
lubot3Neyder was added by: Neyder23:19
lubot3<Neyder> hello everyone and thank for making this great distro, i use lubuntu to get up 10+ years old machines for rural schools23:20
lubot3<tsimonq2> Nice!23:21
lubot3<Neyder> this year i'm going installing bionic, even in beta, and got that installer in spanish is buggy23:23
lubot3<tsimonq2> Oh? :(23:23
lubot3<tsimonq2> Do you have a screenshot?23:23
lubot3<Neyder> no but can send later23:24
lubot3<tsimonq2> OK23:24
lubot3<Neyder> i think is lack of translation in d-i , not only lubuntu, so how can i help to finish translation of d-i23:24
lubot3<tsimonq2> Which parts of the install?23:25
lubot3<Neyder> almost all23:25
lubot3<Neyder> let me start a VM23:25
lubot3<Neyder> (Photo, 800x600) https://i.imgur.com/N2DW6Gb.jpg like this23:29
lubot3<tsimonq2> Oh yikes, but I do remember a bug about this.23:29
lubot3<tsimonq2> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/debian-installer/+bug/175464623:30
lubot3<Neyder> and so many dialogs, as an experienced one i already know what d-i asking for,23:30
lubot3<tsimonq2> It will get fixed before the release.23:30
lubot3<Neyder> i know23:30
lubot3<Neyder> it's not only lubuntu, i use netboot too, and same errore23:31
lubot3<tsimonq2> Hmmmm.23:31
lubot3<Neyder> yups, that bug is asigned to d-i23:32
lubot3<Neyder> When using apt in command line23:33
lubot3<Neyder> But already reported trough apport23:34
lubot3<Neyder> Anyways, thanks for Lubuntu . I will continue to install, teach and help to spread.23:37
lubot3<tsimonq2> Thank you!23:37

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