
donofrioanyone here gotten pulseaudio working on wsl?  I tried and I get " alsa audio output error: cannot open ALSA device "default": No such file or directory"00:06
pragmaticenigmadonofrio, It is not possible for us to support WSL here. Also, Microsoft lists WSL as beta, it's going to have bugs00:29
ndujoe1I use ubuntu 16.04 does it contain all of the compoents which which to compile programs from source or are there additional modules that need installation.00:33
donofriopragmaticenigma, and I'm 18.04 so I shuffle over to +1 I'm guessin00:34
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Saabstory88Asked in #gnome as well. 17.10 user. Is there good method to change desktop switching to be horizontally oriented rather than vertically? I use Win10/Linux/Mac daily, and would suffer less of a mental context penalty by being able to match their horizontal paradigm01:00
memo1hi friend, im my unitfile, im runing a ruby script run a bash sccript, at the end i use the &sign to run the command in the background, but the service fail01:15
=== Dragonslicer is now known as Dragnslcr
pragmaticenigmamemo1, we cannot help with programming here. This is a support channel for Ubuntu and it's included software. You will need to find a Ruby or Bash development channel to have your question answered01:30
pragmaticenigmaSaabstory88, this article appears to have what you are looking for https://askubuntu.com/a/96693001:31
scootergrisenWhere can i translate the description for steam found in software01:34
Saabstory88pragmaticenigma: Not speaking about dock position, but about the direction of the desktop switching animation01:36
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
luxioI'm trying to run Minecraft.jar on Ubuntu and get this error: Downloading: https://s3.amazonaws.com/Minecraft.Download/launcher/launcher.pack.lzma Exception: javax.net.ssl.SSLException: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unexpected error: java.security.InvalidAlgorithmParameterException: the trustAnchors parameter must be non-empty01:44
luxiotried all solutions I could find online, none worked01:44
luxionevermind found the solution in some reddit post01:51
luxioposted 3 days ago so i guess i wouldn't have seen it when searching earlier01:51
pragmaticenigmaSaabstory88, I have no idea what you mean then01:54
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bodie__hi, having trouble with nvidia drivers in 18.04.01:55
pragmaticenigmaluxio, try /quit01:55
Saabstory88So when you switch between desktops in gnome, the desktop switcher moves vertically, and has the preview oriented vertically. I was hoping to find a way to have the animation and desktop preview oriented horizontally like on MacOS and Win1001:55
pragmaticenigmaSaabstory88, You talking about the virtual desktops?01:56
bodie__I can log in and run gnome just fine without them, but when I install the native drivers using `ubuntu-drivers autoinstall`, it freezes after I log into the Gnome shell01:56
bodie__before loading the desktop01:56
pragmaticenigma!bionic | bodie__01:56
bodie__I have nouveau blacklisted01:56
ubottubodie__: Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver) will be the 28th release of Ubuntu - Announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1518 - Discussion in #ubuntu+101:56
Saabstory88pragmaticenigma: yes01:56
pragmaticenigmaSaabstory88, I am not aware of any customizations for that01:57
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garrett_n #ebooks02:03
pragmaticenigmaSaabstory88, from what I can tell, the transition effects are possibly handled by compiz02:04
pragmaticenigmaSaabstory88, it is possible that the compiz config tool might help you. But I'm not 100% certain that is the right solution or answer02:04
protocol_hivethis is an off topic question: but for anyone here in california, do you happen to know why it is against rules and regulations for them to fish wire internally inside walls? i tried to get them to set up my internet for 10 days and all i got was the run around til i found out about them...02:11
=== Fleetwood is now known as Pan
=== iehusha is now known as l00001000
MarchHareOkay, anyone got time to help me get to the bottom of a minor annoying problem? I've got on-mobo sound with a mic, line in, and line out. No phono plug. It works, but with a caveat. It seems like when I have it hooked to the sound system, if I let the sound sit idle for more than a trivial amount of time (maybe <30s, not sure on this), when I start playing audio again, it takes about 5 seconds for the audio to start playing on the02:15
MarchHaresound system. This doesn't appear to happen if I hook a headphone right up to line out, and the sound system seems to play immediately when I hook up other devices directly to it. So all signs seem to be pointing at some kind of power-save on the sound card. But the things I've found don't seem to be helping eliminate that delay.02:15
=== Pan is now known as Fleetwood
l00001000So As regular With using Supplemental Punctuation On AnDroid Dev it is Noticed My Celluar Phone has better uncode Support Than #Ubuntu AnyBody Have Anything02:16
=== l00001000 is now known as iehusha
iehushaViz. http://graphemica.com/categories/other-punctuation02:19
k_szeDoes anybody know what will happen to Ubuntu for WSL once 18.04 is out?02:20
k_szeWill the existing Ubuntu "app" be upgradable in-place to 18.04?02:20
MarchHareCouldn't say.02:21
iehusha#whyWouldYOUDoThAT https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_Subsystem_for_Linux02:23
Budgiianyone know how to share a video with a URL like imgur pics?02:26
MarchHareBudgii: Try ctrl-W02:28
Budgiisomehow I wondered02:28
tuxfloHey guys! Just a short question: I'm looking for a tool (CLI or GUI doesn't matter) to bulk rename folders after their containing files. For example I want Folder_1/foo.txt to become Foo_1/foo.txt. I already tried pyrenamer and krename and some bash stuff but no success so far...02:29
britaliopehey guys, i need help resizing some partitions on my ubuntu server :|02:46
britaliopei need to increase the /boot fs (`/dev/sda1` ), and shrink the / mountpoint (`/dev/sda2`). The point is i am not finding any way to shrink the first blocks of a volume :/02:48
xamithanJust boot up a livedisc and gparted resize it02:51
britaliopebut without using gparted :)02:53
xamithanIn that case boot to livedisc and use resize2fs then fdisk|gdisk|parted02:55
xamithanSame difference just more steps02:55
superkuhSo, the http://archive.canonical.com/ load balancing mirror at is still just a blank apache fresh install. Does anyone know how to contact the Ubuntu people who handle this?02:55
superkuhBeen like this for a day and a half now.02:56
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superkuhHopefully they notice this and it's the right people to bug. https://github.com/canonical-websites/www.ubuntu.com/issues/291603:04
luxiowhen I run Minecraft on Ubuntu I'm getting a ton of dropped frames when the window is big03:05
luxioruns fine on Windows03:05
luxiohow do I fix?03:05
britaliopeeverything i read about rezise2fs makes me strongly belive that when it is used to shrink partitions, the free space is at the end of the partition. However i would like to put the empty space at the beginning of the partition. Is that possible ?03:06
luxiomight be wayland. 1 sec switching to xorg03:08
luxioyeah its bad on xorg too03:12
=== bart is now known as Guest39734
Cypher100I'm using Banshee that came with Ubuntu, how do I adjust the volume?03:49
Cypher100I can't seem to find it anywhere03:49
Cypher100It must be simple because I can't find any results on google, there is no volume adjustment setting anywhere for it03:50
electromagnetismhumm - and + keys03:55
Cypher100I'm testing ubuntu 18.04, and just noticed that the volume adjustment is completely gone on banshee. +, and - doesn't appear to adjust the volume ether03:57
Bashing-omCypher100: 18.04 support in the #ubuntu+1 channel :)04:03
LaibschI have my entire Ubuntu installation in a btrfs subvolume (including /boot).  I took a snapshot of it and would like to boot into it, but grub-update does not include it in the generated grub.cfg.  What am I missing?04:18
LaibschI have the default layout of @ and @home btrfs subvolumes04:19
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=== Jochen_wvdT is now known as Schlawiner
ujuedhava no fun05:36
cpaelzerseth: "off the linux kernel" I assume you mean using isolcpus (if not you should)06:01
cpaelzerseth: also use pinning for the vcpu06:01
sethPinning doesn't help much.06:01
cpaelzerI mean in general all of this kills plenty of the flexibility virt gives you, but if all you need is better latency why not06:02
sethMy audio is fine with high dpc latency since I use MSI interrupts.06:02
cpaelzerfurther consider general things like backing your guest with huge pages for less faults and better tlb handling06:02
sethAnd my first 2 CPUs are using kernel params and bound to the VM so all interrupts are handled by the CPUs which aren't being used by the kernel.06:02
sethGRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash intel_iommu=on isolcpus=2-3 nohz_full=2-3 rcu_nocbs=2-3 pcie_acs_override=downstream"06:03
sethI have 4 Cores, first 2 are used by Linux Host, but they are not bound to the VM whatsoever, because that may have kernel spikes.06:03
cpaelzeralso maybe mlock the memory06:04
cpaelzerof the guest06:04
cpaelzerDPC =~ RT isn't it06:04
cpaelzerwasn't there a lwn article once ... ?06:05
cpaelzerseth: yeah I think https://lwn.net/Articles/656807/ should be a good read06:05
sethDoesn't Ubuntu come with a RT kernel?06:06
sethDo I need to compile my own kernel?06:06
sethI was using Antergos Arch then switched to Ubuntu 18.04 Beta, it is actually more stable than Antergos.06:06
sethWhich I am surprised.06:06
cpaelzerit is an LTS, despite the usual tething troubles at this time it should be more stable :-)06:07
rama_vmarch linux not booting, ldlnux.c32 not working06:07
cpaelzerseth: RT kernel is no more due to upstream, but there is a -lowlatency kernel you could consider06:08
sethWhat about timers like HPET and HyperV clock?06:09
sethI disabled these.06:09
sethMy DPS latency spikes to like 2k and have some services in Windows like internet go up to like 20k.06:09
cpaelzerI'm not good on timers seth (used mainframe for too long and just used to good timers :-) )06:13
cpaelzerbut in general lock, nonshared, vcpupin, emulatorpin, isolcpus - if all these are in place then ??06:14
cpaelzermaybe depedngin on your devices (if any are involved) passing them through (for usb or pcix)06:14
Drag0nhunterhello all06:16
BuilderMThello i need help with systemd service ... it does not work but no idea why06:26
BuilderMThttps://pastebin.com/zwP60fcD can someone tell me what is wrong with this systemd ?!06:33
=== gr33n7007h is now known as al2o3-cr
generalflufflesirc indeed06:42
generalfluffleslack helpfulness though06:42
abhrais it possible to run Temporary-Ordered Routing Algorithm (TORA) – An Operations Research Software in ubuntu 16.04? if not, what could be the alternative?06:43
generalflufflesabhra, have you tried running it normally?06:45
generalflufflesabhra, do you face an error?06:46
generalflufflesif there it isn't available it should mention that in ths site06:46
abhrait is available in .exe format. tried to run it by changing the property to executable. not working. generalfluffles06:46
generalfluffleswhat does winehq say about TORA06:48
