
didrocksgood morning06:35
* tsimonq2 waves to didrocks 06:38
didrockshey tsimonq206:39
ricotzhey desktopers06:40
didrockshey ricotz06:40
ricotzdidrocks, hi06:40
dufluMorning didrocks, tsimonq2, ricotz06:43
didrockshey duflu06:43
tsimonq2o/ ricotz duflu06:48
seb128hey Laney, how are you?08:04
seb128hey willcooke08:04
seb128good morning desktopers08:04
willcookehuh, I've never seen this before: https://github.com/CanonicalLtd/desktop-design/blob/master/Progress/spinner.svg08:07
seb128willcooke, where is it supposed to be used?08:10
dufluMorning Laney, seb128, willcooke08:11
willcookeseb128, I don't really know.  It looks like m_pt is uploading a lot of design assets and docs from all over the place in to github, and that was one file I clicked on by random08:12
seb128hey duflu, how has your day been so far?08:12
seb128willcooke, k, never saw it either08:12
dufluseb128, painful, but only because I'm trying to fix totem again08:13
seb128did you make any progress figuring out what regressed?08:13
willcookeduflu,  I tried with 18.04 yesterday and I /think/ it is a bit juddery.  I wanted to install 17.10 and try that but I needed that machine yesterday08:13
willcookeI can reinstall it today I think08:13
dufluseb128, seems to be GLX-specific, so Xorg sessions mostly. And I am looking at a realtime profile showing it spending 60% of its time waiting in synchronization calls08:14
dufluIt's also confused by 18.04 using upstream's gst-vaapi code (17.10 used my own patch). But I hope that's not an issue08:14
dufluwillcooke, you mean video is juddery?08:15
willcookeduflu, yeah08:15
Laneyhey seb128, got a sore throat but otherwise ok08:15
Laneymoin duflu willcooke08:15
willcookeword Laney08:15
willcookeBTW, that xwayland crash - do I need to do anything else, or is it understood now?08:16
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers08:16
dufluwillcooke, Probably nothing. But maybe verify the use case. I think the other bug was with snaps too08:17
dufluIs there any snap containing an Xwayland binary that might get run?08:18
dufluI woulnd't have thought so08:18
dufluMorning oSoMoN08:22
seb128duflu, I don't think so08:22
willcookeduflu, yeah, all classic snaps it seems08:23
dufluwillcooke, I wonder if they're special because they're over-confined, lacking access to the graphics hardware, and so hitting the swrast use case08:24
dufluA crash in Xwayland is still a crash in Xwayland, but I'm trying to describe the trigger08:25
oSoMoNhey duflu08:25
willcookeduflu, well, if they're classic snaps they shouldn't be confined at all08:27
willcookeoh, that's what you're saying, they are being confined when they shouldnt be08:27
dufluI'm not really sure. I'm not looking at it at the moment08:28
willcookethanks duflu08:28
willcookejibel, I have a present for your from the OEM team :)08:28
dufluThe good news is people are still fixing Xwayland, including some unreleased fixes08:29
jibelwillcooke, oh, should I be pleased or not? ;)08:32
Laneyit's a giant 💩08:32
willcookejibel, not sure yet.  It's a 15" 2-in-1.  Quite a nice machine.08:32
jibeljust on time for the release08:32
seb128Laney, I'm ok, that cold is still annoying me though, I didn't sleep well and now it seems the baby got it as well so didn't sleep well either which over-screwed my night :/ and he had fewer this morning so isn't at the childcare so we are looking after him in turn today (well he's sleep for now so we are both working atm ;)08:32
willcookejibel, I took Bionic for a spin on it, it's fine. Everything works08:33
jibelseb128, I found the problem with the screenreader, I'm testing a fix08:33
jibelit's caused by https://github.com/GNOME/gnome-shell/commit/01d88119132f277196fa39c05b733dd1b4c5e951#diff-27bd3da1798473ae0fa876e6712c08a408:33
willcookejibel, nice one!08:34
seb128jibel, that sounds weird/doesn't match my understanding of the issue08:35
seb128jibel, is the issue you are looking at happening in a live session/after installation or in ubiquity only mode?08:36
jibelseb128, in maybe-ubiquity mode08:36
jibelseb128, when you're on the "try or install" window the a11y icon is not displayed and the screen reader cannot be activated with alt+super+s08:38
seb128jibel, what is "maybe-ubiquity"?08:39
Laneyseb128: hugs, hope everyone gets better soon :(08:39
seb128the first screen that give you the choice between live session and install only?08:39
seb128Laney, thx08:39
Laneymaybe-ubiquity is the try or install screen08:39
seb128is the issue specific to that screen?08:39
