
wallyworldanastasiamac: review done, lgtm with some comments, see what you think00:33
anastasiamac\o/ ta00:33
anastasiamacwallyworld: btw, we've agreed that m changing the tests to use new .SupportedLts() too, right? :D00:34
wallyworldbabbageclunk: if you can find 15 minutes before your EOD, would love a review today so that i can land this before my caas meeting tomorrow https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/856803:25
wallyworldanastasiamac: lts pr lgtm, tyvm03:28
babbageclunkwallyworld: yup, looking now03:35
thumperwallyworld: are you free in about 25 minutes to talk through this white paper idea?03:46
babbageclunkwallyworld: reviewed04:34
wallyworldgreat ty!04:34
anastasiamacwallyworld: so our approach of supportedlts in juju/juju/version introduces cycle import... :( pondering whereelse to put it that makes sense...05:03
wallyworldah, awesome05:05
anastasiamacyep... if testing.BaseSuite was not in juju/juju/testing directly, everything'd b peachy... for real05:07
anastasiamacwallyworld: so i have a cunning plan :) but i think i want to run it by u...lemme know when u have a chance :)05:29
wallyworldi am free05:29
babbageclunkthumper/wallyworld - if you have a worker with a child worker (say it was added to the parent's catacomb in the Plan.Init list), can the child worker cause the parent to stop?05:48
thumperI'm not sure05:49
thumperbabbageclunk: do you mean if it ends in an error?05:49
wallyworldif it errors, the parent will error also05:49
wallyworldyou set up a custom runner05:49
wallyworldand provide IsFatal05:49
thumperthe catacomb doesn't have a runner does it?05:50
babbageclunkthumper: no it doesn't - oh nice, thanks.05:50
babbageclunkI think the problem is that at the moment the raft-transport worker makes a streamLayer (which is another worker) but doesn't add it to the raft-transport catacomb.05:52
babbageclunkSo I'm fixing that now.05:52
=== frankban|afk is now known as frankban
jammanadart: do you mind if we move the oracle review back by 30min? that gives me time to have lunch every day instead of trying to squeeze it in07:57
jamI'm looking at the gomock stuff now07:57
manadartjam: No problem.07:57
anastasiamacwallyworld: 8567 was updated with func moved to juju/juju/juju as version... what do u think? it passes now, is ready for landing...08:12
wallyworldanastasiamac: works for me08:16
anastasiamacwallyworld: awesome \o/ i'll land it on 2.308:20
jammanadart: https://pastebin.canonical.com/p/wrNMVKHRXg/08:36
=== salmankhan1 is now known as salmankhan
=== frankban is now known as frankban|afk
hmlballoons:  CI help please?  if i run the command out side of CI it works, inside it fails??  https://pastebin.canonical.com/p/4WJkdkGsFf/17:49
balloonshml, looking18:09
balloonshml, that looks more or less correct18:12
balloonshml, I would put a try block around the call, expect this error, and fail if something else happens18:13
balloonshml, subprocess isn't going to return cleanly because the remote just hangs up18:13
hmlballoons: I did have a try block around it… which just confirmed the timeout18:15
hmlballoons: what I don’t understand is why it’s timing out in one place, but  not the other18:15
hmlballoons: in both cases the reboot happened18:15
hmlballoons:  other things start failing then too… timing out18:16
balloonshml, I'm not sure I'm seeing what you are.18:24
balloonshml, yor paste just shows me a calledprocesserror when you run the reboot command. Off the cuff, that makes sense to me to expect18:25
hmlballoons: why?18:25
balloonshml, do you think the subprocess call is exiting cleanly?18:26
balloonsmy guess is it just hangs up because the host goes away18:26
balloonshence the error18:26
balloonshml, we might be able to tweak your call so it exits clean18:27
hmlballoons:  hrm… perhaps.  so, after this happens, i also get a timeout trying to run  lsb_release -c on the host too18:27
hmlballoons: i was looking at that, then found the first timout of reboot18:28
balloonshml, so I was thinking of something like 'sudo shutdown -r 0 && exit'18:30
balloonshml, googling gave a slightly complex and interesting answer as well: 'nohup sudo halt &>/dev/null & exit'18:31
hmlballoons:  will try18:31
balloonshml the goal is to tell the machine to reboot, but exit cleanly from the ssh command before it does so18:31
balloonsnohup shutdown -r now & exit .. all variants on the same idea :p18:33
hmlballoons: && exit helped, can do lsb_release after… will try with try now18:35
balloonshml, ohh.. so clean exit? So no need to catch an error then18:42
hmlballoons: okay18:42
balloonsmake sense?18:42
thumpermorning vino21:34
babbageclunkhi vino!21:52
veebersHi vino o/21:53
babbageclunkhey vino, you're in the staff directory now!22:03
balloonshi vino!22:03
vinoHi Everyone!22:23
wallyworldbabbageclunk: standup?23:17
veebersbabbageclunk: would you have a link handy for the wiki/readme section re: running the mongo client on a juju machine to query the db?23:43
babbageclunkthumper: do you need to add vino to our team on Trello before she can see our board?23:45
veebersbabbageclunk: nvm I found it, I was blind.23:46
babbageclunkveebers: sorry, was just finding it myself. I guess I didn't have it handy.23:46
anastasiamac_thumper: and while u r looking at team members on trello, mayb some ppl need to be removed? :D23:49
thumperanastasiamac_: heh23:50
thumpersorry was interviewing23:50
anastasiamac_:) m not sorry u were :D23:50

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