
tsimonq2handsome_feng: Hi there!02:18
* tsimonq2 sponsors some stuff for Ubuntu Kylin02:18
handsome_fengtsimonq2: hi02:20
tsimonq2handsome_feng: While I have you here, I just wanted to make sure you saw https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-release/2018-April/004387.html :)02:21
handsome_fengtsimonq2: Yes, I saw it, and I agree with your idea, you can add ubuntukylin to the list of 'Xubuntu, Ubuntu MATE, Kubuntu, and Ubuntu Budgie'02:24
tsimonq2handsome_feng: Please respond (preferably signed with your GPG key) that you agree. :)02:24
dodobrainhi all, can someone tell me how libavl is being packaged? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libavl  says "GNU libavl is a library in ...."02:24
dodobrainthat is NOT the GNU libavl that is being packaged02:25
tsimonq2dodobrain: looking02:25
dodobraini think the upstream debian package is also wrong02:25
handsome_fengtsimonq2: sure, I will02:25
dodobrainthis is GNU libavl here: http://adtinfo.org/02:25
tsimonq2dodobrain: I see "AVL tree manipulation library"02:26
tsimonq2I see "GNU" nowhere.02:26
tsimonq2handsome_feng: Awesome. :)02:27
dodobraintsimonq2, so you dont see "GNU libavl" on this page? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libavl  i can post a screenshot if it helps02:27
tsimonq2dodobrain: Throw me a screenshot and I can throw you one too. ;)02:28
tsimonq2handsome_feng: So this isn't a showstopper, but it's something that would be nice to look into for ukui-panel.02:28
tsimonq2I: libukui-panel-applet-4-1: no-symbols-control-file usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libukui-panel-applet-4.so.1.0.102:28
tsimonq2P: ukui-panel source: debian-watch-does-not-check-gpg-signature02:28
tsimonq2That last one can be solved by signing your upstream tarball.02:28
tsimonq2Otherwise, looks good, so sponsoring.02:29
dodobraintsimonq2, im sure you will send me a screenshot too, im just saying that on the launchpad page it says GNU libavl and this is *not* the GNU libavl02:29
handsome_fengtsimonq2: OK, I will fix it in next version02:29
tsimonq2dodobrain: And I'm telling you I see "GNU" nowhere. ;)02:29
tsimonq2I get what you're going at now.02:30
tsimonq2So, that has nothing to do with the package itself.02:30
tsimonq2dodobrain: In any case, I don't see how that's a problem. ;)02:31
tsimonq2handsome_feng: Excellent!02:31
dodobrainyou dont see the problem? it is because the GNU libavl api is completely different from this thing that is being packaged02:32
dodobraintsimonq2, https://i.imgur.com/lOCL9k1.png02:32
dodobraini tried the debian channel, but it seems very quiet with almost no chatter02:33
tsimonq2Clicked a button.02:33
dodobraintsimonq2, also, that http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/universe/liba/libavl/libavl_0.3.5-4/copyright says:  downloaded from http://www.fruit.eu.org/avl/02:34
dodobrainthat server itself does not exist anymore02:34
tsimonq2dodobrain: Report that one to Debian.02:34
Unit193You asked the Debian support channel, that focuses on Debian stable.  Likely not quite the right place.02:35
dodobrainUnit193, yes i wasnt sure. i did ask in the main channel if this is the right spot02:35
dodobraini know about ubuntu-motu, hence why i didnt ask in #ubuntu first :)02:36
tsimonq2dodobrain: #ubuntu-devel is more frequented.02:36
dodobrainsure, but in the long past i've found motu to be more packaging specific02:37
dodobrainmaybe that has changed02:37
tsimonq2It has, I think.02:37
tsimonq2handsome_feng: One more thing, Debian Policy 4.1.4 has been released. Please update your packages whenever convenient. :)02:37
handsome_fengtsimonq2: I will, Thanks!02:38
dodobraintsimonq2, so what do i do now? you did something and now the launchpad page asks me to select the properupstream and the libavl linked there is the correct gnu libavl02:38
dodobraindo i need to do something now?02:38
tsimonq2dodobrain: It should be fine now.02:39
tsimonq2handsome_feng: OK :)02:39
dodobraintsimonq2, when you say 'it should be fine now' do you mean the real gnu libavl will get packaged by ubuntu?02:48
tsimonq2dodobrain: Yes.02:48
