
Fjallefar10 years since the last time i joined this channel.. Damn00:06
=== mat__ is now known as Guest877
Guest877can i use media classic player on linux mint00:08
petanyone here ...?00:12
akempet Yes. Just ask your question.00:15
petvsftpd+selfsigned ssl cert00:15
peton ubuntu00:15
iMin3Ra1n|Soberhey, after updating from 16.04 to 17.10, i cannot login. i keep getting sent back to the login screen. i am able to access tty or whatever onn crtl alt f200:15
petvsftpd fails to start with systemctl00:16
petbut works with sudo vsftpd00:16
petvsftpd NOT ask me for a PEM pass phrase00:16
m0rd3caithats not good00:17
petwhen  i try to start it with systemd00:17
m0rd3caianywhere the password was entered into the config?00:18
petmordecai, that its for me?00:19
m0rd3caiive never setup vsftpd. is there a place in the config where you enter the password for the pem file?00:19
petyes  i set the pass when i gen the cert, but when in try to start vsftpd systemd not ask me for pass and fails to start00:20
m0rd3caiok i see00:20
akemiMin3Ra1n|Sober, you may have a wrong keymap at login? did you try with different users? otherwise i would try to add a new user from tty to see...00:21
m0rd3caii would check the log file and see exactly why it fails. not sure where exactly the log is. may try /var/log/messages00:21
m0rd3caisee if theres any info there. otherwise i would google log file location00:22
petno log00:22
petall google examples for generate certs with openssl for vsftpd  are with -nodes option that avoid pass cert.00:23
petwith -nodes option it works fine00:23
peti dont know if its a vsftpd or systemd issue00:24
=== tau is now known as Guest145
rud0lfwhen i edit iptables, where does the config go?00:29
rud0lfi know it's temporary, but is there a file that stores it for a session?00:30
rud0lfor is it kept in memeory?00:30
leftyfbrud0lf: I stick it in /etc/network/iptables and called it with a post-up for the lo interface00:42
CheckmateHello how to add more size to /dev/root01:00
CheckmateHow can i increase dev/root size, becuase it is %99 full?01:00
wyseguyCheckmate virtual machine?01:01
azizLIGHTakik: Bashing-om: i posted my reply to https://devtalk.nvidia.com/default/topic/1030325/linux/nvidia-driver-installation-nvidia-version-magic-4-4-0-116-generic-smp-mod_unload-modversions-should-be-4-4-0-116-generic-smp-mod_unload-modversions-retpoline-/post/5250173/#525017301:01
wyseguyCheckmate just make a new partition then use something like rsync and move the files over then use your old partition as a boot partition01:03
wyseguydont forget to update the boot loader01:04
leftyfbCheckmate: what is /dev/root ?01:04
Checkmatei wanted to add space to /01:04
Bashing-omCheckmate: /boot full ? show in a pastenin ' df -h ' . Rather than increase - remove ?01:04
leftyfbCheckmate: How big is / ?01:05
Checkmateleftyfb I have 20G but i want to add more01:06
leftyfbCheckmate: boot a live cd, use gparted to resize /home and give space to root01:07
Checkmateleftyfb its not possible by command?01:08
leftyfbit is possible, but it's MUCH easier to just use gparted01:08
leftyfbCheckmate: also, you're not doing this while the OS is running01:08
Checkmatethe command lvextend -L +60G /dev/root give me error01:09
leftyfbCheckmate: You can't just say "give me error". That doesn't help anyone help you. Also, since both your /home and /boot are their own partitions and not LVM volumes, where do you expect to gain this 60G of space from?01:11
texlaHow to determine which partitions are primary using gparted01:20
Checkmateleftyfb how to fix that miss01:21
leftyfbCheckmate: you haven't answered the queston01:21
Checkmatewhich one01:22
leftyfbCheckmate: the last one I asked you01:23
Checkmatei will add space to root from the 2TB i have01:23
leftyfbCheckmate: Is there unpartitioned space on your drive?01:23
Checkmateyes /home/01:23
leftyfbThat is not unpartitioned space01:23
leftyfb /home is a partition and has a filesystem on it01:24
leftyfbCheckmate: You'll need to boot a live cd01:24
leftyfbCheckmate: to resize /home01:24
leftyfband leave the empty space for LVM to utilize01:24
leftyfbCheckmate: from what you pasted, you are only using 10% of / anyway01:26
leftyfbCheckmate: 17G is plenty for a root filesystem01:26
Checkmatecan i do that with resize2fs ?01:27
leftyfbCheckmate: why do you need to? You have 17G of free space on your / filesystem01:27
Checkmateyes but i want to add more01:28
Checkmatethe /home/ is empty i want adjuste more on root01:28
leftyfbit doesn't need it01:29
texla How to determine which partitions are primary using gparted01:31
=== Pan51 is now known as Fleetwood
azizLIGHThmmm. im trying to install nvidia-384 from graphics-drivers ppa on ubuntu 14.04 using 'sudo apt install nvidia-384' and its been stuck at 37% saying 'update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-3.13.0-144-generic' for a while now.... whats the deal02:25
rud0lfit takes a while to generate it02:26
rud0lfdon't worry02:26
azizLIGHTnot this long though, i tried nvidia-390 and it was done faster than this02:27
azizLIGHTbut i need nvidia-38402:27
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azizLIGHTisnt there a way for me to check if its actually doing anything02:28
azizLIGHTwelp, im looking in /boot/ and i see a initrd.img-3.13.0-144-generic.new and its 0 bytes since 20 minutes ago02:32
chadcwhats the linux driver needed for most pcs now that sint supported and do distros like mint and what not have it?02:35
TheNH813Anyone around?02:35
TheNH813I need to set a higher pulseaudio buffer size.02:35
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azizLIGHTguess what i solved my problem02:44
azizLIGHTwith a very absurd solution02:44
dewwiiazizLIGHT: turned it off and on again?02:45
azizLIGHTrud0lf: apparently if you have disk operations going on, update-initramfs gets stuck. something like a dd operation02:45
azizLIGHTdewwii: hi :O02:45
azizLIGHTfancy seeing you here. and yes i did turn it off/on again and it didnt work02:46
azizLIGHTmore info on this stupid bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/initramfs-tools/+bug/1667512/comments/702:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1667512 in initramfs-tools (Ubuntu) "update-initramfs hangs on upgrade, dpkg unusable, unbootable system" [Undecided,Confirmed]02:46
azizLIGHTlast guy comments that this bug still exists on 18.04 alpha02:48
morsHi all, could some one help me with an error? I'm using a new thinkpad E480 with Linux Mint 18.3 The hardware is not fully supported yet, so I try to install a new Kernel 4.16, but I'm getting an ERROR:02:55
morsERROR (dkms apport): kernel package linux-headers-4.16.0-041600-generic is not supported02:55
morsError! Bad return status for module build on kernel: 4.16.0-041600-generic (x86_64)02:55
morsConsult /var/lib/dkms/ndiswrapper/1.60/build/make.log for more information.02:55
mors  init_timer(&wrap_timer->timer);02:56
hades-110anyone here?03:33
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hades1ou im here03:38
hades-110hi hades-11003:38
wyseguyyall brothers?03:40
Irritiable|LTHello, ShriHari.03:44
luxioIs it possible to get a notification or something when I get pinged on HexChat like I did on Windows03:46
luxioon Windows the icon blinked03:46
wyseguyluxio dunno, i use textual03:47
hades1hah... just for test03:48
wyseguyanyone know how to make ubuntu 18.04 look like 10.04 with the old desktop?03:51
michael2does anyone know how to get the gnome version on 16.04?03:51
Bashing-omwyseguy: Check out (x)ubuntu .Or the xfce4 DE .03:54
electricguitaroh yeah03:54
electricguitarxubuntu has a program that edits the visual desktop display so that you can customize it to look like the old gnome03:55
wyseguyelectricguitar oh nice, installing now03:57
wyseguyyou remember the name of the tool?03:57
electricguitari kinda forgot03:57
electricguitarjust explore03:57
wyseguywill do03:58
electricguitarlinux is built for those who explore03:58
=== Menzador53 is now known as Menzie
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hawatI can mount the filesystem from rescue mode, but that's about it.  If I can boot to rescue mode, how do I even start to troubleshoot and fix a boot which hangs?  Re-install grub?04:31
eraserpencilI'm on a custom kernel of ubuntu, Facinf problems with squashfs from a snap install. How do i know if the kernel has a squashfs module or how could I fix the issue?04:31
sysRPLhi, does anyone here use cinnamon? it has a built in screen recorder, but for the life of me i cannot find any information anywhere about this built in recorder supporting audio04:37
lotuspsychjesysRPL: welcome, how can we help you?04:38
sysRPLdoes anyone know if it does? because everything i record with it is video only. and i see no settings anywhere04:38
eraserpencilI'm on a custom kernel of ubuntu, Facinf problems with squashfs from a snap install. How do i know if the kernel has a squashfs module or how could I fix the issue?04:38
lotuspsychjeeraserpencil: we dont support custom kernels here04:39
lotuspsychje!mainline | eraserpencil instead04:39
ubottueraserpencil instead: The kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds04:39
eraserpencilit's erm Nvidia's LInux4Tegra v28.204:39
hades1what 's up04:42
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=== Jochen_wvdT is now known as Schlawiner
s10gopalhow to fix it https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/MJQRM28W3z/ ?05:40
s10gopalanyone online ?05:46
dcyphermaybe just me05:46
s10gopaldcypher, you know how to fix bug ?05:47
dcypherstep on it05:47
s10gopalhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1745646 , first bad commit is found05:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1745646 in linux (Ubuntu Artful) "Battery drains when laptop is off (shutdown)" [Medium,In progress]05:47
dcyphersorry, to involved for me.... maybe someone else here can help you05:49
s10gopaldcypher, thx05:50
dcyphernow.. give me a app or malware to reverse and no problem :)05:52
Draconiatorhttps://i.gyazo.com/be5c20f81cc403da5502656da447b704.png - Decided to run it in a virtual machine so I can learn about the OS without screwing anything up lol05:54
dcypherif you take a snapshot...05:57
s10gopaldcypher, can you please tell how to patch a kernel ?06:28
s10gopaldcypher, i am using ubuntu 14.0406:28
fubHi. Im using ubuntu 17.04 with i3wm. My laptop is sometimes connected over a docking station, which is connected to an hdmi monitor. Now when I want to play sound over this, I can use pavucontrol to set "Analog Output" to "HDMI" output06:37
fubThis then needs a 3-5seconds until the audio is hearable (why is there a delay?).06:37
ducasse!zesty | fub06:37
ubottufub: Ubuntu 17.04 (Zesty Zapus) was the 26th release of Ubuntu. Support ended on January 13th, 2018. See !eol and https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2018-January/000228.html06:37
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades06:37
fubNow, when I stopped music for a few seconds/minutes, I cant hear it over hdmi anymore. I need to use pavucontrol again, then set to analog, then again to hdmi, to hear it again06:38
fubλ ~ $ cat /etc/issue06:38
fubUbuntu 17.10 \n \l06:38
fubsorry, Im using 17.1006:38
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=== tom is now known as Guest77004
mrxi have problem with openvpn06:47
mrxwhen i connect to openvpn server it connect and in my browser show that my ip is changed but when i want open blocked sites in my country like youtube it doesn't connect06:49
mrxcan anyone help me06:50
cfhowlettmrx, openvpn support >>> https://forums.openvpn.net/06:51
=== shann_ is now known as shann
shreecan anyone help me with booting speed problem...?07:20
shreei have booting problem...?07:22
jinkWe all do, on Monday morning. -__-07:23
j0k3rcan i ask what pulseaudio in our system does?07:23
EriC^^it's vital to the sound system07:24
j0k3rdoes ubuntu default uses sql??07:24
EriC^^no, you have to install it07:24
j0k3rsorry im new to linux07:25
j0k3rseem like theres alot of hidden file in my os that i just found out07:26
