
cpaelzergood morning05:30
lordievaderGood morning06:08
cpaelzerhi lordievader06:14
lordievaderHey cpaelzer06:15
albechHi all. If taking over a server from a former employee and logging into it for the first time seeing that 'history' shows the following, what would be your first thought? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/kvwnpwkHVq/09:28
albechsorry irc crashed, so didnt see replies if any09:37
do3melihi there. i have opened https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-archive/+bug/1763320 to get nova 16.1.1 in the pike repos updated. can anyone have a look at it if i followed the right format/process for it?10:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1763320 in Ubuntu Cloud Archive "[SRU] pike nova stable release update" [Undecided,New]10:21
lordievaderalbech: Not much, he cleared some logs.12:10
coreycbjamespage: working on google-preftools rebuild failure12:38
coreycbdannf: i started looking at this ^ and noticed you merged it last. figured i'd check and see if you were working on fixing.13:09
coreycbdannf: i have 2 patches cherry-picked that fix the ppc compile failures but that seems to cause libprofiler.so and libtcmalloc_and_profiler.so from being created.13:13
rbasakcpaelzer: mongo-tools is ready for review. It is trivial - just a new upstream, one tiny change to debian/copyright and no other functional changes. It isn't currently imported into git-ubuntu. My git branch imports it manually. How would you like to review? Do you want me to add it to git-ubuntu's whitelist and import formally and rebase, or are you happy just to look at my branch? I don't feel13:50
rbasakthat there's any need to preserve history here as it's so trivial, so I'm happy just to upload with dput without git.13:50
cpaelzerrbasak: push your branch and the base should already be tagged, so that would be ok13:59
rbasakcpaelzer: https://code.launchpad.net/~racb/ubuntu/+source/mongo-tools/+git/mongo-tools/+ref/3.614:01
CarCompmorning everyone (if you live in the eastern US)14:05
CarCompcan anyone confirm that s3cmd package is non-functinal on the 11th daily build?14:05
CarCompi'm finding an error now (since i deploy daily) that states carcomp [9:49 AM] Traceback (most recent call last):  File "/usr/bin/s3cmd", line 60, in <module>    from distutils.spawn import find_executable ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'distutils.spawn'14:06
CarCompthanks all, and keep up the good work. I'd like to get a confirm before I shoot write a bug ticket14:06
CarComp@Odd_Bloke is this something you might deal with?14:07
CarComp@nacc ?14:07
CarCompas of the moment, communication through secure channels to amazon S3 is impossible14:07
CarCompconfirming deployment works using v18.04.201804100 (using templates)14:10
coreycbdannf: ftr google-perftools 2.6.90-0.1 builds ok on bionic14:23
coreycbfrom debian unstable14:24
dannfhey coreycb - no, not actively working on it - i just touched it to fix an arm64 FTBFS IIRC.14:26
coreycbdannf: ok i think i see the difference. debian has a for loop to find and install .so files and it seems to just skip them if they don't exist. whereas ubuntu package has the .install files and they are more strict.14:27
coreycbfor loop in d/rules14:28
dannfcoreycb: oh right, yeah - someone before me had switched the build system in an ubuntu upload. i retained that, but it obviously causes compat issues like this.14:31
CarCompis there a last minute push to change the version of python14:31
dannfcoreycb: i reported a bug on that, since technically the debian build system was deprecated (#872512) - looks like that's now fixed, so maybe we can resync?14:31
CarCompto python314:31
CarCompor something along those lines?  i've noticed that the python-whateverpackages have changed some in the 11th build14:32
cpaelzerrbasak: the branch you linked is good14:33
cpaelzerI mean it is just copyright14:34
rbasakcpaelzer: yeah, thanks. Are you +1 for me to upload then?14:34
cpaelzerI had no orig tarball, so I have to assume you did build/lintian checks on your own?14:35