jibelseb128, the ubiquity-dm window with a list of language and 2 buttons "Try Ubuntu" / "Install Ubuntu"08:40
seb128like does it work then in live session or install modes?08:40
seb128jibel, anyway, I think that's not he issue08:41
seb128or maybe you would get the a11y icon to work08:41
seb128but that still wouldn't work to enable the screenreader08:41
seb128I poked a bit a it and remembered I debugged it in N-Y, it's still the same issue than by then08:44
seb128like me try to find the bug, I had a start of patch that needed finished iirc08:44
seb128ah, found it08:46
seb128jibel, it's still https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/171999508:46
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1719995 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Screen reader does not read Ubiquity windows" [High,Confirmed]08:46
seb128basically what the keybind and shell menu do is to set the screenreader enable key in gsettings to true08:46
seb128which in the session enable the service through gnome-session/autostart conditionned on this key value08:47
seb128but we don't use gnome-session in maybe-ubiquity or ubiquity-dm08:47
seb128so nothing watch the gsettings key to activate the service when it's true08:47
seb128my start of patch was https://launchpadlibrarian.net/340645974/ubiquity-screen-reader.patch08:48
seb128but it would at least require stopping the service if the keybinding is used again08:48
seb128jibel, ^ can you test that patch though?08:48
seb128I'm unsure how to patch things from casper-bottom08:49
seb128or if that needs a local iso respin08:49
seb128so I didn't test it08:49
seb128but in theory it should work08:49
seb128didrocks, ^ btw, you were interested by that screenreader issue as well08:50
jibelseb128, I'll test it08:58
seb128jibel, thx09:01
jibelseb128, you meant orca  instead of onboard?09:01
jibelin the patch09:01
seb128jibel, yeah, sorry09:01
seb128I keep confusing those 2 :/09:01
jibelthere is ton of dead code in casper related to a11y09:02
seb128jibel, the UI side/lack of icon is another problem and that might have to do with the commit you pointed, I don't know09:02
seb128there is a gnome-shell ubiquity mode that restrict the UI09:03
seb128so it's probably a matter of making the a11y icon displayed in that mode09:03
jibelseb128, yeah, the component a11yGreeter has been dropped and now it's only a11y + setting always-show-universal-access09:03
jibelso it's just changing the name in the ubiquity mode and setting  the key in a casper script09:04
jibelalso there is a key for /o/g/settings-daemon/plugins/media-keys/screenreader set to ''09:05
jibelseb128, when you dump the registry in ubiquity-dm mode. This key was not present in previous releases09:10
jibelnot set09:11
tkamppeterLaney, hi09:14
seb128jibel, that sounds weird09:16
tkamppeterLaney, did you see my messages about the gs/pstotext problem yesterday night?09:16
Laneytkamppeter: yeah, I think it's OK to switch the tests to use ps2txt if you want - in that case it should be filed in Debian on doc-rfc too IMO09:22
seb128jibel, do you know why the pending isos didn't get promoted to current for some days?09:27
jibelseb128, I'll have a look09:31
seb128jibel, thx09:33
didrocksseb128: good work :)09:34
seb128didrocks, thx09:34
tkamppeterLaney, then I suggest to file it in both dhelp and doc-rfc in Debian, to not only switch over the test but assure that dhelp stays functional and to completely eliminatre the 14-year-untouched pstotext from the distro, removing a dependency, removing an upstream-unmaintained package, removing a package which does a task which ghostscript does by itself with ps2txt.09:57
Laneytkamppeter: well, I filed an RC bug so if pstotext's maintainer wants to fix it they can and if they don't it'll be auto-removed, but that shouldn't stop other packages from moving away09:58
dufluwillcooke, it appears all my performance problems have been caused by changing hardware Haswell->Kaby Lake. So no code regressed, I just never encountered the problem when working on Haswell. Now with the same HDD in the old machine, performance is sweet again. Progress, but weird.10:07
willcookeOh, wow, odd.10:08
dufluMy Haswell is 4x faster than the Kaby Lake10:08
willcookeIs your Kaby lake dual core with hyper threading? vs 4 actual cores on Haswell?10:09
dufluwillcooke, they are both 4 actual cores (desktops)10:09
dufluAlthough the Haswell is a Xeon so might be extra-fancy10:09
jibelseb128, I tried your patch, it actives the screen reader but then I hit bug 171999510:27