j0k3rwas thinking if my security had been compromise07:27
EriC^^such as what j0k3r07:29
j0k3rthere were many network manager which are hidden files07:32
j0k3runtil i click show hidden07:32
Chuck_Hi everyone, I am new and just get started with IRC.07:32
j0k3rit pops out07:32
shreeis there anybody available to solve my problem...?07:32
EriC^^shree: you got to ask and see07:33
Chuck_Hi everyone, I am new and just getting started with IRC.07:33
=== erasmus is now known as Guest60323
shreei have very slow boot how to reduce that time...?07:33
EriC^^shree: which ubuntu version?07:33
EriC^^shree: join #ubuntu+107:34
cfhowlettshree, still in beta so not supported here07:34
j0k3r# network-manager - network connection manager07:37
j0k3r# The Network Manager daemon manages the system's network connections,07:37
j0k3r# automatically switching between the best available.07:37
j0k3rdescription"network connection manager"07:37
j0k3rstart on (local-filesystems07:37
EriC^^!paste | j0k3r07:37
ubottuj0k3r: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.07:37
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j0k3rlike if i connect to connection 107:40
j0k3rthe system would change to connection 207:40
j0k3rand connection 1 would be redundant07:41
testerhow can i have some service run on start07:42
testerand not have to service name start it every time i reboot07:43
SlidingHornanyone willing to work on a new ubuntustudio Bionic install? (the +1 & studio rooms are asleep - only reason I'm asking here)08:01
SlidingHornstuck in a login loop08:02
cfhowlettstill in beta, so it belongs in #ubuntu+1 SlidingHorn08:02
SlidingHorncfhowlett I figured...just thought I'd ask08:02
cfhowlettno worries08:02
=== Guest60323 is now known as erasmus
Exterminadorstupid question: is "dd" able to create a bootable windows usb? :x08:18
snikkerhello, i'm compiling kernel usung "make deb-pkg" there is a way to use custom "changelog" and "control" files instead of auto generated?08:20
Exterminadorthere's one thing I cannot understand properly. I've used dd to create a Manjaro usb stick. but when I didn't used "sync" the usb wasn't able to boot properly. is the "sync" part so important?08:26
Exterminador1st time I've use "sudo dd bs=4M if=/path/to/iso of=/path/to/usb status=progress"08:28
Exterminadorand when I tried to boot it complained about something like "/dev/loop3". I'm just trying to understand why it didn't work like this but worked when I used "&& sync".08:31
cfhowlettso apparently you should use && sync.08:31
Exterminadorseems so. but I can't actually find a basis to understand why. xD08:34
=== juboxi is now known as jubo2
EriC^^Exterminador: it might have been mounted09:07
EriC^^Exterminador: i doubt that you can make a 'bootable windows usb' though, what iso is this?09:07
ExterminadorEriC^^: it will be Windows 7 or 10 and the distro I'm using is Xubuntu09:10
UsQUEI think the problem would be when you use UEFI bootable device :) with old fashion booting MBR/BIOS should be fine I think?09:15
EriC^^Exterminador: the windows iso isn't literally bootable09:21
EriC^^Exterminador: with windows 10 you could make a fat32 partition and copy the contents there if you're going to use uefi, other than that there's09:22
EriC^^!winusb | Exterminador09:22
ubottuExterminador: WinUSB is a tool for preparing bootable Windows Instalation USBs. Please see http://en.congelli.eu/prog_info_winusb.html for instructions on installation and use. #ubuntu does *not* provide support for this tool, so please do not ask for help here if it doesn't work for you.09:22
Exterminadorthanks. I'll take a look at t09:23
UsQUEEriC^^, are you sure that's going to work with secure boot? ;-)09:24
UsQUEI know I even had issues in the early days with secure boot when building bootable disks on windows09:25
EriC^^UsQUE: the fat32 method works yeah09:26
EriC^^there's nothing sketchy about it at all09:27
UsQUEok cool :D maybe next time I use ubuntu to do it then :) but that was at the start of the secure boot and uefi .. it was even sony laptop, there not made anymore09:28
UsQUEis it now days possible to boot up linux os with secure boot enabled?09:28
EriC^^UsQUE: yeah ubuntu's efi file is signed09:29
UsQUEok nice :D09:30
zeroraxis there a tool to check ram stability?09:32
BluesKajHi folks10:00
PersonaI want to know how can I see contents of bootable Ubuntu HDD on ubuntu10:01
tomeaton17I am updating my vps. I got this message when upgrading "A new version of /boot/grub/menu.lst is available, but the version installed currently has been locally modified." I did not modify this myself, so I assume the VPS company has. Is it safe for me to upgrade this file?10:01
PersonaLike all partitions10:01
PersonaRoot, swap, etc.10:01
PersonaH koi10:10
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Skaface82you should be ok to update it... a vps should just look like any standard computer to linux10:40
Skaface82unless im mistaken10:40
Skaface82cause it will then point to the most recent kernel that youve installed10:41
Skaface82rather than an older one which will probably be deleted making your vps un-bootable10:41
R13oseI want to solve my issue but unsure what to do.10:48
remix2000[m]Hi! If I install 18.04 beta2 right now, will I be able to update it to official release later?10:49
slidinghorn!final | remix2000[m]10:50
ubotturemix2000[m]: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Bionic and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 18.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade » in a terminal.10:50
slidinghorn:) so yes10:50
remix2000[m]slidinghorn: thank you :)10:50
BaapuHello buddies10:51
BaapuHow do I read contents of live xfs drive on ubuntu10:52
adrian_1908Baapu: what do you mean by "live"? Can't you just browse the drive from the file manager?10:54
=== markus is now known as Guest51166
ducasseBaapu: you should be able to just mount and read it like any other fs10:55
Guest51166why my ubuntu system restart automatically when i shut it down and some usb device is connected to it10:57
s10gopalducasse, even after applying patch -R , i am still getting battery drain , i need to do git bisect again?10:57
guivercGuest51166, i don't know, but I'd guess it was a wake-on-* type setting in bios/config of your hardware11:01
Guest51166ok i would check it. one more issue i am facing is my crontab is not working properly. the script are not getting executed as they should be . if i run scripts directly they work fine11:06
guivercGuest51166, if you run jobs directly yourself; they'll have your environment variables; so your cron job doesn't assume these does it (ie. paths defined etc)?11:08
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guivercalso did you check for permissions (is it running as you? or root? or other?)11:10
Guest51166how can i fix it11:11
Guest51166what paths need to be defined11:11
Guest51166no i am not running them as root11:11
brainwashcan you share the script?11:11
=== Anders is now known as Guest26985
guivercGuest51166, i don't know your script, but I'd likely define all paths (ie. assume nothing)11:12
Guest51166brainwash: are u talking to me? the scripts are just for battery warning and hard drive temprature warning11:13
Guest51166both of them are placed in my home directory11:13
brainwashright. to actually help you we would need to see the content of those scripts11:14
brainwasha common method to test things is to redirect error output to a file11:15
TechChristophso please paste them somewhere11:15
TechChristophthat WE van11:15
TechChristophcan help11:15
TechChristophotherwise its impossible11:16
Guest51166thats all11:17
TechChristophso why you ned Sound?11:17
brainwashI'd think that notify-send won't work because DISPLAY isn't set11:18
brainwashdoes playing the sound work?11:19
Guest51166brainwash: if i run them directly then both notification and sound work perfectly. otherwise none work11:20
ducasseGuest51166: notify-send needs access to your x session to work11:21
brainwashnotify-send "blabla" 2>/tmp/error.log11:22
Guest51166ducasse: and what about the sound11:22
Guest51166brainwash: should i replace the line in my script11:23
brainwashif you want to debug your issue, yes11:24
ducasseGuest51166: i don't know how paplay works, but guessing it might need to run within your session to talk to your pulseaudio daemon11:24
Guest51166brainwash:yeah , sure. did it11:25
brainwashwith the same method you can check if the paplay command gives any error11:27
brainwashalso, you could test with aplay instead11:27
s10gopalfirst bad commit is found but even after doing patch -R , the problem is not solved , it is required to do git bisect again ? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/174564611:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1745646 in linux (Ubuntu Artful) "Battery drains when laptop is off (shutdown)" [Medium,In progress]11:27
brainwashs10gopal: shouldn't you ask in #ubuntu-kernel?11:28
s10gopalbrainwash, no one is online there11:28
brainwashthen wait a bit11:29
s10gopalTJ-, can you please tell11:29
R13oseHow do I fix a key that is pressed down whenever I enter a place I can enter text?11:29
guivercducasse, Guest51166 i suspect paplay will work (i've used it as I recall; and it works on a non-gui term now)11:29
hitman1yo people wassup ?11:30
brainwashs10gopal: jsalisbury is in #ubuntu-kernel, so best to wait for him to return11:32
R13osehitman1: what is up?11:33
hitman1R13ose: up is a movie.11:35
shreecan anyone help me with systemd11:35
R13oseshree: ask away11:35
s10gopalbrainwash, hp has provided bios update , should i install it ?11:36
Guest51166brainwash: can you please look here and tell me how to fix this script. i am having error of "permission denied on line 6". here is the script https://pastebin.com/LpjbN04P11:36
hitman1shree: try #systemd too.11:36
brainwashs10gopal: I don't know. does HP provide a changelog for the update?11:37
JimBuntu!ask | shree11:38
ubottushree: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience11:38
s10gopalbrainwash, log Provides improved security.11:38
Aliekezhii, any known problem of firefox not detecting changes of network interfaces, when using network-manager ?11:39
brainwashs10gopal: then you probably want to install it11:39
shreein systemd-analyze userspace taking too much time...about 22sec11:39
JimBuntuAliekezhi, I don't think Firefox actually detects anything.... seems to be outside the bounds of what a browser should do11:39
AliekezhiJimBuntu, it's weird, because other application still get the internet, only firefox requires to be restarted to work again (refresh of pages don't work too)11:40
brainwashGuest51166: no idea how that error message is related to the script11:40
JimBuntuAliekezhi, That is odd.11:41
brainwashshree: did you check "systemd-analyze blame"?11:41
shreein systemd-analyze blame ==> 14.521s systemd-journal-flush.service11:42
JimBuntushree, for comparison - https://pastebin.com/YBA7Cdnp11:43
AliekezhiJimBuntu, oh maybe, it could come from a firefox option like disable DNS prefetch or something...11:43
BaapuHi I asked how do I read contents of a bootable Ubuntu drive ?11:45
R13oseBaapu: can you rephrase that?11:46
BaapuI see some encrypted like contents not regular partitions11:46
brainwashshree: check "journalctl -u systemd-journal-flush"11:46
shreehow to can i do that...i am noob in ubuntu11:47
BaapuLike /, swap, /home, etc.11:47
TitaniumCoder477@Baapu are you able to boot the computer with a physical or virtual ISO of Ultimate Boot CD? Then you would have a GUI to explore the file system on the computer's hard drive.11:47
brainwashshree: you run that command in a terminal window11:48
brainwashshree: it will display log output for the systemd-journal-flush service11:48
shreeit giving me a long list of reboot log..11:49
MJCDHey just a easy question I hope; If I remove a package and that removes metapackages like "ubuntu-desktop" also being removed11:49
MJCDthat's fine right?11:50
BaapuI am logged in from one disk and I want to mount another one that is live and containing data in partitions /, /home , etc.11:50
