
osmelhow i can get mass copy files on PCfman?01:47
tsimonq2Ctrl + A?01:48
osmelmass copy file with batch, resume, tails?01:49
osmelOn cuba island the people watch video on usb stick memory, overlapping the stablisment restrictions, so, the mass copy files is critical to adopt lubuntu.01:53
AscavasaionAny idea why a keyboard and mouse would stop working?  Computer boots... keyboard works to get into BIOS... Able to use keyboard to choose from Grub boot menu... and I can put Numlock on and off during boot.  But the moment the login screen pops up the keyboard and mouse no longer work.  I have changed keyboards... used both PS2 and USB keyboards06:09
diogenes_Ascavasaion, fresh install?06:11
Ascavasaiondiogenes_: Sheesh... is that not extreme?06:12
diogenes_does it work in live use session?06:13
Ascavasaiondiogenes_: Have not tried that because it worked before.06:13
diogenes_then it happened after what? update/upgrade?06:15
Ascavasaiondiogenes_: Yes... update.06:15
diogenes_at grub, can u choose to boot the previuos kernel?06:16
Ascavasaiondiogenes_: there is no previous kernel.  It updated a few apps... but not a kernel.. Let me restart to make 100% sure.06:17
Ascavasaiondiogenes_: Same thing :-(06:21
diogenes_do u remember what packages were updated?06:23
AscavasaionUnfortunately not.06:24
diogenes_you pretty much stuck, I'd advice u to burn a live dvd on a friend's pc and run it, then find your /home/.config/autostart06:26
AscavasaionI can SSH in?  If that is of any help to us?06:27
diogenes_see what apps are being started06:27
diogenes_then ssh and check startup06:28
diogenes_also you could try dist-upgrade06:28
Ascavasaionthe autostart folder is empty06:29
diogenes_run xinput06:30
AscavasaionI was trying to get higher res in xorg... I installed  package... not exactly sure of the name....06:30
AscavasaionWhen I do dist-upgrade this line...06:31
AscavasaionThe following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:06:31
Ascavasaion  libxfont2 xserver-xorg-legacy-hwe-16.0406:31
diogenes_you have to run sudo apt autoremove06:31
Ascavasaionthe xserver-org-legacy one... It triggered my memory... I installed something for xorg related to Intel.06:31
diogenes_then try this06:32
diogenes_ls /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/06:33
diogenes_and what do you get?06:33
AscavasaionJust one thing... think it might have been this... xserver-xorg-video-intel06:34
diogenes_what is the output of the command?06:35
Ascavasaionjoel@mynasbox:~/.config/autostart$ ls /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/06:35
Ascavasaionls: cannot access '/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/': No such file or directory06:35
diogenes_and ls /etc/X11/06:36
AscavasaionIf I did a sudo apt-get remove xserver-xorg-video-intel* ?06:36
Ascavasaionjoel@mynasbox:~/.config/autostart$ ls /etc/X1106:36
Ascavasaionapp-defaults  default-display-manager  openbox  xinit  Xreset    Xresources  Xsession.d        xsm06:36
Ascavasaioncursors       fonts                    rgb.txt  xkb    Xreset.d  Xsession    Xsession.options  Xwrapper.config06:36
diogenes_try removing that package and reboot, if that don't help we'll see06:37
AscavasaionDone and rebooting06:38
AscavasaionNever worked.06:41
diogenes_ok let's try one trick06:41
diogenes_via ssh: sudo mkdir /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d06:42
AscavasaionDo I not need to do soemthing like dpkg-reconfigure xorg etc?06:42
AscavasaionI mean after removing that other xserver thing?06:43
diogenes_you can try that06:43
AscavasaionOkay, did sudo mkdir /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d06:43
diogenes_sudo touch /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/00-keyboard.conf06:44
AscavasaionDid it... returned me to prompt with no messazges.06:45
Ascavasaionmessages I mean.06:45
diogenes_now run: sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/00-keyboard.conf06:46
diogenes_paste in the following06:47
diogenes_Section "InputClass"06:47
diogenes_        Identifier "system-keyboard"06:47
