
diddledanyeah that's what I thought, too00:00
diddledanyou might be right that it's due to unpacking the stage packages but it takes an inordinately long time00:00
diddledansomething seems screwey because a single cpu core is pegged at 100% usage (not parallelised in any way)00:01
kyrofaWell, it uses the apt python API, so yeah, that sounds right00:04
mwhudsonkyrofa: hey can i talk to you about patchelf? :)00:26
mupPR snapcraft#2060 opened: package: ensure all relevant files are in for sdist <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2060>01:26
zygahey hey05:17
zygagood morning05:17
zygathere's going to be a thunderstorm this evening :)05:17
zygaI cannot wait for that, I really missed them05:17
mborzeckiyeah, relaly can't wait for the first power outage this year05:19
zygaouch, do you think it will come to that?05:21
zygaI was used to power outages in Spain when it was raining05:21
zygabut not used to them here even when there's a very fierce storm05:21
mborzeckiright where i live there's an outage almost every time there's a thunderstorm05:21
mborzeckiotoh living in deep suburbs/almost country has some benefits too05:22
mborzeckisomeone raised a really nice idea in the forum: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/disabling-automatic-refresh-for-snap-from-store/707/10205:23
zygayes, that's a nice idea05:23
zygamobile data == restrict downloads05:23
mborzeckineed to look at the implementation, whether the setting is exposed over dbus and if so which bus it is05:24
mborzeckimvo: morning05:24
zygamborzecki: it's dconf/gconf most likely05:24
zygagood morning mvo05:24
mborzeckizyga: looks like networkmanager https://bug792608.bugzilla-attachments.gnome.org/attachment.cgi?id=36696805:24
mborzeckior libnm for that matter05:25
* zyga goes to make breakfast for the kids05:26
mborzeckithat's nice, if it's nm, then we could poke it through dbus05:28
mvohey mborzecki and zyga ! good morning05:30
mupPR snapd#5017 closed:  daemon,overlord/hookstate: stop/wait for running hooks before closing the snapctl socket (2.32) <Created by pedronis> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5017>05:39
* zyga needs to pay some taxes but will be back to work shortly06:08
zygamvo: hey06:25
mupPR snapd#5019 closed: data/selinux: Give snapd access to more aspects of the system (2.32) <Created by zyga> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5019>06:26
zygamvo: about 2.32.4, it seems we have some number of PRs open06:27
zygais the goal to land that today?06:27
mvopedronis: you mentioned the snap roadmap page on the forum was a bit outdated/confusing, I updated it now, let me know if there is anything left that looks inconsistent or wrong06:36
mvozyga: not necessarily today but I think it would be good to prepare a 2.32.4 soon. we need to wait a little bit with the new api merge until we are sure that we don't need a .4 for .306:36
mvozyga: (if that makes sense)06:37
zygahehe, Yes06:37
mborzeckianyone wants to take a quick look at #5003, trivial change06:43
mupPR #5003: cmd/snap-seccomp: graceful handling of non-multilib host <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5003>06:43
mvomborzecki: sure06:45
mborzeckiit'd be great if we could put it in .4 too, would allow me to drop a patch in the packacing06:45
mborzeckimvo: thanks :)06:45
mborzeckizyga: what is the version of fontconfig that breaks compatibility?06:50
mborzeckihmm btrfs on 4.14.26-54.32.amzn2.x86_64, shutting down lxc container produces this: kernel https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/kp842QyGng/06:55
zygamborzecki: 2.1307:00
zygamborzecki: I'm going afk now (dog) but once back I can give you a reference to thebug report07:00
mborzeckihm i have local/fontconfig 2.13.0+10+g58f5285-1 here07:00
mborzeckizyga: heh, see what you mean, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/cyxSH6cwVB/ saw that earlier and assumed that it's something with spotify snap07:01
mborzeckizyga: it's not 'crashing' though07:03
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mupPR snapd#5020 opened: errtracker: check for whoopsie.service instead of reading /etc/whoopsie <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5020>07:15
kalikianagood morning o/07:16
pstolowskihey kalikiana07:21
zygaMborzecki: the reporter on one arch derivative saw crashes07:25
zygaHey kalikiana07:25
mborzeckizyga: maybe it's some specific snap, spotify seems to work07:25
zygaI’m still outside, I’ll sit in a coffee shop soon07:26
mupPR snapd#5014 closed: overlord/snapstate: introduce envvars to control the channels for bases and prereqs <Created by pedronis> <Merged by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5014>07:41
Chipacamoin moin07:55
zygaHey hey John07:56
mupPR snapd#5021 opened: overlord/snapstate: introduce envvars to control the channels for bases and prereqs (2.32) <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5021>08:04
pedronismvo: I created a backport of the envvars branch ^08:04
pedronis#5018 needs a 2nd review08:05
mupPR #5018: overlord/snapstate: on multi-snap refresh make sure bases and core are finished before dependent snaps <Squash-merge> <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5018>08:05
pedronismvo: about roadmap:  I see a formatting problem with USB hotplug status emoji ... also   in 2.32  feeding cloud-init and CDN aware are the same I think08:11
zygapedronis: I'll review 5018 next08:15
mborzeckizyga: checking for metered connection should be easy, just loooking at this prop on the main nm object https://developer.gnome.org/NetworkManager/unstable/gdbus-org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.html#gdbus-property-org-freedesktop-NetworkManager.Metered08:16
zygamborzecki: should snapd do that check directly?08:17
mborzeckizyga: yeah, that's there it makes most sense probably08:18
zygawhat would happen on a core device that uses network-manager for networking08:18
zygasnapd would have to understand that that endpoint is down when the n-m snap is inactive for instance08:19
mborzeckizyga: the values of NMMeteres are somewhat funny https://developer.gnome.org/NetworkManager/unstable/nm-dbus-types.html#NMMetered,  NM_METERED_GUESS_NO, heh08:19
zyga(or that a device may be only and always on metered connection)08:19
pedroniswe would need some gadget config or core config to ignore this08:19
pedronisalso there might be no NM as well08:19
mborzeckino NM is easy to handle08:20
zygaI wonder how it determines the guess08:20
pedronisanyway it sounds like it needs a design forum post08:21
zygayes, definitely08:21
zygafeels like a "snap set system refresh.metered = "always | priority | never" thing08:22
zygawith gadget control as well08:22
mborzecki`connection.metered: unknown`, that's for my wifi connection08:23
mborzeckibut i can explicitly mark it as metered08:24
mborzeckizyga: are you on a modem now?08:24
Chipacamwhudson: yo08:24
mwhudsonChipaca: hello08:25
Chipacamwhudson: my go snap auto-refreshed and now sigsegvs08:25
zygamborzecki: do you want me to check?08:25
mborzeckizyga: can you do 'nmcli c show --active', the pick the uuid and `nmcli c show <uuid>`, look for connection.metered08:25
mwhudsonChipaca: refresh again and it should break08:25
Chipacamwhudson: ok :-) how so?08:25
mwhudsonChipaca: patchelf is bad?08:25
mwhudsonChipaca: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/patchelf-broke-my-binary/492808:25
Chipacamwhudson: sigh. ok.08:26
zygamborzecki: it's a bit dumb08:26
mwhudsonit'll unbreak just because i published the old version again08:26
zyganmcli being dumb about metered  https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/UbF7cxGb/08:26
zygamborzecki: I wonder if it is in any way confused by the presence of the LXD bridge08:26
Chipacamwhudson: except now the store is timing out08:26
Chipaca(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻08:27
zygamborzecki: I don't see any way to mark the connection as metered from the gui08:27
mborzeckizyga: hm, aren't you on gnome 3.28?08:27
zygamborzecki: and I don't see why it would not be marked as metered, pretty much all GSM/3G/4G/LTE is metered some way08:27
zygamborzecki: I'm on bionic now08:28
zygathat's 3.2808:28
mborzeckizyga: hm `nmcli c modify <uuid> connection.metered true` should mark it08:28
Chipacahmm, something's going on in the dc08:28
mvopedronis: ok, thanks, I will fix that08:28
mwhudsonyeah canonical irc is flapping08:29
zyga(process:14018): libnmc-CRITICAL **: 10:29:11.195: file clients/common/nm-meta-setting-desc.c: line 765 (<dropped>): should not be reached08:29
Chipacathat + the assertions endpoint timing out08:29
zygamborzecki: ^ that's from "show"08:29
zygamborzecki: after the manual change08:29
zygametered connection (after manually tweaking the value) https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/lBCN8dLI/08:30
mborzeckizyga: woow ;)08:30
mborzeckizyga: can you do `busctl --system introspect org.freedesktop.NetworkManager /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager` and look for .Metered ?08:30
mwhudsonso i have this binary in stage, it works, the one in prime breaks08:30
zygaoh, busctl is a new thing to me08:30
pedronisChipaca: is connectivity, I think they are making it worse to make it better,  but it got worse than unexpected08:31
pedronis*than expected08:31
zygasystemd :008:31
mborzeckior `busctl --system get-property org.freedesktop.NetworkManager /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager org.freedesktop.NetworkManager Metered`08:31
mwhudsonif i take the staged one and run strip --remove-section .note.go.buildid and patchelf --set-interpreter /snap/core/current/lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 it still works08:31
mwhudsonwtf is going on08:31
zygaI wait for malware that is called something like ${crap}ctl to seem like another part of systemd08:31
mborzeckizyga: yeah, but it's easier to use than dbus-send08:31
mwhudsonah snapcraft does RPATH things as well08:31
zygazyga@t470:~$ busctl --system introspect org.freedesktop.NetworkManager /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager | grep Metered08:32