MJCDlike its no big deal it just doesnt match that metapackage anymore so its removed11:50
MJCDIf im correct?11:50
R13oseMJCD: which package do you want to remove?11:51
BaapuIs it possible?11:51
brainwashshree: mmh. how much space does "journalctl --vacuum-time=3d" clean up?11:51
MJCDR13ose, its for a detachable vm11:51
MJCDso im trying to trim a lot out11:51
MJCDlike alsa11:51
TJ-MJCD: correct11:51
MJCDit doesn't need sound11:51
MJCDTJ-, sweet, thanks11:51
BaapuThe other disk is of another system that I want to read in mine11:52
brainwashshree: it could be that you have a large system log file which may potentially slow down boot time11:52
MJCDeasy to fix if it does break anyway, just apt-get that metapackage11:52
R13oseMJCD: right11:52
TJ-MJCD: another useful 'trick' when installing is to use --no-install-recommends - that can significantly reduce how many packages are installed11:53
BaapuAny package or something for that ?11:53
MJCDTJ-, ah interesting - I did this from the ubuntu mate mini.iso11:53
MJCDusing its installer11:53
MJCDwhat the hell man11:53
MJCDlike alsa-utils11:53
pragomerusing 17.10: How can I switch to next/prev workspace using keyboard? In keyboard settings I can only set a shortcut for "switch to workspace no 1,2,34" but not to next or previous11:53
MJCDmakes me remove apturl11:54
MJCDwhich im guessing I dont want to do11:54
s10gopalwhen i close my laptop lid, monitor connected via hdmi also get off , in power settings i have selected do not do anything when lid close11:54
MJCDso now I have to keep sound crap around11:54
TJ-MJCD: --install-recommends is usually the apt default, and it doesn't just install the Recommends: of the package you install, but all packages it depends on, right down the chain. I did a test with Lubuntu and I think the difference was something like 3GB vs 750MB11:54
MJCDTJ-, interesting, im wondering wouldnt it be the same as selecting nothing in the installer?11:55
MJCDsame effect?11:55
BaapuYa disk is explorable from booting11:56
TJ-MJCD: If you don't mind hacking the system, /var/lib/dpkg/info contains the Debian 'control' content for every package plus it's status (installed, etc.), and there you can manually edit the "Depends:" of a package to remove packages that would otherwise break. E.g. remove "apturl" from the Depends: for Package: alsa-utils  :D11:56
TJ-MJCD: installer will still be defaulting to --install-recommends :)11:57
MJCDTJ-, that sounds like way too much work11:57
TJ-MJCD: sometimes the machine has to learn who's really the master!11:57
MJCDI guess I dont strictly need apturl11:57
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JimBuntuIn mother Russia, machine masters YOU11:59
hpardisHow can I tell what version of libsdl2 I have installed? I'm using 17.1012:00
TJ-MJCD: I don't see apturl as a dependency of alsa-utils12:00
TitaniumCoder477@Baapu My understanding of the use case is that you want to access/explorer another disk. So either you have to mount it under your live OS, or you have to boot into a live OS (such as UBCD) and access it from there. What is your desired objective? I.e. are you trying to copy recover/copy the data or just permanently mount the drive or what?12:00
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MJCDTJ-, no idea I marked it anyway it might be because im doing complete removal12:00
shree@brainwash it has journalctl --vaccum==> Vacuuming done, freed 0B of archived journals from /var/log/journal/5bfb80b39f9048ec87612:00
MJCDhasn't caused any other issues12:00
MJCDdown to the b's now in synaptic12:00
MJCDoh that reminds me12:01
MJCDmy mouses scroll wheel is all messed up in ubuntu mate12:01
MJCDbut cant find a setting for how it should behave12:01
MJCDits currently unworkably unresponsive lol12:02
TJ-!info libsdl2 artful | hpardis you can use "apt-cache policy <package>" or "apt list <package>"12:02
ubottuhpardis you can use "apt-cache policy <package>" or "apt list <package>": Package libsdl2 does not exist in artful12:02
brainwashshree: doesn't look like there was anything to clean up (probably due to no persistent log file being present)12:02
TJ-!info libsdl2-2.0-0 artful | hpardis12:03
ubottuhpardis: libsdl2-2.0-0 (source: libsdl2): Simple DirectMedia Layer. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.6+dfsg1-3ubuntu1 (artful), package size 357 kB, installed size 1167 kB12:03
shreehow do i clean up that..?12:03
ioriashree, how big is it ?   du -sh /var/log/journal/12:03
brainwashshree: is the issue reproducible? I mean does this particular service slow down every boot?12:03
hpardisthanks everyone12:04
hpardiser TJ- rather12:04
s10gopalhow to update bios , hp only provide exe file , i have created a hp bios repair usb but it dont boot12:06
shreesystem-analyze ==> http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/D6qtYnFdD6/12:07
MJCDwowzer removing cups-filters breaks a lot of stuff apparently loool12:07
R13oseHi jeffrey12:12
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jeffreyhi r13ose12:13
R13oseJeffrey: what's up?12:13
jeffreynot much12:14
jeffreydo use ubuntu12:14
jeffreyydo you use ubuntu12:15
dfchthats a good question in #ubuntu channel ;)12:16
dfchi liked 20:14 < jeffrey> do use ubuntu12:16
jeffreyi do12:16
mooncakehexchathi guys was wondering is it possible to surf the internet from terminal Ubuntu | no gui-if so can i have a great link to teach me what i need to learn12:23
dfchmooncakehexchat: links or lynx12:24
dfchmooncakehexchat: irssi for irc12:24
TJ-mooncakehexchat: 'w3m' is often installed by default too12:24
TJ-!info w3m | mooncakehexchat12:25
ubottumooncakehexchat: w3m (source: w3m): WWW browsable pager with excellent tables/frames support. In component main, is optional. Version 0.5.3-34ubuntu0.1 (artful), package size 909 kB, installed size 2480 kB12:25
mooncakehexchatnot sure what to google12:25
dfchmooncakehexchat: sudo apt install links12:25
TJ-!info links | mooncakehexchat12:25
ubottumooncakehexchat: links (source: links2): Web browser running in text mode. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.14-3build1 (artful), package size 462 kB, installed size 1538 kB12:25
confluencymooncakehexchat: have you tried googling terminal web browser lynx?12:25
confluencymooncakehexchat: (or one of the other names.)12:25
Soul_Samplethere is also elinks12:25
mooncakehexchat<confluency> no why not filter out irrelivent results from the answers thats why i asked here12:27
mooncakehexchatthanks all12:27
confluencymooncakehexchat: if you search for terminal web browsers, every result on the first page is relevant.12:27
dfchmooncakehexchat: just install couple of those and compare them by yourself12:28
confluencyWe can't tell you which one you will like the most.12:28
dfchit's like someone would recommend chrome, some firefox, when other go crazy about opera12:28
mooncakehexchatjust wanted some suggestions and i have that now12:28
mooncakehexchattime to have a play12:29
MJCDlool wtf why does ubuntu mate come with freaking ipod drivers12:29
mooncakehexchatfor your android12:29
confluencyUbuntu comes with lots of drivers.12:30
MJCDwho's out there still using ipods12:30
MJCDthat also use extremely light versions of linux12:31
confluencyHow are these two things related?12:31
MJCDbecause if they use an ipod they likely have a mac12:31
Soul_Samplethey're not12:31
confluencyThat's your assumption, which may well be incorrect.12:31
confluencyI mean, in that case, why put iPod drivers in Linux at all?12:32
MJCDright, thats the entire point12:32
confluencyThey're there so that there's a good chance various devices will work out of the box.12:32
Guest43181why my ubuntu restart when i shut it down and usb is connected12:32
MJCDfor 0.0043% market share12:32
MJCDwho MUST sync an ipod on a low end pc12:32
confluencyI'm not sure why you're arguing that Linux should support *less* hardware.12:32
TJ-MJCD: 0.0043% market share is what Linux desktop is about!12:32
Soul_Sampleyes, let's argue market share importance in a linux chat room12:32
confluencyWe'd better all stop using Linux on the desktop immediately.12:33
MJCDubuntu mate is meant for low end machines12:33
MJCDas is xubuntu12:33
TJ-personally I use it in the greenhouse, the shed, and the tractor :p12:33
Soul_Sampleipod drivers don't slow down your machine12:34
confluencyI don't understand why you assume that choice of desktop environment is in any way correlated with choice of phone / music player device.12:34
MJCDofcourse it is... for apple users12:34
hggdhfolks, let's get back on-topic, please12:34
Soul_Sampleand desktop environment also has nothing to do with driver seelction12:35
MJCDSoul_Sample, if 98% of all people dont need it12:35
MJCDthen they dont need it12:35
hggdhMJCD: enough. Please go to -offtopic or -discuss to keep on this12:36
MJCDif someone uses linux - especially a low end distro12:36
MJCDthen they can install a driver for their ipod before using it12:36
MJCDno big deal12:36
Soul_Sampleyou are free to recompile your kernel without drivers you don't need. ubuntu and its derivatives have always been about accessibility and working out of the box for most people. that includes ipods and iphones. no reason to argue it, especially here.12:36
MJCDthese drivers arent in the kernel12:37
MJCDim just working down the list of installed packages is all haha12:38
MJCDto make this a lean mean fighting machine12:38
hggdhMJCD: please stop now12:39
MJCDlol sure, until the next weird inclusion I find12:39
hggdhMJCD: not here. This is a support channel, not a a free discussion one12:40
Soul_Samplethere are rooms for it, this is support12:40
MJCDnot free discussion?12:40
MJCDlike as in I have to pay for it?12:40
MJCDhere's my credit card info12:40
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dragospHi, I am trying to run conjure-up and at step 2 I cannot select anything. Any idea why ?13:00
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* JimBuntu wishes ##linux had the bot from here, or one like it.13:15
wangjbany body there?13:18
leftyfbwangjb: only 1613 people13:18
leftyfb!ask | wangjb13:18
ubottuwangjb: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience13:18
JimBuntuI am not here13:18
wangjbI can13:19
wangjbI can't open FireFox after upgrade Ubuntu mate13:19
wangjbapt-get update13:19
wangjbthen i typed upgrade13:19
wangjb|ubottu |leftyfb,sorry I'm fresh13:21
JimBuntuwangjb, FWIW, ubottu is a bot13:21
wangjb3Q ,|JimBuntu.13:21
wangjbwhen I upgrade My Raspberry Pi 3B Whith Ubuntu Mate I can't Open FireFox.Displaid be Crashed.13:23
JimBuntuwangjb, You may do slightly better in the #raspberrypi channel.13:24
adrian_1908wangjb: one first approach is to try starting firefox with a fresh/new profile (don't recall how to do that, do a websearch)13:25
adrian_1908you can keep the old profile, you'd just create a (temporary) new one.13:26
adrian_1908crimson_king: but that's if you get into firefox, his is crasing on startup, so I presume starting from the cli with some flag is in order.13:28
crimson_kingoh, right. maybe they could move the profile folder to other location and run firefox, which creates a new profile.13:33
adrian_1908yup, that's another possibility.13:35
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mattflywhy are all the ubuntu servers down13:48
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mattflycan someone give me any valid magnetic link to any ubuntu lightweigh distro or anything13:48
mattflyi needed to recover my ubuntu grub and I dont have a working iso13:49
akemmattfly, torrents.13:49
mattflygive me a magnetic link any13:49
crimson_kingmattfly, magnet:?xt=urn:btih:90468ce462d7f5a63323fc1a4c67310203bff671&dn=lubuntu-17.10-desktop-amd64.iso13:49
mattflynot kubuntu 17.04 or newer because i cant use try mode with it13:49
mattflythis torrent seek for peers forever i was trying it13:50
crimson_kingmattfly, magnet:?xt=urn:btih:c1aa77dea674d71fbd85559034b6082b8434d36e&dn=lubuntu-16.04.3-desktop-amd64.iso13:50
mattflywell  let me try13:51
mattflyalso connecting to peers and never loads13:51
mattflydo you have xubuntu or anything else?13:51