generalflufflescheck the winehq application database to run it with wine06:48
generalflufflesif its garbage don't even try to run it06:49
generalflufflesabhra, try running it with PlayOnLinux or Crossover06:51
abhrageneralfluffles, will try playonlinux.06:54
abhrai have tried to do some functions (linear programming, queuing analysis) in R. presently, i am more interested in finding some alternative. thank you for the guidance. will try.06:55
generalflufflesabhra, if it doesn't work then don't insist .exe files don't always work on ubuntu, except if you buy a 200$+ emulator...06:55
Ben64qemu / vbox are free06:56
generalfluffleshaven't heard of thsoe06:56
generalflufflesdo they worth wasting time?06:56
generalflufflesBen64, do they work?06:57
abhrageneralfluffles, yes, i know. i do not need to run it specifically. searching for some alternative software for operations research for ubuntu.06:59
abhraBen64, thanks for the suggestion06:59
generalflufflesabhra, installing qemu demands root interference07:00
=== generalfluffles is now known as LP
LPis ubuntu 17.10 an LTS?07:16
Guest62456i want to create partition using parted with proper alignment ??? how can we do it ???07:19
ducasseGuest62456: proper alignment is done automatically07:19
generalflufflesGuest62456, repeat your question cause i just /cleared the chat07:19
generalflufflesor /msg me with it07:20
generalflufflesokay then....07:22
generalflufflesanyway its fine im busy either way07:23
Guest62456@ducasse  suppose i have disk sdb i want to create partition using bash script, and one partition is exist so what will me by command07:23
ducasseGuest62456: you should be able to find that in the parted man page07:25
generalflufflesi am trying to upgrade from ubuntu 16.04 to ubuntu 17.04 with command line but there seems to be an error07:27
Guest62456yes i can do but i want to do it by bash script07:27
Guest62456i want to use -s option with the same07:27
Guest62456script should be able to add delete partition07:28
generalflufflesi am trying to use do-release-upgrade but it leads to an error07:29
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=== Guest12775 is now known as generalfluffles
ducassegeneralfluffles: you need to upgrade via 16.1007:31
generalflufflesokay how to update to 16.1007:32
generalflufflesnever mind i know how07:32
ducasseyou should be able to do that with do-release-upgrade and the !eolupgrade instructions07:33
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades07:33
generalflufflesi believe root owns my files and doesnt allow me to update07:41
geirhawhy not just wait a few more weeks and upgrade to 18.04 instead?07:43
rigo43yebdhi. i'd like to have a small adjustment on this line: for f in *.flac; do ffmpeg -i "$f" -ab 320k -map_metadata 0 "${f%.flac}.mp3"; done07:46
rigo43yebdso it does the job recursively in all the subdirs of the dir i'm starting the command from. thanks07:47
dbuggerHi everyone07:48
dbuggerI am trying to get Ubuntu running in a MacBook and I am running in a couple hiccups:07:48
dbuggerproblem #1: It does not detect the Magic Mose07:49
=== led2 is now known as led1
Harishello all07:49
Harishow to have 3.6.x on Ubuntu Xenial (16.x)07:49
Harismongodb 3.6.x on xenial07:49
dbuggerI look at the Bluetooth Settings but I do not see it anywhere, just a bunch on "Unknown"s07:49
generalflufflesive interrupted my computer's command line update to 17.04 and now every time i try to update it it shows me an error that just keeps going07:51
usrshvHi! In 18.xx Ubuntu, do the "intel_pstate" driver is recommended? Or i can feel free to choose old drivers ("ondemand"), because they will be supported in next releases?07:55
ducasse!18.04 | usrshv07:55
ubottuusrshv: Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver) will be the 28th release of Ubuntu - Announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1518 - Discussion in #ubuntu+107:55
usrshvOhh.. )))07:57
generalflufflesi am done with this demon that people call a computer and this devil that people call an OS07:59
generalfluffleswhats the point we cant even install an .exe file properly the only thing we can do is use terminal to watch premium porn free07:59
rigo43yebdawesome. thanks (jeez why the f am i bothering asking...)08:00
generalfluffles"yes hello im facing a problem with the usage of ubuntu"08:01
generalfluffles"who doesnt"08:01
generalflufflesthe staff said08:01
generalfluffles"how can i fix this error?"08:01
generalfluffles"remove linux completely and install windows"08:01
Skaface82is it really called bionic beaver? lol08:04
Skaface82i assume its the animal beaver they are referring to08:04
Skaface82not the other hairy beaver08:05
usrshvSkaface82 [beaver] (~none@gateway/tor-sasl/beaver): beaver is hairy? )08:07
Skaface82the one that comes to my mind is08:08
ikonia /win 708:08
ikoniaoops, sorry08:08
usrshvikonia heretic!08:12
=== ucc is now known as Rumen
nikolamI have a problem with Ubuntu Ntfs support, every file saved on mounted NTFS partition is marked _executable_! (Firefox complains after, say, PDF download and when trying to opne it!)08:26
Skaface82you can probably tell it how to set permissions in the fstab file08:27
nikolamNo, I think it is an Ntfs-3g bug, Skaface8208:27
Skaface82try setting dmask and fmask in fstab08:28
nikolamIt says in /etc/fstab: UUID=<PartitionNumber>/media/Datantfs-3gdefaults,locale=en_US.UTF-80008:28
nikolamseems like defaults for ntfs-3g are to save all files as 'always executable'08:30
Skaface82have a look where it says "Linux compatibel permissions"08:32
HarisWARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!08:32
Haris  mongodb-org-shell mongodb-org-server mongodb-org-mongos mongodb-org-tools mongodb-org08:32
HarisE: There were unauthenticated packages and -y was used without --allow-unauthenticated08:32
=== marve is now known as Guest17191
Haristrying to install mongodb 3.6.x on xenial08:32
BadPracticehi i am trying to install a xubuntu. First i see the boodt screen but then it goes back to console with the message "A start job is running for ubuntu live cd installer" and does not return08:32
Harisfrom mongodb's repo for ubuntu08:32
BadPractice"A start job is running for ubuntu live cd installer" runs for 10 min now08:34
nikolamSkaface82, huh, so it mounts whole partition with those permissions then...08:35
Skaface82yeah cause the permissions are set for a windows OS, I think the linux driver has to set its own permissions instead, so therefore you have to specify what those permissions are08:36
Skaface82i think youll find an option to set a default permission for all new files that are created too08:37
nikolamUhh, yet Linux also supports ACL. Actually, thank you for the help, since up till now, I were using Ntfs just sometimes.08:38
uccHi there I have problems compile Aegisub under Ubuntu 18.04, it was available in Software center under 16.04, but now missing. When compile from source code all versions I tried crashed ... everytime some (some parcer).o  or (some parcer).so ...... any idea what to do?08:38
Skaface82thats ok, I went through all of that cause my hard drive with big media files was NTFS. I found it was the most compatible way to use the drive on both operating systems08:39
Skaface82and support huge iles08:39
sethI went with lowlatency kernel 4.16.1, but my DPC is still really high.08:41
ducasseucc: 18.04 support is in #ubuntu+108:42
usrshvucc apt search aegisub?08:46
usrshvucc i used that command and found three packages in repos, why do you not install them?08:47
sethIs the realtime kernel an option for Ubuntu?08:48
sethI am using lowlatency right now.08:48
sethI read that it is in between RT and Generic, lowlatency.08:48
seththis fixed it for me08:50
sethWell never mind.08:50
Skaface82nikolam: how u going there? work it out?08:51
nikolamSkaface82, Now it sees files as non-executable08:53
nikolamWould be interesting if I want to store some Linux install on Ntfs.08:53
Skaface82yeah I think it will set weird permissions, touch a new file on there and see08:54
ducassenikolam: linux installs on ntfs are not supported, so that wouldn't work08:55
vltseth: Whta does DPC mean?08:56
Skaface82i think he is just mounting it08:56
sethWindows interrupts tasks and there's a thing called DPC which is how long a process has CPU time.08:56
nikolamducasse, hey it's not ntfs install, it is mounted ntfs partition08:58
ducassenikolam: i get that, just commenting on your "would be interesting..."09:00
nikolamducasse, ah, I was thinking , like, some binary linux installation, with executable shell script. If it does not see it as executable09:01
nikolame.g. starting application installation from it09:01
Skaface82i guess you could install on a loopfs that is on the ntfs partition09:01
Skaface82if you really wanted to lol09:02
nikolamWell, that's not wise I think and I don't know if it is even supported. Anyway just mounting ntfs in real life is the thing09:02
nikolamThanks for discussion, folks, Cu :P09:05
Skaface82no worries good luck09:05
=== seth_ is now known as seth
BadPracticei just installed a ubuntu and it does not boot09:33
usrshv<BadPractice> do you used manual partitioning on UEFI?09:52
Administratorhow are u today09:58
=== Administrator is now known as Guest24090
Guest24090EBE EBE09:58
Pszemekebe ebe10:06
tombkeidy poprawa10:06
Pszemekebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe10:06
Pszemekebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe10:06
Pszemekebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe ebe v10:06
Pszemekkiedy poprawa10:06
=== markus is now known as Guest36738
bumbar__i was perforing packages upgrade and have trouble with avahi daemon, it's complaining about missing missing Required-Stop entires, https://dpaste.de/YwsG10:17
bumbar__i've tried stopping and reinstalling it10:17
Harishello all10:17
bumbar__where can i report a bug in startup script for a package?10:25
emilsphey guys, how does one go about getting a libssl.so.1.1.0 in a reasonable path? I'm trying to run a binary I'm working on,a nd it's really hard to get it running on 17.10 because it can't find the ssl library :(10:47
adrian_1908emilsp: so you're writing a program? If so, this would probably be a better question for a programming related channel.10:49
emilspI'm working on a program that works well on both debian and Fedora, I think this is more of a library-installing question than a programming question :(10:50
adrian_1908emilsp: as a quick hack, you can try setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/path/to/libssl" in your active bash session and invoking your binary afterwards.10:50
emilspoh god, I apologize for my mistargeted commands.10:50
cfhowlettemilsp, not to worry.  you are neither the first nor the last ...10:51
adrian_1908emilsp: Is the libssl version from elsewhere than the package manager? I think 17.10 has v1.0 only, right?10:52
emilspThat seems to be the case, yes. Is that the only one available from official repos?10:52
ikoniayou don't want to use ssl from 3rd parties10:52
adrian_1908yeah, looks like libssl1.0.0 is the highest on 17.1010:52
adrian_1908correction: libssl1.0.2 actually, but not 1.1 either way.10:53
emilspI'll try and build the binary on ubuntu and see if it links against libssl1.0 then.10:53
jamz2hi, is there a way to pass argument to script invoked via pipe?10:53
adrian_1908yeah, that should would out of the box (the linker finding it etc.)10:53