zyga.Metered                            property  u           1                                        emits-change08:32
mborzeckizyga: at least UX wise, just seems to do the right thing08:32
zygamborzecki: yeah, no doubt about that08:32
zygamborzecki: it's pretty nice08:32
zygamborzecki: we could subscribe to changes of that property08:32
zygamborzecki: read it08:32
zygamborzecki: and then carry on08:32
zygamborzecki: it feels like connectivty manager in overlord08:32
mborzeckiok, so now it's showing metered = 1 -> NM_METERED_YES according to the NM dbus spec08:32
zygamborzecki: it could also monitor offline/online status08:32
mwhudsonok can repro08:33
mborzeckizyga: yes08:33
zygaand eventually it could understand the set of snaps responsible for network being up08:33
mborzeckizyga: i've actually used it in that camera boards i've shown you the photos of ;)08:33
zygaand expose that to snapmgr08:33
zygamborzecki: ok, let me know if you need any more testing08:34
zygamborzecki: as an intereseting use case08:34
zygamborzecki: all off office.zygoon.pl is on a metered connection08:34
zygamborzecki: from a router that has metered wifi08:34
mborzeckiha, wonder how it figured that out08:34
zygawell, the wifi/lan is metered as it is routerd through the LTE08:34
zygamborzecki: nothing figures that out yet08:35
zygabut there's some part of the wifi spec that can convey this fact08:35
zygaperhaps through DHCP but I really don't know08:35
zygabut I read that gnome or maybe androind wants to support that08:35
zygamborzecki: if you want to play on my office LAN I can make an account for you08:35
mborzecki(if it touches any of IEEE standards then it's better not to know)08:35
mborzeckizyga: thanks but no need for now ;) just wanted to get the general picture08:36
zygasure :)08:37
mborzeckizyga: btw. i've updated #498908:37
mupPR #4989: tests: add arch to CI <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4989>08:37
zygaI'll finish review of 5018 and then start chopping my WIP user mounts branch08:37
zygamborzecki: thanks, I'll check soon08:37
zygathis is cute :)08:43
Chipacazyga: funny how they skipped the 'snap install spotify' step08:46
zygathat's even more silly08:47
Chipacapedronis: was playing with the performance of unserialising an entry of a json object last night08:48
Chipacapedronis: I've got another reason to move to go 1.7+08:48
* zyga found the "chronic" utility from moreutils08:48
zygaCaelum: I added LEAP 15 to https://build.opensuse.org/project/show/system:snappy08:57
mborzeckifmt.Println("baz == other type", foo["zed"] == "dez")08:58
mborzeckiw8, but spotify is not a classic snap, no need for the symlink08:58
mborzeckiaand copy pasted some random sample with comparing interfaces i was preparing for jdstrand's review  :)08:58
popeyno, but if you're installing snapd for the first time, you might want to do that for future classic snaps you may install08:59
mborzeckizyga: can we land #4980?08:59
mupPR #4980: Revert "spread.yaml: switch Fedora 27 tests to manual (#4962)" <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4980>08:59
zygamborzecki: yes08:59
zygathis unblocks cachio's work on fedora-on-google09:00
mupPR snapd#4980 closed: Revert "spread.yaml: switch Fedora 27 tests to manual (#4962)" <Created by zyga> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4980>09:00
zygapedronis: reviewed 501809:05
pedronisthx, I expended the comments a bit09:27
pedronisheh, expanded09:32
zygapedronis: thank you09:34
pstolowskihow can I interrupt/restart travis job that's stuck somewhere since yesterday? https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/494009:35
mupPR #4940: RFC: added UDevMonitor for future hotplug support <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4940>09:35
mwhudsonChipaca: well that was fun to chase down https://github.com/NixOS/patchelf/issues/14609:42
zygapstolowski: let me look09:43
zygathat's more interesting, there's no link09:44
Chipacamwhudson: nice spelunking09:44
zygalooks like travis broke there09:44
zygacan you se that branch via travis itself?09:44
mwhudsonChipaca: patchelf is .... interesting09:45
Chipacamwhudson: do I want to know09:46
mwhudson        /* !!! Why do we stop after a .dynstr section? I can't09:47
mwhudson           remember! */09:47
mwhudsonfor example09:47
pedronisloose specs and faulty memory09:48
Chipacamwhudson:   /* yolo */09:48
mwhudsonChipaca: pretty much09:48
mwhudsonpedronis: not so much "loose specs" as "it works on my machine" :/09:49
pedronismwhudson: well to be fair I expect elf and how it's used by compilers to be said, it worked with the binaries from baz09:49
pedroniss/to be said/to be loose/09:49
mwhudsoni wonder what patchelf would do with burneye and things like that09:49
pedronismaybe that's unfair though , and is not as bad as dwarf09:54
Chipacawe should all go back to a.out09:55
pstolowskizyga: ah, right, i can get to the branch/build from travis directly. the missing link confused me. thanks09:58
mwhudsonpedronis: i've never had the courage to learn much about DWARF10:09
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
pedronismwhudson: well it's extensible,   as usual if  extensible format don't have way to convey this you can ignore or not, writing stable tooling is a nightmare10:10
pedronismvo: zyga:  we are getting handshake errors from linode, it means landing stuff to 2.32 is not easy,  I wonder if we should back port the switch to gcloud10:11
pedronisotoh it might be travis network issues10:12
zygaI can try10:12
pedronisanyway:   this is not fun:  https://travis-ci.org/snapcore/snapd/builds/364488153?utm_source=github_status&utm_medium=notification10:12
mupPR snapd#5018 closed: overlord/snapstate: on multi-snap refresh make sure bases and core are finished before dependent snaps <Squash-merge> <Created by pedronis> <Merged by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5018>10:14
pedronisso backporting 5018 requires  the new api stuff, or a rework of the backend_test changes10:18
mvopedronis: new api because of tests10:25
mvopedronis: ? or because of the functionality?10:27
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|lunch
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
mupPR snapcraft#2061 opened: go: only use Go build package if not using the snap <Created by kalikiana> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2061>10:53
pedronismvo: because of tests11:06
pedronismvo: backend_test.go is very different11:06
* mvo nods11:07
pedronismvo: given that the plan is still to land the new api, I will prepare a backport on top of 5002 , instead of a direct one11:10
pedronismvo: anyway we have troubles atm with tests on 2.32 because they still use linode and there seems to be travis->linode or linode problems11:10
mvopedronis: yeah, porting to google seems like a good idea11:13
mvozyga I got a report about snapd leaking threads, apparently for longer running snapd on bionic "ps -eTf|grep snapd" report very high numbers (in the 400s) for some people on bionic when it runs for ~2-3 days - you run bionic as well, is this something you see too?11:14
cachiomvo, CE has approved 32.3 to stable11:14
mvocachio: brilliant!11:15
zygaNo but i restart snapd for testing11:15
mvocachio: so once the store is ready lets push it out :)11:15
mupPR snapd#5022 opened:  overlord/snapstate: on multi-snap refresh make sure bases and core are finished before dependent snaps (2.32) <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5022>11:15
mvocachio: and fingers crossed for tihs version11:15
cachiomvo, sure11:15
mvozyga: yeah, same here11:15
mvopedronis: thanks for this PR!11:15
mvozyga: no worries, I try to gather more data11:17
pedronismvo: I'll try  to make a PR for 2.32 with just the systems stanza from master, not sure if we need other changes11:18
pedronisI mean backends11:19
mvopedronis: +111:19
threshis snapcraft.io down?11:21
mwhudsonthresh: looks like it11:22
threshhopefully nothing serious then11:22
mwhudsonthresh: i've pinged a sysadmin11:23
* mwhudson goes to bed11:23
threshmany thanks!11:23
popeyhttps://status.snapcraft.io/ is handy fwiw11:24
thresh(I firstly assumed it's the nation-wide firewall that blocks the way here, but oh well)11:24
mupPR snapd#5023 opened: spread.yaml: try to switch to run tests on gcloud <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5023>11:32
pedronislet's see ^11:33
zygapedronis: thank you11:33
zygasorry for not doing it before, I just got home now11:33
zygaI need to file some time off for today11:33
zygathe vet visit and other stuff was more walking than working11:33
pedronisit might not work11:34
pedronisI don't know if it we have other changes that were needed11:34
pedroniswe'll see11:34
zygapedronis: hmm, perhaps something in run-tests.sh?11:35
pedronisI don't know11:35
pedronisah true11:36
zygaactually run-checks11:36
zyga    spread google: linode:11:36
mborzeckiwrote a test to check if the logging through journal stream sockets works correctly, and it's failing radomly because the journal is not flushed yet :/11:36
zygathat's closer to master now11:36
zygamvo: is there a report for the thread leak issue?11:36
zygamvo: on my artful desktop I see this:11:37
zygazyga@fyke:~/go/src/github.com/snapcore/snapd$ ps -eLf | grep '[s]napd' | wc -l => 2311:37
zygamvo: I am seeing this on my bionic laptop11:40
zygazyga@t470:~/go/src/github.com/snapcore/snapd/cmd$ ps -eLf | grep '[s]napd' | wc -l => 12211:40
zygaover 100 more threads11:40
zygaeven though the deskop is a 8 core machine and the laptop is a 2 core machine11:40
mupPR snapd#5024 opened: systemd: add helper for opening stream file descriptors to the journal <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5024>11:46
mborzeckizyga: ps -eLf | grep '[s]napd' | wc -l => 36 on CPU(s): 1611:48
zygamborzecki: on arch or ubuntu?11:49
Chipacaoh snap, lunch11:49
zygainteresting, that's golang 1.10?11:49
mborzeckipackage version is 2.32.2.r508.g629585a3f-1, let me rebuild the latest master11:50
pedronisChipaca: there's a meeting in 10 minutes11:50
zygasame as in bionic (apart from probable patches)11:50