crimson_kingcan't you get it from http?13:52
mattflyall ubuntu related serevrs seems to be down13:53
crimson_kingwell, they work for me, so it seems you got a problem there13:53
mattflyit tells me its taking too long to load13:54
mattflycan u give me the magnetic link for that xubuntu?13:55
crimson_kingi can't find a magnet, just torrent13:55
mattflyI have a weird connection problem13:55
mattflyis that servers ip ?13:56
mattflyi think im having some dns problem13:57
crimson_kingthen try changing to a different dns server if you can13:57
crimson_kingtry the new and
crimson_kingCloudflare DNS13:58
crimson_kingthe IP you sent takes me to the Apache Test page13:59
mattflyyeah i think my dns is ok13:59
crimson_kingAnd ipinfo.io tells me this server is Canonical's13:59
mattflybut some ip's are unreacheble13:59
mattflyWhy is that happening?13:59
mattflynot even using my mobile 3G i can reach them14:00
mattflyyeah i can see things using tor14:01
mattflyso my ISP is blocking those things... jesus14:01
crimson_kingi'm not the most knowledgeable person on network issues, but my last advice is to see if your country might be blocking them.14:02
TJ-mattfly: it could be a routing issue. 'tracepath' and 'ping' could help determine the problem14:04
MacroManI'm can't get a samba share running. Here is my config: http://termbin.com/yjgj14:05
MacroManI can't connect from either Ubuntu or Window$14:05
R13oseI am unable to stop the + button from typing in fields where I can write.  Any ideas on how to fix?14:06
leftyfbR13ose: do you mean if you type + on the keyboard, it keeps repeating?14:08
JimBuntuR13ose, Still having this issue? Did you disconnect the keyboard yet?14:08
lotuspsychje!samba | MacroMan14:08
ubottuMacroMan: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/samba.html14:08
leftyfbR13ose: sounds like a hardware/keyboard problem to me14:08
MacroManlotuspsychje: I've read both those guides already14:08
MacroManI can't even browse the IP address of the server from windows14:09
leftyfbMacroMan: firewall?14:09
MacroManAh. Forgot about firewall14:09
MacroManHang on14:09
MacroManleftyfb: That was it. Thank you14:10
TJ-JimBuntu: that's a good suggestion :)14:10
JimBuntuTJ-, I am pretty sure I suggested that back on day #1. I don't remember if it was tried. I am also someone who has had a laptop KB go bad on them in a similar fashion though14:11
TJ-JimBuntu: but it seems it's a controller issue with phantom interrupts so it probably won't help14:11
JimBuntuTJ-, Oh wow, that's way worse.14:11
TJ-JimBuntu: the issue doesnt affect BIOS or GRUB, it only starts once Linux initialises the i804214:11
R13oseleftyfb: nope.  The + does this on its own14:12
leftyfbR13ose: try as JimBuntu suggested. Disconnect the keyboard14:12
R13oseJimBuntu: this is a laptop, I can't disconnect the keyboard in an easy way14:12
leftyfbR13ose: it shouldn't be too hard14:12
TJ-leftyfb: it isn't the keyboard!14:12
leftyfbTJ-: oh?14:12
TJ-read what I just told JimBuntu  ^^^14:13
leftyfbHave we confirmed this with a live cd/usb?14:13
TJ-leftyfb: We've spent several days exhaustively debugging it!14:13
leftyfbAnd so after all that, we have this person coming in here and asking for help from the beginning? That's productive14:13
R13oseleftyfb: I don't have a larger usb or CDROM drive. If there is a small one I can try, I will do that.14:14
MacroManI've got my Samba share working, but it's read only. Can anyone help me see why?: http://termbin.com/yjgj14:14
TJ-leftyfb: if it means anything.. it's got me beat and flumoxed, OK?14:14
TJ-BIOS: OK  GRUB: OK  Linux: spurious interrupts with 0x4e several times per second from the i8042.14:14
R13oseleftyfb: there is a bug report that I forgot to link.14:14
leftyfbMacroMan: check permissions on the directory itself14:14
MacroManThey are my own user. What user does samba run under?14:15
R13oseHere is the bug report so far: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/176150214:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1761502 in linux (Ubuntu) "i8042 generating thousands of spurious keypress interrupts" [Low,Triaged]14:15
TJ-R13ose: there's one thing we haven' tried, manually disabling the i802 keyboard input just to see if that does stop it. At the GRUB menu edit the menu entry's "linux ..." line and add "i8042.nokbd"14:16
leftyfbR13ose: If TJ- doesn't know, and you've got a bug report, you're probably not going to get much further help in here with it. It's also not productive to ask in here days later if someone can help you, ignoring the fact that one of our best has spent days on it and there's a bug report. You'll waste someone elses time troubleshooting from scratch.14:16
TJ-R13ose: you won't have keyboard but you should have the mouse so can trigger a reboot from the greeter screen14:16
R13oseleftyfb: okay I will stop now and only ask TJ14:16
TJ-leftyfb: someone else might have inspiration though :D14:17
R13oseTJ-: I will do that now14:17
TJ-R13ose: don't put it in /etc/default/grub because you'd never be able to edit it out!14:18
sanrootadb via USB not working in mint14:18
leftyfbsanroot: mint isn't supported here14:18
TJ-!mint | sanroot14:18
ubottusanroot: The Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official flavors, since other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. So please use their dedicated support venues, for example: Linux Mint (#linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), and LXLE (#lxle)14:18
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R13oseTJ-: after edit, I press F10, right?14:24
TJ-R13ose: yes, or Ctrl+X14:25
R13oseTJ-: the + happened during my edits of that file at grub menu.14:25
TJ-R13ose: Really? So it /does/ affect GRUB too.14:25
R13oseTJ-: yes but that is weird because our other test didn't do that14:26
TJ-R13ose: that changes a lot; that really does point to the hardware. If it were mine I'd remove and strip the keyboard. The most obvious cause is the silicon dimple  for the "+" key is stuck down inside the key body14:26
R13oseTJ-: I am at login screen14:27
TJ-R13ose: you might be able to examine that just by popping the key-cap again. Use a magnifier and lots of light, or video camera with some decent zoom14:27
TJ-R13ose: is the keyboard working or disabled?14:27
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R13oseTJ-: disabled14:28
TJ-R13ose: OK, if you use the mouse to select one of the input text boxes does anything get added?14:28
R13oseTJ-: nothing gets added14:28
TJ-R13ose: OK, so that at least seems to tell us it's not an issue with the APIC (advanced programmable interrrupt controller) that the i8042 is connected to14:29
TJ-R13ose: Do a reboot so you have keyboard again14:29
TJ-R13ose: one more thing, this boot edit the GRUB menu entry and try "i8042.reset=1"14:30
R13oseTJ-: booting now after editing.14:33
texlaWhen looking at gparted how do I determine which partitions are primary and is 4 the amount of primary all I can use14:35
R13oseTJ-: the +'s are back14:35
LopeI found this cool song about open source/linux that I'm inspired to share https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3UsKYsLSGpU&t=3m51s14:37
TJ-R13ose: I'm wondering if we can switch the i8042 from interrupt to polling mode14:39
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TJ-R13ose: nope, no longer possible. There's one last boot-time option you can try "i8042.kbdreset=1"14:41
R13oseTJ-: going to try14:42
CarlFKwhat is the kernel module I need to load on a nat gateway that is forwarding ftp traffic to an inside box?14:42
R13oseTJ-: booting14:44
TJ-CarlFK: you mean nf_conntrack_ftp  ?14:45
R13oseTJ-: still happening14:46
CarlFKTJ-: sounds like it.  thanks14:46
TJ-CarlFK: or nf_nat_ftp ?14:46
CarlFKTJ-: duh, just searched history, found that one.14:47
TJ-R13ose: it points to the hardware then, and the most obvious is the silicon dimple in the key itself, or the tracks/pads below it, being shorted14:47
CarlFKwoot.  226 Transfer complete;14:49
ossehow can I find the time of the last (current) boot?14:52
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R13oseTJ-: I feel my computer is smashed up enough that I need another computer right?14:53
lotuspsychjeosse: systemd-analyze14:53
leftyfbosse: type: last14:53
leftyfbR13ose: did you try just unplugging the keyboard and seeing if the problem goes away?14:54
osselotuspsychje: ah, I meant when I booted, not how long it took. But thanks anyway, that's pretty cool14:54
osseleftyfb: thank you14:54
R13oseleftyfb: how?14:55
leftyfbR13ose: what is the model of your laptop?14:55
leftyfbR13ose: I'll google it for you14:55
Fleetwood R13ose: a new keyboard for a laptop is only around 14 dollars on ebay, and youtube videos show you how to change it14:56
leftyfbit's usually 2 screws on the bottom and a couple tabs up top14:57
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R13oseleftyfb: Acer Aspire V5-57214:59
R13oseI feel my laptop is too smashed.  I need to replace this as I dropped this too much.15:00
leftyfbR13ose: you probably should have mentioned that before15:03
TJ-osse: from the kernel uptime too: gawk '{print strftime("%x %X", systime() - $2)}' /proc/uptime15:03
R13oseleftyfb: I should have but I thought that problem and this one are different.15:03
leftyfbR13ose: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h55RqJTVGDY15:03
leftyfbR13ose: I typed "Acer Aspire V5-572 keyboard" into youtube15:04
osseTJ-: TIL awk isn't gnu awk on Ubuntu... :P But this prints a time stamp that doesn't make sense. I wasn't home then :O15:05
osseTJ-: ah, maybe you meant $1 ? then I get the same time as by the other methods15:06
TJ-osse: right; hence gawk not awk.15:06
TJ-osse: oh, typo!15:06
R13oseleftyfb: thanks.  I feel I need a new computer.15:07
n00n3ryou guys ever seen openvpn disable vino when it connects and if show, know how to stop that?15:08
R13oseleftyfb: any suggestions on what I should buy?15:08
leftyfbR13ose: a computer15:09
leftyfbR13ose: that's beyond the scope of this channel15:09
JimBuntun00n3r, I have not seen openvpn disable any other software/etc.15:09
n00n3rJimBuntu, yea, i've tested it a few times. it may not be openvpn itself doing it, possibly something with vino, i dont know yet. googled a bit for a solution but nothing so far15:10
R13oseleftyfb: thanks15:10
R13osejtfidje: thanks for your help15:10
leftyfbR13ose: thank TJ-, he put in all this time15:11
JimBuntun00n3r, is vino being stopped/killed or is it simply an issue with you not being able to connect to it any more? The connectivity issue may make sense since your OpenVPN setup could be changing your routing (should be)15:11
R13oseThanks TJ-15:11
n00n3rJimBuntu, stopping/killed15:11
leftyfbR13ose: what you really should do is take that keyboard out, plug in a usb keyboard, confirm it's hardware 100% and close out that bug15:11
n00n3rJimBuntu, can no longer see the vino pid's after openvpn connects15:12
JimBuntuwow n00n3r, there may be clues in dmesg/syslog/etc15:12
n00n3rJimBuntu, nothing so far i can find15:12
R13oseleftyfb: I don't have any of that to test.  Can I close the bug?15:12
JimBuntun00n3r, without any other info, I'm thinking vino is crashing upon the network change.15:12
n00n3rJimBuntu, there's some configuration items for vino in dconf-editor, but thing relative15:13
n00n3rJimBuntu, yea. if i stop openvpn, the pids are back. so odd15:13
TJ-osse: I think there's a simpler way: "stat /proc"15:13
leftyfbR13ose: personally, I wouldn't until I knew 100% this is a hardware issue15:13
leftyfbwhich you don't15:13
n00n3rJimBuntu, this is ubuntu ver 17.10. openvpn v2.4.3-415:14
R13oseleftyfb: the only way is to turn off the laptop keyboard and plug in a usb keyboard?15:14
n00n3rJimBuntu, sshd works just fine when i connect the vpn. its just vino15:14
pragmaticenigman00n3r, have you tried any other VNC service provider, such as x11vnc?15:14
n00n3rpragmaticenigma, yes, and it seems there are some issues with x11vnc, tigervnc and tightvncserver with u 17.10. i gave up on getting those working. vino seem to work best but then this vpn issue lol15:15
