylulthe main issue is I am not sure *I* am allowed to put a new ticket in about this20:25
eylulor anyone except set (sakrecoer)20:25
eylulbecause officially he is still the lead20:25
eyluland we never officiated the council20:25
ErichEickmeyerOkay. Probably something worth putting in the ML so he can see it and respond in his own time.20:26
eylulbut yeah this has been in the works for... well20:26
eylulbasically since I joined... 2 years ago? XD20:26
eylul*is a bit frustrated about this*20:26
ErichEickmeyerWell, let's get it pushed. This needs to be a thing.20:26
ErichEickmeyerI was just thinking the existing site could use a refresh, and this would be absolutely perfect.20:27
eylulI think the images there will change slightly20:27
OvenWerksthat would certianly give a look of life around here20:27
ErichEickmeyerhehe, referring to earlier parts of the conversation, just noticed that Wimpress is in the room. XD20:27
eylulas were having issue getting license from the person making them, but we have other ones20:28
eylul... somewhere20:28
ErichEickmeyerOkay. Sounds like we're cleaning up some of the mess caused by months of neglect. This is good.20:28
ErichEickmeyerEither way, my time is getting limited. captain-tux_, thanks for pointing out the website and wiki. eylul, did you have one more thing?20:29
eyluloh I was going to say. we need to figure out WHEN is the next meeting :)20:30
eylulbefore we wrap up20:30
ErichEickmeyerSame time next week?20:30
OvenWerkseylul: is this still valid: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-website20:30
eylulI.. don't think so?20:30
ErichEickmeyerOvenWerks: I was just added to that team by sakrecoer, so yes.20:30
eylulor maybe hang on..20:31
ErichEickmeyerOh wait... that's the code. nm.20:31
OvenWerksI will try to be available next week. Family comes first of course.20:31
ErichEickmeyerOvenWerks: Same.20:31
ErichEickmeyerSo, same time next week?20:31
eylulyeah this is the one20:31
captain-tux_Time works for me, but I could also be here earlier, if you like.20:31
eylulassets part is where some of the image files are20:31
ErichEickmeyerCool. I'll get the items discussed today on the ML and the website, and tweet the need for new Daily ISO testers.20:32
ErichEickmeyerMaybe even a FB post.20:32
ErichEickmeyerAnything else?20:33
eylulnot from me. will be here next week at least20:33
OvenWerksGlad to see some chatter here20:33
ErichEickmeyerCool. Shall we officially adjourn this meeting?20:33
ErichEickmeyerOkay, cool. Meeting adjourned. I'll be hanging out here, but I've got to head to work in about an hour. I'll try to get the notes posted and other PR stuff taken care of. Great meeting everyone!20:34
captain-tux_Yes, thanks everyone!20:35
eylulsame here. thanks captain-tux_ for organizing the meeting, and nice to see things active again :)20:35
captain-tux_OvenWerks, can you eli5 how to test controls, if needed or would that be more work than finishing the development? :P20:38
captain-tux_I've got some USB interfaces/amps and microphones laying around here for multiple inputs/outputs, etc.20:43
OvenWerkscaptain-tux_: install log out and back in play.20:54
OvenWerksUse qjackctl's connections screen to look at things20:54
OvenWerksDon't expect more than one USB device to work at the same time just now.20:55
OvenWerks(unless one of them is plugged in before login and stays there til logout20:55
metalbikeri think i missed the meeting, didn't i? sigh20:57
metalbikeri've got a hardware question and i want to make sure this is the correct channel to be in for that. 20:58
OvenWerksit ended about 30min ago.20:58
OvenWerksnever know till it gets asked...20:58
metalbikeraww man! well, i was busy around that time anyway but maybe next time i will. 20:59
OvenWerksnext week.20:59
metalbikerthe hardware i want to use is an m-audio delta 1010lt PCI card with breakout cables to connect my guitar/amp/microphone to the OS. is there a current list of supported hardware that i can view? if not, i think that's a very good thing to construct.21:00
