
EriC^^morning all04:27
Bashing-omEriC^^: WB :)04:28
EriC^^thanks Bashing-om :)04:28
EriC^^how are you?04:28
Bashing-omOh, considering all .. better than most :) .. your world still in place ?04:29
=== guiverc_d is now known as guiverc
EriC^^yeah it's ok :)04:35
EriC^^how was the ubuntu session?04:35
Bashing-omEriC^^: Good deal on good health and all .. as to the session .. ben real slow .04:36
EriC^^in a few weeks it's going to pick up a lot04:46
EriC^^after the 18.04 release, hopefully the channel will get back to its usual activity04:46
Bashing-omEriC^^: Well, depends a lot on the flac from wayland . So far 18.04 seems pretty solid - 2 versions installed here .04:47
EriC^^i thought 18.04 is going to be xorg by default?04:49
Bashing-omEriC^^: Yes, but many will opt for wayland - I find wayland smoother and faster than Xorg .04:51
lotuspsychjegood morning to all04:53
Bashing-omEriC^^: I discovered today that visudo will not keep one from making a noob error . typo'd in /etc/sudoers .. had to re-install the file !04:54
lotuspsychjehey Bashing-om EriC^^04:54
EriC^^hey lotuspsychje04:57
EriC^^havent used 18.04 much here, looking forward to experimenting04:58
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: :) Our world is safe... lotus looks over /04:58
Bashing-omEriC^^: I went ahead and did the xubuntu-core install also - it is now my work horse :)04:59
xanguaDo most things work on Wayland?05:00
lotuspsychjeno xangua05:00
lotuspsychjealot of bugs on wayland05:00
lotuspsychjemany gui apps freeze/dont launch05:01
lotuspsychjeand overal systems laggy05:01
Bashing-omxangua: A lot of things do not .. But all I use does ..:)05:01
xanguaI hope it makes gnome less laggy05:02
xanguaIn the near future05:02
lotuspsychjeeven on xorg it feels laggy05:03
lotuspsychjei reported those bugs in real early stage05:03
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1728390 in xorg (Ubuntu) "Graphical glitches overall system on the xorg session 17.10 & 18.04" [Undecided,New]05:05
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1740146 in mutter (Ubuntu) "[AMD C-60] System slow on wayland, lagging mouse (but fast in Xorg)" [Undecided,Confirmed]05:05
lotuspsychjeand slow boot:05:07
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1742063 in systemd (Ubuntu) "Systemd taking long time to boot into desktop 18.04" [Undecided,Confirmed]05:07
Bashing-omOld AMD system here and both Xorg and wayland do 'allright' with ubuntu - but xubuntu (Xorg) is much faster .05:09
lotuspsychjealot of new features i very like on bionic05:11
lotuspsychjenautilus green & red buttons, fast system shutdown,new systemoptions layout05:12
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: Just about got 18.04 xfce to my liking .. I like it :)05:14
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: cool!05:27
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: you testing on laptop/touchpad too?05:31
lotuspsychjewe have users complaining about that new mouse click thing05:31
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: Old hardware ,, desktop box ,, converted my file server . So no, not able to test this new fangled stiff :)05:33
ducassegood morning, everyone06:11
Bashing-omducasse: :) WB06:13
ducassehi Bashing-om - how's things in your world? :)06:14
Bashing-omAll good here . Maintaining the equalibrium . 2 hours at the time :)06:17
=== kallesbar_ is now known as kallesbar
ducassegood that you're still going strong :) how has your session been?06:23
Bashing-omducasse: Had been slow ,, picked up recentlu .. not the norm to pick up at this time of sun travel .06:26
ducasseBashing-om: no, it's usually quiet for another two or three hours06:30
ducassei guess you're almost ready to call it a night?06:32
Bashing-omducasse: Yup on both accounts . I soon be outta here .06:33
ducasseBashing-om: the snow is rapidly melting here, water has been pouring off the roof for the last few days. buds on the rhododendron already.06:34
ducassegoing to test upgrading to bionic on the laptop today, i think.06:35
Bashing-omducasse: Spring here been 2 hours a day cutting grass . Got 2 installs of bionic .. both solid . xubuntu-core 18.04 has become my main squeeze .06:44
ducassei'm looking forward to testing the server image, see just how catastrophic the new installer is. i hope images with the old one will still be available,06:47
lotuspsychjehey ducasse06:47
ducassehi lotuspsychje - how are you today?06:48
