
=== Dragonslicer is now known as Dragnslcr
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lordievaderGood morning06:18
user|85674tried to boot budgie remix from usb on system -ram-1gb,32 bit  pentium -4 ,but wasnt able to,,should i switch to kubuntu?06:25
lordievaderDid you download a 32bit image?06:29
user|85674lordievader: yes06:30
lordievaderWhat happens when you try to boot it?06:31
user|85674it was booting then pc switched off itself06:31
lordievaderTotally off, or reboot?06:32
user|85674totally off06:32
lordievaderThat doesn't sound like a software problem, more like a hardware one. A non-working fan for example.06:32
user|85674lordievader: linux mint and lubuntu boots ok on that system06:33
lordievaderStill, this type of behaviour usually points to a hardware fault. Boot those other images and check the health of the system.06:35
user|85674i think that 206:36
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jubo2Hiya OldTimer6309:08
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=== Guest75781 is now known as kontorsmaskin
jubo2Hej kontorsmaskin09:10
BluesKajHi folks11:10
UnluckyHello everyone. I have Asus laptop with intel core i5 with nvidia geforce1050Ti. And KDE is running very slow. Can you help me?11:31
UnluckyMy linux distro is Kubuntu 17.10 with latest updates11:32
=== jones is now known as Guest27627
BluesKajlatest updates iincluding the latest nvidia gpu driver ?11:34
hateballUnlucky: if it is a laptop, are you using the intel or the nvidia driver (like BluesKaj mentioned) ?11:36
BluesKajdon't think it's an optimus system11:38
Unluckyclean installation of kubuntu 17.10 and apt-get upgrade11:39
Unluckyi am trying now ubuntu-drivers autoinstall11:39
BluesKajun have you checked driver manager in system-settings for the recommended nvidia drive?11:40
Unluckyno i did not. I will check it.11:41
UnluckyOk it is now downloading recomended driver.11:42
UnluckyIs there any way to switch used gpu in system? i mean intell <->nvidia?11:43
BluesKajUnlucky, is this described in your user manual as an Optimus graphics system using 2 gpus depending on the graphics load?11:45
hateballUnlucky: by installing the restricted driver it should also install nvidia-settings and nvidia-prime, which then lets you pick between Intel/nVidia from within nvidia-settings11:50
UnluckyOk, after reboot i am not able to log in to system.11:53
Unluckyonly terminal is working alt+f211:53
hateballUnlucky: do you not get the login manager at all?11:54
hateballUnlucky: run this: lspci -k |grep -A 3 VGA11:55
hateballUnlucky: what module does it show as used for your chipset?11:55
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter11:56
Unluckyso i should change quite splash to nomodeset?11:57
hateballyou can just append nomodeset to that line11:58
hateballbut yes11:58
Unluckystill nothing11:59
hateballUnlucky: well you can force it to use nvidia on cli11:59
hateballto see if that plays nicer12:00
BluesKajUnlucky, make sure you run sudo update-grub after the change12:00
hateballUnlucky: "sudo prime-select nvidia" (or intel) will switch between cards. you should be able to do that from a tty and then reboot, provided the nvidia module installed properly12:01
Unlucky@Nothing changed12:04
BluesKajdid you update grub?12:05
Unluckyyes i did12:08
Unluckywhen i typed startx i received message that Plasma is not able to use OpenGL2. Check if you have properly set graphics driver12:09
UnluckyBluesKaj: ^12:11
BluesKajhateball, what about nvidia-xconfig?12:11
Unluckyunable to locate/open X config files12:12
hateballBluesKaj: shouldnt be needed12:12
hateballX should do "the right thing" these days12:12
hateballbut you need to use prime-select to switch between cards12:13
hateballand if you do, and X still refuses to load, it should at least show nvidia modules being used when you check with lspci -k12:13
BluesKajyeah, I haven't needed it in a while12:13
BluesKajthink the default gpu is the intel at boot up12:14
=== adamj_ is now known as OOPMan
Unluckyany fyrthes idea?12:17
BluesKajdid you reboot after editing grub ?12:19
Unluckyyes i did12:20
BluesKajwhat about the uefi/bios graphics options, is here a choice there for default gpu?12:21
Unluckyi checked it befere and nothing like this12:21
BluesKajlike ?12:22
Unluckylike graphic section or even menthion about that12:22
BluesKajwell, I would make sure12:23
BluesKajsometimes called "peripherals"12:24
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=== alexander is now known as Guest90663
leonardo_excusme somebody now what is th password for the server postgresql14:59
leonardo_excusme, somebody can give the password for the client pgAdmin for connect to the server postgresql17:32
=== daniel is now known as Guest69313
mattflyI am on a laptop i15 7567 and it uses nvidia 1050ti20:22
=== Guest24483 is now known as Haudegen
mattflykubuntu 18.04 beta final is still so laggy20:42
mattflydid anyone get sddm working with kubuntu beta 2 18.0421:11
mattflyafter installing  nvidia drivers21:11
mattflyi just get a black screen21:11
mattflyim able to switch to tty1 and startx21:12
owlzwhat could cause freezes on Kubuntu after being in suspended mode?22:12
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mattflywhen using kubuntu beta 2 i am unable to get the sddm login screen, its just a black screen23:23
mattflythis happens after i installed nvidia-38423:23
mattflyanyone with the same issue? any idea how to solve23:23
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> @mattfly, I have not figured out how to fix SDDM yet either.  On my hybrid laptop, it boots fine when the intel driver is enabled, but ever since I dorked up SDMM with systemctl stop sddm (sddm is NOT controlled by systemctl on Ubuntu yet), it will not work with NVidia.23:45
mattflyoh hi23:45
mattflyif i use nomodeset with the nvidia drivers?23:46
mattflyalso my resolution seems so messed up, on some applications letters are supper small even though i increased it on kde settings23:46
mattflylike on pidgin23:46
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> I have not attempted this setting (yet) nomodeset i915_bpo.nomodeset=1, but that should not be necessary as it was working fine after a fresh install.23:55
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> I need to run off to a meeting.... but I will be back later...23:56

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