
wrstsounds like fun00:25
Omnifrogit's sure to be a fun filled week of games and art and Legos and .... of for fucks sake, do we have to listen to the Frozen song AGAIN ???01:49
Unit193I saw Frozen, wasn't too bad really.01:53
Omnifrogdid you see it 50 times?01:53
Unit193I mean sure, I would have preferred it if the wolves wouldn't have eaten everyone at the end, and it was a bit slow.  But decent for a one time watch.01:53
OmnifrogMoana is good. I like that enough to watch it too many times01:55
Omnifrogalso, she's only 4 but she really likes Bob Ross01:58
Unit193(In case it wasn't clear, http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1323045/ was the frozen I saw.)01:58
Unit193Much less sing songy, more wolves tear you apart. :302:01
Unit193Also, Preds are going to win tonight, no doubt about it.02:01
Omnifrogit'll be a masacare02:02
cyberangerSpeaking of massacre, work is murder tonight.04:03
* cyberanger wonders what the score is...04:03
* Omnifrog puts on an APP album 04:04
Unit193cyberanger: 2/4, most of the Jackets good players had the night off.04:09
* cyberanger wonders what he'd do with a night off....04:10
cyberangerOdd thing for the jackets to do04:10
Unit193Last game, they're already going to get in on the playoffs.04:17

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