lotuspsychjefine tnx and you?06:48
ducasseall good here, plan to have a quiet day, maybe test upgrade to bionic06:49
lotuspsychjewe gonna chill today, tonight to cinema06:50
ducassetaxi 5?06:50
ducasseguiverc: when somebody admits they want to do something illegal, the policy is not to support them.07:00
lotuspsychjeyeah ducasse07:00
ducasseguiverc: apart from that, good morning :)07:01
guivercsorry I didn't see it as illegal; yeah the police was a huge cue I ignored !07:01
guivercmy bad - sorry folks.07:02
guivercThanks, Morning to you too ducasse lotuspsychje07:02
lotuspsychjehey guiverc07:05
Bashing-omgood nite .. tomale :D07:05
=== LtWorf_ is now known as LtWorf
lotuspsychjebbl guys08:27
EriC^^hey ducasse08:44
EriC^^how's it going?08:44
ducassehi EriC^^ - all well thanks. and you?08:49
EriC^^same here08:49
BluesKajHi folks10:24
JimBuntuGreat morning to you BluesKaj . May you never have want for that which you do not have, and always want that which you do have.10:25
TJ-So, BluesKaj should always want bugs? :s10:26
BluesKajGood Morning  JimBuntu thanks for that :-)10:26
JimBuntuouch. If the week was a rollercoaster, we are at the top of the crest, hang on and prepare for a ride!10:27
TJ-I'm exhausted - just took me nerly an hour to figure out how to install/use Powerline fonts on raw TTYs10:27
TJ-yes, I'm planning on taking 2 month vacation from 26th :P10:27
JimBuntu2 months of vacation, sounds exhausting in itself. They keep threatening to do that to me at work.10:28
TJ-Don't knock it!10:28
JimBuntuI doubt I would come back, I would probably end up as some new myth about some guy who went into the woods and decided not to leave.10:29
TJ-I spent yesterday figuring out how to replace pfSense on a PCEngines APU2 with Ubuntu (wanted to preserve the pfSense/BSD installation) - but it was preinstalled on the 60G mSATA and I can't find ways from a Linux boot, or from within the running BSD, to shrink the UFFS10:30
BluesKajHi TJ- , just about to swotch ISPs from dsl 7mb to what was described to me as a wireless modem, similar to cellular connection..this must be new technology or am I behind the the times?10:30
TJ-JimBuntu: That's almost like my life, although mines more 'farm' than 'woods'10:31
JimBuntuBluesKaj, I have a cellular modem as backup network, they are nice... nicer when they allow for external antennas and when you have a bunch of low-loss coax leading to a 5/8ths wave antenns on the roof or BEST when leading to a many element yagi pointed right at the strongest tower10:32
TJ-BluesKaj: WISPs (Wireless ISPs) usually do point-to-point WiFi links in unlicensed frequencies like 2.4Ghz or 5.xGHz. I built one back in 2002 when UK's ADSL service wasn't being installed for rural areas10:32
JimBuntuTJ-, I'm 1 generation removed from the farm, I suppose it may still be 'in my blood' and why I am so easily beckoned by the trees.10:32
TJ-BluesKaj: if they're installing an outdoor directional panel antenna it's most likely WiFi based10:33
TJ-JimBuntu: yes, I know the feeling. I'm born-n-bred tried to get away but always it pulls me back10:33
JimBuntuAh, if it's point-to-point WiFi or similar, that's pretty common in rural areas. Sprint Broadband Direct was amazing before they sold out. 60mbps back in the late 90s.10:33
LtWorfJimBuntu: if i want what i have, i can never throw away garbage10:34
LtWorfit gets quite inconvenient10:34
TJ-JimBuntu: that sounds like a dedicated modulation to get 60Mbps (carrier) back then. We were only approaching 54Mbps in 200210:34
TJ-LtWorf: Recycle :)10:35
TJ-JimBuntu: possibly it was a dedicated microwave link; we had those for backhaul mainly10:35
BluesKajTJ-, it's a self installation, They 're sending me the modem and I'm installing it myself,. Apparntly it's very simple to get up and running. I live in a small town, so I'm assuming one cell-like system tower can serve the whole community.10:36
LtWorfTJ-: same thing10:36
JimBuntuTJ-, yup. They bought out a start-up and we were specially invited to alpha test for them. I thanked the stars on a nightly basis for having access... I ended up running 300ft of CAT from my workplace to my apartment so I could use it at home... but sshhh, don't tell the telco that I used their convenient telephone poles to run the cable.10:36
TJ-BluesKaj: that does sound like a cellular based system... although if the 'modem' is an indoors device I'd be concerned about it's performance/reliability if it is using 3G/4G modulation10:37