jamz2Say there is a myscript.sh that accepts -c and -d arguments, we can normally run it as "./myscript.sh -c 1 -d hello".10:53
jamz2can we pass same with pipe?10:53
ikoniajamz2: how do you invoke a script via pipe ?10:53
jamz2I tried: "curl http://site/myscript.sh | bash -- -c 1 -d hello"10:54
jamz2without parameter, it works10:54
ikoniajamz2: that's not really going to work is it10:54
jamz2"curl http://site/myscript.sh | bash"10:54
EriC^^jamz2: "man xargs"10:54
emilspwhilst I'm here, is there a way to configure qemu guest __stuff__ easily? It sort of just worked out of the box on Fedora, and I've installed and enabled qemu-guest-agent10:56
jamz2EricC, thanks not sure how to work with those curlies :D10:56
ikoniaemilsp: what sort of thing10:57
emilspI want auto-resolution resizing and copy-paste to work with libvirt10:57
ikoniaemilsp: that should be just a set of params in the default VM template10:58
capjust installed ubuntu the other day. so far i'm loving it, but some things are bothering me like the launchpad ( the application menu) this is a pc not a phone or tablet, im not into it. also im hoping for the panel to act as a taskbar eliminating the dock. is there a way to do this?10:58
ubottuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 9 months (non-LTS) or 5 years (LTS). More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases10:58
ubottuUbuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver) will be the 28th release of Ubuntu - Announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1518 - Discussion in #ubuntu+110:59
ubottuUbuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver) will be the 28th release of Ubuntu - Announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1518 - Discussion in #ubuntu+110:59
EriC^^jamz2: you could use curl and save the script to a /tmp file and then run the bash command with the arguments10:59
capjust installed ubuntu the other day. so far i'm loving it, but some things are bothering me like the launchpad ( the application menu) this is a pc not a phone or tablet, im not into it. also im hoping for the panel to act as a taskbar eliminating the dock. is there a way to do this?11:00
azizLIGHTis 18.04 out now11:00
emilspikonia: the config between this and the fedora image differs only in the VM image :(11:00
akikcap: have you tested mate desktop? it could be more usable for you11:01
jamz2EricC^^, tried "curl http://site/myscript.sh | xargs -I {} bash {} -c 1 -d hello"   but no dice :(11:01
Soul_Samplecap: you could probably install some GNOME extensions that replace the "launchpad" with a more classic menu. Panels is also doable via extensions, but at that point you could perhaps check out other desktops like Budgie or MATE11:02
cap@akik no i haven't for many years now.  i want to try ubuntu 17.10 for now. just hoping to fix the 'issues' first.11:02
ducasseazizLIGHT: see the topic in #ubuntu+1 for link to the release schedule11:03
EriC^^jamz2: you could do "bash <(curl http://site/myscript.sh) -c 1 -d hello11:03
cap@Soul_Sample i've already tried that yesterday with no success, i was only get to work the arc theme which i love.11:04
jamz2EricC^^, thanks a lot! this is awesome. TIL something tyvm!11:04
Soul_Samplecap: no success of finding what you need or generally no success installing extensions?11:04
cap@Soul_Sample i've installed the extensions for the most part, but the one that is not working is the applications menu from gnome-looks.org.11:05
Soul_Samplecap: do you mean extensions.gnome.org? there should be plenty others (and more maintained) menu extensions than just one11:06
cap@Sould_sample yes that's the one.11:07
capis it possible to bring back the unity launcher without the side dock?11:08
akikcap: you could also install unity11:09
azizLIGHTapril 26 wow!11:09
cap@akik really. i'll look into it :)11:09
capim looking into budgie right now. looks neat, but the dock is still there.11:10
akikcap: it's in the universe repository11:10
BluesKajHi folks11:10
capThanks @Soul_Sample and @akik ;)11:11
Soul_Sampleakik: but if cap doesn't like "mobile" interfaces, then Unity may not be the best choice. I know it's not a mobile interface, but it GAMFI (gives a mobile first impression) :)11:15
akikSoul_Sample: that's why i suggested mate first :)11:15
Soul_Samplecap: in budgie you can move panels around however you want, have one, three, or five. normal task list, iconified task list, start menus, it's really configurable. the newest budgie doesn't even have the dock by default anymore11:16
capGuys i've installed budgie in the terminal, so what i have to now is logoff?11:18
cap@Soul_Sample wow nice :D11:18
akikcap: select the budige session from the cog wheel11:19
cap@akik okay. i'll get back here and let u know.11:19
lapagain ubuntu-mate i have not found a way to scroll workspace with mouse wheel when on empty part of desktop does ubuntu allow that?11:28
dfchlapaga: I assume you use unity wm?11:30
capHey guys. i've tried the budgie, unfortunately the side dock is still, no choice but to try the whole budgie os. No options to customize the budgieDE.11:31
lapagadfch, right now i am using what ever comes with ubuntu-mate and have not found a way to do it11:31
akiklapaga: just fyi, plasma 5 has that11:32
lapagaso does xfce but have been trying others11:32
dfchlapaga: mate-wm accoriding to google, welp, not sure then, sorry11:33
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guiverclapaga, what version of Ubuntu-Mate are you using?  I can do it on 17.10 (or mate 1.18.1)11:39
guivercnote: i'm moving mouse to hover over workspace panel widget; and using scroll wheel there (i missed you said desktop)11:40
lapagaguiverc, i am using 18.04 and yes i can scroll when hovered over workspaces in the panel but have done it over the desktop for years so sort of used to that11:42
Sven_vBin apt repos, what's the difference between {,In}Release?11:50
Soul_Samplecap: isn't there an application called budgie desktop settings that comes installed with the Budgie DE? I tried it 2 weeks ago and configured everything.11:53
BlackDalek I'm trying out telnet. Am I connected?12:05
SwedeMikeBlackDalek: we can see your text, yes.12:06
BlackDalekdoes this thign work?12:07
akikBlackDalek: yes it works. do you have a ubuntu support question?12:09
BlackDalek_ok.. so messages I can send.. but I can't see any responses in telnet... I was just trying out IRC on telnet. But I guess it doesn't work because I see no messages in channel except my own.12:10
Sven_vBBlackDalek_, did you receive a ping request that you haven't ponged yet?12:11
BlackDalek_I was experimenting with the stock telnet client that comes with Ubuntu.12:11
BlackDalek_I never received any ping request yet12:11
Sven_vBBlackDalek_, also use netcat instead of telnet. afail IRC doesn't need telnet negotiation.12:11
Sven_vBor socat, it's even mightier than netcat.12:11
Sven_vByou might want rlwrap with both of them.12:12
BlackDalek_I think I will just give up with telnet. I only wanted to try it out for fun ;)12:12
BlackDalek_Just to see if it could actually work12:13
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Sven_vBit could. I've done it in quakenet times.12:13
sethI have a RT kernel and my QEMU is still having high DPC latency.12:15
sethAny suggestions?12:15
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BlackDalekSven_vB, I really only became interested in telnet again because a telnet client recently became available from old Amstrad CPC 8-bit computers. And since my interest in telnet doesn't extend any further than the use of Ubuntu for its telnet client, I'll shut up and stop flooding the channel.12:17
BlackDalek*for old Amstrad...12:17
Sven_vBseth, what's DPC?12:17
sethGoogle it12:18
sethdpc latency12:18
OerHeksseth, so why do you not use google to find an answer?12:19
sethI have looked.12:19
sethI even custom compiled a kernel to try to fix it. >_>12:19
sethI been testing different configs for hours.12:19
sethTrying to get it to stopp.12:19
Sven_vBamazing how many forum threads there are where people ask what DPC latency is and get no useful answer.12:21
sethI have tried it all man.12:22
sethI know what it is.12:22
sethI researched the kernel of Linux and everything.12:22
sethDPC is a flaw in how Windows interrupts tasks.12:23
JimBuntuseth, wouldn't it be more related to device drivers?12:23
sethIt's a really shitty system.12:23
Sven_vBWP-en only has "Deferred Procedure Call", with a summary that sounds exactly opposite of what the article says it's for. :))12:23
Sven_vBwell I think that's the one you're having problems with12:23
sethI am using QEMU, the drivers of my motherboard and stuff aren't relevant. I have disabled as many devices in the Device Manager as possible.12:23
sethI use Virtio drivers as well.12:24
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sethMSI interrupts are also enabled for my drivers.12:24
sethMy Windows runs perfectly fine with GPU acceleration. I just hear sometimes audio pops and it bugs me.12:25
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MeiRi followed this guide to open ports in iptables for xrdp: https://administratorlabs.wordpress.com/2016/08/29/26/12:34
MeiRin the 3rd rule i used my own ip instead of the mentioned subnet, but i get connection timeout12:35
MeiRhow can i trace the traffic to know what's happenning?12:35
MeiRtrying to connect through Microsoft RDP in Windows 8.112:36
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Joelis anyone aware of a launcher for unity that will let you remove the trash bar, and pin icons to the right? and/or expand programs, so it shows all running windows?12:50
McLawtradur ae rapa12:53
Vamp898Hi there, i have an Ubuntu 16.04 Machine with an weird issue. I have an BASH Script which first sets 3 variables and then executes 2 python commands. When i run this script manually, it works just fine, when i run the script with cron it only executes the first python command and then stops12:56
Vamp898I setup the MAILTO to see whats wrong, but all i got in the mail was the output of the first command12:57
roryVamp898: you need to specify full paths in scripts run by cron13:03
roryVamp898: paths to the Python scripts13:03
roryVamp898: e.g. /home/vamp/scripts/foo.py NOT ~/scripts/foo.py13:04
EriC^^Vamp898: the environment in cron is different, $HOME $PATH etc13:04
tomreynalso the path to python itself should be fully qualified.13:04
EriC^^Vamp898: add some log to your scripts so the second one gives an output and error log13:04
Vamp898The first command is "python setup.py" and the second command is "python /path/to/script.py". The first command works, the second not13:05
Vamp898the second one already produces debug output i can see when i run the BASH script manually, but when i run it using cron, there is just nothing13:05
tomreynmight be a permission issue then13:05
Vamp898identical access rights on both files13:06
Vamp898both have 644 and the same user/group13:06
tomreynand directories?13:06
Vamp898they are in the same directory (dont ask me why the first one doesn't use the full path, but im going to fix it now13:07
Vamp898The script is not written by me, im just here to setup the cronjob13:07
Vamp898the second python script uses sudo in the script, could that be a problem?13:09
ne2kI have a weird problem on xenial. when running the spotify application, using pulse as the audio server, I get a dropout in the music of about 0.5–1s when I close certain other windows, e.g. terminal emulator, chrome, etc. it doesn't happen every time I close a window, but it happens a lot and is very annoying. any ideas of how to debug what might be causing it?13:10