ubot5`bug 1719995 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Screen reader does not read Ubiquity windows" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/171999510:27
jibelseb128, can you submit an MP?10:28
jibelyou have to import Gio too and fix the pep8/pyflakes issues10:29
tkamppeterLaney, I have moved doc-rfc to ps2txt now and uploaded it, it got immediately approved (was it you?). The FTBFS is not caused by my change, it broke much earlier, in the phase of dependency installation, probably simply needs to be restarted.10:55
LaneyIt's already restarted so I can't see the error.10:57
LaneyAnd no, there is a script to do it for unseeded-un-packagesetted packages.10:57
LaneyPlease could you send that on to Debian?10:57
seb128jibel, well, as written on the bug the reason I didn't submit it is because I didn't implement the desactivation, but I can submit the part I have sure10:58
seb128jibel, is the "does not read ubiquity windows" also true in the live session?10:58
tkamppeterLaney, I have restarted the build after writing the last message to you.10:59
tkamppeterLaney, to where to Debian should I send it?10:59
Laneythe BTS11:00
Laneye.g. using 'submittodebian' from the source package you just uploaded11:02
Laneytkamppeter: Looks like it worked this time11:02
didrockskenvandine[m][m]: hey! When you are around: do you have a minute to discuss the theme snap? (There are multiple issues/things to coordonate upon)11:26
jbichaLaney: jibel: this commit sounds interesting when ubiquity was really slow to log in https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-settings-daemon/commit/89492d1d11:35
Laneyjbicha: sounds like it could be11:37
LaneyI don't think it was only gsd-media-keys failing though11:39
Laneyis it in .1?11:40
jbichag-s-d didn't do a .1 yet, but it's at least in the gnome-3-28 branch11:40
Laneyit's in the branch at least11:40
Laneyah yes11:41
jbichafor those that didn't hear, garnacho is going to be Red Hat's g-c-c/g-s-d maintainer from now on11:46
seb128GNOME one as well?11:53
seb128Bastien mentioned yesterday that he was going to be the packages maintainers in their distros11:54
seb128but upstream was not clear to me11:54
Laneyhe said "sure" but it sounded a bit unexpected :P11:57
jbichamy understanding was that was supposed to be part of the job description for the Red Hat job 🤷12:01
seb128let's hope it doesn't mean he stop fixing input bugs or issues with the new OSK because he's too busy with other things now12:02
jbichaso um we managed to get the OSK extended characters working in F28, not sure what's not working right in Debian/Ubuntu though12:03
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|lunch
didrockskenvandine: not sure if you saw my ping as the one I had was against your matrix instance (regarding gtk-icon-theme)12:48
kenvandinehey didrocks12:48
didrockskenvandine: hey hey ;) it was for reference: 13:26:48   didrocks | kenvandine[m][m]: hey! When you are around: do you have a minute to discuss the theme snap? (There are12:49
didrocks                    | multiple issues/things to coordonate upon)12:49
kenvandinedidrocks, it's definately not a perfect solution12:50
didrockskenvandine: yeah, and in particular that it's not building right now :p12:50
kenvandinebut it was the best we could come up with after 3 or 4 different meetings in budapest12:51
didrocks(not in the store either and no snap referencing it)12:51
didrocksshould we have a quick HO to see how we can progress on it?12:51
kenvandineit's on my list to discuss with james this week12:51
kenvandinei'm not sure of the current status12:51
didrockskenvandine: can we discuss about the additions I want to make for communitheme, sharing snap and such?12:52
didrocksat least so that I can hook up on my side12:52
tkamppeterLaney, pstotext-free doc-rfc and dhelp uploaded and Debian bugs reported.12:52
kenvandinewe need to get communitheme included for sure12:52
kenvandinei'll have james add that12:53
kenvandinedidrocks, can't do a HO right now12:53
didrockskenvandine: well, there are some subtilities for people to test latest :)12:53
Laneytkamppeter: thanks, what is pstotext-free?12:53
didrocksand multiple points I want to ensure we get that correct12:53
kenvandineno headphones and i'm working from the car dealer :)12:53
didrockskenvandine: ahah, best work place ever! Will have time later?12:54
Laneykenvandine picking up his tesla13:01
kenvandineLaney, i wish!13:01
kenvandinegetting service done13:02
jibelseb128, the screen reader works in the live session but doesn't in "install" mode and ubiquity dm13:03