OvenWerksThat card will work21:01
OvenWerksI have a delta6621:01
metalbikercool!! awesome!21:01
OvenWerksthey all use the ice1712 chip21:01
metalbikeroh awesome! i remember that one as well but i like the 1010 since it's got xlr connectors for microphones.21:02
OvenWerksto set it up use mudita2421:02
metalbikerwhat's mudita24?21:02
OvenWerksThat a control application specific to that chip21:02
OvenWerksin particular the analog volume tab needs to have all your levels set to -6 or so for the outputs and 0 or so for the ADCs21:03
metalbikeroh ok. another question about this. once i get ubuntu studio installed and get that card installed in my tower, will the OS automatically download and install the needed drivers?21:03
OvenWerks(otherwise you will see the card but have no sound21:04
OvenWerksThe drivers are included21:04
metalbikerok, cool. and have all of the analog levels at -6 and zero for the ADCs. got it.21:05
metalbikeris it recommended to have a high end graphics card for the system or just something decent? i'm not going to be gaming on it, just music work.21:06
OvenWerksThe internal Intel card is probaly the best21:06
OvenWerksthe intel drivers are open and so up to date21:06
metalbikerok. i do believe that's what it's got. i've got the dell precision t1600 workstation and i do believe the specs say it's got intel integrated graphics.21:07
OvenWerksnot great for gaming, but known not to get in the way of Audio stuff21:08
metalbikerok, sounds good. no worries about gaming. i'll build another rig for it or just get a console for that. lol 21:09
OvenWerkssame here21:09
metalbikerand i don't want anything to get in the way21:09
metalbikerman, you've been a big help with this. and what about audio to speakers? will the delta 1010 handle that as well? i think it's got RCA outputs or something. i don't have the specs in front of me at the moment.21:11
metalbikeri want to use a really good set of speakers for playback for mixing/etc.21:11
OvenWerksyou need an amp to go to speakers21:25
OvenWerksunless they have amplifiers in them21:26
OvenWerksThe RCA out are fine so long as the wire runs are short, less than 30 or 40 feet21:27
metalbikerok, cool. i'll have to check the speakers i'm wanting to see if there's an amp or not. 21:29
OvenWerksMy general advice is to spend as much as you can on speakers (listen to them sometimes cheaper sounds better) and then buy a $30 stereo amp from the used stuff store (value village or salvation Army)21:29
metalbikerand the distance won't be a problem. i'll have them on nearby.21:30
OvenWerkseylul: installing the latest iso, the application chooser now shows up. Checking to see if the publishing apps ar missing after install.21:31
metalbikeryeah, i planned on spending whatever it costs to get good sounding speakers. you mean the amps that go in auto audio speakers>21:31
OvenWerksno I mean living room stereo amps (sme times call receivers)21:32
OvenWerksThe one upstairs is a Fisher and the one here is a Technics. Both were $3021:33
OvenWerksI can't afford speakers that will show the difference between these and expensive amplifier.21:34
OvenWerksIf I was spending $3k plus per speaker, I might think differently21:35
OvenWerkseylul: install just removed the publishing stuff (that I unchecked) so we can call that bug fixed... I will mark it so.21:38
metalbikerohhhh....ok!! lol should've known21:40
OvenWerkseylul: not sure why I am telling you this krytarik made the change...21:43
OvenWerkskrytarik: chaneg to seeds has been tested and works ok. Did install without publishing successfully.21:44
krytarikOk, cool - thanks.21:44
OvenWerkskrytarik: status on the bug changed to Fix Released21:50
krytarikGreat, thanks.21:50
krytarikAnd I've still got LP #1703116 in my inbox, but we've got no uploader still either, soo..21:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1703116 in ubuntustudio-default-settings (Ubuntu) "Include Onboard overrides" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/170311621:55

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