
valorieacheronuk: didn't you find or somebody find some canonical bionic art ?21:14
valorieDDG can't seem to find it21:14
valoriemaybe I need to switch to goooooooogle21:14
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-themes/+bug/1759601/+attachment/5093611/+files/bionic_beavers.tar21:19
valoriehuh, is'n21:20
valoriet there a place to SEE it?21:20
valorieor must I dl and open?21:20
valoriealso why couldn't I find that21:21
valorieis this really IT? https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/ubuntu-18.04-default-wallpaper-2.jpg21:26
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> Yes.21:26
valorieand I guess the artwork will be in that tar that acheronuk linked to21:29
valorieok, sent out a call for artists21:44
valorieI'll tweet it once it hits the archive21:44
tsimonq2wxl: You got a conf pack for LFNW, riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight?22:46
valorieI'm hoping so but thinking maybe not -- wondering if there is time22:47
* valorie has never ordered one because we're not an acceptable Loco22:47
tsimonq2While you're at it, get one for SELF, will ya? :)22:47
valoriewxl is going to SELF?22:48
tsimonq2No, but I am. :P22:48
valoriebut is there a local group who will have a table22:49
valoriethe swag is no good with nobody to hand it out22:49
valorielfnw seems super un-organized this year22:50
valorielast time I tried to confirm a table they told me on the list to do it on the site, and one the site one could not do that yet22:50
wxli think i did but don't remember @tsimonq223:07
tsimonq2wxl: Can you?23:07
tsimonq2Mr. LoCo Council. :P23:07
wxli still need to get my plane ticket :O23:08
tsimonq2wxl: Two weeks away!23:09
wxlyeah so maybe i should let you do that and i'll do the ticket :)23:09
tsimonq2Uhm, I don't have an active LoCo.23:10
tsimonq2And I can't get it that way in the next two weeks.23:10
wxloh for god's sake23:10
tsimonq2Love you, wxl. :)23:10
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> valorie please make a task on phab and assign me for the banner.23:51

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