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jeffreylevesquei'd like to do `apt-get install python-dev=latest`13:17
jeffreylevesquethat way i can parametrize `latest`, with a bash variable13:17
jeffreylevesqueis there something i can use instead of latest?13:18
Sven_vBI'm not sure I understand. you want to use a variable in a bash command, to select the version of a package to be installed?13:18
Sven_vBI guess your bash command is part of a bash script?13:19
Sven_vBhow about $PKG_VER13:19
OerHeksapt does not understand python-dev=latest13:19
leftyfbjeffreylevesque: installing python-dev will install the latest available to your version of ubuntu13:20
jeffreylevesquehow do i parametrize it13:20
leftyfbfor what?13:20
jeffreylevesquein case i want to install a different version13:20
OerHeksthere are no parameters, afaik13:20
jeffreylevesquei'd like to do `apt-get install python-dev=xxx`13:20
jeffreylevesquethat works but `xxx` has to be valid13:21
jeffreylevesquecan't be `latest`13:21
leftyfbjeffreylevesque: in the absence of the parameter, just install python-dev13:21
Sven_vB"man apt-get" has "install pkg [{=pkg_version_number |…}]"13:21
OerHeksor python3-dev13:22
Sven_vBoh ic, so you need to make the "=" conditional13:22
leftyfbdo that in your script13:22
jeffreylevesquei'm parameterizing my puppet module13:22
jeffreylevesquehaving it install at default13:22
jeffreylevesquebut, allowing users to install at a version of their choosing13:22
Sven_vBthen you should probably use puppet's package type instead of apt.13:23
jeffreylevesquein case latest breaks13:23
jeffreylevesquei am13:23
leftyfbjeffreylevesque: then you want #puppet13:23
jeffreylevesquepackage { "python-dev=xxx": ensure => installed, provider => xxx }13:24
jeffreylevesque"python-dev=xxx" is just fed into `apt-get install ___`13:24
leftyfbjeffreylevesque: Go to #puppet for support with how to use puppet. What you're looking for is not an aspect of apt, but of how to use puppet13:24
Sven_vBas for how to make the = conditional in bash, use ${PKG_VER:+=}$PKG_VER, or construct a temporary variable conditionally.13:24
jeffreylevesquemaybe `=xxx` will have to be a variable it self13:25
jeffreylevesquekind of funky13:25
leftyfbit will, in puppet13:25
jeffreylevesquesorry to bother13:25
OerHeksi think you need to do that in  virtualenv, with python-pip ??13:27
OerHeksif you list all python-dev packages, only one shows up, AFAIK13:28
jeffreylevesque$python_dev        = "=${::sklearn::python_dev}"13:28
jeffreylevesquethat's my puppet varible13:28
jeffreylevesquethanks for all the help13:28
MJCDits annoying that when you have a .deb file because they choose to not publish through apt13:32
MJCDyou click install package13:32
MJCDand then the dialog just dissapears with no trace13:32
leftyfbMJCD: use dpkg in a termnial13:32
MJCDis it done instantly or what13:32
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leftyfbsometimes you'll need to run apt-get install -f after to grab dependencies13:33
MJCDleftyfb, I suppose I could do that13:33
MJCDbut I shouldn't have to13:33
Maakayhi guys :)13:33
OerHeksMJCD, there is a reason why it is not published in our repos.13:33
MJCDubuntu is all about accessibility, and that basically means never REQUIRING the use of a terminal for any basic tasks13:33
MJCDOerHeks, chrome?13:34
Maakayit is possible to have back -> this desktop again it seems to be an old gnome desktop right ? -> http://superubuntu.linuxfreedom.com/images/SuperOSDesktop2.jpg13:34
OerHeksMJCD, so if you use external debs, install them manually and use the tip from leftyfb ...13:34
MJCDlol ok good so basically just ignore a point of bad ux13:34
MJCDand work around it13:34
OerHeksMJCD, chrome-browseer, we are not allowed to package it in our repos.13:34
OerHekslicense issue13:34
MJCDOerHeks, right, exactly13:34
OerHeksno other linux version can do that13:35
leftyfbMJCD: chrome has their own repo13:35
leftyfbso use that13:35
MJCDso im capable of doing that entirely via gui13:35
Maakayit is possible to have back -> this desktop again it seems to be an old gnome desktop right ? -> http://superubuntu.linuxfreedom.com/images/SuperOSDesktop2.jpg13:35
MJCDadding that using synaptic13:35
MJCDso that's fine13:36
OerHeksleftyfb, +1, that chrome deb is just a repo line & key13:36
MJCDno issues there13:36
superkuhMaakay, you can use the MATE desktop.13:36
MJCDits just that when you click install it dissapears into headless land13:36
Maakaymate is so ugly :s :(13:36
MJCDand I have no idea when its actually done13:36
superkuhI mean, you gotta tweak it.13:36
superkuhBut my MATE desktop looks almost exactly like the the Gnome2 desktop I'm typing this on.13:36
leftyfbMaakay: https://www.debugpoint.com/2016/04/install-classic-gnome-flashback-in-ubuntu-16-04-replacing-unity/13:37
MJCDsuperkuh, get some themes you like from the respective marketplaces13:37
JimBuntuMJCD, if you right-click the .deb, do you not have the option to open it with Ubuntu Software Center?13:37
MJCDJimBuntu, oh that might be an idea13:37
Maakaythanks leftyfb :)13:37
superkuhThat's not really a good option. Gnome Classic.13:37
MJCDI think currently its set to use gdeb13:38
superkuhMATE is better since you actually get the real thing, like nautilus scripts (but now called caja scripts).13:38
leftyfbsuperkuh: that's called an opinion13:38
MJCDlet me see if I can just make synaptic the preferred app13:38
leftyfbsuperkuh: I've been using gnome classic since Unity was released13:38
superkuhLooks like gnome2, doesn't work like gnome 2. But probably the best options is trying all of them. gnome classic/flashback, MATE, the cinnamon one that's gnome2'y, etc.13:39
superkuhNo accounting for taste.13:39
MJCDok so I right click the .deb file I want to install13:41
MJCDand its default is gdebi13:41
MJCDso I go select another app13:41
MJCDbut synaptic or anything isnt showing in the list13:41
MJCDim pretty sure I uninstalled software centre13:41
MJCDbecause synaptic is life, is love13:41
leftyfbMJCD: so you broke the UX you're complaining about13:42
MJCDleftyfb, no that is gdebi's UX13:42
MJCDI will change it but I dont currently have a better option installed13:42
MJCDsoftware centre sucks13:42
leftyfbMJCD: Ubuntu will open software center by default and asks you if you want to install it and gives you a nice progress bad ... you know .... a UX13:42
OerHekssudo dpkg -i /path/to/<name>.deb and hit enter13:43
MJCDleftyfb, I should note im using ubuntu mate13:43
OerHekssuch a rant, for his own creation13:43
MJCDits not my own creation13:43
MJCDits factory default I just shed some weight because its for a vm13:43
OerHeksNo, it is not factory default, and i leave you now with your issue.13:44
leftyfbsuperkuh: https://photos.app.goo.gl/l18ycNiLgePqXPQ6213:44
MJCDIt is default to use gdebi in ubuntu mate13:44
MJCDI have a clean vm and just confirmed13:44
leftyfbthen complain to the MATE team13:44
MJCDso its their UX I dont like13:45
nemesit|zncanyone know why my proliant server does not seem to start grub?13:45
MJCDits not MATE who handle it, its the gdebi team13:45
superkuhI don't think that statement about gdebi and MATE is true.13:45
MJCDI suppose I could submit an issue13:45
* leftyfb sigh13:45
superkuhBut maybe they've changed in the last year?13:45
superkuhAnd yeah, leftyfb, I know it can look like gnome 2. But it doesn't function like it. Also that Mac bar. :|13:45
MJCDso the unanimous answer is; use software centre?13:46
leftyfbsuperkuh: I added that because I like it13:46
leftyfbsuperkuh: and yes, it functions just fine13:46
MJCDaaah in synaptic there's just a menu button for adding a downloaded package13:47
leftyfbI think I've used synaptic like twice in my life. It's almost the opposite of user friendly13:48
MJCDbut wont let me select that one package13:48
superkuhleftyfb, you can run nautilus scripts on it?13:48
MJCDI dont mind synaptic13:48
MJCDaptitude is ok too13:48
MJCDbut people will be remoting into these vm's so ideally everything that CAN have a gui SHOULD have a gui13:49
MJCDsynaptic wont recognize any of these .deb files13:52
MJCDjust tried chrome, same thing, wont select13:52
MJCDits greyed out13:52
leftyfbsudo dpkg -i <pkg.deb>13:52
MJCDis the software centre package just called software-centre13:52
MJCDvery confused why add downloaded package13:56
MJCDdoesn't work in synaptic13:56
MJCDwith 2x .deb files13:56
lotuspsychjeMJCD: have you checked if your package is in our repos?13:56
MJCDchrome isnt13:57
MJCDand this other one isnt either I dont believe13:57
MJCDits a early stage systemd-manager gui13:58
tomreyni think you can actually "apt install /path/to/package.deb" nowadays. less experienced users are more likely to break their system by installing (random) 'deb' files using this direct approach, though.13:59
MJCDhey I don't care how they choose to distribute their stuff13:59
MJCDI just wanna use it13:59
MJCDand yes I can open a terminal and do it13:59
MJCDbut that's working around the problem not solving it13:59
MJCDcertainly not ideal14:00
TJ-tomreyn: correct, but *must* use an absolute or relative path component !14:02
generalflufflesi need immediate help14:03
JimBuntu!ask | generalfluffles14:03
ubottugeneralfluffles: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience14:03
generalflufflesokay ubottu i apologize14:03
generalflufflesi am facing a problem with the usage of java14:03
JimBuntugeneralfluffles, no worries, I was simply giving you the info so that you could get immediate help14:04
generalflufflesi receive this question in terminal14:04
generalflufflesWhich Java Virtual Machine would you like to use?14:04
generalflufflesNote: the JVM must be version 1.5.0 or newer.14:04
generalfluffleswhat do i reply?14:04
MJCDok, meh `apt install ./goog.deb`14:05
generalflufflesive installed openjdk-8 and 914:05
MJCDstill annoying, software centre is trash14:05
MJCDits as trash as the microsoft store14:05
generalflufflessoftware center is trash14:05
lotuspsychjeMJCD: dont generalize things like that in this channel please14:05
MJCDlotuspsychje, that complaint makes no sense lol14:05
lotuspsychjeMJCD: if you want to discuss something, move to #ubuntu-discuss please14:05
MJCDI was seeking support and we got it resolved. :/14:06
MJCDthe mods in here need to check their attitude14:06
generalflufflesthanks OerHeks14:08
TJ-Is there a way to configure netplan with systemd-networkd when the interface names are not known? Seems like a major defect if not14:08
leftyfbI think netplan is a major defect. Not ready for primetime14:09
leftyfbI really hope I'll still be able to use ifupdown with 18.0414:09
BluesKajI tried netplan, it works, but the interfaces and ifupdown files are easier to setup14:10
generalflufflesokay OerHeks thank you really much14:11
TJ-systemd-networkd (when you know the interface details) or network-manager (when you don't) are easier to configure14:11
lotuspsychjeandy_wfc: how can we help you?14:12
andy_wfcsorry, typo14:13
BluesKaji avoid network-manager.if possible14:13
TJ-NM is fab, it will auto configure and use DHCP for any interfaces without needing the interface to be configured14:14
andy_wfcI've got a brand new 16.04 machine that's hung shutting down with "a stop job is running". It's been hung now for about 20 minutes so I don't think any kind of timeout is going to kick in. Is there anything I can do that's cleaner than holding down the power button? ctrl+alt+fx won't give me a terminal and ctrl+alt+del doesn't seem to do anything14:14