seb128even when orca is started?13:03
seb128but it reads other part of the UI like the indicator?13:04
jibelno it doesn't read anything13:05
jibellike orca is not started13:06
jibelwell, the indicator tells it is13:06
jibelit is started13:06
jibellet me see if I find any error13:06
seb128does it tell "screen reading activated" when being started?13:07
seb128or maybe sound is not working?13:07
jibelthe sound is working, the drum is playing, but when the screen reader is activated it does not tell "screen reader activated"13:08
seb128well let me know if you can figure out something, the other day when I debugged and started orca manually it was reading fine13:11
jibelorca is not running13:12
seb128what's the easier way to test my ubiquity patch? is that to rebuild an iso?13:12
seb128I'm lost13:12
seb128that's after testing my patch?13:12
seb128but the patch didn't work/start orca?13:12
jibeland changing onboard by orca13:12
jibelseb128, the patch works because the indicator shows up and the screenreader is enabled but orca does not start13:13
seb128the patch does subprocess.Popen() on it13:13
seb128so that call fail?13:14
seb128any error in the log?13:14
seb128that doesn't make any sense13:14
seb128what my patch does is basically react to the gsettings key status change and start orca13:14
Laneyyou can probably add systemd.unit=rescue.target to break in a more functional environment13:14
Laneydon't think it has to be as early as casper-bottom for this13:15
seb128it shouldn't change the indicator behaviour13:15
Laneyin there you can have network / vim / stuff13:15
seb128Laney, ah, good to know, thanks13:15
jibelyou add emergency to the boot command line13:15
Laneythere are many ways...13:15
seb128well maybe with https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/18.04.5 on the pending iso I can just go to a VT now?13:16
LaneyVTs are supposed to work again now too, so maybe you can even hack it live and restart the session (not tried that)13:16
* seb128 is downloading the pending iso13:16
seb128I hope it works, it didn't migrate to current13:17
seb128unsure if that's because it's buggy :p13:17
jibelseb128, yes use the pending iso13:17
jibelyou have VTs13:17
* seb128 tries that13:17
jibeland it works13:17
jibelseb128, the promotion failed because the server running the test cannot download the iso13:18
seb128jibel, thx for checking13:22
=== pstolowski|lunch is now known as pstolowski
jibelseb128, starting orca from a console works so it looks like the callback is not called13:30
seb128that makes more sense13:31
seb128jibel, what is "emergency" on the boot cmd supposed to do?13:31
Laneygive you a shell13:33
LaneyI'm not really sure why he said that since I already gave a way to do it, it's just confusing to give another one13:34
Laneyand they aren't equivalent, you don't get as many services started in emergency.target vs rescue.target13:34
Laneyit got late, I should have lunch13:34
Laneyhmm, I wonder if the Characters search provider should prefer emoji over other things13:35
LaneyI searched for fork and didn't get 🍴13:36
jbichakenvandine: how did my Characters snap get disconnected from the gnome-3-26-1604 snap?13:37
jbicha$ snap changes    error: no changes found13:39
jbichaanyway: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/gnome-shell-search-providers/4322 :(13:41
kenvandinejbicha, ugh... don't know13:42
kenvandinemust be  a snapd bug13:43
jbichawhere would I even look for logs for stuff like that?13:43
kenvandinejbicha, we need to spend time on figuring out the search providers13:43
kenvandinei really don't know13:43
kenvandinepopey, any idea where we can get logs for snaps disconnecting?13:43
kenvandinemaybe the journal13:43
jbichaI under re: the search providers. L_aney just made me jealous :)13:43
Laney#snappy might be a better channel13:43
kenvandinegood point13:44
LaneyI accidentally revealed how I have it installed13:44
tkamppeterLaney, pstotext-free is free of pstotext, without pstotext.13:45
tkamppeterLaney, doc-rfc has made it into Bionic now.13:46
popeykenvandine: i dont understand14:16
kenvandinepopey, wasn't sure where to look for logs on why interfaces might not be connected that should have already been autoconnected14:18
kenvandinefor jbicha, gnome-characters wasn't connected to gnome-3-26-160414:19
kenvandinebut turns out after a reboot it was14:19
kenvandineso not sure why it thought it wasn't connected14:19
kenvandinewe sent him to #snappy but i don't think anyone responded to him14:19
