
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
hays_hey i was trying out 18 beta in VM and for some reason sudo takes forever to give a password prompt.. any idea what this is?03:19
hays_saw this behavior basically right out of the box03:20
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Boyette‎hi guys04:07
Boyettei have a problem.. my thunderbird give: failed to connect to server04:08
Boyettei cant figure out whats wrong04:08
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Boyettei have a problem.. my thunderbird give: failed to connect to server07:18
BoyetteTB 52.6.0 x6407:18
Boyetteubuntu 18,0407:18
lotuspsychjeBoyette: are you sure nothing blocks, firewall/router?07:19
Boyetteyes 100%07:19
Boyetteonly thing what i can think of07:20
Boyetteif i go to ubuntu connection information07:20
Boyettei see virbr007:20
Boyettenever noticed this before07:20
ducassedoes it still give it error, or does it now crash like you said in #ubuntu?07:20
lotuspsychjeBoyette: can you start thunderbird from terminal please, lets see if we can catch usefull errors07:20
Boyetteand dont understand why its there and if thats normal07:20
Boyetteonly see in terminal07:22
Boyette[calBackendLoader] Using Thunderbird's builtin libical backend07:22
Boyettewhen i start that07:22
Boyettesame error07:23
Boyettekeeps loading07:23
erle-Boyette, I had the same with Thunderbird on 17.10 and after some time it worked again07:27
erle-Thunderbird is updated independently from Ubuntu releases07:27
Boyettehow long do i have to wait then?07:27
erle-It did not work for a week or so, but I had no time to investigate the issue07:27
Boyetteits very strange.. it stopped working last night after 11 pm07:28
erle-what mail provider?07:28
Boyettei have 4-5 different emailaccounts in there07:28
Boyettemost im hosting myself07:28
Boyette1 not07:28
Boyette1 gmail07:28
erle-I just wanted to say that it may be unrelated to 18.0407:28
Boyettewell i think its unrelated to thunderbird07:28
Boyettebut to ubuntu updates or qemu which i also tried to remove last night07:28
erle-with me only GMail made trouble07:28
erle-I was guessing that GMail was disabling some old authentication methods07:29
erle-but then it just worked again07:29
erle-Boyette, do you have multiple clients? for me one clue was that it did not work on one client, but still worked on another07:29
Boyetteyes multiple clients07:30
Boyettebut all dont work anymore07:30
Boyetteoh what do u mean by clients?07:30
erle-I mean PCs with Thunderbird07:30
Boyettei can try on another box07:32
Boyettebut for sure that will work fine07:32
Boyettehow about this bridge i mentioned is it supposed to be there?07:35
ducasseBoyette: it's used by libvirt, for virtualization tools07:38
Boyetteyes i read that07:39
Boyetteso i think this is related to qemu07:39
Boyettethe existings of the bridge07:40
Boyettebut if no virtualization tools are used it is not supposed to be there correct?07:41
cpaelzerBoyette: it is added on install of the virtualization stack07:41
cpaelzerit is the bridge that is part of libvirts "default" network07:42
cpaelzerbut it is just there and does nothing, unless used07:42
Boyetteso that cant be related to my issue?07:42
cpaelzerOTOH it provides a great eas-of-use and simplification for those using it07:42
Boyettebecause i somehow have the feeling it started to occur after trying to delete qemu07:42
cpaelzerBoyette: I don't think it would be related07:42
cpaelzer"trying to" somewhat feels like messing with conffiles and potentially affecting things07:43
Boyettehowever when i logon to my system i still get some libvirt qemu user showing aswell07:43
cpaelzera "apt remove" or "apt remove purge" of qemu and libvirt certainly won't affect it07:43
cpaelzerBoyette: yep - in general on packaging users/groups are usually not removed07:43
cpaelzerbecause there could be files somewhere owned by them07:43
cpaelzerand removing would make a readabla group/user name just a number07:44
Boyettehow can i remove that?07:44
cpaelzeralso if you reinstall the user later (unless it has a static id) it might conflict with itself (old uid != new uid)07:44
cpaelzerreally, leave the users as the remove of the package left them (in general)07:44
cpaelzerbut of course your are in control (tihs is linux) so if you want use userdel and such tools07:45
Boyettei dont like it to be showing on my logon screen all the time07:45
cpaelzerah on the login screen you mean07:45