TJ-andy_wfc:hold down Alt+SysRq then whilst holding them press, in turn, R E I S U B14:14
ubottuIn an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing slowly, in succession, R, E, I, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key14:14
TJ-andy_wfc: those are kernel commands that clean things up and sync discs before rebooting14:14
generalflufflesi just installed  a bin file with chmod a+x name_of_the_file and ./name_of_the_file but i dont know how to run it14:16
andy_wfcTJ: thanks14:17
generalflufflesafter i installed it it added a file in my desktop but it isnt jar14:17
ne2kgeneralfluffles, wut14:17
JimBuntugeneralfluffles, what is the complete filename?14:17
TJ-generalfluffles: then you need to read the documentation for the file/package you installed14:18
generalflufflesTJ-, there is none it said "its too simple to need instructions"14:18
JimBuntu./spiral-install.bin starts it up or no?14:19
generalflufflesit installed it but i dont know how to run it14:19
generalflufflesafter the installation it added a file that shows as an icon a blank page14:20
MoonManTwhen i try to activate an OpenVPN connection using the network manager command "nmcli connection up vpn_conn" i get the following error "Error: Connection activation failed: Could not find source connection." I only get the error when there is no default route on the ethernet connection does anyone know why? i added static routes to the vpn server.14:20
generalflufflesplus i checked properties and it has Name/Description/Command/Comment14:21
generalflufflesonly name and command are filled14:21
generalflufflescan i format it to a java file or will that harm it?14:21
ne2kgeneralfluffles, where did it install it?14:21
ne2kgeneralfluffles, no it didn't14:21
ne2kit put a shortcut on the desktop14:21
ne2kurgh, I'm talking like WIndows. it's a launcher, not a shortcut14:22
generalfluffleshow do i run it14:22
ne2kgeneralfluffles, I think I've found the thing https://wiki.spiralknights.com/Installation_FAQ is this it? if so, it apparently asks you where you want to install it. so, where did you tell it to install it?14:23
generalflufflesne2k, i only typed "Desktop"14:24
ne2kgeneralfluffles, ok, so maybe it did install it in Desktop, then14:24
ne2kdid it create files and/or directories in Desktop?14:25
generalflufflesit did14:25
ne2kand is there a file in there called Spiral?14:25
dukeI'm having some issues with getting audio playback to work on my shitty trekstor wintron 10.1 tablet, which I installed Lubuntu on the other day. Basically, the drivers seem to be installed just fine and when I play back any audio the audio mixer even shows it playing, but for some reason the audio doesnt get through to the inbuilt speakers nor to any headphones I plug in. It runs an Intel Atom, anyone able to help me out with that?14:25
dukeMost other things work just fine, okay, webcam doesnt seem to work yet, but not too worried about it. Just audio seems rather important.14:26
generalflufflestheres a file named Spiral Knights ne2k in desktop but it has no other clues14:26
generalflufflesne2k, like14:26
generalflufflescan i format it to java?14:26
ne2kduke, does it have an HDMI or S/PDIF audio interface, and might you be playing through that instead of the analogue out? have you checked the list of audio output devices? are you using pulseaudio?14:26
olbrooktesting testing  this thing on?14:27
ne2kgeneralfluffles, that question make no sense. are you sure that "Spiral Knights" on the Desktop is in fact a file, and not a directory?14:27
ne2kwhat happens if you double click on it? what happens if you open desktop in the file browser and look at that?14:27
dukene2k: yea, it does have HDMI output and pulseaudio. I also suspect some audio routing issue to be the thing.14:27
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tomreynolbrook: please test elsewher ein the future.14:28
ne2kduke, try running alsamixer as it often shows up additional controls like mute/headphone blah that you might not have thought of14:28
generalflufflesne2k, nothing does happen it only leads to a notification that says there was an error launching the application14:28
donofriois there a "TheDraw" for ubuntu or libreoffice? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TheDraw14:29
generalflufflesi actually have that14:29
ne2kgeneralfluffles, and have you tried running it under sudo sh like it says?14:29
lotuspsychjedonofrio: perhaps the #libreoffice channel might know that?14:29
olbrook\join #irc.warwick.ca.uk14:29
generalflufflesthat may be it14:29
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generalflufflesi faced it just like any other bin file14:30
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lotuspsychjegeneralfluffles: easy on the enter button please14:30
generalflufflesbut its special :o14:30
dukene2k: heres the alsa-info output https://pastebin.com/Hfs0ejeP14:30
generalflufflesne2k, hang on ill try using the instructions and see if it works14:31
black_13how do you mount cifs share and it not be root14:34
generalflufflesokay im sorry14:34
donofriolotuspsychje, libre folks said No it does not, so I'm here wondering deos ubuntu have any command line tools like cow but for full ANSI words and such14:34
generalflufflesill slow it down14:34
generalflufflesne2k, sudo sh does not work14:34
generalflufflesoh i didnt do cd14:35
dongleiircHi. Could someone help me to register an account of sourceforge.net. Thanks! :)14:35
leftyfbdonofrio: toilet will do text14:36
leftyfbdonofrio: and asciiart will convert an image to ascii14:36
leftyfbdonofrio: as for an editor, use gedit or any other text editor14:37
generalfluffleshow can i open a java type game that root owns....14:38
JimBuntuI would suggest you chown the files to yourself14:38
generalflufflesJimBuntu, how can i do that?14:39
leftyfbmaor: can we help you with something?14:39
leftyfbapparently not14:39
generalflufflesleftyfb, do u know how to open a game taht root owns?14:40
generalflufflesor change the permissions14:40
zanshingeneralfluffles: If you do a google search for using chown to change ownership, you should find something to help you make the files owned by you and not root14:41
leftyfbgeneralfluffles: In linux, usually a properly installed application(game) will be owned by root. That shouldn't be a problem. I'm guessing you're trying to play some weird game not installed properly or something14:41
leftyfbgeneralfluffles: What game? How did you install it?14:41
generalflufflesleftyfb, i did not install it properly14:41
generalflufflesleftyfb, spiral knights i installed it through a bin file14:41
leftyfbgeneralfluffles: and what do you instructions for the game say about running it after it's installed?14:42
generalflufflesleftyfb, like i can play anything else in this demonic os14:42
leftyfbgeneralfluffles: ok, good luck14:42
leftyfbevery other app and game works, but it's the OS's fault of course14:43
leftyfbNot the game which installs via a bin file14:43
leftyfbgeneralfluffles: read the documentation for the game. Seek support from the game developer/distributer. The OS(Ubuntu) is working fine.14:44
generalfluffleshell yeah it does ;_;14:44
sopparusdoes dhclient eth0 work regardless of settings I have?14:44
ioriageneralfluffles, running it in terminal will give you additional infos about the error14:46
ChiLLabiSWhat is Ubuntu's Alt+F4 that windows have? Need to know how to shutdown games and etc14:48
sopparusctrl+c usually14:48
ChiLLabiSDidn't work on WoW14:48
dukene2k: It seems to be the case that the system defaults to the hdmi audio channel, currently trying to edit the alsa config to make it default to the proper one.14:50
ne2kduke, your output is odd, it suggests that alsa can't find any cards14:50
dukeits weird14:50
dukene2k: here is what aplay -l says https://pastebin.com/hiN8maMV14:51
dukeThe bytcrrt5640 device must be the proper one14:51
ne2kduke, have you looked at pavucontrol?14:52
ne2kduke, if you're using pulse, you shouldn't really need to look at alsa stuff at all14:52
ne2khaojie, is that 豪杰 or 浩劫 ? ;-)14:53
lapagaduke have an old soundblaster card and had to install pavucontrol14:53
ne2khaojie, quite a difference ;-)14:53
dukeHm, is there a default screenshot tool in Ubuntu?14:54
ne2kduke, gnome-screenshot14:54
lotuspsychje!zn | haojie14:54
lotuspsychje!zh | haojie14:54
ubottuhaojie: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw14:54
ne2klotuspsychje, duh14:54
pragmaticenigmausually pressing Prt Scrn or Print Screen key on the keyboard launches screen capture by default14:55
JimBuntuduke, print screen for full screen(s), shift+print screen for selectable size/box14:55
ne2kduke, and Alt-PrtScr for a single window!!!14:56
Hdphnif I install ubuntu 16.04 LTS14:56
Hdphnis it better or installing 18.0414:56
Hdphnfor later upgrading to 18.04LTSw14:56
Hdphnwithout any issues14:56
JimBuntuHdphn, 16.04 is the current LTS, 18.04 is in code freeze I think, but not officially released14:57
Hdphnso.. if 18.04 release14:57
Hdphncan I upgrade from 16.0414:57
Hdphnor do I need fresh install14:57
JimBuntu18.04 is due to be released around the end of this month, you will be able to upgrade from 16.04 to 18.04 if/when you want to14:57
leftyfbChiLLabiS: ALT+F414:57
lotuspsychjeHdphn: we advise you to wait until 18.04.114:57
ne2kHdphn, you have always been able to do-release-upgrade from LTS to LTS in the past; I see no reason why they would have dropped it14:58
dukene2k, JimBuntu: only one issue, I run LUbuntu which has LXDE, so hold on a second. :D14:59
ne2kduke, can you run pavucontrol?14:59
dukene2k: I can yes15:00
dukene2k: wanted to create a screenshot of it15:00
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pragmaticenigmaHdphn, 16.04 LTS is currently the supported LTS release, 18.04 LTS will be released towards the end of the month. Once 18.04 reaches a stable point (bugs chased out not found in beta) a 18.04.1 release will be issued which will coincide with the upgrade tool being able to upgrade 16.04 to 18.04.1.  As long as you stick to Ubuntu maintained PPAs and software you will not likely encounter any issues with upgrading15:00
pragmaticenigmathat would require a reinstall15:00
Hdphnare you sure15:01
Hdphnor I should wait for 18.04 LTS15:01
HdphnI never waited for any distro :( sadly ubuntu is making me think twice15:01
Hdphnbecause once I set up my OS15:01
lotuspsychjeHdphn: its your choice what you do15:02
HdphnI dont want any issues that requires re installation15:02
Hdphnsure its mine but I need your honest advise15:02
JimBuntuHdphn, you can choose to run with scissors, I don't think anyone will stop you, chances are that you wont even get hurt15:02
leftyfbHdphn: the upgrade from 16.04 to 18.04 should be fine15:02
Hdphnin archlinux, Its rolling release so I never had to think before downloading the iso. for this one, I am confused.15:02
lotuspsychjeHdphn: if you dont want issues, take the advice to wait till 18.04.115:02
Hdphnleftyfb: especially if its unity to gnome15:02
HdphnI feel worried15:02
leftyfbthen wait15:02
JimBuntuwait, Hdphn multi-boot15:03
Hdphnaint nobody got time to maintain dual15:03
pragmaticenigmaHdphn, 17.10 current runs the same version of Gnome that is available in 18.0415:03
confluencyHdphn: nothing is going to change your existing Unity to Gnome, to the best of my knowledge.15:03