mborzeckipedronis: standup @ 3pm right?11:50
Chipacapedronis: yeah. running.11:50
Chipacamborzecki: yeah, meeting is about epochs11:50
pedronismborzecki: yes, this is something else11:50
zygauff :)11:50
* Son_Goku groans to life11:52
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Son_Gokuzyga, you should be able to re-enable fedora in CI now11:55
zygaSon_Goku: we already enabled and merged it11:55
zygamborzecki: reviewed11:57
mborzeckizyga: thanks11:57
mborzeckiheh, gofmt -s did not catch this11:58
zygamborzecki: 5003 reviewed12:00
mborzeckizyga: ta :)12:01
mborzeckioff to pick up the kids, be back for standup12:05
zygacachio, mvo: 2.32.3 stable today?12:09
* zyga installed the new "communitheme" snap12:14
zygait's pretty neat, so the snap is a dumb data carrier12:14
zygaand something in the desktop is picking up the snap's presence12:14
cachiozyga, yes12:16
cachioIt should12:17
zygamvo: interestingly the number of threads is pretty stable, after reboot I see 11412:24
zygareading snapstore docs12:30
zygawhy is "sudo snapstore config store.domain="<domain>"" used over "snap set snapstore store.domain=...12:30
mvozyga: 114? I just have 12 here, let me try in a clean VM12:32
zygamvo: yes, this is vanilla beta12:32
zygaer, sorry, that's vanilla edge12:32
mvozyga: I will try chocolate edge then12:33
zygaI wish golang tweaked each thread cmdline buffer to indicate what is going on12:33
mupPR snapd#5025 opened: interfaces/shutdown: allow calling SetWallMessage <Created by alfonsosanchezbeato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5025>12:42
mupPR snapd#5012 closed: snap: fix `snap advise-snap --command` output to match spec <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5012>12:43
ogra_niemeyer, not sure if we have something like this on any snapd TODO yet ... (would be nice to have) https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/support-ask-for-reboot-via-sapcraft-yaml-and-snapd12:57
ogra_niemeyer, heh, i guess we can merge that one with https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/allow-automatic-reboots-when-refreshing-a-snap/4935 (seems abeato and I had the same idea )13:00
* Chipaca will be a couple of minutes late to the standup (previous meeting overrun and I need a technical stop)13:01
zygaChipaca: ack13:04
zygajdstrand: are we going to use the stash directory approach13:04
zygajdstrand: or shall we go for the better option directly?13:04
jdstrandzyga: I think that is based in part on release timing. that said, since this didn't make 2.32, why not just go for the non-stash approach since it is approved13:06
zygajdstrand: yeah, that sounds good to me, thank you13:07
zygajdstrand: and I can use this immediately then13:07
zygajdstrand: actually, can I merge both13:08
zygaI think it's just worth preserving in history13:09
zygaI'll merge the 1st approach13:09
zygaresolve conflicts13:09
zygaand merge the 2nd approach13:09
zygaif you don't mind I'd prefer that13:09
jdstrandzyga: I don't mind at all. it makes sense to me13:11
zygaperfect, thank you13:11
niemeyerIt's quite unbelievable.. I just spent more than 10 minutes trying to join the meeting from an Android phone.. no go13:14
niemeyerAny hangout links send me to the application.. the application doesn't know what to do with it13:15
niemeyerzyga: How did you manage to join yesterday?13:15
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niemeyerAnyway.. see you soon13:15
zyganiemeyer: I have an iPhone13:16
zyganiemeyer: maybe we can dial you in with good old phone number13:16
zygaone sec13:16
niemeyerzyga: That's even more ironic13:17
niemeyerzyga: Can you send me a direct invite maybe?13:17
zyganiemeyer: I tried to dial you in from the hangout13:17
zygabut that doesn't work because we're out of credit13:17
zygayes, sure13:17
niemeyerHangouts seems able to do one-on-one.. maybe with an invite it'd wake up13:17
katnipwhich hangouts13:19
katnipfrom G Suite?13:20
niemeyerIt joined, and then the phone rebooted /o\13:20
niemeyerzyga: Thanks, I'll continue the trip.. next time I'll use the laptop tethered13:21
zyganiemeyer: you connected for a se13:21
zygayou're still connected here13:21
zygacan you hear us?13:21
zygaI just noticed your phone rebooted :?13:22
zygaman, that's not fun13:22
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
mupPR snapd#4868 closed: cmd/snap-update-ns: add secure bind mount implementation for use with user mounts <Squash-merge> <Created by jhenstridge> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4868>13:32
zygamvo: https://docs.ubuntu.com/snap-enterprise-proxy/en/install13:36
mupPR snapcraft#1992 closed: tests: run integration tests on trusty <Created by elopio> <Closed by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1992>13:36
mupBug #1620755 changed: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority <certificate> <proxy> <Snappy:Won't Fix> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1620755>13:38
mvozyga: thank you13:38
diddledanjdstrand: you're my hero today :-) webtorrent-desktop appears to be unblocked now thanks to confinement rules updates13:43
jdstranddiddledan: nice! :)13:43
Chipacamvo: pedronis: fwiw I SIGQUITed snapd when it had 18 threads, and it only had ~4 goroutines13:55
Chipacanext I'll run it with the tracer and see what that says13:56
mborzeckithen what are the other threads doing? :)13:57
mvozyga: how many goroutines do you have if you SIGQUIT your 100ish threaded snapd?14:00
mborzeckiafk, taking my son for a vaccination :/14:00
zygaOne sec14:00
zygamvo: o, so just pkill SIGQUIT snapd14:02
mvozyga: yeah14:02
zygaok, done14:03
zygaI see tons of debug in journal14:03
zygaand I see 10 threads now14:03
zygamvo: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/kKkGJp2Hbb/14:05
Chipacazyga: can you 'grep -c "goroutine [0-9]"' that?14:05
zygakwi 10 16:02:58 t470 snapd[1943]: goroutine 234 [syscall, 110 minutes]:14:06
zygaone sec14:06
Chipacait seems go keeps the threads around once it's done with them14:07
Chipacawhich makes sense :-)14:07
Chipacazyga: whoa14:08
Chipacazyga: is this reproducible?14:08
Chipacazyga: can you patch your snapd to run with the tracer, then?14:08
zygait looks like most of this is read from htt14:08
zygajust tell me how sir14:08
Chipacazyga: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/PstYvgMygh/14:08
Chipacazyga: then run it (make sure it doesn't re-exec :) ) and when it gets to have that many threads, ctrl-c it14:09
Chipacazyga: and put the /tmp/snapd.trace file somewhere :-)14:09
Chipaca(maybe compress it first)14:09
mvozyga, Chipaca interessting, thats a lot of stuff14:11
zygapatched snapd, disabled reexec14:12
zyga15 threads14:12
kyrofamwhudson, sorry, I was EOD by the time you pinged me, but yes, happy to talk about it!14:12
zygaI'm watching the number of threads14:14
zygainstalled a snap to do some activity14:14
zygaI installed tizonia14:15
zygarefreshed lxd to different channel14:15
zygaand I'm at 19 now14:15
Chipacain that dump from your sigquit you've got a lot of things stuck on read14:15
zygarefreshed lxd back to stable, still 1914:15
Chipacafrom (*ucrednetConn).Read(14:15
ChipacaI wonder if anything's changed with 1.10, there14:16
zygahmmm https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/JFpqggZU/14:16
zygais this expected14:16
zygathere's no core restart anymore14:16
zygaI stopped snapd.socket,service14:16
zygastarted snapd manually with sudo14:16
zygathis is on master + the patch from chipaca about tracing14:17
Chipacazyga: restart is done by systemd, not us14:17
zygaare we opening the snapctl socket ourselves?14:17
Chipacazyga: snapd just goes away and comes back14:17
zygaChipaca: but I don't refresh core now14:17
zygaChipaca: and reexec is off14:17
Chipacazyga: you're running snapd in another terminal, by hand, yes?14:18
Chipacazyga: what does the other terminal tell you :-)14:18
zyga2018/04/10 16:14:11.222937 handlers.go:189: cannot get state of snap "no state entry for key": %!s(MISSING)14:18
zygathat's fun14:18
zygarest of the snapd output https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/Wyuc0qHX/14:18
Chipacazyga: you're running with debug on, yes?14:18
* Chipaca looks14:18
zygano :)14:18
zygasorry, just regular14:19
zygabut that handlers.go thing is a clear bug14:19
Chipacazyga: https://github.com/chipaca/bin/blob/master/run-snapd-srv14:19
zygaman, ignore me14:20
zygathat's an old build14:20
mupPR snapd#5025 closed: interfaces/shutdown: allow calling SetWallMessage <Created by alfonsosanchezbeato> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5025>14:20
zygait's working on actually patched and compled snapd14:21
zygabut still 17 threads14:21
kyrofamwhudson, ah, I see you forum post now14:23
zygaand wayland crashed14:27
zygaI wish gnome-shell would not log errors every other second14:28
Son_Gokuzyga, so looks like RHEL 7.5 arrived14:29
Son_Gokuand with it, apparently GNOME was rebased to GNOME 3.2614:29
Son_GokuI'll have to check and see if all the components of GNOME were rebased14:29
zygamvo, Chipaca: no idea why the snap from core has all those weird threads14:29
zygaand this one does not14:30
zygagolang 1.6 vs 1.10.1?14:30
zygaSon_Goku: are you saying snapd for RHEL can now be a thing?14:30
* zyga jokes about windows for warships14:30
pedroniszyga: 1.6 on different kernel though14:30
Son_Gokuprobably not14:30
zygapedronis: same kernel here14:30
Son_Gokubut I can certainly try to rebase my current test packages14:30
zygapedronis: I have the 100+ threads if I use the snapd from core14:31
pedroniszyga: I'm saying, on  the xenial kernel,  go 1.6 snapd  I don't see tons of threds14:31
zygaI see14:31
pedronisanyway we should really medidate how to stop using  1.6 for the snapd that goes into core14:31
Chipaca1.10 would be nice :-)14:31
pedroniswell something supported (by upstream) at least14:32
zygapedronis: I think snapd.snap can be built on 18.0414:32
mvozyga: fwiw, I have a bionic vm (and my real system) where I don't see this amount of threads14:32
zygaand we sunset 1.6 support14:32
Son_Gokuzyga: build the snapd.snap on Fedora :P14:32
Son_Gokube different :)14:32