TJ-JimBuntu: lol yeah, that's always convenient10:37
TJ-BluesKaj: it all depends on the cellular operator and which frequency bands they use. If they're lower (700MHz - 1GHz ) it'll have much more penetration than 2.3-3.5GHz (which is easily absorbed/blocked by obstacles like walls)10:39
JimBuntu700MHz LTE FTW10:39
BluesKajTJ-, apprently it's quite a powerful transmit and receive signal sysem that approaches 100mb, but i haven'tasked about the freqs10:39
JimBuntuHa! My cellular modem doesn't have a model number on it. I was going to call it by name and now I can't.10:40
TJ-BluesKaj: if it's a dedicated frequency and point-2-point rather than broadcast then the signal strength can be focused on your location (using stearable beam-formers)10:40
TJ-4G/5G is now using beam-steering in the sector antennas to improve performance10:41
BluesKajyes the lower the signal freq, the better the coverage , but also reqires more power..well I'll find out by monday what's the specs are etc10:42
JimBuntuNow that beam-steering is more common and proactive, the only reason not to have it is that you can't write-off your old equipment yet or don't have the human-power for all the installations10:42
JimBuntuI used to enjoy doing foxhunts (radio kind, not the animal), had special gear, built special gear... now most WiFi equipment has this built in, the behind-the-scenes technology that makes comms so reliable is getting ridiculous imho10:44
BluesKajinteresting that as soon as I gave the tech my address/location she suggested this modem10:45
TJ-We're also now at the point where it wouldn't take much infrastructure disruption to massively affect society. Not like when HAMs were the primary civil users10:45
JimBuntuBluesKaj, I expect they have a system that easily knows which signals get to what houses/properties best... then again, they may suggest the same things to everyone.10:46
TJ-BluesKaj: We had detailed maps generated by RF simulation software that showed the expected signal strength10:46
JimBuntuTJ-, I'm a HAM, we are still a strong force, simply not much media recognition any more... that's OK. We will always be here to help when called upon. MARS is still strong as well.10:46
BluesKajit's a town of only 5500 population, so i'm assuming one omni directional system can work for the whole town10:47
JimBuntuBluesKaj, that's the sweet, sweet thing about active beam-steering... a set of antennas can re-direct the beam to active users automatically.10:48
BluesKajJimBuntu, sounds very cool10:48
TJ-JimBuntu: Yeah, but what I mean is now, even a realtively minor power outage can take out major communications backbones and cause huge knock-on. I used to volunteer for REACT (UK civil emergency support by HAMs) and that's fine but everyone is so reliant on massively fast data connections their in-the-field devices become useless without out, and HAM networks can't take up the slack, or easily10:48
TJ-interface with those mobile systems10:48
TJ-BluesKaj: beam steering is done by altering the phase of the transmitted signal in the panel antenna (which is actually a matrix of hundreds of small antennas)10:49
JimBuntuI agree TJ- it's an odd time, we are so used to instant gratification a la Google/etc. In the U.S.A. it took 3 days for portable cell towers to be put in place for the police/emergency services to use instead of their then-defunct radios (due to tower and power losses)... for those 3 days, it was all HAM comms.10:50
BluesKajyeah, makes sense tg10:50
BluesKajTJ-, ;-)10:50
JimBuntumy above tale is about the effects of Katrina in the southern U.S.A., I forgot to mention that part.10:51
TJ-JimBuntu: never mind, there are StingRays all over now so just need backhaul from them :D10:52
JimBuntulol. StingRays in places they shouldn't be ;-)10:52
JimBuntuI used to have a Marconi, fun to play with, dangerous to play with10:52
TJ-Funny story. I had a sigma-IV antenna atop a 10 meter mast many years ago, connected to a 100W burner, with a fluorescent tube strapped to the top. One very stormy night whilst I was QSLing noticed a line of vehicles stopped on the lane nearby, then a police car. Went out to find out what had happened...10:56
TJ-... they asked if I'd seen the sausage shaped UFO flying about above the house10:56
TJ-I kept very quiet and professed innocence10:56
TJ-BluesKaj: the tube glows due to ionisation when a lot of power is pumped into the antenna so it was wavying about in the sky glowing10:57
