
* slangasek waves14:59
meetingologyMeeting started Thu Apr 12 15:00:59 2018 UTC.  The chair is slangasek. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.15:00
meetingologyAvailable commands: action commands idea info link nick15:00
slangasek[TOPIC] Lightning round15:01
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Lightning round
slangasek$ echo $(shuf -e slangasek bdmurray xnox tdaitx doko sil2100 rbalint infinity cyphermox mwhudson rcj philroche Odd_Bloke tribaal fginther juliank)15:01
slangasekxnox juliank rcj rbalint cyphermox tribaal philroche infinity fginther sil2100 doko mwhudson slangasek bdmurray tdaitx Odd_Bloke15:01
slangasekxnox: hello15:01
juliankoh, I'm early today15:01
juliank* SRUed apt in trusty for bug 133244015:02
ubottubug 1332440 in apt (Ubuntu Trusty) "apt-get update very slow when ulimit -n is big" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133244015:02
juliank* added missing b-d on dh-python to update-notifier [archive rebuild FTBFS fix]15:02
juliank* uploaded networkd-dispatcher to bionic15:02
juliank* wrote JSON hooks for APT, for upcoming snap integration (needs some more detail work)15:02
juliank* fixed scripts/blkdeactivate.sh.in in lvm2/dmsetup to refer to /usr/bin/sort, not /bin/sort15:02
juliank* fixed python-apt15:02
juliank  - test FTBFS15:02
juliank  - invalid read in tag file15:02
juliank  - potential out-of-bounds/wrong elements accesses in DepCache (check that objects passed belong to same cache, bug 1737441)15:02
ubottubug 1737441 in unattended-upgrades (Ubuntu Bionic) "/usr/bin/unattended-upgrade:11:__GI___libc_free:operator:__gnu_cxx::new_allocator:std::allocator_traits:std::__cxx11::basic_string" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/173744115:02
juliank* verified the APT SRU from above15:02
juliank* reported bug about different thermal and power limits on T480s ...15:02
* xnox is ready15:04
xnoxsubiquity work w.r.t. slow boot15:04
xnoxsubiquity work w.r.t. offline MAAS installer15:04
xnoxfixing upgrade bugs in resolvconf; rsyslog15:04
xnoxworking on resolvconf & bionic in a cloud15:04
xnoxuploaded systemd with a few safe fixes15:04
bdmurrayrbalint: since rcj is somewhere else?15:05
rbalint* found a few memory handling bugs in unattended-upgrades and in python-apt and fixed them with juliank,15:05
rbalint  still working on some issues left15:05
rbalint* updated rax-nova-agent, still working on some issues left15:05
rbalint* updated libnfs to 2.0.0 in Debian, maybe it enters Ubuntu before the release15:05
cyphermox- back from vacation15:05
cyphermox- ubiquity release 18.04.515:05
cyphermox- slideshow updates15:05
cyphermox- shim reviews15:05
cyphermox- MIR review15:05
cyphermox- netplan bugfixing: accept-ra defaults, bridge carrier bind (in progress)15:05
cyphermox- working on shim-signed migration to self-signed DKMS modules15:05
philrochetribaal is OoO15:06
philroche* Deliver early preview of Bionic to public clouds15:06
philroche* Cloud image build system Vanguard15:06
bdmurraydon't see infinity15:07
fginther* Debug bionic image build and test issues15:07
fginther* Ensured that new releases images were published for trusty, xenial and artful15:07
fginther* Investigated issues impacting AWS HVM release image publication and ultimately was able to get them published correctly15:07
fginther* Updated firewall rules and related automation scripts15:07
fginther* Wrapping up work to enable automated image publication to a partner cloud15:07
fginther* Some manual lxd testing on cloud images15:07
fginther* Addressed issue with minimal images impacting publication of certain base images15:07
fginther* Other build system vanguard work15:07
sil2100- DMB Meeting15:07
sil2100- Refreshing packagesets15:07
sil2100- Bionic queue reviews15:07
sil2100- SRU reviews and releases15:07
sil2100- FFe reviews15:07
sil2100- Reviewing the NEW networkd-dispatcher package15:07
sil2100- Investigating cxlflash licensing issues with Steve15:07
sil2100- Running security-britney locally with a local rabbitmq server, preliminary charm tests15:07
sil2100  * Figuring out how to nicely present the results from the instance15:07
sil2100- Reviewing livecd-rootfs MP for pre-seeding snaps15:07
sil2100- Looking into possible dragonboard ubuntu-image classic gadget work15:08
sil2100- Started work on rp3 u-boot changes15:08
cyphermoxsil2100: if you need testing for rp3; I do have one connected here doing nothing.15:08
sil2100cyphermox: it'll be a while until its in a testable state ;)15:08
cyphermox(I can potentially give you VPN access or whatever)15:08
tdaitxslangasek: gaughen said that doko was out today and tomorrow15:08
bdmurraygo rcj15:09
rcj* snap preseed support added for binary/chroot hooks in livecd-rootfs15:09
rcj* cloud-image reviews, care, and feeding15:09
rcj* partner image development work15:09
slangasek * driving to release15:10
slangasek * took the baton to finish off beta last Thursday15:10
slangasek  * landed a few bugfixes in ubiquity related to ubiquity-dm startup and VTs15:10
