
zipperI found this hilarious song on the internet https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fxEweP2TiMk06:46
zipperand I want it to share it with a south african guy06:46
zipperbut he's much older than me06:46
zipperand I really respect him and would not want to piss him off06:46
zipperIs that song offensive in SA?06:46
zipper"Spitting Image - I've Never Met A Nice South African"06:48
chesedozipper: well, it stereotypes both blacks and whites negatively... seems to me like some ausie trying to be funny... then again from the comments I see that the video is older than I am, so maybe i am just not getting it...07:51
zipperchesedo: My logic is that if both are steroetyped then it's ok, no?07:53
zipperchesedo: The video is just funny imo07:55
zipperThat there are no nice south africans07:55
zipperbut it's apertheid satire07:55
chesedowhatever rocks your boat...08:51
chesedoas a south african, i just know that a most of us are hoping for the day when fellow south africans do not see color as the first thing when they look at others and then drawing dividing lines based on the color they see08:55
zipperchesedo: Based on your reaction I should probably keep that video away from south africans09:39
chesedozipper: good idea... from most at least :D09:40
chesedothere is one thing that all south africans have in common - being proud of being South African09:42
chesedoso i guess we like to think of ourself as being nice too ;)09:42
zipperThe song does say that south africans don't have a sense of humour.09:43
zipperI guess they're right about that09:43
* zipper hides09:43
zipperchesedo: LOL I don't mean to offend. I'll stfu now09:43
chesedoQA: tell zipper "LOL, no problem man :D"15:15
QAchesedo: Okay, I'll tell zipper on freenode15:15

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