cpaelzeryeah join the party in bug ...07:45
cpaelzer(just a sec)07:45
Boyettei dont care about some usertable but the esthetics :P07:46
cpaelzerhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libvirt/+bug/1667113 07:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 857651 in accountsservice (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1667113 Unable to hide users from login screen / user switcher" [High,Triaged]07:47
cpaelzerthe linked bugs and askubuntu contain manual masking of the user IIRC07:47
cpaelzerThis affects plenty of packages, essentially all system users07:48
Boyetteso no fix for that?07:48
cpaelzere.g. if you install ceph you'll also see ceph07:48
Boyetteits annoying :)07:48
cpaelzerI never said otherwise :-)07:49
cpaelzerbut as I said - local fix by config change is in the bug07:49
cpaelzerthe solution that applies depends on your login manager07:50
Boyettehow to determine which one im using?07:50
cpaelzerin /etc/X11/default-display-manager I think07:51
cpaelzerprobably lightdm for you?07:51
Boyetteyes 07:52
cpaelzerthen https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libvirt/+bug/1667113/comments/1807:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 857651 in accountsservice (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1667113 Unable to hide users from login screen / user switcher" [High,Triaged]07:53
Boyetteok thx07:54
Boyettestill my mysterious thundebrird problem is there07:54
Boyettei removed gmail account07:54
Boyettenow i dont get any error but everything keeps just loading forever07:55
* cpaelzer no thunderbird skill07:56
Boyettedont think anything changed in thunderbird07:56
Boyettebut thunderbird is just suddenly unable to connect 07:56
Boyetteand i think because something in ubuntu is preventing that07:57
lotuspsychjeBoyette: did you launch thunderbird from terminal? hastebin us the whole output plz?08:00
Boyettej@HQ:~$ thunderbird08:22
Boyette[calBackendLoader] Using Thunderbird's builtin libical backend08:22
Boyettethats all08:22
alkisgBoyette: does that happen if you add a new user and add your account there?08:24
Boyettehow do u mean add a new user?08:38
alkisgBoyette: if you can't find the GUI for that, one command is sudo adduser08:58
akikdo you know when the data collection choice will be introduced in bionic daily iso? it's not in 2018-04-11 version09:13
alkisgGuys now that Ubuntu defaults to Gnome, how different the Bionic desktop environment is, compared to Debian Stretch? What does Ubuntu add on top of stock Gnome? Of course I'm only asking about the DE, I do know the core differences...09:51
ferniehi, so how do you create ESP in this new subiquity installer, the only options are ext4,xfs,btrfs12:04
TJ-fernie: best to ask in #ubuntu-server12:04
bodie__hi, struggling with nvidia native drivers on bionic12:45
bodie__I've tried the supported ubuntu-drivers autoinstall solution12:45
bodie__after I complete the Gnome3 login, my kernel seems to hang12:46
bodie__I'm on 4.15.0-13-generic x64 on RyZen 1800x12:46
slidinghornbodie__: when you say "my kernel seems to hang" what exactly do you mean?12:47
bodie__I can get to the desktop if I remove the nvidia-390 driver, but I'm stuck with 1024x76812:47
bodie__slidinghorn: I haven't managed to pick apart the syslog yet but my reasoning for this is that my capslock key on my usb keyboard stops functioning12:47
bodie__slidinghorn: sometimes I'm able to get as far as a black desktop with a rendered mouse cursor, but again no inputs do anything and it appears to be completely stuck12:48
bodie__slidinghorn: I suppose that means my gpu driver is functioning but my input driver isn't :)12:48
bodie__it never progresses any further, usually it's just stuck on a black screen12:49
bodie__Sorry should've specified gtx1080ti12:49
bodie__anyway, I'm stuck and not sure where I should be looking for the next step.12:52
bodie__ax370 chipset12:55
bodie__fwiw, I had this all working on 17.1012:56
brainwashbodie__: same desktop session (gnome xorg)?12:58
bodie__brainwash: hmm, I thought so, but according to the internet a) wayland was the default in 17.10, and b) wayland doesn't work with nvidia native drivers, which I definitely was using, which leads me to conclude that it was xorg12:59
bodie__brainwash: I was just using the default gnome selection12:59
TJ-bodie__: can it boot cleanly to the console using systemd.unit=multi-user.target ?13:00