pragmaticenigmaissues with gnome desktop will be small15:03
Hdphnif I get 17.10 can I go for 18.04 LTS upgrade15:03
pragmaticenigmaHdphn, yes15:03
dukene2k: http://puu.sh/A0e0B/75c98e8947.png thats what it shows there, the Port dropdown doesnt have any other things in it. And under Configuration I can only choose the profile analog stereo-output.15:04
confluencyOh, I see; you're picking a release to install from scratch now.15:04
confluencyHdphn: it doesn't really matter whether you install 16.04 or 17.10 at this stage; you can upgrade directly to the new LTS from both of them.15:05
confluencyOK, it does a bit; it will determine what DE you start off with.15:05
confluencyBut you can change that.15:05
Hdphnconfluency: sure I can15:06
Hdphnbut without any issues15:06
Hdphnjust like new install of 18.04?15:07
Hdphnif yes, I will go ahead and use 16.04 now15:07
Hdphnplease confirm15:07
pragmaticenigmaHdphn, issues occur when you step out of the Ubuntu ecosystem15:07
lotuspsychjeHdphn: you can never be 100% no issues will arise15:07
OerHeks*if* you upgrade, download the iso and make an USB before hitting the upgrade button15:07
confluencyHdphn: nobody can *guarantee* you "no issues".15:07
pragmaticenigmalotuspsychje, not true... user created issues can occur15:07
Hdphnthats what I thought lol15:07
lotuspsychjeHdphn: there is no magic 1 button15:07
confluencyHdphn: my advice is: it's unlikely to make a big difference; pick whichever one you want.15:07
HdphnLTS should mean stability for long term15:08
Hdphnconfluency: I see.15:08
confluencyThen pick the LTS.15:08
lotuspsychjeHdphn: thats why we advise LTS to LTS upgrade wait until .115:08
confluencyIf you want newer software, pick the non-LTS.15:08
bcxI hit this BT issue https://askubuntu.com/questions/983053, any ideas ?15:08
confluencyI use LTS on my work laptop and non-LTS on my personal laptop. I've had problem-free upgrades for as long as I can remember.15:09
Hdphnlotuspsychje: I can wait but I need to use something now15:09
leftyfbHdphn: boot a live cd15:09
confluencySo pick the one which meets your needs better.15:09
Hdphnif there will be no difference between me using 16.04 now and upgrading it to 18.04 lts VS installing 18.04LTS from scratch15:10
Hdphnthen its great.15:10
Hdphnbecause once I set up my OS. I am too busy to re install entire stuff15:10
confluencyNobody can guarantee that there will "be no difference". But I think we all agree that there probably won't be and there is very little risk.15:10
Hdphnif I install ubuntu gnome 16.0415:11
lotuspsychjeHdphn: even if you upgrade LTS to LTS, you should take backups...15:11
pragmaticenigmaHdphn, again... you will not likely have any issues upgrading from the currently supported releases to 18.04 later. AS LONG AS YOU STAY in the Ubuntu ecosystem. That means not installing 3rd party applications or PPAs.15:11
Hdphnit will be smooth upgrade right15:11
confluencyI don't reinstall anything unless I get new hardware.15:11
Hdphnconfluency: you were on 14.04?15:11
confluencyAnd nothing bad has happened in a literal decade.15:11
Hdphn14.04 LTS to 16.04 LTS was a BIG MESS!!15:11
confluencyHdphn: when? At some point, yes.15:11
confluencyI don't remember it being a big mess, but YMMV.15:12
lotuspsychjeHdphn: you cant generalize things like that15:12
HdphnI had experienced it15:12
confluencyI would have done that on my work laptop, and I don't recall any major disruptions.15:12
lotuspsychjeHdphn: anyway enough if discussing, move to ubuntu support please15:12
leftyfbHdphn: you've been made aware of your options. Good luck.15:13
pragmaticenigmaHdphn, that's too general and doesn't tell us anything. I upgraded from 14.04 to 16.04 with out any issues. Again, most of the issues I've seen where an upgrade does not go smoothly is because a PPA was added, 3rd party application was installed, or a configuration file was modified and the ugprade tool didn't know what to do with it.15:13
Hdphnleftyfb: so I am going to install 16.04 LTS now. and hope I wouldnt need re installation15:13
HdphnI dont add PPAs15:13
Hdphnthey are insecure15:13
pragmaticenigmaHdphn, if you want a problem free upgrade. Back up your computer BEFORE you perform the upgrade. You can restore it back if something goes wrong15:13
Hdphnyou know the only reason I am coming back to ubuntu from archlinux is stability and get my work done without tinkering my OS15:14
Hdphnhopefully upgrade to 18.04 wont ruin it15:14
leftyfbHdphn: thanks for the insult15:14
Hdphnwhat insult ? sorry I didnt mean to15:14
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roshanjhahttps://imgur.com/a/fK7jB my ubuntu 16 is giving this issue15:23
roshanjhaAnd its not starting and shutdown15:23
tomreynroshanjha: which ubuntu release? fully patches / updates?15:25
ioriaroshanjha, try with nouveau.modeset=015:25
roshanjhaioria: sorry  is this command ?15:26
ioriaroshanjha, you know how to set a kernel boot parameter ?15:27
roshanjhatomreyn: latest ubuntu 16 release15:27
roshanjhaioria: no15:27
akikroshanjha: call it 16.04 or 16.10, not 1615:27
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter15:27
tomreynroshanjha: there is no "ubuntu 16", you probably mean "16.04 LTS" or "16.10"?15:27
ioriaroshanjha, you need to diaplay the grub screen and edit the kernel line : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/KernelBootParameters15:28
ioriaroshanjha, tap  Shift after  bios ; find the 'linux /boot/vmlinux' line and where you see 'quiet splash' add   nouveau.modeset=0; boot with ctrl+x or f1015:32
dukeHm, think pulseaudio is screwing with the audio a bit, gonna investitage.15:32
roshanjhatomreyn: ok. I will try15:32
dukeMeanwhile, I have another issue bugging me with this shitty trekstor wintron 10.1 tablet... the screen never really shuts off completely after some idle time... any idea what stuff I need to edit to make that happen?15:33
roshanjhaAlso should i go for Ubuntu 17 ?15:33
roshanjhaI installed fresh 16 latest release15:33
dukeroshanjha: if you are using it on a Desktop then go for 17. On a server I'd still use 16.04.15:34
naccduke: roshanjha: 17.10, not '17'15:35
roshanjhaYes desktop. Also there is lts coming for Ubuntu 18 in this month. Should I wait for Ubuntu 18 or she i go for 17 for this time15:35
pragmaticenigmaroshanjha, it is important that you tell us the complete version number. It is VERY important difference between 16.04 and 16.1015:35
ioriawatch this:15:35
ubottuUbuntu 17.10 (Artful Aardvark) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download at http://www.ubuntu.com/download - Release Notes: https://ubottu.com/y/artful15:36
dfchbeen using bionic for quite some time, getting better and better15:36
ioriaroshanjha, see the difference ?15:36
pragmaticenigmadfch, Do you have a support question?15:36
dfchfor server still debian :D sorry15:36
dfchpragmaticenigma: my bad, will shut up right away (irc under influence)15:37
roshanjhaOk. I m on mobile and my laptop is not working to check the installed release that's why i am saying primary number like 16-1715:37
dukedfch: Haha, my work uses Debian on their servers.15:38
dukeI myself run Ubuntu on all my servers15:38
JimBunturoshanjha, `lsb_release -a` isn't working?15:38
ioriaroshanjha, spam 'shift' (or esc) right after the bios screen ; you should get the Grub screen: this is the first step15:40
gnyrftaidentify shumpi kalvsylta15:51
gnyrftadude, dat security though15:51
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TJ-Before I start, can anyone think of any gotchyas if I build a new rootfs by rsyncing from a running OS (ignoring /proc ... /run and so on ) ?16:38
generalflufflesim facing a problem installing a bin file and running16:39
generalflufflesrunning the installed file i meant16:39
tomreynTJ-: /boot/efi, too? any databases there?16:39
naccTJ-: /etc/machine-id16:40
naccTJ-: iscsi target identifier, ssh host keys16:40
naccgeneralfluffles: what is your actual question?16:40
TJ-yeah ... it's an embedded headless device currently booted from a USB16:40
naccTJ-: yeah so those may not matter, just thinking of things we've had to consider for cloud images, it's similar16:41
naccTJ-: as to what makes something unique and what should be generated at first boot, etc16:41
generalflufflesi cant run  a bloody file i need help i hate my life16:41
TJ-just trying to avoid another debootstrap session (already built the boot USB that way)16:41
TJ-nacc: yeah, UUIDs and so on for sure.16:41
generalflufflesokay i like japanese16:41
naccgeneralfluffles: is the file meant to be 'run'? how are you running it and what error d you get?16:42
generalflufflesi just cant open it16:42
leftyfbgeneralfluffles: is this about that game again?16:42
generalflufflessudo sh name_of_file16:42
naccgeneralfluffles: 'open' is not the same as 'run'16:42
generalflufflesit isss for me16:43
generalflufflesyes you're right16:43
OerHeksusing sh for a .bin file??16:43
generalflufflesleftyfb, u know nothing at all happened16:43
naccgeneralfluffles: why are you running the script as root?16:43
generalflufflesOerHeks, ofc16:43
generalflufflesim not16:43
naccgeneralfluffles: you just said 'sudo ...'16:43
tomreynOerHeks: he used to be playing with a makeself binary.16:43
generalflufflessudo sh16:43
leftyfbgeneralfluffles: you know it's on steam right? Why not just install steam and get the game that way?16:44
naccgeneralfluffles: use a pastebin, show the exact command run and the exact ouptut.16:44
generalflufflesleftyfb, is it?16:44
generalflufflesi thing my account got deleted16:44
leftyfbalthough, maybe not for linux now that I checked16:44
generalflufflesbloody hell16:44
generalflufflesokay im becoming a bit annoying to this channel16:45
generalflufflesand thats because im impatient for ubuntu 18.0416:45
naccgeneralfluffles: stop using enter as punctuation, please16:45
generalfluffleswhy shouldnt i?16:46
ubottuPlease try and keep as much of your info as possible on ONE line - easier to follow for everyone.16:46
naccgeneralfluffles: because it's annoying and noisy in the channel.16:46
generalfluffleslet me test16:46
naccgeneralfluffles: please stop. this is not a channel to 'test' in.16:47
generalflufflesoh i see ill keep everything on line if that bothers you16:47
generalfluffleswait let me go to freenode16:47
generalflufflesokay then16:47
leftyfbsh spiral-install.bin16:48
leftyfbsudo rm -rf ~/spiral ~/Desktop/Spiral*.desktop16:48
leftyfbthen: sh spiral-install.bin16:49
generalflufflesye i figured that out after you told me about root16:49
leftyfbgeneralfluffles: that will install it16:49
generalflufflesim not getting why sudo makes a difference though16:49
leftyfbdon't use sudo16:49
leftyfbthen: sh spiral-install.bin16:49
leftyfbthat's it16:49
generalflufflesokay then16:50
leftyfband just hit enter for any questions it asks16:50
leftyfbthen your icon on your desktop will work16:50
generalflufflesleftyfb, root is still the owner16:51
leftyfbthem you didn't do as I said above16:52
leftyfbsudo rm -rf ~/spiral ~/Desktop/Spiral*.desktop16:52
generalflufflesyes i did16:53
ioriageneralfluffles, ls -l spiral-install.bin16:53
leftyfbis the "file" still there?16:53
leftyfbioria: it's ok, I got this, it's stupid simple16:53
leftyfbioria: I just downloaded, installed and ran the game16:53
leftyfbit just sticks everything in ~/spiral and puts an icon on your desktop16:54
leftyfbgeneralfluffles: ok what? Do the files still exist?16:54
leftyfbgeneralfluffles: then: sh spiral-install.bin16:54
generalflufflesthis is becoming tiresome16:55
