
=== ejat_ is now known as ejat
=== frankban|afk is now known as frankban
mupBug #1762344 opened: JS tests random failure with "test caused a page reload" error <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1762344>09:03
mupBug #1762461 opened: [2.4] MAAS becomes unresponsive when there's RPC errors <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1762461>15:40
srihashi guys, I am new to maas. Is there a way that I can change the default DNS record "maas(default)" to a custom record?15:46
Hey_is there a way to exclude subnets from the Dashboard?16:02
Hey_Also.. why do I not see Observed Nodes in the Dashboard?16:03
roaksoaxHey_: you can disable active discovery from the dashboard, but only if active discovery is enabled16:24
roaksoaxsrihas: yes, change the domain name over the api16:24
srihasroaksoax: "over the api" means? :)16:25
roaksoaxsrihas: you can update the domain name over the api16:27
Hey_roaksoax: But I have 3 subnets.. I only want to disable it for 2 subnets16:28
srihasroaksoax: as GUI talks over API. it can update as well, right?16:28
roaksoaxHey_: you can do that under each subnet if active discovery is enabled. passive discover only listens for arp broadcasts16:31
roaksoaxsrihas: the GUI doesn't support changing the domain name16:31
roaksoaxsrihas: you have to do it via the API (or the CLI, which is just a client to the API)16:31
srihasroaksoax: aha, I will look for commands, thank you16:32
srihasone more thing, I cannot delete "fabric-1" , its showing like "Can't delete fabric; the following interfaces are still connected: eth0 (unknown) on <unknown-node>"16:32
srihascan it be forced from CLI as well?16:33
Hey_roaksoax: so.. under subnet, I should Enable Managedallocation and disable active mapping?16:34
Hey_at the moment.. I have them bot disabled for the subnets I don't want to see in Dashboard16:35
Hey_Managed Allocation, Active Mapping / Disabled16:35
roaksoaxHey_: you can't disable passive discover per subnet16:37
roaksoaxHey_: becuase that listens to arps across all the network16:37
roaksoaxHey_: you can only disable "active" mapping, which either does ping or nmap on your subnet16:37
Hey_roaksoax: ohh.. understood.16:37
roaksoaxHey_: so you could enable active mapping in the settings page, but disable it on the subnets you want disabled16:38
roaksoaxHey_: IIRC, that should not do "passive" mapping16:38
Hey_roaksoax: under the subnets..I see observed nodes.. but I don't see some of those nodes in the dashboard16:38
roaksoaxHey_: there's an open bug for that, but those obversed nodes are nodes that dhcpd' from maas16:39
Hey_I want to image those16:39
=== frankban is now known as frankban|afk
Hey_roaksoax, do I need to create a comissioning script for my custom win10 image?16:50
Hey_The partition scheme is default16:50
roaksoaxHey_: windows images are only support if created by canonical17:08
Hey_roaksoax, I was able to create an image successfully.17:09
Hey_ohh.. your saying you won't discuss it.17:09
mupBug #1762555 opened: ipmi-config connection timeout <ipmi> <maas> <maas (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1762555>21:27
mupBug #1762555 changed: ipmi-config connection timeout <ipmi> <maas> <maas (Ubuntu):Incomplete> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1762555>21:33
wdennisTwo MAAS 2.3 questions:21:35
wdennis1) Once deployed, can the machines be disassociated from MAAS? (i.e., not try to cloud-init contact the MAAS server)21:36
mupBug #1762555 opened: ipmi-config connection timeout <ipmi> <maas> <maas (Ubuntu):Incomplete> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1762555>21:39
roaksoaxwdennis: sure, you should be able to uninstall cloud-init from the deployed machine21:40
roaksoaxwdennis: a deployed system, AFAIK,is not re-running anything in cloud-init on boot21:41
wdennis2) there's just no way of spec-ing a different root disk partition?21:50
wdennisroaksoax: It seems that cloud-init drops a .cfg file into /etc/network/interfaces.d that will have the wrong IP for my target deploy network... Have to re-write/erase it21:52
roaksoaxwdennis: for ubuntu there is21:55
roaksoaxwdennis: ? cloud-nit should be writing correct networking based on what maas is configured21:55