dodobraingoodness, thank you very much02:48
dodobraini imagine there will not be corrected libavl package in backports02:51
dodobraingiven that someone might have depended on it in their own development02:51
dodobrainor actually, im not sure how to check, but can you verify if any other ubuntu package depends on libavl1 or libavl-dev ?02:52
Unit193'fair' seems to.02:53
Unit193Though in fairness, it doesn't seem to actually use it. :>02:54
Unit193(Looking at the wrong package, it links against it and configure bails without: https://sources.debian.org/src/fair/0.5.3-2/configure.ac/#L18)02:56
tsimonq2handsome_feng: Thanks for the email. :)03:25
handsome_fengtsimonq2: Not at all :)03:27
tsimonq2handsome_feng: This as well:04:13
tsimonq2I: libukwm-1-0: no-symbols-control-file usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libukwm-1.so.0.0.004:13
tsimonq2You also might want to look into fixing hardening-no-bindnow in all of your packages.04:13
handsome_fengtsimonq2:  Ok, I will fix all these in next version, thanks for uploading them! :)04:29
tsimonq2handsome_feng: No problem. :)04:30
kkremitzkiThe FreeCAD project, which I work with, has finally released version 0.17 after being in feature freeze since January--is there any hope still for it to make it into 18.04?08:46
ogra_kkremitzki, there is a snap package of 0.17 (see "snap info freecad") perhaps that should be updated instead (contact the publisher shown in the snap info output)09:17
kkremitzkiogra_: That user is on hiatus and I've had a hard time getting ahold of him, if it's at all possible I'd like to try to make it available in the repositories as well. I've been working on packaging from the Debian end of things so I'd feel more comfortable taking care of it that way09:20
ogra_kkremitzki, sure, not opposing a deb but with the deb you are pretty much stuck on a version (or have to use a complex process to get it updated) ... the snap runs independently from the underlying OS version from 14.04 to 18.04 and can be updated whenever needed09:22
rbasakkkremitzki: to answer your question, upding the deb repository is possible. Assuming it's only bugfixes, it needs someone to contribute the change and an uploader to review it in time. If it contains feature changes, it needs consideration and approval by the release team in time as well.09:25
kkremitzkiI'm interested in making it available via snap as well, but from patrolling our help forum I know a lot of people default to installing with apt and having the package trailing a version often results in unnecessary frustration from users. It does contain feature changes, over 6000 commits' worth (woohoo!)09:27
rbasak3000 commits of feature changes since 0.16.6712+dfsg1-1ubuntu2? It seems unlikely that will be permitted to land in Bionic then.09:29
kkremitzkiWell, I wouldn't say 1 commit = 1 feature, but there are a lot of new features09:29
kkremitzkiIt was a little over 2 years of development09:29
kkremitzkiWe also have a daily build PPA which has quite a bit of use so those changes haven't been getting worked on without testing09:33
rbasakYou'll need to explain that to the release team.09:36
rbasakBut in any case, you need someone to prepare the updated packaging.09:36
rbasakIf you aren't likely to get that in time, there's no point taking it further.09:37
kkremitzkiI can do that09:37
rbasakSee https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeatureFreeze and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreezeExceptionProcess09:37
kkremitzkiHow would I submit it?09:37
rbasakOnce you have approval, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SponsorshipProcess09:38
rbasakI warn you though: sponsors tend to be quite busy at this time of an LTS cycle.09:38
rbasakYou're already very late, so you may struggle to find the required review time from a sponsor.09:38
kkremitzkiIndeed, I'm sure it's especially tight with meltdown/spectre having eaten into other work09:39
kkremitzkiI think it's worth a shot though, so thank you for the guidance09:40
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