zygaSon_Goku: well, I do build it on fedora, but people who ship it tell me they need to build it in the archive14:33
zygaok, I'll keep my copy running, I need to get back to coding14:33
kozahey, folks what is the forecast on having the 2.32 in the stable channel?14:34
pedroniskoza: plan is today14:34
mvocachio: any word from the store about the release14:35
cachiomvo, I'll ask now14:36
Chipacaso, an interesting thing is14:36
Chipacaonce it starts a thread, it doesn't seem to let it go14:36
Chipaca(which is probably fine)14:36
Chipacabut the threads aren't doing anything14:37
Chipacathat is, in the trace they don't appear as busy14:37
mvocachio: thank you14:38
pedronisChipaca: I looked if we had interesting LockOSThread around, but seems we don't14:45
pedronisgo itself might though14:46
mvoall crazy - i386 adt tests fail because of https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/oom-for-interfaces-many-on-bionic-i386/4101 apparently. just in very non-obvious ways :(14:50
mvoI add code14:51
zygamvo: man, that's nasty15:05
zygamaybe kernel leaks in apparmor profiles15:05
zygaman that thread is golden15:06
popeyjdstrand: brave have a problem with their latest build in edge (19). The previous build works fine. I see an apparmor fail in ibus... https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/gsYkbhX2kQ/15:10
popeyjdstrand: anything we have seen before, and can help?15:10
mvozyga: yeah, I think there is a leak somewhere in the kernel and its especially bad on i38615:10
mvozyga: because the kernel uses lowmem only for whatever reason there15:11
zygawhy not on arm?15:11
mvozyga: I want to add a check in our restore code that checks for oom and errors hard15:11
mvozyga: I don't know15:11
jdstrandpopey: oSoMoN is working on that ibus bug. aiui, it is non-fatal15:24
mvozyga: because right now the error is very indirect and also very unclear why it hangs journalctl15:25
zygaif journal is synicing and were OOM (and perhaps swapping already) maybe it is the IO load15:25
popeyjdstrand: brave coredumps :(15:25
zygabut yeah, the memory leak looks like the issue behind it15:25
mborzeckiChipaca: yeah, there's just few goroutines doing 'real' stuff, the rest is parked https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/T2WJXWwnPF/15:26
jdstrandpopey: bluez is nothing to worry about. the /etc/opt/chrome they need to adjust something-- they don't have DAC write access to that anyway. I can add something for /sys/devices/system/memory/block_size_bytes15:26
jdstrandpopey: it may core dump, but the ibus access is probably not what is causing that. that is coming from a library that doesn't check the return code: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ibus/+bug/176158515:27
mupBug #1761585: ibus_bus_init does an unconditional call to chmod on $HOME/.config/ibus/bus <amd64> <apport-bug> <bionic> <verification-needed> <verification-needed-xenial>15:27
mup<ibus:Fix Released> <ibus (Ubuntu):Fix Released by osomon> <ibus (Ubuntu Xenial):Fix Committed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1761585>15:27
popeyjdstrand: ok15:28
jdstrandpopey: you can add to the profile: 'owner @{HOME]/.config/ibus/bus/ w,' to prove that to yourself15:28
jdstrandpopey: you can connect the bluez interface to get rid of that denial15:29
popeybrave 18 works even with those denials15:29
jdstrandpopey: you can add: '/sys/devices/system/memory/block_size_bytes r,' to see if that is it (again, I doubt it)15:29
jdstrandpopey: right, that is what I figured15:29
jdstrandpopey: the /etc/opt/chrome is possibly interesting. that needs to be $SNAP/etc/opt/chrome15:30
popeyin brave rev 19 the gui appears then immediately disappears again15:31
jdstrandpopey: it could be something is going on down in $SNAP_USER_DATA or $SNAP_COMMON such that on first start, things are ok, then on next run they aren't. unless you are saying on first run after a refresh it shows then dies. that might suggest a gl issue15:33
* jdstrand adds /sys/devices/system/memory/block_size_bytes to list for next batch of updates15:34
popeyjdstrand: I have tested with a clean install (wiped out ~/snap/brave before running)15:34
* zyga still has just 15 threads15:34
jdstrandpopey: gl is working ok elsewhere?15:34
popeyyes, and rev 18 works15:34
popeyi have also tested 18 vs 19 in a 16.04 VM, same issue.15:35
popeyhttps://paste.ubuntu.com/p/PkrmcR7g62/ seeing that lot on console in 19, not in 1815:37
diddledanis there a reasonable way of ensuring that xdg reports that the Downloads folder is in $SNAP_USER_COMMON instead of $SNAP_USER_DATA?15:40
diddledanthis is probably a reasonable thing for many snaps15:41
popeyFor some snaps I set environment: "HOME": "$SNAP_USER_COMMON" in th apps section in the yaml15:42
diddledane.g. why should downloads saved through firefox get versioned?15:42
diddledanthanks, popey , I'll try that15:42
jdstrandpopey: maybe they updated browser_main_loop.cc without considering snapd, or series 16 stage-packages, or something in the desktop part. may need desktop team help15:43
* jdstrand thought the desktop part setup symlinks from SNAP_USER_wherever to ~/Foo15:44
diddledanno the desktop parts can't do that because they might be used on snaps that don't include the `home` plug15:45
* zyga thinks we should have snapctl is-connected thing15:47
diddledanbug. if you specify a remote part that you've not already cached, and try to run `snapcraft update` in the project that includes the remote part in an `after` clause, snapcraft doesn't actually fetch the updated definitions until you remove the `after`15:48
jdstrandzyga: if 'is-connected' is about network connectivity, if you add that and it needs some sort of specific access that the default doesn't allow, add it to network-status15:51
zygajdstrand: we have is-connected command already?15:51
diddledan^^^^ that's an attempt to fetch updated remote parts15:51
popeyjdstrand: ugh, browser_main_loop.cc comes from chromium upstream. oSoMoN have you seen anything like this in chromium recently? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/PkrmcR7g62/15:52
jdstrandzyga: there is an interface that is meant to answer that question. it needs a slot implementation. I'm saying if you make core that slot implementation, add it there15:52
oSoMoNpopey, no, that doesn't ring a bell15:52
popeyoSoMoN: ok, thanks!15:52
zygajdstrand: I mean in the "snap connect" sense15:52
zygaa way to check if a plug is connected15:52
zygaor a slot15:53
zygait would be useful for apps to make simple decisions15:53
jdstrandzyga: oh, I thought you meant "am I online". ignore me15:53
jdstrandpstolowski probably would know best, iirc15:53
jdstrandI thought there were hooks for that, but maybe they are only planned15:54
zygathere are hooks15:54
pedronismvo: mmh, it was lost in the other errors but #5021 also needs new api first, because of tests15:54
mupPR #5021: overlord/snapstate: introduce envvars to control the channels for bases and prereqs (2.32) <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5021>15:54
zygabut this means you need to mirror state15:54
zygaif we can just ask15:55
zygaat runtime, at any moment15:55
pstolowskizyga jdstrand the hooks executed on connect haven't landed yet; and yes, a way to check if a plug/slot is connected via snapctl would be nice15:58
skomorokhAha, here you are. FYI, it wasn't super clear on the webpage that this is the channel (so I wound up guessing wrong a couple times with #snapcraft and #snap)16:08
pedronismborzecki: I reviewed your 'system' key in config defaults PR16:08
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|afk
mvopedronis: thank you! ok, so lets land the new api soon (once we got the stable out without issues :)16:12
JonelethIrenicusany steam snaps16:15
skomorokhIs there an FAQ for curmudgeonly debian types that have questions/paranoia about telemetry/tracking/fingerprinting and the like?16:15
kyrofaskomorokh, haha, no, but perhaps there should be!16:16
kyrofaDo you have any specific concerns?16:16
skomorokhI trust Canonical more than Slack/Microsoft/Google so would like to switch to using snaps vs. vendor-supplied .debs ...excecpt now  I wonder what this snapd is doing and what it's telling this central service about me :)16:17
kyrofaskomorokh, well, would looking at the snapd source code make you feel better?16:17
zygaskomorokh: there's a few things we tell16:17
zygaskomorokh: like /etc/os-release level info16:17
skomorokhI'd prefer an executive summary.16:17
zygaand the snaps you refresh16:17
JonelethIrenicussnap uses apparmor16:17
zygaand the version of snapd16:17
skomorokhCan it tell I'm the same user that installed a package last week?16:18
zygaskomorokh: we have some extra data sent when something fails (apparmor style error reporting) but this is configurable (PR is up for that)16:18
skomorokheg. is there an identifier tying my usage of the system together?16:18
zygaskomorokh: yes, I believe it uses /etc/machine-id (needs checking)16:18
skomorokhIs that optional?16:18
zygaskomorokh: plus, if you log in that's that16:18
zygaI don't believe that's optional but I honestly don't remebmer16:18
kyrofazyga, what is the use-case for the unique identifier?16:18
zygaI need to check if we really send that16:19
zygamaybe I'm mistaken16:19
skomorokhFirst thing I did was go to replace my slack deb with a slack snap, only to have it tell me I have to pass it a parameter to let it run unconfined.16:19
zygawe don't send that16:19
skomorokhYay! I'm happy you don't!16:19
naccskomorokh: right slack is a 'classic' snap still16:20
skomorokhAnd while I'm sad I can't sandbox slack out of the box, I'm happy that it told me it wants to be unconfined.16:20
zygabut we do use it16:20
zygawhen an error happens16:20
zygawe hash the machine id16:20
zygaand send that hash16:20
zygabut error reporting is optional16:20
kyrofazyga, I didn't know snapd had error reporting. Is it enabled by default?16:21
kyrofaHow does one opt in or out?16:21
zygakyrofa: yes, it is enabled by default but that may change soon16:21
skomorokhIs snapcraft.io optional? eg. can I use a different hub?16:21