wdennisIt does write correct Ip for the network I do OS installs on, which is not the same as the target deployment network, which is elsewhere21:57
wdennisMaybe MAAS is not the correct tool to do deploys for machines that will not stay connected to MAAS?21:58
wdennisAlso, it seems that the machine does run cloud-init each time it boots, but now where it's deployed, all the messages say "handlers.py[WARNING]: failed posting event: {...etc...}"22:00
roaksoaxwdennis: cloud-init, in maas or everwhere else, will run on first boot22:06
roaksoaxwdennis: that said cloud-init is configured to report back to maas messages22:07
roaksoaxwdennis: that's what you see there22:07
roaksoaxwdennis: after a mcahine is 'deployed'22:07
roaksoaxyou can uninstall cloud-init22:07
roaksoaxwdennis: as far as the networking, i'm not quite sure what you mean nor have enough context of what you are doing22:07
wdennisroaksoax: I'm deploying machines' OS on a lab network, then will post-configure them with Ansible on that same network, and then disconnecting them from that network, and deploying them on the target network which has no access to the lab (MAAS) network22:30
wdennisI also now see that it configures Ubuntu to get updates from the (now-inaccessible) MAAS server22:31
wdennisSo, it seems like there's almost a requirement (perhaps assumption) that the delpoyed machine will stay in contact with the MAAS rack server22:33
roaksoaxwdennis: ok, so you disconnect the machine from the maas network and then you basically reconfigure networking ?22:35
roaksoaxwdennis: ok, and is this with centos22:36
wdennisNo, Ubuntu22:36
roaksoaxwdennis: ok, and if you reconfigure the network, and you reboot the machine, it gets reconfigured back to how it ws deployed by MAAS and your changes are lost ?22:36
roaksoaxwdennis: on the updates part. MAAS configures an APT proxy. You *can* disbale the use of the proxy or you can change the proxy to a different one22:37
wdennisNo, I was not expecting (due to MAAS n00b status) that MAAS was dropping an interface config via cloud-init (which I'm also a n00b on) into /etc/network/interfaces.d, and also trying to post back cloud-init results to MAAS22:38
wdennisSo I have to re-write networking config (differently from what I was doing) and also 'apt-get purge cloud-*' to remove all the cloud-init stuff22:39
wdennisSO I think I get what needs to be done there22:40
wdennisAlso need to remove the apt proxy22:41
wdennisNow I'm wondering what else?22:41
wdennisI'm just wondering if I'm fighting against the design of MAAS (i.e. if MAAS assumes continued connectivity/mgmt of the nodes it's deployed)22:42
wdennisWas previously using Cobbler to deploy nodes, but it's not really that Ubuntu-friendly, and development seems to be on life support...22:43
wdennisCobblem didn't seem to assume ongoing connecitivity/mgmt of the nodes it deployed, though22:44
roaksoaxwell, MAAS is a cloud-like system that has a metadata server22:44
roaksoaxso maas works very similarly to how instances in the cloud work via cloud-init22:44
roaksoaxwdennis: that said, it has sane defaults, like the proxy case (you can disable it in the Settings page)22:45
wdennisYup, I see... Cloud instances have an external controller by needs22:46
roaksoaxwdennis: right, the one thing, however, is that once the machine is deployed (after it boots for the first time onto the installed os)22:46
roaksoaxcloud-init just basically does nothing with MAAS22:46
wdennisOK, except try to report back status, right?22:47
roaksoaxwdennis: yeah, but on if it failes to report status back, after it deployed, it doens't really matter since cloud-init wont really fial if it cannot report status back22:48
roaksoaxwdennis: you can see those messages in the machine event log (e.g. Machine details page > 'Events' tab22:49
mupBug #1762575 opened: bmc-config fails to set maas user password on Cisco IMC during commission on MAAS 1.9.5 <canonical-bootstack> <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1762575>23:17
mupBug #1762579 opened: HA region controllers offer different NTP servers <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1762579>23:53

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