slangasek * followed through on some removals of uninstallable-not-buggy packages in -proposed, leading to https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-release/2018-April/004405.html15:10
slangasek * worked to triage priorities for the last sprint iteration before release15:10
slangasek * fixing packages stuck in -proposed, and now looking at FTBFS from the archive test rebuild http://qa.ubuntuwire.org/ftbfs/rebuilds/test-rebuild-20180408-bionic.html15:10
bdmurraybug triage of foundations team bugs15:10
bdmurraycherrypicked upstream patch for LP: #169242015:10
bdmurrayuploaded fix for whoopsie bug LP: #175693715:10
bdmurrayinvestigation into screen bug LP: #176199715:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1692420 in powerpc-utils (Ubuntu) "[SRU] powerpc-utils commands exhibits "command substitution: ignored null byte in input" warning message" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/169242015:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1756937 in whoopsie (Ubuntu Bionic) "report_crashes setting not written" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/175693715:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1761997 in screen (Ubuntu) "/var/run needs mode 777 in bionic" [High,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176199715:10
bdmurrayresearch into apt-clone / dpkg bug LP: #175686215:10
bdmurraySRU verification of X and A apport changes re JournalErrors (LP: #1738581)15:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1756862 in apt-clone (Ubuntu Bionic) "upgrade from 17.10 to 18.04 - apt-clone crashed with SystemError in commit(): installArchives() failed" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/175686215:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1738581 in apport (Ubuntu Artful) "apport attachment JounralErrors should only be included for crash reports which are private" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/173858115:10
bdmurraytested apport bug LP: #1762438 (ubuntu-bug traceback)15:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1762438 in apport (Ubuntu) "stack trace when filing bug (ubuntu-bug systemd)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176243815:10
bdmurrayworked on figuring out why a couple of core files are hanging the retraces15:10
bdmurray✔ done15:10
tdaitx* OpenJDK 10 as default JDK15:10
tdaitx  - more rebuilds (testing new syncs/fixes)15:10
tdaitx  - classified 122 build errors due to openjdk-10 being set as default (javadoc & surefire nullpointer, javadoc invalid uri, javah, invalid source/target, boot classpath issues, doclets)15:10
tdaitx  - fixing NullPointerException in surefire/javadoc maven plugins due to old libcommons-lang3-java (Debian #895234)15:10
tdaitx  - investigating the need for --release so packages can still be built with openjdk-815:10
ubottuDebian bug 895234 in src:libcommons-lang3-java "libcommons-lang3-java: update for OpenJDK 10 and OpenJDK 11" [Important,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/89523415:10
tdaitx* OpenJDK 8 security update (8u171) due to April 1715:10
tdaitx  - investigating s390x javac segfault15:10
slangasekany questions on status?15:14
slangasekaahhh noooo15:15
slangasek[TOPIC] Bugs15:16
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Bugs
rcjctrl-shift-u followed by unicode number works again ^15:17
bdmurrayso I think bug 1756862 is a dpkg issue15:17
ubottubug 1756862 in apt-clone (Ubuntu Bionic) "upgrade from 17.10 to 18.04 - apt-clone crashed with SystemError in commit(): installArchives() failed" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/175686215:17
bdmurrayIs the last screenshot helpful?15:18
slangasek(what's the unicode sequence fo Debug::pkgDPkgPM)15:19
gaughenbdmurray, should this be resolved by release?15:19
bdmurraygaughen: it is targetted to bionic15:19
rbalintslangasek:  "Debug::pkgDPkgPM" itself is a unicode sequence15:19
gaughenyes, but given we're 2 weeks from release, I wanted your thughts on should this be fixed for GA or is it something to SRU15:20
gaughenokay looking through my list, this was one we were trying to resolve for release.15:21
bdmurrayI've just added another screenshot if that helps.15:24
rbalinti believe the ubiquity upgrade feature may have been useful in the past but i think it is not really useful today15:28
bdmurrayI believe it was broken in 17.10 too but nobody complained loudly15:29
slangaseklooks like this feature is unreliable and we don't have resources to support it15:32
slangasekso we should remove this feature from the ubiquity menu15:33
bdmurrayOkay, moving on. I don't see anything new on rls-incoming15:33
slangasek[TOPIC] AOB15:34
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: AOB
slangasekanything else today?15:34
sil2100All good15:36
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
meetingologyMeeting ended Thu Apr 12 15:36:19 2018 UTC.15:36
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2018/ubuntu-meeting.2018-04-12-15.00.moin.txt15:36
bdmurraynopety nope15:36
sil2100slangasek: thanks!15:36
gaughenthank you slangasek15:36

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