
Caelumzyga: looks like package didn't get updated: https://build.opensuse.org/project/show/system:snappy02:35
eraserpencilhey guys, are snaps architecture specific?06:09
eraserpencilfor example, I made a snap with  a x86_64 libs. would that snap run on an ARM machine?06:11
mr_louLogically no.06:20
eraserpencilSo if i ded want a snap to run on an arm architecture, I have to build it using the arm specific lib and dependencies?06:22
mr_louI would think so. But I only found out about Snap recently, so I'm a noob.06:27
zygaCaelum: Ill check07:14
zygaeraserpencil: each package declares which architecture it is for07:14
zygaBut sure enough it is easy to build a package for each supported architecture07:15
zygaEg using build.snapcraft.io07:15
eraserpencilHey guys, I have a software in development that I'm hoping to test on a client side. Snaps will protect my source code right?08:51
Caelumzyga: we need to do an osc rebuild for TW because it failed for some reason20:25
Caelumzyga: x86_64 failed, this is the log: https://build.opensuse.org/package/live_build_log/system:snappy/snapd/openSUSE_Tumbleweed/x86_6420:26

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