pedroniskyrofa: it will follow whoopsie settings16:21
zygakyrofa: this goes to the ubuntu error tracker16:21
pedronisat least on ubuntu16:21
kyrofaAh, okay16:21
zygaand some people can see statistics16:22
zygawe used it a few times when bugs caused widespread errors in the field16:22
zygaand we were ignorant to that before we had the error tracker data16:22
zygaskomorokh: there's no hub in snapd, there's a store and each machine talks to exactly one store16:22
mupPR snapcraft#2062 opened: packaging: simplify snapcraft.yaml <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2062>16:22
zygastores are configurable but you will realistically still only use either the official store or your private deployment of a store proxt16:22
pedroniskyrofa: it's not for all errors, or errors from snaps,  is really errors on refresh or install16:23
pedronisof snaps16:23
zygayes, it's when snapd malfunctions really16:23
skomorokhIs the code for the store public?16:23
zygano, it is not16:23
kyrofaWhenever snapd panics, I expect16:23
skomorokhAw. So if you turn evil or something the OSS community can fork away :(16:23
kyrofaskomorokh, note that all the APIs are documented16:24
zygait's a matter of implementing the store side and starting a new root of strust (store is a root of trust in the snapd model)16:24
zygaso if we turn evil, there's some hope still ;-)16:24
mupPR snapd#5026 opened: tests: add check for OOM error after each test <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5026>16:24
skomorokhRight, but that's a big barrier, implementing that whole stack!16:24
skomorokhOr is it? I've only been thinking about snaps for a handful of minutes, maybe the store is quite lightweight?16:25
mborzeckipedronis: thanks16:25
zygaskomorokh: but also big advantage of having one place where apps come from, with sane securty, comprehensive snadbox (it's always something that can improve but I think we're doing pretty well)16:26
zygaskomorokh: I think it depends on one's perspective16:26
skomorokhOh, I like that, that's why I want to use it.16:26
skomorokhI just want the option for the community to bail on you without starting over.16:26
zygaskomorokh: there are a few URLs we use to search, query and download snaps and assertions16:26
skomorokhEveryone maintaining snaps is investing into the ecosystem.16:26
zygabut I'm not an expert in that area16:26
zygaI think that option is there, if there's desire someone can always fork snapd, implement some simple store, deploy it and update the store URL16:27
zyganot saying it's easy but it's not impossible either, snapd is complex in general16:27
skomorokhI see snapd is developed in public.16:28
zygahaving a store that scales, etc is another thign16:28
zygaall work, code and design is public16:28
skomorokhI think that'd make it easier, having the commits, the issues, etc.16:28
zygaI'm a developer that works on execution layers for example16:29
skomorokhSo I think being able to search the store counterpart would help.16:29
zygasnap find ...16:29
zygafunny that "snap find foo" finds so many foo snaps :)16:29
skomorokhI mean, search the history of development communications around the store too the way we can by searching snapd issues.16:29
zygaah I see16:30
zygawell, store is not publuc16:30
skomorokhYa exactly :)16:30
zygamost of the store changes are coming directly from snapd16:30
zygaand can be found in the snapd history16:30
zygaplus there's a lot on forum.snapcraft.io16:30
noise][and there is discussion on store features https://forum.snapcraft.io/c/store16:30
popeyThe click store that pre-dates it wasn't either. The community founded an "open store" which has now taken over on Ubuntu phone.16:30
* zyga hugs noise][ 16:31
zygathank you!16:31
popeyWhen Ubuntu Phone was dropped, the community rallied and have built a pipeline for apps in the open store16:31
noise][also, you can always side-load snaps without a store16:31
popeyIt's more active now than when we maintained it ;)16:31
zygapopey: do you know I still use my reall retail ubuntu phone16:31
skomorokh'cause so far I'm convinced I want to use this because it feels more trustable than dpkg which is basically "here's root, go nuts"16:31
zygaI still have it, it's running ubuntu with the open store16:32
noise][you lose benefits but it's there as an option16:32
popeyzyga:  me too :)16:32
skomorokhBut I'm not quite convinced I want to _advocate_ for it and maintain snaps etc.16:32
zygaskomorokh: yes, the sandbox is very interesting16:32
popeyI have a bq 4.5 on my desk, updated it today16:32
zygaskomorokh: I'm also familiar with the sandbox in case you have questions16:32
skomorokhzyga: Can I sandbox things that don't want to be sandboxed?16:32
popeyskomorokh: I work on the developer advocacy side. I'd welcome your feedback if you did look at making a snap.16:32
zygaskomorokh: try making some software and ensuring it is up-to-date (yourself) in 3 most common distros (and maybe 2-3 older releases that still have users)16:33
zygaskomorokh: then look at snaps again :)16:33
zygait's a godsend16:33
popeyskomorokh: we're always looking for people outside the project who have snapped something, to give us honest critical feedback.16:33
zygajdstrand: do you want one last look at https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4957 before I merge it16:33
mupPR #4957: cmd/snap-update-ns: remove the need for stash directory in secure bind mount implementation <Created by jhenstridge> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4957>16:33
skomorokhWell, so far I'm leery about investing myself that much in it because the store is closed.16:34
zygaskomorokh: well, use it, try some snaps16:35
zygaskomorokh: package something, learn how that works16:35
zygaskomorokh: see how the interface systems looks like16:35
skomorokhI understand why it makes sense to have it centralised, but it feels sketchy to have something so closed aspire to become central to OSS16:35
zygaskomorokh: how the sandbox looks like16:36
zygathere's tons of great stuff in snapd16:36
jdstrandzyga: LGTM16:36
jdstrandplease commit16:36
zygaskomorokh: then people say how great android is because android is linux, this is way way way more open16:36
zygafor one,you can commit here16:36
zygawe don't throw code over the wall once in $RELEASE_CYCLE16:37
zygayou can discuss with the devs, not with press people16:37
skomorokhGood points!16:37
zygayou can influence the design, the code, everything really16:37
zygathere are business points (store) but that's actually good, it means it can sustain itself16:37
zygait's not going to spy on you to make that money16:37
popeyskomorokh: like github? :)16:38
zygaand unlike other solutions it is more complete16:38
zygait's not limited to some class of apps16:38
skomorokhpopey: Quite, hence gitlab :)16:38
zygaand doesn''t have hand-wave'y "optional security" that nobody actually uses and is actually not strong and sensible security16:39
skomorokhfirejail is just handwavey?16:39
* zyga made terrible allusions to other packaging systems16:39
zygause of firejail with <something else> is very handwave'y16:39
zygaand note one thing: the instruction on how to confine an app comes with the app16:40
zygathat's not useful16:40
zygathat's 15.05 snappy 1.x design16:40
zygaand it doesn16:40
diddledanI'm still randomly getting "invalid association handle" whenever I try to login to build.snapcraft.io via ubuntu sso16:40
zygaand it doesn't scale or work really16:40
zygaoh, and it is optional, so nobody uses it really16:41
zygacompare that to snapd sandbox and interface system, where everyone gets the same predictable non-optional sanbox16:41
zygaand there are well-defined ways to extend it16:41
skomorokhexcept slack gets to opt out and run as root16:41
skomorokh(which it wonderfully tells me about!)16:41
zygawhere well-defined is that each snap uses the same definition, users can learn what that means16:41
zygayes, but that's not sandboxed really16:42
skomorokhcan I tell it to sandbox anyway?16:42
zygaand it's very honest about it as you noticed16:42
zygayes but most software that requests this won't work16:42
zygayou can snap install --jail slack16:42
zygait will just put it in a regular sandbox16:42
zygabut slack won't work then16:42
zygaeventually slack may opt into confinement16:43
skomorokhslack is just electron going to their webpage + stuff for facilitating the tray icon ya?16:43
zygabut they have not yet16:43
zygaI honestly don't know16:43
skomorokhHm, so if I get really enthusiastic about snap and spend a bunch of time building a slack image that works in confined mode, can I publish that somehow?16:44
skomorokhI assume I can't redistribute their software, but can I maintain a patch to their packaging that lets me lock it down?16:45
diddledanhmm, who has registered the name `webtorrent-desktop` in the store? have they actually used that name at all or can snapcrafters nab it? :-p16:45
zygaskomorokh: yes, but it won't be called "slack", it would have to be something else16:45
zygaplus, I don't know if you have the right to modify their application16:45
zygabut you can install it on your machine, yes16:46
zygais *this* _supported_ in this __client__ **maybe**?16:46
zygadiddledan: how did you format webtorrent-desktop?16:46
zygamaybe like `this`?16:47
zygaah, nice16:47
popeydiddledan: it was registered back in june 201616:47
popeydiddledan: no uploads.16:47
diddledanis it owned by upstream or a random passer-by?16:47
zygaskomorokh: plus, snappy is pushing some boundaries, it's a very fun project to live in16:47
popeydiddledan: upstream16:47
zygafrom kernel side to linux desktop technology16:48
diddledanif it's upstream then I'll just file a PR against their repo and they can publish directly, but I wanted to get something out16:48
popeyFeross registered it16:48
noise][diddledan: appears to be upstream16:48
diddledanright-oh, I'll just file a PR against their repo then :-)16:48
skomorokhHow do snaps persist their local configs? They can access my home directory from their confinement?16:50
zygaskomorokh: there are more nice features that you may not know about (channels are so obviously missing from classic packaging)16:50