seb128Laney, sorry, I went with trying the emergency tip first because I was unsure how systemd.unit work, if that's a boot option or a target I need to create on the fs i some way14:23
jibelseb128, do you understand why with your patch the a11y icons shows up when the screenreader is activated and why it doesn't without?14:30
seb128jibel, no, that doesn't make sense to me14:36
jbichajibel: are you talking about the gnome-shell accessibility menu in the top right corner?14:37
seb128you are sure it's not another update on a recent iso that made a difference or something?14:37
jibelseb128, to me neither and ij both cases the value of the key changes14:37
jibeljbicha, yes14:37
jibelseb128, I'll recreate the iso to be sure14:37
seb128you test by recreating the iso each time?14:38
jibelyes and no, it depends.14:38
jbichajibel: gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.a11y always-show-universal-access-status true14:38
seb128using the "emergency" boot option I could wget the patch and apply it on the iso14:38
seb128jbicha, nothing does that in ubiquity atm though?14:39
jibeljbicha, I know but the problem is that orca is not starting14:39
jibelseb128, this is the patch i pointed out this morning14:39
jbichaGNOME3 initially always had that menu showing but people complained that they didn't need universal access stuff14:39
jibelthey removed a11yGreeter but now you have to set always----status = true14:40
jibelI think it makes sense to always show the indicator on the live session14:41
jibelat least for installation14:41
jbichajibel: yes at least for the install mode where you aren't running a full desktop session14:42
jbichaon the other hand, I guess we'd need to make sure all those toggles actually work in that environment14:42
jibelbut having the indicator *and* orca is even more useful :)14:43
seb128jbicha, right, they don't atm which is what we are talking about14:46
Laneytkamppeter: oh right, I get it, I thought that was a package name15:00
Laneyseb128: it's a kernel cmdline parameter the same as emergency, it tells systemd to start a different unit15:00
seb128 instead of?15:01
seb128or just adding an unit?15:01
seb128ah ok15:01
oSoMoNhi Trevinho15:08
seb128good morning Trevinho15:08
didrockshey Trevinho15:08
tkamppeterLaney, noe only poppler and dhelp need to be made using the autopkgtest of the new doc-rfc, which they seem not to use according to http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/bionic/update_excuses.html.15:12
tkamppeterLaney, s/noe/now/15:12
Laneytkamppeter: They just need retrying.15:14
LaneyI did it15:14
Laneywe've got a few FTBFS on the rebuild test btw http://qa.ubuntuwire.org/ftbfs/rebuilds/test-rebuild-20180408-bionic.html15:16
Laneyin case anyone wants releasey tasks to do15:16
Trevinhohi didrocks, oSoMoN and seb128 :)15:26
Trevinhoand Laney :15:27
Laneyoh hey Trevinho15:27
Laneywhat's up?15:27
Trevinhoall good, at the end here the network can be better than expected if you go in the right spots and know the right people :-D15:27
LaneyRaúl your big buddy15:28
Trevinhoahah, sort of15:30
GunnarHjHi Laney, time to look at the dh_translations patch?15:31
LaneyGunnarHj: not right now15:31
GunnarHjLaney: Ok.15:31
seb128jibel, Laney, jbicha, the patch doesn't work because ubiquity-dm is root so it listens to the gsettings key for that user where the keybinding is going through gsd-media-key which is an "ubuntu" user process15:35
seb128I wish we still had upstart :/15:37
seb128it would be trivial to do an user job use the gsettings key as a condition15:37
Laneyseb128: oh right, do you need to do the drop_privileges thing?15:39
Laney(I didn't see your patch)15:39
seb128I guess15:39
Laneywe had to do something like that for the gsd-xsettings thing15:40
Laneythat's waiting for a dbus signal so not exactly the same15:40
Laneybut could be comparable15:40
Laneybecause you had to get on the user's session bus15:40
seb128Laney, ubiquity-dm does a bunch of those, gtk_ui not atm it seems?15:41
seb128Laney, my patch is people.canonical.com/~seb128/ubiquity-screen-reader.patch15:41
Laneyhuh, that was for usd only15:41
Laneyhope we don't have that bug back since it's not being used any more15:41
Trevinhoseb128: you can use settings_a11y.connect("changed::screen-reader-enabled", on_a11y_changed)15:43
Trevinhoand maybe also gsettings.get_boolean() == True15:44
LaneyGET OUT!15:44
Trevinho!= False15:44
GunnarHjLaney: Btw, I just realized something which I ought to change in that patch. Please wait until I have submitted next version.15:44
