
captain-tuxI haven't catched the question completely and I hope this is not totally unrelated, but Compiz can automatically open programs on predefined workspaces and positions, that's one reason why I've installed it. ;)01:13
ErichEickmeyercaptain-tux: That's awesome. Compiz works in MATE nearly natively, never tried it in Xfce.01:16
captain-tuxYeah, it takes a little fiddling to set it up just right, but I've never had any serious issues with it and the place windows/put functions are really great for moving windows around workspaces and displays.01:18
ErichEickmeyerHmmm... makes another great case for MATE, perhaps with Compiz enabled by default.01:21
OvenWerksErichEickmeyer: I don't mind the dynamic workspaces so much. Just adding a worspace as I need it makes sense. However, I would like to be able to call both monitors part of the workspace rather than each monitor a separate workspace.14:25
OvenWerksSo for example, I have the Ardour edit screen on my left monitor and the mixer on the right.... then every time I select one of the two screens, they should show as editor left and mixer right even though I have something else on the right before choosing.14:28
OvenWerksI should not have to set two screens... or select the mixer first, move it to the right, then select the editor. That is three steps to do something that happens often and in xfce is one step.14:29
OvenWerksWhat would be really handy, would be a button on the right hand screen (or both screens really) that says grab my mate (mate being the left screen that completes what is on the right)14:31
OvenWerksHowever, I don't see that happening :) so, the next best thing would be a setting in displays that says treat my two displays as one big display (which is what xfce really does).14:33
OvenWerksI think that the devs would think that is a step backwards (I sort of agree for some uses), but there are a number of uses where it still makes sense.14:34
OvenWerksI could probably set it up as one display with some CLI tool (xrandr? hmm might not be wayland friendly) but the display setup only allows: single monitor, mirror or double but not connected or single connected.14:42
ErichEickmeyerOvenWerks: Ugh... wayland. Talking to the guys at Canonical, they have several good reasons why they stayed with xorg this release cycle. Wayland needs a lot more improvement before it can become mainstream.14:56
OvenWerksAh, so xrandr would probably work14:58
OvenWerksErichEickmeyer: so from what is said above, can I assume that vannila is no longer using unity?14:59
OvenWerksOr was unity always based on the same tools as gnome screen15:00
ErichEickmeyerOvenWerks: Correct. I'm surprised you didn't know this since it made huge news about a year ago when Mark Shuttleworth announced Ubuntu would be dropping Unity in favor of Gnome Shell.15:00
ErichEickmeyerUnity was gnome-based, but the code was not based on shell.15:00
OvenWerksI knew they were dropping unity, but not the time line.15:01
ErichEickmeyerUnity does live on and there is a remix that may very well become an official flavor.15:01
OvenWerksJust the same as there are still some apps in the upstart folder :P15:01
ErichEickmeyerAs of 17.10, Unity is no longer the desktop of Ubuntu proper.15:01
OvenWerksSo how much is Vannila changed from raw/stock gnome shell?15:03
* OvenWerks still misses a real application menu too15:04
ErichEickmeyerThey wanted to make the transition from Unity as painless as possible, so they forked and simplified the Gnome Shell dash-to-dock extension to become a lot like the Unity launcher bar. Then they themed with Ambiance, and changed GDM to have a more purple/orange ubuntu theme.15:04
ErichEickmeyerVanilla Gnome Shell is still an option, however, as a separate session.15:05
ErichEickmeyerCompletely installable.15:05
OvenWerksI didn't install Vannila, just ran it live. But there is a flavour for gnome shell I think and I will be trying that too.15:06
ErichEickmeyerAfraid not. Starting with 17.10, Ubuntu GNOME became Ubuntu proper.15:06
OvenWerksbut I should try mate probably sooner as that is what most people are suggesting15:06
OvenWerksAh so I would have to install Vannila and login to gnome shell, good to know.15:07
ErichEickmeyerYeah. I think you'll finde mate to be closer to your workflow. Also, with MATE tweak, the layout can be themed to look like just about any desktop out there, including Unity, the global menu, and even the HUD for searching the menu.15:08
OvenWerksBeing able to use the vannila desktop would always be a big plus for support reasons15:09
OvenWerksIn the ubuntu world the vannila desktop is the best known out there.15:10
OvenWerksDoes it sound like vannila will move closer to stock gnome shell in the future?15:11
OvenWerksunity would be a good DE for tablets or netbooks... depending on CPU use. The very first version as used in the netbook iso was actually quite good and light weight too.15:13
OvenWerksbut netbooks are gone and replaced by tablets with keyboards.  :P  I would like to have seen netbooks too. I liked the 11inch screen size with a full computer... android is too restrictive.15:15
ErichEickmeyerOvenWerks: I'm not sure. Perhaps with layout, but I doubt it with theming. In fact, there's a new theme that's being worked on to replace Ambiance that they were hoping would make it into 18.04, but it just wasn't ready in time.15:41
OvenWerksI think I need to work on and "indicator" that has a menu in it... that work correctly.15:43
ErichEickmeyerI highly recommend checking out https://omgubuntu.co.uk . Anything and everything Ubuntu is pretty much covered there.15:43
ErichEickmeyerBTW, indicators don't work in Gnome Shell.15:44
OvenWerksWhat do they use then? do they have the systray?15:45
OvenWerksHmm there is still such a thing as ubuntu netbook... 15:46
ErichEickmeyerNope. The Gnome Shell developers decided to do away with a systray altogether. A shame really. There are extensions for it on https://extensions.gnome.org, but afaik they're broken. The Ubuntu Desktop team figured something out, but I'm not 100% sure on that.15:47
ErichEickmeyerIt's for that reason that many people that rely on a systray have been pushed to Plasma.15:47
OvenWerkshttps://omgubuntu.co.uk/ seems to be down right now.15:47
ErichEickmeyerSorry, https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/15:48
ErichEickmeyerSeems to require the www15:48
OvenWerksHmm, new for 18.04, data collection  :P15:51
ErichEickmeyerYeah, but thankfully it's opt-in. You've got to want to participate in order to do so.16:09
* OvenWerks is downloading kubuntu and mate...18:13
* ErichEickmeyer is waiting for his new Dell machine to come in so he can properly do some testing... MacBooks don't do Linux justice.18:53
goatiaHi all, Please could someone help, for some reason I lost my main volume control tab, Im new at Studio and still trying to find my way around. System was fine last night, when I start up now it takes longer than usual. I suspect it might have something to do with plugging in a Yamaha Keyboard on USB, not sure, any help and guidence will be appreciated20:29

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