
Nycateloslotuspsychje: no, I had it on finger, the top one01:21
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wyseguyhey all05:43
wyseguygonna be installing ubuntu on my new T430, was wondering if you would recommend to install the 18.04 beta then just update once the 18.04 stable is released. 05:43
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valoriewyseguy: I run kubuntu beta206:30
valorieon both my laptops06:31
valorieso far, great06:31
valorieI suggest trying before installing though06:31
valorieotherwise install 17.10.106:31
wyseguyuse unetbootin on the mac but looks like the T430 doesent like it that way06:32
valoriedd always works06:32
valoriekubuntu's usb-writer always works for me though06:32
wyseguyya ill just dd it06:33
wyseguycant go wrong with that06:33
wyseguywell you can if you mix up the if and of lol06:33
wyseguydam apple adding a dmg at the end of the img 06:37
wyseguythere goes dd 06:38
Huck777hi, how can I disable that the ubuntu dash is merging/grouping my windows?09:06
lotuspsychjeHuck777: what do you mean exactly10:05
Huck777lotuspsychje: open two terminal windows. they get merged and the dock shows two dots on the terminal icon. i want them separated.11:00
lotuspsychjeHuck777: not sure thats possible, perhaps try in gnome-tweak-tool ?11:01
Huck777no options there. I'll replace the ubuntu dock with the stock gnome dock and add some extensions.11:03
lotuspsychjeHuck777: your on daily or upgraded?11:04
mifritscher1how is this "wipe screen to come to desktop" screen called?14:09
akemLock screen? actually where you change its background its called Lockscreen.14:34
mifritscher1ah, slide screen14:37
mifritscher1it's a pity that a plugin is needed to kill it it seems - and the plugins doesn't work on newer gdm versions it seems14:37
mifritscher1-> switched to lightdm14:37
akemI see, also they should make it so that when you press a key this slide screen goes away, maybe it's usefull for tablets but for laptops...14:40
akemIn the gnome settings you can change the Lock screen BG and it will change this slide screen BG in fact, then where you login to your session it remains purple background. Not very important tho.14:43
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en1gmais ubuntu 18.04 beta 2 becoming pretty stable? i have amd 64 desktop 16.04.2 installed but finding alot of software i build is wanting the latest stuff16:55
hggdhen1gma: it is stable for me, just small nits16:57
en1gmai have windows 10 dual boot with 16.04.2 right now. grub is the bootloader.17:00
en1gmahow can i install 18.04 to my 16.04 partitions and also have 18.04 grub install over my 16.04 grub?17:00
lapagado you want to get rid of 16.04?17:01
en1gmai want an exact replacement of 16.04 with 18.04 and i dont want it to break my windows 10 dual boot as i have alot of info on that area of the drive17:02
lapagado you have a seperate /home partition?17:03
en1gmaeverything is working perfect right now. wish i could just do a "reset system" with ubuntu so it would take me back to a fresh install and then i would just go an dist-upgrade17:03
lapagai have always had a seperate /home so if you don't then someone else needs to chime in17:05
en1gmai use default settings for "install along side windows" when i installed 16.0417:07
en1gmanow if i install 18.04 fresh i want to be able to manually select those partitions for os install and grub install?17:07
alkisgSeparate /home or not isn't an issue, the installer prompts you to upgrade while keeping /home17:08
alkisgAnd in that case it wipes /usr and everything, keeping only /home17:08
alkisgSo it's what you're asking for17:08
bmp0015_Hi, I'm trying to get a hit the ground running with 18.04 and am attempting to automate the install process with packer and a preseed, but I can't seem to get it to work. The issue is the /install directory inside the beta 2 iso does not contain a initial ramdisk or kernel liek 16.04 and 17 did. Is this something that is just not present on the beta?17:25
en1gmano i thinking im asking about installing 18.04 to the same exact physical partitions18:08
en1gmasay the drive = /dev/sda18:08
en1gmaroot = /dev/sda118:08
en1gmaswap = /dev/sda2?18:09
