
mupPR snapd#5011 opened: data/selinux: Recognize more aspects that snapd needs access <Created by Conan-Kudo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5011>00:54
Son_Gokuzyga, ^00:57
eraserpencilHey guys, Im trying to build my own snap for a custom Arm kernel of Ubuntu. It's build well, but i cant install it. I have a "mount snap core" error04:23
eraserpencilThe hardware is a Jetson TX2, the kernel is Linux4Tegra 28.204:24
eraserpencilam i getting this "mount snap core" error because of my kernel? or because I did smtg wrong04:24
eraserpencilit's running ubuntu04:25
zygagood morning05:20
zygaPharaoh_Atem: ack, thank you05:20
zygaCaelum: ack, trying05:20
zygaeraserpencil: perhaps missing squashfs support in the boot loader or the kernel, not sure thoguh05:21
zygaCaelum: ah, we need to adjust badness thing05:23
zygaCaelum: we should submit our policykit files somewhere to SUSE central packages to get rid of the problem05:23
mborzeckizyga: hey, morning05:30
eraserpencilzyga: how is it that it can compress into squashfs it it didnt have squashfs06:10
zygaeraserpencil: compress? the kernel never works on the compression side06:13
zygaeraserpencil: also the boot loader and kernel have separate implementations06:14
zygaeraserpencil: so perhaps it was the boot loader that got through the kernel but the kernel could not mount the root filesystem (squashfs) because it was not enabled in your kernel06:14
zygaeraserpencil: I'm just saying it's possible, check your kernel configuration06:14
eraserpencilahh custom kernel, ok nvm06:17
zygaeraserpencil: you are using your own kernel, right?06:20
zygaCaelum: fixed locally, will push when the package builds06:20
eraserpencilit's LInux4Tegra by Nvidia06:20
eraserpencilAsking the forum there now06:20
zygaeraserpencil: you may want to look at forum.snapcraft.io too06:22
zygaperhaps there's already a working kernel with snap support there06:22
mvomborzecki: hey, good morning. have you seen the feedback in 4942?06:33
mborzeckimvo: hey, yes, i'll be updating this shortly, got dug up in some rpm stuff06:35
zygaHey mvo, welcome back06:36
mvomborzecki: cool, thank you06:37
mvozyga: hey, thank you! nice to be back :) how are you (and the rest of the gang)? any fires ?06:38
zygaI think we are good but we need 2.32.3 in stable  ASAP06:38
zygaAnd we need .406:39
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mvozyga: sounds good06:40
zyga.4 must bring hook fixes and the new store api06:40
mvozyga: we need .4 for the new api? or for moe?06:40
mvozyga: have the hook fixes landed in 2.32 already?06:41
zygaBut there is an initial or06:42
mvozyga: cool, I have a look now06:43
mvozyga: do you think we should cherry-pick 5011?06:46
mupPR snapd#5011 closed: data/selinux: Give snapd access to more aspects of the system  <Created by Conan-Kudo> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5011>06:46
hamomvo: hi mvo, we want to enable one custom board with ubuntu core, I followed the guide on the website06:47
hamomvo: but when I want to upload the kernel snap, it was rejected since kernel type is not allowed..06:48
hamomvo: so what should we do now to enable our device?06:48
mvohamo: custom enablement is probably good to discuss with e.g. ogra_ (he will be around in ~2h or so usually). you can sideload the kernel via ubuntu-image. you can also request a manual review for a rejected snap. kernels are not auto-accepted into the store because of all the security implications that this has06:50
mvohamo: and good morning :)06:51
mvozyga: 5006 looks like an easy win :)06:51
zygayeah, I'll do Jamie's interface PRs now06:55
hamomvo: haha.. It's afternoon here, good afternoon06:56
zygamvo: oh, about ubuntu-image, there's a broken snap that should probably be disabled now06:57
hamomvo: another question, I see I can directly upload to edge channel, but when I want to upload this kernel to edge channel, it failed as "A file with this exact same content has already been uploaded"06:57
hamomvo: how could I delete the bad one and re-upload it?06:57
zygahamo: exact same content?06:58
zygait's already there06:58
zygaupload a different one06:58
hamozyga: yep, the same snap to another channel06:58
zygahamo: you don't need to upload it06:58
zygahamo: just publish it06:59
zygayou can publish a revision into a channel06:59
mvohamo: yeah, it means the snap is already in the store, you can simply use "snapcraft release $your-snap $your-rev edge" (for example)06:59
hamozyga: mvo Good... let me try it06:59
mupPR snapd#5006 closed: interfaces: misc updates for default, firewall-control, fuse-support and process-control <Created by jdstrand> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5006>06:59
zygamvo: I asked jdstrand about back ports of the interface PRs07:00
zygaI'm blind :)07:00
mupPR snapd#5008 closed: interfaces: misc updates for default, firewall-control, fuse-support and process-control - 2.32 <Created by jdstrand> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5008>07:00
mvozyga: thank you!07:01
mvozyga: what broken snap is there? a broken ubuntu-image snap?07:02
mvozyga: if so, anything we need to do about it?07:02
zygamvo: ubuntu-image is broken07:02
zygaI think someone from foundations should take action07:02
hamozyga: mvo could I do release if the target package is in pending-review status?07:03
zygahamo: I don't know07:03
mvozyga: can you join #ubuntu-devel please ? not sure that sil2100 is aware of the issue07:04
mvohamo: I think you need to wait until this is reviewed, but please try I'm not 100% certain myself07:04
kalikianagood morning07:08
mvokalikiana: good morning07:10
mvopedronis: \o/ for 5004 - you rock!07:10
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zygahey kalikiana, pstolowski :)07:14
mupPR snapd#4992 closed: tests/main/interfaces-opengl-nvidia: verify access to 32bit libraries <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4992>07:32
mvomborzecki: woah, 4989 (arch) succeeded on arch?!?07:32
mborzeckimvo: yes :)07:32
mborzeckimvo: even not that many tests had to be disabled :P07:33
mvomborzecki: nice job!07:34
mborzeckimvo: even better, with all the gce support niemeyer it should have no impact on how long the tests take to run :P07:35
mvomborzecki: I really like this aspect of the PR :)07:35
mupPR snapd#5005 closed: interfaces/hostname-control: allow setting the hostname via syscall and systemd <Created by jdstrand> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5005>07:39
hamomvo: zyga another question, does snap/ubuntu core support boot from nand flash?07:46
iMadperhamo: Yoooooooooo07:47
zygahamo: yes, it's just something that has to be handled by the gadget07:47
zygahamo: to be precise, snapd doesn't care where it's booted from07:47
hamozyga: really grea.....t,  any example of nand gadget?07:48
zygaI only work on reference devices07:48
zygamy point is that snapd doesn't constrain that07:48
zygaif you can boot from NAND on your board that's fine07:49
zygamvo: about https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4987 -- I merged and then reverted your PR07:50
mupPR #4987:  tests: add test to ensure `snap refresh --amend` works with different channels <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4987>07:50
zygaas AFAIK it was conflicting with pedronis' big activity PR and it was contained therein07:51
