
Hanumaanhow to install dd_rescue in ubuntu 16.04?00:06
Bashing-omHanumaan: https://askubuntu.com/questions/991982/need-help-installing-ddrescue-on-ubuntu-16-04-thumb-drive (gddrescue is the name of the package, which contains the program ddrescue).00:09
HanumaanBashing-om: is ddrescue is same as dd_rescue?00:10
ramrebolHi. I want to sleep my laptop (hybernate) and I want to wake up for it self after, for example, 8 hours. Is there a way to do this?00:11
guivercddrescue is a GNU tool, dd_rescue is a tool by Kurt Garloff - https://askubuntu.com/questions/211578/whats-the-difference-between-ddrescue-gddrescue-and-dd-rescue00:13
kostkonramrebol, rtcwake00:15
ramrebolI can use "sleep" command, but I want to hipernate my pc for some hours00:15
ramrebolthaks kostkon , I will test it00:15
kostkonramrebol, man rtcwake  first00:15
Bashing-omHanumaan: so far as I know there is no package dd_resxue .00:15
HanumaanBashing-om: About this I'm looking for: http://www.kalysto.org/utilities/dd_rhelp/index.en.html00:16
HanumaanBashing-om: there is a specification about dd_rescue in that tool00:17
Bashing-omHanumaan: reading .00:17
ramrebolkostkon: I'm reading the man now, of course. Thanks for the advice00:18
kostkonramrebol, np00:19
Bashing-omHanumaan: Nope, not the same .00:26
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Bashing-om!recovery | Hanumaan00:27
ubottuHanumaan: If your system fails to boot normally, it may be useful to boot it into recovery mode. For instructions, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode00:27
Bashing-omHanumaan: bawww ^^ .00:27
HanumaanBashing-om: as of I have a failing HDD and trying to repair00:28
HanumaanBashing-om: So as a process want to backup existing failing HDD00:28
Bashing-omHanumaan: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery .00:29
HanumaanBashing-om: thanks good link can those tools also repair btrfs?00:30
nubcakehi, is there a way to restore a clonezilla image from a source hdd (was 1.5tb but only 400gb used) to a smaller target hdd (1tb) ? i tried with the beginner mode, didn't work.00:38
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Bashing-omHanumaan: Ouch ! I have never used btrfs. No knowledge here in that respect.00:40
leftyfbnubcake: https://github.com/aoakley/cotswoldjam/tree/master/raspbian-shrink00:40
ramrebolkostkon: rtcwake works perfect!   Thanks !00:44
nubcakeleftyfb: thanks, will try00:48
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Budgiidoes anyone know how to use xrdp?01:04
Budgiialo reev01:16
reevWHats crackin01:16
BudgiiTrying to get remote connection to my RPi01:16
BudgiiHi backnforth01:17
backnforthI'm trying to change the stream output on my computer but it won't let me change it to hdmi01:17
backnforthBudgii, how goes?01:17
reevTough luck mate, n, I have less clues than you01:18
Budgiibacknforth, great and you?01:20
backnforthBudgii, Oh pretty good01:21
grigoriLegendHi guys, what would be a better way to create a string generator? I need the following format: 35VPK16491768. I currently generate the values separately and concatenate them into one string. I am sure there is a better way to do this. Any suggestions ?01:23
grigoriLegend        int n1 = rand() % 99 + 1;01:23
grigoriLegend        int n2 = rand() % 100000000 + 1;01:23
grigoriLegend        int n = rand() % ('Z' - 'A' + 1);01:23
grigoriLegend        int m = rand() % ('Z' - 'A' + 1);01:23
grigoriLegend        int k = rand() % ('Z' - 'A' + 1);01:23
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k12buntuanyone on?01:30
leftyfb!ask | k12buntu01:31
ubottuk12buntu: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience01:31
k12buntunope, ok01:31
buyakahey all. has anyone here succesfully setup multi-monitor display across two gpus - one amd and one nvidia?01:33
buyakaso one monitor per gpu01:33
leftyfbbuyaka: Are you taking a survey?01:34
buyaka just wanted to pick their brain01:34
buyakanot having tremendous success googling. Some advice says I need to edit xorg.conf and others say I shouldnt have to01:35
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m0rd3caihey does anyone know where Libreoffice is installed to? I cant find the directory and I need it for my nextcloud server.01:50
Checkmatecan i change my files system /dev/root path to /home01:50
Bashing-omm0rd3cai: Terminal command ' which libreoffice ' should tell you .01:55
chris000did you make this channel?02:05
leftyfbchris000: can we help you with something?02:06
chris000no I'm good thank you02:07
TheteIs there a trick to get ubuntu to see sata devices in a threadripper machine with nvme raid?02:14
Thetesees them fine in AHCI mode02:16
Thetebut I really don't wanna have to flip modes every time I want to boot buntu02:16
m0rd3caiBashing-om: that returned nothing. I installed through apt. checked apt-cache and just shows package for download. not install directory. not in /var/lib/ not in /bin/libreoffice/ i cant find it02:20
user__i'm having some problem booting up my full-disk-encrypted ubuntu box. it keeps saying my passcode is wrong. is there a way to boot intoa minimal system and manually mount the encrypted part?02:26
Bashing-omm0rd3cai: Maybe then it is not installed ?? What shows ' dpkg -l libreoffice ' ?02:34
user__nvm, fixed it02:37
michael2hi all, does anyone know why `modprobe -l' keeps throwing "error: -l invalid option" ?02:41
michael2or any other way to list loaded modules?02:41
Bashing-ommichael2: ' lsmod ' to list loaded modules .02:44
michael2Bashing-om: that works thanks. I think I found a way to browse available modules too. any idea how to see which module (driver)  was loaded for the wifi chipset?02:46
Bashing-ommichael2: ' sudo lshw -C Network ' look in the config line for the driver .02:49
MegaManSecfor some reason my full-disk-encrypted ubuntu box won't decrypt unless i boot into recovery mode, enter the password, then just press 'continue' to pass the recovery part02:50
MegaManSecany ideas why this could be?02:50
michael2Bashing-om: ah, thanks!02:51
Bashing-ommichael2: :)02:51
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KartHow can I get some help?04:05
Bashing-om!ask | Kart04:06
ubottuKart: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience04:06
Kumoolis it possible to install something using wine into the shared windows partition?04:09
guiverc_dKumool, possibly (depending on install), but would greatly depend on what & where files are installed.  if it uses libs (dlls etc) they don't generally store this in same location...   (note: i'm no expert - some files I know worked)04:29
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Kumoolhuh... alright, thanks guiverc04:44
lotuspsychjegood morning to all04:54
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vltMegaManSec: The cryptsetup binary might be missing from the initramfs image.05:19
vltMegaManSec: No, you wrote "unless" :D  Then check /proc/cmdline if the correct device is listed there.05:21
shevchukGuys, what would be IPv6 equivalent to, ::3:1?05:23
shevchukAh, I see: "The IPv6 standard assigns only a single address for loopback: ::1"  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Localhost05:29
Draconiator...I MAY be a Grade A dork....setting up Xubunto for my netbook via VirtualBox, installing an older os in another VirtualBox....05:42
flyhi. my machine fails to boot, but there is a splash screen so I don't know what is going on. what to do to make it show the terminal?06:17
Bashing-omfly: Grub menu -> e key -> boot parameter screen -> remove quiet splash in the linux line .06:20
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Bashing-omfly: We await what you come up with :)06:27
SircleHi, I got message from my vps provider that ssh attempts, to some other host, are being made from my vps. How can I check if anyone tempered with my vps? Any logs?06:40
ducasseSircle: check all the logs, but if it is compromised they might have taken steps to hide the activity06:44
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Sircleducasse,  hm. where I can start from06:46
ducasseauth.log, maybe?06:47
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OhPieI'd like to use unbuntu to access tor networks, am I safe?06:52
raddyHello Everybody06:54
raddyI have just configured a live usb version of ubuntu 18.0106:54
guivercOhPie, safe in what way?06:55
raddyIt didn't show any Windows partitions after bootup06:55
EriC^^raddy: try in a terminal "sudo ntfsfix /dev/sdX"06:55
raddyOhh okk06:55
OhPieI want to download dark shit on from the darkweb onto my ubuntu instance and I dont' want to be traced.  I'm behind a VPN.  Can I use ubuntu to ensure all my use of Unbuntu isn't seen?06:56
EriC^^raddy: replace sdX with your disk06:56
OhPieI want to do things the police don't want me to do.06:56
ducasseraddy: 18.04 support is in #ubuntu+106:57
OhPieI won't describe those things.06:57
guivercOhPie, it'll be as safe as using Tor can be...   (if you don't understand how tor works; it's off-topic here as not Ubuntu related)06:57
raddyfdisk -l itself not listing the ntfs ssd volumes06:58
OhPiek.  thank you.  Could you recommend the most current and available safest tor client for ubuntu?06:58
raddyIs that because the ntfs drive is broken ?06:58
guivercOhPie, i use Tor happily from by Ubuntu here, but I realize the flaws in it and they are no concern for what I do06:58
guiverc(flaws in Tor - not Ubuntu)06:58
raddyI have configureded ubuntu in pen drive cause i could not boot windows 706:58
guiverc(weaknesses would be a better word than flaws too)06:59
OhPieguiverc <<| that's informative, thank you sir.06:59
OhPieWhat are the most common security issues with Ubuntu in 2018.. Considering it's 2018? Outside of Sectre and so on?07:00
guivercOhPie, sorry I can't offer the best advice on tor - I use the default packages only07:00
raddyPlease reply07:01
OhPieMy approach is this.  i want to spread tor use.  For typicall use.  Not for bad reasons.07:01
OhPieI want tor to be standard data sharing...07:01
OhPiemore than it is07:01
OhPieand I want to use ubuntu to do it07:01
Boyettegod morgon Ohpie07:01
OhPiebefore I can do that I need to know it's security limits.07:02
BoyetteHur mår du Ohpie?07:02
OhPiethought I'd hit this channel first, being a newb07:02
Boyettedu är svensk?07:02
OhPieBoyette <<| don't try to locate me by non english data please, not kind.07:03
Boyetteit was funny though07:03
OhPieit was funny07:03
OhPieIf you can locate me it'd be nice.  Then I would know if there's a hole in my purchased product.07:04
OhPieThen I could take action to change it.07:04
OhPieand improve it.07:04
OhPieTor is amazing for being private.07:05
OhPieWe need 10 more ideas.07:05
lotuspsychjeOhPie: only ubuntu support here please07:05
lotuspsychje!ot | OhPie07:05
ubottuOhPie: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:05
OhPieI thought this was about ubuntu, and not support.07:05
Boyettei would start using ubuntu 18,04 the newer the better.. track and trace is focussing mostly on major operating systems.. not when they are not released yet07:06
guivercIt is Ubuntu (Support)07:06
BoyetteI actually have a problem related to ubuntu.. will you guys be able to help me?07:06
OhPieoh, oops.  I apologize everyone.07:06
* OhPie slurks aways07:06
ducasseBoyette: please just ask, we'll try07:07
lotuspsychjeBoyette: only if you ask a question07:07
Boyettei have a problem.. my thunderbird give: failed to connect to server07:07
Boyettebut my thunderbird didnt change.. so i think its related to something which is broken in ubuntu07:07
Boyetteor misconfiguration07:08
lotuspsychjeBoyette: did you enter your isp l:p correctly?07:08
Boyettethe configuration of my email accounts did not change07:08
Boyettei have multiple accounts configured there07:08
Boyetteall do not connect suddenly07:08
Boyettebefore this happend i was deleting qemu07:08
chan201How did you do that?07:08
Boyettei think something went wrong related to that07:09
lotuspsychjeBoyette: are you connected to the internet? using router/firewall?07:09
Boyettemy internetconnection is fine07:09
Boyetteim using the same box right now07:09
Boyettebrowser doesnt have problems07:09
OhPie??? - <chan201> OhPie ???07:09
Boyetteand as far as I know other applications also dont have problems07:09
OhPieRegarding Ubuntu in general. Would you agree this is a good security ressource? - https://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/security07:10
ducasseBoyette: try closing thunderbird, run 'sudo apt install --reinstall thunderbird', then open it again to see if it works now07:11
Boyetteok doing it now07:11
cfhowlettOhPie, you did notice the date of that page, did you not?07:11
ducasseOhPie: if you want security advice, i'd try ##security07:12
Boyettehmm now it crashes07:12
OhPieducasse; yes.  So I asked.  Why because I'm what you call a leetch.07:12
lotuspsychjeBoyette: wich ubuntu version and thunderbird version are we talking about?07:13
OhPieI was +b from security on freenode for asking stupid questions.07:13
OhPiehow are new users expected to migration from windows to linux systems with pretentious linux community fucktards?07:14
lotuspsychjeOhPie: stop the offtopic please07:14
cfhowlettenough of that07:14
BoyetteTV 52.6.0 x6407:14
BoyetteTB 52.6.0 x6407:14
lotuspsychje!info thunderbird07:15
ubottuthunderbird (source: thunderbird): Email, RSS and newsgroup client with integrated spam filter. In component main, is optional. Version 1:52.7.0+build1-0ubuntu0.17.10.1 (artful), package size 47466 kB, installed size 128353 kB07:15
