[00:11] hello [00:11] anyone have any suggestions on a monitor/screen for kdenlive video editing? [00:11] I'm considering this beast... [00:12] https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIAC4Z5241544&nm_mc=AFC-C8Junction-MKPL&cm_mmc=AFC-C8Junction-MKPL-_-Monitors%20-%20LCD%20Flat%20Panel-_-LG%20Electronics-_-9SIAC4Z5241544&cm_sp=&AID=11517614&PID=6361382&SID=trd-435560208 [03:07] hi [03:07] help [03:08] anyone theere [18:48] ciao è l mia prima volta qui, si parla in italiano? [18:54] !it [18:54] Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette) [21:42] When trying to start JACK from qjackctl, I get the following error in the message window (this does not change if I add "pasuspend -- " before the server prefix) http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/3Zmw56yhFq/ [21:43] this is Ubuntu Studio 18.04 [22:32] odd, I had no trouble starting and stopping jack via dbus [22:32] However I was using jack_control not qjackctl. [22:37] Also possibly of interest, after I "Quit" qjackctl, jackdbus is still running, according to ps aux [22:41] If I attempt to open qjackctl again and start the server (without killing the previously opened jackdbus process) I get the following: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Sq9wfJ3h9J/ [22:42] jackdbus should still be running, but if you do jack_control status it should return stopped. [22:43] pasuspend should not be needed. [22:43] (for over 4 years now i think) [22:45] jack_control status returns ERROR:dbus.proxies:Introspect error on :1.268:/org/jackaudio/Controller: dbus.exceptionsDBusException: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Did not receive a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken. [22:45] It sounds like jackdbus is not running correctly then... so killall -9 jackd jackdbus [22:47] status now returns "stopped" [22:47] qjackctl should work better too. [22:47] what is sound card 3? is it a USB audio box? [22:52] I have my interface set to my USB headset. This is what JACK says in Messages now when I click "Start" (currently the status seems stuck on "stopping") http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/HDKKQ2nXQH/ [22:55] Ok, lets try pasting the output of: cd /tmp && wget http://jackaudio.org/downloads/adevices.sh && bash ./adevices.sh [22:55] All one line [22:56] should I click "Stop" first? [22:56] no [22:57] Here you go: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/QYgG3mH7Pv/ [22:59] How did jackd get started? was that with qjackdbus or some other way? [22:59] I have no idea - I've only attempted to start using qjackctl, and even though it says it failed, jackdbus still is running [23:00] Thats just the dbus server part, jackdbus it self is not. [23:01] what's this? /usr/bin/jackd -dalsa -dhw:Hea -r48000 -p64 -n2 [23:02] (qjackctl still shows "stopping" btw...been like that for 14 minutes now [23:02] -p64 -n2 may be a bit small for a USB 1.1 audio interface though, might try -p64 -n2 or -p128 -n2 [23:03] jack_lsp should show at least 4 ports [23:03] (unless it errors) [23:05] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/h8SNjr6gCG/ [23:05] jack can be started in two ways, with dbus and with out. jackd is without dbus control though it still uses dbus to ask pulse to give up the interface [23:06] jack is frozen, killall -9 jackd jackdbus qjackctl [23:06] ok... [23:07] then open qjackctl again and go to settings [23:07] in setting change frames/period from 64 to 128 [23:07] done [23:07] try to restart [23:07] ayyyyyy [23:08] so in lay-terms...why was that a problem? [23:09] the usb driver/card combination was not able to handle the small size of buffer [23:10] the fact that it is limited to 16bit audio kind of hints at it being a USB 1.1 design rather than USB 2.0 audio. [23:10] okay...now when selecting an input device, I have an option for hw:Snowball and hw:Snowball,0 -- what's the difference? [23:11] there shold be no difference between the two. [23:11] snowball is a USB mic? [23:11] yes [23:11] use zita-a2j to connect it [23:12] other wise you will have input to jack only [23:13] In other words set up jack with your output device and then add the snowball with zita-a2j [23:13] okay [23:15] zita-a2j -j mic -d hw:snowball -r 48000 -p 128 -n 2 & [23:15] hmm...typing zita into my search only pulls up zita-mu1, zita-Rev1 and AT1 [23:15] or something like that [23:16] oh I have to call it via CLI - got ya [23:16] sigh, I thought it was included [23:17] apt-cache policy shows zita-ajbridge is installed...apparently it's not in the menu though [23:17] ya, in qjackctl connections window and "mic" port should just show up [23:17] no it is not in the menu [23:17] it has no gui [23:18] it can be added to qjackctl though [23:20] in the qjackctl setup window in the Options tab there is a line with checkbox called: Execute script avter Startup. [23:20] the zita-a2j line can go there [23:20] Then it will start at the same time as jack does [23:20] without the ampersnad, I take it? [23:20] the & is needed [23:21] ah, ok [23:21] it lets control return to qjackctl [23:22] (sorry for all the dumb questions - completely new at this) [23:24] we all start somewhere