iMadpercurrently ubuntu core try to extend / modify the partition layout at the first boot. Which doesn't work for NAND... Hi, ondra, Have you tried it on Nand device?07:51
mupPR snapd#4999 closed: advisor: use json for package database <Created by mvo5> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4999>07:52
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mborzeckido we have anything to manipulate/open file descriptors to journald?08:21
Chipacamborzecki: via journalctl, in systemd (search for jctl)08:23
Chipacamborzecki: all it does is use osutil.StreamCommand though08:23
Chipacanot sure that's what you mean08:23
Chipacamborzecki: why?08:24
dokomvo, zyga: any idea about the snapd autopkg test failure on i386? the history doesn't look well in any case08:24
zygahmm, no, could you please pass the link to the error?08:24
mborzeckiChipaca: something bothering me about app autostart, so gnome-session does `sd_journal_stream_fd("foo.desktop",..)` and uses that fd as stdout/stderr08:25
mborzeckiChipaca: in case of our autostart via `snap userd --autostart`, we end up with say `snap-userd-autostart.desktop: ...<logs from started app, eg. discord>` in the users journal, because the fd was open for snap-userd-autostart.desktop08:26
mborzeckiChipaca: a way to fix it would be to open another set of fds just for the app and tag them08:26
* Chipaca reads sd_journal_stream_fd(3)08:26
mborzeckimvo: ^^ intersting in the context of app autostart08:27
mvodoko: last I looked at it we got random <kill-timeout reached> reached during the tests. for some reason it looks like the autopkgtest VMs are slow(er) than the other machines? maybe overcommited more?08:27
mvomborzecki: hm, interessting08:27
Chipacamborzecki: is userd still short-lived?08:28
mborzeckiChipaca: yes, it just starts the apps and goes away08:29
Chipaca'cause if it is, i'd say just build against libsystemd08:29
Chipacaand do the actual sd_journal_stream_fd call08:29
mborzeckiChipaca: that would drag in cgo08:29
Chipacamborzecki: yes08:29
Chipacamborzecki: our reticence to use cgo is mostly around memory leaks, and applies to long-lived processes08:30
Chipacamborzecki: (that is outside of specific omg-needs-to-be-static cases =) )08:30
dokomvo: the queue is empty now, so I wouldn't expect that. but please could you address this with Laney and/or make the tests more conservative then? or is this a real issue with git?08:30
Chipacamborzecki: OTOH it's quite likely the sd_journal_stream_fd call is really just calling dbus, so you could do it that way08:31
* Chipaca doesn't know though08:31
mborzeckiChipaca: hm that might be a bit controversial, i'd rather land the PR as it is now and do a smaller iteration to address this incovenience08:31
Chipacamborzecki: or08:32
mvodoko: I doubt its a real issue, this works fine in our GCE environment, we see close to 100% success there (sometimes network related failures). I will check with Laney.08:32
Chipacamborzecki: you could exec the command piped to systemd-cat08:32
mvodoko, Laney an interessting observation is that they all (the recent ones) die in "+ journalctl --sync\n\n<kill-timeout reached>". makes me wonder if something is wrong with the systemd setup on these instance08:33
mborzeckiChipaca: hm i could just reimplement this in Go: https://github.com/systemd/systemd/blob/97a33b126c845327a3a19d6e66f05684823868fb/src/journal/journal-send.c#L395 ;)08:33
pedronismvo: zyga:  hi,  do we support hooks and applications in bases?   I don't think we prohibit them?  do we use themselves as the root filesystem or core if we run them? we should probably use themselves I suppose, execpt to get snapctl etc08:34
zygawe use themselves I believe but we hardly ever try08:34
zygacore is almost like a base snap (almost) so we don't exercise that code08:35
pedronisI'm not sure reading snap-confine code08:35
mborzeckialloca(l + 1 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2)08:35
mvopedronis: we do not prohibit them, but unless we have a use-case, maybe we should?08:35
zygapedronis: note that base is conveyed from snap run08:35
Chipacamborzecki: totally sane08:35
mborzeckiChipaca: this one is intersting too:  header[l++] = '0' + !!level_prefix;08:35
mborzeckiChipaca: int level_prefix08:36
Chipacamborzecki: I think rewriting that specific function in Go seems sane08:37
Chipacamborzecki: but, maybe do it in a separate PR08:37
mborzeckiChipaca: agreed08:37
zygamborzecki: are you reading kernel sources?08:38
pedronismvo: zyga: we don't pass itself from snap run if the snap is a base, so I suppose we use core as the filesystem which is not correct08:38
zygaah, systemd08:38
mborzeckizyga: systemd, gnome-session and glib :P08:38
zygapedronis: that feels like a bug then08:38
mborzeckibecause taking foo.desktop and starting an app cannot be trivial :)08:39
pedronismvo: yea, I think either we should prohibit them, or bases should not have a base (I think that we might check already) and should be their own base08:39
mvopedronis: yeah, I think we do not allow a base to have a base but worth double checking, I make a note to look at this08:40
pedronismvo: for context  I was looking at this because of the question of what waits to setup in  UpdateMany08:41
pedronismvo: snaps should wait for their base,  and everything  should wait for core (in theory, and in the future the snapd snap) as the source of snapctl, snap-exec etc08:42
mvopedronis: I think that this setup makes sense08:42
Chipacasnaps should wait for the things their default providers too08:43
pedronisChipaca: that's already done a bit differently08:43
pedronisChipaca: here is the question of things  for which snap-confine is unhappy if there's no current symlink08:44
Chipacamborzecki: OTOH systemd-cat is literally prepending "systemd-cat" to the exec line08:44
Chipacapedronis: ah08:44
pedronisChipaca: basically snap-confine reads the current of core and base,  and  if the inactive we cannot really do things with services or hooks of a snap08:45
Chipacayep yep08:45
pedronismvo: btw I prepared the backport of new api for 2.32,  should wait until we are confident 2.32.3 is good before merging though08:47
mvopedronis: yes, I saw it and will eyeball it today (it was already reviewed so I will just do a quick sanity check)08:49
mvopedronis: and agreed that we need to hold it back a little08:49
mvopedronis: just double checked, we error if a base or an os snap has a base set09:14
pedronismvo: ok,  so either we fix  snap run to send the --base to be base for a base, or we need to prohibit09:20
mvopedronis: maybe we talk about it in the standup but my preference for now would be to disable hooks/apps on bases09:23
mvo(unless we have a use-case)09:23
mupPR snapd#5012 opened: snap: fix `snap advise-snap --command` output to match spec <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5012>09:50
pedronismvo: ok, it changes a bit the answer on what waiting needs to happen09:58
mvopedronis: changed in what way?09:59
pedronismvo: if bases  don't have apps, services or hooks, we don't need to wait on anything for them10:00
mvopedronis: indeed10:01
alexlarssonzyga: Do you guys expose host fonts to apps?10:08
alexlarssonzyga: i.e. https://github.com/flatpak/flatpak/issues/156310:08
zygaYes, one of the interfaces does this10:08
zygaBut we expose the fonts, not all of the guts10:09
alexlarssonsame here10:09
alexlarssonbut, the guts is unfortunately needed for some things10:09
