
antgocould you recommend a network help channel? I have a tens of thousands of ms lag type of problem on my wan link.11:06
antgoas soon as I11:07
antgouse an icecast stream11:07
hateballantgo: ##networking11:13
hateball!alis | antgo11:13
ubottuantgo: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"11:13
antgohateball: thanks11:13
antgohateball: my bot knowledge takes me as far as nickserv11:14
antgogonna look into it11:14
jk^why there isn't libreoffice in lubuntu software center?13:14
hateballjk^: I am not on Lubuntu atm, but I guess it could be to hilight more "lightweight" solutions13:36
hateballjk^: You can still install it using apt13:36
jk^highlight what?13:37
hateballI dunno, leafpad? :p13:38
hateballat any rate, you can simply "sudo apt install libreoffice" and you have it13:38
jk^i don't understand what u want to tell me :| about "hilight, lightweight, leafpad :(13:48
jk^excuse me13:48
jk^May u be clearly?13:49
hateballjk^: I am telling you, that if you simply want to install libreoffice, then run this in a terminal: sudo apt install libreoffice13:49

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