
Son_Gokukyrofa, I think you've made the steps in snapcraft.yaml too magic03:00
Son_Gokuto me, prep, build, etc should be stages where you explicitly describe what it should do03:00
Son_Gokurather than having to do the backwards thing of overriding default behaviors03:01
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
zygaCaelum: do you have more info?05:05
zygaMaciej, can you please boot tumbleweed05:11
zygaIf you have one05:11
mborzeckidon't have one installed atm05:12
zygaAh, ok05:12
zygaIll check05:12
mborzeckiwhat's with tw?05:12
zygaSomething broke apparently05:13
zygaJust woke up, will check soon05:13
mupPR snapd#5003 closed: cmd/snap-seccomp: graceful handling of non-multilib host <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5003>05:14
mborzeckizyga: ok, let me know if you need help, i have a spare t60 i could try it on, though i don't remember if there's an hdd inside05:14
zygaI thought you have VMs on your beefy box :-)05:15
mborzeckizyga: cloud vms yes, graphical ones, not so much05:15
mupPR snapd#5028 opened: cmd/snap-seccomp: graceful handling of non-multilib host (2.32) <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5028>05:41
mborzeckitrivial review ^^05:44
* zyga updates his opensuse tunmbleweed snapd to what is in system:snappy repo05:51
zygaCaelum: I cannot see any issue05:55
zygaplease tell me what you experienced05:55
zygamborzecki: can you look at https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/495705:59
mupPR #4957: cmd/snap-update-ns: remove the need for stash directory in secure bind mount implementation <Created by jhenstridge> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4957>05:59
zyga3rd review just to be sure06:00
* zyga -> breakfast06:05
zygachihchun: tee-hee-hee06:26
chihchunzyga: tee-hee-hee06:27
zygaI hope this boosts code reviews06:27
chihchunzyga: I guess you pinged the wrong person06:28
zygasorry, yes06:29
zygachipaca sometimes has a nickname similar to the one you use06:29
zygaI missed that :)06:29
zygamorning mvo06:31
mvozyga: good morning! how are you?06:31
zygagood morning, I'm not taking a longish walk today :)06:32
zygaso hopefully I'll make some code06:32
mvozyga: :)06:40
mvozyga: no reports yet about any issues with 2.32.3 afaict?06:49
mvozyga: did you see anything?06:50
zygano, nothing about 2.32.3 yet06:50
mborzeckimvo: hey, can we land #5028?06:54
mupPR #5028: cmd/snap-seccomp: graceful handling of non-multilib host (2.32) <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5028>06:54
mupPR snapd#5028 closed: cmd/snap-seccomp: graceful handling of non-multilib host (2.32) <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5028>07:07
mborzeckimvo: thanks!07:07
mvonp! 5026 needs a second review, very trivial07:08
mupPR snapd#5026 closed: tests: add check for OOM error after each test <Created by mvo5> <Merged by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5026>07:11
mupPR snapd#4987 closed:  tests: add test to ensure `snap refresh --amend` works with different channels <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4987>07:12
mvomborzecki: 5024 looks very good, just some testing tweaks and it is golden07:12
=== pstolowski|afk is now known as pstolowski
mborzeckimvo: yes, thanks for you suggestions, i'll be pushing a patch soon07:13
mborzeckipstolowski: hello07:13
mvoand a second look at 5020 would be great, sorry for being pushy, want to get the SRU out this morning :)07:13
mvohey pstolowski07:13
kalikianagood morning07:17
zygahey ho07:17
kalikianao/ zyga07:17
mupPR snapd#4845 closed: snap, store: store version numbers in the commands database <Squash-merge> <Created by mvo5> <Closed by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4845>07:19
mvomborzecki: curious why is 4942 marked as blocked? it looks like its ready to go in, no? modulo the small ugliness in the journal but thats ok IMO for now07:20
mborzeckimvo: heh, forgot about the label :) let me fix that07:21
mborzeckimvo: squash merge right?07:21
mvomborzecki: yes please07:24
mupPR snapd#4942 closed: cmd/snap: user session application autostart v3 <Squash-merge> <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4942>07:27
mupPR snapd#5029 opened: cmd/snap: user session application autostart v3 (2.32) <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5029>07:34
mupPR snapd#5030 opened: packaging/amzn2: initial packaging of 2.32.3 for Amazon Linux 2 <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5030>07:34
mborzeckineed more coffee07:35
mupPR snapd#5020 closed: errtracker: check for whoopsie.service instead of reading /etc/whoopsie <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5020>07:35
zygamborzecki: question about 5030, why are we using /var/lib/snapd/snap there?07:37
mborzeckizyga: it's very rhel like and also lists `ID_LIKE="centos rhel fedora"` in /etc/os-release07:38
zygaso just because?07:39
mborzeckizyga: yeah, we already have the right switches to cover rhel/fedora07:39
zygasure but we can add a new distro to the list07:40
zygaand just use /snap07:40
mupPR snapd#5031 opened: errtracker: check for whoopsie.service instead of reading /etc/whoopsie (2.32) <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5031>07:41
mborzeckizyga: no strong opinions here, this just saves vetting DistroLike switches and there's one rpmlint warning less07:43
zygaI'd go for /snap07:43
zygamborzecki: added three comments07:49
mborzeckizyga: thanks07:49
zygawillcooke: hey, there's an issue that skype crashes wayland on startup08:01
zygais that something on anyone's radar on your team?08:01
willcookezyga, oh, no, not something I was aware of08:02
Chipacazyga: why do you torture yourself with wayland :-)08:03
zygawillcooke: just login into wayland ssh in and look at the journal08:03
zygarun Skype and boom08:03
zygaChipaca: x11 corrupts screen on my thinkpad08:03
zygaChipaca: not sure why, wayland works better for that08:03
zyga(apart from taking down gnome-session when things go)08:03
Chipacazyga: intel board?08:03
om26erpopey: ping08:03
zygaChipaca: my thinkpad08:03
popeyom26er: good morning08:04
om26ergood day popey :)08:04
popeyom26er: I spoke to the store team, turns out we cannot rename snaps, so we should publish s-t and remove s-t-308:04
Chipacazyga: btw is the fix for #1760841 in a core already?08:04
mupBug #1760841: snapd does not parse /etc/fstab properly when using mhddfs <Snappy:Fix Committed by zyga> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1760841>08:04
zygaChipaca: yes, it's in .308:04
om26erpopey: so lets merge that one then ?08:05
om26erwell actually my current "ping" was for https://github.com/snapcrafters/android-studio/pull/19 :)08:05
mupPR snapcrafters/android-studio#19: Fix app startup based on latest snapcraft changes <Created by om26er> <https://github.com/snapcrafters/android-studio/pull/19>08:05
om26erpopey: android studio release that we pushed yesterday won't start so this fixes it08:08