bodie__probably I had wrong conclusions about some of that, but I know it was using the native drivers because I installed and used them for cuda 13:00
bodie__I have commented out the ppa13:00
brainwashhaven't read through this, but maybe it's bug 175622613:00
ubottubug 1756226 in ubuntu-drivers-common (Ubuntu) "nvidia-driver-390 fails to start GUI" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/175622613:00
bodie__and uninstalled 'em13:00
bodie__brainwash: that looks somewhat hopeful13:00
bodie__TJ-: I'm booted into the console right now13:01
bodie__but this is after removing the native drivers13:01
bodie__TJ-: not sure if that answers the question13:01
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TJ-bodie__: I was trying to determine if it were purely an Xorg/GUI issue13:06
bodie__TJ-: I was thinking maybe I have an incompatible config left over from when I was using the CUDA nvidia PPA13:28
bodie__I'd run a dpkg --force-overwrite using their nvidia-390 driver after dist upgrading to bionic13:29
bodie__so it's definitely possible that's the culprit13:29
bodie__but after that I removed and purged all of that stuff13:29
bodie__so I'd think anything that install had written would've been reverted / removed then13:29
bodie__I'm just not well-versed enough in gnu/linux to know where to start picking this apart13:30
bodie__currently looking at the bug reports from brainwash13:30
TJ-check /var/log/Xorg.*.log  files13:40
akikxorg logs were moved to the home dir13:44
akik(if i remember right)13:44
slidinghornakik: I still have them in /var/log13:45
akikon a bionic vm i ran into this when trying to access it from /var/log13:49
brainwashakik: only if Xorg is run as non root13:51
akikbrainwash: do you mean with startx?13:55
bodie__TJ-: do I need to be concerned about fb/wfb being loaded? should I blacklist those?13:56
brainwashakik: I mean how Xorg is started (root vs non root)13:56
bodie__fwiw, I _do_ get to the graphical Gnome login screen at the correct native resolution13:56
bodie__it's just once I click "login" with the correct password that it freezes13:57
akikbrainwash: usually it's done with the dm. how else?13:57
brainwashthat is not the point13:58
brainwashXorg with or without root rights13:58
TJ-bodie__: OH! I think you've got the intel microcode bug.. did the system get a BIOS/firmware update recently?13:58
brainwashakik: "Xorg has traditionally always been suid root because it needed direct hardware access. With the advent of kms all hardware access is done by the kernel, so the primary reason for the X server running with root rights is no longer relevant."13:59
TJ-bodie__: we're seen a series of regressions on Dells especially, that have the intel microcode firmware update applied. I fix was found end of last week and should be getting out to the archives13:59
brainwashakik: the nvidia driver (still?) requires the traditional way14:00
brainwashakik: and therfore logs will be in /var/log14:00
bodie__TJ-: I'm on AMD x370 / RyZen on the firmware update where they made fast ram work.  I think it was revision 514:01
bodie__so, at least 3-6 months ago, iirc.  time has been passing a bit quick lately14:01
bodie__it's a Gigabyte motherboard.  I had some issues with the HD Audio front panel too.14:02
bodie__the biggest recent change to the system was the dist-upgrade to bionic :)14:03
bodie__besides getting cuda14:03
bodie__but that's all removed and purged now ...14:03
TJ-bodie__: OK, so not the intel microcode then!14:11
TJ-bodie__: we saw tens/hundreds of Dells affected and was tracked down to an attempt in a single code path to take an already-held lock, resulting in ...hang/freeze.14:13
TJ-bodie__: so it's possible you're seeing the same thing... the updated kernels should be out soon14:13
bodie__:think: :think: :think: 14:13
bodie__so, like, something I can give a shot with a kernel compile yet or nah?14:13
TJ-tyhicks was dealing with it and produced some test builds, I'm not sure atwhat point the fixes will get to the archives14:14
luxiferHi there. Anyone noticed an issue with systemd user units not creating a user journal? 14:15
fernieluxifer: what do you mean? journalctl --user prints output also from my user units14:21
luxiferfernie: doesn't for mine14:21
luxiferI've created a new system user, created a user unit with it and ran it14:22
luxiferhowever, neither systemctl --user status ... nor journalctl --user prints output from the process14:22
