
flocculantbluesabre: can we get this bug fixed prior to release bug 176224204:16
ubottubug 1762242 in ristretto (Ubuntu) "ristretto can not open BMP files" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176224204:16
Unit193Eww, bmp.04:16
flocculantyea - but I don't like irssi and I'd not eww a fix for that :D04:17
Unit193Well I was kidding, found it amusing the closing remark about someone deciding to blame something, when the patch is clearly a workaround.04:19
flocculantI know you were04:19
flocculantanyway - I told someone if they did their bit then I'd do mine - and I now have ;)04:20
Unit193Well, I'll test that patch, I have a bmp.04:20
flocculantyou're the kiddy :)04:21
flocculant!team | thoughts on https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-release/2018-April/004387.html04:24
flocculantwhat do I keep doing wrong with the stupid factoid :|04:24
flocculantother than putting it in the wrong channel the first time lol04:25
krytarikIt doesn't like URLs. :P04:29
Unit193flocculant: BTW, prepped a package and can confirm patch successfully works around said issue.04:32
flocculantUnit193: thanks :)04:33
flocculantkrytarik: well that's good then 04:33
Unit193bluesabre: http://paste.openstack.org/show/8Ilh78co3i6DwTo0KQTf/04:35
=== leigh_on_sea is now known as leigh
leigh_on_sea_another test12:16
leigh_on_seaIRC test12:26
leigh_on_sea_IRC test back12:26
ochosiali1234: noice! yeah, tags/branches was what i initially used (when i was still confused by the -a option)15:01
ochosiali1234: also nice and performant in its python version18:56
ochosialmost done with the action icons btw18:56
flocculant!team | apparently the bot fails a bit with urls ... so can you check this out and comment :)20:29
ubottuapparently the bot fails a bit with urls ... so can you check this out and comment :): akxwi-dave, bluesabre, dkessel, flocculant, jjfrv8, knome, krytarik, ochosi, pleia2, slickymaster and Unit19320:29
ochosii followed the thread20:30
ochosithe arguments make some sense tbh20:30
flocculantbluesabre: might particularly be as interested as I am in slangaseks comment - re autotesting the iso20:31
ochosi(the ones for dropping milestones)20:31
flocculantochosi: yup - pretty much been my pov for ages20:31
ochosioh, i hadn't read steve's reply yet20:32
flocculantquite recent20:32
ochosithe automated test-suite also uses ldtp, same as the xfce-test docker container20:34
ochosibtw i'm all in for contributing and adjusting those tests for xubuntu20:35
ochosimaybe worth to spend some time that would've otherwise gone into development into those automated test-suites20:37
flocculantyea - be a long term gain for us 20:38
ochosimy favorite is automating ubiquity (so far)20:40
flocculantnot looked at it at all 20:41
flocculantanyway - I'm off now - night all20:41
egeezerFirst visit20:44
vabiHello, I've started testing 18.04 daily release. First of all it's taking really long for it to even start on my hardware. Because of that bug: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=218581&p=3 I suppose it's not reportable?20:44
vabiIt was also present on 17.10 but startup took far less time.20:45
ochosihi everyone20:45
ochosivabi: hm, not sure, tbh i've never seen that bug before20:45
ochosiwouldn't know why it's not reportable20:45
vabiIt's not xubuntu specific.20:46
ochosiyeah, but we also report general bugs20:46
ochosiwe use the same platform as ubuntu (launchpad)20:46
ochosias you said, it's not going to go against a xubuntu component20:46
ochosibut you can still report it20:46
ochosi(we'll also not be the ones to fix it, no kernel hackers in this team)20:47
egeezerWhat hardware, vabi?20:47
vabiegeezer - fujitsu lifebook e831020:48
vabiegeezer - this bug is specific for "Display controller: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965"20:49
vabiochosi, ok so I'll try to report it later :D20:50
ochosiif it's not already reported20:50
vabiof course20:50
egeezerI think the suspend problem on xubuntu is fixed, correct?20:52
egeezerin 18.04, anyway20:53
ochosiegeezer: which suspend problem? i think there are multiple20:56
egeezerthe one I saw was on a desktop - resumed with blank desktop, no input from mouse or keyboard20:57
egeezerappears fixed now, no problems for my desktop anyway20:59
ochosigood to hear20:59
egeezerthat's on Xubuntu Core, installed from the 03 April ISO21:03
vabiWorking for me too.21:03
vabi There is no image mounter in 18.04? It's also possible I've installed it myself in 17.10.21:25
ochosiimage mounter?21:30
ochosiif you're talking about unpacking iso files, i think file-roller was able to do that21:30
vabiI'm talking about mounting iso images as drive. My fault it's gnome-disk-utility feature.21:31

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