om26erspeaking of which, I think if we(I) enable the CI for that snap, we won't have that kind of issue again.08:09
om26er"build and try to run"08:10
zygaChipaca: some comments on 502708:17
zygaand sorry for the branch summary change ;)08:17
zygalol :D08:18
zyga10 best patches you read this week08:18
willcookezyga, confirmed.  LP: #176295408:22
mupBug #1762954: Running the skype snap under the Wayland session crashes the whole session <amd64> <apport-bug> <bionic> <wayland-session> <gnome-shell (Ubuntu):New> <snapd (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1762954>08:22
zygathank you!08:22
willcookenp, thanks for the ping08:22
zygaprobably a good chunk of our users will just use wayland for some reason and will bump into this08:23
zygathanks for the review on 495708:24
zygaI'll get right to it08:24
Chipacawillcooke: zyga: FWIW I think there's already a bug for that issue08:31
Chipacaor is it an issue for that bug08:31
Chipacaah, maybe i'm thinking of https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/skype-crashes-gnome-on-ubuntu-18-04/492708:32
mupPR snapd#5031 closed: errtracker: check for whoopsie.service instead of reading /etc/whoopsie (2.32) <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5031>08:33
Chipacaor https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/vs-code-makes-shell-crash/436208:35
Chipacawillcooke: zyga: from that last one, https://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy/+bug/176025208:36
mupBug #1760252: starting slack crashes xwayland on 18.04 <bionic> <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1760252>08:36
willcookeso generally classic snaps then08:36
Chipacaon wayland08:36
Chipacai mean, it's wayland (or xwayland?) that crashes08:36
zygamaybe bundled lib input?08:36
willcookeyeah, was just looking at that, seems like it could be xwayland08:37
* willcooke uploading stack traces08:37
zygait was xwayland from what I've seen08:37
Chipacacall me ornery but imo if a client can crash wayland, there might be a bug in the client but there is a bug in wayland08:38
willcookeone or two08:38
Caelumzyga: sorry, looks like the problem disappeared08:38
zygano worries, what was the problem?08:39
Caelumsnaps weren't starting from gnome app menu08:39
willcookek, hopefully LP will do some retracing and I will tidy up all the various bugs once that's happened.08:42
willcookeOff to the office now, will be back later on08:42
zygasure, thank you willcooke08:42
seb128willcooke, you are on a wayland session?08:42
willcookeseb128, I was to test that08:43
seb128oh, k08:43
* Chipaca is off to the dentist's. ttfn!08:52
popeyom26er: ok.09:09
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=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
mupPR snapd#4957 closed: cmd/snap-update-ns: remove the need for stash directory in secure bind mount implementation <Created by jhenstridge> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4957>09:46
mupPR snapd#5032 opened: repo: pass and return ConnRef via pointers <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5032>09:46
zygapstolowski: why by pointer?09:47
pstolowskizyga: to save on passing, that was pointed out by pedronis in interface hooks review09:48
zygamvo: is .4 ready?09:54
mvozyga: .3.109:55
mvozyga: yes it just got pushed to xenial-proposed and once my test builds finished also to the other releases09:56
zyga3.1? is that a deb only or a real upstream release?09:56
mvozyga: its pretty small and *finally* use git-buildpackage which makes me incredible happy09:56
zyganice, thank you!09:56
mvozyga: its deb only but we could still put it into the beta channel for consistency09:56
zygais that only the OOM thing?09:57
mvozyga: either way .4 needs to wait a little bit until we are sure we don't need to do anything for 2.32.3, i.e. no regressions09:57
mvozyga: a little bit more, one sec09:57
zygashould it be on releases page on GitHub?09:57
mvozyga: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/blob/
zygamvo: let me know when you push the tag09:58
mvozyga: probably, I'm a bit hesitant because .4 will happen soon and I don't want to put too much burden on the downstream packagers but otoh I think its more correct to have a release on GH09:58
mvozyga: it is pushed09:58
zygaI can drop it on the release page09:58
mvozyga: also the release script can now be simplified because the orig.tar.xz is sane now (snapd-
zygawhee, good09:59
zygaso orig.tar.gz doesn't need renaming internally10:00
mvozyga: yeah, I upload the file to the ppa in a sec10:02
pedronismvo: we should discuss at the standup when to cut .410:06
mvopedronis: +110:07
mvopedronis: my strawman would be tomorrow morning10:07
mvopedronis: but happy to discuss10:07
mborzecki14.04 journalctl, no --show-cursor, no --after-cursor, no --identifier, damn10:16
zygalack of cursor sucks10:19
mborzeckidoes anyone mind not running user session app autostart spread test on 14.04?10:19
zygait's fine, 14.04 was supposed to be server-only10:22
mborzeckimvo: want me to look into #5029?10:28
mupPR #5029: cmd/snap: user session application autostart v3 (2.32) <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5029>10:28
zygamborzecki: want to look at https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/503310:39
mupPR #5033: cmd: generalize locking to global, snap and per-user locks <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5033>10:39
zygait's very straightforward10:39
mupPR snapd#5033 opened: cmd: generalize locking to global, snap and per-user locks <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5033>10:39
mupPR snapd#5034 opened: userd: set up journal logging streams for autostarted apps <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5034>11:07
pstolowskimborzecki: hey, how do we go vendor stuff in fedora? it's seems to be the only one unhappy about my new dependencies (go-udev..)?11:14
mborzeckipstolowski: which pr?11:15
zygapstolowski: we package11:15
pstolowskimborzecki: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/494011:15
mupPR #4940: RFC: added UDevMonitor for future hotplug support <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4940>11:15
pstolowskizyga: package as separate rpm for every go package we need?11:16
zygapstolowski: package according to the way we need to in fedora, yes11:16
mborzeckipstolowski: btw. do have a solution for go-dev already? other deps from from rps11:16
mborzeckiand iirc go-udev was not packaged for fedora yet11:17
pstolowskimborzecki yes, that's very probable, it's a small and not very popular project i think11:17
zygagofed is pretty nice11:17
pstolowskizyga. mborzecki ok, if that's the case then I think I need a general +1 on the PR first before investing time into packaging (it's ~3 go packages as go-udev pulls others)11:18
mborzeckianyways i think the tests were using vendored deps on fedora11:18
