
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.07:44
diploMorning all08:22
=== huw is now known as Guest98710
SuperMattwhat's new y'all?10:16
brobostigonnew or not so new, more paperwork.10:17
zmoylan-piso much for edisons dream of a paperless office... :-)10:59
diddledanello ello11:52
zmoylan-pihacking the videos is just wrong... how will the trolls dispense their usual hate and bile when the video changes?11:59
czajkowskianyone seeing FF become very slow recently on Ubuntu ?13:38
czajkowskidoingf the same search on FF and chromeim and pages timing out on FF13:38
zmoylan-pii have seen firefox showing this page is slow messages more as of late...13:39
zmoylan-pibut then i run the most ancient of hardware :-)13:39
daftykinsif you've been through a number of upgrades, it never hurts to have a good profile clear-out13:39
zmoylan-pii usually wipe laptops from scratch to avoid cruft13:40
czajkowskitrue true13:40
czajkowskiit's becoming painful and unuseable this week13:40
czajkowskiVersion 59.0.2 (64-bit)13:42
zmoylan-pi59.0.2 (32 bit) told ya :-)13:43
daftykinsczajkowski: mmm move your ~/.mozilla i think it is and try afresh, see if it miraculously behaves13:48
* zmoylan-pi currently downloads 64bit xubuntu for a new computer...13:49
daftykinswhat's 'new' to zmoylan-pi? ;)13:53
zmoylan-pi€209 when i got it... http://www.argos.ie/static/Product/partNumber/6734514/Trail/searchtext%3EHP+WINDOWS.htm13:55
daftykinsah yes... those13:55
zmoylan-piif i can get it running linux it'll be good enough for me... :-)13:56
daftykinsi wonder if it'll be one of those hellish 32-bit EFI implementations13:57
zmoylan-pihas resisted booting of my trusty 32bit xubuntu so far... so grabbing a 64bit iso atm13:57
zmoylan-pilot of gobbledegook in bios relating to tpm i've never seen before...13:58
daftykinsmm TPMs are pretty moot for most use-cases13:59
zmoylan-pimy gut instinct when i see something i've never seen before is to blame it... :-)14:00
zmoylan-piupto now, to install linux, enter bios, disable uefi, disable secure boot. instert usb key, turn on...14:01
daftykinsthere's absolutely zero reason to avoid EFI14:02
zmoylan-pii like a good old fashioned bios... :-)14:03
daftykinsit's typically emulated now so often buggy, it's actually less likely to work14:03
zmoylan-pigood enough when they came along a few years after i started using pcs... :-)14:03
daftykinsoften fighting new standards gets you burnt in one way or another though14:09
zmoylan-piif it doesn't just work then the new standard is crap... :-)14:10
czajkowskidaftykins: ho would I do that?14:13
czajkowskidaftykins: ie move ot to there?14:13
daftykinsczajkowski: in a terminal, mv ~/.mozilla ~/.mozilla-old14:13
zmoylan-pijust rename it i suppose?14:13
daftykinsthen reverse them to revert back14:13
daftykinszmoylan-pi: on those cheap machines they tried to screw over anyone dumping Windows by doing this whole 32-bit EFI thing a lot of the time, not sure if it *is* the case with that model - but we saw it a lot14:14
daftykinsstandard 64-bit EFIs didn't give as much grief, though some were still hardcoded to look for the windows boot image etc of course14:14
daftykinsnot had any trouble with kit i've used though, oddly14:14
zmoylan-pithanks for the heads up daftykins, i like a challenge... and a reason to hold a new grudge against ms... >:-)14:14
daftykinsif you buy cheap, you kinda deserve the hassle :D14:15
zmoylan-piit's kinda why i went with hp.  as often as they've annoyed me they're generic enough to work the way i want14:16
czajkowskidaftykins: ahhhh14:17
zmoylan-pispeed difference?14:18
daftykinsi think that was just the initial eureka :)14:20
czajkowskizmoylan-pi: nope diddly squat14:20
czajkowskiand annoying as all my work stuff is done on FF14:20
zmoylan-pior now buried in adverts and popups... :-)14:20
daftykinscould still be a DNS element to it14:21
daftykinsare you at home on a domestic broadband service, or?14:21
zmoylan-piis system faster in chromium?14:21
zmoylan-pi64bit xubuntu boots live in a few seconds... \o/14:28
daftykinsbut will it boot once installed to eMMC :D14:28
zmoylan-pithat's to discover later... have to pop to shops for a wifi usb drive i have a coupon... :-)14:29
daftykinswifi... wat14:30
zmoylan-piit's a sandisk usb drive with a batter and wifi. you can run an app on android and ios and copy/write/stream data to them. handy for when you want to send a few files to/from a mate with ios and can't otg them14:31
zmoylan-pibecause a usb drive with a lightning connector is more expensive14:32
daftykinsah i saw lightning connector + USB A SanDisk flash drives in the airport14:32
zmoylan-piso wifi it is :-)14:32
czajkowskidaftykins: at home on A&A but works fine on all other browsers14:44
czajkowskijst odd it's behaving so badly on FF14:44
daftykinsoh right14:46
daftykinsczajkowski: might not hurt to try changing the proxy setting, in Firefox settings, from auto -> to no, although i don't see that having any bearing14:47
czajkowskidaftykins: ah may try that14:47
daftykinsnp :)14:47
=== triple-clones is now known as tripleclones

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