alexlarssonthus that issue10:09
alexlarssonOf course, the guts are a total horrorshow10:09
zygaYes, we10:10
zygaKnow this are not abi stable10:10
zygaalexlarsson: re, so I think the fonts are the 1st best thing we can do10:13
zygathe "guts" (caches, config files) are a no-no for now10:13
zygaI'd be interested to understand more about when we need the config files10:13
alexlarssonWe do expose the caches10:13
alexlarssonthose are versioned10:13
alexlarssonI believe for intance https://github.com/flatpak/flatpak/issues/1556 is due to the lack of the conf.d files10:13
alexlarssonHmm, interestingly that says snappy can display them :)10:14
alexlarssonBut, the conf.d snippets has per-language additions to some standard font names10:15
zygahmm, interesting10:15
zygaalexlarsson: so snaps do get most of /etc from the host10:15
alexlarssonso that you get glyphs picked from that font for e.g. sans-10:15
zygaso perhaps we just didn't notice the issue because we share /etc/fonts/ automatically10:15
popeyThe desktop helpers do some voodoo too.10:16
zygayes, the helpers massage the world into compliance10:16
alexlarssonLike, on fedora, 65-0-lohit-bengali.conf has:10:17
alexlarssonWhich i believe makes it pick that font for indic glyphs when showing sans-serif10:17
* zyga refrains from commenting about XML as a imperative programming language10:18
alexlarssonOr something like that (who knows how this shit really works)10:18
zygabut yeah10:18
zygait seems that this font config is what over time moved to /lib as "configuration" for systemd units and other non-config things that need to be there by default10:18
zygamaybe fontconfig needs similar treatment, move most of that off to /lib and allow /etc for _optional_ overrides10:19
alexlarssonIn fedora the files in there are symlinked from /usr/share/fontconfig/conf.avail/10:19
zygasame on Debian10:19
alexlarssonBut i think they need to be in one directory for the priority sort thing to work10:19
zygawell, almost10:19
zygasorry, it's /etc/fonts/conf.avail10:20
zygathere's a swarm of symlinks to that go from /etc/fonts/conf.d/ to ../conf.avail/10:20
alexlarssonThe main problem i have with it is that it just randomly includes these snippets that can do *anything*10:20
alexlarssonlike, set font directories, include other xml files, etc10:21
alexlarssonThey just randomly reused the system config language for per-font tweaks10:21
zygaI think bringing those from the host is a mistak10:21
zygaon our end it's just historic thing we want to undo10:21
zygawe should ship working configuration in a read-only place10:22
zygaand offer additional fonts from the host, but not their configuration10:22
zyga*until* fonts can be shipped by flatpaks/snaps10:22
alexlarssonBut, if it is needed for e.g i18n, then we're kinda hosed10:22
zygaand something sane is done about the "configuration" (some form of validation of what is allowed)10:22
alexlarssonI'm lightly considering some kind of sanitizer thing to export the right things10:23
alexlarssonJust wanted to sync with you as it seems you'll have similar issues10:23
zygaso we are in the same boat, I think our setup works "more" but mostly by historic accident10:24
zygaI wonder if anyone ever edits those10:24
zygaand if we could really just make all of those configuration files immutable10:24
alexlarssonI don't think anyone edits the files10:24
zygait might be a problem if the format changes (e.g. new syntax to do something new)10:24
alexlarssonbut, the directory will change as you install font packages10:24
zygaand including the host's /etc causes problems10:25
alexlarssonIn fact the font *did* just change10:25
alexlarssoneh, format10:25
zygafont or the config system?10:25
zygacan you explain what changed?10:25
alexlarssonI think some translation thing changed10:26
alexlarssonso, chrome with statically linked fontconfig cannot read the fontconfig 2.13 conf files10:26
alexlarssonepic, eh?10:26
zygayes, year of the linux desktop is surely not this year10:26
alexlarssonI think it is still backwards compat though10:27
alexlarssonso, a sanitizer could just ignore "new" stuff10:27
zygayes the bug report comment says: "you could still use the older config files with newer library but the newer config files may not works with older library like that."10:27
zygaso we could offer a frozen view of older configuration syntax, if one was available with each and every font package on all the distributions (read: probably not)10:27
alexlarssonYeah, the problem would be if the host font dropped a conf.d with some new config feature10:28
zygaone idea is to offer a filter10:28
zygathat takes an .xml config file10:28
zygasome extra hint as to which output format to create10:28
zygaand strip or translate some features into a compatible format for the given library10:28
alexlarssonIn an ideal world the config format should be split into two things10:29
zygathat translator could run in a sandbox on export10:29
alexlarssonone that does system config10:29
alexlarssonand one that does per-font tweaks and that is minimal and stable10:29
alexlarssonBut, thats not what we got...10:29
alexlarssonBut yeah, we need some kind of xml-convertor/stripper like that10:30
alexlarssonBut, one has to actually understand all this crack to write it...10:31
zygaalexlarsson: given the "track record" of xml I'd either sandbox the converter or write it in a safe language (preferably both)10:31
alexlarssonWell, it is the host10:31
alexlarssonlike, the host is not going to be attacking the sandbox10:31
alexlarssonits normally the other way around10:31
alexlarssonSo, i don't think that is the largest problem10:32
alexlarssonBut it has to be very flexible in handling new, unknown format extensions10:32
zygadoes flatpak allow flatpaks to ship fonts to the host?10:32
alexlarssonruntimes can bundle fonts, and apps can bundle fonts10:33
alexlarssonSo you have *some* guarantees10:33
alexlarssonbut normally the idea is to use system fonts10:33
alexlarssonFor the apps10:33
zygaalexlarsson: when did this issue surface?10:35
zygawith the format chagne10:35
alexlarssonthe chrome thing?10:35
zygaAntergos Linux, 4.15.15-1-ARCH10:35
alexlarssonwhen 2.13 was released, so like a month or so ago10:36
zygaah, so probably some bleeding edge version of fontconfig10:36
zygasorry, I wasn't clear, I was thinking about fontconfig itself10:36
alexlarssonfontconfig 2.1310:36
zygatumbleweed is at 2.1210:37
zygawe will notice the issue soon then10:37
zygainterestingly on opensuse /etc/fonts/conf.d is full of symlinks to /usr10:38
zygawe can work around that to expose font configuration some other way but I worry that this is a ticking bomb10:39
zygamvo: 2.32.3 failed to build in xenial10:40
zygaI see the build was restarted10:42
mvozyga: failed in the PPA?10:46
zygamvo: I noticed the build was restored and I removed the mail from my inbox, I don't recall10:46
mvozyga: aha, ok10:49
mvozyga: yeah, very rarely we get those10:50
popeyogra_: i have a core system which doesn't seem to have resized the writable part. It's only 8GB on a 80GB disk. Is there some way to force it or do I need to bust out a live cd and gparted?11:12
ogra_popey, well, it would be good to find out why it actually didnt resize (the resize code is pretty dumb, it should always work) ... can you re-flash and capture the log from /run/initramfs ?11:14