BluesKajheh, back in the day 90% of HAM operators were also masons, at least where I lived. My wife's father was in the Canadian army signal corps, a HAM operator and a mason :-)10:58
BluesKajjust an interesting note on the subject10:58
JimBuntuThat's awesome TJ- . It's good to know how much stray RF/EM is around you. It's bad when you cause the neighbors TVs to black out.10:59
* BluesKaj feels like he's surrounde by electronics genius/hobbyists11:00
JimBuntuTJ-, ever checked out QQSP?11:01
JimBuntuBluesKaj, no genius here... I didn't even have a license above novice until I was 15.11:02
BluesKajonly 15 ...oh my :-)11:02
JimBuntuFor fathers day, a number of years back, my wife took her exam and got her license too. Kind of an odd fathers day gift, but very welcomed.11:04
TJ-JimBuntu: no, what is it, some relay service?11:06
JimBuntuTJ-, oh, I suspect you will like this... it's ultra low power... below the noise floor... only discernible when you stack multiple read-outs on top of each other... then you can see the pattern stand out from the noise.11:07
JimBuntuit's also super-slow though... since you need to send out a sustained and well timed pattern... many times.11:08
TJ-JimBuntu: oh yeah, isn't that the classified system used by submarines too?11:08
JimBuntuUhm, shh11:08
* TJ- shushes :)11:09
TJ-I think I read some papers on it a long time ago; they focus it using phase differential so eavesdroppers can't discern it unless they're in the correct place at the correct time11:10
JimBuntuI simply enjoy knowing that my signals have not only been loud and clear to MIR, ISS and such... but also not even noticed11:10
JimBuntuBluesKaj, like very low frequency, but instead... it's very low power. Can be used on any frequency (for the most part, but you don't want high-power signals stomping on you)... you basically have to know what you are looking for, and the time-frame used to send chars... otherwise you will only see noise11:11
JimBuntuA good way to think of it, is like watching a scrambled broadcast TV signal or if you ever messed with the sync rate on a TV...  even if you know there is a signal, it's all outta-sync until you get the refresh rate right.11:12
* BluesKaj nods11:14
TJ-I think it might be asier than trying to set TTY fonts!11:21
BluesKajbeen playing around with kodi since I cancelled my sat dish tv service and watching IPTV chans, some of the servers and some don't and also very hit and miss with all of them ...this BS about free tv on android boxes is nothing but a scam I think in most cases , unless they have a better modded kodi version than the open source one11:27
JimBuntuProbably. It's pretty quick and easy using most any uC ( or dare I say 555 and ancillaries), a crystal (or two), wire and relay.11:27
JimBuntuBluesKaj, I think it's mainly that the pushers set the expectations too high. Free TV... basically YouTube... the Free TV you want can be much more difficult... as in if you want local news, major news/etc.11:29
JimBuntuOh, and international stuff, at least that which I played with, was very hit or miss in regards to the stream actually being available at the listed URLs11:30
BluesKajJimBuntu, yeah I still have an old analog antenna in my attic, so get local news albeit crappy reception, but good enough for "the news"11:31
JimBuntuBluesKaj, I have an antenna in my attic, but it's home built and not for TV, lol. I think they stopped all of the analog broadcasting around me already, but the living room TV (only TV) has a tuner... I should check that out11:32
BluesKajJimBuntu, sometimes vpn does work for locale/geo restricted servers like the UK , BBC, Sky and ITV on kodi11:33
JimBuntuI was mainly going after RTMP streams when I looked into Free TV, it's been a few years11:33
BluesKajUS networks don't seem to care about restricting in NA11:34
JimBuntuRight you are. I was having trouble with mainly India streams. No idea why, but I like a fair amount of their TV11:36
BluesKajnever tried any India networks11:39
leftyfbI don't understand why we are so reluctant to boot trolls. From what I understand, Freenode makes it easier to kick them (looks like offensive) and keep them out.11:50
JimBuntuleftyfb, We don't shine our boots to leave them by the door. I'm in for more booting. I have no vote, but I'm in anyway.11:56
BluesKajI think some users find trolls entertaining and keep hem around longer than they should, just because it's fun to threaten etc12:02