luxiferthe process is running fine though and a can see its output in the global journal14:22
slidinghornluxifer: have you tried the --user-unit option?  (source: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/109490/where-is-why-is-there-no-log-for-normal-user-systemd-services )14:26
TJ-bodie__: see bug #175992014:28
ubottubug 1759920 in linux (Ubuntu Artful) "intel-microcode 3.20180312.0 causes lockup at login screen(w/ linux-image-4.13.0-37-generic)" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/175992014:28
bodie__:+1: TJ- 14:28
TJ-bodie__: that lists where to find the kernels that fixed that issue, I think they are still in -proposed in some cases. Not sure if 4.15 has been patched also at this point, or if it needs it. You may have a different issue of course14:30
bodie__I wonder if there's a stable gentoo kconf I should just be trying instead14:39
bodie__seems like they often have good support for newer architectures14:40
bodie__and ryzen seems to have been a pain in the ass so far14:40
bodie__pardon my crassness14:40
ferniedisabling c-states from bios gets rid of the random crashes when mostly idling ..but then it crashes when resuming from suspend 14:42
luxiferslidinghorn: I have... to no avail14:54
luxiferbesides "journalctl --user" should print any user-journal available, shouldn't it?14:54
bodie__TJ-: do you know where I would find the events that occurred after I passed the Gnome login entry?15:02
bodie__TJ-: I think all of the events I'm looking at in the Xorg.0.log are from before I logged in, because I do get a graphical login, working mouse and kb, etc15:02
TJ-bodie__: possibly /var/log/kern.log if it's a kernel issue. $HOME/.xsession-errors15:02
bodie__there's nothing in kern.log from today15:04
bodie__that might just be me being dumb, hold up15:04
bodie__yeah I'd booted to the gui last night, not today15:05
bodie__I'll keep looking...15:06
bodie__hmm, okay, so at the end of my Xorg.0.log, when I last saw the unexpected behavior, I got a bunch of messages from "dix" saying I couldn't enable various devices (12,10,7,etc.)15:09
bodie__trying to sort out whether this is due to unplugging and replugging the USB, but I see messages later which correlate to that15:10
bodie__the "dix" messages came right after NVIDIA(0): Setting mode "DFP-6:nvidia-auto-select"15:10
bodie__and then a partial log message at the very end of the file15:11
bodie__TJ-: ^ 15:11
TJ-bodie__: not sure, but I know nvidia is a mess currently15:14
bodie__maybe I should try manually installing an nvidia driver without the ubuntu-drivers process15:16
TJ-that's more likely to mess things up!15:16
bodie__all I really know is it worked in 17.10.  15:23
bodie__I just wanted an updated zsh.... 15:24
bodie__I don't suppose I can roll back the dist-upgrade lol15:24
brainwashbodie__: I suggest filing a new bug report if you want the issue to be fixed16:51
TJ-bodie__: you might like to know there is a lot of work going on as we speak to solve the nvidia issue16:56
TJ-bug 1756226 16:56
ubottubug 1756226 in ubuntu-drivers-common (Ubuntu) "nvidia-driver-390 fails to start GUI" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/175622616:56
brainwashthat's the one I've linked before16:58
brainwashso, it's the same issue?16:58
TJ-Possibly, but devs are working on it currently17:00
bodie__I'm in the middle of trying to install the suggested items from bionic-proposed17:00
bodie__good to know TJ- :)17:00
bodie__is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/EnableProposed still current?17:01
bodie__I mean, substituting bionic for xenial17:02
bodie__there are many conflicting suggested solutions in 1756226.17:18
bodie__so, I tried installing the suggested packages from 1756226 bionic-proposed, but all of them were already up to date (after adding the deb in sources.list)18:12
bodie__(and updating)18:12
bodie__so, not sure where to go from here18:12
bodie__guess I could just run at 1024x768 without native drivers, or try nouveau, until the release18:13
naccbodie__: what packages (or which comment0?18:13
bodie__libglvnd0, xserver-xorg-core, and libgl1-mesa-glx18:13
bodie__this is with native nvidia drivers from ubuntu-drivers autoinstall18:13
naccbodie__: ... there is no mentione of those packages in that bug?18:14
naccbodie__: LP: #1756226 ?18:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1756226 in ubuntu-drivers-common (Ubuntu) "nvidia-driver-390 fails to start GUI" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/175622618:14