ogra_(if the partition got resized but the filesystem has errors you wouldnt need gparted, just resize2fs)11:15
popeyi think i know why it didn't11:16
popeyi dd'ed onto a usb stick, then once setup, i dd'ed *that* to the hard disk11:16
popeyso i guess it thinks it already ran once, so doesnt need to11:16
ogra_well ... the script checks the partition size vs the device size and looks if there is free space after the writable partition11:18
popeyok, used resize2fs and its okay now11:18
popeythe partition was full size, but the filesystem wasnt11:18
ogra_so the parttition was actually at full size11:18
popey(also is this the right place for core questions?)11:18
popeyI mean, we don't have a category on the forum?11:19
ogra_"device" is the core cateogory11:19
ogra_but i have admittedly not had much time the last week to look at the forum11:19
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katnipdoes an app installed with snap update itself?11:19
popeyif installed from the store, yes katnip11:19
ogra_(got a big backlog i need to go through ... working for customers eats time :) )11:20
katnipok ty11:20
popeykatnip: any snap in particular you're interested in?11:20
katnipit is hexchat11:20
cachiozyga, after the change introduced to make snapd work better with selinux, should we be able to run tests on the google fedora again?11:20
cachiozyga, I mean, without the change to make it permissive11:20
popeykatnip: ok, yes, when TingPing updates hexchat in the store, you'll get it11:21
zygacachio: I don't think so11:22
katnipnice, thanks11:22
mvokalikiana: hey, do you happen to know if there is a plan to support "refresh-mode" in the snapcraft.yaml json schema?11:23
mvokalikiana: its a relatively new feature of snapd11:23
pedronismvo: did I answer your question about test in 5004 ?11:31
mvopedronis: let me quickly double check11:33
mvopedronis: replied, it is indeed testing the thing I was looking for already11:40
pedronislooking into pawel comment atm11:40
* Son_Goku groans into existence11:41
Son_Gokumvo, so it looks like my ability to compile snapd has been restored according to Koschei: https://apps.fedoraproject.org/koschei/package/snapd11:43
Son_Goku(if you were wondering why I hadn't been packaging the last few releases, that gives you an indicator of why...)11:43
mupPR snapd#5013 opened: cmd/snap-confine: ignore missing cgroups in snap-device-helper <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5013>11:44
mvoSon_Goku: \o/ great to hear. it was the go-yaml breakage?11:44
zygamvo: ^ trivial review11:44
zygamvo: consider a .4 candidate PR11:45
Son_Gokuas evidenced by https://apps.fedoraproject.org/koschei/build/4577065, the dependency of  golang-gopkg-yaml-devel-v2 from 1-21 to 1-22 fixed it11:45
Son_Gokuthat was picked up by Koschei on April 711:45
ogra_mvo, pedronis, hmm, is there some special trick to set a password to expired via system user assertion or is that simply not implemented (pretty typical usecase to have something like "admin/admin" and force the user to set a new PW on first login)11:46
* cachio afk11:47
Son_Gokumvo, root cause was that yaml was mispackaged (v1 had v2 and v2 had v1)11:47
Son_Goku* Fri Mar 30 2018 Robert-André Mauchin <zebob.m@gmail.com> - 1-22.gitcd8b52f11:48
Son_Goku- Fix mixed-up directories11:48
mvoSon_Goku: heh, ok11:49
Son_GokuI'm pushing new go-yaml updates to stable _now_11:50
Son_Gokuit should sync out in the next 12 hours11:50
mvoogra_: not implemented afaict, what do you try to pass exactly? is the validation rejecting it?11:51
Son_Gokumvo, so we can turn CI back on for Fedora either later today or tomorrow11:51
Son_Gokuwe should also consider wiring up Fedora 28 CI11:51
ogra_mvo, not trying to pass anything ... for a pre-release image a customer is asking for a default user/passwd in the image we give them ... would be nice to have that PW expired by default to force an updated PW ... i was just going through the documentation and didnt find anything on that topic11:52
=== pstolowski|lunch is now known as pstolowski
mvoogra_: yeah, we don't support this right now11:53
ogra_they want a dev image along with the production one and dont want to force the developers to make their own assertion ... but a known fixed PW is rather insecure as you know :)11:53
ogra_i'll file a feature request on the forum ...11:54
mborzeckistandup is at 3pm?11:55
zygaI think so, mvo?11:55
mvozyga, mborzecki yes11:56
zygaok, I need to take the dog out, also visit the vet nearby11:56
zygaI may take the stand-up from my phone11:56
mr_louWho will make a Snap of a Java Runtime, so other Snaps can get Java support? :-)11:59
mr_lou(Like VLC, to bring full Java menus to Blu-ray playback)12:00
mborzeckioff to pick up the kids, will be back for standup12:05
popeyogra_: what do I have to do to get screen or tmux pre-installed on core?12:10
popey(screen is 560K, tmux is 345K) or so...12:11
Chipacapopey: bribery works12:17
Chipacascreen is probably more useful on core because of the serial port support (unless tmux also has it and i just don't know how to use it)12:18
Chipacapopey: OTOH, wouldn't a screen snap work?12:18
popeyI suggested tmux because AIUI screen is ye olde and tmux is newer shiny12:18
popeywould need classic which wouldn't work on core12:19
Chipacawhy would it need classic?12:19
* ogra_ never used tmux ... (i'm probably to old for that new fangled stuff :P ) ... but i'm alos wondering why a snap wouldnt work12:19
popeyrun arbitrary binaries12:19
popeythere is a tmux snap12:19
popeyits classic12:19
ogra_classic though12:19
popeyhence why I'm asking12:19
ogra_make a non-classic one ;)12:19
popeyit wont work non-classic12:20
popeythats like saying have a bash non-classic, it would be moribund12:20
ogra_screen definitely doesnt need to exec any arbitrary binaries12:20
ogra_it just needs access to the tty's12:20
Chipacapopey: i hear ogra_ volunteering to write a non-classic screen snap12:21
popeyscreen also needs /var/run/screen to be 77712:21
ogra_haha, ayeh, in 6 months or so ... (totally swamped with customer work nowadays .. )12:21
popeyhah! I just copied the screen binary out of the deb and it works!12:22
Chipacapopey: can it resume a session tho12:22
popey(it should still be built in imo)12:22
ogra_it should be snapped12:22
popeyok on it12:23
Chipacapopey: ogra_: probably with an ad-hoc interface12:23
Chipacapopey: ogra_: especially if there's a common (or common core + special for each) between screen and tmux12:23
Chipacasay screen uses /var/run/screen and tmux /var/run/tmux or sth12:23
popeyI'll try screen first12:23
ChipacaI wonder what jdstrand thinks =)12:24
popeybecause I need something, having to use ALT+F(n) and keep logging in is getting me down12:24
ogra_just patch it to use a proper $SNAP_* dir ...12:24
ogra_cant be that hard12:24
pedronismvo: pstolowski: I updated 500412:25
pstolowskipedronis: thaks12:25
niemeyerHello all!12:27
popeyniemeyer: welcome back12:28
niemeyerpopey: Thanks!12:29
Chipacaniemeyer: are you really here? i thought you were conferencing this week12:31
popeycore\o/ offlineimap in one screen, mutt in another, cointop in another and irssi in the last \o/ Ubuntu Core "Workstation" done :D12:32
ogra_yay !12:32
Chipacapopeycore: sounds like you should snap bb12:33
ogra_bb ?12:33
popeycoreor mplayer with aalib?12:33
ogra_byobou ?12:33
Chipacaogra_: apt show bb12:33
pstolowskiniemeyer: hi!12:33
pstolowskipedronis: +1 with one question/suggestion12:33