leftyfbI've been told multiple times after reporting a troll that they don't yet believe they're a troll12:16
daftykinsit's because the community ops are utterly useless12:16
leftyfbI wouldn't say that ... I just don't know why they hesitate so much12:17
leftyfbthe longer they wait, the worse the troll usually gets ... and sometimes sparks the other lurking trolls to chime in and things escalate12:18
guiverci don't know, but I suspect the trolls see being kicked as a 'badge/honor'; so I suspect silencing them could be more effective  (but I know little; I'm not regular/long-time etc)12:19
daftykinsusually they'd just ban evade prolonging things12:21
BluesKajwell, from personal experience I know one does not need to act like  troll, merely disagree with a pedantic op who takes persoinal dislike to one's attitude and kicks12:21
TJ-The best response to trolls is no response at all; but far too many people feel the need to get into an argument. When I see one I pop into #ubuntu-ops and ask them to deal with troll - without the troll knowing. I don't use the !ops because it advertises and they get a kick out of the reaction12:26
guivercyeah BluesKaj, that hurts brand/community rep too (for person kicked & potentially others who hear it later on social media etc)12:27
* guiverc nods @ TJ- 12:29
TJ-what surprises me is there are ops that don't use Ubuntu, but do provide some help12:30
BluesKajguiverc, well fortunately cooler heads prevailed in my case and the op was warned about taking his personal dislikes out on helpers who he had no reason to boot...I wasn't the only one. I think they quietly turfed him out, since I haen't seen his nick listed for a while now12:31
JimBuntuI completely left a channel due to an op, we had a disagreement and they don't back down, it was over a thought-crime (quite literally) of another user.12:31
BluesKajok thought-crime ?12:33
JimBuntuThe user said they were thinking about opening a business. BAM! silenced, no further discussion, no commerce allowed12:34
BluesKajthat sounds like the debian chat :-)12:34
JimBuntuI said that discussing the potential for opening a business should be allowed, it's not a transaction, no money/goods are being traded... op said NOPE12:34
JimBuntusaid channel required a financial payment if you had a business in the same field... so... it was a money driven decision... greedy people.12:35
JimBuntuYou can't collect that money if you stop people from deciding to start a business though.12:36
lotuspsychjegoof afternoon13:00
JimBuntuand a goof afternoon to you too ;-D13:01
lotuspsychjetnx JimBuntu13:01
daftykins:D \o13:11
lotuspsychjehey daftykins13:11
daftykinshey sir, all well?13:11
lotuspsychjedaftykins: yeah just got back from customer after i finished hp laptop with lubuntu13:19
lotuspsychjedaftykins: the moment i branch it, nos creen grrr13:20
lotuspsychjewas working fine and now sudden screen gone13:21
lotuspsychjejust tested on desktop screen, works there13:21
lotuspsychjeanyone knows howto detect from ubuntu if its really broke or not13:25
daftykinsdoes adjusting the angle of the lid change anything?13:29
daftykinsturn off, tilt screen, turn back on, etc13:29
lotuspsychjedaftykins: no its all black13:29
lotuspsychjeworked like a charm 2 days ago13:30
lotuspsychjetryed Fn+F413:30
lotuspsychjeclose lid, battery in and out13:30
lotuspsychjeand tested external monitor and lubuntu loads fine13:30
lotuspsychjetryed booting an xp cdrom too13:31
daftykinsguess i'd go in and reseat connectors13:31
daftykinsoh did you shine a torch onto it in case it's the backlight off?13:32
JimBuntubright light to the LCD, see anything? disassemble lid, check backlight voltages... triple check display connection ribbon/wires13:32
lotuspsychjegood idea torch13:32
lotuspsychjeoh i saw very light grey hp logo13:33
lotuspsychjeand lubuntu logo now13:34
JimBuntuDoes this HP offer auto-dim of backlight? If so, the sensor could be bad.13:34
lotuspsychjenot sure13:34
lotuspsychjelemme lookup hp pavilion backlight issues13:35
lotuspsychjetnx for the idea13:35
JimBuntunote: depending on the device, some backlights use high voltage.13:37
lotuspsychjeJimBuntu: meaning13:37
JimBuntube careful if you reach the point of manual inspection13:37
daftykinswhen i was upgrading that 2009 iMac with an SSD and more RAM, reinserting the backlight circuit flex cable had bent the pins backward on themselves, kind of like closing your fingers into your hand13:37
