
veebersthumper, wallyworld (anyone) Tests are passing, ready for another review: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/8498 Have been doing some manual testing as well00:10
wallyworldveebers: awesome, just got out f all my meetings for a bit (until next one), will look00:44
wallyworld181 files! close to a record :-)00:45
wallyworldi think babbageclunk has the recent record with his raft one00:45
wallyworldveebers: remind me - the utlimate plan is to go to macaroon.v2 rather than unstable right, but we need to do this in stages00:47
thumperwallyworld: there is no macaroon.v200:52
thumperit is all unstable00:52
thumpermy brain is almost exploding00:53
thumperthreading the presence stuff through hit model migrations00:53
veeberswallyworld: initially we wanted to up deps but stopped short of macaroon v2-us, then we decided to get in line with what charmstore.v5 had (hence the macaroon-bakery.v2-us parts)00:53
wallyworldveebers: review done, a few small things only01:18
veeberswallyworld: awesome, I'll get them sorted posthaste01:24
wallyworldlet me know if anything is unclear01:25
thumperbabbageclunk: got a few minutes?01:39
wallyworldbabbageclunk: are you looking at thumper's comments?01:41
babbageclunkwallyworld: yup01:41
babbageclunkalso thumper: yup01:41
babbageclunkthumper: in 1:1?01:42
wallyworldok, i'll look at thumper's PR next01:42
thumperbabbageclunk: ack01:42
thumperbabbageclunk: waiting01:43
veeberswallyworld: re: the comments, er, comment. Is the expectation something like "RootKey implements bakery.Storage.RootKey" or more: "RootKey returns the rootkey found in the bakery storage, used for making new macaroons." (same for Get)01:48
wallyworldif the method comes from an interface we typically use the former01:48
veeberswallyworld: cool, does it make sense to have the package in there? (i.e. bakery.) or is <inteface>.<method> the done thing? (i.e. Storage.Get)01:49
wallyworldi think we mostly do not include the package name'01:50
thumperbabbageclunk: not too big, just 900 lines or so02:01
babbageclunkthumper: hey you tricked me!02:02
wallyworldthumper: review done02:11
thumperwallyworld: awesome, thanks02:13
babbageclunkIs anyone else running the pre-push git hook?02:28
veeberswallyworld: can you clarify your comment "These need to operate on both the embedded suites"?02:33
veebersbabbageclunk: oh, no I'm not but I should be. Its just a matter of symlinking something isn't it?02:33
wallyworldbabbageclunk: i normally run it02:35
wallyworldveebers: if a suite embeds > 1 other suite, you need to call the SetUp/TearDown funcs on all the embedded suites or else only one will get run02:36
wallyworldthe other embedded suites will not get setup/torndown02:36
babbageclunkveebers: yup - see here https://github.com/juju/juju/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#local-clone02:38
veeberswallyworld: ah I see, I was only matching any setups with a teardown.02:38
veeberswallyworld: does that mean I need to add a loggingsuite setuptest too? (or are it's setupsuites enough02:39
wallyworldveebers: the embedded suites may not explicitly define a SetUp (for example) *today*, but if one were to be added....02:39
wallyworldif loggingsuite doesn't have one at all, then no needed02:39
wallyworldbut if there's one by virute of an embedded suite in loggingsuite02:40
veeberswallyworld: loggingsuite has a setuptest, so I'll add it too02:40
wallyworldgreat, yup02:40
wallyworldand order of teardown should be opposite of setup02:41
veeberswallyworld: does the same count for setup/teardown suite? (i.e. I have the looging one there, should I add the mgo)02:42
wallyworldany embedded suite that has a setup/teardown needs to have those called by the outer suite02:43
wallyworldotherwise go will be a single, arbitrary one to call and not call the others02:43
veebersah ok, gotcha02:44
wallyworldsame even goes for if you add logic to the outer setup and there's only one embedded suite02:44
wallyworldstill need to then call the embedded suite setup02:44
babbageclunkthumper: are you happy with https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/8571 or do you want wallyworld to look at it too?02:59
veeberswallyworld: re: the macaroon.New wrapper, would the function be New or NewMacaroon() to be clearer?03:00
wallyworldveebers: NewMacaroon works i think as it will be in a testing package03:01
veeberssweet, makes sense03:02
thumperbabbageclunk: all good04:02
babbageclunkthumper: cool, thanks!04:02
thumperjam: in our 1:104:03
veeberswallyworld: FYI have pushed pr review changes. Also I had a go at getting a failure when using a charm with resources, but couldn't. It's possible I don't fully understand the process required.04:03
jamthumper: omw04:03
veebersI published a charm to the store, I've deployed it (it got me to auth), I upgraded the controller +  model to the 2.4-b1 and attached a new resource to teh application but it all worked04:04
