
_stink__how was the trip?00:02
rick_h_it was good stuff00:08
rick_h_though I'm pissed to come home with snow on the ground00:08
rick_h_https://photos.app.goo.gl/GpdNxoHRQnzK8mpB3 got to do some biking00:09
rick_h_and hiking https://photos.app.goo.gl/mhwItf0EwGtuSKrU200:10
_stink__i was hoping you'd bring warm weather with you00:39
jrwren_ load average: 277.06, 276.72, 275.47     something happened to my server, but I have no idea what.00:39
jrwren_might be netatalk going crazy. UGH00:41
cmaloneyrick_h_: nice!00:51
cmaloneyGlad to see Michael wasn't sick the whole trip00:52
rick_h_Heh yeah, so glad that sickness passed01:14

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