Chipacapopeycore:¿por qué no los dos?12:34
niemeyerChipaca: I'm really somewhat here today12:34
niemeyerChipaca: Departing tomorrow12:34
Chipacaniemeyer: ah, ok =)12:34
popeyalan@hal:~$ snap run screen12:37
popeyMust be connected to a terminal.12:37
Chipacapopey: you probably got an apparmor denial there12:38
popeyone looking at /etc/shadow and one looking at /var/lib/extrausers/shadow12:38
Chipacahuh, that was not what i expected12:39
ogra_we might need a tty interface for that12:39
ogra_or a console one or whatnot12:39
popeyjdstrand: good morning (when it's morning where you are). I am making a GNU Screen snap for core. Where should I request an interface/apparmor rules changes? :)12:41
pedronispstolowski: added the logging12:46
pstolowskipedronis: awesome, ty!12:47
pedronismvo: we want a backport of 5004 once it has landed, right?12:49
jdstrandpopey: the forum is fine, but I would've thought you'd need classic12:56
jdstrandzyga: as for 5006 and 2.32-- I already requested and milestoned 5008. seems you saw that12:56
zygayes, I saw that a moment after I asked12:56
mvopedronis: 5004> yes! but I can handle this as well if you want (ideally we squash the merge for easy cherry-pick)12:58
pedronisyes, I marked squash-merge12:58
pedronismarked it12:58
zygajdstrand: I don't know if you remember this issue: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/501312:59
mupPR #5013: cmd/snap-confine: ignore missing cgroups in snap-device-helper <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5013>12:59
zygajdstrand: we try to configure cgroups before we create them12:59
jdstrandI do. thanks for the PR13:00
=== mborzeck1 is now known as mborzecki
jdstrandzyga: I approved. there is a comment suggestion to consider if you want13:06
zygajdstrand: thanks you13:06
jdstrandzyga: fyi, for that comment: s/on start/after start/13:07
popeyjdstrand: there you go https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/screen-snap/4917 :)13:17
ogra_popey, did you try adding and connecting account-control ?13:23
ogra_might make the second denial go away13:23
popeyyeah, but i still get the error and it's not working13:26
BjornT_i'm having problems building the maas snap on bionic. it worked on friday, but today i get this error: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/tSW5RrZMBd/13:35
seb128zyga, bug #1746710 is probably an issue in the desktop launcher and going to be fixed by the changes kenvandine is working on to handle real system & translated xdg dirs14:05
mupBug #1746710: Snap creates redundant duplicate directories in home folder <amd64> <apport-bug> <artful> <bionic> <snapd (Ubuntu):Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1746710>14:05
jdstrandpedronis: looking at asserts/* it seems that we do not yet support list alternations in the base declaration. Eg, this is not valid:14:10
jdstrand  - on-classic: false14:10
jdstrand  - plug-attributes:14:10
jdstrand      read: all14:10
jdstrandpedronis: is that accurate?14:10
pedronisI need to look14:11
jdstrandwell, there is a parseList...14:12
pedronisit seems strange, it should be supported14:14
jdstrandI end up seeing:14:14
jdstrandpanic: cannot initialize the builtin base-declaration: invalid map entry key: "    plug-attributes"14:14
jdstrandwhich has some weird whitespace issues..14:15
jdstrandwait a sec14:15
jdstrandthis is what I see:14:15
jdstrandpanic: cannot initialize the builtin base-declaration: invalid map entry key: "      read"14:15
jdstrandmaybe it is just a missing left trim14:16
pedronisI never looked at the code that builds the base-decl from snippets14:16
pedroniswhitespace issues seem more likey though14:16
pedronisbecause the code is the same for base-decl14:16
pedronisand normal decl14:16
pedronisand afaict they support alternation at that level14:16
jdstrandpedronis: ok, I did:14:20
jdstrand  - on-classic: false14:21
jdstrand  - plug-attributes:14:21
jdstrand      read: all14:21
jdstrandpedronis: if I adjust that to:14:21
jdstrand  -14:21
jdstrand    on-classic: false14:21
jdstrand  -14:21
jdstrand    plug-attributes:14:21
jdstrand      read: a;;14:22
jdstrandI get farther14:22
pedronisremember that syntanx is yaml (but not quite)14:22
* jdstrand nods14:23
jdstrandthis is the first alternation in a base declaration14:23
jdstrandso I forgot about that point14:23
pedroniswell, I forgot too14:24
pedronisand in the store it's JSON14:24
pedronisso we don't see it14:24
* jdstrand nods14:24
jdstrandpedronis: I think I'm good now. thanks!14:24
pedronisthat's the correct synax for map inside list elem14:24
* jdstrand nods14:24
popeyzyga: i note you registered links. Do you fancy transferring it to snapcrafters so we can keep it up to date (yours is 2.12, latest is 2.15)14:25
zygapopey: just tell me what to do14:25
popeyzyga: email bret and ask to transfer the snap to snapcrafters please.14:26
noise][zyga - better as a forum post, so my inbox isn't a bottleneck :)14:27
popeyThe reason I said email is because whenever I post on the forum about transferring, we end up having to send a mail to confirm email addresses14:28
zyganoise][: that's perfect14:28
zygaI'll make a thread about this now14:28
popeythank you!14:28
noise][popey: true, but at least there are several people that can pick up the request vs emailing an individual14:29
noise][at some point we'll need to make a web form on dashboard to initiate transfers14:29
zygapopey: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/request-for-transfer-of-links-snap-to-snapcrafters/491914:31
mupPR snapd#5014 opened: overlord/snapstate: introduce envvars to control the channels for bases and prereqs <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5014>14:31
pedronismvo: ^14:32
mvopedronis: thank you14:36
mupPR snapd#5015 opened: cmd/snap-confine: ignore missing cgroups in snap-device-helper (2.32) <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5015>14:46
zygajdstrand: I see you noticed the thread where we discuss interface transactions14:47
zygajdstrand: how do you feel about that concept in general. I think we could defer some operations and only do the costly one on "commit"14:49
jdstrandzyga: I gave it a heart :)14:57
jdstrandzyga: so, I like it. for performance, we should definitely not be recompiling the profile on each connection14:57
jdstrandzyga: this is going to be particularly noticeable on arm14:58
zygaeven on intel it's noticeable when we do things for each interface connection14:59
zyganot once per snap14:59
zygaor even once per transaction involving a set of snaps14:59
jdstrandzyga: I know (I read the topic), but on arm it will be particularly painful15:00
Chipacathat 'why are my fans spinning up? oh one of the cores has been at 100% for 2 minutes now running apport' moment15:14
zygaChipaca: apport helps to make UK weather better by making some more winds ;-)15:18
mupPR snapd#5004 closed: daemon,overlord/hookstate: stop/wait for running hooks before closing the snapctl socket <Squash-merge> <Created by pedronis> <Merged by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5004>15:21
mr_louCan I install a 32bit version of VLC on my 64bit Ubuntu with Snap somehow?15:24
zygamr_lou: no, not easily15:26
zygamr_lou: is there a particular reason why you would like that?15:27