naccbodie__: the 'fix' there is to edit a config file18:14
bodie__sorry, this was from 175203318:14
bodie__LP: #175203318:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1752033 in KiCad "Track cleanup too aggressive" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/175203318:14
bodie__LP: #175205318:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1752053 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-390 (Ubuntu) "nvidia-390 fails to boot graphical display" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/175205318:15
bodie__53, not 2318:15
bodie__nacc, I'll go check that one... got mixed up18:15
naccbodie__: the 53 bug is fix released, so you don't need proposed for it18:15
bodie__nacc, the reason I didn't think 6226 would solve the problem is that I'm using a single gpu18:16
naccbodie__: some of the comments imply that even intel + nvidia setups had the problem18:17
bodie__nacc, I'm on a ryzen desktop with just the nvidia gpu18:18
naccbodie__: i'd still try, i guess -- dunno18:19
bodie__worth a shot18:19
bodie__nacc, I don't suppose it could have anything to do with drm/modeset?18:22
naccbodie__: it's certainly possible, you could try with nomodeset too18:23
bodie__I'm able to get to the login/wm picker, so does that mean the nvidia driver is working by that point?18:23
naccbodie__: yes, i think so18:23
bodie__OK, I'm ssh'd into the impacted system.  so I should be able to watch what happens when the login freezes18:57
bodie__I logged in and got the usual hanging login screen behavior, but the system is definitely not frozen18:59
bodie__dmesg doesn't have any relevant info19:00
bodie__perhaps this is relevant: NVRM: Your system is not currently configured to drive a VGA console19:00
bodie__               on the primary VGA device. The NVIDIA Linux graphics driver19:00
bodie__               requires the use of a text-mode VGA console. Use of other console19:00
bodie__               drivers including, but not limited to, vesafb, may result in19:00
bodie__               corruption and stability problems, and is not supported.19:01
slidinghorn!paste | bodie__ 19:01
ubottubodie__: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:01
bodie__my mistake19:05
TJ-bodie__: don't worry about that one, its due to nvidia not having a driver that can handle graphics-mode consoles19:11
TJ-bodie__: check in the Xorg.0.log where-ever it is !19:11
TJ-bodie__: which display manager? check either /var/log/lightdm/ or /var/log/gdm3/ I think it is19:12
bodie__TJ-: gdm is running19:23
bodie__TJ-: there's nothing in /var/log/gdm319:24
bodie__TJ-: what am I looking for in the xorg log?19:26
TJ-bodie__: any sign of problems !19:27
TJ-bodie__: it might be /var/log/gdm/ --- I don't use gnome so not sure19:27
bodie__that looks a bit odd that the session opened and closed so quickly19:28
bodie__restarting GDM didn't do much of anything19:30
bodie__can't seem to find the gdm logs19:31
bodie__gpu-manager.log looks normal19:31
bodie__boot.log looks OK19:31
TJ-someone said they can be in the user directory, possibly somewhere under $HOME/.local/19:32
akiki noticed that .Xauthority is not in home dir anymore but in /run/user/1000/gdm/Xauthority19:53
akikat least it has the same data19:55
TJ-good idea to move it to a tmpfs, stops the 'root owns users' file problem19:56
TJ-and it can't remain over a reboot19:56
bodie__graphical.target is active/active...20:11
bodie__is it possible there's some reason the nvidia driver just isn't seeing the displayport connected to the particular output of the gpu?20:11
TJ-it's possible. Is an X server running ( "ps -efly | grep Xorg" )  ?20:12
TJ-bodie__: if it is from a console can you do something like "xrandr -d :0 -qv"  (set -d to the display the Xorg instance shows is used by the ps command)20:13
bodie__yes, that lists 5 processes20:13
bodie__TJ-: what am I looking for?  It shows "xrandr program version       1.5.0"20:15
bodie__it's just waiting now20:15
bodie__oh, you mean --verbose.  that just hangs20:17
TJ-bodie__: xrandr should report the outputs and modes20:17
bodie__TJ-: the xorg process is /usr/lib/xorg/Xorg vt1 -displayfd 3 -auth /run/user/121/gdm/Xauthority -background none -noreset -keeptty -verbose 320:19
TJ-bodie__: weird, no display number shown20:19
bodie__I figured it was -displayfd20:19