veebersah man, failling tests. I should have caught that locally :-\04:05
veebersah, I see why.04:06
veebersbabbageclunk: is there a nice way to "go test" but just build the test not run them (i.e. so I can catch compile errors)04:08
babbageclunkveebers: go test -c04:09
babbageclunkBut I haven't really worked out a nice way to do that across all packages.04:09
veebersbabbageclunk: cool thanks. Huh that succeeds, but there are errors to be found :0\04:09
veebersah, just in juju/juju won't do much will it04:10
babbageclunkIt only builds the tests for the package you're in.04:10
veebersaye :-)04:10
kelvinliusorry, got a quesiton about current supported golang version, `make install-dependencies` will install golang-1.10 from snap but README.md shows it should be 1.9.  I am currently on `develop` branch05:26
kelvinliuseems README needs to be updated.05:26
thumperkelvinliu: yes05:26
wallyworldit was 1.9 until recently05:26
kelvinliuthx :)05:27
wallyworldwe should tell folks just to use Go from the snap05:27
kelvinliuyes, snap is handy rather than installing manually05:28
wallyworldit is, and it's easy to try rc of next go version etc05:28
wallyworldso we can be sure juju will continue to work when next version is out05:28
kelvinliuyes, agreed05:29
kelvinliuwondering if I wanna update the README, how  do we manage branchs?05:29
wallyworldsure, feel free to propose a change. vino had the same thought but i've given her a bug to work on so you could look at a readme change05:30
babbageclunkjam: ping?05:32
thumpernight all05:38
* thumper goes to make dinner and have a glass of wine05:38
kelvinliuyup thx05:39
kelvinliunight thumper05:40
babbageclunkkelvinliu: he never waits for responses. I was going to say it too. :(05:40
anastasiamaca very quick and easy review plz: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/858406:28
wallyworldanastasiamac: looking06:58
anastasiamacwallyworld: thnx06:59
wallyworldanastasiamac: nice06:59
anastasiamacm thinking it should mayb (!) say 'odel cannot be upgraded to x.x.x while the controller is y.y.y: upgrade 'controller' model first'...07:00
anastasiamacdoes it read better to u^^07:00
anastasiamacwallyworld: ^^07:01
wallyworldsure, sounds good to me07:01
anastasiamaci'll re-phrase in a sec... m just a breath (or a few) away from proposign worker/maniforld for cred check...07:01
wallyworldjam: i had to make a fix to a recent juju/description commit which added some stuff for caas support, any chance of a review before you EOD? i need this to be able to add support for model import/export in juju itself https://github.com/juju/description/pull/3707:02
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vino_hi kelvin07:27
kelvinliuhi vino07:33
vino_hi.. did u manage to get details abt branches ? i closed freenode.07:34
kelvinliuyes, https://github.com/juju/juju/blob/develop/CONTRIBUTING.md07:38
kelvinliujust have a check CONTRIBUTING.md07:39
wallyworldjam: thanks for review, i responded to comments if you are interested. i'll test with model export in juju before landing07:41
wallyworldkelvinliu: i left a comment - let's change the readme to tell people ot use the snap07:44
kelvinliuyes, go point, I m updating it now07:45
vino_snap install of go ?07:54
vino_i had issue installing snap version by default installed 1.6 and that had issues with juju installation07:57
wallyworldkelvinliu: lgtm08:01
wallyworldvino_: it should have installed the latest stable go release, not sure why it installed 1.608:01
wallyworldjuju won't compile with go < 1.1008:02
vino_yes. in 16.0408:02
wallyworldhmm, no idea why off hand. i'm running bionic08:03
kelvinliui am running bionic as well08:04
kelvinliu`make install-dependencies` will install all for u, vino08:04
vino_so i tried upgrading it to 1.10 and eventually it allowed me to do it only with longsleep/golang-backports08:04
vino_maybe i can recheck08:05
mupBug #1763201: Build juju from source documentation requires update <usability> <juju:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1763201>08:05
wallyworldvino_: you sure you used the snap?08:05
wallyworldrather than the one from the archive?08:05
wallyworldi'd expect 1.6 to be in the archive08:05
vino_i did. but i can recheck again.08:05
wallyworldthe reference to backports implies archive08:06
vino_i rechecked and snap installs 1.10 - i was wrong here.08:14
vino_wallyworld : i reachecked and i couldnt reproduce how i got 1.62 where i faced issues to upgrade and referred to link :  https://github.com/golang/go/wiki/Ubuntu08:15
wallyworldno worries. we should update that wiki page to refer to snap also08:17
vino_It already does.08:18
vino_snap also or snap only ?08:18
wallyworldvino_: i meant this one https://github.com/golang/go/wiki/Ubuntu08:21
wallyworldoh never mind08:22
wallyworldi didn't scroll down far enough08:22