HanumaanI got this text https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/87Tb4KD7r8/ from this page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery want to know all three commands have to be executed consecutively on the same imagefile?07:15
lotuspsychjeBoyette: ubuntu version?07:15
lotuspsychjeBoyette: #ubuntu+1 for 18.04 support07:16
OhPieok off topic.07:16
lotuspsychje!info thunderbird bionic07:16
Boyettei know07:16
ubottuthunderbird (source: thunderbird): Email, RSS and newsgroup client with integrated spam filter. In component main, is optional. Version 1:52.6.0+build1-0ubuntu1 (bionic), package size 47454 kB, installed size 128298 kB07:16
Boyettebut they are slow :P07:17
lotuspsychjeBoyette: why do you ask here then?07:17
Boyettebecause you guys are good :P07:17
cfhowlettBoyette, it's not released yet.  it's not supported here.  not complicated.07:17
Boyetterelease date is less then 2 weeks07:17
Boyettemaybe we can practice already07:17
lotuspsychjeBoyette: just join the other channel please07:17
raddyHello Everybody07:23
raddyIs user data be retained in ubuntu live USB?07:24
raddyLike apps installs and profile data ?07:24
cfhowlett!persistence | raddy normally no.  with persistence, yes.07:24
ubotturaddy normally no.  with persistence, yes.: To have some persistent storage when using a Live CD, follow the instructions on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDPersistence07:24
raddycfhowlett: so, i can do that only via LiveCD and Live USB, or LiveCD not required ?07:26
cfhowlettraddy, rather difficult to save anything to a CD yes?  But you can do persistence on a USB07:27
raddycfhowlett: my question is, i don't have cd rom drive. so, i can enable perisistance on one connected usb pen drive which is also acting as liveusb07:28
cfhowlettif you follow the instructions you can convert your ubuntu live USB to a live USB with persistence07:29
Sircleputting port 22 and port 2828  (multiple ports to connect with) is fine in etc/ssh/sshd_config ?07:48
ducasseyou can only use one, i think07:49
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SircleWill this block all outgoing ssh iptables -I OUTPUT -d  -p tcp --dport 22 -j REJECT07:52
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Sircleducasse, https://serverfault.com/a/28457407:54
ducasseSircle: interesting, haven't seen that before07:58
spajderixMy ubuntu 17.10 won't boot from default option in grub. When I go to advanced and select the latest kernel it will boot without issues. I've checked /boot/grub/grub.cfg and the default entry points to the latest kernel. Is there anything else I can check to see what's going on?08:21
lotuspsychjespajderix: is your system up to date to latest?08:23
spajderixchecked that 15 minutes ago08:23
lotuspsychjespajderix: wich kernel version doesnt boot?08:23
lotuspsychje!info linux-image-generic08:24
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (artful), package size 2 kB, installed size 14 kB08:24
spajderixlotuspsychje: 4.13.0-38-generic #43-Ubuntu SMP Wed Mar 14 15:20:44 UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux08:25
spajderixIt boots from advanced menu, but does not boot from default option08:25
EriC^^spajderix: what happens when it doesn't boot?08:26
EriC^^usually the default one is the latest kernel.. so that's odd08:26
spajderixEriC^^: just blank screen, pressing ctrl-alt-del reboots the machine and it goes all over again, until i select advanced and pick any one of the available kernels08:27
roryWhat's a better way to do something like this, without chaning grep commands?08:28
rorygrep -v \.css | grep -v \.js | grep -v \.jpg | grep -v \.gif | grep -v \.woff | grep -v \.png08:28
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spajderixrory: grep -vE '(\.css|\.js|\.jpg|\.gif|\.woff|\.png)'08:31
ossegrep -vE '\.(css|js|jpg|gif|woff|png)'   \o/08:31
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guivercspajderix, i'm not as expert as others, but I can't think of any reason for your issue unless some character/bit is stuffed in grub.cfg; so I'd do a `diff` of the what works & what doesn't looking for a bit/char error -- sun spot during write maybe :)08:35
Guest48380hello guys. i installed ubuntu 17.10 , i want to install lamp.. which is the best tutorial to follow for desktop08:35
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nareshkk hello guys. i installed ubuntu 17.10 , i want to install lamp.. which is the best tutorial to follow for desktop08:35
rorynareshkk: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-linux-apache-mysql-php-lamp-stack-on-ubuntu-16-0408:36
rorynareshkk: it says for 16.04 but it will also work for 17.1008:36
nareshkkok thanks08:36
raddyCan i convert a liveusb session to persistant without the help of another usb pen drive ?08:37
skaface82i guess youd just do an install and then copy the files across from your usb drive?08:38
spajderixguiverc: did a diff, found nothing08:41
HanumaanI got this text https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/87Tb4KD7r8/ from this page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery want to know all three commands have to be executed consecutively on the same imagefile?08:43
guivercspajderix, suspected as such  (it was a hail mary..)  - my only other thought was if you always try default first, advanced second - two default boots may work (equally hail-mary, but would maybe point to hardware failing????)08:43
EriC^^spajderix: did you try booting without quiet splash in the kernel line?08:44
spajderixEriC^^: not yet, let me try that08:45
nareshkkrory, thanks i am done..but after this its not allowing to create any folder in www directory08:49
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spajderixEriC^^: Ha! That worked! I wonder why, though. Anyway thank you for your suggestion08:50
rorynareshkk: That is probably permissions. Apache runs as a dedicated user called www-data who owns that directory, so www-data is the only user who can write there08:52
rorysudo usermod -a -G www-data $USER08:53
rorythat command will add your current user to the www-data group08:53
rorycheck also this https://www.digitalocean.com/community/questions/proper-permissions-for-web-server-s-directory08:53
spajderixIt seems I've been to quick to be happy. I did 3 test reboots and on the third one I get: Mounting root filesystem ... Failed t oconnect to lvmetad. Falling back to device scanning. Any ideas on that?08:57
spajderixEven better now: "systemd-udevd:240" blocked for more than 120 seconds" followed by some call trace messages08:59
s10gopalTJ-, 4.13.0-38-generic #43~lp1745646ThreeReverts solved my problem , so it will be fixed in 16.04lts too ?09:03
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generalflufflesany games in linux that are not dumb?09:06
s10gopalgeneralfluffles, try steam games09:06
Skaface82tux racer :-)09:07
generalflufflestux racer09:07
generalflufflesi played that when i was 1209:07
Skaface82i like to play runescape sometimes09:07
Skaface82thats pretty good09:08
generalfluffleswindows has more access in gaming unlike linux09:08
hateballgeneralfluffles: if you want to discuss games there are other channels for that on freenode, like #gamingonlinux or #steamlug09:08
hateballgeneralfluffles: as this channel is for Ubuntu support09:08
generalflufflesfine then09:09
Sirclefinally I find NO way to know who /which process is initiating outbound ssh connections. Is it so hard?09:33
guiverc(I dropped phone on keyboard in error)09:35
akikSircle: you can view the connections with "sudo lsof -i"09:38
akikSircle: you can view the connections with "sudo lsof -i:22"09:40
Sircleit just displays and exits. does not keeps on listening09:41
akikSircle: it'll output the connections. use it from the terminal09:42
SircleI need all connections09:42
akikSircle: yes that'll give you the list09:43
Sircleit just displays and exits. does not keeps on listening09:43
akikSircle: yes that's what it does. you can build a loop around it09:44
akikSircle: i'm looking for an option in lsof that would loop it09:45
Sirclewhat is meant by this? Apr 11 00:51:38 u kernel: [ 5131.935862] ssh connectionIN= OUT=ens3 SRC=---some ip here --- DST= LEN=52 TOS=0x08 PREC=0x00 TTL=64 ID=58395 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=52992 DPT=22 WINDOW=321 RES=0x00 ACK URGP=009:45
akikSircle: there's option -r for repeat mode09:47
akikSircle: that is iptables output for a ssh connection to
Sirclewhat connection made to 168.. to a request was made from it?09:49
akikSircle: DPT=22 <- destination port ssh09:50
Sircleso -- some ip-- tried to ssh to 168...? akik09:50
akikSircle: yes09:50
Sircleakik,  can I trace who/which user made this ssh connection?09:51
akikSircle: it's in lsof output09:52
akikSircle: if the connection is no more, no09:52
Sircleakik,  lsof shows current. The line I pasted is past09:52
akikSircle: you could find it from user's logs09:52
akik.bash_history keeps the shell history, but it's not 100% certain that the commands are there09:53
Sircleakik,  someone did this command without shell09:54
Sircleor a user who didnt even had a shel. leg. apache09:55
snufftHi everyone! I'm trying to resurrect a ubuntu 16.04 install and am having a little trouble. When I run sudo apt-get update, it tells me that a key is invalid, but i can't find it in apt-key list and don't really know how ot get rid of it10:00
snufftalso, when i run sudo spkg --configure -a it tells me that it's configuring mariadb and just sits on that line. i can control + x to stop it, but that's it10:00
snufftdoes anyone have a solution for eihter of those?10:01
Guest88030snufft: maybe you can check keyserver.ubuntu.com for the right key?10:04
JimBuntusnufft, we would probably need to see the output from running the commands... but overall... find the key and remove it... apt-get purge mariadb10:05
cariveriWhats the best way to mirror the package installation on a second ubuntu ?10:07
JimBuntuYou should be able to get a list of installed packages from your package manager(s). Then you can apt-get download from the primary, scp to the secondary and install... if that's what you meant.10:08
cariveriJimBuntu: can I get just a list that can be piped into apt-get install on the secondary machine?10:09
JimBuntucariveri, should be able to. Are you using apt?10:10
JimBuntuI think the biggest hassle would be if you have additional PPAs.10:10
cariveriI avoid using PPAs , so should not be a lot.10:10
JimBuntucariveri, `apt list --installed` to get your list... probably want to `cut` that list at the "/" and pipe into `apt-get install -y`10:13
cariveriJimBuntu: hm. yea. apt doesnt get me a list of package names right away :(10:14
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JimBuntucariveri, alternatively, you should be able to use `dpkg -l` as well.10:15
osseI am trying to unmount a directory but I get "target is busy". How can I find out what is keeping it occupied?10:20
TJ-cariveri: best way is to use "debfoster --show-keepers" (after doing "sudo debfoster --quiet" )10:22
brainwashosse: lsof /path/to/directory10:22
JimBuntuTJ-, are you actually simply the best bot ever written?10:22
TJ-JimBuntu: error; does not compute10:23
ossebrainwash: no output10:23
JimBuntuTJ-, props to your ma and pa, they had mad neural networking skills.10:23
=== the_ant1 is now known as the_ant
TJ-JimBuntu: All it takes is read man-pages :)10:24
BluesKajHi folks10:24
SircleHow to allow ssh traffic(regardless of port number )  (inbound or outbound in ANY and all cases) for specific users only?10:26
ossebrainwash: it helps to stp the NFS server ... :p10:29
=== 7YSAARU6W is now known as miracle_huang
SiamasterHi, I have a 3 hard drives, where I have Ubuntu on one, Win 10 on another and the third is just my personal files10:56
Siamasterthis is the 3rd time this happens to me on Ubuntu that suddenly, I can not read anything from that hard drive with my personal files10:56
SiamasterIt can work some minutes after I've started then suddenly it stops working, I can navigate and see some files, but can't open any of them10:57
Siamasterit happened twice some days ago and now it happened today again10:57
Siamasterit has not happened on Win10 yet but I have not been using Win10 alot10:58
Siamasteris my harddrive dying?10:58
Siamastershould I try to remount that drive?10:58
Siamasterdo you have any ideas?10:58
Siamasterif I restart, it will probably work again10:59
guivercSiamaster, to look at HDD health, use `smartctl` (found in smartmontools) or if using gui, `gnome-disks`11:01
EriC^^Siamaster: install smartmontools and run sudo smartctl -a /dev/sdX on the disk11:01
EriC^^upload the results somewhere, also when it happens if you type "dmesg" does it say anything about the disk?11:02
Siamasterok, I'll do that now ty11:02
snufftGuest88030: ended up deleting the key, thanks for the suggestion though :)11:03
SiamasterThe terminal entered a "semi-gui" mode for postfix confiugration11:04
snufftJimBuntu:  i understand. I think i've found a way around those particular problems though, thanks anyway :)11:04
Siamasterhow do I exit that window?11:04
snufftand I dind't have to purge mariadb, thank god, haha11:04
guivercSiamaster, i'd suggest just picking 'no config'11:04
Siamasterthere is a <Ok> button (?)11:04
Siamasterok, should I just close the terminal?11:04
SiamasterI can't get by that window, and when clicking the close button, it warns me about ongoing process11:05
