
lotuspsychjegood morning to all04:49
lotuspsychjeshopping bbl06:17
lordievaderGood morning06:18
ducassegood morning, everyone06:23
lordievaderHey ducasse , how are you doing?06:30
ducassemorning lordievader, all good here thanks. how are you doing?06:31
lordievaderDoing good here :)06:31
ducasseexcellent! :) still a bit sleepy, but this, too, shall pass...06:35
lordievaderBit sleepy here too.06:37
lordievaderBut didn't have coffee yet... perhaps that will change.06:37
lordievaderThey are messing with the lights here. <turn on> <dim> <turn off> <repeat>06:37
lordievaderOh, I forgot <insanely bright> at random times.06:38
ducassesounds like a good excuse to go get coffee06:40
lordievaderCoffee has been drunk :D07:30
ducassefeeling better? ;)07:32
ducassecaffeine tends to help with that07:37
ducasselordievader: i see you've been introduced to Neo4 and another one of his get rich quick schemes - tread carefully ;)09:54
lordievaderI've talked to him before... His English hasn't improved -.-09:55
ducasseamusing - "have you tried a channel for your native language?" "no, i can understand you fine!"09:56
ducasse"yes, that's not the problem"09:56
lordievaderThat... It took quite a bit of strength not to say that.09:57
ducassei suspect he's using something like google translate at least from time to time09:59
kkremitzkiI was observing that discussion as well and I gotta say you navigated it quite well lordievader10:01
lordievaderI'm still not sure if he just wants to host a web server or start a company...10:02
ducasselordievader: the answer to that is 'yes'10:04
ducassehe wants to get as much money as possible for minimum effort10:04
lordievaderWell good luck with that if you want to use self signed certs and do not want to spend money on things.10:05
lordievaderI.e. win the lottery.10:06
ducassehe thinks he can set up a website and instantly transform himself into mark zuckerberg10:11
JimBuntuWell, it's that easy isn't it?10:15
TJ-well he's correct in one sense: he'll leak all his customers personal information10:18
JimBuntu... and become a jerk, and rip people off... and companies off... become isolated... ok, I'll stop ;-)10:18
BluesKajHi folks11:10
JimBuntuHiya BluesKaj11:10
BluesKaj'Morning JimBuntu11:13
LtWorfhi BluesKaj11:21
BluesKajhi LtWorf11:25
lordievaderHey BluesKaj11:29
BluesKajeyi lordievader11:30
BluesKajhey even :-)11:30
BluesKajstill on my first coffee, not quite awake yet...11:31
OerHeksI switched from windows to linux, because of the attitude of windows users..13:44
BluesKajreally OerHeks? or are you just quoting someone?13:46
leftyfbwanna see me make him go nuts?13:47
OerHeksyeah, i have the vista dvd somewhere.. but the machine is gone :-D13:47
BluesKajeven W7 is getting old ...ran poorly on my 2008 vintage HP so i dumped it13:49
OerHeks"because of the aptitude of windows users.. " hips13:49
OerHeksi have never seen a better windows than w913:49
leftyfbI've been saying for years, Windows should just be a DE on top of the linux kernel. Bring along their compatibility of software and make the world a better place13:51
JimBuntuI'm using Darwin Kernel Version 17.4.0 and it's better ;-)13:51
OerHeksoh, i was thinking windows should just be office360, and flightsimulator13:53
lotuspsychjegood afternoon to all13:54
OerHeksfresh slagroomsoesjes13:54
JimBuntugood afternoon.13:54
OerHekshi lotuspsychje13:54
lotuspsychjehey JimBuntu & OerHeks13:54
BluesKajhey lotuspsychje13:58
OerHekslotuspsychje, he removed softwarecenter, we tried to help him installing chrome.deb but he keeps on ranting13:58
BluesKajtell hin to install gdebi13:59
JimBuntuhe removed software center?!14:00
OerHeksMJCD> im pretty sure I uninstalled software centre14:01
JimBuntuomgosh, I missed that part14:01
OerHeksbla bla factory default..14:02
lotuspsychjeits about time all those messers install ubuntu mini from now on14:04
lotuspsychjeinstead of purging they can buildup their mess14:04
leftyfbugh, don't bring them here14:06
lotuspsychjeleftyfb: the reason why i do that, is because they keep rambling in main, here we can confront them14:06
lotuspsychjeleftyfb: last time bugsbunny got himself in trouble same way14:08
lotuspsychjegot banned in #freenode for non stop14:08
BluesKajanyway time to do some errands....BBL14:14
lotuspsychjewe might need a new !ltsupgrade15:09
ubot5`The automatic LTS upgrade from 14.04 to 16.04 was scheduled when 16.04.1 LTS was released on July 21st, but due to last bug testings it has been opened on July 28th.15:09
OerHeksinto:  don15:15
pragmaticenigmaI like living in the past thank you15:16
lotuspsychjeprepare to be explaing this alot the comming time15:16
OerHeksi like dying in the future.. does that count too?15:16
lotuspsychjeill idle in the present15:17
OerHeksNationalSiblingsDay .. oh now i undersstand15:18
lotuspsychjebbl eat resto ; )15:18
OerHeksis bugsbunny back?16:44
naccseems like it16:46
OerHeksToday Mark Zuckerberger does not wear a grey turtleneck21:46
JanCit's a "kazakkendraaier"  :P21:49
OerHekspuppet of masters .. Metallica reversed21:55

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