
Bashing-omtomreyn: IRT alpha__ : Might remind him when he points the installer to /home DO NOT choose to format the partition .00:13
TJ-^^^ haha yes, I was thinking that00:13
TJ-tomreyn: You must be on overtime by now!00:27
daftykins!cookie | tomreyn00:31
ubot5`tomreyn: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!00:31
TJ-oh, he left for 45 minutes!00:32
Bashing-omTJ-: ^ long 'nuff to hit the rain locker and grab a Snickers bar ( or 2 ) :P00:36
TJ-Or escape the country :D00:36
Bashing-omTJ-: Sometimes that do feel like the better course :)00:37
TJ-yeah... for me it's a certain someone trying to git bisect the kernel for a battery-drains-whilst-shutdown00:38
daftykinshmm i don't know pfsense enough to know what rule i might require to add a tertiary interface bidirectional comms with the LAN00:38
daftykinsplugged the second interface on the Huawei HG612 VDSL2 transceiver into the third NIC on our AMD APU router :)00:39
Bashing-omTJ-: "battery-drains-whilst-shutdown" and I only thought I had problems :D00:43
daftykinssilly me, should've realised the transceiver would have no idea about the LAN subnet - i needed a NAT rule01:01
tomreynso how do i git insect the kernel!!?? tell me!!01:06
tomreynbut apparently there are really people who run into this issue?01:06
daftykinsuh oh, Brundeltux xD01:06
daftykins(Brundelfly, movie reference to "The Fly" with Jeff Goldblum)01:06
tomreynthanks, this hint was necessary.01:07
tomreyni never watched it in english01:07
daftykinsah har01:08
hggdhtomreyn: remember insect == bug01:22
Bashing-om"  what would a good name for the user be?" TJ- does hand holding while babby stepping in progres :)01:39
hggdhBashing-om: good name... struwwelpeter01:40
TJ-Bashing-om: sometimes, when I think I've plumbed the depths of dumbness, I'm surprised once again :)01:40
TJ-Bashing-om: the 'good name' I was thinking isn't printable in this channel!01:40
Bashing-omLOL .. only you can do it !01:40
hggdhTJ-: that's why I proposed struwwelpeter01:41
TJ-If you hear laughing it isn't me honest01:42
TJ-And NOW it turns out the target is Mac not Linux at all!!!!01:42
* TJ- becomes an active shooter!01:42
Bashing-omIt's laughter in the face of crying :)01:43
TJ-Bashing-om: I've got audiobook on... BBC's sublime I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue compendium01:43
hggdhat least the wtruwwelpeter stories (Der Struwwelpeter Gesicht) should be adjusted for computers. The Germans, at least did not dance around, went straight for the kill01:45
hggdhthe thing goes like this: he was sucking his thumb, and his mother said "don't suck your thumb, the taylor will come and cut your thumb out."01:47
hggdhHe kept sucking his thumb, and the taylor came and cut both his thumbs off.01:47
hggdhDone. Lesson imparted.01:47
TJ-I suppose that saves on buying two thimbles01:47
hggdhOr, rather, excised.01:47
hggdhI had the vinyl from Stern, and my kids used to listen to it pretty much every day01:49
TJ-what's wrong with sucking thumbs anyhow? they taste good01:49
TJ-Admittedly it's not a good idea to do it whilst dealing with Ubuntu bugs since you tend to bite down!01:50
hggdhthere you go01:50
Bashing-omWho is to say that the theory of relativity was not developed while the thumb was engaged ?01:53
TJ-We certainly seem to encounter disturbances in the space-time continuum in #ubuntu01:56
Bashing-omyeah, a fact ..it is the gravity of the situation .01:57
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EriC^morning all06:19
ducassegood morning, everyone06:21
lotuspsychjehey guys morning06:33
EriC^hey lotuspsychje06:49
ducassehi EriC^ - all well?06:50
EriC^hey ducasse yeah thanks, yourself?06:52
ducassei'm well, thanks - just waking up here06:53