daftykinsmacOS would boot from USB, then as soon as it reached the full GUI - the backlight turned off and made it look broken13:38
daftykinstook a while before i tried my phone torch :)13:38
lotuspsychjecable might have disconnect13:39
lotuspsychjelemme unscrew13:40
TJ-lotuspsychje: before opening it up, have you tried setting the brightness via sysfs ?13:42
lotuspsychjeTJ-: you mean Fn + brightness up buttons?13:43
lotuspsychjeTJ-: but screen is pre-boot black already13:45
lotuspsychjethis proves its not ubuntu related right?13:45
TJ-lotuspsychje: no, sysfs13:47
TJ-N=$(echo /sys/class/backlight/*) ; echo $(cat $N/max_brightness) | sudo dd of=$N/brightness13:47
lotuspsychjeholdon lemme go boot it with external13:48
JimBuntulotuspsychje, you don't set up backdoors for SSH on all of your clients machines? shame, lol13:49
BluesKajtsk tsk13:50
TJ-also worth checking BL power and other settings: " for n in /sys/class/backlight/*/*; do [ -f $n ] && echo $n=$(cat $n); done "13:50
BluesKajhey lotuspsychje, daftykins13:51
TJ-yes, should be doing this kind of diag over SSH to avoid the other monitor causing issues13:51
daftykinsBluesKaj: \o13:52
daftykinsBluesKaj: wireless internet coming your way then huh? likely to be a good improvement on speeds + caps + price?13:52
lotuspsychjeTJ-: first command output: 0+1 record readed, 0+1 record writed, 8bytes copied, 0,00438268s, 1,8 kb/sec13:56
BluesKajdaftykins, no cap, price is $80cdn for 100mb speed monthly...expensive but we have a vas country and reltivelly small population , that's the price we have to pay. In my case it's worth it since I cancelled my 100/mos sat tv service.. I'll watch IPTV instead.13:57
TJ-it's designed to set brightness value to maximum allowed; if that were set to minimum that would make the screen glow13:57
daftykinsBluesKaj: sounds good!13:57
TJ-lotuspsychje: the 2nd command lets you see the blacklight values13:57
BluesKajdaftykins, yup, looking forward to those speeds :-)13:58
lotuspsychjeTJ-: second command: -f command not found 9 times13:59
BluesKajok, BBL,...errands13:59
TJ-lotuspsychje: -f is a test, for the shell. Is it using bash ?14:00
lotuspsychjeTJ-: hmm syntax fault on 'do'14:02
lotuspsychjelets c what happens on xbacklight14:07
lotuspsychjeno dice14:10
lotuspsychjeTJ- daftykins JimBuntu guess what, got it to work!15:11
lotuspsychjebattery left out 30min did the trick15:12
lotuspsychjeheck knows why cmos reset fixxes screen lol15:13
daftykinsoh so not the main battery, the CMOS one - how random15:14
daftykinsmust've been embarassing opening it up to see nothing15:14
lotuspsychjedaftykins: you think i should leave out that batter15:14
TJ-lotuspsychje: corrupted BIOS stored values15:15
daftykinsoh no you could never leave a CMOS battery out permanently15:15
lotuspsychjedaftykins: well unscrewing, looked all fine indeed :p15:15
TJ-lotuspsychje: in older systems the non-volatile settings in powered static/CMOS RAM could get corrupted and confuse BIOS into not enabling things15:15
JimBuntuglad to hear it's fixed!15:15
lotuspsychjeallright ill leave battery in15:16
lotuspsychjealmost dead but15:16
TJ-that might be the problem; replace it15:17
lotuspsychjeyeah ill tell the customer15:17
TJ-if it's not rechargable and it's borderline OK it probably caused corruption15:17
lotuspsychjegreat, tnx alot for all the ideas, dont forget to pm me your bank numbers :p15:20
EriC^^evening all15:25
lotuspsychjenow its a shiny lubuntu 18.04 hp again :p15:25
lotuspsychjehey EriC^^15:25
EriC^^hey lotuspsychje15:25
EriC^^hp laptop?15:25
lotuspsychjetaxi5 in 2 h :p:p15:25
EriC^^ah cool have fun :D15:25
lotuspsychjeyeah the guys here helped me15:25
lotuspsychjeseemed like cmos reset battery out got screen back15:26
EriC^^i love them hp's15:26
EriC^^i have 2 :D15:26
lotuspsychjeplugged more ram into it 2gig15:26
EriC^^lotuspsychje: cool15:28
EriC^^ran into any uefi issues?15:28
lotuspsychjeits an older hp EriC^^ classic bios here15:29
EriC^^ah ok15:29
EriC^^close call :P15:29
ubot5`Not yet!15:32
ubot5`Please remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, #edubuntu, and #lubuntu are support channels. To countdown to !bionic release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/3339/15:32
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: 1645 users good base to start bionic support on :p15:32
EriC^^lotuspsychje: it'll reach like 2000 for sure when it's released15:32
EriC^^should be lots of support going on :D15:33
