[04:40] Tried the 18.04 beta a few days ago but had a problem with the nouveau driver crashing the system. Tried finding additional video drivers but none were showing up so I downgraded to 17.10 and searched for drivers for my Nvidea 6159 SE card and found what I was looking for. Q: Will Nvidea Legacy drivers be available in the final 18.04 release like [04:40] they are in the 16.04 and 17.10? Any insight greatly appreciated... [05:33] awdwadaw [05:33] heloooooo [05:34] fuck gg [06:35] hello [06:35] guis [06:35] guys [06:35] hheeeey [06:35] someone [06:35] hear me/ [06:35] ? [06:35] stop [06:36] helooooo [06:36] diogenes [06:36] hi [06:36] how a y [06:40] alikhanzoorrr: this IRC channel is for ubuntu-mate users that need support [06:40] If you want generic chat, search for other channels === ole_ is now known as ole_denmark [07:03] hi [07:03] hi [07:03] hi [07:04] hi [07:04] hi [10:50] Where should I be reporting issues for specific software boutique listings? I had posted an issue at https://github.com/ubuntu-mate/software-boutique/issues/7 but I'm not sure it's in the right place. [10:51] chrstphrchvz: that seems like the right place [10:52] I know that a few months ago things were split into different repos for welcome center, software boutique, etc. [10:55] chrstphrchvz: ah, you might be right. There's also https://github.com/ubuntu-mate/ubuntu-mate.software which has the actual app listing. But checking on github, @Wimpress is subscribed to both - so he'll get notifications regardless :) [11:01] speaking of software boutique...so many things I try to install via that come up not found. Something simple like htop. I can install everything via apt or synaptic so am wondering if I do not have it set up correctly [11:17] chrstphrchvz: it sounds strange though, that a package manager would be the one that removes dependencies. Those are usually managed by apt. [11:18] Is shotwell-common marked as automatically or as manually installed in your setup? [11:19] Here I have boutique uninstalled. And apt show shotwell-common says: APT-Manual-Installed: yes [11:19] That tells me that it's probably the live cd creation process, the "seeds", that mark it as manually installed, so it doesn't get removed if shotwell gets removed [11:20] In other words, if I run `apt purge --auto-remove shotwell`, it WON'T remove shotwell-common. And this is completely unrelated to the boutique. [11:28] hello guys [11:28] Hello [11:29] how are u [11:29] mate [11:29] blyat [11:29] мать ебал [11:29] долбоеб [11:29] тупой [11:29] alikhanzoor: this channel is for ubuntu-mate support only [11:30] For general chat, search for other channels [11:30] ты че [11:30] охуел пидорас [11:30] !ru [11:30] Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke. [11:30] долбоеб [11:30] тупой [11:30] сука [11:31] hello [11:31] motherfucker [12:17] alkisg: I've since manually removed shotwell and shotwell-common, so I'm not sure if shotwell-common was set to manually installed in the first place. [12:17] But even if shotwell-common were set to automatically installed, I think it would be ideal if shotwell-common (if present) would still be removed by software boutique, rather than relying on apt autoremove happening at some later time. [12:18] I haven't found which repo hosts the listing for shotwell, it seems to have disappeared after things were split up… [12:21] chrstphrchvz: if shotwell-common is set to MANUALLY installed in all ubuntu-mate installations, of course there's no reason for any package manager to remove it [12:21] Package managers of course won't keep their own list of which packages to remove when other packages are removed; they'll rely on apt to do that housekeeping [12:22] I.e. you filed your bug report in the wrong place, it should be filed against ubuntu seeds and not a boutique or any other software center [12:22] *in [12:24] In other words. Install shotwell now from boutique. It will automatically install showwell-common as well. Then remove it again. IF shotwell-common now is not removed, THEN it's a boutique bug; ELSE it was an ubuntu seeds bug. [12:28] alkisg, I haven't checked in 18.04, but in 17.10 (or at least when I wrote the issue a few months ago) boutique used a PPA for shotwell which builds it as a single package (i.e. without a shotwell-common package; its .deb actually specifies that it "replaces" shotwell-common). [12:29] Meh, using PPAs is against Ubuntu policy [12:29] (for flavors, not for users) [12:29] You can file a bug report against that [13:10] Hey everyone, how is your day going? :p [13:13] Good to know that this chat is very active lmao. [13:47] hi === ole_ is now known as ole_denmark [15:38] Hey everyone, haven't used this before lol [16:18] leave [16:18] leave [17:10] msg/ NickServ identify e$@dmf@ [17:11] whois spanky73 === Scytale89_ is now known as Scytale89