TJ-bodie__: I see " /usr/lib/xorg/Xorg -core :0 -seat seat0 -auth /var/run/lightdm/root/:0 -nolisten tcp vt7 -novtswitch"20:20
TJ-bodie__: the display is the :0 20:20
bodie__TJ-: maybe there's some issue with users 20:21
akikthere's no :0 in bionic daily for Xorg process20:22
akiki have the same options than bodie__ 20:22
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bodie__still doesn't explain why my input devices aren't doing anything...  I don't think I've ever seen a keyboard with a nonfunctioning capslock except during boot20:30
bodie__TJ-: here's my xorg log... https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/fVHH6NK9yY/ the end looks a bit suspicious with the devices (including power button) removed20:36
bodie__"Power Button: device is a keyboard"20:37
bodie__> xinput --list / "unable to connect to X server"20:39
akikbodie__: maybe: env DISPLAY=:0.0 XAUTHORITY=/run/user/121/gdm/Xauthority xinput --list20:41
bodie__modprobe doesn't think libinput exists20:42
TJ-bodie__: could some of the kernel command-line options be affecting this? "vga=normal nofb nomodeset video=vesafb:off"20:46
TJ-bodie__: this Xorg.0.log was from the user's $HOME ? I ask because "[     7.152] (==) Log file: "/var/log/Xorg.0.log", Time: Wed Apr 11 14:56:22 2018"20:49
bodie__TJ-: no, from /var/log/Xorg.0.log20:58
bodie__akik: that just hangs20:58
TJ-bodie__: oh, good - thought the log file was lying !20:58
bodie__TJ-: possibly20:58
bodie__should I just remove those kernel flags?20:59
TJ-bodie__: it's worth a try but I don't think those are causing the X server issue else nvidia would be writing (WW) and (EE) into the log20:59
TJ-Could someone check if they're virt-manager installed, and if so, if gir1.2-spiceclientgtk-3.0  is also installed?21:05
naccTJ-: it appears i do21:07
TJ-nacc: maybe you can loan some brain cells then. Despite "apt-get install --reinstall --install-recommends virt-manager" "gir1.2-spiceclientgtk-3.0 " and "gir1.2-spiceclientglib-2.0" do not get installed21:08
TJ-they are Recommends of virt-manager21:08
naccTJ-: do any of the recommends get installed?21:08
TJ-libvirt-daemon-system is installed21:10
naccTJ-: if you remove it?21:10
TJ-that could be due to libvirt-bin though going by it's rdepends21:10
TJ-nacc: ahhh, it's --reinstall ... it ignores --install-recommends21:13
TJ-is that a bug?21:14
naccTJ-: i don't know :)21:15
bodie__OK, I'm sitting here at the login screen before attempting to log in, and the xorg log doesn't show the bit where input devices got removed21:15
bodie__keyboard, mouse, and display still working21:15
TJ-nacc: nor me! I'll report it and see what is said21:15
bodie__now's the time I should ask xorg questions21:15
tewardIs there a way to do a 16.04 -> 18.04 upgrade currently, or is `do-release-upgrade` not able to do this?  (Asking because of https://askubuntu.com/questions/1024147/cant-do-release-upgrade-d-from-16-04-to-18-04)21:17
naccteward: do-release-upgrade -d21:17
naccshould work21:17
tewardnacc: read the ask ubuntu post21:17
tewardOP of said post did that on a 16.04 box and got a different error21:18
nacchrm, maybe it's not possible until it releases21:18
tewardstating: "Upgrades to the development release are only available from the latest supported release."21:18
tewardnacc: that's what I thought.  who shoudl I be prodding for this question?21:18
teward-devel?  or the release team?21:18
naccteward: i'd ask bdmurry21:18
tewardnacc: thanks, I'll prod bdmurray21:19
naccteward: np21:19
mattflyis anyone able to hibernate ubuntu?21:19
mattflyi installled kernel 4.16.121:19
mattflyhave enough swap21:19
mattflyolder versions were hibernating21:19
mattflyso what is the problem21:19
mattflyboth pm-hibernate and hibernate doesnt work21:20
naccmattfly: so you're not using hte ubuntu kernel?21:20
mattflyit didnt work either21:20
mattflyI updated because on ubuntu 17.10 i had the same issue21:21
mattflybut updating the kernel to this one solved it21:21
naccmattfly: you said 'older versions were hibernating'21:21
naccmattfly: if you were not using the ubuntu kernel, then no, they weren't.21:21
mattflyany idea how to make it works?21:22
bodie__hmmmmmmm https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/qFWBz9BxKw/21:25
bodie__I nuked my xorg.conf21:25
bodie__then ran this21:25
bodie__same hang after installing xorg-dev and generating...21:27
luxiferabout the user journal issue I've asked about: It only seems to affect "system" accounts - i.e. UIDs < 100021:34