EriC^^will be fun15:33
lotuspsychjeyou gonna help log the word wayland lol15:33
EriC^^my wayland skills are non-existent :P and systemd is almost negligible15:34
EriC^^i'll be looking out for the uefi'ers :P15:34
lotuspsychjehey xangua & pragmaticenigma16:25
ubot5`The automatic LTS upgrade from 14.04 to 16.04 was scheduled when 16.04.1 LTS was released on July 21st, but due to last bug testings it has been opened on July 28th.16:28
lordievaderGood evening16:28
lotuspsychjehey lordievader16:28
lotuspsychjehad a good day lordievader ?16:29
lordievaderYeah, suppose it was okay.16:30
BluesKajwhat's correct technical name for modems that connect by wireless to the internet (not wifi and internet cable, but similar to cellphone service)16:31
lotuspsychjeall great here lordievader going to theater in a bit16:32
lotuspsychjeBluesKaj: ad hoc?16:32
JimBuntuBluesKaj, depends on the technology. It's simply a wireless modem (may not even technically be a modem)16:32
TJ-BluesKaj: radio modem, put mostly we call anything like that CPE (Customer Premises Equipment)16:32
BluesKajit's almost impossible to find anything about this type of internet service/modems on google, hence mu=y question about the correct term16:33
lotuspsychjeBluesKaj: gonna buy one of those?16:33
BluesKajlotuspsychje, well indirectly i signed up for that kind of sevice with an ISP in my town16:34
JimBuntuBluesKaj, if you are looking in general, point-to-point modems/etc16:35
lordievaderlotuspsychje: What show?16:35
lotuspsychjelordievader: taxi 516:35
lordievaderSounds cool16:35
lotuspsychjepremiere this evening :p16:35
lotuspsychjettyl guys16:35
JimBuntuhave fun!16:36
daftykinsBluesKaj: sounds a lot like a MiFi to me, if it uses cellular data, but it could also be WiMAX tech like my clients old Spain one was before they got fiber16:52
BluesKajyeah wimax comes to mind, I recall an experimental system setup east of Toronto for unserviced areas, but the costs to the customers was quite high and service disappeared after a couple of yrs16:56
daftykinsah har16:57
daftykinsoh MiFi was just a potential box name rather than a service name of course16:58
BluesKajwell, turns out the tech person who I spoke with yesterday was mistaken, not radio modem afterall, it's an ordinary cable router/modem with the latest wifi caplilities and 4 ethernet ports. Its an Arris DG3260 ...all this worry for nothing :-)17:42
daftykinsoh... so you'll be connected via cable - or is it totally useless to you?17:45
TJ-BluesKaj: :D17:49
TJ-BluesKaj: that explains how they can guarantee 100Mbps17:49
BluesKajno I stll have a coax cable line into the house from the distribution box in front yard, the tech just has to reconnect it17:50
BluesKaj can do the rest here, I still have a wall connector to that line17:51
BluesKajit's fiber to the box outside then copper coax from there17:52
BluesKajactually I'm relieved...was worried about rain snow etc affecting OTA signals17:54
pragmaticenigmaBluesKaj, though Arris modems haven't had the best reputation as of late17:54
BluesKajpragmaticenigma, we'll see , if it doesn't perform I'll ask for a better one17:55
pragmaticenigmaFor my cable provider I just went and got my own up front... financially didn't make sense to rent a modem since they are the only high speed provider for my neighborhood. it paid for itself in 1 year18:00
daftykinsbetter to have a multi-channel more capable unit too18:02
BluesKajnot renting , already paid up front yesterday18:03
pragmaticenigmafor sure!18:03
pragmaticenigmamy comment on the multichanneling18:04
BluesKajmultichanneling in what sense?18:04
pragmaticenigmain order to get higherspeeds, cable providers use multiple channels to send data18:05
pragmaticenigmathe more channels the modem can use, the better. as it can channel hop to less cogested channels, and bond more channels together for higher speed18:06
BluesKajsafter reaing the specsi, this modem is 1750mb capable ...is that fast enough?18:07
pragmaticenigmaBluesKaj, for a home with 3-4 people it's more than enough18:09
BluesKajpragmaticenigma, well, I'm alone now so it's plenty for me18:09
BluesKajmy buddy just called so i'm heading out for a few beer...chat with you guys later18:14
slidinghorn2 questions:  1) Is #ubuntu-beginners no longer a thing?  2) Are personal introduction pages on the wiki no longer a thing?18:51
naccslidinghorn: afaik, 2) is still a thing18:58
slidinghornnacc: I made one years back, but it's saying it's not editable18:58