lotuspsychjeEriC^ ducasse lol https://www.deviantart.com/art/Unity-1-73916010508:27
EriC^what the heck is that08:35
lotuspsychjehe installed unity on bionic08:36
lotuspsychje!info ubuntu-unity-desktop bionic08:44
ubot5`ubuntu-unity-desktop (source: ubuntu-unity-meta): The Ubuntu Unity desktop system. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1 (bionic), package size 2 kB, installed size 8 kB (Only available for amd64; arm64; armhf; i386; ppc64el)08:44
lotuspsychje!info leaksanitizer08:46
ubot5`Package leaksanitizer does not exist in artful08:47
lotuspsychje!info slock10:10
ubot5`Package slock does not exist in artful10:10
ducasselotuspsychje: slock is part of the suckless-tools package10:25
lotuspsychjenever messed with it10:27
=== kostkon_ is now known as kostkon
petrois it okay to install / upgrade to the nvidia driver from 384 to 390.48?10:45
lotuspsychjepetro: when added the graphics ppa, you can switch between drivers10:46
lotuspsychjepetro: additional drivers section, or ubuntu-drivers list10:46
petrolotuspsychje, I noticed that but....10:47
petrolotuspsychje, I'm afraid of the system being messed up....check this page quickly....hold on10:47
lotuspsychjepetro: when your system results in black screen, you can always !nomodeset or sudo apt purge nvidia* to go back to nouveau10:48
petrolotuspsychje, read this part:  "Ubuntu 17.10 Installs Wayland with the option for XServer using Gnom...."10:48
petrolotuspsychje, this is all that is needed?:  " sudo apt purge nvidia"10:49
petrolotuspsychje, I'm asking because I had the experience of that user above10:49
lotuspsychjepetro: its possible this occurs yes10:50
petrolotuspsychje, I upgraded 384.111 to 384.13010:50
petrolotuspsychje, so, if I had that black screen, I only have to run 'sudo apt purge nvidia' to go back to nouveau and...10:52
petrolotuspsychje, I can then install 390.48 from Additional Drivers to use proprietary driver, 390.48, right?10:52
petrolotuspsychje, right now, I disabled using wayland using that user's example.... I made a note of doing that so I don't forget10:53
lotuspsychjepetro: you dont upgrade drivers, you switch between them10:53
petrolotuspsychje, just in case I decide to upgrade to 390.48.... I thought I should use the updated stable driver?10:53
petrolotuspsychje, oh...right10:53
lotuspsychjepetro: if i was you, i would first test 390 without wayland tweak10:53
petrolotuspsychje, okay10:54
lotuspsychjepetro: see if that works by default10:54
lotuspsychjepetro: if not, you can switch to other drivers10:54
BluesKajHi folks11:09
lotuspsychjehey BluesKaj daftykins12:45
BluesKajhi lotuspsychje12:48
daftykinsgreetings \o/12:48
lotuspsychjecuppa coffee for you guys?12:48
daftykinsjust done a trial run of my clients washing machine and dryer here, so was able to change into clean clothes and now it's time to consider who will get my money for lunch today :D12:48
daftykinsooh that'd be lovely thanks :> could you whip me up a sandwich as well? ;)12:49
lotuspsychjedaftykins: wow from ict to laundry devices, great improve :p12:49
* BluesKaj has a coffee on the go12:49
lotuspsychjetake away latte is the best12:49
lotuspsychjedaftykins: sure thing, you digest meat in the morning? :p12:50
BluesKajlatte isn't coffee it's coffe flavoured milk :-)12:50
daftykinsi've recently been mixing it up with a 'flat white' which i find quite nice12:50
lotuspsychjeok i admit...coffee without loads of milk and sugar i cant stand12:50
BluesKajlotuspsychje, good coffee passes the no sudar or milk test IMO12:51
lotuspsychjethose italian coffees taste good, but with sugar12:52
BluesKajno sugar even12:52
lotuspsychjeim a sweets guy12:52
lotuspsychjebbl shopping13:25
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