pragmaticenigman00n3r, Do you have custom ports defined for Vino or OpenVPN?15:15
n00n3rpragmaticenigma, no15:16
hangohey all having issues with jack and alsa15:16
lotuspsychje!sound | hango15:16
ubottuhango: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.15:16
ozberkhi guys I got a dump question. Firefox scroll speed is too slow15:16
hangocant seem to get jack server to start using alsa drivers15:16
n00n3rpragmaticenigma, iptables is disabled too15:16
lotuspsychjeozberk: your graphics drivers installed correctly?15:16
ozberklotuspsychje, yes15:16
lotuspsychjeozberk: wich ubuntu version?15:17
ozberkprevious lts 16.0415:17
n00n3ronly thing ive not done at this point is turn on debuging on openvpn, not 100% sure that will even show anything but, i'll likely try it next just to say i have15:17
pragmaticenigman00n3r, strange that both iptables and vino aren't playing nice with OpenVPN... Are you trying to fowrad your local network through your OpenVPN server?15:17
lotuspsychjeozberk: firefox version and graphics driver module?15:18
n00n3rnot sure if there's some logging i could enable for vino, its tightly integrated in gnome right?15:18
n00n3rpragmaticenigma, no, iptables is basically disabled. its not a factor15:18
n00n3rpragmaticenigma, no, i'm just using openvpn to connect to my purevpn account15:19
pragmaticenigman00n3r, not very familiar with Vino... it was too laggy for my needs and corrupted displays were too annoying. I've been using x11vnc for many years without issue, though I have a customized configuration for some other issues15:19
pragmaticenigman00n3r, So this is an outgoing OpenVPN connection (client)15:19
n00n3rpragmaticenigma, i'd entertain the idea if giving x11vnc another go to get around this15:20
n00n3rpragmaticenigma, yes15:20
pragmaticenigmaAre you using OpenVPN community provided client, or a client provided by your VPN service provider?15:20
n00n3rpragmaticenigma, community15:20
n00n3rpragmaticenigma, all is working perfectly except Vino15:21
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JimBuntun00n3r, not to ignore the original issue, but may I suggest xrdp ?15:21
n00n3rgnmome, vino or openvpn or something disables/shuts down vino when the vpn connection is made15:21
GuerreiroBR Hello15:22
n00n3rJimBuntu, i need to be able to share the local console. xrdp gives me my own session15:22
n00n3rthis is for a PVR/DVR setup etc...15:22
JimBuntuah, ok.15:22
pragmaticenigmaI'm stumpped n00n3r ... Is openVPN connection being managed through Network Manager?15:23
n00n3rpragmaticenigma, no, using a .conf file and systemd to start the service15:24
n00n3ri've used openvpn for years, but never had a need to connect local lan to a vnc service so this is new to me15:24
pragmaticenigman00n3r, what do you mean by local lan to a vnc service?15:27
n00n3rpragmaticenigma, the need to connect to the local console desktop, while a vpn is connected, such as in this situation etc...15:28
n00n3rusing VNC15:28
pragmaticenigman00n3r, it is possible the VPN server is configured to send commands to tunnel all traffic over the VPN... which would lock out local network activity. This can be pushed from the service provider, or setup in the local .conf file15:30
pragmaticenigman00n3r, it wouldn't explain why Vino is being killed as a process15:31
n00n3rpragmaticenigma, not in this case, the actual vino PID get killed when vpn starts15:31
n00n3ryea thats the part thats odd about this15:31
pragmaticenigman00n3r, the only thing I could think of is the disruption to the network connections when openVPN updates routing tables15:32
pragmaticenigmacauses vino to crash15:32
n00n3rpragmaticenigma, right that does make since15:32
pragmaticenigman00n3r, is the VPN intended to be run full time?15:34
n00n3rpragmaticenigma, yes15:34
pragmaticenigman00n3r, if you setup vino to run on demand, can you disable it... connect to the VPN, then enable Vino and see it working?15:35
n00n3rpragmaticenigma, not tried that. i'll give that a go and see. if it fails, maybe i can see why that way too.15:36
pragmaticenigman00n3r, if nothing gets logged, sometimes manually starting the process in the command line is the way to go15:36
n00n3rpragmaticenigma, right. thanks for that suggestion. its a good one15:37
TJ-n00n3r: if the VINO PID disappears that suggests it's binding to some interface has gone. I'd suggest checking before the VPN comes up what socket address vino is bound to with "sudo ss -tnlp" - check again after the VPN starts to see if the IP address has gone away (also use "ip addr show")15:46
cariveriDoes anyone know an easy way to have two internet connected PCs on the same VPN ?15:47
n00n3r_pragmaticenigma, interesting thing, works perfectly via command line. stop start vpn all good too. i can work with that15:47
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gp5stMy dad has an NTFS-formatted external USB 3 disk. I have an Thankpad x260 with USB 3. Is there anyway to speed up the NTFS access, a better method than FUSE? I'd like to copy just under a TB of video and it was copying at maybe double-digit kbps.15:54
TJ-gp5st: is it connected at USB3 speeds? check the kernel log ('dmsg')15:55
gp5stTJ-, yes, it is15:55
TJ-gp5st: are you doing the copy via GUI, or command line?15:56
TJ-gp5st: also, are you copying from USB  device to SATA device? or USB to USB  ?15:57
gp5stTJ-, command line, `rsync -avr --size-only` USB to internal SSD (SATA)15:58
pragmaticenigman00n3r, sweet... strange that vino being started within gnome has issues... but it's not entirely surprising... vino has always been fickle for me15:58
TJ-gp5st: is the speed you are seeing when it actually starts copying files, or whilst it is building the index?15:59
pragmaticenigman00n3r, you could probably script out launching OpenVPN and starting Vino15:59
gp5stfwiw, I do this with my ext3 usb 3 disks and it's pretty snappy (so the machine is capable of usb 3 speeds)15:59
gp5stTJ-, while copying (there aren't that many files. old video tapes he's record, so the index is small and size-only, no hashing)15:59
TJ-gp5st: but is the link actually up at superspeed rates? that's why I suggested checking in dmesg when the USB device was connected16:00
gp5stTJ-, yeah, dmesg and `lsubs -D` both seemed to say it's connected via usb 316:01
TJ-gp5st: not sure then, presumably a hardware issue if it's not pushing the data through16:01
gp5stTJ-, since it's NTFS I was thinking going through FUSE was causing the issue16:02
gp5stnot "issue", "unexpected performance"16:02
gp5sttbh, not even unexpected, it's not normally an issue, it's just that it's so much data this time16:03
TJ-gp5st: it's possible but I wouldn't have thought it'd be that dramatic16:03
TJ-gp5st: have you checked there are no I/O errors being reported?16:04
gp5stI didn't see anything in /var/log/syslog16:04
TJ-gp5st: 'dmesg -w' is the best tool for ongoing operations16:04
gp5stthanks! I'll do that next time I'm over there16:05
TJ-gp5st: I'd expect if fuse were the issue for the CPU usage to be quite high, since that'd be the bottleneck as userspace moved data from and to the kernel16:06
gp5stI should have `top`ed it, but I also wasn't doing anything else, so I didn't notice anything16:07
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TJ-might be worth installing iotop in preparation for your next session, too16:09
TJ-gp5st: also, is it possible the driver/enclosure has a power-saving mode that is triggered when laptop is operating on battery?16:10
gp5stpossible, but I had it plugged it16:10
gp5stI'll have to grab iotop and check it16:10
gp5stI was also thinking of doing `dd` to see what kind of raw performance i can get16:11
gp5stthanks for the sanity checks, TJ- :)16:13
TJ-gp5st: yes, dd is a good test of raw speed16:14
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TJ-gp5st: my gut feel is the link is coming up at SuperSpeed rates16:14
gp5stI'll have to save the output next time.16:15
TJ-grrrr, vital typo... s/link is/ link is NOT/16:16
=== nacc_ is now known as nacc
Hey_MAAS channel is so dead.16:20
naccHey_: there is also #ubuntu-server16:20
Hey_nacc: I'll check them out.16:21
bodie__hey.  looking for a workaround for this since it impacts prezto theme prompt correctness.  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/zsh/+bug/173422316:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1734223 in zsh (Ubuntu) "Update package to zsh 5.4.2 (as in Debian Buster)" [Undecided,Confirmed]16:35
bodie__I tried installing it by hand but there are issues.16:35
bodie__has anyone tried making a patched version?16:35
naccbodie__: it's fixed in bionic already16:36
naccbodie__: and honestly, not going to be fixed in 17.1016:37
thurinconnect oftc16:37
bodie__nacc, good news by me :) is it possible to dist-upgrade to bionic?16:40
naccbodie__: yes, if you are on 17.10, you can use `sudo do-release-upgrade -d`16:41
naccbodie__: note that support for bionic is in #ubuntu+1 until it releases16:41
testerhow can i have some service run on start16:41
testeras in automatically16:41
nacctester: is it a systemd unit?16:42
Maakayhi :) how to install last version of lxqt on xfce pls ?  (lxqt 0.12) not available in synaptics16:42
testernacc idk. i run it with service name start16:42
nacctester: what version of ubuntu?16:42
naccMaakay: are you on 16.04?16:42
nacctester: that's not a sufficiently descriptive answer, `lsb_release -sd` please16:43
testerim not in front of it, but i want to take care of this as soon as im there again16:43
testerlet me try ssh there16:43
nacctester: hard to help otherwise16:43
Maakayyep nacc on 16.04 on XFCE16:43
naccMaakay: it's not available ... you would need to upgrade to get a newer version16:44
Maakayshit :(16:44
leftyfbMaakay: why do you need that version?16:44
Maakayi've seen that 0.11 is available but 0.12 not available in synaptics16:44
naccMaakay: are you sure you are talking about the right package? on 16.04, lxqt is at '4'16:45
Maakayleftyfb, LXQT seems to be more silly than XFCE16:45
OerHeks0.12 is in testing, https://launchpad.net/~lubuntu-dev/+archive/ubuntu/lubuntu-daily16:45
testernacc 17.1016:45
Maakaybut available on https://lxqt.org/16:45
nacctester: ok, run `systemctl status <name>` instead of service and pastebin the output16:45
naccMaakay: that's upstream,  you are running a distribution.16:46
naccMaakay: liblxqt 0.12.0-5 is in 18.04 (currently in development)16:46
Maakayoki i will wait :)16:46
testernacc what specifically? i cant start copypasting now16:47
testerit loaded from /etc/systemd/system/..16:47
testerif that's what you're getting at16:47
nacctester: you can use pastebinit16:48
nacctester: if systemctl status works, you can use `sudo systemctl enable <name>` and it should start at aboot16:48
mattflyim now trying to recover ubuntu 17.10 from a chroot live usb16:52
mattflywhen i run update-grup ubuntu grup dont add ubuntu to the grub list just windows16:52
mattflyso grub is not detecting my own linux system where its installed16:52
mattflyand it is a UEFI16:52
mattflywhat can i try16:53
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OnkelTemDoes anybody know how to get all characters map for layout English (US) variabt English (international AltGr dead keys) in Ubuntu?16:56
leftyfbopen the "character map" utility?16:57
OnkelTemleftyfb: I don't have it I think16:57
leftyfbOnkelTem: if you're running a release of ubuntu made in the last 5 years you do16:58
jbarcelo /server alpha.elitebnc.org 1337 jbarcelo:e8-Dlitebnc16:58
OnkelTemleftyfb: probably on Kubuntu it's different then, cuz I'm running it16:59
leftyfbOnkelTem: yup, you're right. It's a gnome utility16:59
OnkelTemOk folks, can any of you enter character: ɛ ?17:01
fishbone_hello all, not sure if I am in the right place; I am having issues registering with ubuntu one17:02
ubottuone is letting me eat my lunch in peace here today17:02
fishbone_I created an account and I am not receiving the confirmation email to my aol account17:02
lotuspsychje_!ubuntuone | fishbone_17:03