en1gmagrub = mbr or gpt?18:09
en1gmai want grub to install to where grub is now18:09
en1gmain this dual boot windows 10 and ubuntu 16.04.2 Desktop. i would love to install 18.04 over the same everything and wipe it all out18:11
en1gmai can boot 18.04 live and wipe and format those partitions 18:12
en1gmai just want 18.04 in the same exact spots 16.04 is currently installed to18:12
enycen1gma: hrrm18:13
enycen1gma: you CAN also later just 'upgrade' 16.04.x to 18.04 'in place'18:13
enyc(which is normalyl offered when 18.04.1 becomes available, aiui)18:14
en1gmaenyc i cant do it right now by adding repos?18:14
en1gmato the 18.04 beta?18:14
en1gmai still have a ton of unwanted software that i have previously installed and built etc...18:15
en1gmawould really prefer fresh install of beta since i already have it downloaded18:15
enycen1gma: ok, that may make sense for you then18:16
enycen1gma: but better to wait for release, or possibly 18.04.1 18:16
enycen1gma: depends on your 'risk management'18:16
enycwhat if 18.04 has some kind of issue with your machine,  or you forget you havede some fiddly-to-compli seftware in your 14.04 you want back,  etc etc...18:17
en1gmano i dont want nothing back and installing ubuntu "Manually" where you tell it "Not the whole disk" and you manually select where to put everything thats been useable since the beginning of ubuntu i think18:29
en1gmadoes anyone know if the "Manual" install to disk is broken or working?18:29
Bashing-omen1gma: "something else"  works .18:32
donofrioanyone here messing with command line wsl and have success with /etc/wsl.conf from (https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/commandline/2018/02/07/automatically-configuring-wsl/)19:12
donofriomy do *not* update resolv.conf is the part that is not working....need dns search order to be correct...19:12
en1gmaBashing-om "something else" will let me install 18.04 to the partitions that 16.04 has already created? like /dev/sda1, /dev/sda2, swap and mbr or gpt for grub too which is /dev/sda?19:36
en1gmahow can i tell if ubuntu grub is installed to gpt or mbr right now? do i need to set my bios to anything?19:37
Bashing-omen1gma: Short answer - yes - in the install stage pay very close attention at the bottom of the screen what/where the installer will install grub to .19:40
en1gmaok yea thats the important part. do i need to see where my current grub is installed and then with the 18.04 installer select that same thing?19:44
Bashing-omen1gma: No .. as you are re-intalling to sda1/2 just ensure that grub gets installed to sda ( the device not a partition ) .19:46
lapagaWould not windows be on sda1&2?19:49
xkenthi, how do I switch to gnome 2/classic/fallback/falshback in beta 2 ?19:51
Bashing-omlapaga: Likely . en1gma : ' sudo parted -l ' to know the partitioning .19:51
en1gmaBashing-om and i dont have to select mbr or gpt?19:56
en1gmaim dual boot windows19:57
Bashing-omen1gma: Installer will match the partition scheme .19:57
Bashing-omen1gma: If you dual boot Win10, ensure that you boot the install disk in UEFI mode !!19:58
en1gmaok cool thanks21:34
en1gmaif i install 18.04 beta 2 will we be able to "apt-get upgrade" to the final release later this month?22:32
valorieen1gma: well, apt update && apt full-upgrade22:33
valorieupgrade by itself isn't so great22:33
valoriedoesn't uninstall cruft22:34
en1gmawe should be able to do that with no problems? i mean i wont have to download the final and wipe my drive to install22:34
hggdhen1gma: no, you will not. Even if you have installed an alpha (or earlier) for Bionic, apt update && apt full-upgrade will bring your install to current level22:36
valorieen1gma: it's good to run those commands daily (with sudo of course) since there are daily updates now22:37
valorieor nearly daily22:37
valoriemost tiny changes22:37
en1gmai always only run 'apt-get update' and 'apt-get upgrade' daily22:42
en1gmaon 16.04.0222:42
en1gmastarting to move my stuff to my spare drive :) got to reboot. thanks all22:44
valorieupgrade rather than dist-upgrade or full-upgrade is asking for cruft if not actual trouble imo22:46

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