[06:16] jutro [07:31] o7 [07:32] ja paglej ga [07:32] it's been long, yes [08:35] oj [08:35] o/ [09:29] https://www.facebook.com/BlockchainAllianceEurope/videos/370710270097182/ [09:29] Facebook [09:52] \o/ [13:41] .slap [13:41] .slap dz0ny [13:42] .bitchslap [13:42] .bitchslap zdobbie [13:42] nope..ne dela [14:11] * slax0r slaps CrazyLemon like a bitch [14:11] dela [14:26] lol [14:30] @realDonaldTrump [14:30] 4h4 hours ago [14:30] More [14:30] Russia vows to shoot down any and all missiles fired at Syria. Get ready Russia, because they will be coming, nice and new and “smart!” You shouldn’t be partners with a Gas Killing Animal who kills his people and enjoys it! [14:34] jep [14:34] ww3 inc [14:34] prfukeneni so vsi [14:35] ja niso vsi [14:35] bernie would have done it better. [14:36] mogoče [14:40] ampak bernie ni najel CA [14:40] that was his mistake and his mistake only! [14:41] certificate authority? [14:41] cambridge analytica :) [14:45] izgleda bo bitcoin vendarle crashal, ko bo nuclear fallout [14:50] .btc eur [14:50] Vrednost BTC v EUR: last: 5607.84, low: 5468.03, high: 5623.00, bid: 5607.77, ask: 5612.38 [14:50] so..soon [14:51] ? [14:53] https://www.tradingview.com/x/5eT0EBuD/ rekt [14:59] people not keen on betting on trump i see [15:17] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Te_LKt5DpY [15:17] LIVE: Facebook's CEO Mark Zuckerberg Testifies Before Congress | Day 2 - YouTube [15:17] Mark Zuckerberg kicks off two days of congressional testimony on Tuesday over the leak of data and Cambridge Analytica. [15:18] upd: pet minut kasnej je pa neki v čist drugem tonu napisal [15:18] http://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/167650395#p167650639 [15:18] /pol/ - Happening cancelled. Trump just havin’ fun on twit - Politically Incorrect - 4chan [15:18] Happening cancelled. Trump just havin’ fun on twitter. - "/pol/ - Politically Incorrect" is 4chan's board for discussing and debating politics and current events. [15:18] http://i.4cdn.org/pol/1523446988104.png [15:18] mirrored (NSFW): https://bou.si/4c/1523446988104.png [15:19] hes a troll [15:19] niti to ne [15:19] ne enem blogu sem enkrat prebral en opis ki se mi zdi je zelo točen, čaki da najdem link [15:20] https://www.lawfareblog.com/time-i-got-recruited-collude-russians [15:20] The Time I Got Recruited to Collude with the Russians - Lawfare [15:20] The strange tale behind the recent reports of a GOP opposition researcher who set his sights on Hillary Clinton’s emails. [15:20] > “Trump often just repeats whatever he’s heard from the last person who spoke to him,” and expressing the view that this was especially dangerous when Trump was away. [15:20] tole se mi zdi da je kr točen opis [15:21] trump zghleda ki da hoče vedno impresionirat ljudi ki so trenutno okol njega, in se niti ne sekira če je to kontradiktorno stvarem ki jih je rekel dva dni nazaj [15:22] in sumim da je zelo naiven, kadar najde nekoga ki ga sam ceni, kar pomeni da ga neki pametni generali z lahkoto lahko prepičajo karkoli želijo [15:26] so hes just stupid [15:27] men se zdi ja [15:35] 1 minuta klica v avstralijo 0.79€ [15:35] đabe [15:36] men je pa drago [15:36] me zanima kolk je on plačal k sva pol ure govorila lol [15:37] *30 :p [17:21] https://twitter.com/Snowden/status/983801604519407616 [17:21] Edward Snowden on Twitter: "And they call me a criminal.… " [17:22] mhm [23:13] M 1.2 > 9.km J od ZAGORJA OB SAVI @12/04/2018 01:05:09 https://maps.google.com/?q=46.03+N,+15+E