
studio-user114sorry this is a newb question, but for the life of me I can't find the username/password documented for linux studio..02:50
studio-user114ubuntu w/ no password isn't working02:51
OvenWerksstudio-user114: Also try #xubuntu, but I am not sure what you are trying to do03:57
krytarikThe answer is "ubuntustudio", of course.03:58
OvenWerksOh for live session? I guess tat makes sense, no password.03:59
slidinghornAny JACK gurus willing to help a debian user?  I know this isn't a debian room, but I'm in every other channel I can think of and going insane, haha04:20
OvenWerkswhat do you want to do with jack?04:25
slidinghorneventually, a lot...lol - I'll be running a mixer and using hydrogen, ams, ardour, etc for recording & production.  For now, though, I just want to get it to run xD04:27
OvenWerksjust looking at your conversation in #ardour... you were talking to the author of jack there :)04:28
OvenWerksBut he is probably pretty tired at this time it's after midnight04:28
OvenWerks(where he is)04:28
slidinghornyeah it's late - 00:30 here, too...I just keep weird hours04:29
OvenWerksif you have dbus trouble, that is not jack really.04:30
OvenWerksyou might try using pasuspender as a workaround though.04:31
slidinghornpulse is completely disabled now04:31
OvenWerksI wuld think that jack shouldn't care about dbus then... unless you are using qjckctl to start jack04:32
slidinghornI am...04:32
OvenWerksin that case try going to the misc tab in the setup04:33
slidinghornI'm there...04:33
OvenWerksthere are two checkboxes on the right hand side that say dbus for something, uncheck them04:34
slidinghornboth are unchecked :/04:34
OvenWerkswhat user are you set up as? (running jack as)04:35
slidinghornmy usual login user...which is added to the audio group04:36
OvenWerksok, and you have tried killall -9 jackd jackdbus04:36
OvenWerksAnd as you have no pulse running, there is no browser or other application currently using audio?04:37
slidinghornI have a browser open..let me close that and try04:37
OvenWerksThe browser should only grab an audio device if it needs it, so playing audio or paused on audio04:38
OvenWerkshas anyone told you to try run this command and paste the output topastebin.com or similar: cd /tmp && wget http://jackaudio.org/downloads/adevices.sh && bash ./adevices.sh04:43
OvenWerks(should be all one line)04:43
OvenWerksbut you can split it at the &&s and run them as three lines04:44
OvenWerksso they are all closed and not used,04:47
OvenWerkswhat happens if you just do: jackd -d alsa -d hw:PCH,0,004:49
OvenWerks(I think the rest has reasonable defaults04:49
slidinghornthat didn't paste everything...04:50
OvenWerksI was going to say it looks pretty sparce04:51
OvenWerksOdd, can you play audio at all with other applications like aplay?04:55
slidinghornI'll check in a sec, but here's an interesting part.  If I reinstall that dbux-x11, here's where it hangs if I run the command you gave http://paste.debian.net/1019356/04:56
OvenWerksThat looks about right, I don't think that is hung though04:57
OvenWerks in another terminal try jack_lsp04:58
OvenWerksThat says jackd is running with two inputs and 6 outputs05:04
OvenWerksIf you restart qjackctl and open the connections window you should be able to see them there too.05:04
OvenWerksqjackctl will not be able to stop that instance of jackd :) but ^c or closing the window might... or killall -9 jackd05:06
OvenWerksqjackctl should work now though after you do that for starting and stopping.05:06
slidinghornif I try to run qjackctl X freezes05:07
OvenWerksIn any case I have kids to put to bed and a wife who would like my company05:07
OvenWerksmaybe use patchage for connecting things instead then.05:08
OvenWerksanyway, I have to go05:08
slidinghornthank you so much for helping05:08
SlidingHornI gave in and installed Ubuntu studio, however I'm stuck in a login loop. .Xauthority and .ICEauthority and /tmp all the the proper ownership and permissions. I've also tried renaming .Xauthority to have it regenerate to no avail. Next step?07:29
SlidingHornmy /var/log/syslog says indicator-sound-service[1390]: Invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 keyInvalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 keyxcb_connection_has_error() returned true07:39
SlidingHornuninstalled and reinstalled lightdm (and everything that went wth it) - also made sure that everything was updated.  Still looped08:00
eagles0513876hey all15:50
eagles0513876sakrecoer: hey hey15:50
eagles0513876hi studio-user36216:28
studio-user362I'm looking for help setting up an HP Photosmart C4500 with Ubuntu Studio 17.1016:47
studio-user362got it17:38
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