guivercSiamaster, I installed smartmontools before to check 'smartmontools' - I got the message you got & just hit no config (or something like that), but i loaded from conig - I'd not close, but no-config & enter11:05
SiamasterThere is no no-config alternative11:06
SiamasterI'll just close it and try again11:06
SiamasterI came to the same window11:06
Siamasterit's not reacting to any keyboard input11:07
guivercSiamaster, how did you load smartmon* - from term command (sudo apt..) or how?11:08
Siamastersudo apt11:08
guiverci used arrow keys to tell it postfix no config & hit enter... it then continued install...11:09
SiamasterHmm, I can't do that, the arrow keys just scrolls11:11
codebot_I'm trying to send an email using terminal. i did this ->11:11
codebot_sendmail aasifk106@gmail.com < /home/aasif/Desktop/Software/email/email.txt11:11
hateballSiamaster: laptop? fn-lock causing arrows to be pgup/pgdn ?11:11
codebot_but it's showing an error: sendmail: Cannot open smtp.gmail.com:58711:12
geirhahit TAB to change focus in a whiptail tui11:12
Siamasterneed to press tab11:12
guivercSiamaster, the [curses] postfix config screen is where i used arrow keys to select 'no config' (at top of list from memory) and just pressed enter11:12
codebot_I'm trying to send an email using terminal. I did this -> sendmail <myemailid> < /path/to/file/that/will/act/as/email/content11:13
raddyHello Everybody11:13
codebot_but it's showing an error11:13
codebot_sendmail: Cannot open smtp.gmail.com:58711:13
raddyI have enabled persistent boot option in Ubuntu 17.04 after setting the partition in my pen drive11:14
codebot_I'm trying to send an email using terminal. I did this -> sendmail <myemailid> < /path/to/file/that/will/act/as/email/content11:14
codebot_does someone know a way around the error that i'm getting11:14
codebot_sendmail: Cannot open smtp.gmail.com:58711:14
raddyIs persistent feature reduces performance and wear out the pen drive more quickly ?11:14
scootergrisenHow can i know where a package (steam) stores the translation files?11:16
geirhadpkg -L packagename   lists all the files it installed11:16
codebot_does someone know a way to send email through terminal?11:17
SiamasterI get "A mandatory SMART command failed: exiting. To continue, add one or more '-T permissive' options."11:18
leftyfbcodebot_: what have you found so far?11:18
scootergrisenBut they are now included in the package. They are downloaded when steam is run i think11:18
codebot_leftyfb,  I'm trying to send an email using terminal. I did this -> sendmail <myemailid> < /path/to/file/that/will/act/as/email/content11:18
Siamasterand when I do  sudo fdisk -l. sdc is not even mentioned.11:18
Siamasterthat's the name (or path?) of my drive11:18
codebot_leftyfb, but its showing an error: sendmail: Cannot open smtp.gmail.com:58711:19
leftyfbcodebot_: try "mail"11:19
Siamasterperhaps I should restart and run that command while the disk is still working11:19
SiamasterI'll come back11:19
codebot_leftyfb, just for curiosity what does this mean? sendmail: Cannot open smtp.gmail.com:58711:19
leftyfbcodebot_: ok, so that's an issue talking with gmail11:19
hateballSiamaster: do you have any errors in dmesg ?11:19
leftyfbcodebot_: the first result on google for that error message tells you exactly how to fix it: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35130119/linux-configuration-ssmtp-cannot-open-smtp-gmail-com58711:20
Siamasterwow, this time it didn't even work from the beginning11:22
SiamasterI'll try windows11:22
OhPiecan I play battlefront 2 on untuntu in my windows virtual box? << I have all the hardware required.11:23
hateballSiamaster: do you have any errors in dmesg ?11:24
hateballSiamaster: like ATA timeout etc11:25
Siamaster_Everything worked as normal on Win1011:26
Siamaster_but in Ubuntu, it failed to mount again when I restarted just now11:27
Siamaster_and I got a screenshot of, I'll upload it11:27
scootergrisenWhere does Ubuntu store the translation used in steam?11:28
Siamaster_It mounts my Windows drive fine, but not F11:28
leftyfbSiamaster_: did you do what the error message says?11:29
Siamaster_I was just thinking to do that11:29
Siamaster_it should be the first one, it sounds reasonable11:29
Siamaster_but I have to login to Windows?11:30
leftyfbI would do exactly as it says in the message11:30
Siamaster_ok, but just to be sure. It wants me to log in to Windows and run that command right?11:30
Siamaster_yes, it can't be anything else :P11:31
Siamaster_I'll be back11:31
leftyfbchkdsk is a Windows command and it literally says "reboot into Windows twice". I'm not sure how that can be interpreted to mean anything from linux11:31
OhPiehttps://twitter.com/profile_delete << will improve the future.11:32
leftyfb!op | OhPie11:32
ubottuOhPie: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax11:32
OhPieOff topic.  Thanks for the grace.11:32
leftyfbOhPie: please stop11:33
OhPieJust sharing.  I use this OS and if it will not support the removal of poisen then I won't use it. - https://www.wikihow.com/Delete-a-Twitter-Account11:33
leftyfbOhPie: please stop11:33
OhPieleftyfb <<| Do not stop me from promoting Ubuntu.11:33
OhPieI will.11:34
guivercOhPie, this is a Ubuntu Support room; not for idle chat - that should go in #ubuntu-offtopic or #ubuntu-discuss11:34
leftyfbit's a troll11:34
OhPieit's 2018, I'm not a troll.11:34
OhPieRelax your issues.11:34
OhPieleftyfb <<| why do you care so much: So what. A random person comes in and uses Ubuntu to an Operating system that's designed for open communication to talk about ideas.. and your'e going to shut it down?11:36
leftyfbOhPie: This is a support channel. Not discussion. Nobody cares about your opinion on twitter11:37
guivercOhPie, if you're not a troll, please stop acting like one - support chat only in this room.  anything else should go in other rooms11:37
OhPieIt's an open source OS.11:37
JimBuntuFrom the channel topic "This channel supports Ubuntu and its official flavors; versions 14.04, 16.04, and 17.10 | bionic/18.04: /join #ubuntu+1 | Unofficial derivatives: use your distro's support channel, not here. "11:37
OhPieOpen INFORMATION man?11:37
FlannelOhPie: Because it's a busy channel.  Please take non-technical support to #ubuntu-offtopic11:38
OhPiethe spirit of Linux is open11:38
OhPieit's a dead channel11:38
btp"<OhPie> Relax your issues."11:39
OhPieok.  Let's find out about Ubuntu Support.  Are there drivers available for Battlefront 2?11:39
OhPieWhere do I download those drivers sir?11:39
JimBuntuDrivers... for a game? Drivers... for software?11:39
guiverckernel modules (or drivers) are for hardware, and not software11:39
FlannelOhPie: Battlefront 2 from steam apparently works with Wine11:40
OhPie <Flannel> OhPie: Because it's a busy channel.  Please take non-technical support to #ubuntu-offtopic << Busy channel my ass.11:42
OhPiethank you Flannel11:43
FlannelOhPie: Regardless, this is for technical support only.  Offtopic stuff belongs elsewhere.  And watch your language.11:43
OhPieFlannel <<| you watch your user use.11:43
OhPieDon't .11:45
OhPieFlannel <<| Did you just kick me for providing input?11:45
carbor02hey brooo11:46
OhPieUbuntu - --on the score.  Unintall in 2018.11:46
leftyfbcarbor02: What can we help you with?11:47
snufftWhen running sudo update-initramfs -u i get "Warning: /sbin/fsck.etx4 doesn't exist, can't install to initramfs, ignoring" would anyone know how to fix that?11:48
leftyfbcarbor02: carrom: you only need to be in here once11:48
akiksnufft: try installing e2fsprogs11:49
SiamasterI did exactly that, the command also outputed that it had made some corrections11:51
SiamasterI restarted twice to windows after that11:51
Siamasterbut now I cant find the drive in Ubuntu11:51
Siamasterit was the in the beginning and then it disappeared11:51
Siamasterbut this time, no error msg11:52
leftyfbSiamaster: I would run diagnostics on the drive11:52
leftyfbsounds like a bad drive .. or at the very least, filesystem11:52
Siamasterwhat diagnostics?11:52
SiamasterIt has been working nice for a month in Ubuntu11:53
leftyfbSMART tests to start with ... you can find it in the "disks" util in linux11:53
leftyfbSiamaster: just because it was working, doesn't mean it didn't develop a problem11:53
SiamasterI see11:53
Siamasterbut do you think that the actual hardware is going bad?11:53
Siamasteror it should be just the filesystem11:53
Siamasterbecause it works nice on Windows11:54
leftyfbSiamaster: won't know until you run diagnostics11:54
leftyfbSiamaster: Windows tends to be ignorant about such things until it's too late11:54
SiamasterI'll figure out how to do that11:54
Siamastergood thing I installed Ubuntu then11:54
leftyfbSiamaster: also, you can take a look at the Windows Event manager logs and see if there's errors in there about the drive11:54
leftyfbSiamaster: regardless, step #1 should be to make sure you have a backup11:55
=== thomas_ is now known as lavendthomas
SiamasterI have to buy another drive..11:55
dfchyou can upload essential stuff in the cloud (i.e. google drive or something like that) Siamaster11:56
Siamasterbut how can I even run diagnostics when the drive disappears11:56
dfchSiamaster: do you see it in 'fdisk -l'?11:57
dfch(ideally run as root: 'sudo fdisk -l')11:57
SiamasterI'll restart and see11:58
snufftakik: apparently it's already installed :(12:02
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snufftakik: i've noticed in /sbin i have a link called fsck.ext4 which points to e2fsck. Shouldn't initramfs be looking at that instead of fsck.etx4 ?12:09
lavendthomasHello, I have a laptop (EFI) with an Intel CPu and a nvidia graphics card. I installed Ubuntu 17.10 and am currently using the integreted graphics. I want to use the nvidia card (ideally with prime), but when I use the graphical tool I get a black screen on reboot/relog, until I apt purge nvidia-* in terminal. Does anyone know how to do it ? I already have disabled wayland in GDM and /etc/gdm3/custom.conf, and secure boot is disabled. Thanks.12:12
hateballlavendthomas: did you install the driver using the driver utility?12:15
hateballlavendthomas: do you have secure boot enabled in BIOS?12:15
lavendthomasmokutil --sb-state returns SecureBoot disabled12:16
hateballoh I cant read12:16
hateballlavendthomas: did you try forcing nvidia using prime-select on a tty?12:16
SiamasterOkay, for some time. Windows stopped noticing the drive. Even the bios didn't have all the information about it that it used to have.12:17
lavendthomasbut does the graphical utility install prime ?12:17
SiamasterAnd since I've had sata-problems before I decided to change the Sata number of the drive12:17
Siamasternow everything is back to normal12:18
akiksnufft: "ls -al /sbin/fsck.ext4" it's linked to e2fsck, "dpkg -S /sbin/e2fsck" gives e2fsprogs12:18
SiamasterBut I'm going to backup that drive, the money isn't worth feeling the way I did some minutes ago12:18
SiamasterThanks for the help12:19
lavendthomashateball: I read a lot online about setting nomodeset as a kernel parametter in grub. I don't understant what it is and if if helps12:22
dfchSiamaster: it is probably nothing, but it is always good to have a backup! glad it all worked out well in the end12:23
hateballlavendthomas: I am not sure if the gui util installs prime, but you can install nvidia-prime manually12:26
lavendthomasok i'll try12:27
hateballlavendthomas: also I have avoided hybrid gpus for many years, so my knowledge is limited12:27
=== thomas_ is now known as lavendthomas
lavendthomashateball: prime-select did the job ! Tanks !12:33
hateballlavendthomas: cool :)12:35
terminalator/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libcurl.so.4: version `CURL_OPENSSL_3' not found12:53
terminalatorHow does one fix this issue?12:53
slidinghornterminalator: what are you doing when you receive this error?12:57
TJ-terminalator: did you install a custom version of openssl?12:57
confluencyterminalator: what are you trying to run?12:59
terminalatorWell, I just upgraded from 17.10 to 18.04 beta. I get this error wile trying to run several packages for example newsboat.12:59
terminalatorAnd jrnl a command line journal package12:59
geirha!18.04 | terminalator12:59
ubottuterminalator: Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver) will be the 28th release of Ubuntu - Announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1518 - Discussion in #ubuntu+112:59
confluencyThis seems to be related to libcurl being compiled with gnutls rather than openssl.13:00
terminalatorconfluency: Ah, I see. That would make sense.13:00
confluencyterminalator: what curl-related packages do you have installed? dpkg -l | grep curl13:00
terminalatori  curl                                                             7.58.0-2ubuntu3                       amd64        command line tool for transferring data with URL syntax13:01
terminalatorii  libcurl3-gnutls:amd64                                            7.58.0-2ubuntu3                       amd64        easy-to-use client-side URL transfer library (GnuTLS flavour)13:01
terminalatorii  libcurl4:amd64                                                   7.58.0-2ubuntu3                       amd64        easy-to-use client-side URL transfer library (OpenSSL flavour)13:01
terminalatorii  python-pycurl                                                                    amd64        Python bindings to libcurl13:01
terminalatorii  python3-pycurl                                                                   amd64        Python bindings to libcurl (Python 3)13:01