seb128Trevinho, that would work for any user?15:44
seb128Trevinho, or what do you mean?15:45
Laneyseb128: look at the slideshow bit (start_slideshow())15:45
Trevinhono. no.. just cleanups :)15:45
Laneyit drops, does a load of stuff to set up webkit and then regains15:45
seb128Trevinho, ah15:45
seb128Laney, right, I see now, going to try that, thanks15:46
Trevinhoinstead of dropping the privileges you might just set the proper env to connect to user gsettings no? Like the runtime path and dbus session15:48
Trevinhowell, for monitoring changes just the session should be enough15:48
Laneydbus will refuse that I think15:49
Laneyplus that is gruesome15:49
seb128and we have handy functions to drop/restore privileges15:49
seb128so better to use than invent another solution15:49
Trevinhoandyrock was using that I think too, so maybe he has tips15:50
Laneyyay poppler went in15:50
Laneythanks tkamppeter15:50
andyrockI was using what? :)15:50
seb128andyrock, ubiquity's misc.drop_privileges_save()15:52
andyrockwas not working properly in my case16:11
andyrock*it was16:11
andyrockI don't remember how16:11
andyrockI had to use gtkplug to do the privilege drop properly16:11
andyrockiirc because I could not drop the privileges at that point16:12
jbichaandyrock: the livepatch page in gnome-initial-setup doesn't work very well :( I guess I'll file another bug16:12
andyrockjbicha: what's the problem?16:12
tkamppeterLaney, thanks, so I have hit Retry a little bit too early. Nice that all is working now. pstotext has no reverse dependencies any more, so it is ready to be shot to the moon.16:13
jbichaandyrock: have you tried it?16:13
jbichagnome-initial-setup 3.28.0-2ubuntu3 was just published to bionic16:13
andyrockjbicha: please make sure you remove your u1 account from gnome-control-center16:13
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|afk
andyrockotherwise it won't work16:13
Laneytkamppeter: next time wait until rmadison shows you the required version is available16:17
Laneybit of a waste of compute cycles to spuriously rery16:17
Laneyif there's no resolution to the RC bug I filed then it should hopefully be removed from unstable - we could follow that16:17
jbichaandyrock: oh, it worked this time16:17
jbichamaybe I was hit by the "you can't just close Online Accounts immediately after removing an account" bug you fixed in g-c-c 3.28.116:18
andyrockmmm that should be fixed16:19
andyrocknot in bionic16:19
andyrockupstream at least it's fixed16:19
tkamppeterLaney, OK.16:19
andyrockjbicha: so I can make it working if you already have that account16:19
andyrockjbicha: one possible solution is e.g. if we get the error "account-already-setup"16:20
jbichaandyrock: I like the way it works in software-properties16:20
andyrockwe can just pick that account16:20
andyrockjbicha: https://github.com/CanonicalLtd/desktop-design/issues/6216:20
ubot5-ngCanonicalLtd bug 62 in desktop-design "Authentication in gnome-software using gnome-online-accounts" (comments: 9) [Priority: High, Open] - Assigned to matthewpaulthomas (Matthew Thomas)16:20
ubot5`bug 62 in Launchpad itself "Maintainers can add themselves to the CC: list too" [Medium,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/6216:21
jbichahmm, there are some interesting papercut bugs here16:21
andyrockjbicha: I'm going to change the design once it is completed16:21
andyrockthen we can use the same design in software-propertis, gnome-initial-setup and gnome-software16:22
andyrockbut we really need to work with goa upstream to move that dialog in their API16:22
jbichaandyrock: for instance: https://bicha.net/i/software-properties-livepatch-half-on.png (that's what it looks like after completing g-initial-setup)16:24
jbichaall I have to do is click Sign In and choose my account in the little popup dialog and it then displays correctly16:24
andyrockoh I can fix this16:26
andyrockCan you open a bug?16:26
andyrockjbicha: thx!16:39
willcookeG'night all.  I'm making pizza from scratch for dinner.  Sorry Trevinho and andyrock, I think you will be horrified.  Pics to follow if it works.17:00
seb128k, so dropping the ubiquity priviledges as in people.canonical.com/~seb128/ubiquity-screen-reader.patch doesn't work17:02
seb128so it's for another day17:02
seb128have a nice evening desktopers17:02
xclaesseis there a known issue with ssh-agent in Ubuntu 18.04? I just upgraded from 17.10 and it's asking for my ssh key password everytime I try to connect to a remote host in a terminal17:45