JimBuntugeneralfluffles, this is actually the game... you find out once you get it running16:56
leftyfbgeneralfluffles: Tell me about it. It's hard to help someone when all they want to do is complain but not actually rely information when asked16:56
leftyfbok WHAT?16:57
generalflufflesi did sh spiral bla bla16:57
generalflufflesthen i go to my desktop16:58
generalflufflesclick the file i installed16:58
leftyfb"sh spiral bla bla" isn't a valid command16:58
generalfluffles"sh spiral-install.bin"16:58
leftyfbDid you run that as your user or as root or with sudo?16:58
generalflufflesim not even using root anymore16:59
leftyfbok, now the icon on your desktop. Is it just the Spiral Knights purple icon or does it gave a lock on it?16:59
generalflufflesokay i installed it and it isnt owned by root16:59
leftyfbnow play your game17:00
generalflufflesthats the thing it doesnt have the icon plus everytime i click i get 'There was an error launching the application' notification17:00
generalflufflesmeh the game doesnt worth that much effort either way17:03
generalflufflesim using it as an example to prove how simple java games are...17:04
generalfluffleslike a test17:04
generalflufflesand im becoming frustrating and annoying so i apologize and im leaving17:05
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linuxr_Hi all...so here I am, still stuck trying to boot a freshly installed ubuntu from my newly-installed SSD drive...all I get is a "no bootable device" found error. WHen I hit ctrl-alt-del, it appears to boot though. I also noticed that on cold boot, the bios quickly lists the available devices, and ssd is missing. After reboot, it's there. Any ideas?17:45
nacclinuxr_: if your bios doesn't list the device ... that's a bios issue, most likely?17:47
hk_Hi, I have RS485-to-USB converter, my linux can reconize it but i cannot find it in /dev/tty*, thx for help17:48
linuxr_nacc, probably yes. I have no wonder what I can do about that, though. Maybe someone got an idea?17:48
nacclinuxr_: did you see if there are any bios updates from the vendor?17:48
linuxr_nacc, seems to be quite a recent bios. There is one upgrade, don't know how to install that without windows though (it's an .exe file)17:49
nacclinuxr_: right, you probably need windows17:50
JimBuntulinuxr_, I would look at changing values in BIOS, maybe turn off quick boot if it's on, enable USB booting (to slow the process down)/etc17:51
linuxr_JimBuntu, already tried that, there is no "quick boot option", unfortunately17:52
nacclinuxr_: you could also see if others with the same mobo hit a simliar problem17:52
linuxr_nacc, I found one dude with this problem, he solved it by installing a different SSD drive :/17:52
quemi need an 802.11ac compatible card that works out of the box with ubuntu. any suggestions?18:02
quemusb or pci doesn't atter.18:02
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pragmaticenigmaquem, Here is a page with all wireless hardware certified to work with Ubuntu. https://certification.ubuntu.com/catalog/category/WIRELESS/18:13
pragmaticenigmaquem, from that link there are a few Realtek adapters listed18:14
tomreynquem: i'd go with a chipset the ath10k driver supports: https://wireless.wiki.kernel.org/en/users/drivers/ath10k https://wireless.wiki.kernel.org/en/users/drivers/ath10k18:29
quemtomreyn: thank you18:34
quempragmaticenigma: thank you too18:34
=== Judy is now known as Guest28705
floogyHi, is it possible to upgrade to bionic beta from 16.04.4 LTS?19:32
leftyfb!bionic | floogy19:33
ubottufloogy: Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver) will be the 28th release of Ubuntu - Announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1518 - Discussion in #ubuntu+119:33
richardwhiukCurrently running 14.04 using upstart - moving to 16.04. Currently we've got a service which will emit one of two events. There's then two other services, each of which lists for the event specific to their service before starting. Any recommendation on how to translate this into systemd?19:36
ioriarichardwhiuk, ^ that  was for you19:42
floogyleftyfb, what do you think how much time it will take to the first poin-release. I want to find out if I try to upgrade to beta or rather to the point-release, because I'll not have the time from next week until June. I think I might be better off with the point release, right?19:44
leftyfbfloogy: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseSchedule19:45
leftyfbfloogy: and please see the post from ubottu to you19:45
floogyOk, thank you!19:45
Sari2018can anyone help me how do i move or make a shortcut of Application from Unity to DASH? ubuntu 16.0419:50
ioriaSari2018, from unity to dash ?19:51
larrycolor test19:52
Sari2018@Loria - Yes All Application Sits on the Unity Left Bar and I want to move them to DASH(DesktoP)19:54
Sari2018@Loria Also whenever there is a Third Party Application installed it will have to be search and open each time once closed.19:55
ioriaSari2018,  pin it in the launcher19:55
ioriaSari2018,  or make a .desktop file (shortcut) on Desktop19:56
ioriaSari2018,  you can also drag  the app  from dash to the launcher  directly19:58
ubottunukeeSiMOHD: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».20:00
larrycolor test20:00
whitebeastim having a few problems with another computer of mine, im stuck in grub mode, is that something you guys can help with or is that somewhere else i should be checking?20:02
mibuHi, is there anyone that can help me with cifs/ftp?20:03
quick-whitebeast: What is the error in grub mode ?20:03
quick-mibu: What help do you need ?20:03
mibuwell, im trying to set a group i made as the owner of a "fileshare" but it doesnt seem to work.20:06
whitebeast'/boot/grub/i386-pc/normal.mod' not found. i checked a few videos on youtube but none of them seem to work right20:06
mibui tried with this command: sudo chown -R :elbilftp /media/ftpshare01 . The folder is hosted on a windows server via smb20:08
Sari2018<ioria> Sari2018,  you can also drag  the app  from dash to the launcher  directly ???? No idea how to do it.20:09
Sari2018<ioria> Sari2018,  pin it in the launcher ....No idea how to do it?20:09
quick-mibu: Sorry. Can't help with windows :-(20:10
quick-whitebeast: https://askubuntu.com/questions/266429/error-file-grub-i386-pc-normal-mod-not-found#286028 Did you try this ?20:10
Sari2018<loria> Sari2018,  or make a .desktop file (shortcut) on Desktop-- No idea20:10
naccmibu: does the ownership change?20:10
Sari2018I can't Drag and Drop Application Icon from Unity Launcher to Desktop in ubuntu 16,0420:11
naccmibu: you need to give more details tahn "it doesn't seem to work"20:11
Sari2018It is not like Windows20:11
mibuNo it doesnt change but gives no error20:11
quick-Sari2018: if you have access to terminal type `touch x.desktop` and it will create the file20:11
Sari2018Where is the .Desktop File exisit ?20:11
Sari2018@Quick ok let me try20:12
quick-Sari2018: Go to ~/Desktop and then execute the command20:12
Sari2018I tired nothing happen command successful20:12
quick-Sari2018: try ls and you'll see a file20:13
mibuit's only root that can rw on that folder. all other users/groups get permission denied20:13
naccmibu: how is it mounted?20:13
naccmibu: and what is the permission on the mountpoint?20:13
mibuvia fstab i think, its the firsttime im handing with this stuff so im not quite sure20:14
naccmibu: no, not what mechanism, what options?20:14
Sari2018I did ls and I see X.desktop, examples.desktop  and others but I do not see them on GUI20:15
mibucifs, it's a network share20:16
Sari2018oh I change the Dir to Desktop now I see the Fold on the Desktop I created in TERMINAL20:17
whitebeastquick, it doesnt really apply to me as i am stuck in grub, there is no os on the hardrive and im using a usb boot, ive done it with the all the pieces before.20:17
whitebeastit just dosnt want to now and im not sure why20:17
Sari2018before I ran the command touch x.desktop on at the root20:17
Sari2018File created on the desktop and I see it20:18
Sari2018now what do i do with the X.Desktop File20:18
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mibunacc: cifs20:19
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Sari2018@Quick What do i need to do with x.desktop file ?20:19
naccmibu: that's the filesystem type, not hte options used20:21
cluelesspersonhey guys, I'm having trouble with my WIFI on my laptop20:22
cluelesspersonthis Unifi AP is rated for 1300 Mbps, but ubuntu shows a speed of 400 Mbps20:22
mibunacc: well im just a skid, i hope i get it right this time: \\\Fes\ftpshare  /media/EL-Data  cifs  username=elbilftp,password=Nfvs8HD4sT89A4,domain=data.local,uid=1000,iocharset=utf8  0  020:23
xamithan1300 is widely unrealistic on consumer wifi20:23
xamithanThat is probably rated for 1300 within 1 foot of the AP and only on 5ghz20:24
naccmibu: yes, that's what i was looking for20:24
OerHeksso "sudo chown -R :elbilftp /media/ftpshare01"  is wrong, and should be /media/EL-Data  ??20:26
naccmibu: --^20:27
mibunacc: what i know is that there is a windows server share where the files are. my pc will be uploading stuff there as another user, not root. but only my root user can rwx there and chown command doesnt work20:27
OerHekssounds like permissions/groups on that windows share need to be editted...20:28
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mibunacc: i did a typo and edited th command to the right path. still no success20:30
cluelesspersonam I looking for wifi n support?20:30
naccmibu: i'd check what OerHeks said, and I'd check what the permissions on /media/EL-Data were *before* you mounted it20:30
OerHeksand chown on a windows share, i think it does not work that way with smb20:30
naccright, i'd be suspicious at best20:31
cluelessperson04:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation Wireless 7265 (rev 59)20:31
OerHekscluelessperson, and what is your issue exactly?20:34
mibuOerHeks: so the permission problem lies within the windows server?20:35
cluelesspersonOerHeks: I get 400Mbps connection, 1300 is expected20:35
OerHekscluelessperson, sounds good > Max speed for single antenna on AC is around 433 Mbps20:36
cluelesspersonOerHeks: well, this 7265 dual band intel card is capable of 800+20:37
goatiaHi all, Please could someone help, for some reason I lost my main volume control tab, Im new at Studio and still trying to find my way around. System was fine last night, when I start up now it takes longer than usual. I suspect it might have something to do with plugging in a Yamaha Keyboard on USB, not sure, any help and guidence will be appreciated20:37
cluelesspersonmain volume control tab?20:38
cluelesspersongoatia: can you screenshot it to show us?20:38
goatiaYes, top right I had a dropdown that I could control the output volume20:39
cluelesspersongoatia: if you click the volume/speaker symbol?20:39
goatianow I have no control at all20:39
goatiaThat speaker is missing20:40
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cluelesspersongoatia: Hit "Windows" (Super) key, then type "volume" and click "Sound" when that app appears in the list20:40
cluelesspersonor type sound20:40
goatialets try20:40
pankajHow to download ubuntu 9.0 torrent?20:43
goatianothing happens when I push the windows key, I forgot to mention, Im using Ubuntu Studio20:43
lordcirth_workanyone know a quick hack to make a file really slow to write to, like /dev/full but hanging instead of ENOSPC?20:44