mborzeckipstolowski: do you know what the transitive deps are? govendor list -v should show it11:19
Son_Gokumborzecki, they'd better not be11:28
Son_GokuI delete the vendor directory in prep11:28
Son_GokuI've already had that happen once and found out that we were testing Fedora wrong11:29
mborzeckiSon_Goku: yeah, saw that, i'm thinking of something to just unblock spread in that pr11:29
mborzeckior maybe we should just package go-udev for fedora and submit it for review11:29
Son_Gokuif you package the godeps, I'll review and merge them into the archive11:29
Son_Gokuas zyga knows, I can be very fast with go package reviews11:30
Son_Gokuand go deps are easy to package because the gofed tool does nearly all the work11:30
mborzeckii can probably take a look, unless pstolowski you want to give it a 'go' :)11:31
pstolowskimborzecki: happy to do it, although as I said perhaps it makes sense to get general +1 on using go-udev first, because it hasn't been decided yet11:32
Son_Gokudependencies aren't free :)11:33
mborzeckipstolowski: hm thought we were already good with using it11:33
mupPR snapcraft#2058 closed: python plugin: install python-distutils when run on bionic <bug> <Created by bjornt> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2058>11:35
pstolowskimborzecki: I'm not sure, Gustavo hasn't yet commented on the branch (and on the HLD)11:35
pstolowskiSon_Goku: thanks for the hints!11:36
mborzeckigofed is in .... python?11:37
Son_Gokumost of Fedora tooling is in Python11:37
Son_Gokumost of openSUSE tooling is in ruby :P11:37
Son_Gokuand most of Debian tooling is in Perl11:38
mupPR snapcraft#2062 closed: packaging: simplify snapcraft.yaml <enhancement> <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2062>11:47
mborzeckiSon_Goku: gofed generates a busted spec, https://paste.debian.net/1019710/ there's no newline after %changelog11:57
Son_GokuI know :/11:58
Son_Gokuthe changelog entry is also wrong11:58
mborzeckiother than that the rpm gets built :)11:59
mborzeckioff to pick up the kids, coming back for standup12:01
pedroniscachio: mvo:  I'm looking again at tests again staging,   seems we need to copy canonical-livepatch to staging, and test-snapd-only-in-edge12:02
pedroniswe probably want to copy core from edge to edge as well12:03
cachiopedronis, sure,I'll do it12:07
pedroniscachio: once we have solved the cred problems with spread-cron, we should revisit the various store tests branches there and add back staging I think12:08
cachiopedronis, ok, we could have a nightly exec12:08
pedronisI think we could trigger on store deploys12:08
pedronisbut we'll see12:09
pedronisprobably next week at this point12:09
Chipacawhoo, dentist anesthetic waring off12:25
* Chipaca is not having fun12:25
Chipacawearing off*12:25
cachiopedronis, my internet is so slow today12:41
cachioit is taking long time to upload the core12:41
=== sergiusens_ is now known as sergiusens
cachiopedronis, snaps ready12:59
Chipacapedronis: standup?13:03
mborzeckisomething new: 2018-04-11 11:08:43 Cannot allocate linode:fedora-27-64: cannot allocate new Linode server for fedora-27-64: no open slots for this plan!t13:13
mborzeckipstolowski: sorry, i've just restarted the travis build in 494013:25
pstolowskimborzecki: np, it's going to fail unless you pushed something to the branch?13:32
mborzeckipstolowski: no, i did not, it's going to fail ;)13:33
pstolowskiok ;)13:33
pedronismvo: should I squash-merge #5002 given that it has many commits?  otoh it means that the next two might need to be changed because of conflicts with the squash14:11
mupPR #5002: many: use the new install/refresh /v2/snaps/refresh store API (2.32) <Critical> <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5002>14:11
mvopedronis: no squash please14:11
mvopedronis: this will be a super messy merge back otherwise14:11
mvopedronis: thanks14:12
mupPR snapd#5002 closed: many: use the new install/refresh /v2/snaps/refresh store API (2.32) <Critical> <Created by pedronis> <Merged by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5002>14:13
pedronismvo: merging14:13
mupPR snapd#5022 closed:  overlord/snapstate: on multi-snap refresh make sure bases and core are finished before dependent snaps (2.32) <Critical> <Created by pedronis> <Merged by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5022>14:14
pedronismvo: my 2.32 stuff is merged14:16
mupPR snapd#5021 closed: overlord/snapstate: introduce envvars to control the channels for bases and prereqs (2.32) <Created by pedronis> <Merged by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5021>14:16
mvopedronis: thank you14:18
mvomborzecki: 5029 needs a review - just double checking that its the right commit etc14:19
mupPR snapd#4840 closed: many: add `core.problem-reports.disabled` option <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4840>14:20
* cachio afk14:26
mupPR snapd#5029 closed: cmd/snap: user session application autostart v3 (2.32) <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5029>14:29
sergiusensWimpress and kenvandine does this (https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/snap-application-and-snap-themes/4946) not somewhat align with what was discussed around a month ago? That theme does a bit more, I'll let you comment on that though :-)14:39
kenvandinesergiusens, yes, i replied with a link to jamesh's post14:46
mupPR snapd#5035 opened: release: snapd 2.32.4 <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5035>14:49
zygaChipaca: hey, could you look at https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/503315:01
mupPR #5033: cmd: generalize locking to global, snap and per-user locks <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5033>15:01
zyganothing major15:01
sergiusenskenvandine: your the man!15:03
diddledanwho fancies digging into snapcraft? https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/error-while-building-argument-list-too-long/494815:12
kyrofadiddledan, yuck15:14
diddledanI aim to please :-p15:14
kyrofadiddledan, can you try on edge?15:14
diddledanI did15:14
diddledanthe second paste15:14
kyrofadiddledan, scriptlets give better errors there15:14
* kyrofa scrolls down further15:14
kyrofaDang, still not helpful15:15
kyrofadiddledan, but yeah, I'll own this one15:16
diddledandid you look at the yaml yet? ;-)15:16
diddledana mere snip at 1350 lines15:16
kyrofadiddledan, no, you're scaring me15:16
* kyrofa cries15:16
* diddledan cuddles kyrofa 15:17
Chipacadiddledan: hey, at least three of those lines are comments now15:17
kyrofadiddledan, ignoring the actual cause, the fact that this is so opaque is problematic. In an ideal world, how would this be presented to you?15:25
diddledanwell to begin with I think actually telling me what command was being executed would help me to understand what it's doing when it fails15:25
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diddledanat least then I'd be able to determine whether there is a workaround while the problem gets fixed15:26
