[00:43] thumper: i updated https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/8549, plus there's this one https://github.com/juju/description/pull/36 [00:44] * thumper nods [00:54] thumper: annnnd, merge conflicts fixed in https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/8546 [01:18] ack [01:18] will look when I hit a natural break in what I'm doing [01:27] babbageclunk: see this test failure in a CI check run; maybe related to what you're seeing http://ci.jujucharms.com/job/github-check-merge-juju/758/testReport/github/com_juju_juju_worker_peergrouper/TestPackage/ [01:27] might not be either [01:29] wallyworld: hmm, maybe - will take a look in a bit [01:30] babbageclunk: didn't mean for you to fixc, just another data point [01:30] might provide a clue [01:31] wallyworld: yeah, could do! [03:18] hi [03:20] o/ vino [03:21] HI Tim [03:23] Hi vino! [03:25] Hello [03:32] plz ignore my messages. I am just trying to see how IRC works. [03:38] vino: Use '/me action' to show something like this [03:38] * thumper headdesks [04:24] * vino having lunch [06:31] * thumper EODs === ejat_ is now known as ejat === frankban|afk is now known as frankban [07:21] manadart: hey, there's a consistent failure in TestErrorAndStatusForHASpaceWithNoAddressesAddrIPv6 stopping the bot from landing stuff. is this something you could do a quick fix for? [07:21] i'm close to EOD [07:22] wallyworld: I will look at it. It passes locally every time :( [07:23] yeah, the number of times we have seen that [07:23] here's a sample failure http://ci.jujucharms.com/job/github-check-merge-juju/760/testReport/github/com_juju_juju_worker_peergrouper/TestPackage/ [07:27] wallyworld: Thanks. Looking. [07:27] tyvm [07:58] wallyworld: Got a PR up. Made it consistent with other test manipulation of the machine docs. [07:58] Still can not replicate locally. Will observe in-situ. [08:55] manadart: https://images.linuxcontainers.org [08:55] github.com/lxc/lxd/config.go DefaultRemotes [08:57] manadart: http://streams.canonical.com/juju/images/releases/streams/v1/ [08:57] http://streams.canonical.com/juju/images/releases/ [09:20] jam: Can you review https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/8566 when it goes green? [09:21] Landing that will allow others to make forward progress. [09:22] That would be a great suite to use GoMock with since we are not using a real state. [09:22] It has been thorny to negotiate. [09:54] manadart: reviewed and $$merge$$ d [09:54] manadart: any thing else for us to discuss or shall we skip the 1:1 ? [09:55] jam: Safe to skip for my part. [09:57] sgtm [11:45] jam: Should we be adding config for container-image-stream too, or assume that the user includes an exact URL with the metadata config? [12:53] manadart: I think we should follow image-metadata-url and have a container-image-stream as well [12:54] jam: Ack. I've proceeded on that basis. === frankban is now known as frankban|afk