wallyworldit already mentions snaps08:22
vino_I am not clear.08:22
vino_did u mean that juju README.md should also mention snap ?08:23
wallyworldfor the juju readme, IMO it should be snap ony08:23
wallyworldsince people on xenial etc would otherwise get an older version of go that won't ork with juju08:23
vino_ok snap only is correct. apt install info can be removed08:23
wallyworldyeah i think so08:24
anastasiamacwallyworld: if u plan more insomnia or r just looking for bedtime reading, PTAL https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/8586 - cred worker/manifold... :D08:41
wallyworldok, will try and get to it after i finish this current PR08:42
anastasiamacwallyworld: was kind of hoping u'd look at it at the earliest tomorrow :)08:42
wallyworldcan do08:42
vino_wallyworld : i will update the bug i opened this morning https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju/+bug/176320108:52
mupBug #1763201: Build juju from source documentation requires update <usability> <juju:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1763201>08:52
vino_but just to update : both snap and apt-get install go install 1.10 and works fine for me to build juju and installing.08:53
vino_i will detail in the bug report08:54
vino_snap install go --classic is fine08:57
vino_only the next option needs to be updated with - sudo apt-get install golang-go08:58
vino_hi Kelvin.. Can i assign that bug to you  as you are updating it ?09:02
kelvinliusure, just give it to me. I v already got a PR for it.  Vino09:36
vino_i just saw that.09:47
vino_i felt u can add apt-get as it works fine for me09:47
vino_it installs latest go version.09:48
vino_i have assigned it to u09:49
vino_get u get mail notification kelvin ?09:52
mupBug #1763201: Build juju from source documentation requires update <usability> <juju:Triaged by kelvinliu1976> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1763201>10:01
jammanadart: if its possible while you're in the area, bug #1753418 is one reason why our ci run isn't clear.10:35
mupBug #1753418: intermittent failure in kvmProvisionerSuite.TestKVMProvisionerObservesConfigChanges <intermittent-failure> <test-failure> <juju:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1753418>10:35
manadartjam: Yep. Will take a look.10:36
jammanadart: lower priority than finishing the work, but since you're working with KVM right now10:36
balloonsexternalreality, are you ok with doing the change for the runtime panics on that bug to start?13:47
balloonsexternalreality, I'll look quickly for ovh account13:47
externalrealityballons, sounds good, will do.14:55
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hmlballoons: subprocess.check_output is working… but have to change a lot of things over to use it…18:13
hmlunhappy it’s not clear why yet18:13
balloonsOK, so you are unblocked?18:18
hmlballoons: currently -18:40
thumpermorning team20:17
rick_h_thumper: morning and +1000 on the collapse of the juju vs -dev list/channels20:19
rick_h_in case you were looking for votes. I've been saving up my paper ballots :P20:19
thumperballoons: where are we with 1.25.14 build needs - go/1.8 etc20:19
thumperrick_h_: heh, ack20:20
balloonsgood morning thumper20:20
thumperalso status for 2.3.6?20:24
thumpersince we are co-opting the release call for whole team meeting :)20:25
balloonsthumper, yea.. We have 3 releases we need to do. 1.25, 2.3, and 2.420:25
thumper2.3.6 first, then 2.4 then 1.2520:25
balloonsthumper, 2.3.6 has to have a call on if we wait for the container-image-metadata or not20:26
thumperwe've waited long enough for the 1.25 build, another week or two won't kill them20:26
thumperI don't think we need to wait20:26
thumperI'm happy enough that going into 2.420:26
thumperfield are working around the issue now20:26
thumperit isn't critical20:26
thumper2.3.6 is20:26
balloonsthis needs to land then, and we should be good https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/858920:26
thumperballoons: is mongo 3.6 in bionic yet?20:27
balloonsthumper, it went into the queue a few hours ago. Needs approval, then it will land in proposed20:27
* thumper nods20:29
* thumper jumps in call 1 of 320:29
veebersMorning all o/20:35
* balloons tips hat20:38
wallyworldkelvinliu: if you're online, come to team meeting?21:31
babbageclunkmorning everyone21:40
hmlveebers: if you would, i updated the pr from yesterday with the change21:58
veebershml: mean, you have a link?21:59
veebershah I have a Link, I hear him crying right now :-P21:59
hmlveebers: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/858221:59
hmlfeeling paranoid - i manually did the upgrade series setups on a 2.3.6 config - then did juju upgrade-juju to get to 2.4-beta1 and the unit was still happy.  :-)22:09