confluencyterminalator: please paste long things in a pastebin, not in the channel.13:02
confluencyterminalator: try to install libcurl3. If the issue persists, you may need to use a workaround to select the right curl version with an environment variable. See e.g. https://github.com/citra-emu/citra/issues/297613:03
terminalatorconfluency: Alright, let me give that a try13:03
confluencyterminalator: I believe that the libcurl3 package is the one compiled with openssl.13:03
ZajtBest way to setup VM on Ubuntu 16.04 is to install like VMware fusion right?13:04
confluencyIf you search for that error you'll get a lot of Arch threads -- the package names will be wrong, but the environment variable workaround should be applicable.13:04
terminalatorconfluency: I'll keep that in mind13:04
terminalatorIt's working Sir ;) Thank you so much confluency13:05
confluencyterminalator: I'm not a sir, but you're welcome.13:05
terminalatorconfluency: Oh, my bad. Well, at least a learned someting new didn't expect it to be that simple.13:06
alwynHi, an installation got stuck for minutes on end, so I cancelled it. Now dpkg tells me I must manually run dpkg --configure -a, which is fine, but it just gets stuck again13:09
confluencyWhat's "stuck"? Stuck at what point?13:10
alwyn"Setting up <package>"13:11
confluencyWell, what is <package>?13:11
confluencyAnd what distro version is this?13:12
alwynUbuntu 16.04.3 LTS, package docker-ce from their repos13:13
confluencyCould you please post the actual exact terminal output (in a pastebin) instead of describing it?13:16
slidinghornalwyn: why not use the version available in the Ubuntu repository?  Using the 3rd party/developer repository has more of a chance of breaking things13:17
TJ-Anyone know how/why console-setup-linux ignores /etc/default/console-setup in 17.10+ ?13:18
alwynconfluency: https://bpaste.net/show/37f3633916b413:19
confluencyalwyn: in the short term, you can fix this by uninstalling docker-ce (or purging).13:20
confluencyalwyn: have you seen this? https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/293675/installing-docker-hangs-at-setting-up-docker-engine-on-ubuntu-xenial13:21
confluencyalwyn: it's for a different docker package, but it may have the same underlying cause.13:22
ivanperezHello! I'm trying to add a location to the clock in 17.10, and the option locations seems to have done away. I searched online, and everyone suggests installing some weird extra tool that presents a clock and locations.13:24
ivanperezDoes anyone know why the feature was removed?13:24
ivanperezOr where it went?13:24
ivanperez*done -> gone13:25
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OnkelTemHi all13:45
leftyfbOnkelTem: hello. What can we help you with?13:46
OnkelTemufw question. Where does it stores rules? I can't find them in /etc/ufw13:46
OnkelTemAnd how to remove a rule? For example, if I add it with: ufw allow 123/tcp, how to remove it then?13:46
leftyfbOnkelTem: the first result on google for "where does ufw store rules" points to https://serverfault.com/questions/475468/where-does-ufw-uncomplicated-firewall-save-command-line-rules-to which gives the answer13:46
leftyfbOnkelTem: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW should help with how to use ufw13:47
OnkelTemYeah, but it's still unclear how to delete rule? There is a command for that by it takes number13:48
OnkelTemwhile ufw status doesn't show any numbers13:48
OnkelTemoh, ok13:49
OnkelTemI found it13:49
OnkelTemleftyfb: thanks. Your google king-fu is better than my, I admit it sir13:50
leftyfbOnkelTem: I only typed your exact question into google13:50
dar123i have got a linux machine behind nat, i want to be able to ssh it (without configuring static nat)  from a cloud server13:50
leftyfbdar123: you'll need to poke a hole in your firewall/router13:51
OnkelTemleftyfb: don't underestimate yourself sir13:51
leftyfbdar123: or, create an autossh config for your linux machine to ssh to the cloud server and create a reverse tunnel13:51
leftyfbdar123: https://www.howtoforge.com/reverse-ssh-tunneling13:52
ZajtBest way to setup VM on Ubuntu 16.04 is to install like VMware fusion right?13:53
leftyfbZajt: if you're only going to use a linux server in the VM, maybe look into lxd containers. It's way easier and simpler to use13:54
leftyfbZajt: other than that, maybe Virtualbox13:54
Zajtleftyfb: I will put a linux distro on the VM(I want to create like 10 users so 10 people can ssh into it)13:55
leftyfbZajt: I would do lxd then13:55
leftyfbZajt: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/lxd.html13:56
Zajtokay that will work for what I want? Because I want to fix so each user have access to the same files in the home folder, but then they should not see other files or write stuff in other than those folders13:57
dar123another thing i want to monitor the host behind NAT as well, whenever it goes offline i will send a notification to myself. What should i run on the host to keep sending keep alives to my cloud server13:58
dar123i can run a cron job, but what is the recommended/best practice13:58
leftyfbZajt: that is not a function of the VM but instead how you give access to each account.13:59
Zajtalright yeah leftyfb why is lxd better here? So I know the benefits13:59
ZajtI have used VMware fusion on my computer and it worked perfectly with VM's13:59
leftyfbdar123: have the cloud host check for the reverse tunnel. If it goes down, have the cloud host notify you. Won't do you any good for the host behind nat to try to notify you if it's offline13:59
leftyfbZajt: it's a lot simpler and quicker to get setup. Try it out14:00
dar123let me try that out, thanks again14:00
capHey guys. I want to design an application launcher, could you me point to that direction.14:09
Zajtleftyfb: after I have followed the instructions on that page, is it easy to setup 10 users so that they can ssh into it?14:10
capcould you point me*14:10
leftyfbZajt: again, that has nothing to do with VM's. You setup those users the same way you would on any linux environment14:11
adrian_1908"LXD (pronounced lex-dee) ..." Really? more like "el-ex-dee", no?14:17
srgjamesI have a webserver and wanting to back it up I have command line access but do not have physical access. What is the best way to back it up ?14:21
EriC^^srgjames: might be useful https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/backup-website-ssh-command-line/14:23
slidinghornsrgjames: also: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem/TAR could be helpful14:24
german_hi guys i need some help...newbie on linux and using Zorin OS. i cant make my blutetooth work...ive a MEDIATEK mt7630e. any advice would be very appreciated14:26
srgjamesgerman_ find a Zorin OS irc14:27
srgjamesas this is ubuntu14:27
EriC^^!zorin | german_14:27
EriC^^!zorinos | german_14:27
slidinghorngerman_: unfortunately, ZorinOS isn't supported here.  Try their channel #ZorinOS14:27
german_oh ok cheers14:28
=== Guest90852 is now known as rockfordwork
fooClosing last few lines on apt-get autoremove - https://paste.ofcode.org/N8Nd3bBYYZq6PyAVUa22Ej - does that look ok? Or do I need to do something?14:31
fooRemoving symbolic link initrd.img.old14:31
foo you may need to re-run your boot loader[grub]14:31
fooubuntu 14.0414:31
atlas1have anyone used freedombox on ubuntu servers here?14:33
slidinghornatlas1: what's your *actual* question?  You might get better reponses if you detail what you're trying to do/what you need :)14:34
atlas1I Installed Freedombox-setup using sudo apt install freedombox-setup. The project seemed really cool to run a private server with preconfigured packages to run at home. But the documentation when I followed it didnt have a qhole lot of clear details on how to start and the man option didnt help either14:36
atlas1so wondering if anyone here have tried it yet14:36
fooUbuntu 14.04 - uname -a shows this kernel:  3.13.0-24-generic - digital ocean says I want to be on Ubuntu 14.04: kernel 3.13.0-139-generic to be relatively secure - am I?14:36
atlas1slidinghorn: should have mentioned you specifically lol sorry14:36
fooI'm not sure looking at the numbers if I'm on 3.13 or 3.13.0-24 which I assume is greater than 3.13.0-13914:37
mingdaoHow do I turn on the teamviewer daemon on?14:39
mingdaoWhen I start the client it loads the license screen for a minute, then closes. I think the daemon needs to be started.14:40
atlas1mingdao: teamviewer --daemon start start TeamViewer daemon14:40
wiqHi. I am running kubuntu and on HP Pavilion G6 1004tx laptop which have AMD Radeon HD 6470M. I wanted to switch to AMD graphic card permanently. So, I added DRI_PRIME=1 to /etc/environment but after restarting I saw a error "kwin crashed" I switched use XRender backend instead. And restarted again. Everything is working fine BUT when I am scrolling webpages the text is flickering. [I know I can make any specific app to use AMD but by using AMD as default for14:42
wiqall system is giving a performance boost]14:42
mingdaoatlas1: it still didn't start, i'll check otherwise14:42
atlas1mingdao:  teamviewer --daemon stop stop TeamViewer daemon14:43
atlas1mingdao: stop the daemon and than try14:43
atlas1if still giving you trouble try uninstalling and rebooting and reinstall and start the daemon14:43
ads20000foo: The latest Linux 3.13 kernel on 14.04 is 3.13.0-144. The later (Debian) patches for 3.13 will have security fixes so that means you're not up-to-date. Have you updated recently?14:47
atlas1worker009: hi14:47
=== onix_ is now known as backnforth
ads20000Though I don't know all the ins and outs of how Digital Ocean works and how you'd go about updating a Linux kernel on that...perhaps you'd want to contact DO about it...14:48
Checkmatehow to change apt-get in other path14:48
fooads20000: thank you. I thought I did. I have these installed: https://paste.ofcode.org/7uur9nFLMSFaxkyVanUjNd uname -a shows: Linux bre 3.13.0-24-generic #46-Ubuntu SMP Thu Apr 10 19:11:08 UTC 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux14:48
leftyfbCheckmate: huh?14:48
fooads20000: do I have to enable it or something, I wonder? I thought it automatically used the latest14:48
TJ-foo: please see the responses in #ubuntu-server to your questions14:49
luna_got my PC back in working order :)14:49
atlas1Quick question for you guys. How do you call a program from within a program? Like for example I'm using weechat on terminal to chat here. Now if I want to use say grep. How would i do that?14:49
atlas1luna_: awesome14:49
fooTJ-: thank you!14:50
neilduganHi I have just installed a new artful server setup.. but the wired interface is not comming up automatically ... a "dhclient enp2s0" works I have the "auto enp2s0" etc in /etc/network/interfaces file ... what could be wrong?14:50
leftyfbatlas1: that would have to be a feature of weechat. Read it's documentation14:50
atlas1neildugan: so just so we are clear you changed the /etc/network/interface and changed the interface settings to auto INTERFACE and iface INTERFACE inet DHCP14:52
atlas1neildugan: right?14:52
neilduganatlas1, yes14:53
jlevonanybody any clues on how to get the file list out of steadyflow by any chance?14:53
neilduganatlas1, "auto enp2s0" .. "iface enp2s0 inet dhcp"14:53
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atlas1neildugan: are you using ubuntu 17+?14:53
neilduganatlas1, yes 17.1014:54
atlas1neildugan: aaah for that you have to use netplan14:54
atlas1neildugan: go to /etc/netplan/14:54
atlas1and there is a yuml file you need to edit14:54
neilduganatlas1, nothing there at all14:55
atlas1neildugan: hang on let me find an article that explains much better14:55
atlas1neildugan: https://websiteforstudents.com/configuring-static-ips-ubuntu-17-10-servers/14:55
atlas1neildugan: they changed the network configuration stuff all together in 17.10 . i dont like it so i went back to 16.04 lol14:56
naccneildugan: you don't *have* to14:56
naccatlas1: --^14:56
atlas1nacc: no?14:56
naccit's just the default, you can still install ifupdown14:56
atlas1nacc: may be i dont know this... can u explain more ?14:57
naccatlas1: https://netplan.io/examples14:57
naccthe last faq14:57
naccthere are good reasons to use netplan, so it's worth learning about it, but it's not a strict requirement (yet)14:57
atlas1nacc: one problem i ran into was i couldnt find a whole lot online talking about it and some of the forms helped initially but not detailed enough14:58
atlas1nacc: let me read the one u sent.. i would love to learn more about this14:58
atlas1nacc: thanks a bunch :)14:58
naccatlas1: yes, that's supposed to be rectified by the above website14:58
naccatlas1: and there is supposedly a page that will exist or does exist to help people give an /etc/network/interfaces and generate the equivalent yaml14:59
naccatlas1: there is also a netplan channel and #ubuntu-server for questions14:59
BionicMacatlas1: Hello. Speaking of the networking changes... are these changes documented?14:59
cart_manHey what can I do to fix the " xenial Release " does not have a Release file ?14:59
atlas1nacc: hey that would be awesome... also another thing sometimes would drive me nuts is syntex error good thing when i debugged it it gave me the line where it errored out but i found out space is a factor15:00
naccatlas1: yes, that's YAML15:00
naccBionicMac: in the release notes, as usual15:00
BionicMacatlas1: thank you.15:00
atlas1nacc: BionicMac thank nacc lol15:01
atlas1BionicMac: thank nacc i mean lol15:01