rbasakcpaelzer: yeah: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/s4hhPgFVW3/14:35
rbasakcpaelzer: tarball from Github based on watch file.14:35
cpaelzerah ok, well then14:35
rbasakThough the watch file tries to grab a future rc which is a separate bug I haven't addressed.14:35
cpaelzerthe warnings are ok as we discussed on mongo itself this week14:36
rbasakYeah. Also I filed https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=89554814:36
ubottuDebian bug 895548 in src:golang-github-smartystreets-goconvey "Sources are missing, contrary to lintian override comment" [Normal,Open]14:36
dannfcoreycb: oh, nm - that's just about the patch system - they're still using cdbs14:36
cpaelzerrbasak: +1 on mongo-tools as presented14:36
rbasakI'll upload.14:36
cpaelzerreally the faster you get it to people testing it at this point the better14:37
coreycbdannf: ok, yeah14:37
cpaelzerso no re-spin internally but get it out14:37
coreycbdannf: maybe there's some architecture logic that can go in .install files14:37
dannfcoreycb: yeah - we could e.g. generate those. but i wonder if it doesn't make sense just to go back to cdbs to minimize the diff14:40
coreycbdannf: yeah maybe14:40
dannfcoreycb: but w/ debhelper, the right answer maybe dh-exec14:45
CarCompbug filed: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/s3cmd/+bug/176339814:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1763398 in s3cmd (Ubuntu) "s3cmd package requires python distutils package" [Undecided,New]14:45
CarCompnot sure how to link to the daily build of ubuntu 1814:46
naccCarComp: morning (just woke up west coast)15:19
CarCompjust deploying my site and the packages are wonk work amazon s3cmd15:20
CarComplooks like a python thing15:20
naccCarComp: i should be able to look15:20
naccCarComp: probalby not til the afternoon15:21
CarCompthats ok. we're installing using the 10th build15:21
CarComptoday was go live for our site15:21
CarCompyou can imagine that happiness here atm.15:21
naccCarComp: go live with an unreleased ubuntu? :)15:21
CarCompOH YA.15:21
CarComptrial by fire15:21
CarCompmore like 'or we pay umpteen thousand dollars if we wait till may' for our license for a software we switched to the free version15:22
CarCompi have a CRAP ton of confidence in you guys15:22
CarCompi mean its friggen linux man! i've been trying to get us off windows for ALL the servers15:22
naccCarComp: lol15:23
CarCompwell, honestly we are still running ubuntu 14 and its been one of our most stable systems15:23
CarCompit literally does not break.15:23
CarComprabbitmq, php5.6, nginx, memcached, mysql = bliss15:24
naccyou can still run trusty on 18.04 in a container or VM?15:25
CarCompwhat the heck. s3cmd is not working on the 10th build15:25
CarCompattempting tests with 18.04.20180406015:32
naccCarComp: yeah i don't see what changed immediately (s3cmd didn't)15:33
CarCompwell i'm using azure15:34
CarCompit could be related to the image15:34
naccCarComp: could be, but seems unlikely in and of itself15:38
CarCompare you able to apt-get install s3cmd on a clean build15:38
naccon the phone righ tnow, then i'll try and reproduce it15:38
CarCompand then just run "s3cmd" and not get err15:38
CarCompok no problem thanks so much15:38
naccCarComp: np, spinning up a lxd now15:38
CarComp..... as everyone here but me walks out the door to go eat lunch15:38
CarCompah the life of a software dev15:39
naccCarComp: just downloading the image right now, sorry15:41
dpb1_CarComp: have you tried using aws-cli?  does it meet your needs?15:41
CarCompman i'm thankful for any help i can get15:42
=== dpb1_ is now known as dpb1
CarComp@dpb1 i might, but i already wrote and tested this deployment script for months now15:42
* dpb1 nods15:42
dpb1CarComp: aws-cli is the upstream (amazon) recommendation15:42
dpb1just so you know15:42
dpb1but, I totally get not rewriting things15:42
CarCompyep. hindsight...15:43
dpb1CarComp: snap install aws-cli --classic should bring it in for you15:43
CarCompi may explore it though15:43
dpb1k, just an option15:43
naccdpb1: thanks for that15:43
CarCompdoes it have the sync15:43
dpb1not sure15:43
dpb1it has a ton of functionality15:44