ubottufishbone_: The Ubuntu One file and music service is being discontinued. The service will be unavailable starting 1 June 2014, and content available until 31 July, 2014. For more, see #ubuntuone17:03
fishbone_ubottu: I see, thanks for the response. That being the case, is there another way for me to create an account for launchpad?17:03
ubottufishbone_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:03
ioriaOnkelTem, in unicode is U+03b517:04
OnkelTemioria: yep, probably. It's a symbol from IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet). I would like to enter characters from it using kbd17:04
ioriaOnkelTem, i guess there is no /usr/bin/charmap on your system ?17:05
OnkelTemioria: nope :(17:06
OnkelTemioria: would you please check out the package name?17:06
ioriaOnkelTem, gucharmap17:07
ioriaOnkelTem, needless  to say that you can install the Greek keyboard and press 'e' :þ17:09
OerHeks!info KCharSelect17:10
ubottukcharselect (source: kcharselect): special character utility. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:17.04.3-0ubuntu1 (artful), package size 324 kB, installed size 774 kB17:10
OerHeksfor Kubuntu, that is17:10
ioriaOnkelTem, i think it's the same, yes17:10
ioriaOnkelTem, found it ? should be in Symbola -> Greek17:15
OnkelTemioria: installed kcharselect (thanks OerHeks17:19
OnkelTemEh... with kcharmap I see symbols, that's great. But it doesn't tell how can I enter them17:20
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OnkelTemThere is a separate category in KCharSelect - phonetic symbols17:21
OnkelTemioria: btw, grek ε has different code then phonetic ɛ17:22
OnkelTemDunno why, this doesn't seem optimal :)17:23
ioriaOnkelTem, what you need  'exactly' ?17:23
OnkelTemI don't get why there is no Layout visualisation in KDE? This is just stupid17:24
gogetaOnkelTem, what now17:25
OnkelTemgogeta: no visualization of Layout.17:25
gogetaOnkelTem, i think that above my paygrade17:25
KuleAPT or YUM flash for Kubuntu?17:31
naccKule: YUM? that's a redhat thing17:31
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pvl1oh now i remember why im here.why is /etc/krb5.conf linked to  /usr/local/samba/private/krb5.conf17:37
pvl1/usr/local/samba doesnt even exist17:37
pvl1is that implying that there are missing components of samba/kerberos?17:37
naccpvl1: you built samba from source?17:39
pvl1i hope not17:39
pvl1but i dont thinki did nacc17:39
pvl1i didnt see the mit support17:39
naccpvl1: /usr/local/samba isn't used by samba, afaict17:39
naccpvl1: definitely not by the ubuntu pacakges17:39
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pvl1well, samba is installed... im guessing thats the version im using. dont tihnk i compiled17:40
Jordan_Upvl1: How did you install samba?17:40
pvl1im guessing repos...17:40
lotuspsychjeAlekisx2: welcome, how can we help you?17:40
pvl1Jordan_U: yeah looking at dpkg, they're all ubuntu named versions17:40
Alekisx2I have a newbie theory question if anyone can help me understand it17:40
naccpvl1: well, /etc/krb5.conf being a symlink int /usr/local implies some weird local config17:41
Alekisx2I tried googling it but I can't wrap my head around the concept17:41
lotuspsychjeAlekisx2: if its about ubuntu, shoot17:41
Alekisx2Why is it bad to have "." your current directory in $PATH17:41
Alekisx2I understand it's because of possibility of malicious programs running17:42
Alekisx2It's my last question on my assignment17:42
naccAlekisx2: why would you ever need your current path to be in PATH normally?17:42
naccAlekisx2: also, we don't do your homework for you17:42
Alekisx2it's a theory question17:42
Alekisx2so far I understand that it's because you can a malicious program can run in it17:42
naccAlekisx2: you said 'assignment'?17:42
naccAlekisx2: which sounds like homework you can do17:42
Alekisx2and if you needed to run a certain command you could specify it by using ./17:43
Alekisx2if you wanted to run it in current directory17:43
Alekisx2but I don't understand more than that17:43
Alekisx2I guess17:43
Alekisx2well I tried googling and reading the security concerns for having your current directory in PATH17:44
Alekisx2but I'm not getting it17:44
pvl1nacc: im wondering if i should uninstall and retry17:44
pvl1or just remove the smlink and hack away ike normal people17:45
lotuspsychjeAlekisx2: sounds like something more for ##linux channel then ubuntu17:45
naccpvl1: is /usr/local/samba owned by any packages?17:45
Alekisx2hmm gotcha17:45
pvl1nacc: ive been trying to remember how to do that. been working backwards wtih dpkg -L17:45
naccpvl1: `dpkg -S`17:46
pvl1 who needs man when u have irc17:47
pvl1yeah nothing matches it. i had to have copied and pasted some code. thats the only thing i can think off17:48
pvl1nothing owns /etc/krb5.conf either tho17:48
pvl1ooh found something17:49
pvl1well, samba does preinstall a krb5.conf but in a totes diff directory17:49
Jordan_Ulankanmon: pvl117:49
Jordan_Upvl1: Sorry about that. What is the output of "dpkg -S /etc/krb5.conf" ?17:50
naccpvl1: i woudl have expected it to be /etc/samba/krb5.conf17:51
pvl1theres files in that dir17:51
pvl1but files arent owned by anything17:52
pvl1krb5-kdc owns dir17:52
pvl1theres a package something like krb5-config that has some templates but i think they're in /usr/share area17:52
pvl1whatever. ima rm -rf ./* on that file and just make new. i dont think its doing anything anyway. im willing to bet i messed something up a while ago. file's dated form jan 201717:54
ioriaOnkelTem, yes, the code for the phonetic symbol (not epsilon, as i thought ) is 025B17:56
s10gopali have selected do nothing when lid is closed , but when i connect monitor and close lid , monitor's screen also gets off17:59
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brainwashs10gopal: because the system suspends?18:18
s10gopalbrainwash, no18:19
s10gopalbrainwash, just display gets off , i have also selected do not suspent18:19
brainwashmaybe this https://askubuntu.com/questions/827139/closing-lid-turns-off-external-monitor-on-16-0418:22
brainwashthe first answer has a link to another askubuntu page also18:23
brainwashI suggest reading through all these suggestions18:23
mattflyim trying to recover my ubuntu from a live usb but i cant get networking working18:24
mattflyping  works but not ping google.com18:24
apb1963Is there a reason why /bin/false is not in /etc/shells?18:24
mattflyi have added nameservers to my /etc/resolv.conf18:24
mattflystill doesnt work18:25
mattflyand im using chroot18:25
s10gopalbrainwash, thx , i am using ubuntu 14.04 , they will work ?18:25
brainwash14.04 mmh18:27
apb1963mattfly, edit /etc/network/interfaces file18:27
brainwashno plans to upgrade to 16.04?18:27
mattflywhat do I do there apb196318:28
DbuggerHi everyone18:29
apb1963mattfly, that's where your name servers go.18:29
apb1963mattfly, dns-nameservers
apb1963    dns-search yourDomain.com18:29
DbuggerI have a problem. everytime I log into ubuntu, apparently the "update-notifier" gives me a "System program problem detected"18:29
Dbuggerwhy could it be?18:29
mattflyi just append that to its end18:29
mattflyi only have one interface and its lo18:30
apb1963mattfly, It needs to be within the appropriate iface stanza.18:30
mattflyits a chroot system18:30
mattflyyes bu there isnt its a chroot18:30
s10gopalbrainwash, i want to but https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/174564618:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1745646 in linux (Ubuntu Artful) "Battery drains when laptop is off (shutdown)" [Medium,In progress]18:30
s10gopalDbugger, same is happening with me , just ignore it , it is not causing any problem18:31
apb1963mattfly, do you control the machine?  Or do you have chrooted account you're working from?18:31
Dbuggers10gopal, so it is a bug?`18:31
mattflyim trying to recover a ubuntu grub and i need apt18:31
s10gopalDbugger, report it and you will get info too , s package is causing problem , but i dont know about it18:31
mattflyi went with a live usb and chrooted to it18:31
apb1963so you're running from a chrooted account.18:32
mattflyyeah but dns works on my host18:32
mattflyi just need apt working on the chrooted mahcine18:33
apb1963mattfly, you'll need to research that.. even if I remembered how I did it, it wasn't on ubuntu so it would likely be different.18:34
EriC^^mattfly: mount bind /run18:34
akikmattfly: you can edit /etc/resolv.conf directly and add the nameserver lines there18:34
Steristhellos, I'm trying to host a single html file locally, and as such apache2 is the go-to. I have set it up already. now, I've run into two little bumps... #1 can I just swap out the default index file with the one I want (renamed to match the default), and if not, if I just place it in the same directory is any further configuration needed for it to become live?19:10
Steristor should I be asking in a different room entirely? lol19:11
JimBuntuSterist, yes, you can replace or simply go to the file by name. If Apache is up and running, you shouldn't need to do anything else for the file to be live19:12
YounderSterist, yes just swap out index. If all you are doing is serving HTML no further config is needed.19:12
SlartSterist: afaik you don't need to rename it..19:12
Steristnot all at once :D19:12
JimBuntuSterist, technically, these questions aren't really for Ubuntu support, but it's quiet19:12
SlartSterist: index.html just happens to be the default file it loads when you don't specify which file you want19:12
Steristokay and it's been over a year since I've used... what's the GUI root file manager again? sorry I like to stay away from CLI as much as possible19:15
ioriaSterist, to be honest, there is no GUI root file manager19:15
OerHekstime to read some manual: sudo nano /var/www/html/index.html19:16
Steristwhatever works best, I know I've used a couple before19:16
JimBuntuioria, well... you can always kill nautilus and start it with sudo from the command line ;-)19:16
ioriaSterist, you can use gksu with nautilus, if you want19:16
Steristthat might have been what I did before. I think I've also used something like "gedit"19:16
ioriaJimBuntu, i would not kill nautilus, thanks :þ19:16
YounderPersonally I think much of the interesting stuff happens on the command line. I don't recommend rejecting it unless you are just a casual user. Things linke vagrant and docker and aws tools are better managed from the command line.19:18
Maakayvagrant is still working ?19:21
electromagnetismwell peanut butter tastes like french fries mix skittles with it ...19:23
howudodatneed some hep with power settings and my dell laptop running 16.04.4.  it used to suspend when I closed the lid or after idle when on battery, now it powers down, I have checked the power settings in gnome settings, in dconf and in logind.conf, I cant seem to get it to work19:25
leftyfbelectromagnetism: can we help you with something?19:27
electromagnetismhowudodat:  it's in  Tweak Tool19:27
sweinShould I add pbutter or jelly to my skittles?19:27
leftyfbswein: / electromagnetism: please stay on topic19:27
Steristdepending on the needs of the hour I may phase between casual and involved, so I know a lot about a little and a little about a lot. GUI's are meant for humans though! (o_<)19:28
howudodattweak tool->power all show suspend19:28
sweinleftyfb: on april 6th the last 18.04 beta was announced, ar eyou excited for release?19:28
leftyfb!bionic | swein19:28
ubottuswein: Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver) will be the 28th release of Ubuntu - Announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1518 - Discussion in #ubuntu+119:28
naccswein: #ubuntu+1 for bionic, but not discussion, support19:28
electromagnetismleftyfb: sry wrong room post earlier D19:29
electromagnetismhowudodat:  maybe systemctl unmask sleep.target suspend.target19:30
ioriaSterist, usually you run apache on a server ; servers ship usually without a gui for a reason (resources/security) ... so be familiar with text editors would be good  (wit)19:30
Steristthis is for a very personal use, but not in the "personal info" way, just, not needed for anything or anyone else and puts nothing at risk of accessed in any other way19:32