diddledanI guess it would also help me discern whether it's my fault with wonky build configuration or an endemic problem with snapcraft itself15:28
Chipacazyga: is #5033 part of not landing new stuff?15:29
mupPR #5033: cmd: generalize locking to global, snap and per-user locks <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5033>15:29
pedronisChipaca: it was proposed in the morning15:29
niemeyerpstolowski: Do you want to have a call in a few mins to discuss it?15:33
zygahaha, but that was posted in the morning15:33
zygano more newies15:33
pstolowskiniemeyer: what is that?15:34
niemeyerWe tried to have a call on Monday but it didn't work.. wondering if you'd like to discuss now.. there's not hurry since per the meeting we should be stabilizing until next week15:35
pedronismvo: I completely missed  that 2.32.4 is now in beta15:37
noise][pedronis: .4 has new refresh API?15:38
pedronisnoise][: yes15:39
pstolowskiniemeyer: ah, about udev? if so then yes, i'd be happy to do it in a moment15:40
mvopedronis: it happend ~15sec ago15:45
mvopedronis: ok, maybe a bit longer but armhf literally finished in the last 5min15:45
pedronisI just saw it in info for amd6415:45
mvopedronis: yeah, that finished ~ 15min ago or so15:46
mvojdstrand: bad news, the issue https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/oom-for-interfaces-many-on-bionic-i386/4101 is back it seems https://objectstorage.prodstack4-5.canonical.com/v1/AUTH_77e2ada1e7a84929a74ba3b87153c0ac/autopkgtest-bionic/bionic/i386/s/snapd/20180411_152411_beda4@/log.gz is the most recent autopkgtest, we added a check for lowmem and it seems like its running out of low kernel mem during the tests15:49
mvojdstrand: for refrence this is from http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html#snapd15:50
zygalow memory is that special area that is below 4G (not-PAE) or is that the special memory limit so that PCI devices can map it with their limited address space?15:50
zygajdstrand, jjohansen: do we have any news on the kernel memory leak when apparmor profiles are unloaded/reloaded15:51
zygamvo: I have alternative solution that would make that test pass15:51
zygamvo: but it's new code and definitely risky at this stage15:51
zygamvo: I talked about this to jdstrand without association to the leak issue that I was unaware of at the time15:51
zygamvo: I need to double check by looking at the test first15:52
zygabut the general idea is that we would defer apparmor parser invocation until end of transaction15:52
mupBug #1763071 opened: Error message installing a paid snap as unauthenticated user <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1763071>15:52
zygamvo: now we run it way more often than needed, in some cases15:53
mvocachio: all well with the sru validation so far?15:54
zygamvo: actually, I think it would not help with this issue but let me read this more carefully :/15:55
zygamvo: no, it would not help here15:57
zygaSon_Goku: 2.32.4 is out15:58
zygaSon_Goku: how is that server WG proposal coming along15:58
zygacan I help in writing down the plan somehwere?15:59
Son_GokuI will have something drafted in a few minutes16:00
Son_Gokugotta grab lunch :)16:00
mvozyga: thanks, well, we need to figure out what is going on. it also relatively new16:00
zygaaww, my pohne just died16:01
mvozyga: lets see if we also see it in artful16:01
zygaSon_Goku: awesome, I'll say in touch16:01
mvozyga: that can't be - its an iphone ;)16:01
zygaI forgot to charge it yesterday16:01
zygamvo: but I take the joke16:01
zygamvo: still, way happier with it than with my android phones16:02
mvozyga: I know, just teasing16:02
zygamvo: the current software shows battery health now and it claims my battery is at 83%16:03
zyganot so low that I'd be tempted to replace it yet16:03
* zyga -> grocieres16:04
zygamvo: and btw, thinkpad modems are worth every penny :)16:04
zygaI love working outside16:04
* mvo hugs zyga 16:04
popeymvo: i have had a user ping me that they have a serious issue when installing a snap and had a full lock up and reboot16:36
popeywondered if i get them in here you or someone else on the team might be able to help if you're around16:36
popeythe machine may have state info on it that could help debugging perhaps?16:37
mupPR snapd#4832 closed: tests: move fedora 27 to google backend <Created by sergiocazzolato> <Merged by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4832>16:37
pedronispopey: do we know with what version and what snap?16:38
pedronisa full lock and reboot is quite a lot16:38
pedronisI mean snapd version16:38
popeypedronis: a snap he made, he installed devmode16:38
popeynot yet, he's booting a live cd now16:38
popeywill hopefully drop by here soon16:38
ogra_out of diskspace ?16:38
=== jkridner|pd is now known as jkridner_
=== jkridner_ is now known as jkridner__
popeywe'll see.16:41
=== jkridner__ is now known as jkridner
* zyga is back from shopping16:45
zygapopey: I could help16:45
zygapopey: ping me if you have anything I can jump on16:46
popeythanks. he's having trouble getting online16:46
* zyga hopes vmware workstation will work on the next wave of LTS distros16:49
zygaI cannot use the zoo of libvirt-based things as they all are more or less broken in more or less obvious ways :/16:50
pstolowskiSon_Goku: what's the process of proposing go-udev package in fc once i've it ready (currently spinning fc27 vm up)? do you have a wiki describing it?16:52
suebtHowdy, popey led me here:  I ran into the following issue with snap: I installed a package I created (daemon snap, devmode) but unfortunately it led to completely locking up/freezing the whole system. After some time I did a hardware shutdown and tried to reboot. The system starts until displaying the cursor but then completely locks up/freezes again (tried several times now). Is there anything I can do to try debug this issue before tr16:53
popeyzyga: ^16:54
Son_Gokupstolowski: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Package_Review_Process17:05
pstolowskiSon_Goku: thanks17:05
Son_Gokupstolowski, zyga and kyrofa can walk you through it too, as they've both done it17:06
kyrofapstolowski, yeah, docs are pretty good, let me know if you want any help17:06
jdstrandmvo (cc zyga and jjohansen): we never did anything about that leak. the conclusion was that while there was a small apparmor leak, it was just that. I recorded that in the forum. jjohansen was going to look at the small leak17:10
jdstrandmvo (cc jjohansen): zyga's idea of batching the loads makes a lot of sense to me-- I think it would might help with timeouts in the spread tests (separate issue)17:11
jdstrands/would might/might/17:11
pstolowskithanks kyrofa! I think i'll attack this tomorrow morning; do you have a link to any of your specs? i wonder how much cleanup is expected from the gofed-generated spec17:11
kyrofapstolowski, totally, although I'm not sure I'd suggest mine as model specs, haha. Let me get them for you17:11