atlas1nacc: can you tell me the best way to edit yaml files? or where this generate file is at?15:01
atlas1nacc: of course if its easy for u to find if not i ll look around in the page15:02
neildugannacc, atlas1 , that worked fine thanks, do you know why the change?15:03
naccneildugan: because /e/n/i doesn't work well / simply for complicated networking15:05
naccatlas1: a text editor (vi, emacs, etc.)15:05
naccatlas1: i believe /etc/netplan/15:05
atlas1nacc: i mean auto generate it into a meaningful or correct formate cos i found the ymal file and edited it to work but it was a pain15:06
naccatlas1: oh no, i don't think there is15:06
atlas1nacc: aah ok.. worth a shot i guess lol15:07
atlas1nacc: now im sorry for asking again but what do you mean by /e/n.i doesnt work well15:07
naccatlas1: /etc/network/interfaces -- very complicated configs lead to very complicated files15:07
atlas1nacc: aah gotcha15:07
naccatlas1: cf. cloud hosts, cloud networking, etc.15:07
atlas1nacc: that makes sense15:08
atlas1nacc: you may be able to answer this.. another user answered my previous question about calling a program from inside a program has to be a feature offered by that current program. Now is that so or can i call a script from inside weechat15:09
naccatlas1: i have no idea, you'd need to ask weechat/read their docs15:10
naccatlas1: it is specific to the app what an app allows you to do, of course15:10
TJ-atlas1: do you mean a script that adds functionality to weechat, or that does something entirely different, like in an external shell?15:12
wiqHi. I am running kubuntu and on HP Pavilion G6 1004tx laptop which have AMD Radeon HD 6470M. I wanted to switch to AMD graphic card permanently. So, I added DRI_PRIME=1 to /etc/environment but after restarting I saw a error "kwin crashed" I switched use XRender backend instead. And restarted again. Everything is working fine BUT when I am scrolling webpages the text is flickering. [I know I can make any specific app to use AMD but by using AMD as default for15:13
wiqall system is giving a performance boost]15:13
DevilTigera tutorial i'm following says to run `sudo chkconfig opendkim on` but chkconfig isn't used anymore. everyone says to use sysv-rc-conf but give no indication of the syntax15:27
DevilTigersysv-rc-conf on opendkim15:27
DevilTiger does not work15:27
naccDevilTiger: well, sysv is not used on ubuntu anymore15:27
naccDevilTiger: what tutorial are you following??15:27
DevilTigerok. i have no idea what chkconfig does or what i'm trying to accomplish by running it15:27
naccDevilTiger: it's trying to enable a service to start too boot time15:28
DevilTigerlast step where you restart services and run that chkconfig command.15:28
nacc*start at*15:28
naccDevilTiger: this is for a opendkim built from source?15:28
DevilTigeropendkim install with apt-get15:28
DevilTigeri've followed everything in that first post15:29
naccDevilTiger: sudo systemctl enable opendkim15:29
DevilTigerright now it seems like opendkim is listening on the wrong socket15:29
naccDevilTiger: then fix the config :)15:29
DevilTigersystemctl: command not found15:29
DevilTigerthe config is correct15:29
DevilTigerubuntu 14.04 x6415:29
DevilTigerubuntu 14.04 x6415:30
naccDevilTiger: oh sorry, 14.40 is differnt15:30
DevilTigershould i be using systemd15:30
naccDevilTiger: no, not on 14.0415:31
naccDevilTiger: so `status opendkim` should indicate it's being controlled by upstart15:31
DevilTigerok i'm confused. not systemd not systemctl not chkconfig15:31
naccDevilTiger: 14.04 is upstart15:32
DevilTigerstatus: Unknown job: opendkim15:32
DevilTigerservice opendkim status says its running15:35
naccDevilTiger: ok, then it's using a rc script manually15:36
naccDevilTiger: update-rc.d opendkim enable15:36
DevilTigerwhat does that mean and how does it affect me15:36
naccDevilTiger: https://askubuntu.com/questions/19320/how-to-enable-or-disable-services15:36
naccDevilTiger: if you don't know this stuff already, perhaps you don't want to be running opendkim (imo)15:36
DevilTigerwhy wouldn't you want your mail signed?15:36
DevilTigeri don't follow that logic; once its setup its setup15:37
leftyfbDevilTiger: just FYI, systemctl is to manage systemd services. This is the new way but isn't available in Ubuntu 14.04. chkconfig is a redhat thing and won't help you on Ubuntu at all. You're still running upstart in 14.04 and need to use either "service" to start/stop/status or update-rc.d to set run modes (enable) services.15:37
naccDevilTiger: because running a service means maintaining a service means knowing how to do these basic tasks already15:37
naccDevilTiger: and there are ways to sign emails without opendkim, of course15:38
leftyfbDevilTiger: can we ask why you're running 14.04 still?15:38
MonkeyDustDevilTiger  wgat's the output of   cat /etc/issue15:38
DevilTigerok sentora doesn't run on 1615:39
naccDevilTiger: right, that's something entirely else15:39
naccDevilTiger: your underlying point was "i want to run sentora"15:39
DevilTigervesta is a piece of garbage15:39
naccDevilTiger: i don't know what sentora is, but that's where you should start :)15:39
DevilTigerwhat do you mean where i should start?15:40
leftyfbwebmin stuff15:40
DevilTigeryeah unfortunately people need to run webservers...15:40
DevilTigerhow dare they15:40
naccDevilTiger: you should have said "I'm trying to get sentora to work"15:40
DevilTigerits working ifne15:40
leftyfbDevilTiger: If you're going to be managing websites and email get rid of that web admin stuff and learn how to manage things properly15:40
naccDevilTiger: uh, running a webserver != webmin15:40
DevilTiger"properly" editing configs all day and banging head on desk?15:40
DevilTigeri'm good15:41
leftyfbDevilTiger: the banging stops once you learn what you're doing15:41
naccDevilTiger: ok, sounds like you're done with ubuntu support topics15:41
DevilTigeryes ty for the help. you guys were asking me questions and i'm responding to them15:41
albttxI need to install `growfs` on xenial, but it's not find with apt-get ? sources needed ? deprecated ? it's in `ufsutils`15:41
leftyfbDevilTiger: I used to run webmin  ... then I learn the headaches it caused and learned how much easier life was after understanding how things actually worked and how much easier it was to just edit a txt file15:41
DevilTigersounds like a great story15:42
rypervencheDevilTiger: You're going to get a similar response everywhere when talking about a web panel like that. Learn to do things the "right" way and you'll have support forever. And you won't get stuck on old OSes either.15:42
naccalbttx: no such binary or package in ubuntu (afaict)15:42
leftyfbalbttx: are you lookin for xfs_growfs from the xfsprogs package?15:42
albttxnop, i need `growfs` for ufs filesystem15:43
slidinghornwiq: is this limited to your web browser?  Which browser are you using?15:43
DevilTigeri don't understand what my choice of OS version and administration software has to do with any of this15:43
naccalbttx: 'ufs' ?15:43
leftyfbDevilTiger: trust us, we've been where you are and it's just not worth the aggravation you're going through and will continue to go through trying to shoe-horn "easier" web management solutions into your workflow15:43
wiqslidinghorn, no, not limited to browser (firefox) also happening with slack app15:43
DevilTigeryou have opinions. we all have those15:43
naccDevilTiger: leftyfb: take it to #ubuntu-discuss or #ubuntu-offtopic, sorry we veered there15:43
leftyfbnacc: sorry, i'm done15:43
slidinghornwiq: Try disabling hardware acceleration in both (you'll have to restart the applications)15:44
DevilTigernot sure why every linux channel has to turn into: YOU'RE SUCH AN IDIOT FOR USING ______ every time15:44
wiqslidinghorn, already tried disabling it in firefox but no good. don't know how to do it in slack app15:44
tgm4883DevilTiger: Just read the backlog and I don't think that is what this turned into. It was explained that webmin mangles conf files15:48
albttx@nacc yes, it's the FS used by BSD15:48
DevilTigerwe'll agree to disagree then15:48
wiqslidinghorn, ?15:48
naccalbttx: ok, and where do you see any ubuntu documentation of 'growfs'?15:49
naccalbttx: i believe linux can only read ufs, it can't write it15:49
slidinghornwiq: still StartPaging15:49
wiqslidinghorn, sorry, what do you mean by that?15:50
JimBuntuwiq, have you tried setting it in /etc/default/locale ?15:50
JimBuntuwiq, from terminal, is it currently showing up as an env variable?15:50
tgm4883DevilTiger: one of the reasons things like that aren't supported is it takes quite a bit of effort to support that consider we don't know what it did to said config files, and the number of people that use said software for configuration is low15:50
albttx@nacc exept if you recompile the kernel module ufs with write allowed15:50
naccalbttx: which would not be an ubuntu kernel.15:50
albttxi did with a ubuntu kernel15:50
naccalbttx: which would not be supported here15:50
wiqJimBuntu, setting DRI_PRIME=1 in /etc/default/locale ?15:51
DevilTiger@tgm4883 but i don't need support for my webmin. i'm not sure where you guys are getting that15:51
naccalbttx: the ubuntu kernel has ufs write enabled?15:51
albttxnot by default,15:51
DevilTigeri came here for support for starting a service on boot and asking quests about chkconfig.15:51
naccalbttx: right, so then you did a manual modification15:51
albttxby i recompile it15:51
naccalbttx: good luck with that15:51
naccalbttx: not supported here15:51
albttxi already did15:51
tgm4883DevilTiger: ah, maybe I didn't read back far enough then15:51
JimBuntuwiq, yes15:51
naccalbttx: there is no tooling to support it, in ubuntu, anyways15:51
wiqJimBuntu, no15:51
JimBuntuwiq, and currently in console, do you see that the DRI_PRIME value is set to "1" ?15:52
wiqJimBuntu, how can I check that in console?15:52
JimBuntuwiq, `env | grep -i dri_prime`15:53
wiqJimBuntu, yeah, it gives `DRI_PRIME=1`15:54
wiqJimBuntu, do i need to set it in /etc/default/locale too?15:54
wiqJimBuntu, rn, `glxinfo | grep "OpenGL renderer"` shows that I am using AMD gpu15:55
JimBuntuwiq, Did you open a new terminal when you checked via env? I want to make sure it's being set at boot and recognized across the system. It wouldn't hurt to put it in both places, but shouldn't be needed.15:55
wiqJimBuntu, yeah, I opened a new terminal windows and checked. it is DRI_PRIME=115:56
JimBuntuOk. So then it seems like the AMD is set as primary now. Are you still experiencing other issues?15:57
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wiqJimBuntu, any other way to fix this?16:00
JimBuntuwiq, did you already do `xrandr --setprovideroffloadsink 1 0`?16:02
wiqJimBuntu, did that rn16:03
wiqJimBuntu, still no good. tried restarting firefox too16:04
wiqJimBuntu, any thing else?16:09
srulii am struggling to move my installation to a new smaller hdd, i am using lvm, clonezilla doesn’t see lvm partition, i tried to mirror and then split but couldnt boot, after reinstalling grub i need to manually do a fsck on each boot else it boots emergency mode, what is the best way to achieve this?16:09
JimBuntuwiq, not that I am aware of. I would expect under normal conditions that by default the better/discrete GPU would have been selected as the primary16:10
sruli^ mirror lv partition to new pv16:10
wiqJimBuntu, normally it selects intel integrated gpu16:10
wiqJimBuntu, okay, is there a way to start the desktop environment automatically with env DRI_PRIME=1?16:11
JimBuntuwiq, put a script in /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/ ?16:12
wiqJimBuntu, I don't know! I am new to linux and kubuntu16:13
wiqJimBuntu, isn't there a file which contains all the commands that run to start system apps on startup...so i can edit it16:14
JimBuntuwiq, well, that could be one way, here is some info from ARCH, you should be able to find additional info for Ubuntu specifically - https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/PRIME16:14
JimBuntuwiq, there are various. The directory I suggested above is ran each time X starts... which is better than only each time the system as a whole starts16:15
wiqJimBuntu, will take a look at it. thanks16:15
wiqJimBuntu, any steps to do that? ;)16:16
JimBuntuI would say that you want to put your xrandr command within a script at that dir I mentioned... or add it to an existing one.16:17
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wiqJimBuntu, sorry. but i didn't get it16:18
JimBuntuplace the xrandr command within /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc, above the `. /etc/X11/Xsession` line, reboot, retest16:20
wiqokay. but which xrandr command are you talking about:?16:20
JimBuntuxrandr --setprovideroffloadsink 1 016:20
wiqwhat would that do?16:21
wiqi was thinking of removing DRI_PRIME=1 from /etc/environment and then starting desktop environment and all the apps i use with env DRI_PRIME=116:21
wiqbecause previously i have tested that firefox and other apps works fine withh env DRI_PRIME=1 when amd is not default16:22
wiqwhen i use amd as default, kwin crashes16:22
wiqso, this time i am thinking of starting everything(most of the things) with env DRI_PRIME=1 except kwin16:23
JimBuntuwiq, Ok. Give that a go then, sounds valid and sane.16:24
wiqJimBuntu, just to confirm I can add `env DRI_PRIME=1 plasmashell` in /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc same as xrandr command16:25
albttxnacc https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/trusty/+package/ufsutils i'm with trusty and package not found too ...16:25
