
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.05:59
SuperMattcertbot wildcard certs ftw08:22
daftykinsshowed my foreign ways today by asking an underground staffer how the contactless worked, heh :D10:31
daftykinspretty neat for some rapid travel, just blooping the phone and on you go10:31
zmoylan-piput on a show and look confused at the automatic doors... :-)11:18
SuperMattI've decided never to use my phone. You run out of battery during your journey, and you can't get back out again11:25
SuperMattI'll keep using my contactless card11:25
daftykinsah i don't trust those :)11:49
daftykinsglad i don't have one at the moment but sadly think i'll get one on the next expiry, in October11:50
SuperMatttbh, because you can't spend more than £30, and you have to type in your pin every once in a while, I trust that the banks have my back should my card ever be stolen11:54
SuperMattIf more than ~£150 is ever fraudulently spent via contactless, my bank is fully at fault11:54
daftykinsit's more the details being readable by a passer by on the street i'm not fond of11:55
zmoylan-pii thought the current scam was to bump up against people carrying them and nick a few bob?11:56
daftykins*boop boop* thanks, cya!11:56
zmoylan-piit's not reds under the bed anymore, it's readers under trenchcoats... :-)11:58
zmoylan-pibeware of strangers that beep...11:58
daftykinsSatellite dude that came by yesterday was telling me that he does a lot of wired network cabling for business workers in the city that aren't allowed wireless in their homes, sounded amusing12:52
zmoylan-piso does he sneak in an ap on a timer switch with a russian ssid to turn on and off at random times? :-P12:55
zmoylan-pithese things don't just happen, they require lots of preparation.... :-)12:58
daftykinsthe finest of pranks12:59
zmoylan-pino no, the finest is a gizmo that beeps every 17 hours + random minutes 0-59 and does nothing else.... drop off with a nice new battery in a mates place.... :-)13:00
SuperMattwho on earth isn't allowed wireless in their home?13:00
daftykinsSuperMatt: they might be allowed it, but not when working from home13:00
SuperMattoh, so some businesses don't understand basic cryptography?13:01
daftykinsmaybe it's a catch-all for serious job roles in case someone is still rocking WEP encryption in order to use their Nintendo DS :)13:03
SuperMattusing a DS to WFH is a bit silly13:03
daftykinsno no that's not the device used for work xD in my example it's just the cause of why someones home wifi might be on WEP which they then work from home with a laptop on - and assume all is ok13:04
daftykinsi can definitely see a 'range' issue with peoples wifi though, in apartment blocks etc... the one i've just put in here goes right out to the road - in fact i should ask him if he wants to make use of that, otherwise i'll turn down the power13:05
SuperMattthinking about it logically, all my packets to and from my VPN server use TLS, so they're going to be secure. Then you add WEP or WPA to the wireless for even more security... how exactly is an attacker going to get through all of that?13:05
daftykinsi'm not going to defend the practice, no idea of the circumstances :)13:06
SuperMattI just finish it amusing and bemusing when security policies don't match reality or logic13:07
daftykinsi thought that was what they were there for :D13:07
SuperMattMy favourite thing was from my last job, where priorities were completely skewed. We'd have arguments about some services being rw across both data centres. To which I would say to them not to worry about that level of complexity. If either DC goes down, you have more things to worry about than writes to the second dc. Our customer base was doing about 99.99% read, so you just need to put up a "sorry13:12
SuperMattyou can't write"13:12
ali1234then you find out the customer's bespoke application writes to a security log when the user starts it up, and crashes if it can't do this, meaning the customer cannot access the database at all14:50
SuperMattThat sounds like it might be quite sensible14:51
brobostigonnoswaith dda18:37
Laneysomeone just drove down the street blasting out Sisqo's Thong Song20:03
zmoylan-piplay zx spectrum tape loader game at volume 11 in revenge... :-)20:05
Laneyno revenge needed, I'm rocking out20:05
zmoylan-pibooooooo *boop* booooooooo booobledy boop20:05
Laneyto me this goes with Who Let The Dogs Out?20:05

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