
Scary_Guyhttps://vimeo.com/263108265 free this weekend I guess00:32
cmaloneyGood morning11:07
=== jrwren_ is now known as jrwren
rick_h_and the snow snow snow...#$%@%#14:41
jrwrenyeah, i just looked out the window and said some curses out loud.14:42
brouschI'd say ours is more like sleet15:01
Scary_GuyIt's April, what is this shit?  also good morning16:50
waldo323april showers, doesn't specify the type of showers17:22
waldo323the phrase is unfortunately weakly typed17:23
jrwrenlol @ weakly typed17:24
Scary_Guywhat I really hate it it appears to give validity to those that say "if there's no global warming, why is it so cold?"17:25
Scary_GuyIf we're not devolving as a species, why are they so dumb?17:25
rick_h_Well I think the big thing is I was spoiled the last two years.17:53
rick_h_by this time I was fishing off the kayak last year17:53
jrwrenyup. i'm itching to get into the kayak18:05
rick_h_yea, hoping to get the boy one this summer so he can go out with me18:25
rick_h_he was having fun paddling around my aunt's up at her lake placed18:25
jrwrenawesome. If I continue to enjoy it I'm going to upgrade from my inflatable to something a little nicer and then bring the kiddo in the inflatable when we go together.18:29
jrwrenI really like the inflatable becuase I can throw it in the trunk of car and just go.18:30
jrwrenUpgrade will mean a bar and rack system for the car.18:30
jrwrenas it is, I tie her tube to the back of the kayak and drag her around. She likes that.18:31
jrwrenI don't like it because it slows me down a lot and I get tired faster :)18:35
rick_h_I do hate it when I've got to get the ladder to get the kayak on/off the top of the truck18:36
rick_h_makes me wish I'd have gone for the smaller models heh18:36
rick_h_yep...that's snow. https://www.instagram.com/p/BhXbOtPF0g1/22:14
cmaloneyYou're getting a lot more than we are22:19
=== JonathanD is now known as JonathanS

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