JimBuntuwiq, no, you would replace your current DRI_PRIME env variable with the updated one. I think you said you put that in /etc/environment16:26
wiqJimBuntu, ahh, ok16:27
atlas1TJ-: Yeah something that adds more features to weechat16:28
naccalbttx: as i said, there is no such support in ubuntu16:29
naccalbttx: it was there in 12.04, apparently, but no more16:29
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albttxbut if i install a 12.04, i should be able to download it right ?16:43
naccalbttx: 12.04 is eol16:44
TJ-atlas1: weeckat can support a lot of plugins and scripts for several languages with packages weechat-plugins and weechat-scripts16:44
albttxok, anyway i have to go.. i'll take a look tomorrow :)16:46
wiqJimBuntu, I did that. Is there a way to check that which gpu a app is using?16:57
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JimBuntuwiq, a specific app? I'm not aware of how to do that other than some setting/view in the app.16:57
JimBuntuwiq, Did you mentino that you were using Slack?16:58
wiqJimBuntu, because I want to check that if my desktop environment (plasma) is using amd gpu or not16:58
wiqJimBuntu, yeah, I am already running firefox and slack with env DRI_PRIME=116:59
JimBuntuFirefox should surely have info available. I think you can find out in slack by changing advanced settings and enabling more of the logs.17:00
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wiqYeah, I have check that. They are using amd. But I want to be sure about plasma17:01
allNamesAreU5edhow do i find a channel with a specific topic ?17:02
pepericahello :)17:02
wiqallNamesAreU5ed, /list17:02
pepericais anyone here ...17:03
wiqAnyone else? Is there a way to check that which gpu a app/process is using?17:03
atlas1TJ-: Thanks will check it out now that i know there are more options i have lol thanks :)17:03
pepericais anyone here ... connected to softlayers vpn using array networks dialer while on wifi?17:04
noraatepernosI recently updated to osx high sierra and suddenly my ssh keys are being denied and I can’t figure out why nor where to turn.  I’m here because all my servers are ubuntu.17:04
noraatepernosI know this is not ubuntu’s fault.17:04
JimBuntuallNamesAreU5ed, you may also want to try /msg alis LIST <searchterm>17:04
rypervenchenoraatepernos: That's more of a Mac issue, but the permissions on your keys may be off if the server requires strict permissions settings. Also use a few verbose flags for more information when you try to SSH in.17:05
TJ-atlas1: inside weechat do "/help script" or "/help plugin" and to list each "/script list" or "/plugin list"17:06
noraatepernosrypervenche: I know.  I’m wondering if I should change ssh clients.  Permissions and verbose output were checked two hours ago when I started this. Is there a good ssh client that isn’t my mac’s ssh client?17:06
pepericaHas anyone here ... connected to softlayers vpn using array networks dialer while on wifi? on ubuntu?17:06
noraatepernosThe verbose output very abruptly terminates in permission denied (public key)17:07
rypervenchenoraatepernos: The Mac SSH client is fine to use. You shouldn't have any problems with it.17:07
rypervenchenoraatepernos: Sounds like either the key isn't getting used or the permissions are stopping it from being used. Or the public key doesn't exist on your servers. You'll need to check all three. I wasn't here 2 hours ago, so I don't have the output for that.17:08
noraatepernosrypervenche: Sorry I didn’t post it here I just meant when I started trying to figure it out myself (before I started bothering anyone else)17:09
noraatepernosrypervenche: Same exact key works on my mac running an older os.  So weird.17:10
noraatepernosmac’s ssh won’t let me output any version number that I can see.  Some sort of security measure is being forced but I didn’t get the notice.  It’s like Google hardcoding hsts entries in Chrome.  So tired of insane companies.17:11
CheckmateI have /dev/root with 100% full what to do17:13
Checkmatecan i mount filesystem /dev/root to /home ??17:14
CheckmateI have more size on /home17:15
pragmaticenigmaCheckmate, that doesn't make sense... /dev folder are typically pointers to devices not filesystems17:16
wiqJimBuntu, found a way to check that which process is using which gpu. and found that my desktop environment (plasma) is still using intel even after adding `DRI_PRIME=1 plasmashell &` to /etc/environment as told by you17:17
wiqJimBuntu, i don't think adding that to /etc/environment will start plasma with that command17:18
rypervencheCheckmate: Sounds like your root device is filled up an you want to fix that. There are several ways to fix this. Can you show us the output of "df -hT" please?17:18
JimBuntuI think PRIME allows for resources not needing much in the way of graphics/gpu to still use the in-cpu graphics.17:18
wiqNo. plasma starts using amd after i manually execute the same command by first stopping plasma17:19
Checkmaterypervenche https://pastebin.com/raw/mE7dx4qe17:21
rypervencheCheckmate: It is possible to completely stop using /dev/root and only use /dev/sda4 if you like. Do you still want to use the 20G drive? I'm guessing it's an SSD?17:23
JimBuntuwiq, have you asked in #plasma ?17:23
wiqno. JimBuntu17:23
JimBuntuwiq, not as many people in there, but might be the *right* people17:23
wiqJimBuntu, thanks, going to try17:23
wiqJimBuntu, thanks for helping me so much :)17:24
CheckmateRypervenche its hard disk17:25
JimBuntuwiq, you are welcome.17:25
Checkmatei cannot resize with Gparted17:25
Maakayonly resize if partion is extended not primary17:25
Checkmateif i umount /dev/root i cannot see any disk17:26
rypervencheCheckmate: You would need to move your data onto your /home and then mount it as /. The process is rather difficult to explain and there are a lot of steps involved.17:27
rypervencheCheckmate: And if one step is done wrong, then you'll be left with a machine that doesn't boot. And depending on your level of knowledge, no way to get help to fix it.17:28
Checkmatecan you provide me with the command to mount17:29
Checkmatemount /dev/root /home ?17:29
Checkmateor with option bind17:29
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TJ-Checkmate: you should do it the other way around, bind-mount sub-dorectories of the /home/ file-system into growing directories of /  ... e.g. /var/cache/ and /var/lib so those use not space in the root file-system17:30
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rypervencheCheckmate: That is not what you want to do. It will not work that way.17:35
CheckmateI dont know17:39
pragmaticenigmaCheckmate, before you change anything... have you even backed up your machine? changing partitions and such is not a good idea if you don't have a back up of your system17:43
CheckmateI dont have anything to backup :) still new17:44
rypervencheCheckmate: Oh! Then in that case, it would be much easier to reinstall.17:44
rypervencheAnd you'll get some disk space back that way too.17:45
bhanzi'm facing an intermittent issue with telnet connect, sometime it works and next moment it says connection refused17:45
pragmaticenigmaCheckmate, I concur with rypervenche ... with a brand new setup, it would be a lot easier to just start over, and you'll be happier with the end result17:46
rypervenchebhanz: That sounds more like a networking issue.17:46
pragmaticenigmabhanz, /join #networking may have better support for you17:47
bhanzrypervenche: you mean from OS networking or from network side ?17:47
pragmaticenigmabhanz, we're trying to tell you that there is a better room for that topic and question17:49
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lapagais it better to install a snap of something or install it via synaptic?17:57
nacclapaga: depends on many things, 1) your view of snaps, 2) whether there is an option for both, 3) how much you trust the snap packager, etc.17:58
wiqJimBuntu, Hey, able to run plasma with DRI_PRIME=1! People in #plasma helped me doing that. Thanks18:00
lapaganacc, just something like htop went to install it with apt and said it was in a snap...checked synaptic and it was there too...I know nothing about snaps so was curios18:00
nacclapaga: ok18:01
JimBuntugreat to hear it wiq !18:02
Sven_vBso I have this script which starts itself in sudo, then invokes aptitude multiple times. if I run the initial invocation in "nice" to reduce priority, will that restriction propagate though the sudo and to all of aptitude's children?18:15
Sven_vBbhanz, I'd try telneting another server where you're sure it doesn't restrict the amount of connections in any way.18:17
Sven_vBbhanz, if that one works better, you've got your first suspicion18:17
rypervenchebhanz: Perhaps a firewall issue or some network connectivity issue.18:18
pqangelHi :)18:19
pqangelnot sure if this is the place to ask18:20
pqangelI have a question about traps and process states. Can a process in user mode provoke a change in the state of a process directly? such as going from ready -> run or ready -> end18:20
pqangelAccording to what I've read the OS handles everything, but a trap is a direct call to the system18:20
pqangelSo in theory if I make a program that needs to wait for user input I would be putting the process in a "bloqued" state, right?18:21
naccpqangel: you might want ##linux18:23
pqangel@nacc I asked but no one has answered yet :p  I'll try again though. Thanks18:25
naccpqangel: ok, it's better to wait and be patient, rather than crosspost18:26
naccpqangel: your query is not an ubuntu support topic, imo18:26
pqangelno it's not, is a more generic OS question.18:27
pragmaticenigmadebron, Hello, do you have a support question about Ubuntu?18:51
pragmaticenigmare101-serval-169, Hello, do you have a support question about Ubuntu?18:51
debronyeah, soon18:51
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debronThis is software related, and since ubuntu is my OS, (16.04) , I will need to make this question here18:55
debronis it there a way of force a resolution, to a screen that doesnt want it?18:55
debroni am almost sure that it could handle the resolution, because the TV accept it for video formats18:56
debronbut not for computers...18:56
pragmaticenigmadebron, it depends if that screen can support that resolution. What is the current resolution versus the desired resolution?18:56
debroncurrent 1024x76818:56
debronin an hd ready screen18:56
debronyeah, i will give the model18:57
Irritiable|LT1024 is like 1990s tech.18:57
debronbut the TV is hd ready18:57
debronand im connected to it through HDMI18:57
geniidebron: Ideally, try to use a connector which can be used to read the EDID capability of the screen18:57
pragmaticenigmaIrritiable|LT, 1024x768 is a default resolution used when the actual resolution cannot be successfully identified. Preventing the screen from being ruined by an incompatible resolution.18:57
geniidebron: Is the HDMI connector using some other adapter in between?18:58
slidinghorndebron: check out this wiki entry.  it should help : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution18:58
Irritiable|LTpragmaticenigma: "Monitor damage" is about as out-dated as the usage of 'screen savers.' Just sayin'.18:59
Irritiable|LTUnless your monitor is from 1995 (LOL): I wouldn't sweat it.19:00
debrongenii: is directly connected from the mobo to the TV19:00
debronwith an only HDMI wire, nothing else19:00
debronslidinghorn: thanks19:00
debronbut is there a possibility to screw the whole thing? if so, how could i restore default configuration without a spare screen? xd19:01
debronIrritiable|LT: you laugh, but its totally possible, I just bought today a i3 8100 processor. Do you know what i was using yesterday? Pentium 3000 mhz, from an dell optiplex gx620 xD 1995 computer19:03
debronwith debian :P19:03
geniidebron: I would attempt the method described in the first answere here. https://askubuntu.com/questions/377937/how-to-set-a-custom-resolution  ... if it unable, you can ctrl-alt-F1 to a text console and undo changes to ~/.xprofile19:04
debronthanks very much genii19:04
geniidebron: The VGA-0 in the link will need to be replaced by whatever the result of xrandr shows for your actual monitor19:04
Irritiable|LTdebron: Pentium 4, you mean? https://ark.intel.com/products/27497/Intel-Pentium-4-Processor-supporting-HT-Technology-3_00-GHz-1M-Cache-800-MHz-FSB19:05
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debronyeah that one Irritiable|LT , P4 3000 mhz19:06
debronbig jump, from there, to i3 8100 im enjoying now, the only problem is this old TV xDD19:06
debronstep by step ... xD19:06
debroni hate being poor19:06
Irritiable|LTdebron: 2018 - 2003 = ~15yrs old. Not that bad, given that it's not a bad piece of hardware.19:07
debronwell... at least i could afford a 8th gen intel now.. changed from debian - lxde , to ubuntu19:07
debronIrritiable|LT: you mean the DELL?19:07
Irritiable|LTI prefer Lubuntu over Ubuntu :)19:07
debronactually it was really good computer19:07
Irritiable|LTdebron: The CPU you listed. The Pentium .19:07
debronfor its time19:08
Irritiable|LTPentium 4. *19:08
debronyeah, part of this dell optiplex19:08
Irritiable|LTA 3GHz 32-bit CPU is perfect and more preferred for compiling programs to something like the Intel I3 CPU.19:08
Irritiable|LTIt'll far out perform it.19:08
debron? you mean this old p4 would beat the new i3 compiling?19:09
debronsorry my english is not very good19:09
pragmaticenigmaIrritiable|LT, debron your conversation should move to /join #ubuntu-offtopic please19:09