pstolowskikyrofa: if it passed the review, it's model ;)17:12
Son_Gokuyou can see zyga's packages17:12
Son_Gokuand kyrofa's: https://src.fedoraproject.org/user/kyrofa17:12
kyrofaYep, there you go. With git repos to everything17:13
pstolowskiawesome, thanks!17:13
Son_Gokuand then mine... https://src.fedoraproject.org/user/ngompa17:14
kyrofaDon't look at Son_Goku's, they'll make you feel inferior17:14
pedronisso we found another instance where there reading of snaps ignoring errors is hiding other problems17:16
popeyi believe zyga is away, pedronis are you able to help suebt ?17:21
pedronispopey: probably needs to boot into emergency mode and look around at logs , it's a bit hard to understand what from snapd would take over the system so much17:26
suebtHey pedronis. I'm currently logged into a live session on the machine. Can I access logs from there?17:27
ogra_suebt, that sounds a bit like your daemon simply goes mad17:29
ogra_do you have the surce for that snap public ?17:29
suebtYeah, I assume so. Could be constantly rebooting or something. Wondering whether snapd doesn't stop it at some point from doing that, though?17:30
Caelumzyga: you said there was some other gnome software that needs packaging, can I help with this?17:30
suebtNope, it's neither public nor finished yet, unfortunately, was just the first try of snapping it up ._.17:31
ogra_there are some self checks for snaps, but if the daemon first starts fine and then ... say ... fills up all RAM, snapd wont be able to do anything about that17:31
suebtogra_: yeah, right ...17:31
pedronissuebt: once is installed snapd mostly let the management be done by systemd17:31
pedronisfor services17:31
suebtOkay, is there any log I could check to find out?17:31
ogra_you should be able to just remove the systemd units from disk17:31
ogra_from your live session17:32
ogra_then you can reboot into your normal system17:32
pedronis/var/log/syslog  and  then  you would need to point journalctl from the live session to the logs on your main disk17:32
pedroniswhich should be possible, but I never tried myself it seems (I see there are relevant options though)17:33
ogra_well, syslog from disk should be enough17:33
ogra_at least if the daemon logs anything17:33
ogra_if it just goes crazy in I/O or fills your ram (just enough to not hit OOM) you might not see anything at all17:34
pedronisotherwise it seems   journalctl --root=your/main/disk/root ..  could help17:34
suebtOkay, thanks, I'm not seeing anything helpful, just a bunch of 00\00\00\00\00\00 at the end17:34
suebtOkay, well, when there are no additional snap-specific logs that could be helpful, I'll try to restore my system as you proposed ogra_. Thanks!17:36
pedronissuebt: btw it seems you can also disable your daemon    using   systemctl --root=...  disable  snapd.snap-service...17:37
ogra_snaps usually just log to logger ... which writes to syslog and journald ...17:37
ogra_oh, wow, i didnt know that one17:37
suebtoh ok, thanks ogra_ pedronis17:37
pedronisogra_: yea, haven't quite tried but apparently both journactl and systemctl can take an alternative root dir17:38
ogra_very cool17:38
suebtpedronis: systemctl --root worked just fine, so that was easier than I thought it would be. Thanks! Okay, will report in case I find anything interesting which is not related to my application going wild for some reason .-.17:42
ogra_make a wrapper script around your daemon that reports ram and disk usage or some such ... and prehaps add a timeout so you dont kill the system again17:44
zygaI'm home17:46
Caelumzyga: hey, you said earlier we need to package some other things for OS, can I help with any of that?17:46
zygayes, there is a glib wrapper for talking to snapd that is a dependency of gnome-software17:47
zygabut I think we should see what it would take to submit the package to factory17:47
zygaas the extra package I'm talking about won't work without snapd17:48
Caelumah ok17:48
Caelumwell let me know if you need help with anything17:48
pedroniszyga: seems there's a real bug where during install we think a snap is mounted but is not, somebody hit it with beta, but it's not a regression (it fails strangely because of the ignore error code we have in readInfo)17:51
pedronisit's rare though we have a report now and one from long ago , Chipaca might know more17:53
zygapedronis: interesting, so we think it is mounted and then go an and try to use it17:56
zygapedronis: I added some code that prevents snaps with snapInfo.Broken from entering the repository17:56
zygapedronis: but it is a new thing that landed in 2.32.3 first17:56
zygaCaelum: I think we should send a mail out to the packaging mailing list17:56
zygaCaelum: and propose the current incarnation of snapd17:56
zygaCaelum: and see what the response is17:56
pedroniszyga: but it fails much earlier in this case, we really need to revist readInfo17:56
pedronisand really decide when returning broken vs error makes sense17:57
zygaCaelum: I bet we will get some quick things like "change that, fix this" etc17:57
zygapedronis: I agree17:57
pedroniszyga: we did to support listing and removals17:57
zygapedronis: but I also think this is a secondary effect, we should understand what is wrong with mounting17:57
zygapedronis: yes, I remember17:57
pedronisbut right now it makes other places fail in very strange ways17:57
zygapedronis: for interfaces we should probably fail17:57
pedronisbecause they were never changed to look at broken17:57
pedronisnor tbh it makes a lot of sense for them17:58
zygapedronis: though now we kind of do (but again, since just a moment ago)17:58
pedronisthey would much better get an error17:58
pedroniszyga: yea, but it is earlier, it seems doMountSnap itself can explode (strangely because of the ignored error) on a not really mounted snap17:58
mvojdstrand: re oom> thanks for your update. so you say that apparmor leak is too small to trigger this oom situation and something else is mostly likely eating the lowmem?17:59
zygaCaelum: so I think we should definitely just do that17:59
pedroniszyga: it means do that our mount code has problems ,  we trust something that isn't correct (or yet something else is going on but unclear what)17:59
zygaCaelum: let's propose what we have17:59
zygaCaelum: and see what the feedback is18:00
zygaCaelum: can you do that?18:00
zygapedronis: I would like to know if it happens inside a container or inside a non-container18:00
zygapedronis: perhaps FUSE is the thing that makes it more "broken"18:00
pedronisI can ask about the last case18:00
zygapedronis: who was the last case? what do we know about it?18:01
pedronissomebody on the store team18:01
pedronisI'm asking him (but he was having lunch)18:02
pedroniszyga: not a container apparently18:03
zygathat's good information, so it probably is a generic issue18:03
zygaI'll get some tea, keep talking about what we know18:03
