
gamerchick02_rick_h_, April snow makes things... grow?01:44
=== gamerchick02_ is now known as gamerchick02
Scary_GuyMakes my anger grow that there is snow02:07
Scary_GuyI don't really mind the snow, it's the cold I hate02:08
Scary_Guysnow just sucks to drive in02:08
rick_h_it's well over an inch here now...02:24
rick_h_I guess it's 45 tomorrow so it'll just melt02:24
rick_h_but still, looks like quite the winter wonderland atm02:25
waldo323good spring/winter morning...it was spring when I left for work and winter when I got to work12:12
cmaloneyrick_h_:Yeah, we have a light dusting on the ground today12:30
cmaloneyreminder: MUG meeting tonight. Michael Lucas will be there!12:30
cmaloneyBut if you can't be there we should be streaming tonight12:30
cmaloney(check the website fo details)12:30
cmaloneyAlso we have board elections12:31
rick_h_It's pretty out I guess https://photos.app.goo.gl/h0lFcKXCC1PFLVTo112:33
cmaloneyBTW: I mentioned to JoDee that you were upset that you couldn't go kayaking. She said you could still go kayaking. It could be a whole new sport12:36
rick_h_Ice man cometh12:38
jrwrensome folks do cold weather kayaking, but i've decided never to try. :)14:27
rick_h_yea, I like slashing some cool water on me to cool down in the summer14:34
rick_h_not sure on kayaking with the goal of "no water on me!"14:34
cmaloneyIf anyone is interested in a front-end position in Ann Arbor the following came in my mail from Blue Chip Talent: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/r4WRQdGQbJ/15:48
jrwrenwow, i must be getting old. I don't even consider descriptions that don't tell me what the company does.15:50
brouschIt is nice to be able to choose a job based on what the company does as well as the technology you'd be doing16:35
cmaloneyI've hit the point too where if it says "adtech", "fintech", or "blockchain" I'm not going to be a good fit16:59
cmaloneyyour priorities are not in-line with the priorities that I have17:00
waldo323the name of my next company -> AdTech FinTech Blockchain, strategy card and board games for the tech savvy19:14
waldo323or rather AdTech FinTech Blockchain Games, strategy card and board games for the tech savvy19:15
cmaloneywaldo323: Don't make me come over there...19:42
cmaloneyThough if you combine AdTech, FinTech, BlockChain, and Cryptocurrencies I think you create the Douchebag Singularity19:43
brouschI think he's trying to make sure you stay away19:43
rick_h_https://twitter.com/qedtherese/status/970856226106982401 there you go21:00
rick_h_looks like still folks hacking on the bookmark/link problem21:01
cmaloneyWe're streaming the MUG meeting now22:59

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