CarCompok i rely on that to make sure our wysiwyg on the design, test, and dev env match15:44
dpb1but, if it meets your use case?  not sure15:44
naccCarComp: confirmed, will work on the fix15:44
CarCompit may meet the use case to get the site deplo0yed today15:44
CarCompok thanks @nacc15:44
naccCarComp: looks to be missing a dep on python3-distutils15:44
CarCompif i add in apt-get to that package it should be alright?15:45
CarCompi thought it was installing python 2.715:45
CarComp(i'm not a python dev)15:45
naccCarComp: python3-distutils will pick up the python3 version15:45
naccCarComp: and yes, i just tested that it did the right thing once i did that manually15:45
CarCompi'll confirm once this azure template runs15:46
CarCompfor the time being i'm adding apt-get install -y python3-distutils right before apt-get install -y s3cmd15:50
CarComphopefully that will get us going15:50
coreycbjamespage: we may want to look at syncing google-perftools from unstable. would you be able to build kick off a ceph build with the version in my ppa? i'm having no luck building ceph. ppa:corey.bryant/bionic-queens-215:58
naccCarComp: ok, fyi it's busted in debian too16:00
CarCompgreat i broke it everywhere16:01
CarComparen't there any amazon employees in here? wth ;)16:01
naccCarComp: i think this has been busted since ... 2007?16:02
naccnot sure16:02
dpb1I've already given you what their response would be16:02
naccthey added a runtime dependency on distutils, and don't have it explicitly in their setup.py16:02
naccah because it *was* written for python216:02
CarCompso.... derp?16:03
naccCarComp: working on it16:03
CarCompi'm just chuckling thats all.  the fact that i can actually talk to a person, and get a fix, for an entire operating system is just mind blowing16:03
naccCarComp: testing the fix now, if it works i'll upload it16:04
* CarComp gives virtual high five16:04
naccCarComp: it's definitely a perk of open source :)16:05
CarCompya it sort of freaked out my director16:05
CarComphe's a bit used to the azure / microsoft burocracy16:05
naccsure :)16:05
CarCompbuerocracy? idk spellling.16:05
CarCompgoogle? ;) yes, confirmed16:06
CarCompFWIW adding the dep manually worked on my end16:07
CarCompwish i had more time to contribute to the project. 2 kids, and work + house = not a lot of time16:08
naccCarComp: uploading the fix and sending it to debian16:10
CarCompi send you bitcoin16:11
CarCompFYI bug was opened here https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/s3cmd/+bug/176339816:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1763398 in s3cmd (Ubuntu) "s3cmd package requires python distutils package" [Undecided,Confirmed]16:12
CarCompmaybe you saw it16:12
CarCompoh. i see your name there now16:12
naccCarComp: yeah, i assigned it to myself already and the upload i just pushed will close it :)16:12
naccCarComp: ok it was due to https://packages.qa.debian.org/p/python3.6/news/20180320T071954Z.html16:47
naccCarComp: fix pushed in any case, it should be in bionic-proposed shortly16:47
Checkmateis there a channel for solr?18:31
CheckmateI'm trying to install solr 5.3.0 with command ./install_solr_service.sh but i get error of my distribution Linux problem18:32
RoyKCheckmate: #solr, perhaps? ;)18:34
dpb1yes, looks that way18:34
CheckmateCan i change my /opt/ directory to /home ?18:43
tewardCheckmate: you shouldn't.18:43
RoyKCheckmate: why would you want to do that?18:47
RoyKCheckmate: you can mv /opt/something /home/somethingelse and change the config - it'll be better18:47
RoyKCheckmate: but then - if you don't have /home on a separate filesystem, it won't make much sense18:48
CheckmateYes Royk19:13
=== Guest88648 is now known as karstensrage
RoyKCheckmate: does that mean you have /home on a separate fs?20:14
CheckmateRoyk no its just no more size on /dev/root20:21
RoyKCheckmate: /dev/root? which distro version is this? never seen /dev/root on ubuntu20:23
TJ-It's a virtual machine20:56
CheckmateTJ- you have experiance at solr?21:42
* dpb1 checks channel name21:44

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