Trevinhomh, I hope will is enojoying his pizza, without the need of calling a delivery service one :-D19:12
Trevinhofor sure it will look more pizza than the Cuban one, although I like it, considering it's 40-50 €cents each :)19:13
flocculantjbicha: re LivePatch - is that just for Ubuntu installs? Also Sign In here is in German :D bug 176349219:28
ubot5`bug 1763492 in software-properties (Ubuntu) "Update page - Sign In is in German, unable to proceed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176349219:28
sarnoldflocculant: nice :)19:30
GunnarHjjbicha: I saw bug #1763471. How/were do such strings show up to the user? (I'd like to play a bit.)19:30
ubot5`bug 1763471 in pkgbinarymangler (Ubuntu) "dh_translations should handle AppStream metadata also" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176347119:30
flocculantsarnold: :)19:33
flocculantI did giggle a bit19:33
flocculantwhich sounds bizarre ina 55 year old 6'4" 17 stone bloke :p19:34
jbichaGunnarHj: the GNOME Software app is the usual place where you could see translated app names and descriptions20:09
jbichasome apps are in there with a .desktop but not appstream metadata. Those apps won't have the opportunity to be translated until someone converts them20:11
GunnarHjjbicha: Ok, thanks. Will get back when I have played around.20:28
oSoMoNkenvandine, https://github.com/ubuntu/snapcraft-desktop-helpers/pull/108 is ready for review (I finally found the time to test rebuilding snaps for gtk2, gtk3 and qt5 to check for possible regressions)21:07
ubot5-ngubuntu bug (Pull request) 108 in snapcraft-desktop-helpers "Move ibus socket path handling to the common launcher exports, so that Qt apps also pick it up." (comments: 1) [Open]21:07
oSoMoNand with that I'm off to bed21:07
oSoMoNhave a good night everyone21:07
Trevinhojbicha: I see you've released a  new nautilus, but the bzr repo with the debian stuff isn't updated yet21:40
Trevinhocan you do that?21:40
Trevinhojbicha: also 0019-search-engine-add-locate-based-search-engine.patch isn't applied upstrea... why have you dropped it?21:41
ximionLaney, jbicha: FWIW, appstream seems to build & work well on Ubuntu21:42
ximion(I just had a VM here to test that with the PPA)21:43
Trevinhonor 018 was..21:43
TrevinhoMh, I'm fixing that21:44
jbichaTrevinho: ok, I pushed since it sounds like you're fixing things afterwards21:45
jbichaI'm having trouble remembering to do bzr push. Sorry21:45
Trevinhojbicha: have you did the push now?21:45
Trevinhojbicha: ok, I've to revert some changes21:46
jbichaximion: you couldn't enable s390x in your PPA? I suppose I'm not going to ask you to do yet another rebuild; I'm just curious21:47
jbichaximion: can you confirm whether we need asgen to be updated if we are updating appstream?21:47
jbichaTrevinho: thanks. sorry for the mistakes :(21:47
Trevinhojbicha: I had to update the patches anyway, but please next time ask first21:48
jbichaTrevinho: I'll just let you be the nautilus maintainer :) :)21:49
Trevinhono, no.. I've already too many things to worry about :-D21:50
tsimonq2It's official, Trevinho is the nautilus maintainer now. ;)21:51
* Trevinho hides21:52
ximionjbicha: you don't need to update it, the older version will work with the newer AppStream - however, updating it would of course be very useful ;-)22:26
jbichaximion: synced, but maybe you should add a reply to the bug :)22:31
ximionjup, I can do that22:32
ximionsyncing appstream-generator and mustache-d would make sense now as well, and is a zero-risk thing because nothing else in Ubuntu uses those22:32
ximionit looks like Laney meanwhile managed to create backports of all components for Xenial, so it looks like we'll get updated data in Ubuntu soon, if he doesn't find issues in his testing22:33
ximionjbicha: one thing to note: updating asgen/asgen data will introduce web-application components. For reasons I haven't looked into yet, those don't show up in GNOME Software, but they might be visible in other software centers22:34
jbichaI can't sync asgen yet since bug 1762293 is waiting for Ubuntu Release team ok22:36
ubot5`bug 1762293 in appstream-generator (Ubuntu) "FFE: Sync appstream-generator 0.7.1-3 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176229322:36
jbichaUbuntu itself doesn't use bionic's asgen for anything so that web-application thing doesn't seem like something I need to understand :)22:37
ximionit doesn't do yet22:38
ximionLaney is updating it, and eventually the machine running it will have Bionic22:38
jbichasure, talk to him about it then :) :)22:38
