
s10gopaljsalisbury, apw 4.13.0-38-generic #43~lp1745646ThreeRevert fixed the bug03:14
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jsalisburys10gopal, that's good news.  So multiple commits are at fault here.  That kernel had 3 reverted, so I have to review them to narrow it down further.  I'll post another kereel in a bit.11:59
s10gopaljsalisbury, :) it will be fixed on ubuntu 18.04 ?12:00
jsalisburys10gopal, eventually. Still more work to do first.12:00
ntdanyone alive? both hwe-16.04 and -edge are broken for thousands13:53
TJ-ntd: bug report reference?13:53
ntdand if you publish 18.04 with current kernel you're in for a nasty surprise13:53
ntdlemme dig em up, red hat/centos went through these issues a while back13:54
TJ-ntd: we're not seeing any reports in #ubuntu+1 or #ubuntu13:54
ntdit's not like i haven't tried to mention these issues13:55
ntdi was referred to this channel which has been dead at every visit13:55
ubot5`bugzilla.redhat.com bug 1549042 in xorg-x11-drv-intel "Kernels 4.15.x are not booting on docking" [High,Closed: errata]13:55
TJ-ntd: that's not an Ubuntu bug report13:55
ntdbroad strokes, every => haswell thinkpad user with a dock won't be able to boot13:56
ntdstill applies to your kernel13:56
ntdand between 4.13.0-37 and -38 networkmanager no longer works for wired interfaces for the same users13:56
ntdTJ-, they fixed it, you haven't. who can i talk to about this?13:58
TJ-ntd: we need an Ubuntu bug report and the evidence from logs and so forth14:00
ntdyou have a redhat bugreq with three duplicates with logs and such14:01
ntdand since the system won't boot, how are users supposed to provide relevant logs?14:02
ntdTJ-, any such system won't boot and there will be no screen output14:07
TJ-ntd: we're already carrying the patch14:11
ntdas of version?14:12
TJ-it's in master-next14:13
ntdok, which version number will this be? current is 4.15.0-1314:14
TJ-It'll be the next release14:15
ntdk, thanks14:16
ntdi saw BB beta2 yday, fixed kernel?14:17
ntdTJ-, now, for 4.13.0-38 breaking networkmanager for wired NICs?14:24
TJ-!bug | btd14:29
ubot5`btd: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.14:29
TJ-oops, typo!14:29
jjohansensforshee: I still don't have upstream sha1s for the apparmor bug fix pull, should I wait a few hours, or pull a patchset together without the upstream shas119:22
sforsheejjohansen: are they in a maintainer tree? Even if not we can apply them as sauce though.19:26
jjohansensforshee: yes, and the pull-request is upstream, its just waiting for them to be merged. I know we can do them as sauce, its just nice to have upstream shas19:27
jjohansenbut it is getting very late19:28
sforsheejjohansen: you can cherry pick them from the maintainer tree and make the provenance say "cherry picked from commit xxx <git-url>", we do that quite frequently19:28
jjohansenyeah I'll do that19:29
sforsheeplenty of examples if you run git log19:29
TJ-will ubuntu-bionic/master-next make it's way to  xenial hwe-edge packages?19:29
sforsheeTJ-: yes, around the same time it makes it's way into bionic19:29
sforsheeso if it's in the current -proposed kernel that should be fairly soon19:29
sforsheeif not a bit longer19:30
TJ-sforshee: thanks. That clears up my last check vis-a-vis ntd's 'bug report' earlier today about the docking station 4.15 bug19:30
sforsheeTJ-: yeah that one is not in -proposed I think. We'll likely spin a new kernel for -proposed before much longer, with the kernel freeze being tomorrow and all19:31
TJ-iirc the commit is currently at HEAD in master-next, or was a few hours ago19:31
sforsheenot anymore, we've shoved a lot of stuff on today19:31
TJ-I start early :)19:31
sforsheethe last minute rush before kernel freeze19:31
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jjohansensforshee: sent22:14
sforsheejjohansen: thanks22:14

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