Steristif accessed**19:32
SteristI will definitely keep that in mind for the future though!19:32
generalfluffleshi everyone19:32
ioriaSterist, we're put then19:32
TJ-howudodat: check /var/log/syslog and also 'journalctl -u upower.service"19:32
generalflufflesi am facing an error with wine19:32
leftyfbSterist: as has been mentioned, you will get WAY better with linux and administering servers if you do without a GUI. The GUI's do nothing to help manage a server anyway and in fact, do slow the process down and get in the way19:33
leftyfbgeneralfluffles: please detail your issue19:34
howudodatsystemctl status sleep/hibernate/suspend/hybrid.target show all 4 are enabled and loaded19:34
leftyfbgeneralfluffles: along with the version of ubuntu you're running19:34
generalflufflesleftyfb, i am using ubuntu 16.04 lts19:34
howudodatjournalctl shows upower is started19:34
generalflufflesleftyfb, ive just updated from ubuntu 14.04 lts emptying my drive19:35
SteristI am not in the IT industry and do not anticipate being, this is just to make a single file accessible through my laptop over LAN from another problematic device. petty :)19:35
generalflufflesto get rid of the errors19:35
generalflufflesthat i got in the older versions19:35
generalflufflesanyway i tried using winecfg and it reports this:19:36
generalflufflesfixme:ole:RemUnknown_QueryInterface No interface for iid {00000019-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}19:36
leftyfbgeneralfluffles: do you need to keep anything that was already installed in wine?19:38
generalflufflesi did not use wine due to its complexity19:38
leftyfbgeneralfluffles: rm -rf ~/.wine19:39
leftyfbthat will wipe anything you've installed in wine and any configs19:39
howudodatelectromagnetism, TJ- results of the commands: https://pastebin.com/y9uK26s119:39
generalflufflesleftyfb,  wont that remove it?19:39
leftyfbgeneralfluffles: then try installing your windows app19:39
leftyfbgeneralfluffles: it won't remove wine, only what you've done with it19:39
leftyfbgeneralfluffles: what are you trying to run in wine?19:39
generalflufflesa silver type game19:40
generalflufflesthat has the same bugs/glitches as windows19:40
generalflufflesaccording to wineHQ's database19:40
TJ-howudodat: it's no good grep-ing syslog; you need to read it in-detail around the time of the power event to determine what was going on19:43
howudodatTJ- ok19:43
generalflufflesleftyfb, it didn't do anything at all19:43
leftyfbgeneralfluffles: what is the issue? (use pastebin)19:44
howudodatclosing the lid be back in a few minutes19:44
PsychoBoBwhat the diff between ubuntu and manjaro19:44
generalflufflesleftyfb, it loaded for half a minute and suddenly stopped loading19:45
PsychoBoBwhat the best?19:45
leftyfbPsychoBoB: manjaro is not ubuntu. Ubuntu is the only distro supported here.19:45
PsychoBoBubuntu is the better?19:45
generalflufflesif manjaro is a linux OS then there should be a channel about it19:45
leftyfbPsychoBoB: that is an inappropriate question to be asking here19:46
leftyfbPsychoBoB: try them both out and decide for yourself19:46
s10gopalTJ-, please give me 2 minutes , i need to install both of the files ? [jsalisbury is not online and i am going to sleep. http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~jsalisbury/lp1745646/19:46
PsychoBoBI don't know19:46
JimBuntugeneralfluffles, There is #manjaro19:46
leftyfbPsychoBoB: try them both out and decide for yourself19:46
leftyfbPsychoBoB: go to #manjaro for help with manjaro19:47
PsychoBoBgood, i try it19:47
generalflufflesPsychoBoB, its like asking: whats better ice cream or frozen yogurt19:47
leftyfbit's like going to #blue and asking "which is better, red or blue?"19:48
PsychoBoBi like two19:48
s10gopalleftyfb, can you please tell ?19:48
leftyfbs10gopal: tell what?19:48
generalflufflestell that at a channel with tons of users19:49
generalflufflesill go to the united states and ask whats better New York or Los Angeles19:49
s10gopalleftyfb, i need to install both of the files or test one kernel at a time ? file : http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~jsalisbury/lp1745646/          https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1745646 #7119:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1745646 in linux (Ubuntu Artful) "Battery drains when laptop is off (shutdown)" [Medium,In progress]19:49
leftyfbs10gopal: why?19:50
leftyfbs10gopal: you've provided zero context19:50
generalflufflesleftyfb, thanks for your time ill try going to #wineHQ channel for further help19:50
electromagnetismyeah some file directories and stuff are different on Majuro vs Ubuntu to name something , using Ubuntu's channel will cause unneeded confusion19:50
generalfluffleshave a nice day19:50
OerHekss10gopal, see the mainline factoid how and in which order19:50
ubottuThe kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds19:50
s10gopalOerHeks, please see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1745646 #71 and the link too19:51
electromagnetismgeezzz chat lag lol19:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1745646 in linux (Ubuntu Artful) "Battery drains when laptop is off (shutdown)" [Medium,In progress]19:51
s10gopalOerHeks, he always provide songle image or image + header , this time i have image and image extra19:52
leftyfbs10gopal: install both. One is the kernel, the other is the "extras" package for that kernel19:52
OerHekss10gopal, no need to read that url, i answered how to install those 2 debs19:52
iorias10gopal, in this case you don't need headers19:52
TJ-s10gopal: install both -extra contains modules19:53
iorias10gopal, it's just a test19:53
s10gopalthx , i am going to install both of the files19:53
leftyfbthen why ask?19:53
s10gopali dont know what to do19:54
OerHeksand upgrade gru, logibcally19:54
s10gopalbefore i dont have any idea what to do , thats why i asked it19:55
Steristanother question regarding localhost, sorry ;) should a connected device need to have network settings manually configured to allow proper communication?19:56
JimBuntuSterist, most let DHCP handle that, if I understand your question. DHCP is rather common now.19:57
SteristI don't know how relevant this is but if it helps clear the air, this "network" in is 2 devices that need to talk to each, and no internet (better if no internet!)19:58
Steristtalk to each other**19:59
JimBuntuSterist, and no appliance/device that they both connect to? as in, do you want to use one cable and connect the 2 devices together with it?19:59
Steristdirect. no router19:59
JimBuntuSterist, in this case they either have to be manually configured... or what I would do, is let one of them be the DHCP server19:59
JimBuntuSterist, I have used isc-dhcp-server for this20:00
Steristthe laptop is the server.20:00
JimBuntuIf the laptop is acting as the DHCP server (properly) then the client device should get configured automatically (if it has DHCP enabled).... the only other thing I can think of that might give you trouble is that is the network cards don't auto-configure the pins for direct-connect, then you may need a cross-over patch cable.20:01
Steristwhen I've concluded my need for this localhost network, will I need to revert anything the restore conventional networking?20:01
Steristor would it have no effect?20:02
JimBuntuSterist, once you no longer need it, then you can disable isc-dhcp-server (or your DHCP server daemon of choice)20:02
SteristI've learned to troubleshoot before trouble shoots ;)20:02
howudodatok, a bit more details and the results of my syslog.  On power, the system suspends and fires up with a lid close.  Only on battery lid closes causes a full power off.  here is my syslog: https://pastebin.com/DVq4ah7r20:03
JimBuntuAgreed, asking questions early leads to less trouble later, especially less urgent trouble20:03
Steristisc-dhcp-server: command not found20:03
Steristwould it be less hassle to just manually configure the connecting device?20:04
JimBuntuSterist, you probably need to install it. sudo apt-get install isc-dhcp-server20:04
JimBuntuSterist, probably less.20:04
leftyfbSterist: you really should be reading and learning about these things20:06
leftyfbnot just assuming and typing things in20:06
leftyfb!ics | Sterist20:06
ubottuSterist: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing20:06
TJ-howudodat: does the GUI power management dialog  have different settings for 'on battery' and 'on AC' ?20:06
SteristI have no problem sharing an internet connecting, I actually have that set up already. in the particular case I do NOT want the connected device to have any access to the internet until I've completed this work.20:07
leftyfbSterist: what is this other device for?20:07
Steristthank you though :)20:07
Steristit's a PlayStation 3, trying to host the jailbreak webpage because the website  crashes for days at a time20:08
howudodatTJ- if I am blind maybe :)  they all look ok to me, https://pasteboard.co/HfRvtGT.png20:09
Steristps3's have metadata reporting, so pre-jailbreak internet connection / during the process = likely banned or soon to be20:09
leftyfbSterist: you should just enable ICS but then unplug your PC from the internet while you're doing bad things to your PS320:11
Steristthat's what I'm attempting to do. the hurdle of the moment is the ps3 isn't pulling up anything from localhost20:12
leftyfblocalhost points to the machine you're running it from20:12
Steristwhich as jimbuntu suggested, may be the lack of dhcp20:12
JimBuntulocalhost is relative... you can't visit localhost/index.html from the PS3... as it will be looking at the PS320:12
TJ-howudodat: There could be some problem with what the GUI shows compared to the stored internal settings so I'd suggest 2 tests: 1) create a new user, configure it the same way via GUI, and test.  2) switch to a text console and test20:12
SteristI'm working on that now20:12
leftyfbSterist: you need to type in the ip of the machine running the web server20:12
leftyfbSterist: point your PS3 at the ip address of the pc hosting the website20:13
Steristokay, netstat?20:13
leftyfbfor what?20:13
leftyfbto get the ip, type ifconfig20:13
Steristoh right20:13
leftyfbon the pc you're hosting the website on20:13
Steristyeah looks like I've tried typing that in the ps3's browser, and and and
Steristall give blank pages20:15
* leftyfb sigh20:15
* JimBuntu passes leftyfb a fresh mug od calming tea.20:15
leftyfbI feel like I'm wasting my time here ..... since this is all just to get a PS3 jailbroken and no further interest in learning what's going on or linux at all20:15
JimBuntuSterist, is a loopback.20:16
JimBuntuSterist, did you configure the network card on the laptop to use a 'private IP'? Such as something starting with 10. or 172.16 or 192.168 ?20:17
SteristI have not manually configured anything on that end of things, my ps3 does acquire an address though, beginning with 10.20:18
howudodatTJ- aren't the stored setings at /org/gnome/settings-daemon/plugins/power/lid-close-battery-action?20:18
Sterist10.42.0.184 IP,  default router and dns
TJ-howudodat: possibly; it doesn't mean they're being passed correctly to upower, the system power daemon20:20
bodie__I think this issue is going to impact others: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers-390/+bug/175379620:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1753796 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-390 (Ubuntu) "Conflict between libglx-mesa and nvidia-390 on Ubuntu 18.04 (pre-release)" [Undecided,Invalid]20:21
JimBuntuSterist, is actually your router? If so, sounds like you need to disable wireless20:21
leftyfbJimBuntu: that's the internet sharing ip20:21
leftyfbthat'll be the ip of the pc, not the PS320:22
Steristwireless is disabled on both devices, the only networking enabled is LAN and they are directly connected20:22
leftyfbSterist: on your PS3, go to
leftyfbif that doesn't work, try 184, but that doesn't sound right20:23
SteristI love you.20:24
Steristprobably the last thing you wanted to hear, I bet lol20:24
JimBuntuThat escalated quickly.20:24