zygaskomorokh: snaps get their private place for storing data, that's $SNAP_DATA, $SNAP_USER_DATA16:50
zygaskomorokh: for services and apps16:50
zygaskomorokh: there's also SNAP_COMMON and SNAP_USER_COMMON for specialized use-cases16:51
zygaskomorokh: snaps don't see the real HOME variable so they have a mini-home elsewhere16:51
zygaskomorokh: that's in your real $HOME/snap/$SNAP_NAME/$SNAP_REVISION/16:51
skomorokhSo it copies my configs between versions as it updates?16:52
zygaskomorokh: snaps can read and write to most of your regular home if they use the "home" interface (run "snap interface home")16:52
zygaskomorokh: yes16:52
zygaskomorokh: we are working on integrating desktop portals so that portal-aware apps can use them too16:52
skomorokhNice, so I can rollback to my previous config if I have issues with the new version. Does it clean up old ones or just suck up infinite space over time?16:52
zyga(so typical GTK apps will use portals for opening files from arbitrary places, under user's explicit choice)16:53
skomorokhCan I protect sensitive parts of my home directory eg. exclude ~/.ssh from the "home" interface?16:53
zygaskomorokh: that's done by default16:53
zygaskomorokh: all dot-files are off-limits16:53
skomorokhAh, nice.16:53
skomorokhBut not for classic, it does w/e?16:54
zygano, classic confinement == no confinement16:54
zygalike in "classic linux systems"16:54
skomorokhYa, so there's no light jail to give a false sense of security, it's proper confinement or no.16:54
skomorokhSeems sensible.16:54
zygaskomorokh: for instance this is the whole definition of the home interface: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/blob/master/interfaces/builtin/home.go16:55
skomorokhOh sweet, it's go!16:55
zygayes, we are trying not to run large complex C apps as root16:57
zygayou can see all the other interfaces here: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/tree/master/interfaces/builtin16:57
diddledanok, PR filed against webtorrent-desktop: https://github.com/webtorrent/webtorrent-desktop/pull/135316:57
mupPR webtorrent/webtorrent-desktop#1353: add snap packaging <Created by diddledan> <https://github.com/webtorrent/webtorrent-desktop/pull/1353>16:57
skomorokhOh man, this is so close to everything I hoped it would be.16:58
popeydiddledan: nice one!16:58
zygainterfaces cannot be added by apps so nobody will add "all access to everything" interface in a note taking app16:58
* diddledan crosses his toes16:58
skomorokhSo I tried a snap, figured okular is a good one because it didn't want classic and so my pdf viewer is going to get some confinement.16:59
skomorokhWhich is nice because it's handling random stuff from the internet so it's attack surface.16:59
skomorokh'cept I can't purge okular's deb since kubuntu depends on it.17:00
cachiomvo, so far so good, 2.32.3 is stable now and smoke test passed17:00
skomorokhHow do I tell it to prefer the snap? Does this tie in to update-alternatives?17:00
naccskomorokh: /snap/bin in your PATH17:01
naccskomorokh: that's provided by snapd into /etc/profile.d on Ubuntu17:01
skomorokhBut not early enough since which okular is still showing /usr/bin17:01
naccskomorokh: is /snap/bin in your PATH?17:01
skomorokhI assume it based on what you say.17:02
naccskomorokh: are you on ubuntu?17:02
skomorokhYup, kubuntu 17.1017:02
naccskomorokh: easy enough to check, to be sure, of course17:02
naccskomorokh: /snap/bin is the last entry in PATH, iirc, so if you want to prefer snaps over debs, you need to edit the profile17:02
zygacachio: good17:02
zygaskomorokh: hash -r17:02
skomorokhYa, exactly. And I've confirmed.17:02
zygaskomorokh: which okular17:02
nacc /etc/profile.d/apps-bin-path.sh17:03
zygaskomorokh: you can always "snap run okular"17:03
zygasnap run --help has some extra options17:03
skomorokhheh, I need to connect it to more snaps.17:03
zygaskomorokh: play, explore, learn ask17:03
zygawelcome to the community!17:03
skomorokhThanks! I definitely do feel welcome.17:04
skomorokhAnd I really appreciate the project, it's going to help make Linux easier to adopt for less technical users.17:05
skomorokhPlus help everyone be more secure.17:05
zygaand everyone can be in one boat of apps17:05
zyganot in fractured silos17:05
zygachihchun_afk: hey17:05
zygaoh you're afk17:05
skomorokhThat's got pros and cons.17:05
zygamborzecki: around?17:05
zygaI'd like a 3rd review for https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/495717:06
mupPR #4957: cmd/snap-update-ns: remove the need for stash directory in secure bind mount implementation <Created by jhenstridge> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4957>17:06
zygaskomorokh: snaps complement classic packages so each distribution can still innovate by itself17:06
zygabut innovation doesn't zero the app counter17:06
skomorokhAnd that's why I would hope there is more transparency around the store if it really does have a chance of being a central hub for OSS app developement.17:06
zygaand innovation doesn't mean apps need to be re-packaged every 6 months or whatever the release cycle is17:06
zygaoho, storm is coming17:08
skomorokhSo I have a suggestion for the monetisation... I can't buy software with it because then I'd need to register an account with the snapd on my computer at which point I'm tying my behaviour to my identity.17:09
zygaskomorokh: when linux is 1% of your userbase, the last thing you want is to spend x5 effor to cover ubuntu, fedora and maybe something else17:09
skomorokhBut I'd love to login to my account in a browser and conveniently contribute money to a project.17:10
zygaskomorokh: how would you then tell snapd that you can use a for-pay snap/17:10
skomorokhI never will, for that reason.17:11
skomorokhJust like I subscribe to the guardian but don't login to my account.17:11
zygabut the guardian is available anyway17:11
zyga(I also subscribe btw :)17:11
zygaif a snap is free you can already use it17:11
skomorokhRight, that's why I subscribe ;)17:11
zyganote that the buy story is still in wraps17:11
zygaand there's plenty of room for improvement17:11
skomorokhI don't subscribe to papers I can't read without subscribing because then they learn what articles I read (hell, they learn how I move my mouse while I'm reading the article)17:12
skomorokhIs there any risk that associating an account with snapd will become mandatory?17:12
skomorokhI imagine there'd be some pressure to do that...17:12
zygano, I doubt that17:13
naccdon't you already have to login to snapd?17:13
zygait used to be17:13
zygabut we made it optional now17:13
naccah ok17:13
nacczyga: good to know, thanks17:13
zygait was just a matter of work, it's a 2.0 but still pretty early stages17:13
skomorokhThat's a good direction but kinda worrisome it was ever like that.17:14
zygait was like that because we didn't have polkit support and other things17:15
zygaagain, very early days back then17:15
zygayou could always use sudo to do stuff17:15
skomorokhEven at a cursory glance it's clear this is a massive engineering effort.17:15
zygaah, sorry, my memory is rusty17:15
zygasudo was since forever17:15
zygaauthorization was needed in GUI apps before we had polkit17:15
zyganow it's fully optional17:16
zygabecause GUI apps are regular users (not root) talking to snapd17:16
zygaso there was no way to prove you can install / remove apps17:16
zygawhen you sudo snap stuff we use peer credetnials over the socket to konw17:16
zygaso that's why we had to login to the store17:17
zygabecause once logged in you'd get a polkit prompt from the GUI and authenticate17:17
zygaand that was used as proof17:17
zyganow it's all history17:17
skomorokhCan I selectively deny interfaces?17:19
skomorokhAwww vscode is classic too ;(17:20
zygaskomorokh: you can disconnect them17:20
zygaskomorokh: there's a forum thread about why IDEs are classic currently17:20
skomorokhty, I'll look for that.17:20
zygathere's some missing technology to make them strict still17:20
zyga(without making them useless)17:21
zygaskomorokh: once you disconnect an automatically connected interface it won't auto-connect on that snap again17:21
zygaskomorokh: we have a policy system so that powerful interfaces are not auto connected17:21
zygaskomorokh: and some cannot even be declared at all17:21
zygaskomorokh: each snap has an assertion that is issued by the store17:21
zygaskomorokh: the assertion can grant access to some powerful interfaces on a per-snap basis17:22
skomorokhCan I install something without it ever being allowed to use an interface?17:22
zygaskomorokh: this is why you can install LXD as a snap17:22
skomorokhSo even if it might be autoconnected I can choose to not let it be?17:22
zygaskomorokh: no, we don't have that right now, what would be your use case?17:22
zygaskomorokh: if it's about home that is a transitional interface that will be phased out over time17:22
zygaskomorokh: it's a matter of getting portals and momentum to use them17:22
zygaskomorokh: note that home is only auto-connected on "classic" devices (classic that they use regular packages as well)17:23
zygaskomorokh: on core devices (that only use snaps for everything on the system) this is no longer the case17:23
skomorokhHypothetically I want to use vscode but want to be sure that Microsoft never learns that my current IP used it.17:23
zygaskomorokh: I see, well, network is granted by default so I don't think there's a way today17:23
skomorokhIf it autoconnects to the interface that lets it connect to the internet, it alerts them that my IP uses it.17:23
skomorokhWhereas if I can snap install vscode --without-interface=internet17:24
zygaskomorokh: I'm not saying no, just that it's not a feature today17:24
zygayou can open a forum thread about it17:24
skomorokhThe main reason my IDE would ever need to use the internet is updating, and if snap does that for me, tada!17:24
popeywell, no17:24
zygawe can discuss it with the security team and with designers17:24
popeymost modern IDEs have plugins17:24
popeyvscode included17:24
skomorokhYah, I know, vscode especially, actually.17:24
