[00:03] s2disk: Could not use the resume device (try swapon -a). Reason: No such device [00:03] i found this using hibernate-disk -v2 [00:04] I am not sure is a bug [00:05] swapon -s shows my swap [00:05] if i run dpkg-reconfigure initramfs-tools [00:06] i get [00:06] I: The initramfs will attempt to resume from /dev/sda8 [00:06] I: (UUID=145ec158-cf10-40d1-be58-3775f4c17fd7) [00:06] I: Set the RESUME variable to override this. [00:06] /dev/sda8 is my swap [00:27] mattfly: wich system brand is this, on clean daily or upgrade? [00:27] its clean [00:27] beta 2 final [00:27] bionic [00:28] Isn't anyone else having issues to hibernate? [00:28] not here [00:28] hibernate issues occur many on specific brands [00:30] mattfly: try a tail -f /var/log/syslog and hibernate to see if you can catch errors [00:31] I am going to be getting a new video card and am wondering if nvidia gtx 1080 will work with ubuntu [00:33] https://pastebin.com/Q61Vymu3 [00:33] thats the outpub [00:34] nothing really helpful, let me unplug all usbs and see [00:34] lapaga: we hear good things about that new nvidia driver [00:35] lotuspsychje, so its worth taking a chance? [00:36] was exatcly the same output lotuspsychje [00:36] I always get s2disk: Could not use the resume device (try swapon -a). Reason: No such device [00:36] even tho i have [00:36] swapon -s [00:36] Filename Type Size Used Priority [00:36] /dev/sda8 partition 16131068 0 -2 [00:37] lapaga: well for now best layout worked xorg + nouveau [00:37] lapaga: but with latest nvidia driver wayland is suppose to get better [00:38] lotuspsychje, think i will wait a bit then === brainwash_ is now known as brainwash === kallesbar_ is now known as kallesbar === katnip- is now known as Guest67740 === Guest67740 is now known as katnip === leigh_on_sea is now known as Guest91052 [11:43] i have a weird issue. suddenly my laptop stoppe displaying the login screen. but on recovery mode, the login screen is displayed. any ideas? [11:43] when I go to tty2, it starts spiting out stuff about nouveau.. [11:48] http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/c6zYvQnnJs/ [11:51] ok, so every time I boot using the nvidia native driver, I get this output in my xorg log and the desktop hangs on a black screen, and my input devices stop working. https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Vtx5Pf4cYk/ [11:52] In addition, when I'm sitting at the login screen (which works, at native resolution), I can't ctrl-alt-f1/2/3 etc. into a terminal [11:52] I am able to ssh into the machine, both before and after the freeze [11:53] it's _after_ clicking "sign in" that the issue occurs [11:53] AMD x370 chip, nvidia gpu, kernel 4.15.0-15-generic [11:53] x370 is the mobo chipset [11:53] I had a few issues with front panel HD audio routing as well [11:54] I had it working in 17.10, but after the upgrade to 18.04 the behavior has been consistent [11:55] here's the full xorg log fwiw https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/wDPZdxQ6x5/ [11:56] this behavior doesn't occur if I'm using nouveau, but I am also unable to get native desktop resolution [11:57] I currently don't have any special kernel boot parameters such as "nomodeset" etc. enabled [11:57] as far as I can tell it doesn't make a difference [12:01] bodie__: best to create a bug report and note all this info plus attach log files, against the nvidia driver package [12:05] any idea about me? probably my graphics went to shit? [12:05] :/ [12:06] TJ-: ok [12:17] well, honestly I think my pc is graphically dead! tty2 works, but login screen doesn't appear although I can see the splash(?) screen [12:20] Exterminador: you said that you get the login screen in recovery mode? that shouldn't happen [12:21] lemme redo the steps. perhaps I'm giving mistaken info too [12:28] I open "Advanced options for Ubuntu Bionic Beaver (development branch) (18.04)", choose "Ubuntu, with Linux 4.15.0-13-generic (recovery mode) (on /dev/sda6)", then I choose to "resume boot", and the login screen is displayed. i enter the password and I'm in (without the menu bar) [12:30] I really have no idea about what's happening. it started flickering around, so I've assumed that's my graphics dying. do you have any other clues/tests to perform? I'm open to any suggestions [12:34] booting from live USB leads to the options of "Install/Try" not being displayed neither. I just see a small white square in the middle of the screen (about 1"x1"). [12:35] Exterminador: what if you add the kernel parameter "systemd.unit=multi-user.target" for the next reboot, then use "startx" to start the gui? it should give some more info [12:36] Exterminador: login as your user, and run startx as your user [12:36] erm. how do I add that? btw, I'm using Xubuntu (sorry, forgot to tell). [12:37] Exterminador: you can add it at the grub menu by pressing e [12:41] akik: this is what happens when I do "startx" - http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/5P9Jn8S8mY/ [12:46] Exterminador: what graphics card do you have? have you tried using the igpu on the processor? [12:48] i have Nvidia (don't know the exact model). how do I see the graphics model? and no, don't even know what's igpu [12:49] Nvidia G98M (GeForce G 105M) [12:50] Exterminador: what did you change/update for it to break? [12:50] I just did apt update and apt full-upgrade [12:51] Exterminador: did it update the nvidia driver? maybe try installing the previous version of it [12:52] but I assume that the live usb (if the graphics were properly working) should display the Try Xubuntu/Install Xubuntu (which doesn't happen). and I've been using the Nouveau drivers. [12:52] nvidia recently has become worse than the old AMD/ATI drivers [12:53] There was a flickering bug in Xubuntu but I thought that was sorted out last week [12:53] if you add "modprobe.blacklist=nouveau modprobe.blacklist=nvidia" does it fall back to the igpu? [12:55] lemme try. I need to reboot, and while booting, press "e" or when I'm in the boot menu (to choose the OS to boot"? [12:56] Exterminador: press left shift to stop at the grub menu, then press e [12:57] press Escape if UEFI boot, Shift can only be detected for BIOS mode boot [12:57] holy fragmentation batman [13:04] where do I add those lines? on the end? [13:04] Exterminador: on the line starting with "linux" [13:05] after "to quiet splash $vt_handoff"? [13:05] Exterminador: not sure if you should test with the nouveau driver first [13:06] Exterminador: it could work, so just add "modprobe.blacklist=nvidia" [13:07] i don't know what vt_handoff does [13:07] i'd think you can add new kernel parameters at the end of the line [13:09] modprobe.blacklist=nvidia doesn't do nothing. I'm in a black screen (where I should be presented with the login screen) [13:11] Exterminador: check the xorg log file [13:12] trying to open tty2.. [13:13] jeez it thrown lots of errors related to nouveau [13:13] :) [13:13] pastebin it [13:17] http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Xkb22F3cym/ (Xorg.0.log) [13:19] http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ZnQmVMCy84/ (latest dmesg output) [13:20] that doesn't look nice with the faults [13:20] Exterminador: I saw that once but can't remember what the cause/solution was now [13:23] right now my laptop looks like a server. well, leave it.. I think that it's dying completely. it even flickers by itself, the screen turns off, and so on [13:23] Exterminador: what cpu do you have? [13:24] akik: intel dual core @ 2.10Ghz, from 2009 (T4300) [13:24] ok it deson [13:25] ok it doesn't seem to have an igpu on the processor [13:25] maybe it's really broken [13:26] RIP! xD [13:26] was good while it lasted [13:27] lately it started to enter in hibernation like mode by itself, suspending sessions by itself, and so on [13:29] Exterminador: it would help to see the earlier messages before nouveau began spamming, if you can find the latest boot messages before the spamming starts in /var/log/kern.log and pastebin that we hav a good change of figuring it out [13:30] i can try [13:30] i can even put the entire log available or download (assuming the sftp still works). xD [13:31] s/or/for [13:34] Exterminador: yeah, would help to delete all that nouveau spam except for the first 25 or so lines of it though [13:36] the log seems to be huge.. [13:36] right, which is why I suggest deleting all that spam from nouveau [13:37] i don't know how to. it's uploaded to my VPS [13:38] Exterminador: "sed '1,/trapped write/' /var/log/kern.log | pastebinit " [13:43] erm, it doesn't work.. sed: -e expression #1, char 2: unknown command: `/' [13:47] huh? let me heck [13:49] Exterminador: "sed -n '1,/trapped write/ p' /var/log/kern.log | pastebinit " [13:49] teach me to write commands without testing them first [13:51] http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/HNdnfJXKcC/ [13:53] it's huge! [13:53] oh wonderful... another Acer Aspire [13:53] \o/ [13:53] old war machine! [13:54] line 857 looks like it might be a clue... or not [13:55] line 900 is the reason "nouveau 0000:01:00.0: msvld: unable to load firmware data" [13:56] the lines before show failure to find firmware, there is a similar message earlier for other device firmware. Does the system have "linux-firmware" package installed? [13:57] yes, it does. [13:57] line 848 "platform regulatory.0: Direct firmware load for regulatory.db failed with error -2" [13:58] that means? [13:58] Bug #1751497 [13:58] bug 1751497 in linux (Ubuntu) "Bionic daily build - nouveau: Direct firmware load for nouveau/nve7_fuc084 failed with error -2" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1751497 [14:00] In your system's case it's a safe bet that firmware *is* required [14:00] The joys of Nvidia proprietary [14:01] so, what should I do? [14:03] install nvidia-340-* drivers? and change to Nvidia? [14:03] find and install those paths/files under /lib/firmware/ [14:06] There are instructions on the Freedesktop page linked-to from the bug report on how to extract the firmware [14:09] that's way advanced to me :x [14:10] how do we change from nouveau to Nvidia from command line? [14:43] okay, I quit [14:44] I can't make it work, so I rammed it against the wall [14:44] lol [15:52] Hey there! Does 18.04 LTS include fonts for the ₿ Bitcoin symbol? [15:52] RedNifre: well, it displayed correctly here, so I assume so [15:53] Alright, I guess I'll won't bother looking for fonts for my 16.04 LTS then. Thank you very much :) === lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotuspsychje === Elimin8r is now known as Elimin8er [17:28] nacc, I am running 18.04 tls and in my hexchat all I seen from RedNifre was a box with "20BF" just figured I'd let you know...fwiw [17:28] donofrio: so you're missing some fonts [17:29] I got it the main files from apt-get install ubuntu-desktop so is it missing in that master package (I don't need it mind you just "reporting in." (my setup is at http://www.tinyurl.com/donofrio1804 - skip needed onedrive login)) [17:30] donofrio: dunno, i just reported that the fonts exist [17:42] donofrio: is the locale set to UTF-8 ? [20:03] anyone knows about the expected behavior of systemd user units journaling with UIDs < 1000 vs UIDs >= 1000? [20:36] maybe someone can help me with my question: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/667833 [23:56] so wayland not default in 18.04? [23:57] "X is the default display server. Wayland is provided as a Technical Preview and is expected to be the default display server in 20.04 LTS. To try it out, just choose Ubuntu on Wayland from the cog on the log in screen." This means its not production ready right?