akemOn Ubuntu 17 i was able to change the CPU mode to "performance" with "sudo cpufreq-set -r -g performance" but i can't change it back to "ondemand", any idea?20:25
leftyfbSterist: if you loved me, you'd take an interest in learning linux :)20:26
Steristif it helps alleviate any induced stress, this is something that will be getting used many many times, likely 30+ per year for 2 years or so. not a one and done20:27
leftyfbnope, that makes it worse actually20:27
Steristactually I have been around Linux some 12 years. in fact, I sued Sony in Small Claims in 2010 when they revoked Linux capabilities on ps3.20:28
akemNm, find out it's "powersave" mode.20:29
leftyfbyou'd be better off putting linux on a raspberry pi than a PS3 .... you'd more than likely get more use out of it20:29
leftyfbbut I digress, off topic20:30
Steristversus the original implementation, yes because the GPU was blocked off. under the new implementation, with GPU enabled (through jailbreak) no.20:31
leftyfbwhat's the use case?20:31
leftyfbemulators which don't fully utilize the GPU?20:31
leftyfbJimBuntu: not worth it20:31
bodie__other issue that I'm sure will impact others is that the HD Audio front panel for ALC1220 doesn't get routed properly (? terminology) due to the dual-codec thing.20:31
bodie__gonna dig up a quick source20:32
=== ghostcube_ is now known as ghostcube
Hey_I have two network cards connnected to two different networks20:34
Hey_do I set a default gw for both interfaces?20:34
Skaface82theres only 1 default20:34
Hey_of course20:34
Hey_and the other interface?20:34
Skaface82you need to set up static routes20:35
Skaface82so the packets go somewhere other than the default route20:35
leftyfbHey_: you want a default gateway and a route. You can't have 2 defaults .... kinda goes against the definition of "default"20:35
Hey_static route20:35
leftyfbHey_: man route20:36
bodie__This explains the issue and resolution which impacts my HD Audio config, and I was able to make sound come out:20:36
bodie__it's the built-in HD Audio for the Gigabyte AX370 motherboard20:36
bodie__I think other mobos with the same chipset have a similar issue20:36
leftyfbHey_: or find that link from googling for "ubuntu static route" ^20:37
TJ-There can be multiple default routes; usually when using policy based routing (multiple routing tables)20:37
Skaface82oh thats true20:38
bodie__However, I'm not really sure how to preserve this info after boot....20:39
howudodatI need to run off to a dr appt.  I did a bunch of testing with tweak tool.  if I set laptop lid closed/on battery power in tweak tool to "nothing" it does nothing.  any other setting and it does a complete power off20:39
=== marve is now known as Guest7235
Skaface82thats how i set up my android phone, told it to route to the LTE network be default any packets coming from my WIFI, so I can use it as a gateway without having to teather the phone20:39
howudodatI'll be back on in a few hours to troubleshoot some more (TJ- )20:39
TJ-howudodat: sounds like you might need to focus on verbose upower logging to find out what the GUI tells it to do20:40
spionThis keeps happening on my thinkpad :| I activate the lockscreen to clean my keyboard, and my touchpad stops working. `xinput list` says that "SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad" is enabled, and the "off" mode is 2 (so cursor movement should work). gnome-control-center says its enabled. but it doesn't work - neither in i3wm, nor at the login screen...20:41
spionoh and `sudo cat /dev/input/event6` generates stuff when i move the touchpad.20:41
slidinghornI have a stupid question.  I've gotten very used to whatever version of vim comes up when I use "vi" in Debian, and it's *very* different in ubuntu.  Is there a way to get the setup that's in Debian instead?20:42
leftyfbslidinghorn: try installing vim20:43
slidinghornleftyfb: do I have to set an alias turning "vi" into "vim"?20:44
Absolute0My cron job doesn't seem to run. How do I debug the issue?20:44
howudodatTJ- how can I enable verbose logging for upower I dont see anything obvious for that :(20:44
leftyfbAbsolute0: look in /var/log/syslog20:45
Absolute0leftyfb: what am I looking for? I looked there20:46
OerHekssudo grep -i cron /var/log/syslog20:46
leftyfbAbsolute0: look for CRON20:46
Absolute0don't see any issues20:46
pcazmanmy sound (alsa) mostly comes up as thinking I have the headset plugged in. The speaker is muted. when I unmute it, my sound does not work. any sugestions?20:46
bodie__does anyone know how to configure pacmd to load a particular module for a particular device on startup?20:46
Absolute0how do I ensure that crontab -e for a regular user is run?20:46
leftyfbAbsolute0: what is the link in your crontab?20:46
Absolute00 */6 * * * /home/ramin/buybulkamerica/ENV/bin/python /home/ramin/buybulkamerica/manage.py export_items20:47
Absolute0do cronjobs timeout?20:47
leftyfbgross, why are you running your own python?20:48
TJ-howudodat: in a terminal before starting the lid-close event, you could try "upower --monitor-detail"20:48
Absolute0leftyfb: I need python320:48
leftyfbso install python320:48
Absolute0I doubt that's the problem20:49
Absolute0I also need the virtualenv20:49
Absolute0Apr  9 12:00:01 ubuntu CRON[2855]: (ramin) CMD (/home/ramin/buybulkamerica/ENV/bin/python /home/ramin/buybulkamerica/manage.py export_items)20:49
Absolute0How do I know if the command succeeded?20:49
Absolute0There are no errors in syslog20:50
leftyfbAbsolute0: you write debug code in your script20:50
Absolute0It works when I run it manually20:50
Absolute0Does cron kill the script if it takes too long?20:50
Absolute0I think this script takes 30 min to run20:50
Absolute0also which user runs cron jobs?20:51
leftyfband you have it running every 10 minutes?20:51
leftyfbAbsolute0: whichever user you ran crontab -e as20:52
Absolute0leftyfb: every 6 hours20:52
Absolute0 0 */6 * * *20:52
leftyfboh right20:52
leftyfbso wait a half hour?20:52
leftyfbor put in debug code20:52
leftyfbthe debug code will certainly be the better choice20:53
Absolute0what should I be debugging?20:53
Absolute0Apr  9 12:00:01 ubuntu CRON[2855]: (ramin) CMD (/home/ramin/buybulkamerica/ENV/bin/python /home/ramin/buybulkamerica/manage.py export_items)20:54
Absolute0It ran today20:54
Absolute0but it didn't do anything20:54
leftyfbAbsolute0: add print statements and/or write out to a log at each section of your code20:54
Absolute0where will the print appear?20:54
confluencyRedirect the output to a file?20:58
=== jcdury is now known as dury
=== simon_ is now known as sitrytry
leftyfbthis again21:12
MarqueziniMe233, fumo maconha desgraça21:12
leftyfbMarquezini: what language are they trying to speak?21:12
leftyfbtheir ip says Russia21:12
tonyt"english mother fucker, do you speak it?"21:12
Marqueziniare a motherfucker21:12
ubottuPlease avoid any language that may be considered offensive, including acronyms and obfuscation of such - also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines || The main channels are English only, for other languages, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList21:13
MarqueziniMe233, da onde você é filho de uma puta!!!21:13
leftyfb!op | Me23321:13
ubottuMe233: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax21:13
leftyfbMarquezini: please don't add to the garbage21:13
Marquezini!op teste21:14
leftyfbplease don't21:14
Marquezini!op | leftyfb21:14
ubottuleftyfb: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax21:14
tonytgood way to get yourselfs banned21:14
Marquezinigood good goodbye21:15
leftyfbtonyt: I used it legitimately21:15
leftyfbas I usually do21:15
tonytya talken about the dude who left :)21:15
DraconiatorIs it possible to clone a virtual hard disk to a real hard disk?  Using Xubuntu now via virtual machine and I'm setting it up for my netbook.21:20
duryhi there channel :-)21:20
durygot this motherboard https://www.asus.com/es/Motherboards/P5BVM_DO/specifications/ 3GB RAM, 500GB HD, audacity installed running ubuntu 16.04.3, connected to this mixer https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/UB1622FXPRO--behringer-eurorack-ub1622fx-pro, and I'm not available record channels simultaneously. Do I need an extra device like "Audio interface"?21:21
=== ash_worksi is now known as ash_worksi|away
vltDraconiator: Yes, it’s possible. Mind that in the virtual machine you might have a different boot mechanism or a minimal kernel installed only.21:29
gogetathe world is ending21:38
leftyfbgogeta: can we help you with something ubuntu related?21:40
Flannel!ru | Me23321:47
ubottuMe233: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.21:47
leftyfbcan we make that perm?21:51
slidinghorndo I even want to know what they said?  Assuming it was pretty bad for an instaban21:51
=== marve is now known as Guest49018
confluencyIt's a bot; it's been spamming the channel.21:55
gogetaconfluence_, i call hacks21:56
electromagnetismWish Id get banned sometime no OP on this channel I guess21:58
gogetaelectromagnetism, some ops are more tolrent22:01
electromagnetismgogeta: That's good nothing worse than a hypersensitive op when your in the middle of actually trying to help someone out or something humm, ok me be quiet now... tc22:06
micescan i install 18.04 on an android tablet22:06
Jordan_Umices: I expect that depends on the specific tablet, and likely will be at least somewhat of a pain on almost any tablet (unless you just want terminal based tools through termux).22:11
slidinghornmices: there's also #ubports, which may be able to help you better than we can here22:27
Joelis anyone aware of a launcher for unity that will let you remove the trash bar, and pin icons to the right? and/or expand programs, so it shows all running windows?22:34
sethI am having trouble configuring my Qemu VM to have good  DPC latency. If I use 2 CPUs, it works perfectly since Windows can only interrupt with 2 CPUs. I have them off the Linux kernel as well. Any suggestions to improve it?23:16
=== JonathanD is now known as JonathanS
luxiohow come I was able to SFTP using FileZilla and it didn't ask for an SSH key or the password for it?23:41
luxiois it because I recently SSHd on the command line so it's cached?23:42
akikluxio: your key probably doesn't have a passphrase(?)23:43
luxioit does23:43
akikluxio: does it always ask it normally?23:44
luxiothis is the first time i've opened filezilla23:44
luxioi typed in the server address and "root"23:44
luxiopressed connect and it let me in23:44
akikluxio: when using the key with ssh, does it ask for the passphrase?23:45
luxioon the command line yea23:45
akikluxio: and you use the exact same key with filezilla?23:46
luxioi didnt give it a key23:46
luxioit just let me in23:46
akikluxio: ok you have other problems then :)23:46
luxiodidnt type a password or anything lol23:46
akikluxio: please disable remote root access23:46
BudgiiIs there an application like remote desktop on linux?23:47
akikBudgii: vnc, xrdp, x2go23:47
Budgiiperrrfect thanks23:47
akikBudgii: ubuntu has something built-in23:48
luxioBudgii: first results when you google 'linux remote desktop'23:48
black_13how do I mount a windows share but not as root using cifs23:48
leftyfbblack_13: why not as root using cifs?23:48
black_13the mount is a git remote23:49
black_13when i try to push to it things go awry23:49
akikblack_13: have you read you could use a cifs server with git? do you mount the share first or how?23:51
Budgiiakik, do I need PuTTY to use xrdp?23:53
akikBudgii: you'll use mstsc as your client23:54
BudgiiIm on RPi right now. I download it here?23:54
akikBudgii: ah ok. rdesktop then23:54
leftyfbBudgii: you're using Raspbian correct?23:54
Budgiiyes leftyfb23:55
leftyfbBudgii: are you running ubuntu on your computer?23:55
leftyfbthen you don't need putty23:55
leftyfbBudgii: just open a terminal and use ssh23:55
leftyfbfor ssh23:55
akikleftyfb: he wants a gui access23:55
leftyfbfor remote desktop, use something like remmina for your client23:55
Budgiiyes would like GUI access23:56

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