debronok sorry, please Irritiable|LT if you dont mind to go there19:09
Irritiable|LTdebron: Si.19:09
geniidebron: ..also, if it works to set your individual resolution, you can use the .xprofile xrandr commands to set the same resolution for your dm in /etc ( what file depends on your login/window manager, but usually lightdm)19:10
buggedvnchi, i recently installed vnc in my kubuntu, seems like kde has crashed at home, and when i connect to vnc i get a gray desktop with nothing in or on it, can i remotely reboot the computer thru vnc? I thought i had ssh installed, but port scan doesnt show any open ports for ssh or anything familiar19:11
geniibuggedvnc: Unfortunately not, without some kind of command-line access to the system from afar19:12
pragmaticenigmabuggedvnc, for starters, you shouldn't be running VNC exposed to the open internet. It's not secure and sends your password in the clear19:12
buggedvncpragmaticenigma: i connect to vpn server in my router, so not open internet19:13
pragmaticenigmabuggedvnc, okay19:13
pragmaticenigmabuggedvnc, can you send the command Alt + F2 ?19:13
pragmaticenigmabuggedvnc, or are you able to use the shortcut Ctrl + Alt + T19:13
buggedvncalt+f2 does not seem to have anything happen19:14
geniibuggedvnc: If you have ssh daemon actually on the box but not exposed to the internet, you might be able to leapfrog in through some other LAN machine19:14
genii..but otherwise, you're going to need actual physical access to it19:15
buggedvncgenii: i remember changing ssh server port back to 22, and restarted it this weekend that was, according to port scan i have port 1716, something to do with kde open19:15
buggedvncport 6001-6003 open, lists like something x1119:16
geniibuggedvnc: Is there another box on it's LAN you can get into?19:16
buggedvncgenii: another server, but it probably will access lan, lemme try19:16
geniibuggedvnc: If so, you can try port 22 on the Kubuntu box from that one19:17
geniiwork, afk a while19:18
buggedvncnah, ssh doesnt respond on ports 22, 11222, 11122 that i tend to use :/19:20
gogetabuggedvnc, umm set a diffrent port19:21
pragmaticenigmabuggedvnc, Did you purposefully disable VNC?19:22
pragmaticenigmabuggedvnc, Did you purposefully disable SSH? (sorry, brain glitched)19:22
buggedvncpragmaticenigma:  no only installed it and set a password19:22
buggedvncand no ssh should be on in my mind19:22
gogetabuggedvnc, is ufw blocking the port19:23
pragmaticenigmagogeta, please read up to get caught up on the topic19:23
buggedvncnomachine runs on the computer, but it also only presents the gray desktop with nothingness on, but no options to reboot from nomachine :/19:24
gogetabuggedvnc, ohhhh that19:24
pragmaticenigmabuggedvnc, I think you're at a point where you will have to find someone to reboot the machine for you or wait till you get home19:25
buggedvncso i have to wait whole 24 hours? :( :D19:25
gogetabuggedvnc, thats becouce your vnc is a sepret instance and it does not know what ui to load so you get a grey screen19:25
buggedvncmeh, i first thought the ups has gone bonkers like last week, but i sat here in the hotell "just checking" so i logged on vpn and pinged and it was live19:25
buggedvnci guess the vnc doesnt know how to get a command to reboot computer?19:26
pragmaticenigmabuggedvnc, VNC is not a system tool. It is a program that hooks into the display driver to repeat the information being sent to the screen19:26
buggedvnci wish my computer at home had an ilo interface, could have opened a software like i was sitting there (like kvm over ip)19:27
Sven_vBwhat do I need to bind-mount into my chroot to hear audio from inside?19:27
gogetabuggedvnc, buggedvnc you should use x11vnc as it uses the same instance as your main desktop19:27
gogetabuggedvnc, no grey screen19:27
Dovidhi. is it possible to have an interface set up as static and then have a sub interface setup with dhcp?19:27
pragmaticenigmabuggedvnc, what would be better is if your machine at home had SSH running. My recommendation for the future is to leave SSH on port 22 and configure it to also run on another port that you forward through your router (i.e. 10222)19:28
buggedvncgogeta: wish i knew that last weekend, i only followed a guide to install i think its tight vnc server19:28
pragmaticenigmaYou can then forward the non-standard port through your router19:28
gogetabuggedvnc, tight will work but you need to configure a desktop for it to load19:28
buggedvncpragmaticenigma: i had ssh running, but maybe kde crashed and took the ssh server with it but shouldnt19:28
gogetabuggedvnc, tights is a diffrent instance19:29
pragmaticenigmabuggedvnc, unlikely  if that were the case the computer wouldn't be responding at al19:29
buggedvncye, the guide didnt tell that :D19:29
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pragmaticenigmabuggedvnc, look into x11vnc which is launched within the desktop session19:29
buggedvnci usually access the computer via teamviewer, havent found a better software that works as good as it does.19:29
gogetabuggedvnc, run this x0vncserver -display :019:29
buggedvncgogeta: wish i could run any commands from the hotell at this stage :D19:30
gogetabuggedvnc, that should attack tight to your main vnc19:30
pragmaticenigmagogeta, again, read the whole thread... they don't have SSH capability to send those commands19:30
debrongenii: Screen 0: minimum 1024 x 768, current 1024 x 768, maximum 1024 x 76819:30
debronshould I desist? or do i try anyway?19:31
pragmaticenigmadebron, genii had to step away from their computer19:31
buggedvncdoes any port present me with any entrance port to the computer? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/XwMX4DHDFD/19:31
Sven_vBoh I know, I'll try a pair of sox over a named pipe19:34
debronaah ty pragmaticenigma didnt noticed19:36
debronI am trying to force a resolution, first added the mode in xrandr19:36
debronxrandr --newmode "1280x720_60.00"   74.50  1280 1344 1472 1664  720 723 728 748 -hsync +vsync19:36
debronbut i get an error message:19:36
debronxrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default19:36
gogetadebron, pretty shure you juse needed the rez and refrsh19:38
gogeta xrandr --newmode "1280x720_60.00"19:38
debronif I change my mode dinamically with xrandr, how do it restore?19:42
debronCTRL + ALT + F2 and do it by commandline , its okay?19:43
debronjust changing the mode again?19:43
debroni mean, if it goes wrong xd19:43
TJ-debron: you'd have to do 'xrandr -d :0 ...' if running it from a TTY so it knows which display to work with19:51
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debron3 Fh ? what is that if we try to translate to HZ? on a TV?20:00
pragmaticenigmavbo10, Hello, do you have a support question about Ubuntu?20:01
boblamontI have a program I need to start on boot. Specifically, it has 3 instances each using a different config file. It seems to work best to start it using a shell script for each instance (combining them in a single shell script launches it sequentially, so only one instance runs at a time).  I need all 3 instances running from boot. I've seen crontab @reboot, initd, systemd and more as possible options. Running Lubuntu 17.10.20:01
vbo10the xcfe or xubuntu installed, but the the screen resolution is not right20:02
TJ-boblamont: sounds like it needs a systemd template service20:02
vbo10how to fix it20:02
TJ-boblamont: that's a service-name@.service file, see "man 5 systemd.unit"20:04
slidinghornvbo10: what is the current resolution, and what resolution do you want? Also, this should be a good resource to help you: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution20:04
vbo101024 , my desktop can support 192020:04
boblamontThanks TJ-.20:04
vbo10when i run the display app , it crash20:04
Irritiable|LTHow well does Ubuntu play with SLI/Cross-Fire GPUs natively?20:04
vbo10in xubuntu20:05
TJ-boblamont: look at some examples of ...@.service files in /lib/systems/system/20:05
slidinghornvbo10: please provide the link from the following:    xrandr | pastebinit20:07
ozberkhi guys this is a test anyone hear me? Please confirm20:07
slidinghornozberk: nope.20:08
ozberkslidinghorn: you funny guy :=)20:08
pragmaticenigmaozberk, This is a support channel for ubuntu. please take your chat inquiery to /join #ubuntu-offtopic20:08
ozberkpragmaticenigma: I know this was a small test for irssi. Since you all can read this  irc client is work so...20:09
vbo10ok. i will try to upload20:15
vbo10in a bit. Thanks for the help so far20:15
slidinghornvbo10: the command I gave you will already post the output to a pastebin.  You'll just have to give us the link it gives you20:16
quasisanevlif you want to run more than one command at the same time you the terminal you can do command & command & command & wait right?20:18
EriC^^quasisanevl: yeah20:19
EriC^^no problem20:19
ibttishello any suggestions on packages for ubuntu to harden it?20:21
slidinghornibttis: security isn't really a matter of installing packages (actually, more packages = more possible points of attack).  This page gives a pretty good primer: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BasicSecurity   Also, check out the webinar here: https://www.ubuntu.com/security20:24
Skaface82i like to use geoip on iptables to only allow connections from my country20:27
Skaface82i think thats a pretty neat thing20:27
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DraconiatorSo it turns out 8GB of space is PERFECT for a netbook running Xubuntu. I have 2.5GB left over, so glad I tested it out with a VM before ordering that SSD.20:29
pragmaticenigmaibttis, a question like that is very subjective and is one that really only you can answer. What you consider to be secure, may not be the same as another persons. Only you can really decide what is adequate for your needs. For a starting point, this article does give 5 ideas to consider. https://www.techrepublic.com/article/how-to-harden-ubuntu-server-16-04-security-in-five-steps/20:31
ibttisDraconiator: why do people install distros on vms?20:32
Draconiatorwell for me it was because I wanted to see if what I had in mind actually worked for the netbook.  didn't want to buy an 8GB SSD for nothing.20:33
pragmaticenigmaibttis, It's an excelent way to test out ideas before commiting to the changes on their regular machine. Also, it's a great way to prevent some programs from making changes to your computer that you do not want.20:33
Draconiatorand plus, I can learn about Linux this way.20:35
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zhodgeI set up an Ubuntu Server (16.04) and am having some issues connecting to it over ssh on a local network20:49
zhodgethe server is behind a firewall but isn't configured to block any internal connections from what I've been told20:50
zhodgeI've confirmed the openssh server is running with 'service ssh status'20:50
zhodgebut from another machine I'm returned port 22: Connection refused20:50
leftyfbzhodge: what does the auth.log say on the server while you're trying to connect?20:51
zhodgeaside from the loopback /etc/network/interfaces has an auto line with the network device name plus and iface configuring dhcp20:52
zhodgeleftyfb: ah yes the weird thing is that this ssh refusal seems to be 'intermittent'20:52
zhodgein that ocassionally I'm able to connect but the connection will drop after not too long20:53
Pinkamena_DI am using ubuntu unity - I can not seem to use settings in compiz anymore, I check enable a plugin or disable and it just reverts. I can run it as sudo and then they do not revert, but none of the settings are applied. No errors appear in the standard output20:53
zhodgeand in auth.log I get the success messages but nothing for when I get a refusal20:53
TJ-zhodge: that looks like the firewall is blocking. on the server itself check what it is listening to with "sudo ss -tnlp sport = 22"20:53
Xristos43poios exei prostyxo gynaikaki?20:54
leftyfbzhodge: then you're probably connecting to the wrong host/ip20:54
TJ-zhodge: if it is listening on all interfaces  an [:;]:22 then it'll be firewall20:54
zhodgeleftyfb: hm let me double check on that20:55
leftyfbzhodge: Next time you get a refused, quickly ping the host and see if it returns the right ip. If you're ssh'ing to an ip, shut the remote machine down and see if you can ping it still20:55
zhodgeTJ-: I was returned 2 LISTEN records one with *:22, *:* and another with :::22, :::* [Local Address:Port,Peer Address:Port]20:56
TJ-zhodge: you say sometimes it'll connect but drop? that is VERY suggestive of having 2 PCs with the same IP address on the network20:56
zhodgeTJ-: yeah that's the behavior I've been able to observe20:57
zhodgeleftyfb: I'm going to try your ping suggestion!20:57
TJ-zhodge: you can check the MAC addresses. On the target PC do "ip link show" and ID the MAC address of the LAN side interface. On the remote PC that is trying to ssh do "ip neigh show" and see if the IP address matches the MAC address. Also try "sudo ip neigh flush" before a connection20:58
tomreyn"ip neigh" may show multiple systems with the ip address but different MACs20:58
tomreynmaybe you cloned this VM and forgot to replace / reinitialize its virtual interface?20:59
zhodgeTJ-: I'm in the process of trying to match the MAC addresses. my remote machine is a mac so hopefully the 'iproute2mac' substitute package will work in place of 'ip'21:01
zhodgetomreyn: the Ubuntu server was previously a Windows server21:02