naccslidinghorn: are you logged in? in the wiki editors group on LP?18:59
slidinghornNevermind, sorry...my session wasn't working in that tab for some reason19:00
naccslidinghorn: np19:00
tsimonq2How goes it here?21:39
Bashing-omtoo quiet .. makes one wonder :)21:39
oerhekssssst ...21:39
oerheksow, wait21:40
oerheks /disable naptime21:40
daftykinserror: only Drapper can do that21:41
Bashing-omoerheks: Noooo .. naps are good :P21:41
tsimonq2So what Bashing-om said in #ubuntu-release...21:42
oerhekslets discuss that ..21:42
tsimonq2There aren't *heavy* discussions, and those exist on the mailing list.21:42
tsimonq2But I did poll flavors informally (and individually) about it.21:42
tsimonq2They all seem cool with the idea I proposed.21:42
tsimonq2The only people I didn't talk to until after the fact were Ubuntu Studio (because there's some turbulence there atm) and Ubuntu Kylin because handsome_feng needs to get a freaking bouncer. ;)21:43
tsimonq2Although handsome_feng did respond on the mailing list.21:43
Bashing-omtsimonq2: Several are on favorof  dropping the beta schedule as you have proposed .21:43
tsimonq2The first beta and the two alphas, yeah.21:44
tsimonq2In *fact*, I think the only flavors I haven't gotten a formal ack from are Xubuntu and U Studio.21:44
tsimonq2I dunno who leads Xubuntu these days tbh, I just go through flocculant, who's a nice guy. ;)21:44
tsimonq2And I've been talking with the new leadership of U Studio today.21:45
tsimonq2It will be adopted Soon, I thinl.21:45
Bashing-omtsimonq2: And my response was that I would support what ever the "big boys" wanted of me .. valorie made sure that I amended the 'boys' :)21:45
tsimonq2valorie is a proud feminist (rightly so), gotta love her. :)21:46
tsimonq2She's a cool person IRL too. She makes some *really* nice cold brew coffee.21:46
tsimonq2(Don't tell genii. ;D)21:47
Bashing-omtsimonq2: my goto for xubuntu is unit193 . He is fast to respond and recommend a approriate action .21:47
tsimonq2The last time I talked to Unit193 was when I was telling him to just go for MOTU already, about a month ago.21:47
tsimonq2He's a really competent developer, and should already have it, but the meeting times don't match up.21:48
Bashing-omysI developed a strong appreciation of the feminine cognitive abilities a long time ago in a different world .21:48
nacctsimonq2: +121:49
tsimonq2Bashing-om: Women should be treated equally as men, really.21:50
Bashing-omtsimonq2: Unit193 frequents #ubuntuforums, and as said is quick to respond .21:51
tsimonq2I don't proclaim to be a "feminist" because that's gotten such a *negative* connotation lately, but I believe it.21:51
tsimonq2Bashing-om: There's an #ubuntuforums? :)21:51
Bashing-omtsimonq2: I am of the opinion in the work force .. why not ?? they do the same job .. and many times better !21:52
tsimonq2Bashing-om: I think people, no matter what race or gender, shouldn't be judged by their looks or gender, but how they *actually* perform.21:53
lotuspsychjegood night to all21:53
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: Can not sleeep ? Fancy again you here at this time :)21:54
lotuspsychjeyeah insomnia21:54
tsimonq2On the flipside of that, if the person who, in a team of, let's say, ten people, sucks most at the job happens to be e.g. Asian, I wouldn't fire them because they were Asian, I would fire them because they suck at the job, and I would do the same to a white male, simple as that.21:54
tsimonq2hehe, yeah, insomnia is nothing new...21:55
lotuspsychjetoo clear mind to sleep atm21:55
lotuspsychjeand taxi 5 s*cked badly..21:55
Bashing-omtsimonq2: A cog in the wheel .. it is functionality that matters in my book . If one can not or will not do it .. find another that will . Just my take :)21:57
tsimonq2I don't care if they're straight, gay, lesbian, Asian, white, black, blue ffs, if they can do the job well and work with the team well, they're beneficial, but if they aren't, they should either improve or get the axe.21:58
tsimonq2Anyway, this is #ubuntu-discuss. :)21:59
lotuspsychjethe thin red line :p21:59
lotuspsychjeubuntu community, equality :p21:59
lotuspsychjenew article http://news.softpedia.com/news/ubuntu-18-04-lts-will-let-users-choose-between-normal-and-minimal-installation-520640.shtml23:06
lotuspsychjehey guiverc23:08
guivercHowdy lotuspsychje - how are you?23:08
lotuspsychjefine ty mate23:13

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