[15:28] salam [15:29] apeciter? [15:53] Wsalam [15:53] Mana ilang sifu [15:54] layan keje [15:54] ada apa2 activity baru ke? [17:50] #OpenStackSummit Vancouver Speakers who build and operate infrastructure from Google, JPMorgan Chase, Progressive Insurance and Target will share their experiences at the Vancouver Summit, May 21-24. Other notable speakers include AT&T, China Unicom, Hyper HQ, Oath Inc., Paddy Power Betfair, ARM, Verizon, Walmart, Wells Fargo and many more. (other options to include: China Mobile, University of Messina, China Railway) At the Summit, [17:50] these sessions and use cases are organized around specific open infrastructure use cases including AI and machine learning; HPC; edge computing; NFV; container infrastructure; and public, private and multi-cloud strategies in addition to sessions focused on open source community. You can sort within the schedule to find sessions and speakers around each topic. Stay tune for the discount code ! See you there .... Here is the 10% off Code: UG_ASIA10 [18:28] @ApOgEE, x sempat nak plan ... mungkin boleh plan utk bionic punye release party