
ochosiali1234: while that looks plausible, how else would you ship that than including it with adwaita?00:04
ali1234no idea, you're the theme expert :)00:05
ali1234could it go in xfce4-panel?00:05
ochosithe main issue i see is that getting it included in the latter as bugfix in time is probably hard, right jbicha?00:05
ali1234adwaita actually has a "hacks.rc" which has a few things like this00:05
ali1234oh i don't expect it to be fixed in 18.0400:05
ochosishipping it with any xubuntu pkg would probably be unconditional, so it sould affect *every* theme00:06
ali1234would that necessarily be a bad thing?00:07
ochosifor 18.10 i hope we can ship more 4.13 components, including the panel00:07
ochosiyeah, potentially00:07
ali1234it would affect every theme yes, but only xfce4-panel00:07
ali1234or... maybe the problem really is in xfce4-panel and we could just fix it :)00:07
ochosijust sucks if you change the genetal behaviour only becsuse adwaita gtk2 changed00:07
ochosinah, in the gtk2 version we shouldnt try to fix such trivialities anymore imo00:08
ochosii'd rather spend time on cleaning up deprecations etc in gtk300:08
ali1234i don't see clipped icons in any other software, and it isn't caused by the size of the panel, so it must be doing something wrong in the way it is constructing the widgets00:09
ali1234do you know for sure it doesn't do the same thing in the gtk3 version?00:09
ali1234i have not tried it00:09
ochosiadwaita at least doesnt00:09
ochosii already pushed some sane defaults to the gtk3 panel00:09
ochosithis is much easier to control with gtk300:10
ochosiso far all themes worked fine00:10
ali1234i looked at the greybird gtk2 rcs - there's a lot of workarounds in there...00:10
ochosiits historically grown00:11
ali1234for specific programs i mean00:11
ochosii havent questioned 90% of its content in years00:11
ochosii'll gladly drop gtk200:11
ali1234you'll be lucky00:11
ochosibut as that is not realistic in the near future i'll keep it all there00:12
ali1234give it another 5 years and maybe00:12
ochosibut i'll also not invest any time tbh00:12
ochosii rather try to push versus 4.1400:12
ochosikeeping up with gtk3 theming is enough work as it is ;)00:13
ali1234ironically Adwaita gtk2 is actually really good00:13
ali1234it's been completely revamped since 16.0400:13
ochosiwell they reworked it recently as a community effort00:13
ochosi90% pixbuf engine now00:14
ochosinot exactly efficient...00:14
ali1234it only has custom CSS for three apps: gimp, chrome, and libreoffice00:14
ochosibut probably nobody cares too muvh00:14
ali1234oh and vim for some reason00:15
ochosiyeah, i looked at the source a while ago00:16
ochosibut never really tested it tbh00:16
ochosianyway, i know this is partly boring, but if you wanna help with finalizing the panel for 4.14 - any help is appreciated!00:17
ochosigotta get some sleep now00:17
ali1234i will probably install it when i upgrade to 18.0400:18
ochosisounds like a good first step ;)00:19
ali1234right now i am finalizing the workarounds i need to do that00:19
bluesabrehttps://launchpadlibrarian.net/364395163/xubuntu-community-artwork_18.04.0_source.changes chilling in the queue00:54
bluesabreAnd there it is https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xubuntu-community-artwork/18.04.003:36
bluesabrenighty all03:36
flocculantbluesabre: definitely new here https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/GbKgbSYbcV/04:07
flocculantbluesabre ochosi - do we know offhand what causes the slow change to wallpaper at login for some? 04:31
krytarikflocculant: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-session/3.28.0-0ubuntu4 - and why have you got gnome-session-bin installed?  And neither of those are on the images.04:54
flocculantkrytarik: maybe gnome-calc or gnome-dik-utility ?04:58
flocculantif it's just me - that's fine04:59
krytarikNeither looks like - try "apt -s remove gnome-session-bin"?05:01
flocculant-session-common -startup-applications and -session-bin all could be removed05:04
krytarikWell yay then, you don't need it!.. :P05:05
flocculantbluesabre: sorry - I get a bit itchy when we're this close - and being tired doesn't help :p05:17
* flocculant thanks krytarik for being awake enough 05:17
bluesabreflocculant: yeah, everybody does10:05
bluesabreI've got a bunch of noise in my bug inbox about "xfce-* doesn't work" and the bug report goes on to talk about running openbox, installing from the mini iso, or using gnome-settings to configure their gnome session :\10:06
Unit193bluesabre: I presume you saw the nmu of mugshot?12:12
Unit193bluesabre: Ah fantastic you picked up ristretto, sorry about that. :312:21
Unit193flocculant: gnome-session-bin came from software-properties before it was fixed, apt-get changelog should describe the timeline.12:23
bluesabreUnit193: what does nmu mean again?12:27
Unit193non-maintainer upload.12:28
tracker8!team | flocculant will be mia until he gets his interwebs back again - see you sometime :)17:06
ubottuflocculant will be mia until he gets his interwebs back again - see you sometime :): akxwi-dave, bluesabre, dkessel, flocculant, jjfrv8, knome, krytarik, ochosi, pleia2, slickymaster and Unit19317:06
albinardchecking in20:14
albinardjust arrived - new poster, don't know proper hello form20:19
knomehello :)20:19
knomeso are you interested in contributing to xubuntu or..?20:19
albinardI've done a few tests of Xubuntu Core recent ISOs20:20
knomeaha, nice :)20:20
albinardcommented on the latest one on Mailing List today20:21
knomei've seen some threads about it, yep20:21
albinardwhat is the current status of Wayland in Xubuntu?20:25
knomeit isn't there and it isn't in the foreseeable near future that it's getting in20:25
knomeeven xfce isn't supporting wayland yet...20:26
albinardI wondered, because a recent update had some wayland bits in it20:26
knomebasically xfce needs gtk3 support first20:26
bluesabreWorking on translation releases tonight...23:15

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