zygasadly modern IDEs are pretty much mini-OSes (without confinement between plugins)17:24
popeyvscode will go and get (for example) golang components when you're editing .go files17:24
skomorokhThat's why this is a hypothetical.17:25
skomorokhBut it's the one that came to mind.17:25
zygaI'm very much waiting for the first real attempt at a code editor with untrusted plugins17:25
zygawith proper sandboxing17:25
popeyvscode oss is built without those features17:25
zygait's a ticking time bomb17:25
popeyso you could use that instead17:25
skomorokhHowever, if I was cool with just using the ones it came with, I'd like to be able to --without-internet it.17:25
zygaskomorokh: you can install it17:25
zygaskomorokh: disconnect network17:25
zygaand then run it17:25
popeyunplug the network cable and snap diconnect network17:25
zyganote that if it had a confiugre hook or other install hook it would execute by that time17:26
skomorokhYa, that's not making this super convenient though.17:26
zygayou can also make a network namespace17:26
zygaand run vscode there17:26
zygaI think it's a better solution for networking specifically as you have full control17:26
skomorokhYeah, I'm interested in transparency as to what my applications do on the internet.17:27
skomorokhIf snap is partitioning them somehow that I can differentiate which apps are generating which traffic that'd be neat.17:27
skomorokhLike an alias interface per snap so I can wireshark vscode alone?17:27
zygasnapd doesn't use the network namespace so networking is "real"17:28
skomorokhAw. Well, one thing at a time. Is that an eventual goal?17:29
zygano, that's not a goal now17:29
zygamaybe eventually but we have plenty of things to do for now17:30
kyrofaskomorokh, you want this:17:30
kyrofazyga, install and then disconnect doesn't cut it-- daemons are fired up first17:30
zygayes, I agree17:30
zygawe have the way to represent that now17:30
zygaso it's just a matter of designing and making the UI17:31
skomorokh(Just checking, that's overriding that you can represent just have no UI ...not per-snap network usage?)17:34
zygaskomorokh: not specific to network17:36
zygaskomorokh: you can put some stuff into the "state" /var/lib/snapd/state.json that will tell snapd not to auto-connect a given interface to a given snap17:36
zygastate is interesting too17:37
skomorokhDoes snap use cgroups?17:37
zygaskomorokh: yes17:37
skomorokhSo potentially that could give some visibility into which snap is associated with which network traffic?17:38
zygaskomorokh: we use seccomp bpf, apparmor (all of it+more than mainline), device and freezer cgroup17:38
zygaskomorokh: we only use the two cgroups I mentioned17:38
skomorokhSo not per-snap cgroup.17:38
zygawe have per-snap cgroups17:38
zygabut we only use device and freezer cgroups17:38
zygaand I don't believe you can do what you want with just them17:39
zygawe also use some other things but those are the "main" guys17:39
zygaall of the sandbox code is in interfaces/ directory in the tree17:39
zygawe use mount namespaces heavily17:39
zygaman, I didn't mention that17:39
zygathat's like my life now and I didn't mention that17:39
pedronismvo: fyi, all my backport branches are green now,  but we would need to start with 5002 once we feel ok about 2.32.317:41
zygapedronis: mvo is offline17:41
pedronisI always forget there are people that do that :)17:42
zygairc cloud is really great17:42
skomorokhHm, but if all the processes for a snap are in its per-snap group ...it seems like that's all we need is already in net_filter? https://lwn.net/Articles/569678/17:44
skomorokhExcept it's confusing when you say you have per-snap cgroups but don't use them:17:45
skomorokh<zyga> we have per-snap cgroups17:45
skomorokh<zyga> but we only use device and freezer cgroups17:45
zygasorry, I meant to say that we only use two cgroup _types_17:46
zygaif xtables can do that that's cool, I wasn't aware of that17:46
zygabrb, dog.walk()17:47
JonelethIrenicusany steam snaps17:47
popeyJonelethIrenicus: there isn't a steam snap from valve in the store currently.17:48
skomorokhlemme guess, --classic?17:49
zygaThere is a steam runtime snap from ikey17:50
zygaWIP but promising and confined17:50
skomorokhIs the sandboxing relatively new?17:51
zygaThere is a interface review for steam specifically17:51
zygaDepends on which part17:51
zygaSome is old, some is still not in mainline17:51
zygaMan, this feels like summer17:53
zygaSo warm outside17:53
zygaThere was snow all around just a moment ago17:54
kyrofaI miss snow17:55
kyrofaSpring is the worst17:55
zygaThe design of the sandbox is new IMO,17:55
zygaWhaaaat kyrofa how can you say that17:56
skomorokhOk, so there's hope yet that slack, etc. will provide contained snaps? It's most they haven't got to it and things weren't ready when they first adopted the platform rather than they're refusing to go that way?17:56
popeyIt depends on the ISV17:57
popeyWe're talking to all of them. Some are motivated to get them confined, others are not.17:57
zygaI think it depends on the cost for them. If they see the sandbox as a cost for the people that support Linux17:57
zygaIt’s all about users17:57
popeyWorth noting that for some of the really big ISVs Linux represents a vanishingly tiny proportion of their userbase.17:57
zygaConfinement has some advantages17:58
popeySo you get a tiny proportion of their time to work on it.17:58
zygaSnaps that are confined run in more places17:58
zygaSo I think over time classic snaps will be rare17:58
skomorokhWell, I'm thinking specifically of slack/vscode so fairly developery things where presumably linux has a larger-than-usual marketshare.17:58
zygaAgain, begging of the adoption curve, early adopters, etc17:58
popeyDepends on your definition of large.17:58
zygaIt’s all subjective17:59
zygaLinux is not large IMO (and I use it since forever)17:59
skomorokhWell, I'd imagine that linux use is an order of magnitude more common in the developer community than the world at large.17:59
popeyslack-term is in the store and is strictly confined btw ;)17:59
katamo[help please] building my first snap. need to read the output of a `cat` command. getting an error "Error: Can't read from stdin: read /dev/stdin: permission denied" from the cat command. snap was built and installed locally using the "--devmode --dangerous" flags18:00
zygaSlack is used by lots of people, not just developers18:00
katamo*everything works before being snapped18:00
popeykatamo: hi, can you point us to your yaml somewhere online?18:00
skomorokhIs there a way I can browse snaps like the store but with added info about which are confined and which interfaces they require?18:00
zygakatamo:  when you use —dangerous you disable enforcing confinement18:00
popeyzyga: uh, you mean devmode?18:01
zygaskomorokh: gnome software, eventually18:01
zygaYes popey18:01
zygaIt implies devmode afair18:01
katamoskomorokh https://gitlab.com/kat.morgan/ScoutPlane/blob/master/snapcraft.yaml18:01
skomorokhzyga: but why would I need an app for browsing a catalogue, seems like a very web-suitable task?18:01
katamo*oops popey18:02
popeyskomorokh: you can browse the store at snapcraft.io/store18:02
zygaskomorokh: store front can probably show this too18:02
popeyskomorokh: not all features of the snap are shown currently, the web site is under constant redesign18:02
katamopopey to be specific, line 170 of build-img is failing with the stdin permission error https://gitlab.com/kat.morgan/ScoutPlane/blob/master/bin/build-img18:04
katamopopey snapcraft.yaml is here: https://gitlab.com/kat.morgan/ScoutPlane/blob/master/snapcraft.yaml18:04
skomorokhYa, I don't see either of those pieces of info on the store and would hope to.18:04
popeyskomorokh: yeah, it's not straightforward to expose at the moment18:05
popeykatamo: lxc config is going to want to poke things in hidden in folders in your home directory, isn't it? That will be blocked by confinement?18:06
skomorokhIs there a tool to replicate my snap installs on another machine?18:06
katamopopey, hmmmm, good thing to consider. "--devmode --dangerous" would eliminate that for the sake of argument, right?18:07
skomorokhSince it's not just a flat list of snaps but also connections...18:07
popeyskomorokh: not currently.18:07
katamoso far, i've been able to do everything with lxd from the snap except that one line18:07
popeykatamo: hm, I don't know what's going on there then.18:07
katamo:/ grr, time for more digging. alrighty18:07
popeymaybe try the forum for long form Q&A?18:08
zygaskomorokh: no, not at present18:09
skomorokhpopey: Okay, I should get back to work anyhow.18:09
popeyThat's entirely scriptable though. "snap list" and "snap interfaces" on one end and "snap install" and "snap connect / disconnect" on the other18:09
skomorokhThanks a lot for all the welcoming / super patient replies! And ya, epic software endeavour.18:09
popeyThanks for the friendly chat :)18:10
zygaskomorokh: good day and drop by again :)18:10
zygapedronis: can you please do a 2nd review on https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/502618:11
mupPR #5026: tests: add check for OOM error after each test <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5026>18:11
skomorokhooo, actually, before I disappear18:12
skomorokhI sync my home dir between three machines using unison18:13
skomorokhThat shouldn't be any more crazy with snaps, I think, because their local files are in ~/snap/snapname ...no generated uuids or anything18:13
zygayou may see some odd issues though18:14
popeymight be a challenge if the machine apps get out of sync18:14
zygawhen on machine-a you have snap foo at revision 118:14
skomorokhDoes anything leap out at you as likely to blow up?18:14
zygabut on machine-b it will refresh and get to revision 218:14
skomorokhYa, I carefully manage my updates to keep them in sync18:14
zygaskomorokh: snaps update automatically18:14
skomorokhCan they not?18:14
zygaskomorokh: and you can use "snap revert" to go back to revision you had before18:15
zygaskomorokh: you can control when they refresh (very precisely)18:15