veebershml: what's the difference to what the script used to be doing (with the .tmp that's different to using --output-file) don't both write a 'tmp' file and then mv it in place at the last second?22:13
hmlveebers: there are shades of “last second”22:14
hmlveebers: i could have just removed the os.rename and done the mv after ifdown22:15
hmlveebers: but since we can specify the input file, it’s “nicer” to specify an output file too?22:15
veebershml: perhaps I don't fully understand the script . . . ah I see, right *that's* the important part here, not moving the interfaces file to bak before it's time22:16
veebersI was focusing on the wrong part :-)22:16
hmlveebers: i changed so it was a copy to .bak - then the replacement was done very last we could22:17
veebershml: ack, that makes sense and obvious now that I see it22:17
veebershml: LGTM22:18
hmlveebers: TY!  :-)22:18
veebersthumper: Seems it's really easy to add gometalinter to emacs (using spacemacs too): https://github.com/syl20bnr/spacemacs/tree/master/layers/%2Blang/go#pre-requisites22:22
babbageclunkveebers: Also really CPU hungry22:23
babbageclunk(Probably because of the size of the codebase)22:24
veebersbabbageclunk: ah right, I'm not so keen to add more CPU load to my emacs usage ^_^22:25
vinoC, c++22:28
vinoand python scripting22:28
vinoin cloud i used JAVA RestApi22:29
veebersvino: might be wrong channel :-)22:29
vinoyes yes.22:30
veebersvino, kelvinliu: Where you making changes to CONTRIBUTING.md? I think I want to make some updates too22:30
vinoi am still sleepy22:30
vinoi already generated a PR22:31
vinoin the Local Clone section.22:31
veebersIs master even a branch we really care about now? I think CONTRIBUTING.md should mention develop, not master.22:31
veebersvino: lol that's exactly the change I was going to make22:32
vinoOh sorry.22:33
vinoi missed something and Kelvin did it yesterday in README>md22:33
veebersvino: hah no it's good, you got to it first.22:33
vinothe go version22:33
veebersvino: note, there is a typo in the PR typo, it's a little long too (will be truncated in the git log)22:34
vinocorrected it22:38
veebersvino: you'll need to update the summary part too, it still has "…ection with correct path" as the first line22:40
vinogood eyes.22:41
hmlhas anyone tried to bootstrap from a mac recently?  (i’m using a remote openstack cloud)22:46
wallyworldbabbageclunk: i might be a minute late for standup, so tell some jokes if i'm not there on time :-)22:48
babbageclunkwallyworld: I'll do my best man, but if the audience are expecting you they'll still be disappointed22:48
hmlhow do you build agents for a different processor?  trying to bootstrap 2.4-beta1 (develop) it complains about not having agent binaries, even if they are built during bootstrap.  Wrong OS?  and the 2.4beta1 binaries are not online yet22:57
babbageclunkveebers: review plz? https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/859023:03
veebersbabbageclunk: sure thing!23:04
babbageclunkhml: Don't know, sorry! anastasiamac/balloons/thumper?23:04
babbageclunkveebers: fanks23:05
hmli was able to bootstrap with 2.3.5 at least?23:05
babbageclunkI think once you have a controller you could build the binaries for the different arch and then use sync-tools to push them up, then upgrade?23:07
hmlget juju to build the binaries?23:08
hmlbabbageclunk: how would you get the controller to build the binaries?23:09
babbageclunkno, build them locally - I think by setting GOOS and GOARCH?23:10
babbageclunkhml: Something like this https://dave.cheney.net/2015/08/22/cross-compilation-with-go-1-523:11
hmlhaven’t played with those before23:11
veebersbabbageclunk: "Thanks ants, Thants". lgtm23:11
babbageclunkveebers: Just... look around you!23:12
veebershml: with 2.3.5 it would have pulled agent from streams, for 2.4-b1 you'll need to use the testing streams to do that23:12
veebersbabbageclunk: ^_^ that's the one23:12
hmlveebers: there’s a testing streams?23:12
veebershml: for each build we generate a stream entry and put it in s3.23:13
hmlveebers: though that won’t allow me to test my code easily?23:13
hmlveebers: how do you use it?23:13
veebershml: not if you're needing an agent you've just built :-\23:14
hmlveebers: sounds like i need to learn to use GOOS and GOARCH?23:14
hmlveebers: i was just courious23:15
veebershml: if you have a log of the upgrade series test too that would be useful23:31
hmlveebers: not sure if the logs i have now are useful?23:38
hmlveebers: i know where they are failing now…23:38
hmlveebers: if i find a new one, i’ll forward along :-)23:38
veebershml: sweet :-)23:39
hmlveebers: eventually i’d be curious as to what broke which lead me to using subprocess.check_output to run remote commands23:40
hmlsome juju some not23:40
hmlveebers: it’s not warm fuzzy that this is needed23:40
hmlbut i want it done too :-)23:40
* hml waves goodnight!23:41
babbageclunkbye hml23:53

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