jdstrandmvo: that was the conclusion before: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/oom-for-interfaces-many-on-bionic-i386/4101/718:04
* zyga checks what systemd does for mount units in xenial18:05
jdstrandmvo: nothing was changed in apparmor wrt this. the fact that it went away and came back coupled with ^ suggests it is something else. I can't comment on the progress of the work to make the 30M smaller or the 2M leak go away18:05
pedroniszyga: he also said he remove the snap and reinstalled,  might also be some interaction between lazy detaching and remounting18:06
pedronismvo: somebody hit a old bug with the beta, seems we really have some corner cases in which SetupSnap returns without errors but the snap is not really mounted (yet)18:08
zygapedronis, mvo: let's add some simple code that after the mount call, checks18:09
zygawe can wait, raise red flags, etc18:09
zygaand then run it in a very long loop18:09
zygamaybe something will come up18:09
Caelumzyga: sure18:11
mvojdstrand: well, we have more tests I think it never went away we just didn't trigger it because we ran less tests. but fair enough, I start looking tomorrow again, its pretty important as it blocks us from entering bionic right now18:12
mvopedronis: oh, interessting18:13
zygamvo: is it easy to reproduce?18:13
cachiomvo, do you know who is the owner of the dragonboard-kernel snap18:13
cachiodragonboard-kernel_45.snap is getting stuck starting18:13
mvozyga: I think so, I think its a matter of installing removing a snap18:13
zygacachio: I think the kernel team owns all kernel snaps18:13
cachiozyga, do you know who?18:14
mvozyga: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/26xzSJ8NHJ/18:14
zygamvo: on which kernel? any?18:15
zygaspecifically i386 bionic?18:15
mvozyga: bionic/i38618:15
zygaok, I'll try to reproduce it now18:15
sergiusensjdstrand: hi there, we are having an isolated issue and might find it interesting if you could provide insight (snapcraft snap inside lxd). Here's a paste I have https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/mkhz73q7K7/ where on first run everything works but on a second one (where we do not install core nor snapcraft again) it fails with "cannot change profile for the next exec call: No such file or directory"18:16
mvozyga: also artful :/18:16
mvozyga: https://objectstorage.prodstack4-5.canonical.com/v1/AUTH_77e2ada1e7a84929a74ba3b87153c0ac/autopkgtest-artful/artful/i386/s/snapd/20180411_144134_835a7@/log.gz18:16
zygasergiusens: what prints that line18:16
zygacannot change profile for the next exec call: No such file or directory18:16
zygais that snap-confine?18:16
sergiusenszyga: running snapcraft18:16
sergiusenszyga: yeah, most likely18:17
zygasergiusens: right, but as a part of that you are runnig some snaps, right?18:17
zygacan you add export SNAP_CONFINE_DEBUG=yes please18:17
sergiusenssnapcraft is a snap18:17
zygaand reproduce18:17
zygamay be some hint18:17
zygawhat this tells us is that we're trying to switch to some profile18:17
zygabut that profile doesn't exist18:17
sergiusenszyga: yeah, not me, popey and it seems he can consistently reproduce. This also only happens for him on on lxd 3.0.018:17
zygayou can also get one more thing18:17
zygawhen it fials18:17
mvoniemeyer: hm, did spread change and is no longer compatible with go1.6 or something? I see in the xenial autopkgtest output: + go get -u github.com/snapcore/spread/cmd/spread18:17
mvopackage context: unrecognized import path "context" (import path does not begin with hostname)18:17
sergiusenszyga: yeah, interesting that it works on the first pass and fails on the second, so it seems something is lost on container stop/start18:18
zygawhen it fails run "sudo cat /sys/kernel/security/apparmor/profiles"18:18
zygasergiusens: yeah, likely so18:18
zygamvo: yes, spread changed and it is not compatible with go 1.6 anymore18:18
zygamvo: we discussed this last week18:18
sergiusenszyga: the `cat` inside the container or outside or is it irrelevant?18:18
mvozyga: right, the next question is - what can we do about it :)18:19
sergiusenszyga: also, snapcraft is classic, so there should be no profile to switch to, right?18:19
jdstrandmvo: with the way that interfaces are connected (run apparmor_parser after each snap connect/disconnect, even if a particular command has multiple interfaces rather than only running it once) and sooo many tests, I wonder if the leak, even though it is small, might compound and therefore aggravate the situation. I don't really know how the leak happens though, so that might be a question for jjohansen when he is around again. he seems timme shifted,18:19
zygamvo: we discussed this at length, one idea is to get the pre switch spread in a branch and build it for go 1.618:19
mvoniemeyer: anything we can do to make spread 1.6 compatible again? right now this blocks the autopkgtests in xenial. or should we use a fork for spread on xenial?18:19
mvozyga: right, did we discuss with gustavo?18:20
mvozyga: yet?18:20
zygamvo: no, not yet18:21
zygamvo: both you and gustavo were away at that time18:21
sergiusensmvo: you could probably enable backports and pin in your adt test to get the latest go18:22
mvojdstrand: ok, thank you. its late in my TZ but i can try to gather data tomorrow18:22
mvozyga: aha, indeed18:22
sergiusensor install the go snap, prior to enabling squashfuse to get the arches running in containers covered18:22
mvosergiusens: that is a good idea18:23
mvosergiusens: we don't support testing in containers currently so that is ok18:23
sergiusensunless spread is part of the packaging, then I have no ideas18:23
mvosergiusens: also 2.32 fixes the squashfuse issue :)18:23
zygasergiusens: actually, I don't think that is true18:23
zygasergiusens: classic has profiles, just very open18:23
* zyga checks18:23
zygasergiusens: yes, classic has profiles and is confined18:23
sergiusensmvo: but armhf runs in a container, or do you get special hw for adt?18:23
jdstrandmvo: did you see the bit about jjohansen time-shifted? looking back, it seems my comment may have been too long18:24
sergiusenszyga: ok, just a lean and mean one :-)18:24
mvosergiusens: we skip if we detect containers, we don't run tests there right now unfortunately18:24
zygajdstrand: do you know which timezone jj currently inhabits/18:24
mvojdstrand: heh, I did see that, thank you :)18:24
sergiusensmvo: ok, I was looking at installing squashfuse in debian/test/control to figure out if we could get that going18:25
jdstrandmvo: did you see the bit about jjohansen time-shifted? looking back, it seems my comment may have been too longwhen he is around again. he seems timme shifted, so you might ask him when you come online tomorrow"18:25
sergiusensI'll report back, as it might interest you (we currently skip build-snaps tests on armhf and such)18:25
jdstrandmvo: ok, you saw it, I'll stop trying to paste it :)18:25