luxiferis this expected behavior or should I file a bug?21:36
mattflyanyone know how to hibernate ubuntu 18.0421:39
TJ-mattfly: 1. have a large enough swap partition/file 2. configure initramfs-tools 21:40
lotuspsychjetsimonq2: saw 2 instances of wifi icon on lubuntu bionic today22:00
tsimonq2lotuspsychje: Known bug, not just Lubuntu.22:00
lotuspsychjeaha cool22:00
tsimonq2lotuspsychje: bug 176160622:01
ubottubug 1761606 in network-manager-applet (Ubuntu) "Two Wi-Fi network applets appear after logging back into live-usb Lubuntu 18.04 session." [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176160622:01
lotuspsychjefor the rest, works like a charm22:01
mattflyhey TJ- i have enough swap22:02
lotuspsychjelet me add affected, i had it on the installed lubuntu22:02
mattflybut the hibernate or pm-hibernate either systemctl hibernate does not work22:02
laptopit is better to wait go for official release of ubuntu 1822:03
laptopie get the beta22:03
tsimonq2laptop: That's up to you, but you could expect the official release to be a bit more polished.22:03
luxifertsimonq2: experience tells us that if you want polish you'd better wait for the .1 release22:04
laptopwould the updates fix the beta22:04
lotuspsychjetsimonq2: added comment and affected22:04
tsimonq2luxifer: mhhh, depends.]22:04
tsimonq2I'd call 18.04 ready.22:04
lotuspsychje!final | laptop 22:05
ubottulaptop: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Bionic and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 18.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade » in a terminal.22:05
tsimonq2laptop: Yeah.22:05
tsimonq2lotuspsychje: Cool. :)22:05
laptopreally okay22:15
laptopwould that be better since are you doing a lot of updates versus the clean install22:15
tsimonq2Your choice.22:16
nacclaptop: there are almost alwyas some quirks22:16
laptopbetter to get the 18.04 when it is released from what you are saying22:17
nacclaptop: it all depends on what you mean by 'better'22:17
laptopwhen do they release the lubuntu version of the ubuntu22:17
nacclaptop: but unless you understand what prerelease means, then yes.22:17
nacclaptop: same time as ubuntu22:17
naccit's an official flavor22:17
laptopwell if I get 18.04 prerelease and the updates 22:17
laptopare added to get to the final version released in april22:17
nacclaptop: i don't know what you are asking, that wasn't answered above22:18
laptopone other question22:18
nacclaptop: 'better' is completely subjective. If you care about running 18.04 now, then clearly waiting is not better.22:18
laptopI want a more secure system than manjaro22:18
laptopalso I need to get lubuntu since it is 32 bit22:19
hayshey i was trying out 18 beta in VM and for some reason sudo takes forever to give a password prompt.. any idea what this is?22:27
valoriecould be the vm?22:37
* valorie is running kubuntu bionic here and no such slowdown22:37
valorieof course the beta is a week old.....22:37
valorieupgrade it!22:37
haysmaybe.. seems like a weird thing for the vm to do22:38
TJ-hays: usually that is do to slow/failed hostname resolution that tries to use mDNS or DNS instead of sticking with the hosts file22:38
haysthis is just with sudo -i22:39
hayswhy would it be querying dns?22:39
TJ-hays: all sudo does hostname lookup; there's an outstanding issue we worked on some months ago with nsswitch (glibc)22:40
lotuspsychjelaptop: just tested lubuntu 18.04 here, works like a charm!22:40
laptopwill get it url?22:40
haysTJ-: it does? interesting.22:40
laptopfaster than other lubuntu22:40
TJ-hays: sudo calls gethostname() which is a glibc function; glibc uses nsswitch to do hostname resolution22:41
TJ-hays: without a network at all it would sometimes hang for 5 minutes, very annoying, seemed to be ignoring the search order for hosts: in nsswitch.conf22:42
haysis there a page showing open bugs to release? im curious about this one because we're probably going to start testing/migrating with the beta and then roll our test platforms to final release22:43
hayskinda curious how hectic things are.. this update from 16 seems like its not too disruptive22:43
lotuspsychjelaptop: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/daily-live/pending/23:19
lotuspsychjehays: you can filter bugs with recently added ontop23:22
mattflyI am unable to hibernate ubuntu 18.0423:54
naccmattfly: have you bothered to file a bug?23:55

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