leftyfbit's easier to just yank the ethernet cable while pinging :)21:02
zhodgeleftyfb: haha it's nice to learn some new commands though!21:03
g4rrettplease help, trying to get my Ubuntu VM to work, had it working before, on new wifi spot, having trouble.  current config: https://dpaste.de/W7zj21:04
zhodgeresults are in: MAC addresses don't match21:04
g4rrettwhat am i missing... according to previous config this should work21:04
leftyfbg4rrett: did you set the VM's host interface to be bridged so it would be on the same network as the host? Otherwise, I don't know of any VM's that don't default to NAT21:05
g4rrettyes its default bridged21:06
g4rretti just pinged my guest ubuntu OS, it sent and received fine...hmm21:08
zhodgealso confirmed that I receive a response from pinging the IP even while the server is shutdown21:08
g4rrettwow got it working.  didnt work for 10 mins, now it does.  SWEET21:08
leftyfbzhodge: find the DUPE21:09
TJ-yay, a game of network whack-a-mole :)21:15
mattflyis anyone able to hibernate ubuntu 18.04 beta final ?21:18
leftyfb!bionic | mattfly21:18
ubottumattfly: Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver) will be the 28th release of Ubuntu - Announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1518 - Discussion in #ubuntu+121:18
netochkaI want to customize the keyboard light on laptop using Terminal.21:18
netochkawhen is this 18.04 going to be released. or is it already?21:20
jlucthere once were acrobat runing on linyx21:21
evulishbionic beaver. lol.21:22
jlucwould run old acrobat on old distrib be enough ?21:22
evulishi'm never upgrading from that.21:22
naccjluc: why do you want acrobat?21:22
jlucooops this was intended for #scribus channel21:23
jlucneeded to convert PDF to "PDF A-1b"21:24
zhodgeI really appreciate the help leftyfb, TJ- :)21:25
zhodgedefinitely would not have been able to diagnose that alone21:26
zhodge(oh and tomreyn)21:26
zhodgeextra punchline is that the dupe is a printer haha21:27
TJ-zhodge: no wonder it didn't want to talk to you :)21:29
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zhodgebut I never attacked it with a bat or stomped on it or anything...21:30
debronshould I ? https://askubuntu.com/questions/973212/the-screen-rendering-of-17-10-with-intel-i5-8400-is-really-slow21:46
debronHello, i think i got disconnected and message wasnt sended, ill resend21:47
debronHello, I have a fresh ubuntu installation on a new PC. I have been reading around, and seems that my integrated graphics card its not going well on this ubuntu kernel, and there suggest me to upgrade the kernel to 4.1521:47
debronshould I ? https://askubuntu.com/questions/973212/the-screen-rendering-of-17-10-with-intel-i5-8400-is-really-slow21:47
debronmy actual kernel is 4.13.0-38-generic on a fresh installation21:47
oerheksIntel UHD Graphics 630 "Coffee Lake" ...21:48
debronyeah exactly the same21:48
debronwhy oerheks ?21:48
oerheksdebron, i remember this fix, "quiet splash i915.alpha_support=1"  https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2377324&p=13739391#post1373939121:49
oerheksnot sure the support appears in 4.15 or 4.16 ..21:50
tomreyn.15 IIRC, phoronix had an article on it21:53
oerheksah oke, so it will be fixed in 18.0421:54
debronoerheks: im reading about it, thanks for the fix21:54
debronill decide if upgrade kernel or use that fix21:54
debronmaybe my hw works better on that kernel21:55
tomreyni'd just add i915.alpha_support=1 to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT in /etc/default/grub and sudo update-grub21:56
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oerheksdebron, are you in xorg or wayland session?21:59
tomreyndid you expect hdmi audio to work?21:59
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debrontomreyn: why not?22:00
laptophi is it worth downloading beta or wait for waiting22:00
laptopfor ubuntu 1822:01
jluci'm glad HDMI audio works here because 2.5mm jacks  are a danger for the computer case22:01
tomreyndebron: i dont know any mesa based drivers which have it working, but maybe i don't know a lot.22:01
debronI see22:02
debronmore than me for sure22:02
tomreynlaptop: "wait for waiting"?22:02
tomreynlaptop: 18.04 discussion is in #ubuntu+122:03
laptopbeta vs officail release22:03
oerheksdownloading is harmless.22:06
debronoki, decided to try adding i915.alpha_support=1 in the grub22:06
debronthanks you guys22:06
Bashing-omdebron: Also: oibaf is working on the CoffeeLake interface : ppa:oibaf/graphics-drivers .22:07
debronBashing-om: Is it a good controller?22:08
Bashing-omdebron: No idea as I run nvidia graphics .22:10
Bashing-omdebron: On the other hand .. my experience dies say if there were no merit .. it would not be there .22:11
debronBashing-om: right22:15
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Bashing-omdebron: As CoffeeLake GPUs are comming on strong .. let us know how goes .22:18
debronOk all done, changed the grub string, installed the oibad ppa drivers...22:26
debrongona reboot22:26
debronThanks again, Ill tell you how it goes22:26
Bashing-omdebron: Could be with the PPA driver the boot parameter will not be needed ?22:27
debronBashing-om: it was really cheap the CPU... i dont know what to think, lets see22:27
debronUhm not sure..22:27
debroni did all at once xD22:27
debronshould I remove the string?22:27
debronin the grub file?22:28
debronthe alpha thing..22:28
Bashing-omdebron: Well,. will not hurt to try and see what we can make work out .. either way .22:28
haysare there any guides to updating between major version releases of ubuntu that include the packages one might want to migrate when defaults shift or new options become available?22:28
debronok be right back.. reboot22:29
haysexample  might be the shift to chrony in 18.. im guessing a do-release-update will keep ntpd, but it might be interesting to read what other things differ from this approach and a fresh install22:29
aphirstHi there! Quick question - I'm testing out lubuntu 17.10 on a spare computer and am surprised that, despite installing gvfs-common and nfs-common (i think those wre the names), I'm unable to access NFS mounts from my LAN via pcmanfm.22:29
aphirstI am however able to view those same mounts with `showmount`, and mount via fstab; AND pcmanfm on my other Arch machine can access nfs:// locations directly just fine22:29
aphirstpcmanfm claims to be 1.2.5 in both cases. I've searched all the keywords i can think of, and the error message pcmanfm gives, but can't find any threads actually relevant.22:29
aphirst(I initially asked in #lubuntu but was recommended to ask here instead)22:30
Jordan_Uaphirst: What error message does pcmanfm give?22:32
aphirst"the specified location is not supported"22:32
debronthis worked way better than what I though22:32
debronactually, I though this was impossible22:33
Bashing-omdebron: \o/22:33
debronlook Bashing-om , im connected to a TV HD ready trough HDMI, and in the TV specifications clearly says: MAX RESOLUTION SUPPORTED FOR PC IS 1024X768. I tried cheat the TV somehow with xrandr command, but no results... it didnt accept any other resolution22:34
debronand now it accepts even full hd22:34
Jordan_Uaphirst: Do you have gvfs-backends and gvfs-fuse installed?22:34
aphirstJordan_U, yes, both22:35
debronlook, it sais: resolution for computers maximun 1024x768 :P22:35
Bashing-omdebron: He done good job on the driver .. huh ?22:35
debronI have only one problem. On FullHD resolution, i cant see top and side bars22:35
debronyeah very good..22:35
jvwjgamesi am done with some people22:35
debroni think this resolution problem i have now in full hd its because the TV22:36
debronits an old one22:36
debron1368x768 works very good22:36
Bashing-omdebron: Only a thought, but might see what results if ya change the DPI .22:37
jvwjgamesi have a customer that i am helping a vm with and he said that he needs to add #steam dependancies at the end of the apt-get install command22:37
tgm4883debron: HDMI?22:37
jvwjgamesand you don't22:37
debrontgm4883: yeah22:37
debronBashing-om: ?22:38
debronchanging the DPI you think I would be able to set full hd?22:38
tgm4883debron: I'd check the TV settings. There usually is a setting to fix HDMI overscan. I've seen it called overscan and sometimes HDMI mode22:38
Jordan_Uaphirst: Please try starting pcmanfm via the terminal and see if it makes any useful output to stdout when you try to open an nfs link.22:38
debrontgm4883: I will try22:38
tgm4883debron: that said, you're TV is probably just downscaling the image to 1024x768 if that is what it says the max res is22:39
Bashing-omdebron: No, will only effect what you display.22:39
Jordan_Udebron: Also sometimes "game mode" really means "Don't try to do a bunch of fancy things to the input, just display exactly what's given", which is generally what I want a TV to do anyway :)22:39
aphirstJordan_U, no output whatsoever, tried also after "killall"ing pcmanfm since it runs as a daemon for the desktop22:40
debronBashing-om: I will look into it22:40
aphirstno verbose option either as far as I can see22:40
Bashing-omdebron: In your GUI for the display is a setting to vary the DPI - some where .22:41
debronScale menu and title bar?22:42
debronnamed like that?22:42
debronxrdb says 96 dpi22:43
debronright now on 1360x76822:43
Bashing-omdebron: can "shrink" the display with a larger DPI selection .22:44
debrondo you know what would be a good ammount?22:44
Bashing-omdebron: A little goes a lomg way .. Just try say 100 and see what the effect is .. then adjust again ?22:45
tsuzukuHello, apologies if this is not the right channel to ask this. I honestly have no idea where to ask this. I am using the latest Ubuntu, and I noticed something strange when I tried to use hexdump. When I type in hexdump <filename> it gives me the bytes in a different endian order than if i were to do hd <filename> even though they are the same exact program. And I'm not sure why. And also it seems to print out what i assume is a visual22:45
tsuzukurepresentation of memory? But im not sure. Any ideas on how i can just make it print out the numbers. Here is what gets printed out at the moment. https://hastebin.com/kugunutepu.rb22:45
debronoki gonna try22:46
debronBashing-om: i think this will not work as i need22:48
Bashing-omdebron: As said, only a thought .22:49
debronin the resolution i am now its fine 1360x768 , but when i set 1920x1080, The top bar and left bar disapear on screen limit22:49
debroni tried setting this by the TV menu, to 16:9 signal22:49
debronand all possible modes, but none adjust how it should22:49
boblamontI'm trying to set up a .services file. When I try to use systemctl enable, I get a "Failed to enable unit"/"Invalid Argument" error. The content of the .services is here: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/DBM5m2CW8G/22:49
debronactually, there was a gui way to set the DPI (AKA scalling text and icons i guess)22:50
debronbut it didnt work22:50
aphirstSo yeah, I'm completely at a loss regarding this NFS access in pcmanfm22:50
aphirstwhat's different here in ubuntu compared to over on arch that the same package can't access NFS shares, when showmount displays them all the same22:50
debronI would like to add the mode 1440x900 , as is the native TV resolution22:50
debronwould be nice to achieve that22:50
debronIll try with xrandr command22:51
aphirstI'll be AFK for 15 minutes.22:51
Thedarkb-X40My laptop is reluctant to sleep after one of the last few updates.22:51
Thedarkb-X40It takes a few tries..22:53
debronby the way, HDMI sound works now with this drivers tgm488323:01
Bashing-omdebron: Pull the boot paramater and see what results ?23:03
quasisanevlwhats the syntax for running more than one command in the background at the same time and then have it wait for those background processes to finish before continuing in linux terminal23:03
=== Kon_ is now known as Kon-
aphirstis that not just a string of & followed by &&23:19
aphirstmaybe i'm misunderstanding what you want23:19
aphirst@ quasisanevl23:19
quasisanevli was having some trouble with a command..is it command & command & command & wait ? for waiting until all 3 finish before moving on?23:20
yeatsquasisanevl: command && command && command probably23:23
quasisanevlthat is sequestional not at same time is what i wanted but i may try ;23:24
yeatsycarene: & = run in background, && means "if left command succeeds, run right command"23:24
quasisanevli was wanting to run all at same time and then wait for all to complete23:24
yeatsquasisanevl: your question isn't making a lot of sense in the abstract - what are you actually trying to do?23:25
quasisanevlrun 3 commands @ same time and then wait for all 3 to finish before continuing23:26
oerheksi think you can do that with a script and 'wait'23:27
ketzalbuenas noches. por  favor  quiero  instalar  ubuntu   16.04  en  limpio  y  no  me  leen  el  cd.  antes  me  leia  cualquiera   disco  para  hacer  instaacion.  linux  mint  rosa por  ejemplo23:27
quasisanevlwait is not a terminal command too?23:27
quasisanevli was trying in the terminal23:27
quasisanevlcommand & command2 & wait ; next command23:28
yeats!es | ketzal23:28
ubottuketzal: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.23:28
turbo64in gnome is there a way to make it so pressing the escape key will close the application menu instead of going back to the overview23:28
k12buntuwhat time is it, I broke X and haven't gotten around to fixing it23:47
k12buntufound out nvm23:48

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