mr_louzyga, Well.... wanted to try the --classic in order to let VLC be in contact with the outside world, and thus be able to utilize Java, which is needed for full Blu-ray playback (menus on Blu-ray's use Java).15:27
mr_louAnother option is for someone to make a Java Snap. Or at least I've heard so.15:28
zygaclassic is not a magic bullet, it won't make a snap that doesn't anticipate that work15:28
zygamr_lou: I'm afraid that that's now how things operate, there are plenty of java snaps around; what needs to happen is VLC upstream who control the VLC make that decision15:28
mr_louI mean a Java Runtime Snap...  a JVM.15:29
zygayes, I understand what you mean15:29
ogra_theoretically 32bit snaps should work on a 64bit host ... the core snap currently ships the 32bit libc alongside15:29
zygamr_lou: you could make your own version of VLC that is compiled with java support, add java inside and try that15:29
zygaogra_: yes but you cannot select a 32 bit snap if 64 bit snap is avaialable15:30
ogra_(practically i'm not sure since vlc libs might call out to more than just libc)15:30
cjwatsonOn 18.04 I get a constant stream of gnome-shell notifications about apparmor denials of bits of spotify (although spotify seems to work anyway).  Is this a snapd/apparmor/etc. bug or something that I should try to figure out how to report upstream?  Two sample denials:15:30
cjwatsontype=AVC msg=audit(1523287531.978:16850): apparmor="DENIED" operation="mknod" profile="snap.spotify.spotify" name="/home/cjwatson/snap/spotify/6/.config/spotify/Users/colmmacuait-user/pending-messages.tmp" pid=21657 comm=436F726520546872656164 requested_mask="c" denied_mask="c" fsuid=1000 ouid=100015:30
ogra_snapd limitation, k15:30
cjwatsontype=AVC msg=audit(1523287596.759:16882): apparmor="DENIED" operation="truncate" profile="snap.spotify.spotify" name="/home/cjwatson/snap/spotify/6/.cache/spotify/Storage/index.dat" pid=21657 comm=4E6574776F726B20546872656164 requested_mask="w" denied_mask="w" fsuid=1000 ouid=100015:30
zygatruncate is interesting15:30
zygawe should support taht15:30
zygajdstrand: ^15:30
cjwatsonI assume the mknod is for a pipe or something, not an actual device node15:30
zygacjwatson: the mknod one is less fun, it's probably a socket15:30
jdstrandcjwatson: sounds like spotify got refreshed while it was running15:31
zygaah, that's interesting15:31
jdstrandthis is the bug15:31
zygawhat's the revision you have now cjwatson?15:31
jdstrandopen fds, etc15:31
zygayes, it seems so15:31
cjwatsonAh, so it was15:31
zygait's in my corner for sure15:31
cjwatson810  Done    2018-04-09T14:53:59Z  2018-04-09T15:15:51Z  Auto-refresh snap "spotify"15:31
zygaafter user mount namespaces15:31
cjwatsonrev 13 now15:31
jdstrandcjwatson: stop spotify and restart and it will go away. zyga has this assigned to him so hopefully 2.33 will have a fix15:32
zyga2.34 more likely15:32
zyga2.33 is all but ready but we need to release 2.32 that works first15:32
jdstrandor at least, have a way to handle this gracefully15:32
cjwatsonjdstrand: thanks - I would never have guessed that15:32
jdstrandcjwatson: yeah, it is an annoying usability wart. it'll get addressed15:33
mupPR snapd#5015 closed: cmd/snap-confine: ignore missing cgroups in snap-device-helper (2.32) <Created by zyga> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5015>15:33
mr_louzyga, Can't one Snap talk with other Snaps? If a JVM was a Snap of its own, it could be used by a lot of other Snaps? Like e.g. Android Studio too?15:36
zygamr_lou: yes it can but there are specific safeguards in place.15:37
zygamr_lou: the VLC snap would have to explicitly support this15:37
zygamr_lou: and unless the JVM snap was from a source that was approved as a publicly available JVM snap then VLC maintainers would have to ship their own JVM snap for this purpose (at that time they could just bundle java inside VLC)15:38
zygamr_lou: the goal is to avoid someone breaking lots of snaps that "depend" on the JVM15:38
zygaChipaca: can I ask you for a review of https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/486815:39
mupPR #4868: cmd/snap-update-ns: add secure bind mount implementation for use with user mounts <Squash-merge> <Created by jhenstridge> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4868>15:39
zygait's got two +1s but I one is from me and I made some changes there15:39
mupPR snapd#5016 opened: interfaces/home: add 'read' attribute to allow non-owner read to @{HOME} <Created by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5016>15:43
zygajdstrand: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5016/files#r18013980015:46
mupPR #5016: interfaces/home: add 'read' attribute to allow non-owner read to @{HOME} <Created by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5016>15:46
mr_louzyga, I see. So the best approach is to get VideoLAN to embed a JVM.15:47
=== devil is now known as Guest20311
mr_louzyga, Ok. Thanks.15:49
Chipacazyga: sure15:51
Chipacain a bit though15:51
zygasure, no rush :)15:51
Chipacaam in the middle of the refactor niemeyer asked for snapshot config to not be raw json15:52
zygano rush, it's not needed today15:52
Chipacaah, ok15:52
Chipacaadded to my TODO for tomorrow then15:52
zygathis is 2.33 material15:52
mupPR snapd#4977 closed: debian: add gbp.conf script to build snapd via `gbp buildpackage` <Created by mvo5> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4977>15:53
pedroniszyga: to be clear  I would really like #5014 in 2.32.4, because otherwise the first snapd deb in bionic will also not be testable15:53
mupPR #5014: overlord/snapstate: introduce envvars to control the channels for bases and prereqs <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5014>15:53
zygapedronis: +115:54
zygapedronis: my comments about documentation were really orthogonal to the change, I think this should land15:54
pedroniszyga: but you didn't vote on the change15:54
zygaah, indeed, I'm following notifications from GitHub and I was just reacting to the change15:54
zygaok, more later15:57
* zyga -> school 15:57
popeycoregrrr. just had another occasion where doing "snap install" took out my entire x session15:57
zygapopey: snap install bullseye15:57
mupPR snapd#5017 opened:  daemon,overlord/hookstate: stop/wait for running hooks before closing the snapctl socket (2.32) <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5017>16:02
jdstrandzyga: wrt pr 501616:02
mupPR #5016: interfaces/home: add 'read' attribute to allow non-owner read to @{HOME} <Created by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5016>16:02
jdstrandzyga: I used the same methodology that the existing browser-support uses16:03
jdstrandzyga: so, 'if r, ok := plug.Attrs["read"]; ok {' is supposed to see if it is there (ie, !ok returns nil, otherwise, go into the condition)16:04
jdstrandzyga: then '_, ok = r.(string)' checks if sees if a string16:04
jdstrandzyga: if it isn't or if it isn't and it isn't one of the allowed values, exit with error16:05
jdstrandzyga: what am I missing?16:05
jdstrandI don't see how 'r' is an interface{}... if it was, the testsuite would fail16:06
jdstrandr, ok := plug.Attrs["read"]16:06
jdstrands/or if it isn't/or if it is/16:07
mupPR snapcraft#2058 opened: Install python-distutils for the Python plugin on bionic <Created by bjornt> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2058>16:08
zygajdstrand: What is the type of plug.Attrs16:09
zyga(Typing from my phone)16:11
jdstrandzyga: map[string]interface{}16:11