mvoniemeyer: about spread and go1.6 - a fix in the spread upstream repo would be great as it would allow us to avoid another upload. if that is hard/impossible I can try to workaround it via installing a different go when building spread or using the snap or trying to be creative in other ways.18:26
suebtogra_, pedronis: Hey, regarding my lockup issue we just talked about: I found out that the application basically just crashes and exits. I just reproduced it with a one-line app that just panics and quits. Looks like snap by default makes daemons auto-restart in case of failure. Is it expected that this will lead to locking up the whole system when the app is quitting straight away?18:26
zygasuebt: hey, sorry for being absent earlier18:26
zygaI think system will back off eventually18:26
suebthey zyga, no problem :)18:26
zygabut even if you essentially create a "while true; crash; done" app18:27
zygait should not bring the system down18:27
suebtI can post the code, give me a sec18:27
jdstrandsergiusens: fyi, what zyga asked for is what is needed to understand what is happening. the profile (likely for the lxc command if I were to guess) seems to have been unloaded18:27
zygacan you provide as much information as possible please18:27
zygasuebt: oh, perfect18:27
zygajdstrand: maybe when the container is stopped and started something is off and apparmor profiles are not loaded18:27
zygamvo: I think the "stable quiet period" is a good thing for now18:28
zygawe have plenty of things to attack18:28
mvozyga: oh yes!18:29
jdstrandzyga (cc sergiusens): that's interesting and plausible. a snapd restart on container start would workaround that18:29
zygajdstrand: note that what is super odd18:29
zygajdstrand: is that snap-confine would say "aha, I'm not confined"18:29
zygajdstrand: and would bail out way before reaching that code18:29
zygajdstrand: so its own profile must have been loaded18:29
zygajdstrand: but it is only loaded by apparmor init scripts18:30
zygajdstrand: and whenever we install core18:30
zygajdstrand: so ... ?18:30
zygasomething is off18:30
zygawell, that's silly18:30
zygaor the profiles from /var/lib/snapd/apparmor are not loaded18:30
jdstrandsnapd will load it if it detects overlay or nfs too18:30
zygawe changed one thing recently18:30
suebtzyga: here you go: https://github.com/tim-sueberkrueb/snap-daemon-lockup-example I'm on Ubuntu 17.1018:30
zygawe have the system key18:30
jdstrandnot that this is the case, just mentionign that18:30
zygawe don't reload profiles like we used to do, all the time18:30
jdstranddoes reexec make sure it is there?18:31
jdstrandanyway, need more data18:31
zygasuebt: perfect, me too18:31
suebtget a live stick ready xD18:31
zygajdstrand: reexec yes but only when core is installed (that is during that operation)18:31
zygajdstrand: what I am saying is that now with the system key we are not loading profiles on startu18:31
zygajdstrand: so if there was a bug since forever in lxd18:31
zygajdstrand: it was masked18:31
zygajdstrand: but not anymore18:31
zygasuebt: my desktop runs 17.1018:31
suebtok, I just mean in case of locking your system up ^^18:32
zygasuebt: inspecting now18:32
suebtthanks :318:32
zygathank you for using snaps :)18:33
zygaand sorry for the bad experience18:33
* zyga loves rust18:33
suebtYeah, rust is awesome18:33
suebtjust started learning it though :)18:34
* suebt is still a noob in rust18:34
jdstrandI wonder if this is related to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apparmor/+bug/174646318:34
mupBug #1746463: apparmor profile load in stacked policy container fails <aa-kernel> <verification-needed-artful> <snapd:Triaged> <apparmor (Ubuntu):Confirmed> <linux (Ubuntu):Confirmed> <linux-gcp (Ubuntu):Fix Released> <apparmor (Ubuntu Xenial):Won't Fix> <linux (Ubuntu Xenial):Invalid> <linux-gcp18:34
mup(Ubuntu Xenial):Fix Released> <apparmor (Ubuntu Artful):Fix Committed> <linux (Ubuntu Artful):Fix Released> <linux-gcp (Ubuntu Artful):Invalid> <apparmor (Ubuntu Bionic):Confirmed> <linux (Ubuntu Bionic):Confirmed> <linux-gcp (Ubuntu Bionic):Fix Released> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1746463>18:34
jdstrandperhaps the kernel is out of date18:34
jdstrandsergiusens (cc zyga): ^18:35
jdstrandanyway, I need to move to another task now. if there is more data, we can look18:35
zygajdstrand: perhaps, good call18:35
zygasuebt: what does snap version say?18:37
zygaare you on 2.32.3/18:37
zygaok, installing now18:37
zyga(I hope it doesn't explode that hard :)"18:37
suebtok, hope you can reproduce it :D18:37
zygasuebt: nope18:38
zygait starts, it is restarted a few times18:38
zyganothing happens18:39
zygaI'm typing this from that system18:39
suebtWell, this is both good and bad ^^18:39
suebtHmm ...18:39
zygacan you ssh into your machine18:39
zygafrom something else18:39
suebtI didn't build it with cleanbuild18:39
zygarun journalctl -f18:39
suebtBut that doesn't make any difference18:39
zyganeither did I18:39
zygaand then install the snap18:40
zygaand let's see what you get18:40
sergiusensjdstrand: well popey is on kde neon18:41
jdstrandsergiusens: perhaps popey should be talking to us :) popey, make sure your kernel is up to date (there was a fix last week for the above bug) and try the lxd stuff again18:41
Pharaoh_Atemzyga: review? https://paste.fedoraproject.org/paste/IBruVUkBu79voKY439~bOg18:46
suebt_zyga: uhm, ya, writing this from the other machine: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/nxqmQydfrp/ that's all18:46
sergiusensjdstrand: heh, I wanted to rule out snapcraft any lxd interaction, but it seems the error is not snapcraft originated (while it is snapcraft driven)18:46
zygaPharaoh_Atem: ack18:47
zygasuebt_: nothing there, what happens with your system18:47
zygais the ssh session dead?18:47
suebt_Yep it is xD18:47
suebt_it completely locked up again18:47
suebt_The other suebt just died18:47
jdstrandsergiusens: yeah, I think it is how snapcraft is driving lxd that is uncovering the issue18:47
zygaI wonder if your kernel crashed18:47
zygais it a laptop/desktop?18:47
zygado you have a screen18:48
suebt_It's a laptop.18:48
zygacan you reboot it18:48
zygago to vt418:48
zygaor something without X18:48
zygalog in into the consoel18:48
zygassh in remotely18:48
zygatrigger the error remotely18:48
zygaif the kernel crashed there's bound to be something on the tty18:48
sergiusensjdstrand: so the line that fails almost looks like `lxc exec <container-name> -- snapcraft`18:48
suebt_Okay, will try18:48
zygasuebt_: ok, perfect, thank you18:49
zygaPharaoh_Atem: reading now18:49
jdstrandsergiusens: yeah, that is what I figured18:49
sergiusensjdstrand: the difference from the first run and second is that on the first run we snap install core and snapcraft while on the second run it is already there (so we do not install)18:49
* jdstrand nods18:49
sergiusensjdstrand: and it works for me too; but I did not go through an upgrade path of 2.0 to 3.0.0 as he has (I installed 3.0.0 from scratch)18:50