leftyfbpankaj: there is no such thing as ubuntu 920:44
pankajleftyfb: Sorry, Ubuntu Karmic Koala. I have to use a legacy application and author has suggested it.20:46
pankajleftyfb: I want to download it via torrent.20:46
leftyfbpankaj: http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/20:46
OerHekspankaj, it is 12 or up .. http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/ .. else old versions iso http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/ ( but the torrent links are dead20:47
leftyfbnobody will be seeing a distro from 8 years ago20:47
OerHeksindeed, pure overkill20:47
OerHeksdo not trust other torrent sources :-)20:49
pankajOerHeks: OK.20:49
pankajOerHeks: I am relieved. At last their is no other option left20:49
pankajOerHeks: Thanks20:49
OerHekshave fun!20:49
cheguacamolewhy do people prefer torrents in this situation20:51
OerHeksmaybe one would expect old torrents to be alive, not a static oldversions cd-image page20:54
Marakethey channel, curious if anyone has used hiri on ubuntu? currently I am using a windows vm to use outlook and the office 365 suite, but noticed it on the repo and can't really find any ubuntu user reviews21:09
ozberkhi guys got a question does compiz still supported21:10
ozberkguess not21:11
yellaHi gents I'm having some Samba issues.21:11
yellaI want a nonelevated user to be able to write to a smb share hosted on 2k16 but I get permission denied21:12
yellaI have guest account enabled on that folder.21:12
yellamount.cifs // /mnt/media/ --verbose -o ,user=Guest,password=password21:13
yellaThats the command im using. Can anyone help me out/21:13
qihHi, I installed Ubuntu Desktop 64Bit 17.10 yesterday, after using LXDE for a year. All works fine but it seems that I cannot PING anything except the internal Gateway (Modem/Router), yet I have internet connectivity. I am pretty sure I changed nothing that would disable outgoing PING. Any idea?21:30
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mibuyella: is it the first time you try to do this? has it worked before?21:32
ekennedy80So netbeans doesn't work on bionic because of java9?21:32
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yellamibu: its the first time i've done it21:34
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yellaElevating the prompt with sudo writes to the directory just fine. Unfortunately I need the regular account to be able to write to this tmp directory.21:35
naccekennedy80: please stick to #ubuntu+1 for bionic/18.0421:35
yellaI've tried everything on the Windows 2k16 side to let this folder have no security21:35
tomreynqih: what happens when you do? what's the error message?21:37
qihtomreyn: Nothing, it just hangs as if the required IP address is wrong or deliberately blocking21:37
tomreynqih: so you ran ping directly against an ip address, not a hostname?21:38
qihI can ping the gateway, and all internal machines, just nothing out21:38
qihYes, against some local (NZ) DNS servers21:38
tomreynqih: do you have firewalling configured on your router then?21:38
qihI do, but it remains the same, the *only* thing that I have changed apparently in 196 days is the DNS servers from the ISP to Google, nothing else.21:39
tomreynqih: maybe your router assigned your desktop computer a different IP address and tus different policies are applied to it now?21:39
qihtomreyn: NFI, I'll check although the Huawei Modem UI and docs are rather obtuse21:40
mattflyis it possible to hibernate ubuntu 18.04? how should i do?21:40
tomreynqih: since you can ping the gateway fine but not the internet, it looks a lot like the issue is outside of the desktop21:41
nacc!ubuntu+1 | mattfly21:41
ubottumattfly: Bionic Beaver is the codename for Ubuntu 18.04 - Support only in #ubuntu+121:41
mattflyi dont find this channel21:42
mattflyubuntu+1 ??21:42
mattflyoh sorry21:42
tomreynqih: yet another suggestion: maybe your desktop has multiple ways to connect to the router, such as ethernet and wireless. and in the past you used a different way thanyou happen to use after the upgrade (again resulting in different routing firewall or policies applying to it now)21:43
qihGood theory, but I only have ETH/NIC21:43
qihOK so now it works, I cna ping company websites and specific IP addresses ... I changed nothing, in fact the connection has seemed a bit off lately.21:45
qihI checked the log, it seems all attacks are being stopped as per the rules, NFI what is going on, thanks for the advice anyway21:45
tomreynsome of the cheaper routers need an occasional restart, but i guess you'd be aware21:46
qihYeah, we've made a few support calls in the past few weeks for random connection issues, that resolve through switching off the connection and modem. HW failing perhaps?21:47
tomreynpossible. or road works, or anything else.21:48
OerHekschange cable?21:48
mibuyella: do you use any protocol other rhan cifs/smb21:48
qihIs Ubuntu 18.10 going to be much different or just another polished release with all updates?21:49
naccqih: ... 18.10 hasn't even started yet21:50
tomreynwe do not know. it won't be an LTS release.21:50
qihEr 18.0421:51
tomreyn18.04 will be LTS21:51
yellamibu: I don't. I just need this php script to be able to write to a temp folder on a Storage Spaces box.21:51
ubottuBionic Beaver is the codename for Ubuntu 18.04 - Support only in #ubuntu+121:51
OerHeksno new features, and xorg standard, so not wayland but will be available in the login21:52
qihOK, I'm not really fussed, 17.10 is great21:52
OerHekserr build in minimal install, forgot about that21:53
owlzcould I have some help with freezing Kubuntu 16.04 after suspend?21:56
birkoffhow do I add source repo to sources.list for WSL Ubuntu ?22:05
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nacc!ubuwin | birkoff: but i wouldn't think it would matter if you are on wsl22:08
ubottubirkoff: but i wouldn't think it would matter if you are on wsl: Windows 10 has a feature called Windows Subsystem for Linux, which allows it to run Ubuntu (and other Linux distro) userspace programs without porting/recompliation. For discussion and support, see #ubuntu-on-windows or ##windows. For installation instructions, see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/commandline/wsl/install_guide22:08
birkoffwell then where do they reside and how should I be adding them ?  the closest match I've found is main/source22:18
birkoffin archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu22:18
naccbirkoff: so you don't know how to write deb-src lines?22:19
birkoffnow i do22:19
cluelesspersonSo, 5ghz Wifi on ubuntu appears to suck and I can't figure out why22:27
cluelesspersonanyone have any idea?22:27
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Budgiianyone know how to connect to another desktop with xrdp? all the tutorials im finding are from windows to linux, not linux to linux.22:46
cluelesspersonMy wifi is stuck at 400Mb/s when I expect at least 800 + :/22:47
Budgiicluelessperson, Is it your receiver?22:48
Budgiican it handle 800+ that is?22:49
cluelesspersonBudgii: It's a Unifi AC Pro, rated for 1300+22:49
Budgiiyikes. where are you getting the information that its at 400?22:49
Budgiicluelessperson, I know different online speed tests will give me different results, literally by the hundreds22:53
royal_screwup21how do I set a temporary enviroment variable? export VAR="foo" sets it permanent, if I'm not wrong22:54
cluelesspersonBudgii: The link speed shows 400Mb/s22:54
cluelesspersonlink speed has nothing to do with bandwidth tests :P22:54
Budgiiokay I must have missed something, sorry22:54
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theTOOLM1Nhey there! having some issues, need help. i just reinstalled my ubuntu 16.04 system because i thought there was a bad configuration.23:11
theTOOLM1Nhere i am unable to open my xfce4-display-settings and other utilities. they close with a trap divide error.23:12
theTOOLM1Ni cannot open minetest because it tells me that the fonts aren't there. (log shows where and ls confirms they exist)23:12
theTOOLM1Ni'm running ubuntu server 16.04 with xfce4 and gdm323:13
goatiaHi all, can anyone help me with audio problem, not connecting to pulseaudio23:13
theTOOLM1Ni installed everything and all was working well23:13
theTOOLM1Nbut now i've shut it down and started it back up and my task bar looks different and i'm getting all these errors trying to open applications23:13
theTOOLM1Ni reinstalled ubuntu because of this already once23:13
theTOOLM1Njournalctl isn't showing any errors that stand out to why everything is broken23:14
theTOOLM1Nis anybody even here?23:17
goatiaI am also waiting response23:17
gogetatheTOOLM1N, you must construct additional pylons23:17
gogetagoatia, just got hear so i didnt see the questions23:20
goatiaI seem to have audio problems, PulseAdio wont connect23:21
xamithanNot really much help to do for software errors like that.  If you can reproduce it there is likely already a bug report out there23:21
xamithanIf there isn't,  file one23:21
gogetagoatia, as no audio out?23:22
gogetagoatia, sometimes your speakers are not marked as defult may wanna check that23:22
goatiaI have Audio if I use jack with my input devices, but no audio an say YouTube23:24
gogetagoatia, yea check in your pulse audio controle app23:24
goatiaIt wont establish connection when I try go into it23:25
gogetagoatia, ah23:26
goatiaIs there a way that I can reinstall pusle auio?23:26
gogetagoatia, its probly not pulse but a driver problem with your sound card23:26
goatiaI have checked for driver updates etc, but found none WRT sound23:27
gogetagogeta, what sound card is it23:27
goatiaIt is internal, but I do have an exteral Steinberg UR22 USB ASIO , but havnt connected it23:29
gogetagoatia, pass this in a termnal lspci -v | grep -i audio23:30
lungaroIs there something more modern than pbuilder ?23:31
gogetagoatia, shuld tell us what card you have23:31
nacclungaro: sbuild23:31
nacclungaro: or use lxd's23:31
lungaroi want an easier experience building packages for each distribution. For instance, on precise, why can't I build xenial23:31
lungaroHmm, i was thinking about lxds, but that's basically doing it all myself23:31
nacclungaro: well, precise is eol, for one thing23:31
lungarowell bad example23:32
nacclungaro: but you watnt sbuild which uses schroots23:32
goatia00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801JD/DO (ICH10 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 02)23:32
goatiaSubsystem: Intel Corporation 82801JD/DO (ICH10 Family) HD Audio Controller23:32
naccand can use lxds, lungaro23:32
lungaroi'm trying to speed up a compilation and I think dpkg-source is screwing me. Should dpkg-source preserve last modified time of the build root?23:34
lungaro(i'm probably abusing debian at this point)23:34
gogetagoatia, you can try this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshootingProcedure23:42
goatiaThanks for helping, I will check out that site..23:43
gogetagoatia, it resets pulses configs23:43
goatiaThanks I will let you know if it works :)23:44
Hanumaanis dd_rescue and ddrescue same or different? installing gddrescue got ddrescue but not dd_rescue23:45
lucas_aiAnyone know how to make realtime video streaming that can be embedded in HTML or Iframes? Real time meaning less than 200ms delay. Similar to video conferencing found in facebook, skype, hangouts, etc.23:50
gogetalucas_ai, shure but i charge 80$ a hr to make that23:52
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