ximionsince that stuff doesn't show up in GS, and the release is close, I think ignoring this makes sense ^^22:40
ximionalso, Ubuntu would only inherit two webapps from Debian: https://salsa.debian.org/pkgutopia-team/webapps-metainfo/tree/master/metainfo22:40
jbichaoh, hmm22:41
jbichagrumble, grumble22:41
jbichaum do you have epiphany-browser installed?22:42
jbichaI actually did some playing with webapps a year ago22:42
jbichaok, it sort of works once I installed epiphany-browser22:54
jbichabut when I clicked the install button for riot, gnome-software crashed!22:55
jbichaI don't know how much you know about the web app feature, but Fedora has been including epiphany in their default install (except for the .desktop and the AppStream metadata)22:56
jbichaso that the feature works but it appears like only one web browser (Firefox) is installed by default22:56
xnoxjbicha, ximion - one can self-enable s390x in any ppa.22:57
jbichaI had a prototype earlier to similarly split epiphany but I didn't push it into Debian yet22:57
jbichaUbuntu Security really did not like the idea when they heard it though (for default install)!22:57
jbichait's a nice feature because Ubuntu used to have a web app feature until it got dropped last year22:58
jbichaand the metadata for these web apps is pretty easy to create and the apps work well22:59
jbichaxnox: ask Hughsie since the Fedora 28 feature still works (Ask Fedora is an example if you had a Fedora install handy)23:08
jbichaximion: ^23:10
jbichainteresting that appstreamcli search doesn't show the Fedora web apps23:10
jbichabut that works on Debian23:10
jbichaalthough appstreamcli install can't handle them23:11
ximionmaybe Fedora still doesn't use the standardized versions?23:11
ximionFedora had a custom-made metainfo format for these initially23:11
ximionxnox: yes, for some reason I didn't enable them all, although I was very sure I did...23:12
jbichaum, https://github.com/hughsie/fedora-appstream/blob/master/appstream-extra/webapps.xml ??23:13
ximionjup, that doesn't look correct to me23:14
ximionthe component-type is not web-application, and all of them are missing a launchable tag with type=url23:14
jbichamaybe that's the problem, GNOME Software might currently handle the Fedora style and not the new style you're using?23:15
jbichaRiot does show in my Debian, it's the inability to install that's the problem :)23:15
ximioncould be - I wanted to look into that for a while23:16
Trevinhojbicha: can you please check https://code.launchpad.net/~3v1n0/nautilus/recent-files-patches-update/+merge/343140 ?23:16
ximionit's weird though that the webapps don't even show up, they should at least be visible23:16
jbichait won't show until after you install epiphany-browser (and I assume kill gnome-software)23:16
jbichaTrevinho: do you think csoriano would be interested in 12_unity_launcher_support.patch now that you fixed it?23:21
jbichaI assume "no" but it's probably worth someone asking23:21
Trevinhojbicha: mh, not sure...23:21
Trevinhojbicha: i guess no though.. as we won't be to keen to maintain it too at this point23:22
robert_ancelljamesh, can you have a quick look at bug 1661590?23:28
ubot5`bug 1661590 in Snappy "GNOME Software only supports running one application from a snap" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/166159023:28
robert_ancellI backported your change, is it working correctly or not?23:29
jbicharobert_ancell: btw, you saw bug 1763164, right?23:31
ubot5`bug 1763164 in gnome-initial-setup (Ubuntu) "Typos in translatable strings of GNOME Initial Setup" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176316423:32
Trevinhojbicha: where is managed the mutter package patches?23:56
Trevinhojbicha: I don't see it in ~ubuntu-desktop/mutter/ubuntu23:56
jbichaTrevinho: mutter is in sync with Debian23:56
Trevinhojbicha: I see, so if I want to include patches there I should use salsa?23:56
Trevinhook good23:56
jbichaTrevinho: I think we should either cherry-pick a bunch of stuff (or do a git snapshot) if there isn't a new mutter release by like tomorrow23:57
Trevinhojbicha: yeah, that's what I was planning to do23:58
Trevinhojbicha: plus some MPs which won't probably be merged by then23:58
Trevinhobut we need them (at least in ubuntu)23:58
jbichainteresting that Fedora 28 starts their Final Freeze almost exactly when we do23:58
Trevinhobut they're still generic to be in debian too23:58
jbichaso they have the same problem23:58
jbichasure that's (probably) fine23:59

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