sergiusensoh, and I am on bionic18:50
zygasergiusens: that hints at the fact that core installation triggers profile setupo18:50
jdstrandsergiusens: I did go from 2 to 3. what do I need to do to reuse the container? (I use cleanbuild all the time)18:51
jdstrandthat said, I suspect it has nothing to do with lxd18:51
sergiusensjdstrand: look at the top of the paste for the feature flag18:51
sergiusensexport SNAPCRAFT_CONTAINER_BUILDS=118:51
sergiusensit behaves like a local build but inside a container, so you can run `snapcraft pull` and it will do the pull in the container and you get to see the bits locally18:52
jdstrandsergiusens: that's nice18:53
jdstrandsergiusens: yes, it works fine here (bionic)18:54
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jdstrandsergiusens: I'd like to see what kernel popey has18:54
sergiusensok, we can probaly use a smaller test case for this when he's back by installing a small classic confined snap and go with that18:55
jdstrandsergiusens: a good reproducer would be nice. that said, I can snapcraft twice on a small snap just fine and fast18:57
zygaPharaoh_Atem: it looks good19:01
zygalet me think if there's anything to tweak19:01
suebt_Hey zyga: On the laptop screen I get: "watchdog: BUG: soft lockup - CPU#3 stuck for 22s! [snap-exec:10B49] ..."19:02
zygalet it run19:02
zygait's not dead19:02
suebt_how long should I let it run?19:02
zygaI wonder what's the kernel shortcut to get a backtrace from stuff19:02
zygaa few minutes19:03
zygalooks like a deadlock19:03
zygasuebt_: can you send me the snap you are running19:03
zygathe built one19:03
zyga(next time after reboot)19:03
zygabut don't reboot yet19:03
zygaand uname -a19:03
zygaand tell me if you have any kernel modules you've built from source or dkms19:04
suebt_Sure, as soon as I'm able too reboot again. Okay, then I'm going to wait 5 more minutes?19:04
zygaPharaoh_Atem: +1 from me19:04
zygaI think it's a start of a new era :)19:05
zygasuebt_: yes, I think there's a keyboard combo that can be useful19:05
zygabut I don't recall it19:05
mborzeckizyga: sysrq?19:05
zygamborzecki: do you know which one panics the kernel or shows something useful (backtrace)19:06
mborzeckihmm i have muscle memory for sending one over uart ;)19:06
mborzeckizyga: echo l > /proc/sysrq-trigger19:06
mborzeckizyga: https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git/tree/Documentation/admin-guide/sysrq.rst#n5119:07
mupIssue snapcraft#2026 closed: Implement a passthrough feature <bug> <enhancement> <Created by sergiusens> <Closed by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/issue/2026>19:08
mupPR snapcraft#2053 closed: meta: implement pass-through of properties to snap.yaml <Created by kalikiana> <Merged by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2053>19:08
zygamborzecki: do you know what to press on suebt_'s keyboard to get useful backtrace?19:08
mborzeckizyga: On x86   - You press the key combo :kbd:`ALT-SysRq-<command key>`. and then l or t, probably l if it's a lockup19:09
zygaPharaoh_Atem: can you please cross-post this to the forum19:10
zygasuebt_: ^^ what mborzecki said19:10
zygacan you try?19:10
suebt_okay, sure, so alt print l?19:11
mborzeckisuebt_: did it work?19:14
suebt_hmm nothing happens, maybe I try the wrong combo for my laptop19:14
suebt_tried alt+print+l19:15
mborzeckiif it's a laptop you may need to press Fn+prtscr19:15
suebt_Nothing, also tried with the external keyboard19:15
mborzeckihm it may be disabled then :/19:16
mborzeckion arch & thinpad x220, it's press alt, press Fn, press prscr, release prscr, release fn, press l, and then ther's a nice message in dmesg "This sysrq operation is disabled"19:17
mupIssue snapcraft#2064 opened: Support for set-grade <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/issue/2064>19:20
suebt_in the lenovo forum FN + S seems to be also a thing, but that doesn't work either19:21
suebt_okay, meh, sorry, then I'll reboot now, I gues?19:22
zygasuebt_: yeah, go for it19:24
zygasuebt_: send me uname -a19:25
zygaand your snap19:25
zygaI will look into it19:25
zygabut not tonight, I have some high priority work now19:25
suebt_okay, will provide the info you requested in a few minutes, thanks!19:29
Pharaoh_Atemzyga: why would I post this to the forum?19:31
Pharaoh_Atemthis is the email I'm going to send to server WG19:31
zygaPharaoh_Atem: cross post, this is a big and important topic19:31
zygathis way people will know it happens19:31
* Pharaoh_Atem sighs19:32
Pharaoh_AtemI guess19:32
suebtsnap package: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1eXHPcZLn-lVFf38EWvke-k8SWflOW6l-19:34
suebtsystem info: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ZySVSw8GQn/19:34
suebtNo custom kernel19:34
suebtanything I forgot?19:34
suebtzyga ^^^19:35
zygaI'm on a custom kernel!19:36
zygaI'll boot to -38 and try19:36
zygathank you, that's all for now19:36
zygacan you hop in tomorrow19:36
zygaand check with us again please?19:36
suebtSure, I will try to be around 18 UTC :)19:37
suebt*18 pm19:37
suebt18 pm is not a thing nevermind xD19:38
suebtok, thanks!19:38
mvomeh, too late - I have the answer for sysreq on the new lenovo keyboards: https://mvogt.wordpress.com/2017/05/24/sysreq-on-lenovo-x250/ - oh well19:53
petanis there a way to display very old builds?19:53
petanI see only like last 1019:54
petanI need to check some like 100 builds ago19:54
mvopetan: snapcraft history <snapname> iirc19:55
mvomwhudson: did I mention today how great "snap install go --channel=1.6/stable" is?19:56
mvomwhudson: thank you so much for this19:56
popeyjdstrand: 4.13.0-37-generic. KDE neon19:59
* diddledan peeks20:03
mvoniemeyer: I pushed a possible fix for the spread go1.6 compat in https://github.com/snapcore/spread/pull/56 - as a stop-gap. if that is acceptable I can trigger the autopkgtests again on xenial (after that is merged of course). but please do let me know if you prefer a different approach20:10
mupPR spread#56: add go1.6 compatibility <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/spread/pull/56>20:10
niemeyermvo: What's that about?20:12
* niemeyer ooks20:12
mvoniemeyer: in a nutshell our autopkgtests on xenial are broken because they try to build spread with go1.620:12
niemeyermvo: That's an easy one20:13
niemeyermvo: It's in20:13
mvoniemeyer: \o/20:13
mvoniemeyer: man, thank you so much20:13
niemeyermvo: Thanks, and sorry for missing this earlier20:13
mvoniemeyer: I will trigger the tests to re-run now, thank you!20:14
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jdstrandpopey: linux (4.13.0-38.43) artful; urgency=medium20:31
jdstrandpopey: that ^ has the fix for the bug I mentioned. please upgrade to that and try again20:32
popeyjdstrand: I am on xenial20:53
jdstrandpopey: linux-hwe (4.13.0-38.43~16.04.1) xenial; urgency=medium21:08
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