
nmrp3ok, I got that back by reinstalling kmix, but there's no sound00:02
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> @nmrp3, 17.10?03:12
ubottuAn explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions04:33
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IrcsomeBotPZ✌️ 🇬🇧 was added by: PZ✌️ 🇬🇧05:49
IrcsomeBot<Manisha Sarap> How to set the logo for general user08:13
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> Which logo is that? The one that shows on the menu and login screen can be set user-manager08:41
oralekinHi, I'm new to Ubuntu and Plasma, is there a way I can remove a widget from my desktop without right-clicking it?08:46
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> In plasma 5, if you left click a widget and hold that press for a few seconds, a toolbar will appear with an X button to close and remove the widget08:48
oralekinThat worked, thank you acheronuk!08:58
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> :D08:58
BluesKajHi folks11:09
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wiqHi. Is there a way to have a custom launcher (with custom commands) in the task bar? and which on opening will not start showing two icons14:14
wiqhttps://imgur.com/rt0xSUt ^14:18
BluesKajwiq, open the panel settings>add widgets, type quick in the search, choose quicklaunch14:28
wiqBluesKaj, I have tried using that. And I am able to create a custom launcher but it also leads to 2 same icons14:28
wiqhttps://imgur.com/rt0xSUt ^14:29
BluesKajlook in task manager settings14:30
wiqBluesKaj, nah, there is no option for that14:32
BluesKajicons for apps in use is handy IMO especially if one assigns apps to activities14:34
wiqyeah, they are. but seeing double icons for same app is irritating14:35
BluesKajfor some I suppose , that's a personal thing14:37
BluesKajyou could just dump the taskbar if it's so irritataing14:38
wiqfinally, settled with this setup https://imgur.com/Wvkzs2k14:39
wiqquicklaunchers on left and task bar on right with a spacer14:39
BluesKajI have the activities pager between the icons only taskmanager and quicklaunch14:43
wiqI am never able to understand that what does activities does and how can they be useful14:46
BluesKajit's similar to what virtual desktops used to do..separate desktops for apps or groups of apps14:48
BluesKajat least that's how i use them14:48
BluesKajone can have different backgrounds for each activity as well14:49
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Kon-A while back I saw an Ubuntu wiki page that listed critical bugs in the 18.04 flavor betas. Anyone have a link?18:08
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HyP3rWhat is the default display manager in Kubuntu 16.04?19:56
HyP3rI'm just wondering why I have sddm and lightdm installed19:56
mparilloSDDM. You usually get LightDM if you add Kubuntu packages to Ubuntu or you have been upgrading you Kubuntu since (say) 14.04.20:12
HyP3rmparillo: I have updated from 14.04 to 16.0420:15
HyP3rthe reason why I'm asking: fingerprint-gui does not show when I want to login after a restart.20:16
HyP3rI found many forum threads about this topic but they are all talking about SDDM, and I'm using LightDM20:16
HyP3rLike this: https://forum.ubuntuusers.de/topic/kein-kde-login-moeglich-16-04-fingerprint-gui/ (GER) here is the (ENG) http://home.ullrich-online.cc/fingerprint/Forum/topic.php?TopicId=546#150720:17
mparilloThat explains why you still have LightDM (which I miss for its guest session), but I am sorry I cannot help with your fingerprint-gui20:18
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Guest53377anyone here to answer a kubuntu noob question?21:02
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience21:21
bruce_almightyIf I'm running Muon in root, why am I getting an authorization error when I try to install a pkg?21:25
valorieAlexZion: have you tried (in the cli) `sudo apt install -f` ?21:51
valoriewhere f=fix21:52
AlexZionyeah , I already try  but let's try again21:52
AlexZionas always , nothing to fix21:53
acheronukwhen you install the driver I assume you get a message about the module failing to build?21:54
AlexZionactually I don't get any error by installing from driver manager21:58
AlexZionvisually I can see some problem during the installation with app icons, and pratically I cannot start anymore  apps21:58
AlexZionafter restarting I get just the tty1 with no chance to get back the GUI using CTRL + ALT + F721:59
acheronukI was thinking more of what you would get as output when you do 'sudo apt-get install nvidia-304' in a terminal22:02
acheronukif the module fails to build, you should see an error saying so22:02
AlexZionI tried it the first time but I don't remember the error, after that seeing that the driver was available on driver manager (with ppa graphics-driver) I always try from there22:03
AlexZionacheronuk: shoult I try to let you know !?!22:07
acheronukhard to know how to solve something I can't test. especially at that driver package hasn't received any updates to work on on a Bionic system in quite a while now22:08
AlexZion_testhere on the test machine, let's try22:09
AlexZion_testshould I try the 304, the 304-dev, 304-updates or the 304-updates-dev ?22:11
AlexZion_testwhat the difference between them ?22:12
AlexZion_testacheronuk: here the message but is in Italian https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/HGQbZvgGQ4/22:16
acheronukthe one I said. the others are transitional or development packages22:17
AlexZion_testshould I switch the language to make more easy ?22:17
acheronukthat's ok22:18
acheronuklooks like that old package is uninstallable with the current Bionic graphics stack. and they have put breaks in place, so if you did have it installed on say upgrading to Bionic, it would be uninstalled22:29
acheronukso it would need someone very familiar with these driver packages to fix22:29
AlexZion_testso after 9 years with kubuntu I will need to change distro for my old desktop !?!, or change the GPU of course :D22:31
acheronukat the moment the only option I can see would be use the driver from the nvidia website, patch that to fix if for kernel 4.15, and do a manual install22:42
acheronukwhich the few times I have tried in the past, I have had trouble with!22:42
acheronukand is way too long ago that I did22:43
AlexZion_testI triend just yesterday with a driver already patched and didn't works, probably because the patch wasn't for the 4.15 kernel, but just for 4.14, 4.13 and 4.1222:45
AlexZionwhat instead about the support for Nvidia Optimus technology in Bionic ?, always with bumblebee or something is changed ?22:46
valorieit's always a problem to support a blob instead of something open22:46
valoriedamn nvidia22:47
AlexZionyeah valorie I still remember the Linus Torvald "middle finger" for nvidia feww years ago :)22:48
valorieunfortunately they have not mended their ways22:50
AlexZionyeah that's why the next time I would like to avoid nvidia, but there is a good alternative ?22:51
valorieif you want to game, I guess not22:55
valorieotherwise, intel or amd I suppose22:55
AlexZionactually I don't use game but I wwould like to have good performance to work with 3D stuff, even if I need just sometimes22:57
AlexZionright now when I use the GPU on blender my laptop almost melt :D22:59
valorieright, blender, editing films, visualization, and such23:02
AlexZionanyay the problem is just with optimus technology, right?, I mean if I have a laptop with a single GPU nvidia  should work just fine I guess !?!23:04
valoriecould be23:06
valorieso hard to say since every system is different23:06
leonardo_excusme somebody can give the name of mail server for incoming mial for the balsa mail client23:11
AlexZionleonardo_:  I guess you are Italian right ?23:13
AlexZionis gone, anyway here is quite late and is time for me to take a rest, see you soon23:20
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