diogenes_        MatchIsKeyboard "on"06:47
diogenes_        Option "XkbLayout" "us"06:47
AscavasaionBlank file.06:47
AscavasaionSorry about that :)06:48
AscavasaionDone and saved06:48
AscavasaionStill nothing06:54
diogenes_ok run: sudo rm -r /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/06:54
diogenes_try this: sudo apt install --reinstall xserver-xorg-input-all06:55
AscavasaionDone... do I reboot now?07:00
AscavasaionSorry for delay... running a hardware raid... takes a while on each boot.07:02
AscavasaionI have a question... unrelated... to reboot I keep having to type sudo reboot in the SSH connection... would sudo shutdown -r now be better?  I ask because each time it starts it runs a filesystem check whichmakes me wonder if the sudo reboot is not shutting down stuff properly before rebooting.07:05
diogenes_sometimes, especially after gpu driver installation, it's recommended to actually shutdown the pc instead of reboot07:07
AscavasaionWHOOP WHOOP!!!!07:07
AscavasaionIt worked07:07
AscavasaionThank you!07:07
diogenes_you're welcome07:07
Ascavasaionxserver has my brain boggled.07:08
Ascavasaiondiogenes_: Can I pick your brain some more re graphics resolutions?07:10
AscavasaionIt is what made everything bomb in the first place hehe07:10
diogenes_your resolution is not correct?07:10
AscavasaionIt says that the max it can do is 1024x768... but I am 95% certain that it can go higher.07:10
AscavasaionThis is not urgent, but it would be nice :-)07:10
AscavasaionIt is running at 1024x768... but I am sure it goes up to the 12xx x 1024 resolution.07:11
diogenes_ok let's see, run: sudo lspci -nnk | grep VGA -A307:12
diogenes_pastebin it and share the link07:12
diogenes_ok now pastebin: xrandr07:15
diogenes_Ascavasaion, not with sudo07:17
diogenes_simply: xrand07:18
AscavasaionLooks the same... https://pastebin.com/xHJyNA6y07:19
diogenes_it says, you current is: 3200x108007:21
AscavasaionThat is not true.07:21
AscavasaionI mean the output is not true hehe07:21
AscavasaionMaybe because I am in SSH07:21
AscavasaionIt is giving this computer's settings07:21
diogenes_ah ok07:21
AscavasaionLe tme log in there07:21
diogenes_pastebin those: sudo lspci -nnk | grep VGA -A3 and xrandr07:23
diogenes_ok let's try one trick07:25
diogenes_pastebin the output of: cvt 1280 72007:26
diogenes_only if you get any07:26
Ascavasaion_I did get "any" hehe07:28
diogenes_run: xrandr --newmode "1280x720_60.00"   74.50  1280 1344 1472 1664  720 723 728 748 -hsync +vsync07:29
Ascavasaion_Returned to prompt with no emssages07:29
Ascavasaion_messages I mean.07:29
diogenes_that's good07:30
diogenes_now run: xrandr | grep " connected " | awk '{ print$1 }'07:30
diogenes_and paste here the putput07:30
Ascavasaion_It just said "DP-1"07:31
diogenes_run: xrandr --addmode DP-1 1280x720_60.0007:31
Ascavasaion_returned to prompt, no message07:31
diogenes_run: xrandr --output DP-1 --mode 1280x720_60.0007:32
Ascavasaion_It worked07:32
Ascavasaion_So if I do all of this using 1280x1024 it should work?07:32
diogenes_but wait, these changes won't survive the reboot07:33
Ascavasaion_Oh, okay07:33
diogenes_it might work with a larger resolution too07:33
diogenes_the thing you need to do07:33
Ascavasaion_The monitor can do max 1280x102407:33
diogenes_is to create a startup script that will run these commands at startup:07:34
diogenes_xrandr --newmode "1280x720_60.00"   74.50  1280 1344 1472 1664  720 723 728 748 -hsync +vsync07:34
diogenes_ xrandr --addmode DP-1 1280x720_60.0007:34
diogenes_xrandr --output DP-1 --mode 1280x720_60.0007:34
diogenes_if you wanna try with 1280x102407:34
diogenes_then run: cvt 1280 102407:35
diogenes_run: xrandr --newmode "1280x1024_60.00"  109.00  1280 1368 1496 1712  1024 1027 1034 1063 -hsync +vsync07:37
diogenes_run: xrandr --addmode DP-1 1280x1024_60.0007:38
diogenes_run: xrandr --output DP-1 --mode 1280x1024_60.0007:38
diogenes_see if that works07:38
Ascavasaion_You rock!!!07:39
Ascavasaion_Worked perfectly07:39
diogenes_ok then let's create a starup script07:39