zygabut we don't want to add a global toggle because the vendors do the silly thing and turn that off and ship devices with no updates, ever18:15
zygaand we don't want that18:15
skomorokhSo I can leave refresh at "never" and set it to "now" when I want updates?18:16
skomorokhIt's my computer though :)18:16
zygaso we are very opinionated and try very hard to give lots of control without a way to for someone to turn it off forever18:16
zygabecause then people are the victim of a vendor who does that18:16
zygaand most people are really comfortable with that already18:16
zyga(not all clearly)18:16
zygait has to be refreshed at least once a month AFAIR18:16
skomorokhI'm uncomfortable with how many people are comfortable with that :)18:17
zygayou can also deploy an enterprise proxy and tie your specific device to that proxy18:17
zygaand control updates through the proxy18:17
skomorokhWell, I'm not interested in me.18:17
popeyI'm uncomfortable with how many people run easily compromised out of date software on the internet18:17
zygaskomorokh: it's a tricky balance, if we give the off switch you will read an article about ubuntu routers being insecure and out of date when next major thing happens18:17
zygabecause someone in china slaps ubuntu on a batch of no-brand machines and ships them for 15$18:18
skomorokhTrue points.18:18
zygaskomorokh: so on your private deployment, you can and should use the enterprise proxy18:18
zygaskomorokh: if you have a super important snap that cannot break you can buy gating and control when core refreshes so that you are not broken by canonical shipping updated base libraries18:19
zygaskomorokh: you can schedule updates to go weekly on Tuesday night18:19
zygabut you cannot turn it off because then you would be fine but 1000s of others would suffer18:19
skomorokhI just don't like the general notion that end users are so fully conditioned that software is something managed externally.18:19
skomorokhThat either you are full-time devops and that's your life or you let your most sensitive affairs be managed by one of a small handful of vendors.18:20
skomorokhIt feels like there is room for a level of autonomy between OS X and Gentoo :)18:21
skomorokhAt any rate, for my actual use case it sounds fine because I assume I can trigger a refresh on demand? And thus update my laptop to current before I sync things over.18:23
popeyyou can "snap refresh" any time18:34
petansome idea? https://pastebin.com/MWSkCdde this crash I get when I run snapcraft :(18:34
mupPR snapd#5023 closed: spread.yaml: try to switch to run tests on gcloud (2.32) <Created by pedronis> <Closed by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5023>18:44
mupPR snapcraft#2060 closed: package: ensure all relevant files are in for sdist <bug> <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2060>19:08
mvocachio: yay, thank you19:09
zygahey mvo19:10
zygastill trying to release19:10
cachiomvo, yaw19:10
mvozyga: we released19:11
mvozyga: its all great!19:11
zygathank /dev/urandom19:11
zygathat's great19:11
zygathank you for getting us here19:11
zygamvo: do you have 3 more minutes?19:12
mvozyga: yeah, not 100%19:12
mupPR #4957: cmd/snap-update-ns: remove the need for stash directory in secure bind mount implementation <Created by jhenstridge> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4957>19:13
zygado you want to do a 3rd review19:13
zygait's small19:13
mvozyga: I have a look in a little bit19:13
zygamvo: can I help with anything release-wise?19:14
mvozyga: I think its all good, I will do the SRU in my morning and we need to keep an eye on bugs19:15
zygathat's .4 that you will SRU19:16
zygaor still .319:16
mvozyga: I hope I will be be able to announce it again later tonight but that is about it19:16
mvozyga: probably .419:16
mvozyga: I want to have at least the fix for the oom detection19:16
zyga.3 is very solid but .4 has a few more fixes and the all new API19:16
mvowell "fix"19:16
zygaI'm somewhat worried about the new store api there19:16
mvozyga: yeah, then .3+X19:16
zygabut I realise it's important19:16
zygamvo: oom "fix" will surely show up in adt19:16
zygaso "yay" for working on this bug19:17
zygait was under my radar, I was surprised by how old that thread was19:17
mvozyga: "yay" - really a frustrating day, oom bug, threading explosion and refresh-mode: sigterm not working. oh well, tomorrow will be better19:17
zygais the SIGTERM refresh issue real?19:17
zygathat is, it's not an application level bug?19:18
mvozyga: it may be applicatoin dependent19:18
mvozyga: its strange, the strace indidate its real19:18
zygalet me know if you want me to look tomorrow19:19
zygait would be a .519:20
zygaand 2.33 would be more off if true19:20
zygabut it may mean 2.32 is our first LTS :)19:20
zygaand I would welcome that19:20
pedroniswell, if .4  is just oom, we need .5 soon (that would have been .4)19:21
pedronisand then later is .619:21
zyga2.32.19 is the charm19:21
zygait will also include the YAMA fix ;-)19:21
pedronismvo: so  what was suppored to be .4  will be .5 ?19:22
pedroniswill .4 be SRU only?19:22
pedronisI mean no core build?19:22
diddledanooh. I just spotted that 2.32.3 landed stable19:23
mvopedronis: I think we will do .419:24
mvopedronis: and for the sru I do .3.1 or something19:24
mvopedronis: or .3ubuntu119:24
mvopedronis: just the OOM thing19:24
pedronismostly because I communicated that API would be in .419:25
pedronisI can communicate again if needed19:25
mvopedronis: yeah, I'm still onboard with that19:25
mvopedronis: I think its fine19:25
pedronismvo: all the backports are green19:26
pedronis(still marked as blocked tough)19:26
zygamvo: once .4 is out I will massage a release page19:28
zygaand do suse updates19:28
popeyooh! 2.32 is out?19:28
zygapopey: _again_ :D19:29
zygapopey: snapd is so cool we can release the same version twice19:29
popeyThanks guys!19:29
zygatake that classic packages!19:29
popeyonly twice?19:29
zygapopey: you only release twice19:30
mvopedronis: \o/19:33
mvopedronis: great that they are green19:33
pedronismvo: I closed the PR about usign google for 2.3219:33
mvopedronis: ok19:52
mvozyga: heh, the PR is small but the amount of discussion is not ;) I check it in my morning20:29
diddledanis there any way you know of to prevent the /tmp/$temporary_name files from being deleted when something goes wrong? I'm receiving the message I'm about to paste, but running with --debug doesn't reveal anything further, and the files are gone when I try to investigate what's wrong21:02
sergiusensdiddledan: mind trying out `edge`?21:04
diddledanok, gimme a sec21:05
petanis there any way to start a script that alters the source code (like patch) before the snap start building it?21:06
diddledanyou'd love this snapcraft.yaml, sergiusens, it's now sitting at 1340 lines long :-p21:06
petannow it changes the source somewhere, but seems to build it elsewhere and the patch is not applied :/21:06
naccpetan: https://docs.snapcraft.io/build-snaps/scriptlets21:06
diddledanpetan: the scriptlet you want is `prepare`21:07
naccpetan: prepare ?21:07
sergiusenspetan: `prepare` if on stable or https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/proposal-expanding-scriptlets/4673 if on edge21:07
petannacc: I did try prepare, but as I said, the script is executed but source code which is actually built by snapcraft is not touched by it21:07
petanseems like prepare is touching some different copy of source code21:07
petanif that's question for me, yes the project is using cmake21:08
naccpetan: that seems like it would depend on the plugin (and whether it builds in place, or makes copies, etc)21:08
sergiusensdiddledan: I am waiting for you to snap up the new gnucash!21:08
petanhow is it related to cmake21:08
diddledanyeah cmake references the source in `src` while the build executes in `build` so you need to adjust your prepare to reference `../src`21:08
sergiusenscmake does out of source builds, unfortunately we carry a bad legacy on that one21:09
petanwill try21:09
sergiusensI need to leave for now, feel free to create forum posts I can follow up on those later21:09
petancmake is very popular thingie it should be supported properly21:11
naccpetan: it seems like it is?21:17
naccpetan: cmake just does a build copy21:17
kyrofapetan, the typical way to use cmake is out-of-source. That's what snapcraft does21:30
kyrofaYou're not supposed to be messing with source code in prepare21:30
kyrofaThat's part of the build step21:30
kyrofaThe fact that it works on some plugins and not others is because it's not how you're supposed to use prepare :P21:31
petanbut I want to "prepare" the source code for building21:31
petanso what should I use instead of prepare to prepare source?21:31
kyrofapetan, then you need to use edge and use override-pull instead21:31
petanwhat is edge and what is override-pull and who says I am pulling anything?21:31
kyrofapetan, https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/scriptlets/489221:32
kyrofapetan, where are you getting the snapcraft you're using?21:32
petanI made it myself huh21:32
kyrofaSo... a venv?21:32
petananyway, that forum page is lacking simple example21:33
petanI don't want to "override" something, which is only example there...21:33
petanit works now with prepare21:33
kyrofapetan, overriding the pull step is exactly what you want to do there21:33
petanmaybe not "correct way" but it works21:33
kyrofaThe example is even patching21:33
kyrofaBut yeah, if you're happy with prepare, go for it. Just know that it's not the proper and supported way to patch code. There wasn't a proper and supported way to do that until override-pull21:34
kyrofa(other than implementing a local plugin)21:35
mupPR snapcraft#2063 opened: many: add snapcraftctl set-version <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2063>21:45
Caelumzyga: something just broke snaps on TW, I'll look into it later today22:29
mupPR snapd#5027 opened: client: snapshot sets, snapshots, snapshot actions, oh my! <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5027>23:36

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