
thumperveebers: is there something wrong with the merge bot?21:32
veebersthumper: not that I'm aware of, whats the issue/21:32
veebersthumper: (which merge job?)21:32
thumperI was just looking at one of jam's branches21:33
thumpersaw the merge request but no bot response21:33
veebersthumper: it's possible it's the issue where the hook gets dropped or ignored by jenkins.21:33
thumperdo the checks on a PR get cleared on new pushes?21:33
veebersthumper: checks get re-run on pushes. (you can see ticks/crosses beside the commit sha in the list)21:34
thumperI know that the merge jobs just show up as checks now...21:35
thumperperhaps it was just that21:35
thumpernever mind me21:35
veebersthumper: If the merge bot had run it would have been merged, unless there was an issue then it would show as a failure21:35
thumperbut we don't add a comment on failure, do we?21:36
veebersthumper: if you click "show all checks" you'll see that only the check-merge job has run21:36
veebersthumper: it would show up in the checks list21:36
thumperah, found it21:37
veebersthumper: argh, so the merge job did run (before your current one) and went unstable, no idea why it didn't update the PR. :-\ Having a quick look now21:38
thumperok, thanks21:38
veebersthumper: I'm a little confused :-\ jams merge command worked, it ran and failed and marked that commit broken (red cross) but it wasn't mentioned in the checks section. Jam then pushed up some  . ..  ah21:51
veebersthumper: It seems that pushing up a commit and getting a run on it clears any previous runs (incl. failures) so the updated push removed the check comment for the failed merge (it was still marked as error by the red cross though)21:51
* veebers is no longer confused21:52
* thumper nods21:52
thumpermorning wallyworld21:57
thumperveebers: do you use spacemacs with vim editing or emacs?21:57
veebersthumper: emacs22:08
veeberswallyworld: hey o/22:08

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