zygaSo r must be interface{}16:12
jdstrandbased on snap/info.go, PlugInfo16:12
zygaPerhaps go does the right thing16:12
jdstrandzyga: I mean, I'm just using what browser-support has always done16:12
zygaAs I said I don’t know how == and != is implemented in different types16:12
zygaYeah, registered that16:12
zygaI will check what happens after school meeting16:13
zygaJust wanted to point out that it may be subtly broken or cleverly correct :-)16:13
jdstrandzyga: I'm not a go expert yet, but my understanding was that for go json, map[string]interface{} is used to 'hold a map of strings to arbitrary data types' (see https://gobyexample.com/json), therefore, based on how the json decoding works, if it isn't there, it is null16:16
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Chipacajdstrand: nil is typed though, fwiw16:18
* Chipaca is probably missing context16:18
=== nacc_ is now known as nacc
jdstrandChipaca: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5016/files#r18013980016:19
mupPR #5016: interfaces/home: add 'read' attribute to allow non-owner read to @{HOME} <Created by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5016>16:19
Chipacajdstrand: yeah, you need something like s, ok := r.(string)16:19
Chipacajdstrand: and then s will be the string16:19
jdstrandChipaca: it is the next line16:19
pedronisjdstrand:  interface == string does the right thing though16:20
Chipacajdstrand: no, i mean16:20
Chipacajdstrand: you do: _, ok := r.(string)16:20
Chipacajdstrand: and then in the next line you do if r == "all"16:20
Chipacajdstrand: that r there is still an interface{}, not a string16:20
Chipacaso you can't compare it to a string16:21
jdstrandbut it isn't16:21
jdstrandit is only an interfacec{} if r, ok := plug.Attrs["read"]16:21
jdstrandis !ok16:21
pedronisChipaca:  you can16:21
zygajdstrand: https://play.golang.org/p/ptO5oOH6daa16:21
zygait looks ok16:22
pedronisA value x of non-interface type X and a value t of interface type T are comparable when values of type X are comparable and X implements T. They are equal if t's dynamic type is identical to X and t's dynamic value is equal to x.16:22
jdstrandI mean, I can change this, but again, why was the browser-support not an issue and why does the testsuite pass if this is wrong16:22
Chipacapedronis: !!16:22
pedronisbasically comparing interfaces and non-interfaces does the reasonable thing16:22
Chipacajdstrand: heh, if it compiles, i was wrong :-)16:22
pedronis(except nil  is hard)16:22
Chipacajdstrand: sorry for the noise then16:22
Chipacajdstrand: so, about you not being a go expert yet16:23
Chipacajdstrand: … :-)16:24
pedroniswell, is a legitimate doubt16:24
jdstrandwell, just cause I got the testsuite to pass doesn't mean I am an expert by any means! :)16:24
pedronisbut indeed we use that in various places16:24
pedronisit's generally ok16:24
pedronisunless nil and pointers are involved16:25
pedronisthen it's fun(tm)16:25
pedronisbecause nil of interface, and nil of pointer types are not the same16:25
jdstrandright. we don't compare to nil here16:25
pedronisand depending on return types of functions etc, is very easy to mix those up16:26
pedronisand it's only not only interface{},  error is also an easy one to get a mess with nil16:27
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pedronisjdstrand: Chipaca: this illustrates the issue16:31
pedronisit also shows that is the source of the interface value that needs to be careful though (unless source and use are really connected/close)16:33
cachioniemeyer, if you could today create the secret for travis and spread should be great17:39
niemeyercachio: I'm talking to cprov about Travis right now17:40
cachioniemeyer, great, thanks17:40
niemeyercachio: This is not about spread, though17:40
niemeyercachio: It's just the Travis token that for whatever reason stopped working17:41
cachioniemeyer, ahh, ok17:41
niemeyer(token for the travis API itself, that creates the request for building)17:42
mupPR snapd#5018 opened: overlord/snapstate: on multi-snap refresh make sure bases and core are finished before dependent snaps <Squash-merge> <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5018>18:26
* zyga is back from school18:27
mupPR snapd#5013 closed: cmd/snap-confine: ignore missing cgroups in snap-device-helper <Created by zyga> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5013>18:30
Son_Gokumvo, can we have https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5011 cherry-picked into 2.32?19:03
mupPR #5011: data/selinux: Give snapd access to more aspects of the system  <Created by Conan-Kudo> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5011>19:03
mupPR snapcraft#2035 closed: ci: cache core and lxd to avoid redownloading <Created by sergiusens> <Closed by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2035>19:06
zygamvo: looking19:08
zygaSon_Goku: yes sure19:08
zygaSon_Goku: do you want to make a backport or shall I quickly?19:09
Son_Gokuzyga, also, bodhi just pushed updated golang-gopkg-yaml to master mirror: https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2018-e05b554cb419:09
Son_Gokuzyga, you do it please19:09
zygaSon_Goku: ack19:09
Son_GokuI'm technically working still ;)19:09
zygaI will re-trigger the fedora CI PR19:09
zygasure :) thank you for the fixes!19:09
mupPR snapd#5019 opened: data/selinux: Give snapd access to more aspects of the system <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5019>19:15
zygaSon_Goku: done19:15
kyrofacprov, got an error case to make you aware of, but LP isn't working right now so I'm reaching out directly19:49
kyrofacprov, https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapcraft/+bug/175017719:50
mupBug #1750177: When asking to release to a branch that's too long, a traceback is printed that gives no hints as to the source of the error. <stacktrace> <Snapcraft:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1750177>19:50
kyrofacprov, the error response from the store is HTML instead of json19:50
kyrofa(it's a 500)19:50
cprovkyrofa: otp, will be with you in a few. Thanks for the bug19:50
kyrofacprov, sure thing. I'll add an "also effects" once LP lets me19:50
cprovkyrofa: oh, timeout error, wow19:52
kyrofacprov, if I print the entire error response from the store, will that include anything particularly sensitive?20:04
kyrofaRight now, when someone logs a bug, even if they run in debug mode we have no clue what the store handed them. I'd like to print the response in debug mode20:05
cprovkyrofa: no, it's a internal server error page, I suppose, nothing sensitive or useful (tbh)20:05
kyrofacprov, I mean for ALL errors20:05
cprovkyrofa: I don't think we should do that, we can land fixes to prevent non-API errors then snapcraft failing to interpret that should bail20:07
cprovprinting bad responses is as bad and printing traceback, isn't it ?20:07
kyrofacprov, we traceback in debug mode as well20:08
kyrofacprov, the primary experience (non debug mode) should be clean, of course20:08
kyrofacprov, bug when someone logs a bug, I want to see the response we barfed on20:08
kyrofaOtherwise I have to try and duplicate it, and that's not always possible20:08
cprovkyrofa: it's not that terrible if it's only printed in debug mode20:10
cprovkyrofa: we have the error context logged server-side20:11
