
=== mgerdts_ is now known as mgerdts
=== r-daneel_ is now known as r-daneel
blackboxswminor nits on https://code.launchpad.net/~james-hogarth/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/33365715:20
blackboxswoops I meant on https://code.launchpad.net/~smoser/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/34200715:21
blackboxswsmoser: rharper the artifacts that jenkins is keeping around for a proposed run are 3.4 GB. The heavy hitters seem to be that we are keeping around qcow images in our artifacts. Think we can prune these ? https://jenkins.ubuntu.com/server/view/cloud-init/job/cloud-init-integration-proposed-a/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/16:08
rharperblackboxsw: I'd think so16:09
rharperin curtin, we purge images if we succeeed on only keep on failure16:09
rharperalso, you really should tar any qcow2 file you capture as the copy on jenkins isn't sparse aware and will fill up master16:09
blackboxswyeah I'd like to be able to attach the artifacts zip to cloud-init's SRU, but attaching 3.X gig file seems a bit irresponsible16:10
smoserblackboxsw: i think we want to not collect qcow2 and .img files16:10
blackboxsw+1 I'll put up a PR for jenkins-jobs16:11
blackboxswto prune that action16:12
smoserso.. out of thall those cloud-test-* files..16:12
smoseri'd like to keep the console log16:12
smoserthey others i'd like to ditch16:12
smoseractually the console logs are saved in the test output16:13
smoserso dont need themn from the top level16:13
blackboxswyeah was just discovering that too.16:13
smoserlet me see if we can put those files elsewhere so that they're not collected.16:14
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1664844 in netplan "No distinction between link-up and link-down interfaces" [High,In progress]16:14
rharperwe now have a 'optional' boolean to determine if wait-online cares about an interface16:15
rharperI think any control-manual interfaces should get optional: False , but need to think some more16:15
smoserwell, reversed, but yes16:16
smosercontrol-manual is optional: True16:16
rharperah, right16:18
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blackboxswsmoser: rharper https://github.com/canonical-server/jenkins-jobs/pull/33 ?16:27
blackboxswthis should avoid collecting that artifact for us in jenkins (we'd still be able to look through it if we connect to jenkins cli16:28
rharperblackboxsw: smoser: ok, updated the ntp branch with something I think covers what we need, the unittest breakage was minimal;  smoser  in particular in the ntp branch, I wanted to get your eyes on the decode_text() changes, it appears that we need to decode the template contents before passing to jinja for rendering on python2.7; so I've changes to handle that but definitely want your comments there16:34
blackboxswgood deal rharper16:55
smoserblackboxsw: so 'data_dir' as we use it is 98% "results dir"17:04

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