
cynthiaoneillIt would be nice if there was a jujuclient in go that can create a new client and issue commands from it00:00
thumpercynthiaoneill: there is the api package from github.com/juju/juju that is what the juju CLI uses00:01
thumpercynthiaoneill: but we haven't gotten around to pulling that out of the main package00:01
thumpermain repo that is00:01
* thumper -> lunch00:01
cynthiaoneillthumper: thanks! we’ll take a look at it.00:02
stubAlso https://launchpad.net/juju-api-client01:13
thumperstub: that seems to be private01:30
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rick_h_oooh, look at that pretty profile UX on JAAS now15:57
rick_h_and that shell in the gui for all button wheeee15:57
* rick_h_ talks up stuff while he writes emails and preps juju show notes/demos (2hrs away!)15:57
cory_furick_h_: Unfortunately, I have an appointment at the same time as the show, so won't be able to join to talk about https://jujucharms.com/u/johnsca/aws/ (note: still a bit in progress, hence in my personal namespace, but is usable)16:03
rick_h_cory_fu: k, I used it to hack up a demo of route53'ing the dns-name used in the jujushell charm for let's encrypt support16:03
rick_h_cory_fu: I think your aws charm is a different beast and something that would be great to talk about in a future show perhaps16:04
cory_furick_h_: Wait, what did you use for the demo?  Not the charm?  Just the trust feature?16:04
rick_h_cory_fu: yea, I'm just talking about hte trust feature today16:04
rick_h_cory_fu: something to get the people's minds interested in 2.4 testing and such :)16:05
rick_h_so your stuff was a great kicking off point for me to check out some existing stuff16:05
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rick_h_juju show in 20min warning!17:41
rick_h_kwmonroe: bdx hml magicaltrout zeestrat ^ fyi17:44
rick_h_links coming soon17:44
rick_h_the "watch the show and eat popcorn" link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FehQJhqx6co17:44
rick_h_if you want to join the conversation the link is "https://hangouts.google.com/hangouts/_/suy4w5z7pjaz3faa3zz6eq32cae"17:51
zeestratrick_h_: You up for random strangers like me?17:59
rick_h_zeestrat: feel free17:59
rick_h_always welcome some community folks18:00
rick_h_just click that second link zeestrat18:00
zeestratJupp. Let me just sort out the audio18:01
kwmonroerick_h_: show notes for k8s 1.10:  changelog https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/blob/master/CHANGELOG-1.10.md18:18
rick_h_ty for the link kwmonroe18:33
zeestratrick_h_: Thanks for the invite. A+, would do again!18:47
rick_h_zeestrat: lol thanks! We'll be back in 14 days18:48
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zeestratrick_h_: Already in the calendar!18:58
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