Ascavasaion_Thank you07:39
diogenes_run: mkdir $HOME/Documents/scripts07:39
diogenes_run: touch $HOME/Documents/scripts/resolution.sh07:40
diogenes_run: nano $HOME/Documents/scripts/resolution.sh07:40
diogenes_xrandr --newmode "1280x1024_60.00"  109.00  1280 1368 1496 1712  1024 1027 1034 1063 -hsync +vsync07:41
diogenes_xrandr --addmode DP-1 1280x1024_60.0007:41
diogenes_xrandr --output DP-1 --mode 1280x1024_60.0007:41
diogenes_save, close07:42
diogenes_let's see if it works, run: xrandr --size 1024x76807:44
diogenes_did it change the relsolution back?07:45
Ascavasaion_Okay, back to its old res07:45
diogenes_now run: chmod +x $HOME/Documents/scripts/resolution.sh07:45
Ascavasaion_BAck to prompt, no emssages07:46
diogenes_run; cd $HOME/Documents/scripts07:46
diogenes_run: ./resolution.sh07:46
Ascavasaion_Perfect... back to 1280x102407:47
diogenes_ok now run: touch $HOME/.config/autostart/resolution.desktop07:47
Ascavasaion_Back toprompt, no messages07:48
diogenes_nano $HOME/.config/autostart/resolution.desktop07:48
diogenes_[Desktop Entry]07:49
diogenes_Name = Resolution Change07:49
diogenes_Type = Application07:49
diogenes_Categories =Utility;07:49
diogenes_Comment =Resolution change07:49
diogenes_Icon = lubuntu07:49
diogenes_Exec = sh -c "cd $HOME/Documents/scripts && ./resolution.sh"07:50
diogenes_save, close07:50
Ascavasaion_must there be a ; after Categories =Utility;?07:50
Ascavasaion_Okay, will delete it.07:51
diogenes_yes yes ;07:51
Ascavasaion_Oh, okay HAHA... I will not delete it.07:51
diogenes_run: chmod +x $HOME/.config/autostart/resolution.desktop07:52
Ascavasaion_Back to prompt, no messages07:52
diogenes_run: cp $HOME/.config/autostart/resolution.desktop $HOME/.locat/share/applications07:52
Ascavasaion_joel@mynasbox:~/Documents/scripts$ cp $HOME/.config/autostart/resolution.desktop $HOME/.locat/share/applications07:54
Ascavasaion_cp: cannot create regular file '/home/joel/.locat/share/applications': No such file or directory07:54
diogenes_sorry :)07:54
diogenes_it's: cp $HOME/.config/autostart/resolution.desktop $HOME/.local/share/applications07:54
diogenes_locat must be local*07:55
diogenes_let's see if it works, run: xrandr --size 1024x76807:55
Ascavasaion_Back to old res07:55
diogenes_now open the lubuntu menu07:56
diogenes_look for a new application called Resolution Change07:56
diogenes_click on iy07:56
Ascavasaion_Works perfectly07:57
Ascavasaion_Be right back.07:57
Ascavasaion_Works well08:01
diogenes_be sure to preserve these two files: $HOME/.config/autostart/resolution.desktop and $HOME/Documents/scripts/resolution.sh08:01
Ascavasaion_Goesinto 1024x768 for a second, and then changes to 1280x102408:01
Ascavasaion_Thank you so so much08:01
diogenes_you're welcome08:01
Ascavasaion_Are you here  alot?08:02
diogenes_yep, mpst of the time08:02
Ascavasaion_I have to dash now.  Mother was visiting for the weekend but need to take her home now.08:03
Ascavasaion_I really appreciate yuor help.08:03
Ascavasaion_I am Joel from South Africa08:03
Ascavasaion_Again, thank you.08:03
diogenes_no problem and you're welcpme08:03
Ascavasaion_Chat again...08:04
Ascavasaion_ps. I wold never have figured this stuff out... thank you.08:04
diogenes_:) from now on you will figure it out08:04
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martins80170jaimerais faire retourné un eeepc17:02
ubottuNous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.17:03
laptopwhat is more resource light bodhi or lbuntu17:08
tsimonq2laptop: We had this conversation yesterday.17:12
tsimonq2Please stop.17:12
laptopok sorry just give me an answer and i will not ask again17:14
tsimonq2Your Mileage May Vary.17:16
laptopoh i need something for 2 gb core2duo 2.2 ghz and i tried lbuntu 194 mb usage bodhi 96 mb usage17:17
laptopbut bodhi could not get correct wifi drivers17:18
tsimonq2Then don't use Bodhi. :P17:18
laptopi ill stick with lubuntu better security, not sure if should wait until 4/2617:18
laptopfor download the beta now17:18
laptopok ty17:21

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