kyrofacprov, okay, so error responses shouldn't include anything overly sensitive?20:11
pedronisjdstrand: Chipaca: seems I wanted to link to an example (about nil and interfaces) but didn't: I meant to share this: https://play.golang.org/p/0CGDjdMtcIS20:35
jdstrandpedronis: heh, I was wondering :)20:39
jdstrandroadmr: hi! fyi, https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapstore/+bug/176254420:39
jdstrandroadmr: I decided to enable the resquashfs sooner than later in the review tools in light of the upcoming sprint20:39
roadmrjdstrand: oy! let's see20:40
jdstrandratliff: fyi, ^20:41
mupPR snapcraft#2059 opened: storeapi: handle 500 error response when releasing snap <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2059>20:43
pedroniszyga: cachio: 2.32 is still configured to use mainly linode for tests and things don't seem to b working great there20:50
j1mchi snappy people . . . is there a way to clear previous versions of an installed snap (other than uninstalling and re-installing the snap)? i've had three versions updates of the 'hugo' binary, and now have three loop mounted squashfs filesystems.20:51
roadmrjdstrand: so what happens now if I set SNAP_ENFORCE_RESQUASHFS=0? no change in behavior?20:51
roadmr(now == with the tools currently in the store, r1018 IIRC)20:51
j1mcthat particular setup messes with commands like "lsblk"20:52
jdstrandroadmr: it will go back to how it acts today20:53
jdstrandroadmr: well, wait. if you do that *today* without 1021, it will actually turn on enforcement since the previous envvar check was dumb (only checked if SNAP_ENFORCE_RESQUASHFS was set)20:54
jdstrandroadmr: so, the feature flag should accompany r102120:54
roadmrjdstrand: OHH! yes, that's what I wanted to know20:54
roadmrjdstrand: ok hm... this'll let me reason about the logic I need to implement. I'd love to have the feature flag ready *before* rolling out r1021 but if they go out together that could also work20:55
j1mci understand that the prior versions are in place to allow reverting to prior versions, but want to see if i can limit the number of prior versions / limit the number of prior loop-mounted snap / squashfs filesystems20:56
jdstrandroadmr: if you want, I can revert 1021, fix the env var check, then you can pull that revision. then add back the flipped logic20:56
pedronisj1mc: the limit is 3 (and at  the moment is not configurable), there's also been some discussion to really mount only the last (at least for normal snaps)20:57
Chipacaj1mc: you can 'snap remove --revision=<an old one> yoursnap' to remove one of the old ones20:57
j1mcpedronis: thank you20:57
Chipacaj1mc: you can get the revision number from 'snap list --all yoursnap'20:58
jdstrandj1mc: you can't today. you might want to add your thoughts to https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/all-revisions-of-snaps-are-mounted-when-they-dont-need-to-be/229420:58
jdstrandand you can workaround as Chipaca mentioned20:58
jdstrandroadmr: shall I do that?20:58
j1mcthank you both20:59
roadmrjdstrand: was thinking... yes, that'd be great (i.e. if regardless of default behavior, they respond correctly to the env var being either =0 (off) or =1 (on), otherwise I don't have a way to preemptively add the feature flag20:59
jdstrandok. I'll update the bug when I do that. should just be a few minutes21:00
roadmrjdstrand: the chances of a borked review-tools *and* a borked feature flag in the same rollout are slim but I'd prefer to be cautious21:00
roadmrmany thanks21:00
jdstrandroadmr: ok, done. I updated the description to say r1022 has the default enforcement, and then added https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapstore/+bug/1762544/comments/121:28
roadmrjdstrand: gotcha!21:29
roadmrjdstrand: so am I clear to add r1021 to the store queue? no behavioral change wrt resquashing vs. what I have now?21:29
jdstrandroadmr: correct. please pull r102121:30
roadmrok, incoming!21:30
jdstrandroadmr: thanks!21:31
sergiusensstgraber: hey, any reason why lxd on 2.0/stable is still 2.0.11?21:34
cachiopedronis, yes, we should port all the google changes to 2.32.x21:39
cachioI think we started moving to google after 2.32 was sent to beta21:39
* cachio afk21:39
JonelethIrenicusany steam snaps22:07
stgrabersergiusens: yes, because that's the latest 2.0.x stable release22:18
sergiusensstgraber: am I stuck and out of luck to use 2.21?22:20
sergiusensor is that an unsupported release?22:21
stgrabersergiusens: 2.21 is unsupported22:22
stgraberit's a feature release, we support those until the next one, which is out now (3.0)22:23
stgraberif they're in an Ubuntu release, then we will do security updates as required for that Ubuntu release, but that's the extend of what we do on a non-LTS release of LXD22:23
kyrofastgraber, .0 are LTS releases?22:23
stgraberkyrofa: major bumps are LTS releaes, yes. 1.0.x, 2.0.x, 3.0.x22:24
sergiusensstgraber: ok, so is it going into backports? Just wondering as autopkgtest use 2.21. Aside from that, is there a migration guide to move from 2.0 to 3.0? Or anything in particular to take into account?22:26
stgrabersergiusens: it will, yes22:28
kyrofastgraber, quick sidebar: I can't seem to be able to run snaps within nested containers, is that a known issue?22:29
stgraberkyrofa: snaps inside nested containers can't work because apparmor only allows for one level of nesting, so snapd in nested containers won't be able to load apparmor policies22:29
mcphail_popey: o/22:29
kyrofaOkay, that sounds familiar22:30
stgrabersergiusens: 2.0 to 2.21 and 2.0 to 3.0 is pretty much the same thing, there's no manual upgrade stage, the upgrade is handled for you. API is backward compatible so no API breakage. The CLI has a few changes but it's not considered API for us (though we obviously try to limit potential breakages to major releases as was done here)22:30
sergiusensstgraber: last time we talked you told me the REST API was more of internal thing and to stick to the CLI :-) I'll work out the quirks if it is not much22:31
kyrofastgraber, looks like Sergio had some network issues, but yeah-- we were under the impression the the REST API was unstable, so we used the CLI instead. Is that not true?22:33
stgraberkyrofa: very much the other way around, API is only ever extended, things are never removed from it, same isn't guaranteed with CLI22:34
kyrofaSeems we got our wires crossed somewhere, then-- we'll have to rethink that, thank you22:34
popeymcphail: yay23:04
diddledanwhy are the desktop parts taking forever to pull these days?!23:50
diddledans/pull/preparing to build/23:51
diddledani.e. what has changed recently that makes them take forever to do nothing?23:51
kyrofadiddledan, "preparing to build" just unpacks stage-packages23:52
kyrofaPerhaps more were added?23:52
diddledanso why does it take forever?23:52
diddledanit's been sat there for ages. other parts don't do that. it is specific to the desktop parts23:52
kyrofaNo idea23:53
kyrofaWell, desktop parts do tend to have a large number of stage-packages23:53
kyrofaBut that's all I've got23:53
diddledanit's new behaviour tho23:53
diddledansomething has changed23:53
kyrofaTry running in debug mode, see if that gives you anything different23:54
diddledanperhaps it's the extra checks for executable stacks et al??23:57
kyrofaI don't believe that stuff happens until prime23:59

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