
=== daniel is now known as Guest26338
=== fabiano is now known as Guest37659
=== swift110_ is now known as swift110
rulcasgreetings from Mexico City01:48
rulcasI was wondering if anyone might help me up a bit on how to configure FUSE on Ubuntu Mate 16.04 in order to run AppImages without sudo'ing01:49
swift110hey all01:49
rulcasI can't make them run unless I sudo01:50
rulcashi swift11001:51
swift110how are you rulcas01:53
rulcasI'm OK thanks, how about you?01:54
rulcaswhere in the world are you? I'm in Mexico City01:54
swift110hey sinewav02:03
sinewavhi there02:03
swift110how are you02:07
rulcashi sineway02:09
sinewavTrying to find a good laptop for gaming on linux02:09
rulcaswhat version of mate are you using02:09
rulcas:-) I'm on 1.16.202:11
sinewavOh neat. I've been meaning to look at the changelog, I'll go do that now.02:11
swift110oh ok02:12
swift110mate' is nice02:13
swift110I have loved it since 201302:13
sinewavYeah, I thought this was a temporary switch for me because I was frustrated with XFCE bugs, but now I think I'll stick with it.02:13
rulcasI like it a lot02:14
rulcasit's easy to customize02:14
swift110rulcas, that's awesome02:14
rulcasI'm not sure whether to jump to 17.10 or wait for the LTS release02:17
sinewavoh shit, there's a lot of improvements over the last two years. Damn. Cant wait to upgrade.02:17
swift110oh ww02:18
rulcasI was running away from Windows because I couldn't find good video and audio software02:19
rulcasanimation and graphics02:20
swift110oh i know the feeling02:20
rulcasI started with mate and stucl with it02:20
rulcasstuck with it02:20
sinewavanimation? what kind, like with Blender?02:21
swift110try makehuman.. its cool as well02:21
rulcasnot that complex, more like 2d stuff, I had been trying Synfig on Win but it kept crashing02:21
rulcasalso evrybody else around here uses Windows so i needed to be able to work with office files02:23
rulcaslibreoffice crashes every now and then and it's a bit ackward but you get used to it02:23
rulcasIt was quite confusing at first to choose a distro02:24
rulcasI couldn't run Ubuntu studio from the LiveCD02:25
rulcasand I had to tweak the configuratin a little for the mate disc to run02:25
rulcaschange some flags when booting from GRUB02:26
rulcasbut once I got it running everything was very simple02:26
sinewavhmm, I never considered LibreOffice for animation. I'll have to try that. Synfig is a bit overcomplicated.02:27
rulcasthe only thing was I got carried away partitioning my disc and now I'm running out of space for /home02:28
swift110oh ok02:29
swift110me neither02:29
rulcassinewav, i agree, but the tutorial videos are helpful02:29
rulcashi Saukk02:30
rulcaswell, gotta go03:20
rulcassee you around03:20
Boyettehi guys04:08
Boyettei have a problem04:08
Boyettemy thunderbird gives: failed to connect to server04:08
Boyetteshould be some local issue04:09
Boyettecant figure out whats wrong04:09
mate|39227How do I change the Association for Magnet torrent links from Transmission to Taxiti?  A window appears that allows me to select a different application (than Transmission) but at that point I'm stuck. Thanks.04:45
=== Snicker is now known as SniffPoop
=== SniffPoop is now known as Snicker
imexilhi, just moved on my working machine from 16.04 unity to 18.04 mate now. Still got some small quirks which I hope I can get some help for. My first one is that I use multiple screens with the Mutiny setup and here the global menu which is only displayed on the first screen is not very useful. Any way around that so that I can have the top and side panel on all screens?11:02
mate|4232i have a question17:15
mate|4232how I auto reboot the system from the cron?17:15
sixwheeledbeastBy simply adding it to the scheduled tasks in cron, is there a reason for you doing this?17:26
mate|4232yes but if I add de reboot command17:28
mate|4232it ask the password17:28
mate|4232anyway, I17:29
mate|4232anyway, I solved thx :) for help17:29
mate|63668is anyone there?18:45
mate|63668i have a question if anyone is there.18:48
vkareh!ask | mate|6366818:49
ubottumate|63668: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:49
mate|63668i am sorry i didn't know if i had joined the group.18:50
mate|63668i have been updating lately and getting a failed alert that package was not installed or removed every update.18:51
mate|63668i do not understand this. i see 81 users here but no posts.19:01
qwererfrrthytypulse. https://jsfiddle.net/rq80djg8/ every second write error .xsession-errors: (process:1861): indicator-sound-WARNING **: 23:17:27.137: volume-warning-pulse.vala:209: pa_context_connect() failed: Соединение отвергнуто. https://ufile.io/e5s8m20:30
qwererfrrthytyevery 1-2 second20:32
qwererfrrthytyi deleted package pulseaudio.21:43
qwererfrrthytyvlc and skype not need pulse, Firefox without pulse no have sound, Vivaldi have sound without pulse. And no pulse no sound distortion.21:55
qwererfrrthytyHumor: Mozilla come back to using ALSA.22:01
qwererfrrthytyvlc norm play and OSS22:05
king2hello. i can't get usb to work22:13
qwererfrrthytywrong i confused the title, not OSS,  OpenBDS sndio.I didn't use OSS22:16
king2unbuntu 16.04 can't get usb to work22:17
sixwheeledbeasti wouldn't think ubuntu is causing a USB problem, but what exactly isn't working about it22:37
king2will not boot to usb or read files from one23:05
king2maybe bios. this is old laptop23:08
sixwheeledbeastSo ubuntu hasn't booted? I would look into that first...23:12
sixwheeledbeastUnbootable OS or needs boot order/boot setup changing.23:13
swift110hey akk23:38
swift110hey all23:38

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